Big Brother Veterans Still Control the BB House

by BBBlogger on July 17, 2011

As usual, the Big Brother show tonight started with a review of the past happenings. The new HG’s are very suspicious of each other since two in their ranks voted with the veterans. Everyone is accusing the other and they don’t reach the conclusion that the “traders” were Kalia and Shelly. This split has given the veterans a tremendous advantage.

The next section of show was from BBAD. Brendan and Dom acting like idiots in front of a lot of people. I truly believe that BB forces the HG’s to make fools of themselves to try to “entertain” us.

Next was the Have/Have Not competition. This time the couple who wins has to pick two of the three remaining couples to be Have Nots. Brendan and Rachel win (again). They choose Cassie/Shelly and Dom/Adam to be this week’s Have Nots. America chose Jelly Beans and Beef Jerky for the Have Nots. I love jelly beans, but I guess they would make you sick after awhile huh? Of course, Adam is thrilled with the beef jerky. I just knew he would be.

Jordan nominates Adam/Dominic for eviction. Prior to doing that, both Cassie and Dominic went up to the HOH to plead their case. Since Wednesday is the veto competition, it doesn’t do me any good talking about who might get voted off until then. So, commenters…get ready, get set, go!!! Bloggergal

Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Can I be first this time?

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 11:20 pm

Bloggergal, I do think production puts them up to some of it… but, believe it or not, Brendon acted like an all on his own.. he didn’t need any help with that. 😆 ..and Dom was along just for the ride.. and maybe a better position in the game. His DR comments were funny.

Just before BBAD came on, Carri & Rachel had a fight. I’ll have to go back and watch the flashback to see what all was said.. I caught the last part of Cassi telling Rachel what she thought of her.

Now Jordan is in HOH with Rachel (Dani just walked in). Jordan is telling Rachel in a very nice way how other HGs see some of her antics and that some comments Rachel makes piss people off… of course Rachel is pouring on the water works and giving the “poor me” speech.

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 11:23 pm

Who the hell is Carri? ..oh well, you knew what I meant! 😆

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:30 pm

Hi Jt, Interesting now, Jordan setting Rachel straight

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Jenn July 17, 2011 at 11:31 pm

Quick question – Maybe I missed something, but why is Jordan and Danielle saying that Cassi will be going home this Thursday? I thought Adam and Dominic were up?

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Rachel Stop crying you will always be hated

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Yeah.. Everything Jordan said is true. Rachel could do much better in the game if she’d cut all the catty remarks.. and quit looking down at everyone when she is in power.

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:35 pm

Everyone wants you up RACHEL, You are taking over the house

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:36 pm

Maybe Jordan said too much you have to be careful with Rach

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:37 pm

not sure which one I hate more really

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:39 pm

It doesn’t matter what Rach does, people will never see her differntly

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:45 pm

OMG, please this girl is so ridiculous

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:48 pm

anybody here?

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:50 pm

It will be funny if they can’t get rid of Porsche

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luv2shootpics July 17, 2011 at 11:50 pm

Seems like Cassi is getting under Rachels skin!!!

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luv2shootpics July 17, 2011 at 11:57 pm

Damn Rachel … boo hoo hoo, boo hoo hoo. Slap the hell out of her Brenden!!

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 11:58 pm

Brendon trying to build up her confidence is funny, because he is pretty insecure as well, he is saying pretty nasty comments about cassi now

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 12:00 am

Maybe Rach thinks Cassi is going to come between her and her man 🙄

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Justaguy (JT) July 18, 2011 at 12:01 am

Aggie, if you missed Rachel & Cassi’s talk.. flashback to 8:27pm (BB house time) Camera 1 or 2

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 12:08 am

I don’t think Cassi is a bad person really, not sure what the problem is

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 12:09 am

Ok I will check it out, was that when they were in the kitchen, it was real awkward

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luv2shootpics July 18, 2011 at 12:10 am

(watching FB) seems like Rachel is making big shit out of nothing and cassi is being honest

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 12:14 am

I just wish their were more J&J’s in the house, it would be so great

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luv2shootpics July 18, 2011 at 12:14 am

“Your an ugly person inside” Cassi to Rachel

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Justaguy (JT) July 18, 2011 at 12:15 am

No, they were in a bedroom.. just a half hour before BBAD came on. That’s what started everything we have been seeing since.

I’m out for the night.. L8R Aggie and anyone else who flies by.

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Sherry July 18, 2011 at 12:36 am

As usual there is a lot of sucking up in the house, I think they need to get rid of Adam or the black woman that got hurt tonight sorry I can not remember her name.
I think it would be best to keep Dom in the house as he is now Dani’s puppet.
I totally agree that Rachel needs to stop the crying it is getting old she did that the last time she played!
Well it will be interesting to see what what Wednesday brings.

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Fuzzle July 18, 2011 at 12:41 am

I really don’t like Shelly shes sneaky like a rat

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justlookin July 18, 2011 at 12:45 am

So tonight is not my night for bb! I got to see racho crying about the fight. I about fell over laughing when she said ” I don’t play the victim” yeah that’s why you’re crying about the fight to anyone that will listen…. And now I have a nice big thunder storm passing threw and my dish is out. Dang it! So if anyone is around to let me know if anything good happens…. Please do. 🙂

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justlookin July 18, 2011 at 12:48 am

Oh JT I saw you on my list of ppl I may know on fb and sent you a request. Aggie star and Jane can let you know my real name if you ask them on there 😉

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Justin July 18, 2011 at 12:53 am

I am so sick and tired of Rachel’s crying ass. Rachel is jealous of Cassi because she is better looking than Rachel. Anybody who is very attractive and have a nice body, then Rachel gets jealous.

I don’t know what Branden sees in the crazy Bitch!!! Cassi has done nothing to Rachel, but she is just so jealous of her. Rachel is very insecure in the BB House.

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tendr July 18, 2011 at 2:19 am

don’t have live feeds so i wish someone would tell me what the ‘fight’ was about. (details) 🙂

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Star July 18, 2011 at 3:56 am

Ok..I should be in bed so this is going to be quick.
Besides, it sounds like the storms you were (JL)having are coming here as I am starting to here thunder!!! 🙁 <~~~~hates storms!!

JL…JT is technically on FB but that is it. He NEVER goes on….EVER!!(except when he got some porn spam a few months ago and I had to give him a heads up I said…he NEVER goes on!!)lol

And about the fight between Rachel and Cassi…..Rach had gone into the have not room and made a comment about it was obvious now that there were *sides* and tht she knew tht none of them like Porcshe but that that was tough cuz she was ging to be there at least 3 more weeks!! So she started off being snotty with a group that was SO not in the mood for it and then tried to defend Porcshe, who is a big girl and should be able to defend herself! She and Rach have gotten friendly but not a good idea to fight her battles for her!
Anyway, I didn't SEE the fight, just heard the retelling on BBAD. I guess Cassi kind of went after her after that and told her things like nobody liked her last season and this is the reason why…..that she was the kind of girl who didn't like other girls(jealousy)…..just a bunch of things that pushed all of Rach's insecurity buttons!! I think it was relatively brief, but then the rehashing and side taking went on for hours!!! Rachel went right up to HOH and cried on Jordo's shoulder. but, Jordan had amazingly calm and wise advice telling her to basically ZIP it and quit making comments like she did earlier!! Also told her that if she didn't want everyone OL and in the free world to see, she and Brendon shouldn't be having SEX in the HOH room!!! 😯 lol
Jordo really laid it on the line and Rachel just sat there, wet and wide eyed, listening. By the time Brendon came in, she had had enough tho and started to bawl and had him comforting her!
Dani came in in about the middle of this and said….*What do you care what she thinks of you?? She's gone Thurs!!!! So why waste the energy??* Or words to that effect. Alot of her old man in

That's about all , really. Was a cat fight that Rachel had to blow up and make all about her. It did piss Cassi off tho too as she spent quite a bit of time going over it with Adam, Shelley and Jordan and acting like she was too cool to care.

