CBS launches their Big Brother 8 website FINALLY!

by BBBlogger on June 29, 2007

Yep. It is now online. All you have to do is go on over to…

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that after waiting for WEEKS it is finally up and online!


Big Brother

Melissa July 9, 2007 at 8:54 am

I thing Jen is toooo!!!! vain, she cares about her picture on the wall way way way 2 much i mean 2 cry and say it was a bad picture. Please do somethin about it.

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malcom July 11, 2007 at 8:22 am

jen is stupid… she shouldn’t be there i know someone that tried out that should be there. nik didn’t try and kiss her she is a liar

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harlie July 11, 2007 at 10:20 am

hey I think this show is great. Nick is totally fine and so is eric.

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lisa July 13, 2007 at 5:03 pm

i think all these people on big brother is full of bs, the only one that was real was sent home, who could be so mean to send someone home because they’re an easy target.

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lisa July 13, 2007 at 5:04 pm

why aren’t there no brothers on the show by the way, don’t cbs knows black people watch the show also. we want to be entertained also.

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Ruth I. Mason July 15, 2007 at 5:10 pm

I think the necest gal got sent home>>not fair..Amber the crybaby should have been gone. Danille thinks she is pretty nice..she has to go.

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patty July 16, 2007 at 2:55 pm

I was watching the showtime after dark, and Amber came out of the bathroom then brushed her teeth, without washing her hands, how nasty!!!! She should have better hygine being a cocktail waitress.

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tori July 17, 2007 at 9:10 pm

i think jen needs to go everyone hates her. i think nick and danielle have a good friendship and they should stick together

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tori July 17, 2007 at 9:12 pm

i can’t believe jen put up dick and danielle in the first place that is stupid

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sherri July 18, 2007 at 2:32 pm

I have never disliked anyone on any season of Big Brother as much as I dislike Jen. She needs a shirt that says “Jenuine A**hole.” I can’t wait for her to be voted out. Followed closely by squeaky Jessica. Then crybaby Amber.

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fitty July 24, 2007 at 7:41 pm

true jen is vain , but she puts on no aires( this is my take on the girls)Amber ..oh no i got knocked up…danielle…eat something.kail dont know,.. Tomeka.. shake that booty,you chicks better get busy…all in good fun

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blondie24 July 25, 2007 at 6:05 pm

I can’t stand Jen she is such a skank, i hate the way she stalks Nick all over the house, and i love how he never gives her the time of day, my favorite HG is Nick, i think he is a geniune good guy, i believe he has true feelings for Daniele, i hope he dosen’t get hurt by her, and i hope he goes far in the game!

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Amy July 26, 2007 at 2:24 am

Everyone talks about Jen.. We all know she is all about herself.. Period end of sentence. Look a little deeper at the BB household. Amber is now playing the game of backstabbing and lying. Watching big brother after dark, she is trying to get the household against Dick who in my eyes makes the show the most funniest and entertaining thus far. My fav is Dick. Truly believe that is how he is all the time.

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Jenn July 29, 2007 at 7:22 pm

Someone needs to call family services for Amber’s child, anyone that would put their child and dog on the same level and to go as far as saying she would die for her dog is STUPID!!!

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Francine July 31, 2007 at 9:19 pm

