So I really hope you were all watching last night! I mean it was amazing!! Peyton Manning throwing for 7 touchdowns in a single game…..oh wait, we are talking about the LIVE SHOW and Double Elimination last night on Big Brother 15. Right…my bad!
Well it starts out like this, Amanda and Spencer are on the block. Amanda has a slim chance of hope that Andy (yes Andy of all people) is going to save her and if that happens then maybe Elissa will have a chance to do something in this game. (I have to admit…she has grown on me and I am hoping she will do well at the end)
So then it goes down like this.
Amanda is voted out. 2-2 Tie with GM kicking her out.
McCrae wins HOH. (I did it for you Amanda my love….)
Without hesitation puts up GM and Elissa for his one minute of vengeance.
Judd wins POV and of course does not use it.
The 3 guys, Spencer, Judd and Andy all vote to evict Elissa and she is gone. Her game is out just like that.
Best part is, she thinks McCrae voted for Amanda and ruined her game. HAHAHAHA The truth is, Andy turns from simple floater to a game bending mastermind. He even has the balls to tell Amanda (who had no clue) that he did it in the video. Gutsy since he still would like her VOTE…but who knows. Could be good or bad but quite simply. Andy is the reason that Amanda is out of the house and part of the reason that Elissa is too. He is the master exterminator.
So when the dust settles, we have 5 left, McCrae cannot be HOH, Amanda and Elissa are gone and it looks like McCrae is screwed this week.
So what did you think about last night’s show? Did it go down how you wanted it too? Are you happy with the results?
Who of the final 5 are you cheering for? GM is the last lady standing. J, U, to the double D is my pick since he came back and did not leave again right away. I like him. He is quirky and deserves a shot. I am not an Andy fan but he is doing what he needs to in order to be there. Or Spencer….the guy just does not get voted out! LOL
See you in the comments! Love you all!
Peace, BBBlogger
Looks like Spencer will put up McCrae & GM
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I’ve seen a couple other sites and can’t understand the foul language & hatred toward E from everyone except McC. It’s F her this and F her that and I hate her and it’s continuous all last night. Even Andy and someone, I think Spencer used the C word a few times. That just blows me away. I don’t get what she did to them that causes such hatred toward her. If she had been honest from the get go about who she is may have made a difference but I think a lot of it has to do with the obnoxius characters on the show this year. They are just plain disgusting and since they’re lacking in the IQ department, the only thing they can talk about is someone else. I think GM, Spencer & Judd combined probably have an IQ the size of Spencer’s waist. Sorry about that but I’m not a happy camper with this bad mouthing bunch.
ThanksBBBlogger for the new page.
Really disappointed in this group.
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Interesting… he is taking a chance putting McCrae up. I would back door him. He will probably win POV.
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Lotta confusion over who said what to who.. and what was real & fake.
Andy told the Exterminators that Elissa had flipped and was voting to keep Amanda.. and had given her wedding ring as collateral (whether it’s a real ring or not IDK). Andy also told them he was going to work on Am & Mc and plants seeds of doubt about Elissa actually being loyal to them.
He did just that. He kept saying that he was 100% on board to keep Amanda now that they had the numbers.. but didn’t want Elissa to screw them over.. and screw over himself in the process.
Meanwhile, Am & Mc questioned Elissa’s true intentions despite the ring. They also wondered if Andy was 100% loyal.. but decided he was since he has been 100% loyal to them since the beginning.
To ease Andy’s worries, Am & Mc concocted an act in the case Amanda was evicted. (They thought if she was evicted.. it would have been Elissa who did it). They wanted to help Andy… so Amanda acting mad at him as she left was so that GM, Spencer, & Judd would believe he voted Amanda out (which he actually did.. but Am & Mc didn’t know that)
Anyway, as you could tell by Amanda’s exit interview… and by McCrae’s nominations.. this act worked to perfection. Am & Mc never knew what hit them. The oddest thing to me was even Elissa didn’t know what hit her.. she actually thought Mc may have voted out Amanda.
Andy also had an act to perform wit fellow Exterminators to keep McCrae thinking Andy was with him. With McCrae in the kitchen.. and well within earshot, GM told Andy it was ok that he voted to keep Amanda… and Andy apologized for doing so. (This was all an act by GM & Andy to keep Mc off the trail)
I’m not a big Andy fan.. I’m just writing about how everything happened.. and why it happened.. and why some things were said. I don’t usually root for people that sneak around and lie to everyone, but Andy has done it very well… and the most amazing thing is he has never really had anyone mad at him while they were still in the house.
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The over the top anger towards Elissa I can’t explain. There are many things all the HGs dislike about her (as I wrote about days ago), but enough is enough.. and they crossed the line.. and then some.
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@JT, couldn’t agree more. Yes, they’ve “crossed the line…and then some”. It’s just so vile and disappointing to see and totally unnecessary.
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I know JT and I am not an Andy fan either by any stretch of the imagination. I said it a couple days ago, he’s really played BB best this year even though I don’t like how he did it. He was just sickening about it. I think as a person he’s disgusting.
@JT, yes amazing that Andy pulled all the sniveling, behind the back lying, etc. without anyone getting really angry at him. He had Amanda protecting him and that’s huge. I wonder if he could have pulled any of this off without her? And now he’s got the Exterminators in their little roll playing games to protect him from McC. Amazing but shitty at the same time.
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@Starfish – I don’t understand the “hate” statements toward Elissa either.. But I do think you are giving GM, Spencer and Judd alot of credit — Spencer’s waist is not that small…
Andy has gone on and on several times about hating Elissa. I just don’t see what she did to him to warrent such feelings. Is there some jealousy????
@JT – spot on! Andy has fooled a lot of people.
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I don’t get the Elissa bashing either. She has been nothing but polite to everyone and hasn’t let her emotions get out of control. The language this season is deplorable. The houseguests are disgusting. I’m so disappointed in BB this season. I was rooting for Elissa, but now that she has been evicted, I want GM to win. Judd was ugly as he was evicting Elissa and she thought they were watching each other’s backs. Go GM. You have played the game honestly, no holds barred and no one has been able to bully you (Amanda).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking forward to BB ending this season.
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As tough as GinaMarie seems to think she is, Elissa wiped the floor with her in the “Off The Wall” Head Of Household competition and in the OTEV Veto competition. Amanda defeated GinaMarie in the ZINGBOT Veto competition, and although Amanda did not win the BOWLERINA Veto competition, she defeated GinaMarie.
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Elissa was treated so bad, I really feel for her. She didn’t have a chance. I hope andy goes right after McCrae
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I know this is off subject, but, I know a lot of people who don’t cuss as an extra curricular activity!! Could CBS actually add to their application, that next year there will be no use of the F – Word and stricter penalties for other vile language! I’m not a saint, but it has gotten overboard!
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I agree JT. I think it has to do with the fact they think Elissa doesn’t need the money. I hope she gets America’s favorite. The foul language used toward her sickened me. Makes me wonder where BB is going in the future to let this behavior take place this year. I hope Andy and Spencer DON’T win. I don’t HATE them but can’t stand either of them.
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They are all morons..I hope there are Doctors available when that get home..they are in for a shock when they find out that this was the absolute worst BB ever.and they are all disliked. They are so stupid they think they are going to be famous and so loved.i can’t stop laughing
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Starfish, I do think Andy could have done this without Amanda. No one was ever mad at him with or without her.
If anything, I’d say Am & Mc wouldn’t have made it as far as they did without Andy. He was their eyes & ears to all things going on in the house for the first 9 weeks or so. They would have never known what was up… and would not have been able to stop so many plots against them without the info Andy brought back.
Geeeeeeez… it sounds like I’m Team Andy ๐ .. but I’m not really. I just analyze game moves… and he has made better moves than anyone else so far.
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After watching youtube video’s of GM i no longer want her to win anything. I hope Judd wins it all. Why didn’t Connie questions Amanda like she did Arayn?
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@Bella ๐ “waist not that small”
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@JT, you may be right but I think it works both ways. Without that overbearing personality to work with and protect him 100%, I’m not so sure he would have made it to top 5 with some real gamers.
Always love your analysis and I don’t know anyone who’s on team Andy. ๐
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I just honestly cannot wait until all these houseguests get to see the shows and actually see how Andy was a complete RAT and honestly held no loyalty for ANYONE in that house and no Integrity of his own!!
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I am very upset about Elissa leaving. She was actually the only one in the house I liked even a little bit. Although, Judd does seem like a good guy as well. Glad he is still there at least.
Weird turn of events, my favorite player and the player I liked the least both out the door in one night.
You never know what’s going to happen in the BB house !
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It’s got to be true that Amanda knows production. Sucks
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The person who has to bleep out all the SWEARING on this show must have a VERY SORE FINGER !!!!!
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What did I miss??? Last I’m aware of McCrae was HOH .. Now I see in someone’s post that McCrae cannot be HOH. Although his nomination got voted out already – isn’t he still HOH for now? And what’s this about Spencer nominating people. Did they have some sort of new comp that I missed and Spencer is now HOH? I’m missing something here & not sure exactly what. But HATE what went down last night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also feel they should have no way made Elissa leave all her stuff behind for the boys to nose through & GM to throw in a big crumpled pile then it turns out she doesn’t even know how to fold .. (who doesn’t know how to fold for cripe sake???) She actually would get them to a point of being reasonably folded then she’d just bunch it up after that and shove it in there. Who knows if they even got all her stuff? BB should have immediately intervened when the boys started snooping thru her things. that was just WRONG. They could have locked off that section of the house til Elissa had the chance to go back in and gather her own belongings.
That angered me and a lot of other people on the site I was watching.
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If Amanda and Elissa had smarts the would have keep Aaryn instead of Andy they may have still been in the game. Gina Marie stuck to her game play as both Amanda and Elissa played a major part in geting rid of her teammate and friend Aaryn. Andy up until now has played the houseguests like a fiddle. Their best move is to send McCrae packing…
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Judd’s floating and slept w Aaryn right before she left and someone else before he got kicked out
Still can’t find one I like ….
Why was Julie so nice to DEMANTIA and didn’t ask her about her racist, mean, comments???????
Good thing is my BB obsession is cured
BB/CBS/Julie ๐
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I hope Judd wins…
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I am so glad Amanda and Elissa are gone.. bye bye!! I really want Judd to win it all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he is funny and seems to deserve it. I like GM maybe she will be one of last two standing. Just can’t stand Andy and Spencer is ok but weird.
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Jt and starfish….I don’t post much on here but I stll love all your sensible posts. Andy has no redeeming qualities in my eyes and I so hope they find out what a RAT he is …and send him out the door
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jeanne728, They had a late HOH comp last night. Spencer won
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if andy the weasel wins this………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO NO NO!
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Thanks for the analysis, JT.
I wonder if these guys are smart enough to know they should backdoor McCrea.
They would probably worry he’d get POV if he isn’t on the block and not if he is.
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This season is the worst ever. Where did they find these misfits. They have no respect for women and the language that comes from their mouth is horrible. CBS need to check themselves and fire the people that are responsible for allowing this behavior to continue. Spencer has a mind of a rapist, cunt this and cunt that, and what he would like to do. Truth be told he needs some serious help, and parents need to keep their children away from him. The rest of them in the house are just a waste to society. The next 2 weeks are going to be the worst to watch, I won’t be recording anything else / CBS just call it quits! end the show out its misery
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Andy is a disgrace to the alternate life style community. He is not a nice person and of course IMHO hE looks like s jar of mayonnaise with a red cap. NOBODY desrves
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this money. I should be donated to a group that teaches people how to spell G.E.D.
