If it is, it’s the first time in BB history! …or is it? Britney seems to think so, but one must rub ones chin to recall the many times HGs evicted those they considered responsible for each seasons’ drama, only to deny that they, too, were equally culpable with their contributions. And the Emmy goes to….
It’s fun to watch the CBS produced shows to see how well they edit the HGs in order to sway public opinion. But I’ve said before, when you watch the feeds and BBAD you see who they truly are in this house. Maybe they’re different outside, but for some, I highly doubt it. Lane’s climb up the money tree garnered him very little cash and although he was honest with the other HGs, they still don’t believe him. Ragan is sitting with 20 grand from his Saboteur stint and no one suspects him. Last night the highlight on BBAD was seeing Princess Britney in her true form: wearing a tin foil tiara. *click* Which brings me to this:
Maybe there are no dramatic outbursts in the BB house at the moment, but there’s nothing going on either. I’m sorry to report that I had to get off the feeds and stop watching BBAD after so much of the same. It’s like watching a B-bad rerun! They rehash conversations that were rehashed weeks ago. They continue to find new & improved ways to B-bash all the former contestants. They target one, then another, and another and all the attacks are really mean and personal – some very much so that I cannot listen any longer. And their delusions of fame, stardom, paparazzi and lavish wrap parties is, well…delusional!
So instead of my complaining and whining like this seasons HGs, I’d rather reflect a little on this season. I’d like to morph into Cher for a minute, turn back time and shuffle the “if” deck. Now, you’ll all probably want to stick me in a Penguin suit for the remainder of the season, but I really believe Brendon could have made the finals if he’d played for himself and not gotten involved with Rachel. I also think she could have made it further had she not been so snarky and arrogant.
If Ragan had come into the game with the game play he has now, he wouldn’t be sitting on the block, but on the HOH bed. Look how well he’s hidden his Saboteur status! He’s as guilty as Lane for his little crush on an HG (Matt) and it weakened the one player who could have won this entire game! Then there’s Annie. Had she not walked in with a chip on her shoulder, I think she could have made it further, too. She came on far too strong in the beginning and Big Brother historically speaking, that’s almost always cause for eviction.
If Matt had entered the house without the lie about his wife, I think he could have faked his sincerity better. Instead, it was a big lie he had to continually remember and live out. I think he could have made it to Final 2 with Brendon had he shared less and listened more. I don’t believe Monet would have made it far in this game no matter what, and Andrew would have been evicted early on just for being annoying. Kristen looked smashing in the Hippietard, which finally sold for $1,325.00, but her pretty face, frizzy wig and showmance with Hayden got her the boot. We’ll never know what kind of game she had since she floated up and out of the BB house.
Lane, Hayden and Enzo teamed up early on and have remained somewhat loyal to one another, but that is threatened by Britney’s bikinis and Lane’s googly eyes. Hayden is trying to keep him focused on the game, but Lane is more focused on Britney’s sock puppet. Enzo talks East Coast tough but has only won one POV and the other Brigade members have taken note of that. Lane thinks he can win this game by taking Brit to the Final 2 and is considering turning on his own by sending Enzo packing. And last night Britney arrogantly said that Evel Dick’s tactics wouldn’t have worked this season. Oh how I would love to see her shrivel up just at the sight of the best Big Brother player in history, in my opinion, of course.
Now it’s your turn to shuffle the “if” deck of Big Brother cards. Where would you have liked to have seen them land? Where do they go from here? Should BB bring back an evicted HG to add some…personality? Is there any way Ragan can save himself this late in the game? The cards are stacked against him now, but maybe he has one more up his sleeve. =^^=
Am I really first!!! I would have like to see Brendon play on his own, he would have been a great player.
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I hope ragan is gone this week. And I thought it was interesting that Brit and Hayden were discussing whether Lane deserved to win since his family seems to have money….is that a criteria? Go Lane! What is up with Enzo? he is so weird – hope he goes soon also.
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I agree totaly with you… I wish Brandon and Matt would of played a little smarter.. they were the two I would of like to see in the finaly endurance compation… They both played smart but dumb also. Brandon was the one I wanted to see win from the get go.. but then his show mance killed it till she left and then he started playing again.And Matt should of blown the burgade when he left that would of made a diffrnece… And with what is left … the only one I like any more is Enzo… oh come on he is the most entertaining of the bunch.. Lane or Hayden do not deserve to win … they have played under the radar all season./… and depending on thier charm more than thier game play… I want to seeEnzo pull the rabbit from the hat and win ever thing for now on… he deserves to win he has a family at home… let him try and see….