I think it is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING that Dick (and by the way what an appropriate name that is for him!) is allowed to remain in the house! How dare the producers not throw his sorry, “I wanna be 19 again, so I’ll paint my nails black and my hair red for attention” ass out of the BB8 house! He poured iced tea over Jen’s head, and believe me when I tell you that if he had done that to me or ANYONE I know he would have gotten a punch in the face! Then what? The producers would have told me that I was off the show for assaulting him? Well… NEWSFLASH to the BB8 Producers: POURING ANY LIQUID OVER THE HEAD OF A PERSON IS A FORM OF ASSAULT AND HE COULD BE ARRESTED FOR IT! ADDITIONALLY… IF JEN WOULD HAVE HIT HIM, SHE COULD HAVE EASILY CLAIMED SELF DEFENSE BC OF HIS VERBAL AND NOW PHYSICAL ABUSE. SOMEONE DOESN’T HAVE TO KICK YOU IN ORDER TO GET PHYSICAL… THAT EVIL DICK (AND I MEAN THAT LITERALLY) GOT PHYSICAL WITH JEN AS SOON AS HE DID THAT DISPICABLE THING HE DID! I hope someone in the house treats his daughter the way he’s treating Jen… he’d go friggin’ balistic! And don’t get me wrong… I really don’t like Jen, but what she has been having to deal with in there is absolutely unconscionable!! BB8 Producers… I hope one day someone does what E.D. is doing to Jen to one of you or one of your sisters or moms… then let’s see if you think that he hasn’t crossed the line! You should ALL be ASHAMED of yourselves!

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Doctor Ikie July 31, 2007 at 9:26 pm

The people in BB8 are so darn stupid! I applaud Jameka for keeping her promise, for she has the fear and love of God in her. She is a woman of great integrity. She is the only one in the whole house that plays the game with integrity. It may get her sent home, but she can stand before God and with the assurance that He was well pleased with the way she kept her faith and morals intact without wavering.

The house is also stupid because Dustin made a choice that could not be refused. I would have taken the $5000.00 prize also. Any Dick is a ball faced liar and demonic entity in the whole house. He looks like Satan’s oldest son!! If any one needs to leave the house it should be Dick. He is a messed up man, and I feel so sorry for Danielle. If I had a father like him, I would divorce him in a heart beat!! He states that he will not turn on his daughter, I don’t believe it, because she would turn on him.

Nick better fight to stay, but it is time for Kail to go home to her businesses and family and play the executive game at home.

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sonia August 1, 2007 at 4:02 pm

icant stand dick, what a jerk! they sould have kicked him out. he such apig. i cant stand him. if you ask me that was an assault what he did to jen. at first i couldnt stand her but im starting to like her because of all the crap she is going through with dick. she really has handled herself well. tha abuse she takes from him and she doesnt give in to his taunts. i hpe he gets kicked out fast. i like jameka, i hope she wins she has alot of integrity. i dont like danielle her constant whinning gets on my nerves. amber just makes me laugh when she cries you cant help but laugh because of the expressions she makes. nick is a little psychco with that mohawk and i dont like how he back stabs others. i like eric and dustin. i know dustin shouldnt have taken the trip and the money but so what. he will have to deal with that after the show is over.

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Kelly August 1, 2007 at 11:11 pm

I have been a bb fan for all 8 seasons and I have to say that this group is the most irratating of all the house guest combined. Truly how many hours a day does Amber spend crying? at least 70% of bb after dark and much of the live shows. Although I like dick because he brings turmoil to a boring house, his spitting is about making me sick. As for Kale she is just a big joke. at least Jenn does have some personality, one we most can’t stand , but it is there, while Kale just stands back and watches BORING. As for Jamica, I also am a person that believes the word of god, but on a show where in order to survive you have to lie, back stab and manipulate, it might be better to leave him out of this. Eric and jessica make a cute couple and I believe that cuteness might take them a long ways,simply because no one suspects them. I also liked Dustin until the veto challenge and that might have been his big down fall by being greedy, but get ready if he gets sent out of the house amber will never stop the water works.

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sally August 2, 2007 at 11:07 pm

Honestly! Could someone please give Amber some anti depressants? That poor thing is suffering-the crying jags would be funny if they weren’t so hard to watch.
I can’t understand how she can get through a single day outside of the house. How she even was able to get out of bed to apply for Big Brother is miraculous. Don’t they have any kind of screening process?
I agree that this is the most IRRITATING group ever!!

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tania August 3, 2007 at 5:41 pm

OMG! i cant stand amber , she’s always crying!! it’s not normal to cry that much. Kail needs to get out of that house, i don’t know why everyone keeps safing her every week!!! And as for danielle and Dickkkkkk i hate them there soo anoyingg , someone shoud tell Dickkk to SHUP UP!! danielle needs to make up her mind she says she likes Nick but then votes him outt!! i dont understand. Jamica get over it seriously start playing the game. and Jen i hated her in the start but that chick is smart , she trys to act all dumb but shes a good player.