BTW…maybe I was slow on the draw on this one, but I kept hearing people calling Dom *PT*, and had no idea what it meant. But I found out it means *Preteen*, mocking his babyface yet again!! Just thought I'd share in case I am not the only one tht totally missed that!!!

Ok..still thundering so gonna go pull the covers over my head!! Goodnite/good morning to all who come on after!!! 😉

Peace OUT!!!!

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archie July 18, 2011 at 5:55 am

Goodmorning all,My question to add the smart people in big Brother land is.Since Dom won the POV,Can Adam say he does not want to use it ? or is it all up to Dom??
If I remember right julie said that they both have to agree or they can not use it.
Please help with this….

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archie July 18, 2011 at 5:57 am

Last post was suppsed to read, ( to all the smart people )

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Tammy July 18, 2011 at 7:03 am

Hi everyone. watched the show last night all i can say is that it was “ok” with we got BBAD in canada cause that is when allot of the drama and head games started lol. i will be in and out for the next few weeks. my baby brother (37) has kidney cancer and he has surgery in 2 weeks to have his kidney removed. Plu i’m still slowly recovering from heart problems. hope everyone is good. take care everyone
P.S. Miss the e-mail notifications big time

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Double M July 18, 2011 at 7:41 am

morning all, i did see the show and bbad, which was something else. all i can say in relation to rachoe’s tears (or lack of) she and casey anthony must have went to the same acting school, lots of sniffing and moaning but she was barely able to SQUEEZE out a tiny tear out of her right eye, she knows how to play the victim that is for sure, and when her (MAN?) comes on the scene he reassures her she is the best of the best, yawn yawn yawn, different time and day, but same old same old, getting a bit boring, but kudos to Jordan she really told rachoe how it is and how she comes across, i wanted to stand up and cheer i guess jordan can make sense when she chooses to, she is really a sweet person and i am beginnig to believe she is not that sweet, innocent person, there is a deeper side to jordan and we finally got to see it, in my humble opinion cassie was right in telling rachoe off she had it coming she is a bully and loves to act the peacock when they r in the lead but have to say this to rachoe i once heard
“BE CAREFUL OF THE TOES U STEP ON, ON THE WAY UP THE LADDER, THEY WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE BUTT YOU WILL HAVE TO KISS ON YOUR FALL DOWN”. BBAD was not all that bad last nite, and if the newbies pay attention they will see that the vets favor those who are the traitors ie shelly and kalia, the newbies just have to stop and really put the pieces together. Have a great day and keep cool, my company is gone and i can get back to bb full time lol
Tammy I will keep good thoughts for your baby brother and his surgery and i truly hope you are feeling better.
Will do fly by later fellow blogger, please keep the live feed updates coming
double M, M2, Mama Margie

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PGADok July 18, 2011 at 8:25 am

Blah blah blah whine whine whine pooooooooooooooor me. Listen up you drunken stripper YOU bring it all on yourself because you can’t keep your mouth shut. Then the rest of us have to suffer when someone calls you out on your antics. Suck it up, find a pair of Mr. Personality’s panties to put on, and quit trying to act like you’re innocent. Big thanks to production for subjecting us to this narcissistic (this word censored for our reading audience) once again.

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 8:36 am

PGA, theirs a thin line between LOVE AND HATE- LMAO

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 8:39 am

Hi Justlookin, I am on facebook Send me a request, I actually tried to find you, their are many Justlookin’s and most of them seem to be male. You never told me your name, maybe you thought you did.

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aggie27 July 18, 2011 at 8:42 am

I don’t think cassi will get out of this, she will be going this week, too bad their could have been some fun fireworks with her and Rachel. 🙄

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Cherile Berrio from Boston July 18, 2011 at 9:25 am

Team Adam went back on his word with the first eviction. He can not be trusted and I saw Jordan’s eye’s pop when he told them he did not vote with them! BYE BYE SCAREY ADAM!

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macy1231231 July 18, 2011 at 11:56 am

Star, ‘and ill make this quick’ – didnt think that would happen – HA! ur funny star –
just when i thought rachel was turning over a new leaf – the old leaf surfaces – omg – get this girl off the tv already!

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anne July 18, 2011 at 12:50 pm

I love Brenchel!!! I hope they win it!!!!! without them it would be soooo boring.

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Sirrock July 18, 2011 at 12:51 pm

I thought Dom was called PT because he’s a Part Time model.

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TT July 18, 2011 at 12:57 pm

Okay I’m confused on this couples thing. If Dom won POV do both he and Adam come off the block or just Dom? If Adam stays on the block and Cassie is put in Dom’s place, why is everyone saying Cassie is going home, why is everyone such an Adam fan? If both Dom and Adam come off the block do they both get the golden key or just Dom? And one more stupid question, if Jordan really liked Cassie why didn’t she nominate Lowan and Kalia? I know they like Kalia but why Lowan? Someone enlighten me please.

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Tammy July 18, 2011 at 1:42 pm

Anyone else notice how brendan treats Rach? He is using a form of mental abuse on her, refusing to say he loves her just to be the dick he is. Plus saying she would ruin his medical career with the way she acts. Anyone with a brain will see him as he is before they think abou hiring him lol

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Justaguy (JT) July 18, 2011 at 1:45 pm

TT, I guess this time the POV comp was an individual comp… unlike last week. Dom did win.. but I guess it’s as if they both won since they are a team??? Make sense?.. it doesn’t make sense to me either! 😆

Dom can take both Adam and himself off the block (I don’t think he has the option of leaving Adam up there.. all or nothing maybe??). Then Jordan has to put up a new pair.. and she only has 3 choices (Lawon & Kalia, Cassi & Shelly, R&B).

JJ were talking about it last night.. they are frustrated that they “have to” put up Cassi. The reason they will put her up is because they don’t want to turn on R&B in the 2nd week… and they believe they need to break up Cassi & Dom. They think it is their best move this early in the game. If it were a bit later, they’d prolly put up R&B. (I’d love to see them do it now, but they won’t.. they feel they still need R&B on their side)

So Cassi & Shelly it will be (99% sure from what I watched)… and Cassi will be voted out by Rachel, Brendon, Dani, Jeff, Porsche, ..and maybe others, but 5 is enough.