Hey BB15 cast !
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WOW!! Where do I start. / Jeanne 728 I am so mad that they would allow the guys to go through Elissas personal belongings. I am VERY disappointed with BB . The remaining HGs are a BIG disappointment. Can’t wait for the show to be over. On to Survivor to start.
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I still say BB is rigged, I have said it all along! I mean really? Amanda goes, which BB could no longer manage to rig it to her ( I believe they convinced or “bribed” Elissa) so they set up the comp for Mcnasty to win! We will never know if only he had 2 bones but seems likely. If BB wanted 0 chance of being accused of riggin the game why not do a ? & answer comp? You can’t really rig those……that would have made sense being a live show and dbl eviction, anyway, BB has ran it’s course. This “casting” they do is ridiculous. Why not cast REAL people who are fans, I have said this too MANY times, why not look at the blogs cast folks from here? These folks are real fans. I get you have to have “characters” but there are many “characters” here, lol
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lf update – they r getting rewards/punishments – gm and mc are tied to one another – judd has to do sit up – dont know how often – andy came out of diary – gm said – anything? he said – yea they had $5000 siti..went to fish
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If McCrae doesn’t win veto tomorrow, The Exterminators plan on telling him about their alliance… and that he will be leaving. They all like McCrae enough.. and figure that’s more fair than having him campaign all week for nothing. (Sorta like when The Brigade told Britney)
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before i saw that they were tied together – i wondered why they were sleepiing in the same bed – and oh – also – prod has been coming over lound speaker saying things like – ‘you kiss ur momma with that mouth’!!!
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I am so upset right now! As bad as the HG’ s are, production is even worse. The HG’ s should never have been allowed to go through Elissa’s things. GM completely disrespecting Elissa’s things after Elissa was always nice to her.. Elissa was up in the HOH room bleaching GM’ s horrible, knotty, disgusting hair. The fact that the remaining bunch of despicable people are throwing her name around like she was trash when she was one of the most decent people in the house just proves what perverts they all are. As far as I am concerned the most worthy people who deserve to win BB are in the Jury House! Well, now that I have vented here, I need to go do some laundry. I no longer look forward to BB nights or BBAD. I will be able to go to bed at a decent hour and get much needed beauty sleep! Have a good day y’all
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bigbubbabronson, After the live show.. they did all go out to the b/y and looked to see where their bones were just out of curiosity. Apparently they were all in the same spot… far back right.. and far back left.
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JD watch the episode of br bd where gus gets half his face blown off
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i watched
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Macy…. “I Won” ๐ you are ready for season 5.
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‘re/Macy1231231. I don’t understand what is going on?
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JT – I KNOW it was great
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JEANNE – the post about the face and all was oon another unrelated bb subject – the houseguest are have rewards/punishments – they are all sleeping – but every now and then – they are getting msgs from production over loud speaker
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For me last night was a little anti-climatic. I guess I wanted Amanda to pay more than she did. lol I wanted someone to say, “Wow, did you mastermind this all by yourself too?” I wanted the crowd to boo her more than they did, and I wanted Julie to be more stern like she was with Aaryn. Maybe Julie’s afraid of her too. lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think everyone hates Elissa because of the way she acts. She doesn’t mind telling you they have a lot of money, owning a hockey stadium in Canada, etc. She doesn’t complete her sentences all the time, ending with I mean, leaving it out there unfinished. That would probably drive me crazy too.
In the beginning Andy said he was a good liar and with that he didn’t lie. I hate him but like a few of you, I give him credit for being in an alliance with both sides of the house without anyone finding out. Usually that person gets outted quite early in the game. Give credit where credit is due.
And last but not least…it’s a sad, sad, pitiful thing when Spencer is the smartest person left in the house telling them about George Washington, etc.
BTW I loved when Amanda said “I’m no Jordan”, and Julie saying “You can say that again”. I laughed out loud.
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The racist, the man from deliverance, the misogynistic gay man, the pizza boy, and the pedophile all walk into a bar, bartender says what would y’all like to drink?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Racist says a Black Russian
Deliverance man says Whiskey on the Rocks
Gay guy says a Margarita with an umbrella.
Pizza boy says Pepsi in a dirty glass.
Pedophile says Shirley Temple.
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sal so funny-
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@ Susan G …… had to finish your joke!
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I did not care for GM until she stood up to Amamda. You have got to give the girl credit. She was the ONLY one who took charge as HOH, the rest of the house had to do everything as a group. GM might not be book smart but her street smarts did kick in and she gave America what they wanted, she got rid of that skanky, nasty, tashy, wishing I could be “LADY”, waste to society. How many times did GM get HOH 2 or 3? She also was upfront and honest most of the time which is more than I can say for the rest of the house. I know this sounds terrible, but she has the biggest set of nads out of all the HG and she is not afraid to speak her mind. I am not happy about the way she spoke to Candance, that was uncalled for, but there was a lot of mud slinging in the house from ALL the HG.
McCra’s parents must be mortified! Can you imagine your son bringing Amanda home to meet you knowing all they probably know about her, nasty gray undies and all?!! And as for McCra I would never order a pizza from the pizza place he drives for, I would be afraid his toe jam and/or fingernails would be all over my pizza!!
Right now I will be voting for GM for Americas favorite.
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I bet Amanda would flip her lid if she knew McCrae was handcuffed to GM with a 5′ rope while she took a shower. ๐
Andy has a chance to win up to $5k.. but could win less. Maybe picking something like “Deal or No Deal”? Not sure when that will take place.
Judd has to do exercises whenever the “Drill Sergeant” voice comes over the speakers. He does push-ups, sit-ups, lunges. He does them pretty often. The voice also says random things like “You’re a poor excuse for a houseguest”, “Quit whining”, etc.
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JT ill leave the commentating to you – ha u do a much better job…
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It is going to be so boring to watch now. I really don’t care who wins because I don’t like any of them. GM was so terrible to Amanda in After dark that I was starting to feel sorry for her but I am still glad she went but now I have changed my mind about GM after the way she acted. Spencer has a filthy mouth and if any one ever believes something Andy says once he is out they are foolish. Mcrae most likely is going this week so no sense voicing my opinon on him. I guess that leaves Judd. I really don’t have anything about him other than he was supposed to go to final 2 with Elissa and broke that alliance. Why everyone hated Elissa, I’ll never know. Go on and vote for her for America’s choice. I don’t care if she doesn’t need the money.
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joleemae, I’m with you. I’m so over this season.
If the producers want us to believe this season’s HGs were a true cross section of the American population (which is what I’d always thought BB was about) then I’m worried about the beliefs of the producers…or maybe I should be worried about the future of this country.
Even in my work working with the mentally ill, I don’t know anybody who is so disgusting as this group of morons. It has been soft porn than a social experiment/game show; appealing to the lowest common denominator, not worthy of CBS or any other commercial TV network. With luck, next season, they get their act together, put together an interesting yet mature cast that will entertain us while playing the game hard without all the personal attacks, unwelcome language, pornographic behavior and other types of behavior.
In other words, I’d rather watch a group who love the game, battle it out with an attitude of “it’s not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game” than this bunch of morons who don’t see anything wrong with doing whatever they can think of to get their hands on the prize. In that sense, I guess they are a cross section of our society.
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I agree with all of you about Andy. He is not a nice person. And going through Elisa’s things was wrong on so many levels. BB shame on you. I hope Judd wins. They need to put up Mc Cray and Andy don’t let him win and backdoor his butt. Andy should not win at all. Neither should Spencer. He is the dirtiest person in the house. I’m sure his girl friend is so proud of him. If anything she should run the other way as fast as she can. Well I have vented enough. Thank you all for your interesting input on the HG’S.
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Going thru her things…………another low! GM however cannot go too much lower after her comment about E.’s son. But the guys……..really they are despicable beyond despicable. HOWEVER I do love the fact that E. walked out without hugging any other those cockroaches. AND I hope she does leave the jury house just to flaunt the fact that she is wealthy lol. I mean who is left to vote for??? If Judd doesn’t make it to the end the show just wasted $500,000 on a bunch of scum. I use to hope GM would win but since she has shown her true colors with that 1 remark I cannot stand her either. I am sure she could use the money especially after the fact she wont have a job after the show. Spencer I hope if he wins will get some very intense therapy, he really needs it. Andy I hope he gets a sex change and ends up in prison a all womens prison lol. McCrazy will end up with his “Queen” and then be broke and homeless within 6 months with her and she will have moved on to female wrestling only to die of a massive heart attack OR her boobs exploding in the ring after a massive body slam. Judd hopefully will win and have that speech therapy session with Candice and discover how much they have in common and then they get married and move to New Orleans and have 6 kids.
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LOL @ Cathy
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Production has finally figured out what play toys to provide the HG’ s that they can relate to: Playdoh and Paint-your-own duckies! Even though origami would be too hard for the remaining guests – maybe they thought Elissa would still be there! I am so over this bunch of HG’ s.
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Read on TV/Line:
“Ding, dong, the witches (plural) are dead.
CBSโ Big Brother, with its Thursday-night double eviction, drew 7.1 million total viewers and a 2.4 demo rating, surging some 33 percent week-to-week. Those numbers mark the showโs second-largest Thursday audience and best demo delivery since Aug. 8.”
I don’t believe the ratings will be that good in the remaining shows. Maybe the finale, but who knows? I might just read about it myself. Nah, I’ll probably watch. That BB addiction still remains in me.
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Cathy. you nailed it. The perfect ending to a terrible BB season.
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I laughed when upon being evicted and hearing some booing from the audience Amanda said “Wow! I guess some people really don’t like me after all”.
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Reposting because I’m just so upset
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just want to remind everyone that GM is as bad as any of the other hgโs. She is a racist vulgar mouthed lying hypocrite who not only hits below the belt but also attacks children verbally.She is as much a bully as Amanda but because she is fake nice to Elissa sometimes, many of you forget how horrible she really is.
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This is the first time that I really don’t give a flying fig who wins! They are all useless, disgusting excuses for human beings and I hope they find out quickly how strongly we all disliked them. I still love the idea of the show but if they don’t pick better people next season (if there is one!) the show won’t be on for much longer!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ready for survivor!!!
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I hate this show especially this season. I am not watching anymore since Elissa is gone. I cant stand the final five. They dont deserve to win anything and the money should be donated.
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When are Judd, GM and McCrae going to wake up? It is so obvious that Spencer is aligned with Andy for the final 2. Spencer did not give a penance to Andy, so why don’t any of them wonder why? If GM is put up against McCrae this should wave a red flag in her face that she is at the bottom of her alliance, but actually she may be too dumb to understand this, unless it was shoved down her nasty mouth!!
We don’t know much about Spencer’s girlfriend Marilyn, but I believe she will stay true to him as long as he is in the running for the 500K. If he doesn’t make the final two, maybe then she will kick him to the curb! Money talks!!!
@Tendr – I am not on Facebook, probably the only one here that isn’t. You can email Starfish for my email address if you want it.
I hope McCrae wins the next veto. I liked him in the beginning, then Amanda ruined it! He may have been disgusting with his romance, but I don’t remember him degrading any of the HG’s, although I could be wrong. I would like to see Judd and McCrae in the final 2.
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@JT – I agree, I am not team Andy, we may not like him but he has had a strategy that has worked. Everyone trusts him. Now that is impressive in the BB house.
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I think BB needs a whole new set of producers who won’t stand for the crap that’s gone on during this season. I think Andy’s a scumbag he deserves to go next! There’s not one person in this house that deserves to win except Judd he fought to come back and he’s played fair. Goooooooo Judd!