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Shhhh!!! Let’s not tell the others blogging right now on the previous page that there’s a new page up… 😆
I guess I better or I’ll be lonely!!
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WTF…when I first got here…there was no post. The jokes on me. 😆
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WTF…when I first got here…there was no post. The jokes on me.
Nothing new there… 😆
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Right about that PK…
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@PK…. 🙄
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@Ted… 🙄
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PK I want to thank you again for helping me with the avatar. I don’t know if I can ever change it, but I will certainly try. 🙂
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Forgive me Ted I should have included you in that thank you too!
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Is JaJaBlonde from Argentina? Never figured out why having money makes you less deserving of winning the title.
@AH… I have always said Enzo was the most entertaining and the Male I want to see win… my female is getting closer and hopes she makes F2.
Very Funny Girl Frannie!!!
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What’s that lyric from the old Coaster’s song, ‘Charlie Brown’? Oh yeah, “Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?”
Ted… Simple answer… Duh!
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great blog….gm all..i do agree that racheal and brenden could have went far…if they played differently….i like ragean allso in the beginning but…now well,lets just say i dont like his whineing…unbecomeing regean…i really do want to see regean and brit and lane in final 3…but..it doesnt look that way…but hayden and brit turned on lane due to his families wealth…or his….if lane does end up in final 2 i hope he does win over enzo or hayden…i loved evil dick…he is 1 person i do remember and his daughter daniel..he wasnt a snarky arrrogant bastard …like racheal and brenden..he had real passion for the game..and to work real life problems out w/his daughter…i cant remember the girls name that he disliked so much…she was petty and arrogant…she gave it just as well as she got back..( the 1 who cried over her horrible pic ) her and racheal would have made a good team oh maybe not racheal is very jealous over other women..i havent watched bbad yet maybe i will get to it later…so enzo won pov…i wonder if lane will break a tie..on eviction night..
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I would have loved to have seen Brendon play the entire season without Rachel. I think he would have been great!! When he was finally rid of her he played with amazing determination (altho he was doing that for her). With that said, everything happens for a reason and that is why the final 5 are where they are. I don’t necessarily think they all deserve to be there, but they are so they obviously did something right (altho I think luck, and being in the right place at the right time does count for something). Britney has played a good game altho I am extremely sick of her HG bashing…It is getting old and makes her look like a total spoiled bitch!! They are all bashing but she reigns as the queen of the bashers!!!! I am sick of Enzo and Ragan’s whining!!! so I hope they are the next to go!!! Enzo finally won something…I was beginning to think he couldn’t win anything even if it was handed to him!!!! I think it should be Lane and Britney in the final 2. And if that happens… Lane should walk away as the winner of BB12!
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Betty… I help as best I can… Whenever you are ready for a change, it won’t be hard to do…
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Thanks PK. Now is just finding the right avatar. Ken, my significant other, is impressed as how much I am learning. The only thing I really know about on my computer is microsoft word, as I have to use it for my business. Can’t wait till September 1, when I finally retire.
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I think BBBlogger is trying to tell you something Sal.
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BETTY… I will be glad to lend you one of my avatars and PK can photoshop you into it.
Just read the Blog and think the Blogger is right on with his assessment of how the players might have played. Annie should have laid low for a week or two, but that’s not what she was paid to do I guess.
I think the constant rehashing Rachel Bashing just shows how shallow Britney and Ragan are… the 3 stooges get caught up in it by being there, but not with the meanness and zeal of those two. I hope she never watches the live feeds.
Got to go to work so I’ll see you later…
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I agree Brendon would have played a great game had he not gotten involved with Rachel. Perhaps (I hope you are listening BB) there will be an All-Stars BB soon and he will have an opportunity to play again- without the Albatros Rachel!
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Mitch I agree about a BB All-Star, but you know they will put Rach-ho in it. They love instigators and she was truely one.
Have to bake a cake now, will check back later!
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Hello 2 everyone,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I personally don’t like any one who is left 2 win. With that said I guess I should rout 4 Hayden. First off I NEVER liked DICK (evel or not) he was just gross, dirty looking ewwww. The same goes 4 Enzo, with his stupid meow meow. When he says that, all I can think of, is him being a giant pussy! And not in a good way the Jerk-off. Lane really, look if you have money no u should not b on this show. Why so he can piss it away. F- that. Why is it people who have money always try to get more,when is enough ENOUHG. I t dosen’t sound like he is hurting at all. Britney oh please….she is just young and dumb, we all were at one time. Does she deserve it NO will she win it, well that depends on what lane will do, I hope he backdoor’s her. Now that would b fun ha ha ha . Regan, well 4 having a PHd he’s not really smart. And true to gay form he is quick 2 cut with his tongue,now that’s a MEOW
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Kudos to all the comments who correctly said “could HAVE” or “would HAVE” (not “could of” and “would of”) and took the time to capitalize and spell words correctly. What has texting done to the art of clear communication? Or have they stopped teaching grammar in grade school?