JJ would rather do exactly what you said.. put up Lawon & Kalia and get Lawon out.. but they don’t want to go against their alliance. And there aren’t many Adam fans.. he is high on the hit list for the vets as well.

POV meeting is today. I think it might be going on right now. I have to leave again soon, but maybe somebody will confirm that Cassi and Shelly are the replacements.

Star, ..exactly right about me and facebook! and thanks again for watching my back there! Also, I did hear “PT” used a couple times.. and I had no idea WTF they were talking about!.. so thanks for that info too! (and no, this isn’t a BB vacay 😆 … justa break in what will be a long work day) 🙁

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Justaguy (JT) July 18, 2011 at 1:52 pm

Oh.. one more thing. When Dom & Adam come off the block, neither of them get a golden key. Shelly will get a golden key when Cassi is voted out Thursday.

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Dorothy July 18, 2011 at 1:59 pm

I don’t care what anyone says, I am still a Rachel fan. At least she plays the game. It may not be the way some would play but you can’t take that away from her. I personally think Rachel is a very insecure person. None of us know what has happend to her in real life, so lets just give her a break. Now, Kalia is a self centered, two faced game player. I could go on and on about each player but we, as fans have to remember this is a game. We really don’t know anything about any of these people. I also have to keep telling myself this.

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Diane July 18, 2011 at 2:59 pm

Tammy I will keep you and you brother in my prayers.

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DonnaP July 18, 2011 at 3:34 pm

The HOH got her wish because Cassi is going home. She hated Cassie from day one because she is waaaay prettier than her ..deja vu folks she did the same thing to Kirsten last season. BTW the HOH this week is Rachel because she got what she wanted and Jordon did not.

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bigbubbabronson July 18, 2011 at 4:26 pm

I am just now watching BBAD from last night, painful! Good grief Rachel, shut up. Cracked me up she wanted to play a diff. game and change everyone’s mind about her, ummmm, nothing diff. about her! Yuck! Kudos for Jordan to say it like it is too bad she didn’t have those same guts to put Brenchal up! Watch out, J & J you are next on the radar…… I like Shelly, she is actually playing her OWN game for HERSELF! Sneaky is part of the game, that I don’t mind, narcasstic behavior, aka Rachel makes me sick!
Truth is, Cassie is NOT up for bad game play, she is up for having game play and because she is pretty.

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TT July 18, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Thanks “JT ” for untangeling everything for me, now it’s clear as mud! This golden key idea sucks! The newbies don’t stand a chance, I guess the network didn’t have the money to make it an all-star game or no one was interested. It is all just going to be the vets at the end fighting it out. This whole set up is designed to illiminate the newbies. At the end they are going to have Lawon or “my arm, my arm ” Kalia, Adam (bacon belly) Porsche ( I’m always the best looking girl in the room) and ” your all my best friend” Shelly to play in a physical comp, what a suspensfull moment that will be! Maybe I’ll just set up my Tivo for 6 or 8 weeks from now and catch the new fall shows. What a disapointment this season. I’m blowing off alot of steam but because I have no life, I’m sure I will follow this train wreck to the bitter end.

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bigbubbabronson July 18, 2011 at 4:43 pm

BB has been lacking for a few yrs. This bringing people back is awful, I hate it. Can’t they find “characters” to make it worthwhile? The game itself neeeds changed more than anything. This Golden Key sucks, couples has been done, allstars has been done, bringing prev. houseguests back has been done……Please do something diff! I want a change w/ the veto rule, make them use it no matter who gets it. Do that AND you want America’s vote, let us evict them! Or how about this, give each HG a player from the “‘outside” None of them knows the others have one to. Each week, they go into the DR and someone from the outside (people like us Bloggers) get 2 min to feed them info. Now, the Hg can use the info, not use it, do they trust the info etc. Now that would be AAWESOOOMMEEE!!!

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lulu July 18, 2011 at 4:59 pm

Rachel and brendon talking in the HOH room makes me gag! He is a weirdo

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Mary Ellen July 18, 2011 at 5:31 pm

Thanks everyone in the process of moving so don’t have bbad this year so thank you very much for all the info!! Take care all and I look forward for all your comments!!

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Tammy July 18, 2011 at 5:52 pm

thank you Dianne. i agree BugBub that would be interesting

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TT July 18, 2011 at 5:56 pm

What a great idea! Feeding the HG info that could or could not be true! Almost like a twisted form of “Telephone” tell each one the same info, except change one bit of info on each one. Only one will have a true story, and let them know that from the beginning. Boy watch the pharanoia (close enough) start then. LOL

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TT July 18, 2011 at 6:06 pm

I’d like to know how much the dumb ass is being paid that comes up, or doesn’t come up, with this games format. I think a few of us should apply. We can come up with better concepts then they do, in fact they don’t come up with anything original, always the same ole, same ole.
I must say this is my dogs favorite time of year, I do all my bitching about the show instead of at her, just kidding, she sleeps thru everything.

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Star July 18, 2011 at 6:43 pm

macy…. I almost went back and changed that as the post GREW cuz I KNEW somone would call me on What can I say???? ALOT ,

JT..ya I had heard tht PT thing a few times….finally found what it stood for. I think Dani started it!

Bigbubba…I agree with TT abou your *outsider* idea. In fact I think they were all great! Last nite after the show they said to go to and tell them what they should do to make BB beter!! I think ratings have fallen off this year and they are HURTIN’!! We shouyld all make a beeline there to improve things lest our favorite addiction become extinct!! Or worse yet..MORE boring!!!!lol
And don’t feel bad TT…..NONE of us have a life EXCEPT BB during the summer….or we wouldn’t Be here!! You are NOT alone….;)

Gonna go hunt up any news I can find….BBL!!!

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Fuzzle July 18, 2011 at 7:21 pm


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Tom Falco July 18, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Any word yet on why Evil Dick had to leave?

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mike stover July 18, 2011 at 9:15 pm

TT, I like your idea, we need to get some life back in the game, who picks the HGs, they are boring, I dont like the slop thing either, I like it better when theyplayed the game to see what food they had to eat for a week. and I agree if they want Americas vote, let us vote them out, like they do on other shows, more people would get involved if they did

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bigbubbabronson July 18, 2011 at 9:48 pm

Think about the “outsider” idea. It could be great. The are only 3 rules: the “outsider” can not tell the HG that they all have an “outsider”, they can’t tell the HG they too win if HG wins, and the HG can NOT ask questions of any kind-only listen. Of course, if your HG wins, so does the “outsider”. So each HG has a diff. “outsider”. Now, you as an “outsider” may or may not like their HG as time goes on but you are stuck w/ them no matter. Your HG may not believe you and doesn’t have to take your advice, listen to your warnings…think about how frustrated we get on here, imagine if any of us got 2 min a wk to talk to our HG and the didn’t listen to us, lol!! It could entirely change the whole dynamic and it could cause total paranoia & major fights. Man, I would luv that concept. You could always tweek the idea some,

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Holly July 19, 2011 at 12:23 am