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Thanks JT.. figured that must have been what happened but surprised it occurred so late and the same day as so many other things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone commented that they didn’t know why Amanda wasn’t outed about her behavior like Aaryn and I read somewhere that it was because she can’t comment on anything that wasn’t aired on the actual show.. BUT … some of Amanda’s antics WERE on the lives show. I also just read that Grodner is on her way out and won’t be CEO next year. GOOD.
They need to tell these people they need to clean up their vocabulary if they want to be on the show AT ALL. This is the filthiest mouth bunch of people I’ve ever seen in one place.
and GM .. there’s been times I’ve liked her but more often that I find her repulsive. I was impressed that she didn’t let anyone else pressure her when she was HOH and was the person to finally put up Amanda. She was nice to Alyssa to her face but behind her back just the opposite so very two faced. She also more than once told Amanda she loved her – also total bs. Now she’s sucking up to McCrae and has been recently yet not being honest there either. The people she’s true to are the scums in there (Spencer and the rat Andy who has no room to critize ANYONE.. he’s so weird that’s it hard for me to even watch him when he speaks.
But yes, it will be boring from here on in and again we will be mad when one of these low life foul mouthed scheming lying bums walks out of there with $500K.
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I missed the show last night ~ my husband had a emergency surgery his gallbladder which was full of gangreen ~ gosh bad week for me to watch all the drama ~ but tonight on dish on channel 4 they have all the shows like from i think last Sunday and Last night as well ~ i just had to come home and rest ~ i think my truck drove me home, i don’t even remember getting home ~ but i am reading this, but i might have to re- read this later `whew` oh the cable went out ~ no signal ~ in the whole hospital ~ my phone was no help either~ thank yall so much for this update ~ but i’m gonna sleep home tonight ~ in fact i just got out of my bath and need my bed like right now so sleepy ~ BBL ๐
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Betty I agree. I liked McCrae in the very beginning … then the longer he was with Amanda I came to like him less and less. Plus got sick of watching him chew his nails.
They all pretty much have annoying little quirks. The F word gets thrown around to the point of ridiculousness and in reality doesn’t even make sense to just be used in everyday sentences like “I think I’ll make some F-ing toast” & how about when they were talking about the Bible! and using the F word! give me a break!
Andy is like this weird little overgrown boy. Why he’s so popular in there escapes me. And it seems like he just says F a lot just because he thinks it makes him fit in & sound cool.
Alyssa I thought was the nicest remaining person in the house but admit she had a primadonna complex. Hated the way she talked and the constant use of the word “like” .. Andy too overuses “like” & so did Amanda. They all kind of do, I just noticed with Alyssa & Andy the most. But at least Alyssa was nice to people & when she wasn’t she had some pretty good reasons. How nice can you expect her to be when being treated the way she was?
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PS – They now need a twist that somehow removes Andy because if he wins and it’s heading that way an awful lot of people are going to be enraged. Also SPencer should no way – out of all those HGs – be someone to end up in F2 .. NO WAY. But its truly come down to the misfits.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Really not sure I could stand any of them winning at this point except Judd.
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Jeanne u nailed it!
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@ Jeanne728 comment #69 ~ where did you find the info on Grodner at ? please share ๐ from reading all this stuff she needs to go as everyone say’s
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@Jeanne – I remember when I was a young teen and I used to use the words ‘like’ or ‘you know’. My mother would constantly interrupt me and say ‘like what’ or ‘what should I know’. It was so frustrating trying to tell her anything, but believe me, it worked!! I had a friend that used to say ‘you know’ all the time and I tried my mother’s trick and to my surprise IT WORKED! Some people don’t realize how much they use these words.
McCrae and his nail biting drives me up a wall. It is disgusting, but I would rather see that then hear the ‘F’ word every other minute.
I wonder what Andy’s students think of him. I would love to be in his classroom, the first day of school, to hear their reactions. Some will probably cheer, but I believe others will make fun of him…there are always one or two in a crowd you can count on! After seeing him on BB and with his use of the ‘F’ word every other minute, I would definitely not let him teach any of my children.
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Big bubba Some good medication could be excuse for your speculation. Wow!!!!
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Kim love your post n could not agree more. Your writing style is awesome!
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@Joyce #27, thank you, that’s very kind of you. I couldn’t agree with you more about Andy.
Ok, back to reading.
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I agree with BARBARA…I am also voting for Elissa for America’s choice even though she doesn’t need the money. The other HGs were just too disgustingly loathsome and filled with hate (with the exception of Judd, perhaps).
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I have to laugh at Spencer, Andy and Judd talking about nominations. I think GM and McCrae are much better at challenges than any of those three. It will be interesting when the light bulb comes on and GM and McCrae realize they are the next targets. I think Spencer made a big mistake tying GM and McCrae together. He should have tied GM up with Andy (really that would be for my benefit to see him tied up with a girl). I am sure Spencer and Judd have never heard of the old saying ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’. Oh dear, I forgot, neither of them can probably read! ๐
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@Cathy, so funny. Loved it!
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I’m both old and old school, I played baseball from little league through high school, and I’ve worn countless baseball hats over my 70 years and ALWAYS with the bill facing forward to shade my eyes – the intended purpose. If the “not even close to prime time cool” jerks want to have the bill out of sight and to the side or back, why not just wear a cute little beanie to show just how not cool they really are.
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I had a nightmare last night and dreamt the final two is Spencer and GM. Would serve the rest of them right!
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Everyone is giving GM credit for breaking up McNasty’s alliance when in actuality it was Elissa that started the ball rolling. She broke up the 4am by putting Aaryn up and not falling for Amanda’s ploy and also put up Andy along side of Aaryn. One of the alliance was going to go. Even Amanda admitted that everything was perfect until E got HOH. But I’m sure GM will take credit for everything.
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I’ll be voting for Gina Marie to be the macho, daring one who does not make it back across the verrazano narrows bridge to Staten Island if they ever do a remake of Saturday Night fever. Just the last of the manicured gutter trash on BB15.
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been fun watching judd do his exercises this afternoon – amanda would soooo croak if she knew gm and mc had to sleep together – ha – all the while gm is thinking to herself – EWE
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Did Spence win HOH????
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It wasn’t difficult for Andy to fool the other houseguest with his lies because the rest of them are just idiots..Andy was not a good gamer, he just knew what type of people he was playing with. Half of the crew was there to find love, the other half wanted TV time for quick fame. I think BB went to a mental institution for their cast members and a sex offender site for Spencer. if Spencer wins he will probably use the money to promote child porn and trafficking. I hope the FBI keep a close watch on him. It wasn’t fun watching Amanda have a nervous breakdown on National TV. Maybe if GM wins she would use the money wisely and get an education. A mind is a terrible thing to waste…
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I nominate Andy for the BB Oscar as Best Supporting Actor
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two floater get to stepping ~ as GM would say
and then it is time for Mccrae to go too
and then I donโt care who wins
Cuz everyone left were all floater ~ but no too mean people
Like the other mean girls that are gone bye bye mean girls and bullies
This make it so worth watching after this long hot summer
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Okay I was reading everyone’s comments & I have nothing! I just can’t believe anyone could like GM ! She may be funny sometimes But Really does anyone know what a veil little lady she is? Anyway this is so bad now!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quick note to Starfish my friend…I will always have your back! JT Thank as always for all your input! Like I said I got nothing!
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Okay – I have to make a comment here., I haven’t read ALL the posts yet so I hope I’m not repeating someone else’s comment. I agree that GM is vulgar and racist and mean like the rest of them. However, I have to give her kudos for making the only smart move in the game and getting rid of Amanda. I don’t agree with how mean they have been about Elissa but she truly was clueless. I vote for Judd to win it. He is the only one who I think deserves it.
The backdoor theory doesn’t always work. I get that people are saying that McCrae might win veto but he could win it even if he isn’t on the block. Trying to back door him may just fail completely. It is smarter to put him on the block and hope he doesn’t win Veto. You can’t just count on him being available to backdoor. I have some issues with backdooring. Look what happened when Aaryn got sent home – it was supposed to be a backdoor on Amanda. Didn’t work. POV can kill any plans.
Now, the treatment of Amanda – I agree that she should NOT have been treated so nicely. She should have been approached on the racism as well and the lies and hate she spewed. I don’t blame Aaryn’s mother for being upset now. Amanda should have been put on the spot and she wasn’t.
Now, I would love to see the jury house.
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Hi Bobo, I hope you’re feeling better. I had to chuckle when I read your post. It’s difficult to imagine GM as vile and little lady in the same sentence. Maybe “little psycho” would fit. What do you think? ๐ I had to laugh because she is such a nasty human being.
Imagine the screeching noise from psycho in the shower scene and that’s what I think of when I think of GM.
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sports fans must read blooper
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swt I am so sorry to have missed saying to you that you had such a bad day! I truly hope everything is going well now! ………..
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I said just about the same thing yesterday. However, if GM were to win, she’d have no money for an education after she got done paying attorney fees for all the restraining orders Nick is going to have to file against her. And of course lets not forget all the thousands she’ll spend on make up, hair extensions and tanning booths.
As for Spencer, he’ll just go to SE Asia for his child porn, after running through a good deal of money on loose women and fast cars.
Judd needs a history lesson or 3, speech lessons, and a tanning salon which he can share with Andy. Andy also needs a personalty transplant.
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Cathy that was so funny i love the part about Andy the most!!!
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Psycho!!!! I am so glad you caught that ๐ My Bad luv….
Starfish ๐
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Darn, missed the 100th post by 1.
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got to run,,,,maybe walk ๐ See you all later…bfn…
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Sal, Wow, someone’s in big trouble I would guess. hee hee
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@swt, glad Bobo reminded me with his post to you. I hope things calm down for you. Family member in hospital is a tough one!
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All but McCrae are trailer trash low lifes and do not deserve to be treated with any respect or concern. I hope all of them lose their jobs over their bigoted, crass, foul language. I would love to see a BB15 roundup after the show to watch all of them go home and find out they have lost all the respect of the peers and families for being such jackasses. BB needs to show the public what jerks these last 4 are. All of them trashing the previous contestants and the worst is Spencer.
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I would really like to see BBAD go into the Jury House for one night. It would certainly give us something to look forward to for the remainder of this boorriinngg season of BB!!!
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Watching last night I think Julie was way too easy on Amanda, and let Amanda get off way easier than she deserved. She should have been just as harsh about her comments and quoted them to her just like she did Aaryn. Amanda has a TON of growing up to do, and I think it would have been beneficial to Amanda if Julie had used the same line of questioning with Amanda as she did with Aaryn. And, I think Amanda definitely lied to Julie when Julie asked her if she was acting or being herself. I see right through her crap. She is just a mean, spoiled, insecure little girl, and she was definitely showing her true colors. I wonder how she is going to feel when she sees herself on camera, and then realizes how much the majority of viewers despise her. I felt bad for Aaryn b/c Aaryn is young and has a lot of growing up to do, but Amanda takes the cake. At almost 30 years old she was not only a total bully, but a racist, and a spoiled brat. Like when GM put her and McCrae on the block and she starts crying “I just don’t want to be here anymore.” Pull your big girl panties up and get over it already!
Glad the skank is gone! I was sorry to see Elissa voted off last night. I don’t watch the live feeds so I don’t see a lot of the deplorable things that GM is saying, but from what I’ve seen of her the past few weeks, she is who I’m rooting for to win. Andy disgusts me. Spencer, eh, take him or leave him, but I am impressed that he’s has been on the block 7 times and managed to escape eviction 7 times. That’s impressive. Judd, I know he seems to be a fan favorite, but IDK, he just doesn’t do it for me. And McCrae, I hope he really comes out of his shell and shows his true personality, and I hope he sees how unhealthy his relationship with Amanda is and cuts ties with that. That’s my piece!