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CHRISTY August 6, 2007 at 12:48 pm

We want you to send a player back into the Big Brother house and we want you to send NICK back in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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duh August 6, 2007 at 12:57 pm

First of all to all you lame ass people who cares if Dick is an ass… you all know he is only saying what we are all thinking!!! At least he has the guts to speak up!!!!!! As for Amber…. so has to go, her eyes are going to be swollen shut if she does not get out!!! I agree we should bring Nick back into the BB house and I hope to god Danielle and her dad Dick take EVERYONE out!@!!!!! They are the most interesting in the house and Jen may be smart but she is a selfish BITCH!!! And her tanktops PPLLEASEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Get over yourself!!! Her “Jen” shirts are the stupidest thing I have EVER seen in the BB HOUSE!!!! And she is a liar!!! How can anyone reallly think she is all THAT smart??! If CBS wants to get america excited about this season and make sure we don’t stop watching they should bring Nick back!!! he deserves it!!! Didn’t everyone see the banner the fans sent over the house??? HELLO!!!! CBS wake up!!!

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WAKE-UP August 6, 2007 at 12:59 pm

BRING NICK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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tania August 6, 2007 at 9:13 pm

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i care that dick is an ass!! cause he doesnt know when to stop, there is always a limit and i can’t even watch the show anymore cuz all i hear is dick sceaming at ppl …its freaken anoyinggg!! and Jen is smart …..she’s been on the block alot and IS SHE OUT!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!
i love eric!! , smartest player in the house! nick should of stayed. they should of voted out kail . it’s about time she leaves that house.

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Margaret August 7, 2007 at 6:30 am

I Totaly agree BRING NICK BACK
That would be a bigger twist than Eric
playing at being America’s Player

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Dee August 7, 2007 at 1:58 pm

BRING NIC BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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carol August 7, 2007 at 9:56 pm

I vote to evict Eric this week. He is a scumbag and lying to the other girls who don’t know their way out of a paper bag. I can’t believe the BB producers would pick such dumb girls to be on the show, Jen knows the ropes as does ED. I think it will come down to those two the final 2. ED
needs the money and Jen seems capable of taking care of herself.

So, Please tell ErIc to cast Eric to be evicted this week.

A new twist would be to bring Nick back to see where he and Dani can finish any unfinished business that they didn’t have a chance top take care of when the backstabbers voted Nick off.

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Laura August 8, 2007 at 6:47 pm

hink it was wrong what they did to Nick. Its all because of Eric that he is gone. I dont even like to watch anymore since he left. SO PLEASE BRING HIM BACK. Also they need to get Amber I felt sorry for her to begin with but now it is just annoying. BRING NICK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Laura August 8, 2007 at 6:48 pm

I think it was wrong what they did to Nick. Its all because of Eric that he is gone. I dont even like to watch anymore since he left. SO PLEASE BRING HIM BACK. Also they need to get Amber out I felt sorry for her to begin with but now it is just annoying. BRING NICK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Buckshot in Ohio August 9, 2007 at 10:47 am

I was skeptical when I first learned about the “America’s Player” twist for the BB8 season. I wondered what would happen if that player was the first to be evicted-then what? If the show’s producers had really wanted to give America a voice or perhaps even a stake in the outcome—I believe it would have been better to have America just be a player—separate from anyone in the house and allow America one vote that would affect certain dynamics of the game. I also think the actual eviction vote numbers should NOT be revealed to the HG—they vote in secret but then the vote court pretty much reveals how everyone voted. The houseguests in power for the week enforce a herd mentality that tends to eliminate any upsets in the voting. I say keep the HG guessing on what the actual vote count numbers were!!!
I’m not a big fan of Eric but it seems to me he’s getting a raw deal this week. I understand the dynamics of the show and agree that Eric has not always done things that would have advanced him in the game…but the banner was UNFAIR (yes, I know there have been banners before) but this definitely was the catalyst for this current situation. Being targeted by a game spoiler from the outside will, at least in part, be the reason he goes home this week. Its interesting to me that the HG have not (unless I missed it) questioned why there is no America’s Choice this season—a smart player would figure out that the show’s producers have in some way involved America in every season since the beginning.