Okay what is the make your mark deal? I log on and it gives me nothing!! I need to have some input, this season is making me nuts already. BTW, LOVE the outsider idea. It would be hard if you got someone like Rachel though!
Hi Aggie , JT, Star and everyone else. Also this is the first direct e-mail I received about this season, has anybody else had any problems?
See ya Wednesday

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 12:31 am

Hi Holly, BBBlogger took the email thing off, hopefully they will be back, kind of a pain, to have to keep checking the blog, It looks like Cassi will go this week

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 2:21 am

Outsider idea! Totally awesome! I hope cbs reads this blog or that you send it to cbs!
PT stood for both part time (model) and preteen. And anything else they could tease him about.
So far I have decided I like Dani of course and Dom and Shelly. They would be a great alliance against B&R. I like J&J but Jordan has won already so not really rooting for them.
Aggie I think I did send u a friends request on fb I will double check tho 🙂

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 2:27 am

Oh side note. I love beef jerky! I see them eating it and wanted some. Where I live there is a store that is known for their jerky. All flavors and all types of meat. Buffalo chicken venison…. Everything! So I went and got some jerky today lol. They also have jerky spread like a dip for crackers. As to bad the have nots haven’t thought of using their jerky to make spreads…. Just wanted to share that with you all 😉 have a great night all.

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 3:37 am

Hi Justlookin, yes I do have you on facebook, but didn’t know that was you, I never had beef Jerky, don’t know if i would like it. take care my dear, goodnight

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PK July 19, 2011 at 8:50 am

Shelly looks like Tammy Faye Bakker without the heavy make-up. Still easier to look at (and listen to) than Rachel, though.

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Ted July 19, 2011 at 9:24 am

Aggie, you would hate Beef Jerky!

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Ted July 19, 2011 at 9:27 am

I shudder to think of what you look like without your make-up, PK…

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Ted July 19, 2011 at 9:29 am

Only Holly would have a problem… by the way, what do you mean “where the hell are you?”

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PK July 19, 2011 at 9:53 am

Ted… Just because I called you out for using Preparation H to reduce the bags under your eyes doesn’t justify spreading false rumors about me. Truth is, the last time I had ANY make-up on my face was when I played the Mikado in the Gilbert and Sullivan Musical many years ago.
But you already knew that…

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 10:21 am

Aggie its usually salty but not always. The packs you can by in the store are really dry too. So Idk if you would like them. Lol
GILBERT GODFREY is easier to look at and listen to then Racho!

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 10:32 am

I love that they are playing bacce ball with the pool balls. Very smart. 🙂

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mike stover July 19, 2011 at 11:27 am

I was thinking(I know that scares people) but let them have there HOH,NOM&POV but let us vote them out, I think more people would watch that way. look what it did for all the other show, it makes you a part of it. not just picking out what food they will eat.

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macy1231231 July 19, 2011 at 11:46 am

star – thanks for taking my comment bout ur gab lightly…..brendon tried to talk to cassie like he talks to racho – she wasnt having any part of it – good for her – still going home – hey – during lil miss jordons conversations – count the times she says ‘um’……so funny

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TT July 19, 2011 at 11:54 am

Thats a good idea, if we voted them off they wouldn’t be so catty and mean to each other maybe, but then again what would we bitch about then

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mike stover July 19, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Oh I am sure we could fine something to bitch about, We all wouldnt agree about who to vote off, we let them go in the DR and tell us why they should stay. I dont think they would change much in the house. there may have to change some things, but I bet they would play as hard as they could for HOH or POV knowing that they couldnt kiss butt to stay

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TT July 19, 2011 at 1:46 pm

Everyone seems to be “out to lunch ” doesn’t sound like many have LF this year or maybe the HG are as dull during the day as the are at nite!

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PGADok July 19, 2011 at 2:08 pm

PK you left out TFB’s hurricane proof helmet of hair

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PK July 19, 2011 at 2:55 pm

Dok… I try to avoid mentioning Ted’s helmet hair for fear that he will be confused with Sophia on Golden Girls…

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Judi Bee July 19, 2011 at 3:58 pm

Does anyone know if Dom used POV or have they had ceremony yet? Who did Jordan put up in Dom/Adam’s place?

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Holly July 19, 2011 at 8:38 pm

Ted, that place looked scary! I have no problems except for trying to make my mark!

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 10:14 pm

Hi Holly, Justlookin, Fran, Jt

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 10:15 pm

JT, Let us know what’s Up? so we won’t have to worry.

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 10:17 pm

Justlookin, I always thought gilbert godfried was kind of funny in an annoying way, yep Racho is much worse, i will be sorry to see cassi go, i would rather see shelly go but that’s not gonna happen 🙄

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 10:18 pm

Ted, good to see you back

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Justaguy (JT) July 19, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Hi all, been a bit busy so far this week. Looks like Cassi & Shelly were named replacements to no-one’s surprise. This week is pretty much a done deal til we get a new HOH. I guess the only question is what the vote count will be against Cassi. I don’t really have enough info this time, but I’ll put my money on 8-1 votes to evict Cassi… with Adam being the one vote for her. I did hear Dom tell Adam that he would vote to evict Cassi.. not sure if he was telling the truth, but it would make sense. Cassi is a goner anyway, so Dom has keep up his gameplay by voting with the vets.

“luv2shootpics” aka “SBS” Good to see you made it through moderation upthread! I was wondering where you were! (Is it a secret that “luv2shootpics is Snakebit Sal?.. if so, sorry about that!) 😳 😆

Mike The idea of America voting people off does come up now and again… that is the way we did it in BB1. I like some aspects of it, but it also takes away some drama. Maybe they could tweak that a bit from the way they did it the first year.

I see Ted survived the great outdoors 😆 ..welcome back Ted, hope the trip was fun.

L8R all……..

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Star July 19, 2011 at 11:12 pm

macy…NP!! I got busted and I knew

Hey Holly…good to cya!!!

Mike..In England, where BB started, the viewers DO vote off the HGs!! And, maybe I’m wrong but…didn’t it start out that way here too?? Season 1 is kind of like a long forgoten dream sequence to

I’ve never had beef jerky either, aggie. Justanever appealed to me. I love BACON too tho so, maybe I should try

Ya know…..there really IS something wrong or at least odd about this season of BB. We have pissed and moaned about the HGs before but that only causes more posts here. I have mentioned a couple times that I think viewship must be down as CBS is ASKING for our input….and that I feel strangely BLAH about this season….don’t love or hate anyone really(anyone NEW anyway!!)…but you can actually gage this by our blog. Two days old and only 89 comments!!! Used to get that by noon!!! Kind of gives me an empty feeling. BBBlogger has said thqt this is his last year with the blog and with the post numbers , I am surprised he is keeping it going now!! And who is going to want to buy it if turnout is so low?? I’m even a bit concerened about BB itself. All shows end eventually……I’m justasayin’……

Nothing to contribute about the show. Haven’t even bothered to watch the feeds the last couple of days. Have been trying to keep up with BBAD. Jordan said it best last nite when she and Jeff were in the hammock..she said she just doesn’t hve anything to SAY anymore!! Seems like they just sit around and repeat stuff!! That’s because it is BORING in there(have hear that alot from the HGs too…..Really??? You have a houseful of people!! Wait until you’re down to F3!!!)LOL There is no one casuing any drama!!! And say you hate drama all you want, but it IS what makes this show. Remember ED’s fights with Wamber???(god bless you, God!!) Porno James’ antics??? Josh’s whinning at horseface girl??? Just to name a few. The Hgs are either too seasoned and serious, like the vets, or just plain old BORING!!!! IMO. 😀

BBAD is on..might be back.