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It’s my understanding that Julie can’t mention anything unless it was seen on the BB show so everyone would know what she’s talking about. That goes to the cleaner edit that Amanda was getting as opposed to Aaryn. They showed more of Aaryns racist behavior than they did anyone else and there is a lot or racism, etc that went on and is still going on behind the scenes that they aren’t going to show. It’s too X rated. Just my 2 cents.
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Melissa, I don’t have the feeds either. However, I’ve read enough blogs and seen enough footage online to know that GM is a piece of crap. I could never support that. I can not root for any of what is left to win, just like I couldn’t root for evel dick to win his season. The way BB is played in this country is that the person willing to do the most lying, scheming and back stabbing is usually the winner. From my moral standpoint, that is just rewarding bad behavior and is contradictory to the intent of BB as a social experiment.
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I’m rooting for Judd to win, he’s the only decent person left in the house. I just wish he would speak so everyone could understand what he’s saying! So happy Amanda is gone, don’t have to listen to her anymore or look at her disgusting face!
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I’ve been thinking about America’s Favorite Player and Spencer’s comment of what he would do should Elissa win it…
We all know the Brenchal Army is strong and will be out in force to vote for Elissa giving her and unprecedented edge for American’s Favorite.
We also know the other fan favorites would be somewhat unevenly split among Howard, Candice, Helen, Judd and (horror) Amanda. None of them would have any chance of winning against the Branchel Army.
I do have my personal favorite player. But after giving it some thought, I’ve decided I’m going to vote Elissa as America’s Favorite Player only because to piss off those players who seem to hate her so much.
I really do hate that they’ve come to the conclusion that she doesn’t deserve it simply because she doesn’t “need” the money. My question to them is what right does another person have to decide what somebody deserves or even needs?
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From my moral standpoint, that is just rewarding bad behavior and is contradictory to the intent of BB as a social experiment.
Do we really know what was the intent of the BB social experiment? If it was to determine to what lengths some people will go in pursuit of the almighty dollar or how far some people will go to get national attention -good or bad-knowing either can lead to fame and fortune in show business, the experiment has proven what we already knew.
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@sal…….shirley temple was raped by her father for years.
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tender ๐ฏ
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Hey does anyone know what Julie was talking about something going down on Wednesday ?
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@Dwbbie F
what do you mean. Did I miss something?
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@ Becky #111 – I feel the same way. They had no reason to hate Elissa like they did. And what exactly makes think they can trust Andy… He has shown them what he is capable of and his “loyalty” is only to himself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have been thinking a long time that Andy would be the winner and he will most likely be – against Spencer…. Andy knows that in the end a male will win against a female, or has every single time in the past when it was a choice between the two, but he also knows that she is a beast and may just send his but out the door and use one of the other flunkies to try to win against. Unless he wins veto McCrae will leave next and then it will be GM or Judd because Andy has Spencer in his pocket. The only chance for Andy to leave will be if McCrae somehow finds out about the rat that truly needs to be exterminated…. and you never know maybe it will slip out, and I can only hope for that.
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Debbie — The next eviction is going to be on Wednesday.
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Hey LM, you back? Tomorrow, right?
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What episode did Judd get blindsided? Anyone?
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Found it, Episode 19.
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Re Julie can only speak to evicted guests about things that were shown
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on “regular” TV. Thanks to this blog I was aware of Aaryn’s racist comments
long before they were shown on TV. Then production decided to put a
little package of them together that was aired. Production could easily have
done the same for Amanda (and others) but chose not to. That does seem
to lend itself to the theory that Amanda got a “good edit”. Whether or not
that has anything to do with the rumor about her and Grodner being friends,
it is still a way to influence the public’s view on certain houseguests.
I don’t like Aaryn but Amanda got off way too lightly. Why I ask.
Enough about that subject from me.
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Hi, Starfish — I’ll be back home tomorrow. ๐
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Hi lisa Marie!!!!!! This blog is not the same without you. Please come back…good attempt todsy though..happy Friday. ?.
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I don’t want to belabor this point but I have to agree with those of you who think that Julie let Amanda off way too easily.
While I never quite believed that the show was rigged to the extent that some people did, I still think there was little doubt that Amanda was, from the beginning, a favorite of production. I have this fear that — much like Rachel and Jesse The Body Builder — the producers will find a way to sneak her into future seasons. (If they feel she can get them good ratings, anything is possible.)
I feel bad for Elissa. Much like the first time Judd was evicted, Elissa was the victim of misdirected McCranda paranoia.
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Thanks, mama. ๐ I’ll be back tomorrow. I had a good vacation but I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to work here on the blog. ๐
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Shayne wrote, “Thanks to this blog I was aware of Aarynโs racist comments
long before they were shown on TV” ……and I was aware of it only because of live feeds.
To all, How much of this stuff would we have seen if not for feeds? How much would we know about these people if not for feeds? Very little if any IMO.
Take away feeds, and I bet what we saw on tv would have been different. They showed a lot of the Aaryn stuff in reaction to the outcry be so many people online. Without live feeds.. there wouldn’t have been the huge outcry… therefore no need to address it. I admit, they may have used some things as story lines and ratings grabbers even if we were none the wiser before hand.
“We” really love to hate Big Brother. Every year is “the worst season ever”… and every year it’s “Bring on Survivor… a good show”
I love Survivor and many other shows as well, but I also realize the reason so many hate BB is because we have 24/7 access to see what disgusting things they say & do.
Take away feeds and we would never even know the vast majority of any of this stuff going on…. it would have never made the final edit.
My only point is I appreciate a show that is willing to let us see all…. good, bad, or ugly. No other show has the problems created by live feeds. If another show has people acting similarly, they just edit all that out.. and we never know. Cut the feeds and we would be as in the dark about BB as we are about all other shows. And the funny thing is, we would probably like our BB better that way… sanitized. (Not me, I’ll take the option to see the ugly over the option to see what they want me to see)
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Where do I vote for the favorite player?
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JudyO, at the CBS website. But voting for that wont start until it’s announced on the show. I’m sure there will be links for it here when that happens.
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Amen JT! Not condoning any of the nastiness we have seen out of these hgs, I would venture many shows would be a lot different without a production team knowing the final outcome and how to edit to viewers liking. I like seeing them with guards more down then up. I don’t buy into hating on any of them as with most of us flawed humans there are things to like and dislike about each, some weighing more one direction then the other. ๐
while reading all the post here and elsewhere I try to remember if we had similar OMG these people stink and are stupid every season. Seems this one has stood out in that regard, but come this time next year chances are I’ll be wondering the same thing.
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Okay Lisa I look forward to your analysis of this crazy show…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They need to clean that house..
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Update on Andy trying to win $5k (he was given that chance from HOH comp)
…. he won $94 ๐ (IDK if that is true.. or if he just said that to keep the target off his back for winning $$)
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JT It is interesting that BB continues to allow access to the live feeds. The
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------amount of money generated must be a pittance in the scheme of CBS. They
allow this show to be dissected in a way that no other “reality” show I know
of does. This has to be the only one where fans can know the outcome of
competitions before they are broadcast. Hmm wonder if my book will take
a bet on who wins next POV. Actually he might if he has live feeds. I don’t.
I’d better re-think that one.
Maybe if next season is an all-star type I might try and get live feeds but
living in Canada not sure if they’re available. ( Born in Inglewood Ca).
Plus just reading your synopses, thoughts and bang-on theories is good
enough for me.
Thanks for this blog LM and all who contribute to it.
Very very enjoyable.
It’s kinda like the story should have ended yesterday with Amanda losing
and we all lived happily ever after but no. The writer had to add another
few chapters of blah blah blah that really wasn’t needed.
Oh well I vote for Elissa as my favorite. Sigh..
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Update on who will leave this week……
I already said in the first comment that Spencer would nominate McCrae & GM. That did happen today.
So McCrae needs to win veto or he is gone.
If McCrae does win veto, Judd will go up as replacement and be voted out.
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Shayne, we do know the outcomes because of feeds.. true. But we only know the outcome days in advance.
As we all know, Survivor was filmed months in advance of it’s Sept 18th premiere date. All the comps have been played… all the votes have been cast.. all but final 3 have been voted off. The votes for the winner are already in.. just waiting to be read at the live finale.
There are spoiler sites where a person could find out how the entire season played out… and who the final 3 are.. and who will likely win of those 3. The info is there if you want it. I don’t want it. I like spoilers for BB only because it’s all happening in real time. Other shows I like to just watch as they come.
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Sorry for the long wait in responding, I fell asleep. Anyway, I think the original intent of BB was simply to see how people respond to being locked away from all they know for a given amount of time. No freedom, somebody telling them what do to, somebody watching their every movement. The original game was like our season 1, with the HGs nominating players for eviction but the public doing the evicting–many countries still have that original format and I think the US was the first country to change that format. Honestly, I preferred season 1 to anything that has come since, though some seasons have been better than others.
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We do a survivor pool at work. Random draw. You have a choice to keep
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the contestant you draw or throw it back and you MUST keep whoever
you draw next. I thought that Survivor kept everything really tight lipped.
I know that it is filmed and edited months in advance. Same as Amazing Race.
BB could do the same or just not have live feeds or BBAD. This format obviously
opens itself up to all kinds of stuff. I just wonder why they do it.
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Will Wednesday’s eviction be live? Hopefully they will show us the jury house!!
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I think production was remiss in not stopping the HG’s from rummaging through Elissa’s things. Production seems to have fallen to the low (indescribably low) norms set by the remaining HGs.
I always hold those with power, however limited, to a higher standard than those without. Amanda had no control over herself, for reasons I don’t really understand. McCrea, on the contrary, was able to think – poorly perhaps and self -servingly, and still he did little (other than a few weak objections) to rein in her appalling behavior. I think he is worse than she is. I really hope he is sent home quickly!
I was starting to feel better about GM – she wasn’t afraid to stand up to Amanda (as opposed to McCrea et al) but she has no limitations. She’ll use everything you might have shared with her to dirty you – even a nine yr old son. There have to be standards – even when fighting. Human standards make kids, family, etc off limits.
With regard to Andy – his game play is buying him time – but it seems to me that the best gameplay should buy respect also – and his gameplay leads to only additional repugnance. Lance Armstrong vs Michael Jordan.
The more I think about it – the more convinced I am that BB owes it to America to do what it can to eradicate the serious blot these current HGs have left behind. I wish they could be talked into making charity a choice.
I suspect that Aaryn had some kind of meltdown back in the jury house and they may have needed to bring in a therapist to calm her down. Julie Chen probably didn’t want to take the chance with Amanda – it would take an army of therapists as well as the U.S. Marines.
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@Caprice2000: Loved everything you said but especially the Lance Armstrong vs Michael Jordan comment as it applies to Andy. Perfecto!!
Unfortunately the charity thing won’t happen but I mentioned it before too and it’s just not an option. It would be great next year if one of the Jury choices would be to give the money to charity. That would change the game big time. That won’t happen either but I love the idea.
@JT, as always, your spot on.
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@Betty, it seems each year we see less and less of the jury house. I’ll say it again, that’s where the real show is.
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your and you’re.
@JT, as always you’re always spot on!!
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Hi Starfish!
