…and tomorrow is nearly all they can talk about. Say what you will about Enzo, but the guy really misses his family. In a poignant moment, one of the few between cat naps, he was sitting in the backyard watching the planes overhead wondering if one was carrying his wife and daughter. Hayden immediately responded with, “They’re already here!” Enzo: “Ya think?” Hayden: “Yeah! All our families are already here…in hotels, probably.” Mr. Mopey Meow Meow’s spirits were lifted just imagining that he, his wife and daughter were in the same state. Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but it was a very sweet exchange.
In his waking moments, Enzo is still trying to talk Lane and Hayden into taking him to Final 2. He explains how a few of the jury members are huge Big Brother fans and will vote based on game play and competition wins. Unfortunately, we don’t know what these guys are really thinking. Hayden is smart about hiding his thoughts under all that hair, and Lane is just as methodical keeping his ideas under his hat. But I’m pretty sure they’re both considering Enzo’s final attempt. Friendship and loyalty are soon Big Brother casualties, just like Britney, when you’re talking about $500,000.00!
BBAD has gotten beyond Brigade boring! The cameramen focus on rugs, vases, wobbly flamingos, the “Occupied” sign on the bathroom door, and out of the blue the live feeds reveal “We’ll Be Right Back” for no apparent reason. Riveting stuff. Lane takes lots of showers, while Enzo sleeps some more and Hayden grills up hot dogs containing assorted turkey parts. It’s a good thing they all get along. But I can’t help but wonder why they put us and the HGs through this? They could have wrapped this up last week, or at least Sunday instead of giving us the old run of the mill cheddar cheesy chip show.
Can you believe it’s nearly over? No DR sessions, no back-stabbing, no plotting, no planning, no nuttin’. I’m sure we’ve all thought of every combination of these Final 3 going to Final 2 and who would or would not win, but we won’t know until tomorrow. And it appears Lane is the favorite on this board to win Big Brother 12. Does anyone want Hayden or Enzo to take first place? Anyone? Is that crickets I hear? What about your fan favorite to win $25,000.00?
Somehow this got me to thinking about BB13…what if next season was A Brady Bunch Big Brother? The twist could be that Cousin Oliver breaks through the wall like the Kool-Aid Pitcher Guy to ruin the whole thing! =^^=
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What, you #1and all you can say is Oh Yeah? C’mon now , gotta have a comment in there somewhere!
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My favorite to win is Lane; hope neither Hayden nor Lane take Enzo to final 2; he’ll probably win the half million if they make that mistake. Let them NOT forget that Enzo Never pissed anyone off; he didn’t put anybody on block and only sent Brit home and she was told beforehand and unstood the nature of the beast otherwise known as The Brigade.
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Thanks Mama Margie for telling me about the new page. I get the e-mails of when there is a new page sent to aol. Unfortunately, I can no longer access aol at work so every once in a while, I have to check the bottom to see if there is a new page. 🙄 That’s ok though, as long I wasn’t posting for very long…it’s all good.
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congrts always you are numero uno today, wtg
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now back to bb, i think hairden is going to take 1st place, lane seconded and brit bringing up the rear with fav hg, if not brit then brendon, either way i think it will be a b for show position.
place= land
show= brit or brendon
if award were giving out for the most annoying hg hands down to enzo his eating and drinking and his yo yo yo comments have had to be the most annoying.
award for the most uncongeniality goes to racho, that woman could start a war even in a convent among the nuns.
to sum it up this has NOT been my most favorite season of bb.
To be honest this blog had much more going for it, we had info, LF
updates as they happened, much more insight then we ever got from the show and last but not least had the most fun, even if at times seemed like a battlezone in here, we pulled up our big people undies and got on with it.
I would love to hear the comments after the hgs read the blogs and see the show, YO this is going to be some kicker YO
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Don’t think lane’s game has been that good thru the whole game. My vote goes to hayden.