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I agree about not even wanted to watch. I am sick to death of brit and regan bashing rach and bren. They are nasty and personal and i want to throw up in my mouth everytime i hear them so i will record and fast forward or just go to another feed. Those two have totally ruined it for me. If Lane had an ounce of brains he would put that little princess up and take her off her thrown right into the JH. Then maybe we could enjoy the rest of the season. Of course thats my opinion…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When it comes to voting for the 25,000 I will vote for brendon. I do think he played a great game expecially without rachel, that was his biggest downfall.
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I agree with everyone … Brendan should have played his own game from the gitgo. He would have gone so much farther without Rachael. Lane is a dummy! He should know that Britney is playing just for herself. And for her to think Evil Dick would not have rocked the house>>>> HAH! She’s a dummy too! I guess of everyone left, I would like to see Enzo win but who knows …..
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Bring back Branden!
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Get the delusional Enzo out of this game! Between his ego and his incompetence, (seems that Hayden helped him finally win an HOH), he deserves the boot. He is a sleezy stereotype of New Jersey – with the accent on the sleeze. UGH!
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I would like to see Britney win it at this point. She has won more then those three big guys and she is manipulating Lane. Enzo really thinks he has a right to be there above everyone else. He is the shame of BB. He finally one a POV but a little to late as far as I am concerned. Hayden has been flying under the radar lately maybe he should go up against Enzo and send one of them packing. Ragen is so annoying now I just want him gone. He bashes people horribly and cries all the time. Britney and Lane for the final 2.
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Hi – all Ragan has to do to stay in the game is confide to Enzo and Hayden that Lane and Brit have a hidden alliance and showmance! I don’t think he will of course so bye bye Ragan.
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I really think the 3 guys are so into that they are big stars.OMG.it makes me sick.And Brit.if lane has money I’m very sure it is his family’s not his.I really do noy want any of them to win they all make me sick.nick probaly has broke up with Brit.she and Lane can’t keep thier hands off of each other.
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FOR AMIGO- ……. evil 👿 ……… grin 😀 ……..twisted 😈 …….mrgreen
……..shock 😯 ……….. ??? 😕 …….cool 😎 ……..mad 😡 ……..neutral 😐 ……..sad 🙁 ……..! ❗ ……cry 😥 …….? ❓ …….oops 😳 ………roll 🙄 …….idea 💡 …….wink 😉 ………arrow ➡ ………razz 😛 …….eek 😮 ……lol…. 😆 …….smile 🙂 ………
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Good day all. I have to ask something. Back a few week ago someone on this blog mentioned something about Britney wanting to win the money so she could help her brother…I think it implied he was ill, or at least needed “special” help. Does anyone remember or know about that? I would like to know.
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I have another question. Is or was Ted an actor? It was mentioned a few days ago about headshots etc. Was he in anything I might have seen?-would be TV mostly or movies on TV…just curious. He seems like a fascinating man.
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Patricia, ted has done acting, the black and white photo he had on before this one where he looked alot like kevin bacon, that was from his days when he did hamlet. 😀
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😆 at Aggie…..you go girl
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And now a Survivor comment: I am excited since local TV (Raleigh/Durham) says 3 of the new cast are from here…the girl with the artificial leg, an older woman who is, I believe, a farmer, and one of the men, but don’t know if young or old but I think old…that will be fun..we often have someone from NC on these shows but never 3…yes, you are right, I have “NO LIFE”! have a great day.
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Patricia in NC… Ted has always wanted to be on the stage, but unfortunately the last stage left Deadwood, Dakota Territory en route to Laramie, Wyoming a year or two before he was born…
His only movie credit, I believe, was as “the blob” the Steve McQueen classic from long ago…
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TED, the black and white pic you have on now, you look alot like jack nicholson
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Patricia in NC….Ted is cocky enough, please don’t encourage him.
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thanks Fran, ➡ 😀
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Aggie…do you have the LF’s up? I was just wondering if the fab 5 were up yet before I waste my time logging into them.
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Patricia in NC….Ted is cocky enough, please don’t encourage him.