I just read this on Jokers…Andy was accusing Elissa of cheating in a comp. GM chimed in that she cheated at everything. Is this true or is this another one of Andy’s despicable lies? I just hope Rachel is at the finale and bitch slaps him. I think he is worse than Amanda with his trashy mouth. This guy just makes me sick!!
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If Elissa wins America’s favorite player I hope she will give the money to charity. That would be a classy way for her to depart.
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LOL @ McCrea having to actually remain upright and help GM cook and clean. This has to be the most non-vertical exertion he has had all season!!
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LOL @ GM cleaning.
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Betty, IDK if Wednesday’s eviction show will be live or not… I think so but not sure. Elissa will win America’s Fave.. I have ZERO DOUBT about that. She was the odds on favorite to win that before she even entered the house. Then there was a time when she fell back in the polls due to severe lack of game play & strategy. Now she’s ahead again by a mile because the rest are so bad.
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Elissa Reilly Slater spoils Survivor on BB Live Feeds …………………. email me if you want the spoiler!
Email Me
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@Betty, I’m pretty sure Andy is lying just to keep everything off him. He keeps going on about Elissa and so do they all. The only cheating was Aaryn and Jeremy in the beginning with the BBQ sauce. GM’s comment is just typical BS from these classless weak minded jerks!
Whatever you read on Joker’s is so out of context most of the time, it’s not worth getting worked up about it. Right now especially, it’s mostly all BS.
I said on the day Judd was blindsided that Spencer and Andy had something going and they sure do. Andy has kept Spencer close because he believes he’ll win against him in F2. Right now we need McC to win veto and get Andy out because he’ll figure out that he can’t win against Andy. That’s our last hope to get Andy out. If McC leaves on Weds, you can write Andy a check unless GM wises up and convinces Spencer that he can’t win against Andy. Everything is up in the air right now and we can guess and speculate until the cows come home and still not get it right. Ok, enough of that! ๐
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on Tuesday we will lose the Feeds for 24 hrs…the HG will be evicted on Tues and the Feeds will go down till after the show on Wed…. this has been done for the past 2 seasons….
also someone posted above about what did Julie say about next Wed… yes, she said a eviction will occur But she also said that a former BB winner will appear…..
hey… Marilyn Lives… she Exists…lol…..lets see if she stuck around…..
i found a video of Andy taking a shower naked… check it out, LOL…. ๐
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@Hoh8 – OMG, do I really want to see Andy in the shower naked?? Not on your life. ๐ ewwww He’s creepy enough with his clothes on.
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LOL @ HoH8… I thought you were actually serious about the Andy shower thing.. pretty funny. I never know when I click on your links if I’ll regret it or not. ๐ (I was ready to close the page quickly just in case)
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OK, I looked because JT looked. I knew he was the curious one.
Very funny Hoh8. Thanks for the chuckle!!
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Thanks for the info Starfish. I didn’t think Elissa cheated, only Aaryn and Jeremy.
Spencer, Judd and of course our favorite flaming asshole Andy have all be trashing Elissa on BBAD. McCrae did say something against Amanda too, but not as bad as the others. I am sure he still thinks she sent Amanda home. Naturally our little skank from SI trashed Candice again. OMG I can’t believe what I am saying. I am beginning to sound like those awful HGs!!
McCrae is finally beginning to see the light and I think he is onto Spencer and Andy’s friendship. I sure hope he wins the veto. JT I will be counting on you to tell us the winner tomorrow (I think it is tomorrow)
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HoH8 ๐ ……………………………………………………………………..
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Andy’s own huberous is going to get him. They are all in HOH reviewing comps/dates and he can’t resist blurting out every answer. Who wants that in final three??
And McCrae, I’m convinced he’s playing dumb about not knowing anything. He’s probably been doing mental reviews to lull himself to sleep every nap. If he is that lacking, way to go on his part getting the others to help him review. ๐
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I think Andy’s spewing of the hatred toward Elissa, especially the latest of accusing her of cheating in a comp, is his lame attempt to turn the public against her. Funny thing is, I think she’ll just get more votes as America’s Favorite Player with all the undeserved hate coming her way from those awful creatures.
Also, a lot of past HGs have said they’ve made amends and even become friends and keep in touch with their tormentors from their seasons…I don’t see that happening this season for many of them. Too many personal things were said; too many families and children were thrown under the proverbial bus to call it “all about the game”. It was just too nasty and continues to be so with too many unlikeable people.
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@HoH8 Beauty!
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@Kimjmj91 – line 1, comment 157 – from your mouth to God’s ears! Pride goeth before the fall!! ๐ The hope Andy goes home with only his $94.00 and some odd cents! I hope too that he loses his job due to his conduct on BB.
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So the only way that Amanda knows it was Andy that back-stabbed her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is from Andy’s good-bye message. Production could have left her hanging
by either editing his message or not showing him at all. Amanda would be in
the jury house stewing over who screwed her. My guess is they wanted her
to know so that if Elissa was next in the jury house they didn`t want to
clean up blood.
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i was getting tired watching Spencer scratching his nuts on his bed all nite, lol….
so i been thinking about the End Game…. for sure mcCrae or Judd will leave on Wed then whoever doesnt leave on Wed will leave on Thurs leaving us Final 3 of Andy, Spencer & GM…..
of these3…they can all make BB History if anyone wins:
If Andy wins…. he becomes the FIRST Gay to win
If GM wins…will become the FIRST Female HG to Win over a Male HG….
If Spencer wins…. will become the HG with the Most Nominations to WIN BB
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Christopher Walder โ@WalderSports
RT @AubraMarie I introduce the Big Brother 15 Final Five! #BB15
Retweeted by Midnight Special
Spot on. Poor McCrae…
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Clio the Leo โ@Clio_the_Leo 14s
( the HG version of the theme song) RT @BBGossip: Original BB song w/lyrics by #bb1 HGs
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously? And I stuck with it all through these years? *Breathe* *Breathe*
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Hi Kevin11,
That link was hysterical. Thanks for sharing. That girl really has a good sense of humor!!
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If GM, Spencer and Andy make it to the final 3 I would roll on the floor with laughter if Spencer win the last challenge and picked GM to go against instead of Andy. The look on his face would be priceless!!!
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K11, thanks for the laughter!
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@Starfish, @Betty: You got it. Slow night/week/month/season on BB15 so we must entertain ourselves. It is written and so it must be done. Judd just said he wishes they had a dog in the House. Good times…. โฆ
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Any chance we can vote for Nick’s hat to win BB?
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Kev, Loved the pic… that’s my type of humor! ๐ Here’s one I made last year for the coaches season.. for Mike Boogie’s Team
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LOL @ Susan
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HOH8 — hilarious!!!
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Can’t see as there will be much drama anymore this season. If GinaMarie goes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------next (only possible if McPizza wins POV) then there might be some fireworks
in the jury house. Other than that …..Couldn’t give a rat-gettin-a-bath’s ass
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And the BBAD I watch doesn’t bleep swear words. It is grim to hear
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but it rolls off their tongues quite easily. I’d rather hear someone say
fuck or shit than have it bleeped 20 times and miss the point.
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Looked up Gordner on Wikipedia. Seems she has won 2 Emmys for outstanding Children’s program. No too sure I would let my kid’s watch anything that she is associated with!
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@bobo…i said that about shirley temple becuz of the s.t. joke. …..just sayin’
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รยฟร—sent you email from tendr247
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I have finally figured it out!!!! Andy is Marilyn!!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOL LOL Spencer is gay too
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Just didn’t quite know it yet
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I am pretty sure I have caught him blowing Andy kisses and stareing had his arse. he he he. And have you notice how he is constantly shifting his nads when Andy is around? Yep Andy is Marilyn he he he. Also Andy gets especially feminine when Spency baby is around. Andy loves him a big old bear umm hummm. lol
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I want the Survivor spoiler.
please send it.
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@HoH8 – Oh My!!!! I LAUGHED SO HARD when I saw that link on “Andy taking a bath naked!” – I’m still laughing! Great Job!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
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I have only read a few posts here today, but I tend to agree with Starfish! This final group is the strangest rag-tag group I have ever seen on BB this close to the end of the game. I don’t believe their combined IQ’s could get them in Mensa! They played it right, get all the big, tough guys out first so they had a better chance to win the computations. But this final group just; I don ‘t really believe any of them deserve to win! They got lucky!
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Yep if the weakest player wins out of all the player including the women it will be Andy.
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I guess if I have to pick two to be the f2, it would be Judd and McCrae, but that would be hard unless McCrae wins the POV. I think that if he didn’t hook up with Amanda, McCrae would have been a nice person. He didn’t always agree with the things Amanda would say to people, but he just didn’t want to make her more mad, by adding fuel to the already lit fire. He would TRY when it was just the two of them, but she always did want she wanted.
I really couldn’t get into BB much this year, but I have hung in there. I just hope if it comes back next year, the whole production staff will be new…including Grodner. I hope they make better choices when choosing houseguests, and give us a little more variety in the people they pick, as far as age and lifestyle goes.
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Has anyone noticed that by this time of the season Big Brother has announced a renewal for another year, and so far that hasn’t happened.
….and the winner of BB15 is……
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Frannie Great stuff thanks! Glad you hung in there this year with us. It’s been grueling for sure. I liked the article and the fact that they aren’t going to interview the winner just shows what a junky bunch we have this year.
Madison… thanks, I like rag tag, it fits for sure. ๐
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I don’t see my last post on here but to summarize. …Judd and Mc to the end. Not great choices but look at the litter left.
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@ Becky – In the first season wasn’t there some issue about one of the contestants family member worked for the local telephone. Where everywhere else there was a charge for the call, but in that community there was no charge?
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@Bella, I don’t remember that. What I do remember was that a local bar had a bunch of lines put in and everybody in town was invited to cast their votes from the bar. I believe it was the town Chicken George was from and the week he was so-and-so had to leave, everybody in that town came out in force and voted her out. And yeah, that right there wasn’t really fair because a lot of viewers, like myself, couldn’t see paying to cast a vote for a reality program–I was raising 2 kids on the time on less than $800 a month (I was on SSI back then).
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GOOD MORN all u crazy bloggers! did yall see in bbad where spencer called out mc-lil girl on the howard/amanda incident when howard was suppose to have sexually harassed her? – o brother – and they called mc out on moving in with her – etc,,,,, he was in the hot seat – felt bad for him NOT he he he
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@ Becky – that was probably what I was thinking of…. I knew that there was something shady about the calls… that I am sure why CBS changed that rule the following year. I never call — too cheap and too cheap for Live Feeds too. I only watch BBAD because I have the channel on DirectTV — I have relied on this blog to keep me up to date for years. This is the first year I started posting. I think because my husband and friends gave up on BB but I can’t seem to…. It is the one reality show that keeps me coming back.
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@ Joyce … Tee Hee Hee “Litter left”……
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I think CBS should choose Christians for BB 16! Think about it! ๐ CBS could save a lot of money on alcohol alone! There would probably be only a few, if any, smokers thus clearing the air in the backyard for others. They would read their Bibles without using the “F” word every other word. We would be able to understand the conversation because there would be little if any bleeping!! (That would refreshing). They would be thankful for the meals provided (very few of the men even thanked the women for their meals this season). And last but not least…. we wouldn’t have to take a shower after every episode!!!! Just my humble opinion! I sometimes wonder why I have hung in there so long! Maybe I keep thinking the HG’ s will show some redeeming qualities? I can dream can’t I? This is the first year I have watched BBAD .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This has given me a whole new perspective on the show. Before I only saw the edited version of BB. Maybe ignorance is bliss. Have a good day everyone. I’ve had my say!