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CT August 10, 2007 at 2:47 pm

Danielle’s boyfriend, hopefully has already moved out. How humiliating for a boyfriend to watch his girlfriend snuggle and cry over another a guy on national TV. Dude, Leave Her.

Dick is an idiot. The name of the game is deception, lying, backstabbing, doing anything to win the money. I don’t think anyone of them actually went into the house to make friends.

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CooCooCachoo August 12, 2007 at 9:20 am

When Dick goes home this week, this season will be unwatchable.
This show is such a perfect example of brainwashing.
OMG Last night amber said she should be on Americas Next Top Model…yea right. And that Jamika is such a hipocrite, I can see Dicks point with the fake
christian thing, Jamika talking like a hood, f this, and that, but she is playing all the sheep that will let her.
I really hope Danielle or Zach get HOH on Thursday, so the princess will be on, on, on along with the most anoying person ERIC, a full body nervous twitch.
Just my opinion nice to get it off my chest, cause I dont know anyone watching
this year.

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jen August 14, 2007 at 5:36 am

bring nick back!!!! and get that cry-baby amber outta there.

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Courtney August 15, 2007 at 5:58 pm

hi people, does anyone have any idea where danielle got her hoody ( the really colourful one) or one like it….. it is soooo nice

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 10:22 am

Does anyone know why Jameka didn’t wear the bunny suit like the rest of the HG that were in the competition with her?

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bob August 17, 2007 at 1:01 am

the thing that bothers me about eric is that it seems even in the diary room that he refuses to acknowledge that hes lied. alot. I am ecstatic that dustin is gone i think he was a scumbag. his face when he heard the results made the season for me. i dont understand why he was always calling danielle a bitch and gossips like a 13 yr old school girl about her. And how he only yells at dick from about 50 ft away is cowardly. ive had it with jameka, who is she to question danielles religious beliefs. on the same token dick shouldnt make fun of jamekasd. And why is dick lucky that jameka didnt hit him…what could she possibly do to him. if anything shed be kicked out and he wouldnt be hurt. i still have a distaste for dick, i think he believes that he is all knowing and nothing can get by him, although he has toned that down the past few weeks and has concentrated on pissing peole off which i find enjoyable to watch. i dont think the game should be changed i liked the game without ameircas player. dont fix something thats not broken. im quite happy each week to know that im not the only one who thinks eric is a lying rat. Zach can be manipulated by any woman i kinda feel bad. Jenn needs to go this week if danielle is logical, its not time to attack eric or jessica. but they should not wait till the final 4. jessica will beat anyone she faces in the final game nobody hates her, and shes a sudo-competitor. amber and jess are the nominations i think for this week. assuming th nominations stay. jameka votes for amber to stay, zach votes for amber to stay, eric votes for amber to stay unless america suddenly likes jenn. dick for mamber to stay (or rather for jenn to leave), and jessica does what she is told my eric.

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w Lynn August 17, 2007 at 9:50 am

Please Jameka, get a clue Jess lied to you and Amber, as well as Dustin.. Confront her and Eric and let them know that you are going to target them. Go to Dick cut a deal let him know that you will do whatever he wants to get them out. Rock the boat fight smartly. Let Dick know about all the nasty things Eric said about him and his daughter sleeping together. Mix it up play to win we are pulling for you. You never lied to Jess but she throw you under the bus, take that same bus and hit her with it. Eric is week and scared use it againist him shed some light on his tail. Jess is stupid she can’t think for herself she needs him break that up and she is going home. Right after you send him home.. Jameka, Armber, Zach, Jen come together aganist Jess and Eric for now and Fight to win BB8

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bob August 17, 2007 at 10:26 pm

umm lynn how do you propose jameka does all this. she cant be hoh for another 3 weeks. anyway jameka is a bum even if she could compete she wouldnt win furthermore jameka is to closed minded to do any of this

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May August 20, 2007 at 11:05 pm

Yea…bring Nick back…I want to see a little hot sex between him and Danielle…We deserve that since this season has been so frickin’ lame!!