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Star July 19, 2011 at 11:20 pm

Hey JT!! Well, you just made my post a lie by getting yours in before mine!!! I said there were only 89 and by the time I sent mine it was 90!! 😉

Thanks for the SBS leak..IHNFI!!!lol And also for confirming what distant memories of season 1 were trying to tell me about the voting!!!

And Cassie is gone. History. Period. End of senstence. *nod to ED*…lol I’ll even go so far as to say this is the 1st whole house vote. 9-0. People need to start worry about their butts AND start PLAYING THE DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMHO. lol

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Justaguy (JT) July 19, 2011 at 11:36 pm

Hi Stra, Y/W about the SBS leak.. and not to be confused with SGH! 😉

You may be right (I may be crazy) ..sorry! LOL. It could be 9-0. I think Shelly and Cassi may tell Adam to vote with the house and not stick his neck out.. and Adam doesn’t know his neck is already stretched across the vets choppin’ block!

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 11:38 pm

Hi Star, season 1 was won By Eddie Mcgee who is doing acting now, great for him. second runner up was Josh in that season. Will Mega, was first voted out he had a real negative attitude. Yeah, that was the only season they did that and probably never will again, because a popular player Brittany Petros, ended up getting voted out. They try to keep in the popular ones so I don’t see them doing that. Now you people got me curious about Beef Jerky, next time at the store I will get some and let you know, Curious does southern guy JT, like it?

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 11:40 pm

Hey JT

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 11:42 pm

Hi everyone! Aggie about Gilbert Godfried I can’t find him funny cuz his voice bugs me so bad! Lol.
On to bb…. Imagine if ED hadn’t left. CBS tried getting us some drama. Lol. I think that’s why were so blah about this season. How many of us were so geeked to see ED back. And then he’s gone. We know there isn’t much to look forward to…. I suppose the golden key twist is kinda fun work as a team n then be forced to go against your partner. But were only on week 2 so who knows what else is yet to come. 🙂

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Justaguy (JT) July 19, 2011 at 11:48 pm

“Southern Guy”? I’ve lived in Minnesota since 1979! 😆 …Southern Kid maybe? I don’t think Jerky is a Southern thing… I like it.. and so does pretty much everyone I know. I don’t have it very often and wouldn’t want to be stuck for a week on it.

Looks like nothing happening in the BB house. Just some idle chatter in the B/Y.

Looks like a good time for me to get some sleep.. L8R

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 11:48 pm

Lol I hope you all try jerky now! They have some things call beef steak that are thicker and not so dry. Jerky is my favorite snack for tubing on the river… So I hope all that try it enjoy 😉

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 11:50 pm

Hi Justlookin, yes gilbert has the annoying voice, that’s what makes him funny sometimes. Porsche and brendon are in the kitchen now, he’s talking about people being inconsiderate

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Justaguy (JT) July 19, 2011 at 11:51 pm

Hey justlookin, You are right. I was a bit rattled when BBAD premiered and ED was already gone. It took a few days, but I have recovered! 😆 …now I just need to find the time to watch more. I’m sure there will be drama around the corner.. it is BB after all.

L8R again… ZZZZZzzzzzzzz…………

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 11:52 pm

JT, your from texas, you would qualify as a southern guy

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justlookin July 19, 2011 at 11:52 pm

I don’t think its a southern thing either. I’m in Michigan. Maybe its a hunting thing. I know a lot of people that hunt and make a few lbs. Of jerky.

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aggie27 July 19, 2011 at 11:57 pm

All I know is it doesn’t look that good when i see it in the store

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Star July 20, 2011 at 12:00 am

Awwwww….SGH…..1st one this year! Music to my ears!! As was the BJ reference….;) Aand don’t apologize!! You know I love it when you talk tuney…

and ya aggie..I remember Eddie was the winner and Josh came in 2nd. But talk about BORING seasons! Remember how Eddie slept all day?? I thoink it was after that season that BB said NO sleeping except in BED…WITH the lights on!!lol

JL….I agree with you about ED. It would have been TOTALLY different with him in the house..and we were all so looking forward to seeing him that it’s just a huge let down! I bet they even chose the HGs based on how they would react to HIM! So without him, thing just ain’t very interesting!!!

And are we going to have to her about each and every PERIOD these chicks have ???? Really?? Is this gameplay or do they not care that they are telling the entire free world their *bidness*??lol No one has any sense of disretion anymore…… I mean..EW! lol

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:03 am

Does porsha ever get out of the sweat suits? That’s all I ever see her wearing….

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:04 am

Hi Star, if they have another season count on Dick being on it, He would have constantly been on Rachel’s Butt and Brendon’s I’m sure they would probably cry also.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:05 am

On the jerky try jack links that’s the better brand. If you can find it lol.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:05 am

Justlookin, sweats are comfy I can understand why

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:06 am

Lol oh man could you imagine Brenda standing up to ED! Or does he only step up against lil guys like Regan….

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:07 am

OK will try it, I can always give it to my sisters dog, he would eat anything

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:08 am

True but I don’t think I would live in them non stop. Lol

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Star July 20, 2011 at 12:08 am

Remember how last year Racho was all like*I’m a chemist…not a VIP waitress!! That’s why i LOVE Brendy!! His science geek-talk turns me on!!!* UGH!

She just told Dom that she wasn’t REALLY a chemist(not sure she graduated), hated her job, had to drive an hour to get tio it and didn’t fit in with the other employess(no, REALLY????)and had a BF there that didn’t work out!! Prolly the reason for getting AND losing the job!!lol Dom got the TRUTH!! Nice going, PT!!!! WOOT!
I predict Dom is the 1st newbie to get HOH…and hopefully the next!!!

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:08 am

Yeah i used to laugh when Brit made fun of Brendon, she made him look the fool all the time, ragan could handle him fine

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:09 am

Jeff, is somewhat metrosexual, WTF is with the face mask

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:10 am

Lmao! He would love it! My daughters cat doesn’t like people food. But he goes nuts for jerky!

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:11 am

No Star, Rach would not fit in that world she looks like a stripper, those people look like geeks

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:12 am

Yeah my sisters dog doesn’t want dog food, likes people food.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:13 am

Jeff is a pretty boy. Lol. I loved how they all made fun of B&R last year!