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frannie i find it handy when someone tells us new page cause we just keep on blogging on and on, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nature of the beast i guess we just go with the flow.
i see betty and jane dropped in was glad to see them on has been awhile.
snake i love that avatar, u r on top of it getting ready to host sn blog
r u ready?
where is star? hopefully all of us bloggers will be on at least tomorrow nite for the finale not only for bb12 but to put this bb12 blog to sleep.
hey this includes you too mike and bob, loveblossom and anyone else this seniors mind has forgotten at the moment who are some of the new kids on the block, we want to be filled to capacity the final nite, so come on down……………
ciao till later…………..
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I think if Hayden goes to Final 2, he’ll win. If Lane goes up against Enzo, Lane will win.
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I’m going to be here for sure Mama Margie. I already know that Aggie will be here too. She is giving up date night to be here for the finale. It should be fun…lets all have a few drinks in us and see how we all handle the typing. 😆 Won’t that be fun???
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I want Hayden to win, and Enzo to take 2nd place. Layne is already rich.
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lol @ frannie, maybe the typing will improve 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am looking forward to the bb finale, but am looking forward to the sn too, should be fun, hope lots of the bb will be there too.
u know it is a special nite if aggie is giving up date nite for this, but i have a feeling it will be worth it. what has been a huge disappointment is the jh, they promised more of it stating they have 4 cameras, not sure where the camera were aimed at but did not see that much from them, in fact think more was shown last year, oh well, all water under the bridge now.
ciao for a bit
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I have to agree that Hayden will likely pull it out and win, but I’m still pulling for Lane. I do believe that if either Lane or Hayden take Enzo to the F2 that Enzo will come in 2nd place. I just think that Lane and Hayden will stick to their deal and Enzo will be left to cast a vote as a jury member. As entertaining and annoying as he has been at times, I can’t see the jury votes going his way since he really did nothing competitive in the game to speak of. Being so non-competitive and winning 50K just don’t seem to go together to me.
I also hope that Brit gets the 25K…she worked hard all season and played very well in my opinion. It just so happened that she became a casualty of the Brigade.
OK, just my 2 cents worth but a HUGE thanks to all who have made this blog a favorite stop every day. The info here has been great and thanks for letting me be a tiny part of it. Hope to see all for the BB13 show which hopefully will have more entertaining HG’s that 12 did.
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I hope Enzo wins 2nd don’t care who wins first
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I don’t want to see Enzo go to the final 2. I’m sorry but I can’t stand the guy. He is the epitomy of a floater. The only competition he won was the POV when Hayden told him the answer and where the disc was. Besides, as much as he talks when he says he’s going to keep it short, there is not enough time on the show for him to give answers. He DOES love to hear his own voice.
BTW JT, I didn’t know you had a birthday. Sorry I missed it. Belated wishes to you.
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I hope Hayden takes this because he deserves the win with his gameplay. Enzo ought to come in 2nd due to having the best social game, although annoying…lol and Brendan for fave houseguest because they wanted him out since day one and he made it even post Rachel to final six!
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Just glad that it is over and I won’t give up survivor for BB and it is on at the same time, dont care who wins no one deserves to win so who cares just thank the Lord it’s over. On to survivor
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@nance….It should be on at a different time because it’s on the same channel. Hope to see you on the Survivor blog.
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Well at this point in the game I dont care who wins each one has a lot of pros and cons. If Rach,Britt and Ray who all watch BB and are big fans they should have found out about the boys earily on and it could have been a fun game, but no they spend all their time hateing every one.
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Frannie, I was just going to tell her the same thing. What is the website for the Survivor blog?
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I guess I want Hayden to win it. Of the 3 left, he has worked hardest and won the most. Lane doesn’t need it but Enzo does.
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If Ezio leaves BB with anything more than his Penguin Suit, it’s too much. He did nothing. His “social game” was floating and a**-kissing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He made a lot of jokes that palled early in the game, and never shut his obnoxous mouth when he wasn’t noisily chomping food or sleeping. The only thing he accomplished over all the other HGs was getting the most sleep time. Guess I made it pretty obvious that I couldn’t stand him.
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BB – what difference does it make who may need it most? This is a game – not welfare.
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Thanks a lot Frannie.
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ENZO for the Ultimate Prize & BRITNEY for 25Gs!