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‘re/joleemae. Brilliant, what a concept. I can just see them having Potluck dinners in the backyard. On Wednesday night’s having prayer meetings to pray for Thursday night evictions & HOH. I can see a lot of uplifting conversations. No back stabbing. WOW!! what a great idea.
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joleemae, I can see a lot more backstabbing, smoking, drinking etc., Christians can be some of the most hypocritical people on the planet. I know this for a fact, my uncle is a minister. He and his wife were very devote when they lived in Ohio; several years ago, they moved to TX and where schooled in hypocrisy of the Christian faith…even they said it was an eye-opener and they stopped trying to convert everybody else in the family who are not Christians, including myself and my mother–his own sister.
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OTH, it might be fun to have a group of Christians in the house. Or how about a few Christians, Muslims, Hindus and a couple other people who openly practice their religion. Just make sure they all openly practice their religion…Oh, the drama that would cause. And maybe some education, too (though some people just can’t be educated).
Remember Kaysar? I am convinced he got voted off so quickly, both times, due to him being a practicing Muslim and being on so soon after 9/11 when anti-Islam was at its peek (not that it has dissapated any among certain factions but that’s another topic).
The interesting thing to watch about putting say 3 or 4 people each of various practicing religious would be to see if alliances are made among those of their own religions or if people cross religions to make alliances. I’m sure at first, it would be by religion; but as we got deeper into the game, would a Christian team up with a Muslim? How about with an atheist?
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I have heard all my life,” I don’t want to go to church with all those hypocrites” Personally I go because I have a personal relationship with Jesus that is so sweet. Jesus loves us all so much that He went to a cross and died for us. Keep looking up. God bless you. P.S. I have 6 children & 16 grandchildren, that keep me on my knees.
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Becky, I feel sad that your experience with Christians has been negative. Just because we are Christians doesn’t’t make us perfect people. We are still imperfect people and make mistakes – the difference is that we are imperfect people saved by God’s grace. I sometimes wonder why, as a Christian, am I even watching BB this year let alone BBAD. But then I remember that Jesus associated with sinners and the lowest people of His day. He knew those were the people who needed Him the most. I often find myself praying for the HG’s. I like your concept of having different people of faith living together. It would certainly be an improvement over this year’s HG’ s. Thank you for sharing your feelings. God bless!! ๐
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@Kevin11 – post 168 (Picture of Amanda) – Sorry I have been gone for a short while. I have been rolling on the floor with laughter and couldn’t get myself up! Too funny!!!
@JT – post 170 – I must have missed those pictures last year. Great job!! ๐
@HOH8 – post 151 – Again I was rolling on the floor with laughter (Gee I better get of this blog and vacuum soon). I felt sorry for the little rat being compared to Andy. The poor little thing didn’t deserve that! ๐
@Frannie – post 188 – Thanks for the grapevine article. I can’t believe Andy thinks he will be America’s Favorite. That boy is delusional!!!
Regarding Christians and/or different types of faiths appearing on BB, while it is a good idea and I don’t mean this in a derogatory way, but I have had enough of racism and bigotry this season and I would not want to see a religious war breakout in the BB House. JMO – No offense intended toward anyone.
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joleemae, I didn’t say all Christians are hypocrites, my aunt and uncle certainly aren’t; they just came in contact with some very nasty ones when they moved to TX. I’ll not go into my religious beliefs here, as it is both complicated and this is not the forum for such a discussion. Let us just say that I am not an atheist. While in college, I took philosophy of religion. I also took a course in major world religions. Though I am not Catholic, I chose to go a Catholic liberal arts college.
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Saving my place……… ๐
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A great day for football since all we have is badmouthing in the BB house.
Pleaes, oh please, no religious or political conversation. Humans, no matter the religion or lack there of, have good and bad in their midst.
As to BB, the final five are all stinky bad. What a group. I think I mentioned that this should be a lesson to future BB HGs. Get the floaters and the weak ones out first and then play the game hard to win. Stop trying to keep the ones who you want to be sitting next to in the end. Instead you will get it in the end and they will be F2. Get rid of the floaters.
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Amen Starfish …………….
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WOW only a little over 200 post on this blog today hummmm seems folks are loseing interest and just don’t care about BB anymore. I know it’s going to be hard for me to give a flip knowing what I already know about this bunch of arse’s. I like the concept of having a diverse group of religions and that would be entertaining as well. Hummmm wonder who would be voted off 1st he he he.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mormons, Pentecostal, 7th day Adventist, Baptist, Episcopalian, catholic, jewish, meninite, amish, Buddish, muslim, witchon, Scientologist, athetist, o man I could go on forever. NOW that would be a show to watch!
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Bobo.’re/Starfish, amen to your amen lol. Becky FYI. being a Christian isn’t a religion it is a relationship.
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OH, also gotta get rid of the showmances. Sheeze, this year they were really stoopid. Look what floated to the end or to the top. ๐
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I find it ironic that they started this season with the MVP twist to weed out floaters and we are now left with arguably a group of nothing but. Arguably because I feel the term floater can vary depending on how one likes to see the game played. Ashley, IMHO, was a true floater, and Jen City too. These five have played with some strategy, some sooner than others.
I remember watching the first season of survivor, naively thinking they would constantly vote out those that performed the weakest. Then alliance’s started to form and reality games were forever set on that course.
I would like to see where the HOH could only nominate from the bottom half of finishers in the comps. Only then will the strong be given a chance to survive. Keep that twist up until jury and the game would become a lot more interesting again.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong! ๐
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Does anyone know where Andy teaches. I would sure like to right that school and give them a piece of my mind! He too should be fired from his job!
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Betty, we posted it here at one point but if you go to his bio on you can find it. There was even a post where his students said he was a good teacher. Teaches speech. I think it’s an AA college.
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POV winner is
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Looked like a physical comp… they are dressed in super hero type outfits
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YES………………………… Thanks JT
I bet Andy is pooping in his pants. I hope McCrae wins the next HOH and puts up Andy and Spencer!!!
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Betty, Andy is 100% safe this week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The replacement will be Judd
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@Starfish – Thanks for the info. I will look it up.
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Thanks JT, you rock!! Yea McC!!
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Spencer and Andy have total control over which goes home between Judd or GM. There are only 2 votes with Spencer breaking a tie.
They were leaning towards getting Judd out.. but still considering GM. Spencer wants to keep Judd more…. Andy wants to keep GM more.
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@JT – I know Andy is safe this week. I am hoping McCrae wins the next HOH and puts up Andy and Spencer. Andy certainly can’t be feeling to happy with McCrae winning the veto. Who do you think they will vote out, GM or Judd? – I do hope GM goes to jury.
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Think it was some sort of puzzle… the way they are dressed makes me guess they had them up on a wire… but IDK
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Betty, you might right regarding religious war inside the house. Then again, depending on the intelligence/willingness to accept others of the HGs it could be interesting.
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Betty, they were really leaning towards getting Judd out yesterday.. but never decided 100%. they have pros & cons for each.
I’m not so sure McCrae would target Andy if he won HOH… McCrae still seems to believe Andy was loyal to him. GM even made up a lie that Elissa told her she was going to give Amanda a fake ring… and Mc seems to believe it.
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Andy has to go!!!! He is such a creep!!!
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GM is pretty beaten up.. and depressed.
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So glad McCrae won the POV….now I have to hope that he gets the next HOH and puts up the sneaky Andy and the little piggy Spencer up, so he can go to market to find his sausage. I hope McCrea wins the $$$ and runs as fast as he can the opposite way as Amanda. She will leave him dry if she gets ahold of his money.
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@JT – I thought that maybe McCrae was beginning to see the light. Didn’t he tell GM if Andy was in the final 2 he would probably win? Regardless of McCrae still thinking Andy is on his side, McCrae wants to win and if that means throwing Andy under the bus I believe he will. I wonder who Mc will elect to evict. Any thoughts?? Keeping GM with her injury might be the way to go.
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Betty, yep, they all know they would have a hard time beating Andy in final 2.. so they could toss him away based on that.
2 “Super Zeros” discuss who is better to keep this week.
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Sounds like Ian was the guest host. That sneak, he denied it was him on a Thursday recap I watch!! ๐
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Oh, poor GM, sounds like she needs stitches, possibly on her knee ?
Will that make them want to keep her over Judd? Hmmm…
Will Spencer decide he can’t win against Andy and put him up? Doubtful, but still..
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Andy & Spencer talking in HOH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy still pushing to keep GM.. Spencer still leaning towards keeping Judd.
Earlier (as in the pics w/ Andy), McCrae was leaning towards keeping Judd.
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Frannie I have been praying to your Rams Logo! ๐ Amen
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Bobo…you horn dog!
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Does anyone really think Spencer will turn on Andy? I would love to see that. I hope GM and McCrae keep whispering to Spencer that he would not win against Andy.
BTW – At the finale if we were to see Rachel bitch slap Andy how many of you would join me in paying for her legal fees? ๐
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man – o man I KNEW HE WOULD WIN IT!!!! iwould rather mc win the thing than andy the weasel
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Fun reading everyone’s ideas on here today. Thanks JT for keeping us up to date on the winner of the veto. Now I can get ready to CALL THOSE HOGS at 6 pm. Woo Pig Sooie! (I hope it’s ok to bring up football??)
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Most of us like football….so I would think so. I doubt there would be very much debate about football.
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FRANNIE welll my team is the most money making franchise ever and they still stink – football is on my crap list the past few yrs
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Spencer told Judd earlier he was staying.
Now Andy just told Judd in the kitchen
“Don’t worry, you’re staying”
Judd said, “Don’t bullshit me if I’m going”
IDK how truthful they are being.. could just be another of the many times they have all lied to people on the block. I never did hear Andy & Spencer reach a definite conclusion as to who to keep.
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I feel like if the bloggers can talk about their teams, I can talk about my Jesus.
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OOPS! Sorry.
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Frannie :lol:………………..
TV Time, see you all later
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jeanne – he’s mine too! ha ha ha
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Macy, who is your team?
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Andy is reassuring Judd he is safe (Andy would rather keep GM)
Spencer is reassuring GM she is safe (Spencer would rather keep Judd)
Spencer is telling GM that Andy can’t be beat in final 2… has too many friends in jury. Spencer is worried that if they keep GM.. she would choose Andy over Spencer.. and is trying to make her realize the danger.
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BTW, he’s mine too…but not going to talk about religion or politics here. There is so much crap going on in politics, that I really doubt y’all would want to read everyones views about that. I’m just saying…. ๐
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Frannie, my intent wasn’t to offend anyone – just giving my opinion about how different BB would be with some decent HG’ s instead of a bunch of foul mouthed perverts (with a few exceptions). Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has one! ๐ God bless!
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FRANNIE – dallas cowgirls – he he
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They had to swing back & forth and do a puzzle (probably on a wall). They only had so much time til they had to swing back (and maybe hit a time reset button?).
Judd did so bad I think he just gave up.. then the others say he was helping McCrae keep track of time.. and telling him it was backwards. But Judd tells the others he was trying to throw McCrae off by saying he was low on time when he wasn’t.
Bottom line for me… Judd quit on a veto in final 5.. send him to jury! (Plus he’s whining that it was another puzzle comp and he sucks at puzzles… my question is what doesn’t he suck at? (Certainly not good at endurance)
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First if all, it would still be all girls in jury house if andy got evicted. If every one were smart, they wd get the rat out now so they at least have a chance at the money.
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TERRY – im with you! sent that weasel out! – not gonna happen tho
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I’m a 80 year old all American girl. I was raised to love, baseball, hotdogs, Apple pie & my sweet Jesus. Enough said, back to BB. My pick for final 2 Judd & McCrea. God Bless you. PS. I also love football. Go Chargers.