And Frannie is an authority on evaluating cocky stuff… 😆
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BETTY, You want a funny avatar ask ted to give you the one wearing that funny hat that looked like shambo’s hair from survivor, LMAO 🙄
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Brit is the only one up and she is in the shower. No wonder we haven’t had any Ted responses…
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evil dick was a complete as—-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he should have had his a– kick
which im sure he has had done to him before
he is a f—ing moron and a complete looser
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Fran, no live feeds on , Later all Going to check on MAMA BEAR To see how she’s doing today. ➡ 😀
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thanks Aggie27…I can’t see the little pictures well enough to see what Ted looked like…he just interest me a lot, don’t know why. So he did Hamlet? Very impressive. I think he lives on the West Coast (Oregon?). Well I know he likes Survivor so perhaps I will get to “know” him better on that blog. I like PK also but he is a little prickly for me at times…but I do think he(PK) has a good heart. take care everyone.
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So sad to see Brendan go. Sunday nights BB was boring bring Brendan back on a twist and lets have a good ending to bb.
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OMG…please not that pic of Ted…a real dorkapotamus!!!
That’s right PK…a real authority is right.
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Ted is supposedly working….yeah right!!! 🙄
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I like PK also but he is a little prickly for me at times…but I do think he(PK) has a good heart. take care everyone.
A little ‘prickly’?
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YOUR WELCOME PATRICIA, regarding PK, I would shorten the word “PRICKLY TO PRICK” But of course a good hearted one at that. 😛
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Aggie said what I was thinking…. 😆
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Has Ragan ever showered?
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The delusional “I’m gonna be famous” Enzo is the worst possible stereotype for New Jersey. He’s a sleezy child. The whole season will be worth it to see him kicked out the door and hurry! – there isn’t much time, Hayden, Lane and Brittany.
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The last shower Ragan had was the talk of Long Beach for weeks… Seems some dude tried to get between him and his man.
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Okay and back to the subject at hand. LOL. I think Brendon could have really been a challenger if he hadn’t teamed up with RachHo. That was his big mistake. He really became a likeable gameplayer after she left. But then we heard him say “it was for Rachel”. I still like Britney and her comments and snippy remarks are really about game play. Hey, you lie and tell people what they want to hear if you want to win the game. That’s how it is folks. Will was a Dr. and won so why should the fact Lane has money prevent him from winning. Hayden also got $5000 and 2 tickets for trips. Ragan has 20,000 dollars. I am still so disgusted and sick of Enzo. Hayden really needs a hair cut. I still like Lane. Ragan has become irritating but I still kind of like him. Lane is still funny and he has no idea that his money thing is an issue. I just really don’t like the mafia wannabe. He is so disgusting. I wish it was Enzo this week but I know it isn’t. So sad.
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None of the HG’s left deserve to win. They will be rewarded for being lazy, throwing comps. and bashing other HG’s. I still say give the money to charity. Can’t wait for survivor, at least if they whine they have somthing to whine about. These BB players live in a nice warm house, have a damn pool table for entertainment, considering thats all they do. Even the have nots have been out of the weather. Please BB lets end the torture early and just vote them all out and bring back the evected HG’s like Matt, Brendon, even Kathy and Rachel. Well, maybe not Kathy. Lets see people who want to play. This blog is where I catch up on what is happening, AD is sooooo boring and I am glad I didn’t waist my money on the live feed.
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PK I live in Long Beach and there has been no such bulletin!
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britt and reg ragging on rach – is sooo old – they must be really insecure-THESE PUNISHMENTS ARE GREAT making for some funny t.v. – the socks and dancing – only reason to tune in
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Must really be a long beach then Jane if you didn’t hear about it
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Deserve to win??? Does anyone really deserve to win? To me, its not about having a sick wifey or a family that makes you deserving. Its straight up GAME PLAY! Who ever can lie, cheat, and steal the best….deserves to win.
Its so funny to hear the players get mad about being lied to. That’s what the whole game is about. Lying, covering it up, alliances, knowing when to jump ship on your alliance for a better or secret alliance, knowing when to win/dump a competition. This is the game.
I thought back to the best players in BB history. IMO, its Dr. Will and Evil Dick….tied for the best ever, with Janelle taking 3rd. Even thought Janelle didn’t win outright, she won the most POV’s and took 3rd place 2 years in a row. She’s got game! I think you could throw Dan in as 4th best. He and Matt from this season were very similar.
None of these guys even rate next to those 4 I mentioned. But if you think about it, this is BB12. Each year has 13-14 players. So out of aprox 160 people, I can only come up with 4 players worth a shit?
Ya know what, I’ll toss in Mike Boogie from the All Star season….he played pretty good that year. So we got 5.
How do they find these people?
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well said Jayman
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How do they find these people?