Hi Frannyp2… and everyone else not liking Enzo… you will all be eating your words when he wins the 500Gs!
Pretty funny Snake… you chastising AlwaysWonderin for not commenting… when you sneak in with a punctuation mark so you can click on the ‘notify me of followup comments’ box.
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Thank You KENJAKE… my point exactly!!!
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Thanks to =^^= for the fun blogs! Nice to see some kind words for Enzo… I do think that =^^= just might be a little sweet on >^^^^<!
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hello bloggaders! busy doing my FAVORITE thing today – laundry – holy-moly-guacamole! bbad is really draggin isnt it…….go lane
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SNAKE – two days in a row – i have responded on the survivor blog – then go back to it and it is a goner? sup?
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That’s weird… it’s not doing Meow Meow right… guess I’ll leave a space and see if it works… >^^^^<… now, let's see…
(Oh, if this is boring you… well, it's got to be better than the live feeds right now, right!!! And BBAD for sure… will not watch either next year)
Hope to see =^^= on Survivor Blog…
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Macy… you must be doing something wrong… it’s always there for me. Do you mean you post and it disappears or you can’t find it?
Giving up on trying to do 2 >^^<… I'm sure you will be glad to see…
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TED – doing the same thing i do here – blog blog blog – then submit…..
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somethins up – when i go to that blog – there are only 2 commmments
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Let’s see… 5pm in Mo and Frannie must be driving home right now… or does she take public tran… not don’t think so… probably stopping of at the grocery store before heading home, so I predict she will be back on at 6:15pm.
Well I’ve killed enough time with my favorite people in the house and on BBBlog… Later, got to go to work…
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I think if either Lane or Hayden take Enzo to final 2, Enzo will win because it’s not always about “best game play” to jurors; they remember the ones who put them on the block or sent them home or pissed them off; because Enzo kissed so many a$$es, he will for sure be a shoe in for the 500,000 dollars. Don’t want him to be rewarded for playing the best “social” game. At least Lane has a heart and played hard and so did Hayden; they deserve 1st and 2nd places.
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Let me check, Macy, I’ll be right back… Nope it’s there, with your post along with Tammy and BB Fan. I notice it’s on Mountain Time…???
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I am wondering what Lane and Hayden keep on talking about but do not literally say it out loud. Like they have some sort of agreement if the other person wins. Has anyone picked up on that?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I cannot imagine either Lane or Hayden taking Enzo to the F2 and I think deep in Enzo’s heart he knows it, lets be honest he does not deserve to be there even if he played a good social game or not he should not be even considered in the F2.
I might be wrong but don’t they have a “winter” version of Big Brother or is it only in the Summer? This season was sooo boring I think all of us BB fans should get to watch a “winter” season because of this one not being at the BB level.
I also think CBS should think about next season doing a jury house after dark on Showtime once they get a few people in there, I would imagine at least for Showtime their ratings would be higher than watching these 3 clowns straight for basically 2 weeks(not including Brit) which when she was on it was still boring.
As far as the Fan Favorite for the season from what I have seen on this board Brendon will win, I mean who else deserves it?
How about an award for CBS’s biggest blunder for picking Annie for being the Sabetour?
I have not watched BBAD for awhile because I am sick of watching the swans but i might check it out tonight to see if Enzo runs through the house like a manic or maybe he might even climb the walls.
I know we all have are opinion but i do not understand how anyone thinks Lane should win the $$$. I think for the first month he rarely spoke to anyone, he was for sure the hardest houseguest to get to know and he keeps on saying he has been hiding he true “gameplay” but I think it is too little to late. What do you all think?????
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lol, please put us out of our misery, give us something BB, the hg’s are done and been done, give us jury house feeds, im sure the jury house has some juicy things going on, let hayden, lane and enzo sleep, give us jury house feeds!
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TONY -i bet if we looked back exactly a year ago – there would be a comment just like you just wrote………………………its hair pulling – this time in the process
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HI all, looking forward to finale, also really glad it’s over for the worst season ever, I’m hoping things will be better next time, later all 😆
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Hi there …another BB almost over again !!