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People never cease to amaze me. Spencer and GM have a long convo about how Andy is going to win the whole game if they don’t get rid of him. But Judd is going to be the replacement. HUH? Why doesn’t GM then look at Spencer and say “then put Andy up not Judd” ???
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what doesn’t he suck at Exactly JT. I too hope McC wins HOH and puts Andy up for the very reason he stated himself: He doesn’t think he could win against Andy with the jury. I wonder how Amanda is taking her betrayal by Andy?
You know if McC is in the f2, she’ll vote for him and try to rally the votes to him.
The jury could also swing the other way toward Andy and say even tho he betrayed all of us, he played the game best. Most of them didn’t see his filthy mouth because that just started being really bad the last couple weeks.
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Oops I guess my italics didn’t end. sorry. ๐ณ
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Awww Macy1231231, I just read your blog. God bless you. My <3 to your <3.
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@Jeanne – I agree – Judd and McCrae in final two!
If Spencer were smart he would get rid of Andy on Wednesday and make an alliance with McCrae, as McCrae is a strong player. GM and Judd would be easy to beat in the comps (GM because of her injury). I know Spencer hated Amanda, but I always had the feeling that he thought McCrae was an okay guy. If we thought Amanda had a big breakdown, Andy would probably top all breakdowns in BB history if he was sent to jury on Wednesday. Does anyone think this might be feasible or am I dreaming!!
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If someone gets offened it’s their problem.We all have a right to believe the way we do. Hell I can’t stand Obama!!!
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Spencer to Andy (after they both talked separately with Judd & GM)
“I’m gonna tell you where my head’s at…. I think I want GM to stay”
Andy of course is on board for that.
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spencer to andy ‘heres where my heads at – again and again – first he wants to keep judd – now he wants to keep gm – it will be zingbot next
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@Betty, staying on the topic of BB, I would hope that they would put Andy up but unfortunately I think JT is right. I’m still holding out hope that McC plays the game to win!! It’s time!
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I really liked Judd, I hated it when he was backdoored in the double eviction even though I knew that was going to happen. I was upset he was gone.
I was happy he came back… for about a day or two. Then he started whining about everything.. was crabby all the time.. and went back to playing a dumb game.
Now after the veto comp he is pissed off again. He’s pissed at production for having another puzzle. He’s pissed at DR because he thinks he will have to put his super hero suit back on for DR sessions (says he wont put it on). He’s pissed that he had the exercise punishment.. he said he’s sore from that.. and is mad that the rest though it was funny and egged on the “Drill Sergeant” voice to make him do more. He’s pissed about going on the block.. and walked out of HOH in a huff. But he quit during the veto comp!!
I almost wish he had never come back.. then at least I would feel there was someone I liked this season.
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Macy, Spencer did want to keep Judd more… but Judd is being such a little bitch now that I think Spencer has decided to cut him loose.
Still only Saturday though.
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Judd is definitely a Dud. Quitting in the veto comp is unbelievable! Thanks JT for keeping us up-to-date.
I wish Candice of Jessie had come back. I think Judd just wanted to float through the whole game and think he could win. He’s supposed to be a super fan but he stinks as a player and he’s definitely not a good sport. Too bad, so sad, poor baby!
I don’t like anyone either!!!
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Judd… go put your toys away and clean up your room.
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I guess Judd let his timer run out on purpose.. because he didn’t want to play anymore. And if the timer runs out before you reset it.. you’re out.
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Hey y’all!! ๐ Just got home after yet another Saturday of out-of-town craft shows! Nothing makes me happier than SUN and SHOPPING!!! Except, it was cloudy, muggy and a lil drizzly by the end today!! lol We were however keeping tabs on the POV and HIGH Fived in the middle of the crowds screaming YEAH when we heard that MC had won!!!! We have such pathetic end game choices here. But GM has gotten bitter and potty-mouthed and Judd is pouting like a baby…..both being clutzes and getting injusred onve again during the comp!!! MC seems to be the least of the evils left to us and even tho I know he ahd a slime to none chance of winning this. I am back in the game again and have a glimmer of hope!!!
I have not read most of the commnet yet, so hope I am not repeating too much , but I was excited to her that Ian was back for the POV today and that apparentl;y he was cheering MC on. Which seems to have pissed Judd off to the MAX!!lol
I can’t beleive jsut a week ago I was THRILLED tht GM had won HOH nd happy that Judd was back in the game!!! What a difference a week can make! I now think GM is an empty-headed *C* word, that she seesm so fond on using on Elissa now that her roots are once again SLIGHTLY blonde and Judd is a LAZY, bitter, muttering hillbilly who is now showing his stripes as a sore loser too!!
I guess they are thinking about taking GM as she is trying to make a F2 deal with Spencer and he feels that NO one can win against Andy!! Funny thing is… us outside the house, ANYONE could win agaisnt Andy!!! ๐ I can’t believe how so few people who are supposedly in an alliance are still blatenlty lying to one another!! I hope MC can manage to risde above the frey, make a deal with soemone and get to the F2. I KNOW he is going to look back upon this once-in-a-lifetime sunner and never forgive himeself for laying around in bed all day with his slutty showmance! this was his dream and I think w/out Demanda, he could have had a much better chance of reaching it.
Ok…..venting done! agoing to try to catch up! Hope everyone is having a good POVDAY…..actually called Saturady AFTER BB is over..;)
Peace. love and light and GO McCrae!!!!! ♥
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SF..totaly agree! Have said all along this year I didn’t have a fave and it seems to be staying ture until the bitter end. YUCKIEST year of BB EVER!!! And I KNOW we say that about most of them JT, as you mentioned, but this time, it really is TRUE!!! ๐
Judd seems to be DONE..PERIOD! He always seemed lazy to me. He just TODE everyone he was going to go to BED!! It’s what in BBT….3:30ish?? You can’t sleep all DAY,J_U_Double D!!! At this point I even wish Helen would have come back in. At least she was smart, a talker and a fighter!! I tried watching BBAD last nite and finally gave up. With everyne not talking and the ones that Do, talk smut, it’s almost as hard as watching ED smoke and talk to himself in the BY and Danny playing cards alone in teh kitchen. AWKWARD!!!lol
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kimjmj91…I said the same thing!!! Andy gets on my last never and it would so take him by surprise is anypne backdoored him! It would be a Dustin moment X 3!!!lol
BTW….I noticed the addition of a 91 to your name. Since I figured out the jmj thing, is that a special date for you??? Graduation birth, anniversary???? I feel I msut sniff out the rest of the
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BTW…..that last post was in comment to your #256 post, kimjmj91! I am reading up backwards trying to catchup…lol
Guess I got here just in time for everyone’s dinner!!!!! *crickets, crickets*..
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@JT..this quote to go along with your post #251@ Judd:
Judd up in HoH room complaining to Spencer about how much he hates McCrae and production NT
2:51 PM Judd complaining about the comp, said Ian hated him, said it was too hot, Ian cheering on Mc was annoying “I don’t care if I live or die”. Spencer “just stay cool”. Judd “whatever I don’t care anymore” “my leg’s scarred forever”, Spencer “what do you need nice legs for?!”
Judd has a smallish gash on his knee that didn’t need a medic to look at it.
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LOL @joleemae…..*Opinions are like bellybuttons. Everyone has one*. LOVE it!!! ๐
And YES..I know i am talking to myself but I have been busy lately so taking advantage of some free time to post. Sorry for the HUGE block of JustaStra!! ๐
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Okay, I am going to commit to who I think deserves to win BB 15: McCrea! There is however a condition to my choice. That is if he wins he will drop Amanda and go into the witness protection program so she can’t find him! ๐ I think he has played an amazing game since Amanda was evicted! He has put on his big boy pants and played the game. I am rooting for him to win HOH and put up Andy and Spencer. All those who agree say “Amen!” ….. or …. “Agree!” God bless! ๐
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Thank’ s Star – that was one of my “mommisms” My Mom would come up with the funniest comments! One of her favourites was: “It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” You may quote me. ๐ God bless!
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Joleemae – I agree.
Judd is really acting stupid. I am no longer rooting for him. What a crybaby!!
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joleemae..I have alot of those too..Momisms!! Course I can’t think of one right now…lol
Looks like they ARE plotting to get Judd out! By all rights and past BB’s he should hvae been out the night he came back anyway!!! ANd if he is going to whine and pout for the next two weeks…..Bye Bye Baby…baby goodbye!!lol
*3:38 PM They agree to make Judd think hes safe & not going so that he doesnt blow up & out Exterminators Alliance. McCrae walks back in.*
I too am rooting for MC now. He IS the only one I can stomach seeing getting any of the money!!
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This justa to confirm JTS suspicion that Judd THREW a POV in F5!! ๐ฏ
*Everyone in HOH minus Judd still talking about Judd & how he freaked out earlier (possibly in comp). They say how can someone do that especially when Ian is the sweetest person and Judd gave up in competition and let his timer run out. They go over how they dont like how Judd has been acting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3:30 PM Everyone minus Judd are talking about the comp. Apparently Judd gave up during the comp and let his timer run out because he did not think he could do it. GM says that it was bad sportsmanship.
3:22 PM Currently-the group are back in the HOH minus Judd talking about Judd freaking out & he knows nothing of what is going on in house .*
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Okay Watching the live feeds….they stink! Going to watch some HBO, see you soon my friends………… …………………………………………
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So there’s an eviction on Wednesday and one on Thursday? If I remember correctly that’s what Julie said . Does anyone else remember her saying this or am I wrong?
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I think I will watch the show again cuz I didn’t delete it yet unless someone knows?
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Debbie..there are no LFS on Tues at all as they will be playing for HOH and show it on Wed, from what I understand. Then another HOH per usual on Thurs. Then we are down to the F3 as I think the next Thurs, the 19th, is the last day.
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There are many versions of the following: Here’s a couple. Unfortunately, the BB HGs are all fools.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1809 – 1865)
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Ok she says a special eviction on Wednesday and a live eviction on Thursday leavening the final 3! That leaves me wondering how that works? Does anyone know I cans remember that happening on the past seasons but my memory fails me a lot lol
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Well, my LFS won’t even open and look like they are in trivia anyway and quiet here so guess I’ll go eat my Olive Gardern take out and BBL!!! Sorry I missed everyone!!!
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Hey SF!! ๐ Love Mark Twain quotes!!
Debbie….they did it this way the last couple of years.
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Thank u Star, but now I am wondering why no live feeds we always know what’s up with the hoh ahead of time so why keep it a secret now?
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Hey Star, glad you had a good day shopping. Yep, agree with you and would like to see McC win out of all of them. I feel he was as guilty as Amanda was in her abusive behavior because he supported her but he’s not as verbally abusive as the other wretched HGs in the house right now. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever had a terrible potty mouth.
If he had played hard in the beginning, he might be gone like Nick.
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Thank u again Stat I just don’t remember and this is the first yr I have the live feeds because since they BBAD is not on show time it was not the same so I got the feeds!
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Debbie…. I just know what I read!! lol I think HoH8 tode us this the other night. She is usually right. And it doesn;t surprise me as they seem to go to trivia or fish more than they actually show the LFs this season!!! Prolly cuz it is the end of the show and they are tryiong to build up some semblance of a surprise ending and some excitement about the show.
Ok…ACTAULLY going now!!! lol BBL. Peace out.