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May August 20, 2007 at 11:06 pm

Oh and would someone please tell Nick to stop pickin’ his nose all the time!!

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Susan August 21, 2007 at 3:16 pm

After watching last night’s episode of After Dark, I WANT DICK OUT!! I can’t stand Jen (I truly feel that something is wrong with her anyway!), but to come back with the absolute filth that was coming out of his mouth outside on the deck with Jen, and then the fight that ensued after that, was ridiculous. You could see how everyone outside was extremely uncomfortable. Playing the game is one thing, but that attack was absolutely ridiculous, like watching a 10-year-old boy trying to say as many filthy things that he could think of in hopes of getting the other person. I have a funny feeling this is one of the reasons Daniele stopped talking to her father…..says a lot about the person in what came out of his mouth…I, for one, was totally offended and felt uncomfortable watching it myself, can’t imagine being there! I agree with the comment made by another, these contestants leave a LOT to be desired. I do hope that next season they get some intelligent people that know how to play the game……just my opinion!! I am really tired of watching that retarded Dick spit, fart, burp, and think that he’s funny….time to go!

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jay August 21, 2007 at 5:33 pm

I think the more people that comments on dick just fuels the fire. Everyone knows he lacks…………????????I don’t know,”everything”!!!!!! I honestly believe he treats everyone that way & his mother i’m sure, is real proud.Everyone lies to get ahead in this game it’s the name of the game.
I really think it was sad that Sunday’s show would show Amber to be so stupid.Even if she doesn’t know big words it’s sad big brothers producers would air what she, i’m sure, she already feels self conscious about.I understand you need to make the show interesting but please let people leave with a little intergerity. I believe they did the same thing to chicken george also.
I think big brother producers should allow dick only to call out people on lies but not personally attack & use such vile names to everyone but his daughter.Which i believe he probably did this to her growing up. Thats why she went to live with her grandmother.

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Susan August 22, 2007 at 3:03 pm

I think Jay hit the nail on the head….it’s one thing to play the game, manipulate, lie, deny, but quite another to spew out the vile that Dick does on a regular basis. And, that BB producers allow this kind of utter sexual debasement from one player to another. If Dick cannot hold his lewd and filthy comments to himself, he should be bounced from the game, but dear god, that would cost viewers and that means money, so there ya go!! The personal attacks on other house guests is disgusting, not funny or interesting, just disgusting. It explains a lot about his daughter, Daniele, living with her grandmother, which I had not heard? Do they have a blog that they write in, and how do you access it? As far as Jen goes, ya really gotta wonder what the hell is wrong with her that she’d keep going back for more….something just isn’t right with her?? Guess she only has one oar in the water!!

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midwife August 22, 2007 at 6:12 pm

danille said in her 1st HOH blog (one benefit of getting that position that her Gma was her only family member she claimed. She did address her brother Vincent later on and said she missed him

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midwife August 22, 2007 at 6:15 pm

Danille said in her 1st HOH blog (one benefit of getting that position that her Gma was her only family member she claimed. She did address her brother Vincent later on and said she missed him

Dick addes something to the house but seriouly “Huge Peter Pan issues” He for somereason never matured over the adolescent mark…He is forever 15

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Jess.J August 23, 2007 at 10:22 pm

i really dont like amber
shes a druggie and a cry baby its so annoying and disgusting

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Annette Owens August 24, 2007 at 7:09 pm

I can’t believe that big brother is letting Dick get away with burning Jen. That’s a little to far!!

