Bloggergal Heading to Reality Rally!!!!

by BBBlogger on March 28, 2013

So next week is Reality Rally weekend in Temecula California. I will try to post some pictures to our Facebook pages. Also if you go to the website and click on 2013 Reality Stars, you will see which stars will be attending. If you submit a question through the comments of this blog, I’ll do my best to ask the star and report back to you! Of course, any contestant who is currently appearing on a show, i.e., Phillip is not allowed to comment on anything that has to do with that show.

There are a number of items up for auction, please check that out through the Reality Rally Auction page. Definitely some fun mementos up for grabs!

If you live in southern California and want to attend Reality Rally, email me. I have some free tickets available.

Have a great holiday and spring break! Talk to you soon. Bloggergal

Cherile March 29, 2013 at 4:28 pm


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Wisteria77 March 29, 2013 at 5:20 pm

I hope you have a wonderful time Bloggergal and I’m looking forward to see all the pictures.I’m going to check out the link to see who will be there now.

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macy 1231231 March 29, 2013 at 6:53 pm

HEY BLOGGERGAL!!!!!! hey girly – my question would be to shane and danielle – did their relationship last? good to hear from ya – have fun at the event – take some pics!

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Justaguy (JT) March 29, 2013 at 8:48 pm

You mean you can’t even ask Phillip wtf is up with the pink underwear? πŸ˜†

Wow… I looked at the list.. that’s a lot of people. Hope you have fun.. & it’s for a good cause.

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Sylvie March 29, 2013 at 10:27 pm

Do you still have one ticket?
I am busy till noon Sunday in LA i could be there in Temecula at about 1pm .

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aggie27 March 30, 2013 at 12:24 am

Ok Bloggergal, here’s a question for Phillip people are probably thinking but have not asked.

Phillip, How do you get away with wearing those pink jockey’s without anything showing? Do you have that flap that opens in the front sewed shut?

I also wonder why you aren’t wearing swim trunks like the others, it’s strange to me.

Also Phillip, what did you think of Corrine’s comment calling you a “TUBBY LUNCHBOX”?

I don’t care much for Corrine, but at least she can afford to talk, she’s in great shape.

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Bobo March 30, 2013 at 12:31 pm

Thank you for the update! πŸ™‚ Have a blast, see you soon my Friend
………………………………………. :mrgreen:

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Amber Evans March 30, 2013 at 11:20 pm

I left you a message on your facebook page. So excited you are coming!

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hpr56 April 1, 2013 at 12:56 pm

Looking forward to the coming season. Thanks.

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