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:14 am

Racho is a stripper she just won’t admit it. Lol

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:15 am

Brendon has those psychotic Norman Bates Eyes 🙄

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:16 am

Yeah That laugh of Rach, drives people up a wall.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:17 am

He has a blank stare like he never really knows what’s going on.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:18 am

AT least Jeff is a chicago guy though, yep a bit of a girlyman I suppose not a bad thing.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:19 am

Maybe that’s why he’s with racho cuz he has no clue what’s going on

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:20 am

The one good thing about Brendon is sometimes he can keep Rachel under control when she needs it

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:21 am

I don’t think he’s girly lol just a pretty boy who cares how he looks. I bet he was a jock in high school

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:21 am

Maybe it’s about Sex with Rach, she is probably good with that 🙄

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:22 am

He trys to any way

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:23 am

For sure he was a jock, he is a girlyman, he likes some of that girly stuff, not in a bad way, he is probably vain in ways

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:23 am

Or he hasn’t had enough experience to know.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:26 am

It’s a shame about cassi, I would rather see Shelley go

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:28 am

Brendon, has not been real lucky with girls, his former fiance, had some not so nice things to say. He’s a weak guy, i they get married count on him cheating, he doesn’t have alot of self control.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:30 am

Yeah I like Cassy. Shelly is really sneaky tho so maybe she will cause some drama.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:32 am

Hell yeah he will cheat! He’s chasing Dani under rachos nose!

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:33 am

Actually Reese Witherspoon is a cute girl, but Jordo has better features, Reese has a square jaw line

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:35 am

They’re both pretty.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:35 am

I’m sure Dani, thinks he’s a dork, she only has eyes for DOM Now, I hope she ends up dating him, I think danielle is a year older she is 26

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:37 am

Hey Justlookin, maybe we will make 900 comments tonight.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:37 am

I’m a few mins behind I just went to live tv n see they r all in masks Lmao oh jeez

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:39 am

Yeah I want them to get together too! 900 holy crap! Not asking much are you! Lol

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luv2shootpics July 20, 2011 at 12:42 am

BBAD ….. Brenden really looks funky in his Captian Storyteller outfit!
Is Dani getting serious with Dom or is she playing him?

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:43 am

We must fill in for Star and Jt

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:44 am

Maybe 900 if we post one word at a time. But I don’t think the others would like waking up to that tmrw lol.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:45 am

LUV TO SHOOT PICS, Dani and Dom, probably feel it’s better to use each other

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:47 am

True Justlookin, but a funny thought though 😀

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:47 am

Luv2shootpics Idk they have been seeming pretty close. I don’t think she is playing him she dies like him cuz she wouldn’t spend so much time with him if she didn’t.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:48 am


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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:49 am

Why isn’t Rach using a mask, she needs one bad

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:51 am

So who do u think will gain the most weight in the house. (a question ED posted on FB) I say porsha cuz she doesn’t have anything better do to then eat… And looking at her sweat suit tonight I think its shrinking. Her belly is starting to hang over lol

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:51 am

I’m not sure about Dani Liking him that much, She wants to win, If he can help her, she will use Dom

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:53 am

Cuz Brenda hasn’t giving her permission to.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:54 am

It is usually rachel, she has no self control, possibly porsche. actually Dani was alot thinner in her season, people thought she was anorexic, she looks pretty normal now. Also Jordan has a tendency to get bigger, she is thinner than last time, but that won’t last

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 12:57 am

True but I think she likes him. She will still play the game to win tho.

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 12:57 am

Justlookin, just kidding about 900, maybe a mere 500 LMAO

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:00 am

Yep Dani likes him, Dom and Jeff are the hottest guys there, but she would still use him to her advantage, and she could possibly win this if she plays her cards right, so far she is doing well

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:01 am

Humm good point. I think we both over looked kaliah she says she wants to loose weight but then eats something Brenda cooked…. With cheese.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:04 am

I think she’s who I’m rooting for this season. So I hope she keeps playing well.

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:06 am

Lmao I love that theyre watching B&R in the purple room lol

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:06 am

That’s an ugly sore on Brenda’s knee

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:08 am

Yeah it is Ouch!

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:09 am

OMG Yes Kalia, That woman has no self control, she must be crazed when she is on slop, It might be a tie between her and Rachel for being the fattest

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:10 am

Wow they never stop fighting?!?

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:10 am

WTF are Brenda and Rach not speaking now, this is weird

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:11 am

Yep alot of times he gives her good advice but she doesn’t want to hear it

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:13 am

Lol! Kalia only says she wants to loose weight. She won’t do anything about it or she wouldn’t be chubby to begin with…. So yes I change my vote to her..

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:15 am

Ok Justlookin I’m disappointed it’s not at least 200 comments, but I will be signing off for the night Nice talking with you. And JT, Stop SYH, LMAO

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:15 am

“its like tv. The boring channel” Lmao! They r so funny with the time out thing…

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 1:16 am

YEP KALIA IT is Goodnight, Justlookin

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 1:17 am

Lol oh well maybe next time… Good ight. Nice chating with you too. 🙂

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aggie27 July 20, 2011 at 7:18 am

Good Morning BB Lovers, so sorry Cassi will be the one going, I would have loved to see her and rachel go at it more, Or if cassi won HOH, just to see her put Rach up.

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mike stover July 20, 2011 at 7:41 am

I really dont care if they have America vote or not, but they do need to change the show a bit. it would have been a good season if ED was on to stir things up, but with him gone its just not working the way they wanted. I dont like the couple thing. I like it when they just have 14 people that dont know each other, and can lie & cheat to each one. I like the vets, but it doesnt make it to exciting, they have played the game brfore and dont want to make waves. I would have put up R&B and let the games begin, but that is just me,they are playing it safe .I guess that is good for them ,bad for us. Just makes it boring, look at us talking about who is the fattest, well we have to have something to talk about. I still think they have to bring some some back, since ED left that makes everything one week off or they wont do double eviction this year.

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Princess July 20, 2011 at 10:06 am

It would have been a totally different season, has ED played. I know he left for important personal reasons, but he ads spice and life to the game. I think Dom is playing Dani more, much more that she is playing him. Her body language toward him speaks of a genuine interest. It may be her downfall to split away from the vets for a showmance. ( I remember Nick?) in her season.

BTW, if I remember my history correctly jerky is a Native American thing. Pemican. Strips of dried buffalo or venison dried with berries and fat pounded into it for long journeys and hunting. Beef or Turkey jerky is just a bastardization of that original recipe.

Wonder who was in charge of casting the newbies this year and if the still have a job?

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 10:45 am

Thanks princess! I forgot I was going to look up the history. I remember nick too. When ED saw what was going on he was gone! Lol I hope Dani will play smarter use him if she must. Have the Shomance to but keep her head in the game.

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starfish July 20, 2011 at 10:54 am

Hi all! Thanks for the read with all the updates. They need to completely change the format of the show. Let us vote as someone suggested above. That would help but since players coming in know the game so well that it takes away from the “real” game play. IMHO

Sorry I have nothing to add to all your posts. As Star said, the posts are a dwindling tho. 🙁

Oh, BTW, I love beef jerky. They should crumble it up and put it in their slop. lol

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bigbubbabronson July 20, 2011 at 12:35 pm

So it seems a consensus we were all pumped about ED on the show and when he left we all were disappointed..I have to think BB/CBS was too, that was their ace in the hole.

The newbies are boring, especially Porsche, she is totally a non factor and I forget she is even there.