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jersyjoe August 27, 2007 at 9:23 pm

daniel better go this week or else

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Susan August 28, 2007 at 8:32 am

DITTO…….she’s really a pain in the butt! I’m sick and tired of looking at that depressed and surly face all the time! And, her and Dick continually fighting with her baggage from the past, should have been left at the door and play the game.

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Em August 29, 2007 at 11:13 am

Dear Eric,
It’s not that you’re 5’9″ and Jewish, it’s that you’re a coward. You’re so afraid of Dick (and not wanting to look like a ***** in front of Jessica) that you didn’t use the veto. Now you and your girlfriend are about to get their butt kicked. Smart.

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queenlinda August 29, 2007 at 12:29 pm

well bb has always been my fav show…but bb8 please…dick&eric. one is a degenerate [dick] and the other is a weasel & certainly is not America’s choice…
amber is not stable enough to be in the house…how did she pass your test? jen was great she frustrated dick by not reacting to dicks abuse. dick is the sort of person not too many people in America would be friends w/outside of the house. Jess needs tobe told about Eric…like she is going home next..

maybe next year the people will be more quality.

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rutgersmo August 30, 2007 at 9:59 pm

Why not tell Amber / Jameko that Eric is Jewish. Also it would be great to share Amber’s Anti-Semitic tirade with America’s player.

I wonder if BB would have allowed players to continue had they based the Muslim from Irvine.

Oh well, Jews are selfish ….so I hope Eric Wins HOH and nominates Amber / Jemicka and sends them home with a Gideon bible up their butts.

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crissy September 2, 2007 at 5:07 pm

As a 55 year old woman, I just wanted to say that i have loved and watched BB every season from the start. This is the worst bunch of losers that you have put into the house. They are all young idiots and i could care less who wins! I am so disappointed with the selection of people, but out of all of them, at least Dick is honest about being a liar! i hope next year brings a more diverse bunch, like in past series! I have just started to watch, but only because there’s nothing else on TV!

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Joe Toms September 3, 2007 at 10:49 pm

America Choice My A– and calling in for ninety nine cents is the biggest joke ever.Most people are stupid to believe that the call they make will count,and We all know that is a profit for CBS.This Is what going on Your vote do not count any way.CbS do what ever the wan,t to increase their rating ,no need to vote to help their profits.
Lost all respect for CBS and Big Brothers Trash.

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Josh September 4, 2007 at 1:16 am

I think it’s hilarious how last week Eric and Jessica basically screwed themselves in the fact that they could have easily back doored the best player in the house (danielle) but instead AMERICA’S PLAYER (which is the worst decision in CBS BB history) had to do what america wanted him to do. I guarntee that when Eric is out of the house he will say that in that week with Amber and Zach on the block he would have much rather taken out Zach. Which would have resulted in zach being out, amber being in and all of them (Eric, Danielle, Dick and Amber) competing for HoH this week. Dick would have probably won and they would be aiming to go after jameka and amber! All and all this show has been great competition but CBS is going to look back after this season and say, “We screwed Eric.” Which is partly ok considering he only got on the show because of all the facts and info he knows about the past shows, and they knew that if he was on the show not as America’s Player he would be a “dud.”

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Lee Donoho September 6, 2007 at 12:51 pm

Whoever wrote the synopsis of last night’s (9/5) show must not have been listening, Big Brother set up the set for tonight’s competition and covered it with a tarp to enable ED to smoke. The other hgs (except Daniele) have been reprimanded for going outside. But ED goes outside to scope the situtation and smoke and his whiney, self-satisfied daughter seems to have made multiple LONG trips out at 11:15 PM to to the laundry. Then they come back in speculate on what the game looks like and strategize ways to cheat ganging up against Eric to disallow him to play the game and ensure they win. It is downright cheating, giving the two of them advantages that the other HGs have been kept from having. Big Brother needs to get its act together and call The Evil one and his spawn into the diary room for a chat on their plans for the next competition. They should change the game up, set something up to protect the others from their familial ability to cheat ir the game will be made completely meaningless if it hasn’t already by their ability to protect one another.