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Thank’ s Starfish for the famous quotes! That means my Mom is right up there with Abe and Mark! She was born in 1911 and very wise! ๐ She also told us “not to hang out with the pretty girls because they would make us look plain!” She wanted to keep us from becoming vain!! ๐
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JT – on another note – remember the scene br b where mike is about to shoot lydia – great acting on both there parts – other note – gonna give the ‘little girl’ title to judd – the tiddy baby – (production like a mom would say) IM GONNA MAKE YOU HATE ME!!
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i need to proofread – their parts
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McCrea wins POV and Judd complains about everything and everyone. Is it just me or is Judd a wimp for a southern boy? Big Brother should use CC whenever Judd says something, it’s like he has a mouthful of crap when he talks.
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mc creepy wants gm out – weasel and spence were talking about her having to get stitches – mc creepy walks out saying ‘i dont give a s— what happens with her
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here’s a pic of GM’s cut on her knee…. Ewwww….. ๐
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She got 9 stitches for that.
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Checking in for any new info… I see nothing has really changed.. they are still debating who to vote out between GM & Judd. Sounds like they are leaning towards Judd.. but will wait a few days to make a final decision.
So on another note….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Macy, I do remember that scene. I love big Mike on that show.. Lydia is an odd duck.. but a great character. This is one of my fave scenes from Br Bad (and there are so many)…… don’t look at other videos.. you might see season 5 spoilers.
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Now GM sliced her thumb while chopping food. It was bleeding pretty good… she better be glad the finale is a week from Wednesday.. or she might end up in a wheelchair before it’s all over.
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What is wrong with that child besides the obvious? ๐
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LOL…here is GM on Finale Nite, LOL…. ๐
@JT… when i posted the Cut on GM…. i waited for u to post it took 9 stitches to sew it up, i knew u would, lol… u forgot to add that she feinted during it…. ๐
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Lol Star, I didn’t notice even I had added the 91 on the computer, old habits for hard!! ๐ long story short, is the year my angel baby was born, and since I can guess the next question Kim are her initials. ๐
I don’t remember too many momisms, but one year a store was selling Christmas plates for $1 but were sold out every time we went to get some. Our running joke for years was “Christmas plates for a dollar!” And I still say that whenever I shop at Christmastime. ๐
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here’s GM laughing with her Bleeding thumb, lol… ๐
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HoH8, since you mentioned it, GM did not faint during it… she said she fainted.. then they asked, “really?”.. she said, “no.. but practically though”
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HoH8, GM didn’t come out of DR until 8 minutes after you posted that pic… so if you already knew it took 9 stitches.. then you have a direct hotline to the BB DR ๐
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@kimjmj….I wondered if it was a child’s BD!! I see you deleted the 91 again. Do you type your name in everytime you come on?? Cuz you shouldn’t have to by now!!! *IF we don’t know you by now…we willl never ever ever know you…Ooooohhhhh….*lol ๐ Love the family story!!! Sounds like something from an old movie, Like Shirley Temple’s, as they always had those *morals* in them! ๐
HoH8…thanks for all the GM pics..I think!!lol This girl is an accident waiting to happen!!!
Not sure if this qualitfies as a Momism, but mine always tode me NEVER to go to bed with make-up on! And I never have…even back in the days when I might come home a little *tipsy*!!! ๐
A few mins ago, Andy said he wished he ahd a marker so he could draw something despicable I will not repeat, all over Elissa’s face!!! I seriously cannot remember any HGS acting or talking so trashy before!!! Not sure I am going to be able to watch BBAD anymore if this is how they are going to be. I have hung in all season but I draw the line at PORN..especially when it’s meanspirited and boring!!!! ๐
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Oh Star, cut away now, they found the picture cake from the half way party and are planning to deface Elisa. Ugh, my general philosophy is hate the game, not the players, not these people seem to feed off the worst in each other. Group think.. yuk!
I snuck in to the blog on my work computer, it deletes e everything automatically and I added the 91 out of habit. On the kindle usually, but have to either blog or watch feeds, can’t do both here. ๐
My dad was more with the sayings.. if a jobs worth doing its worth doing well… speaking of, he’s calling me! Brb
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@JT…ok, GM didnt faint…but she said they gave her Oxygen for preventing her from fainting… if u want to get all facts straight, lol… ๐
now about this Timing of the Pic…. the pic was taken when they were all up in the HOH room… and i Posted it here right after GM came out of the DR and said to everyone that she had 9 stitches…. thats when i decided just to post the Pic and i knew u would post right after me that she had 9 stitches…. maybe ur confused on the timing cause we live in 2 different time zones…idk dear… but everything is ok wth me, lol… ๐
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@Star, I saw that too and they are simply horrific wretches and horrible excuses for human beings. We’ve said it all. I don’t know how they continue to top the last horrific thing they did.
@JT, thanks for the clarification. I heard she didn’t faint either.
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kimjmj…..I agree with your phosophy..but these people are HATERS down to their probably nasty toenails!! lol
My dad always had funny sayings..not much of a lecturer. But he passed away years ago….way too young..and it made me a bit envious when you said yours had just called!!! Nice that you have a good relationship with him!!!
I keep reading all info out there and it is all conflicting! The HGS within the alliance are whispering and plotting against each other! It’s as confusing as it was all season! I know you have to lie to play BB but these HGS never DON”T lie and it gets to be such a maze of confusion! At least within like the Brigade, the guys knew they were solid, would eliminate Brit and then just duke it out. I think this bunch will be schemeing even when they are answering questions in the F2!!!!
Spencer is telling GM they have a fair shot together, but nobody an beat Andy. Gm telling him she doesn’t want to live home anymore(whining, actually) and the HE is going to be her NICK!!! Really?? I think I’d be insulted and very scared if I was Spencer!!!lol
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OOPS!! That’s PILOSOPHY!!!! Sorry bout that kimjmj!!lol
I just read on another site..not Jokers..that GM DID faint!!! And almost needed O2! I think it’s all in the perception of how you hear the LfS. I didn’t hear it myself.
SF…good point but I betcha they WiLL keep topping it!!! They are innately disgusting and can’t help it. They open their mouths and out pops lies and filth!!! You know the saying..Out of the mouth of babes?? I think aftert this year a new cliche’ will be born and when referring to anyone talking trash, they will say…Out of the mouths of BB15HGS!!! lol
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HoH8.. not sure why you mentioned my name in the first place… but you did and got snarky with me. IDK why.
So… you posted that pic at 8:35pm.. (Central time.. this blog’s time)
GM came out of DR at 8:42pm (Central time) (6:42 Pacific Time).
Check flashbacks if you want. I’m not confused by time zones at all. You posted that pic 7 to 8 minutes before GM said it took 9 stitches. That’s a fact.
I commented that it took 9 stitches about 30 seconds after GM said it. (#299 & #300)
I apologize to the rest of the readers for this petty bullshit… just not sure why HoH8 chooses to push this and mention my name.
……oh.. gotta add the obligatory ๐
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OMG!!!! BBAD just started and NOTHING but explitives and nasty remarks have come out of their motuhs already!!! Andy had gotten HORRIBLE! From a sweet, angelic, suportive friend to all to hsi real colors coming out! With that red hair and pointy ears, I jsut see him as Satan now! He just shouted *Can we all agree that Helen had the worst HOH tits???* Speechless.
Has anyone ever wondered if Andy really IS gay? He is a bit effeminate but my gaydar just doesn;t explode when he is around!!! How easy would it be to FAKE being gay to insure a spot on BB??? Also to have been able to be one of the GIRLS when he wanted info and then be able to turn around and be one of the GUYS when need be! Gay or hetero, he’s a big fat liar with a mouth I hope he doesn’t kiss his mother with!!!!lol
MC trying to fake sleep on the couch to stay out of all the crap flying in every direction. BB jsut yelled at him sdayin ghe can;t SLEEP in the LR!!! Poor guy. Go to bed, MC. Don’t lower yourself to their standards!!!
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I hear ya Star, I still have dad but mom went years ago. Missed out on having an adult relationship with her, but dad and I are pals in a weirdish way.. ๐
I’m just deciding they all have Stockholm Syndrome.. You know those little time capsule clips Big Jeff has of them all preseason? I bet anything if their time capsule selves saw their today’s selves they’d be stunned into utter disbelief and ready to snatch themselves bald. ๐
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These guys are truly horrific and keep topping themselves. However, Andy said Helen had the worst HOH-itis. ๐
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I think I’ve had enough for tonight. Kiddo snagged the Kindle and I have a Survivor preview to watch… Ahh, good old edited and sanitized Survivor… ๐
Speaking of Survivor and Hayden… I remember hating BBAD at this point in his season, all they did was shoot pool for hours on end. I thought that was bad, now it would be refreshing to see the hgs actually do something other than run their mouths..
I’m sure I’ll pop back later, TTFN!
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@Kimjmj, yes absolutely. I commented they had Stockholm Syndrome awhile ago too so we certainly agree on that one. Idiots, the bunch of them.
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Here’s a pic I made today of all 15 BB winners
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kimjmj, yep.. edited and sanitized might be the way to go for BB at this point. Then at least we could root for someone because we wouldn’t know any better. I also wonder what it would be like if they only had a single 1 hour episode each week… each episode would have HOH comp.. noms.. pov comp.. pov ceremony.. and eviction.
Maybe a bit much to pack into 1 hour.. but it would always be exciting! ๐
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They could cut the season in half JT, thus avoiding all this looney bin business. But I would hate it, I could take or leave BB before I stumbled onto BBAD. Each year has slowly grown for me with getting into blogs, etc. Now I got live feeds once Aryan was for sure going and I’ll probably never look back. ๐
Ok, I am off, but I (hope I) changed my avatar for the upcoming season opener tomorrow. As I am the only football fan in my house, I have to show a little team spirit somewhere. GO SEAHAWKS!!!
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kimjmj, I always just watched BB on CBS only until season 9 (got BBAD)… then found this blog season 11.. and got feeds the next year. Always enjoyed the show either way..
It would be hard to go back now.. and I don’t really want to.. but at least we wouldn’t have much to bitch about that way. ๐
Nite (I see your Seahawks now)
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Good one JT especially the winner of BB15. That’s it for sure $$$$$
I wouldn’t want it sanitized either but this year takes the reality to disgusting levels I never thought it would go.
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I have another mommism to lighten things up a bit. This could apply to the HG’ s as well. Here it is: “Oh the gift that God could give us to see ourselves as others see us!” Have a good evening everyone! God bless. ๐
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My mom always told me to have on clean underware in case I had an accident.
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kimjmj….sorry about your mom. My mom and I were best friends as adults. Sorry you missed out on that. ๐ But you hve a 2nsd chane with your daughter! And I have to agree about wanting my BB unsanitized. too used to it this way. Being a BB fan is kind of like an endurance test!! We have to be jsut as strong or moreso than the HGS to make it thru the summer!! ๐
Sal….my mom always tode me that one too. ALmost mentioned it but I figured EVERYone’s mOM SAID THAT!!LOL
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Sal, the ol’ clean underware. My grandmother always told me that no matter what I did to do it with dignity. I hate to think what kind of dignity I would have had if I was in that BB insane asylum. None, zip, nada!! ๐
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Goodnight All, the feeds are boring, big Bro fest F this & F that… ๐
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I’m not sure where Andy teaches, but the only thing you can ever really get in trouble for is exactly the sort of thing he is doing… any type of hate speech (such as his constant rants about Elissa) and his use of the c word – that would also be considered hate speech, which in contracts falls outside of traditional “free speech” protection – teachers/professors generally have morality clauses – simple human decency language if he were at my local college he would be gone – zero tolerance on the misogyny –
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