I want Lane too win
Oh! Can someone answer this: Remember -at the beginning of the season Julie mentioned that two in the BBhouse were (friends?) or something?….who are they?
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Hey mama margie!! I’m here just been busy in RL,not watching BBAD or LFS(WHY would anyone??)And since I didn’t have anything BB related to say and since talk about OTHER subjects is frowned upon..Hockey for instance…….but FOOTBALL is justa FINE and bores me…. didn’t feel any incentive to be here.
aggie ..totally agree with you,hun! We’ve seen ’em all and alot of them together so we know a DUD when we see one!!! Maybe BB13 will be LUCKY 13…..lucky that it wasn’t BB12 at …..lol
Cya on finale nite!
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Arlene, it hasn’t been revealed yet. I am sure we will learn on the finale.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If there were comments last season about being bored, I am sure no one had any idea what real boredom would be. This season really didn’t even have enough good moments for the Sunday nite show. They should have just ended it Sunday and let Survivor have all 3 hours.
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ARLENE – i think the ‘friends for life’ thing – was annie being the sab – or big brother just putting in a twist – who knows – im just glad tomorrow is it
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Where’s Ted? I guess I’m late. I don’t take public trans….Where I live we don’t have buses. Occasionally, you may see a cab or two….but not much. You have to go to St. Louis to see that. The only buses we see here are school buses. When I lived in St. Louis, kids had to live over 1 mile to ride the school bus. Here….if the kids even live across the street from the school, they ride a bus. No one walks!!! 🙄 You were right though Ted…I did stop off at a store, but not a grocery store. I had to get kitty litter. =^^=
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Doing the BBAD feed from the jury house – especially the final couple of weeks is a terrific idea. It can only be better than the turn-the-set-off boredom that has been the BB house. Anything or anyone of any interest at all isn’t there. After giving it half a dozen attemps, I have given up – and I’m sure the rest of America has done the same. This season was the worst – especially after the first few weeks when anyone with either any intelligence or the smarts was eliminated. Of the 3 dum dums left, does anyone actually care who wins? Hopefully next season the powers that be will cast more interesting houseguests. Otherwise I’ll will happily become unobsessed.
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Has anyone ever wanted to see the Survivor Rulebook
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Hi Fran And Star, 2 of the leading ladies here, yes, i will be glad when this one is over, they really screwed up big time with this cast there favorite thing to do is SLEEPING. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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Sal…I’m sure Ted would love to see that.
Hey Aggie….we are meeting here tomorrow night for the finale. It’s BYOB….I know yours will be wine. 🙂
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now the smilies must be represented- evil 👿 ……..grin 😀 ……………twisted 😈 ………mrgreen
………..shock :shock:………cool 😎 ………??? 😕 ……..mad 😡 ……….neutral 😐 ………..sad 🙁 ………! ❗ ………cry 😥 ………? ❓ ……..oops 😳 ……..roll 🙄 ……….idea 💡 ………wink 😉 ………arrow ➡ ………razz 😛 ………eek 😮 ………lol 😆 ………smile :smile:…………
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Well…I just posted something but I have no idea where it went. I guess cyber monsters ate it.
Sal…I’m sure Ted would love to see the Survivor rulebook. Thanks!!
Aggie, we’re all meeting here tomorrow night for the finale. It’s BYOB….I know yours will be wine. 🙂
Let’s see them eat this!!! 👿
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Hi Aggie…I am trying to post here and it’s not showing up. 🙁 I tried twice but nothing. errrrr!!!!
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Sure…this little one shows up but not my longer one. DOUBLE errrrr!!!!
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Lane all the way….lol. Enzoo ……eek
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those faces don’t work for me! What’s up with that? Can’t stand ENZOO, or EWZO. Hope he goes home with his tv and nuttin else, yo!
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JaJablond… you naughty girl… ENZO deserves the win…
Frannie… I was only 1hr off… must have been your night to cook the micro-wave popcorn for dinner…
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Thanks for the Survivor RuleBook Snake, interest to see. A lot of fun, is to download a Survivor Application Form.
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Thanks for the blog, but not for the comments. Will skip everything beyond the =^^= next time around. Don’t care who wins because none of them earned or deserved it.