Chosing to cast a father/Daugher combo regardless of how estranged they were at the beginning was a bad move and set the game up in their favor from the get go. Not to take away Daniele’s success at the game as a 21 year old-she would have been gone long ago if her father hadn’t taken her off the block. A Showmance or game established alliance in established inside the house. His knee-jerk response to protect Daniele and to a certain exent her weird loyalty to him is the result of their wierd urevealed backstory has made this season’s endgame a joke unless tonight’s double eviction shakes up the Zach/Dick/Daniele alliance. This season is the result of poor casting, Jen, Amber and Joe were all nut cases. I agree with the Blog that questioned hoiw Amber passed the test, I agree, but add the sanity question to half of the household-that includes Dustin and Eric talked about their autoerotic behavior, conversation not approprriate women you barely know-much less on national television.

If Daniele or Dicj win whatever tonight’s competition is it will be a travesty,

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Susan September 7, 2007 at 7:22 am

I do not understand the reasoning behind evicting Eric at all? Jameka is a strong competitor, and Eric? He hasn’t won anything all season except for one POV? How stupid was that? Nothing is assured in the final games, why pick someone that you could lose to, especially that she is liked in the house more than Dick or Daniele? Stupid move! I truly hope that Dick and Daniele are knocked out in this next week, they deserve it with such stupid moves last night….and if I have to watch that surly Daniele and her whiny, snotty, valley-girl wanna be, way out-dated attitude, “like I’ll puke!” Have you ever counted how many times those idiots used the word “like!!!!”

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Cathi September 8, 2007 at 1:59 pm

If the Donato blonde with brown roots and her forever frozen in petulance wins the season shuld be known as “If you whine, you win”. The girl child only smiles when she is manipulating a man who slobbers all over them selves to protect and please her. I thought WamAmber was a whiner but Dandy D with her split ends and anorexia has whined her way into the final four. Please Zach show some game play and get her out!

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Cathi September 9, 2007 at 1:04 am

Please let a Donato goooooo away.Who cares which one!

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Susan September 9, 2007 at 8:57 pm

After watching tonight’s show (Sunday), I’ve come to conclusion now that Zach is living in his own world. He honestly thinks he got there all by himself. Listening to his speech was a joke…he’s an absolute idiot that hasn’t played AT ALL because no one could stomach him with his weird, sexual comments right from the get-go when they got into the house (you really got an ear-full on After Dark), you talk about Dick’s comments, his were down right weird? None of the women in the house liked him, and that was evident in his speech tonight, you’re right Zach, you fool!!! It really sounded like a case of getting people back who didn’t like him, which by his history, he was picked on in school and had a rough time. They’ll never award the money to Zach anyway if he makes to the end, and I sincerely hope he doesn’t, but I think in his mind he thinks the jury will…absolutely fantasy land!!! Even though I’m not nuts about the Donato duo, they really have played the game the entire time to win, and “that folks, is what it’s all about.”

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Ginger September 9, 2007 at 9:01 pm

Daniele is biggest you know what that I ever seen in my life. She is the biggest cheat and the most rotten person I ever seen on the show. Even more than her father. At least he is upfront with his bull. Her poor boyfriend back home thinks its all a ploy in the game, her making out with Nick what a poor fool. She has it sooo bad for Nick a fool would be blind not to see it. I just hope he wakes up and drops the Fake Blonde Whiny Zero….. I would rather see her big mouth father win than her. They actually deserve each other. She is just a spoiled brat. If she doesn’t get her way she pouts…. I just hope when it is over she reads this and finds out how disliked she really is. I wish all the luck to either Jameka or Zack. Go Guys Get Them…….!!!!!!!!!

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Hannah September 22, 2007 at 1:24 am

Daniele’s hoodie is so cute! where did she get it and what brand is it?

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Melissa December 8, 2009 at 9:21 am

I thing Jen is toooo!!!! vain, she cares about her picture on the wall way way way 2 much i mean 2 cry and say it was a bad picture. Please do somethin about it.

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