AG just posts a help wanted ad in several large newspapers seeking unemployed underachievers willing to be locked up for three months with 12 or more other losers for a chance to win big money they could never possibly earn at any real job any one of them will likely ever have, past, present or future.
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Enzo off the hot seat, Hayden joining Ragan.
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I’m still stoked about EnZERO cheating at the POV Comp when Hayden yelled the answers to him so he could in over Ragan. I don’t thing that was fair, as I’ve said before. BB should have thrown ENZERO an enlightenment–redo the competition. Why can’t BB respond to our concerns about the cheating?
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wow can production please stuff a rag in ragans mouth until he leaves thursday, its the same old puke rolling off of his tongue, liked the hand puppets, and the dancing, lol hayden was, well i dont know what he was doing, all i know is i laughed all the way thru it, the boy has no rhythm, wish they would have showed more of britney, she really knows how to shake her a$$
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@ jayman…omg i AGREE 100% with you …hit it right on….i liked your post lol …can ya tell lol…
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I guess there r 2 kinds of game players, one. that lie cheat and steal anything and everything & have no morals or scruples and two. the complete opposite of number one. But thats just me. When I think about game play, I like to do it up front nothing sneaky, but thats me. I often think if you play like that what else do u do like that? I wouldn’t trust u with anything. It’s ok 2 say its only a game but your actions do have some consequence in your future. 4 me I don’t want people not 2 trust me. I’m good person and I want it 2 come out in all aspects of my life & game play. Again thats only me <3
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You guys are on fire today! This board is a heck of a lot more exciting that the BB house on any given day! Jayman…excellent synopsis. =^^=
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This year is so predictible. I wouldn’t want any of the HGs to come back…..none are interesting enough except Rachel and I couldn’t stomach either her voice or her bray.
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So i guess enzo isn’t going to get into any trouble for eating when he was a have not?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at this point i want brit to win but even if she did i’d not jump for joy.
i never liked evil’s dick.
yes i said it the way i meant it.
it’s Monday.
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Hi Frannie…Hi Aggie…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wasn’t Ted a stripper and not an actor?
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tendr… Ted had aspirations on becoming a stripper but when he auditioned for a part in “The Full Monty” the director suggested that he always keep his hat and the rest of his clothes on at all times…
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Gee Ted thanks for the avatar from your personal photos! 🙄
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Howdy tendr….we always seem to miss each other. 🙁
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Good look alike isn’t PK?
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Betty…where did you get a pic of Ted? 😆
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Betty… That was Ted before his face lift and major snout job…
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Frannie Ted said this was the best picture ever taken of himself.
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For sure….the best one that I’ve seen.
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Thanks Frannie and PK. Too bad Ted is still at work. I know he would enjoy it.
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Is it true Lane put Hayden on the block?
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Yes Betty, Ted likes to be the center of attention. Just ask him.
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IDK…I have been too busy at work to sign on to the lf’s.
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Hope I haven’t crossed the line, you know how cranky he can be. 😆
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Betty… Lane put Hayden on the block at POV ceremony.
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Who Ted???? No worries. Me and Aggie give him crap all the time. It makes him feel loved. We have to keep him happy.
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I just heard from my aunt: Enzo won POV! NOW what’s Lane gonna do?
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PK I am glad he did, how I just wish Britney would vote for Ragan to say and Enzo for Hayden to say, with Lane breaking the tie and sending Hayden out the door.
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PK was Hayden angry?
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I don’t see that happening Betty. It would be nice but Lane won’t go against the brigade by breaking the tie.
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I agree Frannie, just wishful thinking on my part. Lane better be careful Enzo and Hayden are tight and they just may evict him. If Lane were to side with Ragan and Brit and he went to the final two, no one in the brigade would vote for him to win. Lane better watch his P’s and Q’s.
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no, Ted, I am not from Argentina, why would you think that? I live on the lovely central coast of California and Lane’s family being wealthy has nothing to do with his winning or deserving to win. He’s my bet to win….
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Jajablonde – Ted doesn’t know where anyone is from. He thinks I live in the same state at JT. 😆
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Later Betty…time to get ready to leave work. Enjoy your evening.
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Same to you Fannie. Hope you are on later!
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Enzo cheats. He ate when he was a HN, He won the POV when Hayden
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------helped in spite of BB telling Hayden to stop (3 times!). Enzo deserves nothing, and BB was wrong to allow him to win.
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Wouldnt it be funny if they voted out Hayden, Never know because Hayden made freinds with everyone and deals .Maybe Lane thinks that if it him and Hayden at the end the JH might Vote for Hayden, Remember he was close to Rach & Bredon and Matt. Lane didnt really talk to them.