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I think the two who are linked are Lane and Hayden. They seem to go to the same places for fun. That Steamboat place. I think the other night when they where talking about places they have been. Didn’t Lane say to Hayden” you where in NY right.” But anyway I;m tired of watching them sleep. The only exciting thing that happened was I won the football pool. LOL
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Hi Margie, Glad to hear another leading lady will be on finale night, I hope all our regulars will be along with some newcomers. Fran, sorry about you having posting problems this is the second time I’m posting this, not sure what the problem is. see ya tomorrow at finale, Peace all 😆
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Well, I won’t be with you for the finale… I’ll be with Jane, Princess and Starfish… You guys are way ahead of us, and we don’t want the surprised when Enzo and Britney ‘Bring Home the Bacon’!
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DIANE… That’s an interesting thought!
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I only made the oh yeah comment due to the cool-aid man comment in the blog post.
I also think it’s sorta lame (no offense) when some yells FIRST!
Also I’ve been taken down with the flu so typing those two words wore me out.
Now with that said “takes her I’m first place award and stands up”
I’d like to thank my mom who gave birth to me and isn’t throw me in a trash can.
I’d like to thank my father who never really shoved his foot up my tushe or knocked my teeth down my throat.
And my brother who is now so old I can kick his butt, give him atomic wedgies and chicken wing him and still run way before he kills me.
And to all my friends.
Special thanks to BBBlogger for making the Kool-aid comment that set off the chain of events in my brain to hurry with ny comment to try an be funny.
Now I think
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hayden+Enzo=Hayden wins
Hayden+Lane=Hayden wins
Lane+Enzo=Enzo wins
Lane doesn’t need the money an he told that to multi ppl.
An for Americas fav prolly Brit or Matt
Ok I’m done
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Always wonderin, That was funny, congrats 😆
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Hi every one , I don’t always make comments just a few sentences now and again but I read this blog every day and really enjoy it. So thanks to all for that. I want Brendon to win the 25 grand and as far as the boys go, Hayden nor lane won much until the HGs got down to about four. If Britney stayed she would have won the most,{except that wall smashing thing} I am going for Enzo he didn’t win but he sure put his heart in it and beat himself up enough about not winning. I like Lane and Hayden but, when you talk about floaters I put them in the Cathy catagory. Again thanks to all of you I sure enjoyed the blog.
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Glad you were part of the BBBlog Darlene. If you watch Survivor, we would like to have you join us there too.
That being said Darlene…I have to go with Lane to win. I doubt that he will but I can hope. As for the 25g’s…I would like to see either Brit or Ragan get it.
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Good Morning Blogade< Well this is the last round up finale tonight, I want to thank everyone for making this the place to be especially, Star, starfish, Mama Margie, princess, Fran, Jane, Betty, JT, Ted as far as I'm concerned are the leading ladies and leading men of this blog. As for the newcomers some of you were great some not so much. but all and all we have a pretty great group. Peace and love to all. 😆 Oh sorry another leading lady, The wonderful Donna Rose, Thank you Donna, Also big thanks to BBB. 😆
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Darlene, thanks for being a part of this you seem like a very nice person
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New Page Up
and frannie, both your comments came thru
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How do they even decide how to pick the cast? Whoever did the casting this year should be fired.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know this is “old news” but what do you think the Sheriff’s Department where Kathy works is thinking ummm maybe she needs another physical test?LOL
I reqally do not care who wins tonight more anxious about who is going to bash who tonight on live TV. We all know Rachael is gonna get it but I think Matt is going to be the one who gets it the most(but do you alll remember Matt said he might not go tonight if his wife does not want him to due to their anniversary) doesn’t he have to go being a part of the “jury”? Anyways lets see how the Brigade feel when the find out about Matt lie!!!!
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Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to see y’ll on Survivor blog.I don’t care who wins. I would like to see Brendon win the $25,000.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish he could have played without Rachael. (she was AWFUL) I felt sorry for Brendon…he acted so lonely. I believe he has had to work hard for any advantage in life.
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How does the “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” feature work here?
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Ask Aggie.
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