Brendon and Rachel are still as awful as last season. I have to laugh they say they came back to help their image but are as horrid as before. I can’t figure out why BB would bring back HG’s that are ditested, not just no liked or who some are unsure about like ED, but DITESTED. You can’t think that is the drama you want, people are tuning out. Their weird fights, each one pouting & manipulating each other is such a weird dynamic. It’s kinda creepy and I think they both are strange….

Jeff and Jordan are quirky and cute as ever. But, other than that, they are a snore.

Danielle is doing nothing more w/ Dom that she did w/ Nick. She is using him and he prob. is using her. We don’t need a showmance this season anyway.

Lawon is hysterical if you listen to him, he doesn’t get much TV time but he really is funny. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him for pure entertainment value only.

I have tuned out of BBAD ALREADY! I did this last yr after about week 4 . The best season for BBAD was Dicks season w/ Eric. They all played games and had fun mostly. Not a ton of annoying whispering and eating…..YUCK!

I have to say, I luv BB but if something doesn’t change this is my last season. I checked outta survivor 4 seasons ago and haven’t been back due to the lack of a new aspect…..

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mike stover July 20, 2011 at 1:12 pm

be carefull looking up pictures of Nick, I couldnt remember what he looked like, it said photos of Nick and it went to a gay porn site and there he was. but dont go there it will down load a virus, the site is called guys on phones. I had posted this about a week ago, but see some more people on now and bringing up nicks name, so beware.

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northern_lass July 20, 2011 at 5:09 pm

hi you all this is my first post this year i’ve been on holiday (oops vacation ) so i’ve had to do catch-up of the episodes on you tube i’ve been suffering from bb withdrawal as our’s in britain was canceled.
so here goes my nightmare has returned i nearly died when i saw branchel were back god how i despise the hoe, & as for him he’s just a control freak who needs to grow a pair, was sorry to read dom won veto as i was praying for adam to be evicted his voise does my head in, are most people from nj loud like him eg: jerseylishious,cake boss&jerseyshaw????

ps isn’t betty posting this year ?? xx

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 7:25 pm

“sorry for the interruption. There is no need to call us. We are working to have this channel back as soon as possible. You may still watch non-local programming by pressing the guide button on your remote control and selecting another channel” Grrr again!

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mike stover July 20, 2011 at 8:54 pm

Hi Northern Lass, I was wondering if you were going to be on here this year, Welcome Back

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bigbubbabronson July 20, 2011 at 9:21 pm

OMG! GET OUT OF THE BUSHES YOU WHACK JOB! Seriously? UGH! Her baby BS and his Dumb A** for chasing her ALL the time makes me sick!

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justlookin July 20, 2011 at 11:39 pm

Knock knock anyone around? 🙂

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justlookin July 21, 2011 at 12:27 am

So watching bbad racho just took a shower and is putting on make-up. Hasn’t anyone ever told her sleeping in make-up will cause acne? Just my thought during this boring episode. Goodnight. And good morning.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 7:58 am

I’m back from my vacation! San Francisco was beautiful as always. Great seeing my friends and visiting all my old apts. Sad how much beauty they are taking from the City with all the “new” buildings and remoldeling.

DonnaP I totally agree with you. I mentioned something after week 1 about Cassie reminding me of Kristen.. to bad I really liked both.

Lawon is really funny…. they don’t show enough of his one liners. He talks a lot of smack about Roachel with out her even knowing it.

Dayum I wish J&J would’ve put Brenchel on the block! Even though its early in the game I think with this cast they could have gotten away with it, and still ruled the house. Lets not forget this is the cast who turned on each other the first week and they had the numbers! They still do but they are idiots. It would have been perfect timing to get them out, and we all know if the shoe was on the other foot Brench would have done it in a heartbeat.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 8:02 am

ew and did anyone catch Porsche wearing the same old tired ass velour sweatsuit squeezing her blackheads, then applying makeup over it. Who does that? So nasty… how about clean your face and pores and keep the makeup off until your skin heals. A lesson to young girls… this is why you NEVER share makeup… so gross.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 8:13 am

Also early this morning Dani, Dom, and Kalia were all talking and they wanted Kalia to tell them more stories and entertain them. Kalia said she was out of material and Dani said: “Dance, Monkey, Dance”……

Dani is lucky that my African Butt wasn’t in there because if she would have said that to me… Security would have been called.

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Princess July 21, 2011 at 8:32 am

So funny, Jane I was thinking a similar thing. It’s sad when the most exciting thing on BBAD is identifying the cosmetic brands the girls are using (and wanting to help Rachel correct the over extention of her contour shade!). DOES Porche own anything other than those pink pants? The must be disgusting after constantly wearing them for 3 weeks!

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Betty July 21, 2011 at 8:33 am

If CBS wants to up the ante I think that they should have the POV winner chose the next nominee, now that would be drama!!! (The HOH would still be safe.)

Rachel is such a fool and sooooo stupid for staying with Brendan. I would have loved to have seen Jordan put R & B up on the block! Can you imagine what drama there would be in the house with Rachel gone? Brendan would be a bigger AH than he is now!!

Shout out to NORTHERN LASS – Good to see you on the blog. I don’t have BBAD or the feeds so I only come on until Thursday or Friday morning, as I don’t want to know who won the POV or what was done with it until the show airs on Wednesday. Hope you are well and thanks for asking about me!

Tammy – You and your brother are in my prayers. I hope all goes well with the surgery. Take care and may God Bless you both.

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Betty July 21, 2011 at 8:37 am

OMG – glad Ted is not around – I meant CHOOSE!!! (see above)

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 8:47 am

Hi Betty! Tammy I missed the post about your brother… hope its not to serious! I will keep that thought in my prayers.

Princess… correction she has two sweatsuits… a blue one… i guess she peels them off every two days to change colors? ugh!

So glad to see Roaches true colors…. I knew it wouldn’t last… ridic!

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justlookin July 21, 2011 at 8:52 am

Yes it was a dull night in the bb house. Shower pick at face put on makeup all while wearing the stinky sweats…. Now we know it’s not stress breaking the girls out. It’s just their bad hygiene habits…

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 8:52 am

Betty that POV idea might work if it weren’t a couples coming back into the house scenario… but if they did it now Brenchel would always be in control of the house… gross.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 8:53 am

justlookin’ you hit the nail on the head… or should i say blackhead *gag*

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Betty July 21, 2011 at 9:03 am

Hi Jane! So glad to nice to hear from you. I hope everything is going well for you and your family. Have a great day!

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 9:49 am

Things are going great!! Thanks Betty… kids are getting big… how is your family?