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My “IF’s”
If Rachel thought she was the best (female) player, why get rid of the females? She should have eliminated the men!
If Matt would have put Enzo on the block after he (Enzo) asked him if he would still vote for the Brigade after they voted him out. Why evict Kathy? She had no shot of winning anything.
If Britney felt safer with Matt in the house instead of Brendon, why put him on the block?
Bottom Line: Stupid people do stupid things!
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Evil Dick the best BB player in history? maybe, but I still see Dr. Will has the ultimate BB player because he not only told you that he’d lie to your face, he actually did it and people believed him. He went on the block 5-6 times and escaped eviction EVERY time, then went on BB all stars and nearly won that game. He used tact and seemed to have a psychological advantage over every houseguest. Evil Dick played a hell of a game, but his screaming-in your face tactics while awesome to watch were also shocking to watch. He also won some difficult competitions when he had to, especially when his daughter’s ability to stay in the house was in danger. If they have another all star show I’d like to see Evil come back and see how he fares, but for me Dr. Will 1, Evil 2.
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Just had a nightmare vision.Enzo wins !!!, and the 25 g’s. Tell me it ain’t so AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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Ain’t no friggin way….WAKE UP INDAZONE.
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Hi Frannie, glad to see you are home from work. Did you have a good day?
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Betty…I had a busy day. You can always tell when you don’t see me for awhile. It’s hard to say what the day will bring from one minute to the next. I work at a bank and Mondays can be very busy. Thanks for asking Betty.
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Frannie I can imagine, I don’t know how many times I had to get to the bank on Monday to do something or another. Is your boss cool 😎 about you blogging at work?
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LF…Lane is asleep. Ragan is in the CR with a towel over his chest. I have no idea what he thinks he’s hiding. No sign of the others.
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please vote out the drama queen britt she is the trouble maker in thr BBH all she could do was bash people and that tells me she is a very jealous and insecure person I hope she gets the axe and is not in the final two at this point in time i like no one at least brendon left with his head held high and bashed no one.
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Betty….are you kidding. She never works and goes out shopping but says she’s out on sales calls. Her daughter is getting married next year and she’s busy with that. We pretty much do whatever as long as we don’t neglect the customers.
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Just seen Hayden….he’s asleep too. Poor hg’s…they are so overworked. 😆
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LOL…Enzo is out like a light bulb. Sure glad we have live feeds to watch these people sleep. 🙄
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FRANNIE – i think the producers like it when they sleep – they dont have to monitor them – bbborring
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I hate it when people in charge take advantage of the situation. When I managed an OB/GYN clinic many moon ago I let the girls do whatever they wanted when we were not busy. No Internet at that time. Some would play cards, others would skip out for an hour or so to do shopping. I didn’t care, nor did I abuse my position.
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Production should not allow them to sleep during the day and come up with something interesting for them to do that would amuse us.
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I agree macy…but they tell us to get the LF’s and then give us nothing to watch. I rarely sign on to them anymore. JT will be gone for awhile and I came to rely on his comments. 🙁
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I think they would rather they entertain us during BBAD.
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where did JD go? – here i have a comment – i am tired of brit and twinkle toes bashing on rach and bren – getting old – lol
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LOL…..Ragan is working the abs in the yard. I think I may actually see a rib or two. 😆
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JT has alot of OT with his job in September. He will be aol for quite awhile. Poor JT….they work him too many hours during this time.
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Frannie can you tell if Hayden is upset about being put on the block or is he not in the feeds now?
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Did I get this right–Hayden now on block since EnZERO came off when he used POV (which he wrongfully obtained during POV Comp)? My hat’s off to Lane for putting Hayden, not Britt, on the block as the Replacement Nomination.
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Betty…all 4 cameras are on Ragan. When Hayden was on camera, he was asleep. If he ever wakes up, I’ll check it out.
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You are 100% correst Judi Bee
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FRANNIE – wonder where brit is – havent seen her in a while – all feeds on regan – gimme a break – ha
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With all Ragan’s crying on BB I wonder what his students will think of him when he goes back to class?
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The only one with any movement is Ragan. I did hear them call for Lane to go to the diary room. They called him a few times…I guess he didn’t hear them over his snoring. ZZZZzzzzzzz
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WHATS THE TEMP IN YOUR CITY its 98 here – flippin hot in tx
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It was 95 degrees earlier but it’s in the 80’s right now. Last week…the heat index reached 112 degrees.
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I guess I should have said where I’m from. ( Missouri)
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FRANNIE – so u feel my pain girl – where are you? im in granbury tx – bout an hour from lane
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98 in Michigan – This summer was really a bummer for me, I can’t stand the heat. I love being outside on my patio, but I think I have only sat out there four or five times this summer.
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I’m from St. Peters, Mo. about 20 miles west of St. Louis
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It was so hot, when you walked outside, you could barely breathe.
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98 is very hot for Michigan Betty.
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BETTY been over 100 here most of the summer – too hot to even swim in the pool – hence – all this flippin bloggin – doesnt affect my daughter – 10 yr old – red faced when she comes in and i say ‘arent you hot out there’ – she says – ‘we run so we dont get hot’ – go figure – ha
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tendr is from Ok. She was saying that her temps were even hotter than mine here.
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98 is hot for Michigan. We have been in the 90’s most of the summer, but I guess it could be worse for Macy, I hear it really gets hot and humid in Texas.
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TENDR – i have a kid at OU
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I can remember when I was younger…we didn’t notice the heat like we do today. We didn’t even have AC back then. 🙄 I would die now.
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All 4 cameras still on Ragan. He looks like he’s asleep with his eyes open. 😆
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BBL…maybe something exciting will be happening. L8R macy and Betty.
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Hi ladies (as i see no gentlemen here)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i guess enzo got away with the cheating at the pov comp, to be fair like someone said before, bb should have put hayden up next to enzo and taken ragan down. Perhaps bb is as disgusted with them as we are,lol
guess not much else going on, hopefully i will get to see some fred astaire and ginger rogers moves tonite on bbad.
frannie, i am just few miles from springfield, it is and has been so hot u could fry an egg on the sidewalk, this is the only state i lived in that the temp gets hotter as the day goes on and does not cool down.
betty, i love your avatar way to go
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Mama Margie it is a nice picture of Ted isn’t it? 😆
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MARG – i think the producers like enzo – he may be a lous – but he does entertain us – ha – he is a funny guy – would have him to one of my parties
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lmao i have seen so many pics of ted and they are so tiny hard to tell
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and especially in your pic he has on sunglasses, but that is the rumor
and i usually believe what u guys report on here, lol
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Hi Fran, betty and Margie, Betty love the pic, ask ted to show you the pic with the funny hat thay looked like shambo’s hair fro survivor, that pic was funny ➡ 🙄
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macy you may be correct, he does add humor to the show, the only time he makes me crazy is when he eats and drinks, the sound effects could make me go over the edge, but yes he is funny not only what he says but what he thinks (at loud), not too much time left before they crown a winner at this point i would put money on lane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what do you guys think ????
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hi aggie, how is the puter doing, still having probloems?
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Does anyone know why we aren’t seeing the jury house this season??
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MARG – yea – the smackin is drivin me crazy – my money is on LANE
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Hi Aggie!
Mama Margie I really think Lane is in trouble. He can’t play for HOH next week and I think Enzo, Hayden and even Britney want him out of the house. They say is does not need the money and Hayden cannot be too happy that he did not put Brit up.
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nancy i have no idea why no jury house, i too am looking forward to it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i bet they will jam all the hgs in one clip after rachel.
i heard they had a bunch of cameras in the jh, why i have no idea since they do not show us any of it.
you guys with LF do they show you JH on live feeds or just the bb house?
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Nancy I think we will see it on Thursday.
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Yes Margie, but hopefully it will get worked out soon, I think you are right Lane could win this, I would rather see him get it than hayden 😀
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Betty, i guess u never know do you and that little puppy dog face he makes when he sees her, yes, she will be his downfall. i did hear brit and hayden talking lane does not need the money.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i just hope ragan goes this week before he has a total breakdown.
i was also wondering if any more pandora box will be shown?
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Betty, I’m sure they are right about lane I don’t think he does need the money and he will always have a job he works for his dad he basically scmoozes people he has it pretty easy really. 🙄
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I will really be upset if Hayden wins, DG I would rather seen Enzo win!
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I could not believe Lane was so stupid to tell them what he does and anything about his father’s business.
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what do you guys think about this
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was wondering if cbs/bb had people who read blogs such as ours and others, and discuss at meetings, I know this is far fetched, but was just wondering if they cared or were curious what us true die hard bb fans think.
how can they say ratings have gone up no one took a poll especially by me lol
i did do the nielsen family once and never again, now that was a real pain in the rear.
just wondering if i am so bored i have nothing else to think about lol
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BETTY, nobody should mention they are in the oil business, they are all saying now how he doesn’t need the money, I thought it was funny though that he wanted the 10,000 from pandora’s box if he had alot of money maube he wouldn’t have taken it, but the joke was on him he got less than 100.00 bucks. 🙄
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Mama Margie I wish they would take a look at this blog and take the POV away from Enzo.