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Ted July 21, 2011 at 10:46 am

Nice to see that Betty hasn’t changed. Although, she actually has a good idea… the POV winner should pick. I, too, would have loved to see Rachel/Brendon put up. That would have been sweet to see.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 10:49 am

For all you BBAD and LF viewers….Does anybody watch United States of Tara? I’m gonna start calling Shelly… “Buck”

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Double M July 21, 2011 at 10:55 am

hi all, so i guess we are all in agreement bb sucks this year, j&j u missed the golden chance to rid the house of rachoe, oh well if the shoe was on the other foot she would have done it to u. i am so sick of brendan sucking her a$$, she is the queen of pout and rachoe must have gone to the same drama school as casey anthony nary a drop comes out of her eye (yes one eye) and she must use the same tissuse brand called shamwow. i am totally disgusted with this year. i am pulling for dom and wanted cassie to stay, the whole idea of the vets teaming up is so stupid the newbies do not have a chance, would have been better to have a vet draw a name of a newbie and play that way would have been more even, but vets beware of dom he is one to be reckoned with i also like lawon he is so funny should be a stand up comic, in regard to porsche is it my eyes or has she gained a bit of weight and that velour suit in the middle of summer in calif she really is nuts, i noticed she sure likes to be around brendan she best watch it or rachoe will claw her eyes out no one comes near HER MAN, but in the long run i am in for the long haul lol, will be here to the bitter end, i can’t wait for them to all start to turn on each other and it will not be long now, if only the newbies did not hold the vets in such high regard they could have had a better chance then they do now, so come on dom and lawon u guys can do it, kalia is just another valley girl to me for sure for sure, she needs to go, i can’t take another second of her sucking up to the vets this week if jordan stopped short kalia would be so far up her a$$ she could smell jordan hair spray, but that is my humble opinion, so i guess cassie is going too bad, they best watch shelly i can tell she is going to be tough when the times comes that is all for now think i have used up too much space, lol have a great and cool day all, will do fly by later
double m, m2, mama margie
jane give the kids a hugs from me, glad u made it home from your trip san fran is a great place and loved the food almost as good as ny cooking.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 10:58 am

Hi Margie!! Yup great trip!! I am so bummed that J&J didn’t get rid of Brenchel… that would have kicked the game into gear! Now Buck & Cassie are on the block… ugh!

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Ted July 21, 2011 at 11:01 am

Well my friends, I have been in the wilderness of the Sierra National Forrest in California for the past week… yes, I know, Sacrilege while BB is on. But I’m all caught up on BB… watched 4 shows back to back last night… I am glad Keith is gone, although I was impressed with him after he left the house and was talking to Julie. I think, if he had comported himself that why while in the house, he would still be playing. It’s strange what being in the house does to people. I would love to see Aggie and JT in there. And speaking of Aggie… why do you keep saying Cassie is out… hasn’t happened yet, although I think you may be right. The comps were fun… and challenging. Jordan is so cute, and I think Danielle is a babe. I agree, Porsche does look like she is gaining a few pounds, and a bit shallow. Rachel is beautiful when she has her make-up/Botox on and is smiling. Liking Dom better, and Adam is getting more comfortable, I think. Not looking forward to the vote, as I like both Cassie and Shelly. Cassie is being a little too honest in her gameplay, and it’s not working. I think Shelly is playing very shrewdly. Loving the Diary Room comments… Dom reminds me of Hayden, the way he shouts at the camera, and Lawon is pretty funny, but his outfits are a little too calculated. Kalia is pretty funny too… I loved her comment “two people in the room voted for Keith, and I was one of them, but they’ll never know.

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Double M July 21, 2011 at 11:03 am

lmao i love the name buck u hit the nail on the head and i have watched united states of tara great show and she is one great actress plays so many parts, still lol sometimes when i have bb on and just walking around not looking at it she sounds like a man and is kind of rough looking so yes henceforth she will be known to me as buck, with that u made my day jane
i have missed quite a bit of bb and bbad this week so did not hear what dani said, that is totally uncalled for i just hope the producers gave her a warning that kind of talk would not be tolerated. Hopefully will not be repeated and i do not think it was funny in any way shape or form and that shows u the character of kalia guess anything goes to stay in the bb house. stupid stupid people.
ciao my friend

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 11:08 am

haha I’m glad to see another Tara follower.. love that show! Hey did you catch the whole shebang between Cassie and Rachel? I can inbox it to you.. good stuff.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 11:13 am

Margie I inboxed you the catfight between rachel and cassie. Yes very disturbing about Dani’s comment. The problem is even if production caught it… they might not of “caught it” seeing that it can’t take much brains to sit and watch these people for 24 hours… can you imagine that job?????

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Double M July 21, 2011 at 11:20 am

jane, txs for the catfight of course missed all the good stuff i appesch, i would not want the job of prod for all the tea in china, however having said that they may have “shifts” of people watching cause with a show like this it can be explosive, i really want to see what the voice looks like “STOP SINGING”, “RACHEL PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE” “DANI GO TO THE DIARY ROOM”
Hi Tedster nice to have you back again, missed you
(((GROUP HUG)) to all will do fly by later

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Double M July 21, 2011 at 11:22 am

Jane one more quickie before i forget
I love jerseylicious were u the one that said u watch the show????
I lived in Staten Island right across the bridge from New Jersey and spent many happy hours over there. ok now i really have to go

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Ted July 21, 2011 at 12:47 pm

Oh, I have forgotten the person I would dearly love to see in the Big Brother House the most!!! Miss T… the lovely Jane… can we spell a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e with a capital A? There would be some bitch-slapping going on from Day One!

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justlookin July 21, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Jane! Tara fan here too lol! Yup shelly will be Buck to me also.
I just finally got to watch last nights show. I love Jeff telling Rachoe off! And ofcourse Jeff in the DR talking about the Rachoe knat. And needing some Rachoe off! Lmao! Great stuff…
As for what Dani said… Heart breaking! I do love Dani. But that was beyond wrong! Since I didn’t actually see it I do wonder if it was ment as a racial comment or not. I have said those same words to a white person joking around. Any chance she ment it the same way just said it to Kalia?

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Bloggergal July 21, 2011 at 1:55 pm

At comic con. No blogs. Sorry!

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 2:19 pm

Ted if I was kidless I would totally try out for BB!!

justlookin’ i don’t know how she meant it. It wasn’t said in a malicious way but it hit a nerve. With all the Spellman sweatshirts Kalia wears I am sure she caught it. But either thought Dani didn’t know any better (which I’d like to believe) therefore didn’t mean it harmfully or because she is educated didn’t want to go out like an uneducated out of control Sista and let it slide. I would have given her a neck rocking lecture that would have made her cry herself to sleep.

Double M I love Jerseylicious!!!! OMG if you live near there please tell Tracy to wax her mustache if she’s going to keep opening her nasty mouth… so gross!! I love Olivia!!!

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 2:35 pm

LF: Trivia, everyone in HOH for lockdown. looks like they are getting ready for tonight.

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Jane July 21, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Cassie is starting to work on votes…. its way too late for that. She should have hit with Kalia’s angle saying who wants to sit with Buck near the end???

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PK July 21, 2011 at 3:58 pm

Oh, I have forgotten the person I would dearly love to see in the Big Brother House the most!!! Miss T… the lovely Jane… can we spell a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e with a capital A? There would be some bitch-slapping going on from Day One!

So your red face wasn’t from the one day the sun index rose above 2 in Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands, but rather from when you played dueling a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e-s with a capital A with Jane in Long Beach.

You go girl!!!!!!

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mike stover July 21, 2011 at 4:26 pm

new post up, I wonder why I didnt get a e-mail

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