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Aggie $91.17 to be exact. I really feel Lane’s days are numbered, unless Brit wins the next POV, she might save him, but maybe not. “Expect the unexpected”
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Margie, maybe some people look at the blogs, it is hard to say really.
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Betty, Britt needs to wise up, she will be out soon enough. It should be enzo though he is the least deserving of anyone.
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Ok guys…Hayden seems to be grilling some chicken breast. He doesn’t look upset or worried. The 3 stooges were talking earlier and there didn’t seem to be any hard feelings. I had to get myself a frozen strawberry daiquiri to help ease the pain of watching these idiots here.
Hi Aggie and Margie
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maybe next year we will see some changes, who knows,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this year for some reason for the first time if appears to be scripted.
i never felt that way before.
in re to lane, i wonder if they truly believe he only got $91. hopefully brit will stay true to land, he did honor her by putting up hayden, we shall see.
going to say ciao now, my housewives show will be coming on soon the reunion show and if you think rached was a bitch she was a girlscout next to these ladies.
nice to have ladies nite lol but did miss the guys
c u all tomorrow, have a great nite
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hi frannie bye frannie lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for update, i have a few things to do before my next addiction comes on tv
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Night Margie…have a good one!!
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I wonder if production was intiminated by Hayden and Enzo saying they would quit? Neither one of them would have! Who would walk away at a chance at 500,000?
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hi fran, the strawberry daiquiri sounds great, yummy
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It’s very good Aggie. Real refreshing!! 🙂
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fran, love those kind of drinks anything strawberry is yummy, I have idiot hayden on now. they ought to boot him just for aking all those prizes.
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I still can’t believe 3 of the brigade members will make it to the final 4. Talk about coasting through the game. Not one of them should be entitled to the prize.
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your right betty none of them are real deserving, what a shame. 😡
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My program just came on, I’ll be back in an hour. Aggie and Frannie keep on blogging!
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later Betty
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Later Aggie and whoever else is here. I think I’m going to go lay in bed and watch some tv, right after I get another drink. 😉
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sounds good fran, later girl
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donna, her name was jenn, remember she had shirts with her name in them like jenalious her and dick hated each other, he poured tea over her head, and was blowing smoke in her face and even went as far as to flick hot cig ashes in her face, evil dick was a real asshole, but i wish he was on this seasons cast, you can bet that the three do nothings wouldnt be there in the end, he would have reaked havac on there so called game, he would have called each one out, and showed the hg’s what they are truely made of, nothing
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OMG, Ted better stay away tonite or Patricia in NC will for certain make his head swelll! She has PK right, though!!
Aggie, I liked your prick(ly) comment.
Liz/Jane, where are you…………………hopefully not off getting sperminated! ROTFLMAO
Hi Mama Margie, Frannie, PK, Tendr and whoever else is here.
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hey all….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any chance hayden on the block for giving Ezero the answers?
that would be a nice bb twist!
Brittney’s Boyfriend Nick had a q and a session on another blog. they dated six monthes before engagement. ( someone asked the other day)
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I so agree with your comment. I loved dick’s tirades. He kept it real and he kept it fun. and he made sure no one had real fun!
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No production did not put Enzo on the block, Lane did!
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Hey everyone.
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skippin’ down cuz it’s four thirty in the a.m.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cool marcy that you have a babe in OU….i’m in Broken Arrow..just a few min from the Tulsa mall.
I’ll come back and read all i’ve missed tomorrow…..have a headache and am sleepy.
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Kristen’s Hippietard and Wig was relisted on e-Bay and sold for $950.00 with buy it now… Everything about BB12 is going downhill…
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How about a forward what if. What if Enzo won HOH and put Lane and Brit up, then Enzo won POV. Who would Hayden vote for?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Never mind, even I can’t pretend that well … to believe that Enzo could win 2 comps in a row.
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Rebecca is not going to like you in that wig PK…
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Good Thought SWEET JUDY… would not be surprised to see him make a move and give Lane the boot.
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Looks as if several of the bloggers need spell check…. I have watched BB since it started..Also have watched Survivor not necessarily because they are good, sometimes just because I don’t have to think..LOL
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What is this!? Lil britney acting like she is lil Miss Know-it-All by arrogantly saying that “Evel Dick’s tactics wouldn’t have worked this season?” That is a bunch of BULL CRAP! EvelDick is a strategic player. He would still win using those tactics and whatever else he had up his sleeve. She thinks that because she is the only girl in the house, that she is lil miss know-it-all queen bee, and can talk smack about past HGs!?
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