Big Brother Backdoor At It Again! Jen Nominated

by soonerryan on August 20, 2007

One of the great things about Big Brother is the Power of Veto. Even if the HoH wins it, he or she can use it to trump their initial nominations in lieu of something more certain because, face it, the backdoor nomination always goes home, right?

Well, Jen Johnson’s time to head to jury could be two days from now.

Amber traded one week of Daniele’s safety next week should she win HoH if Daniele would hook her up this week. What Amber didn’t know was that Daniele planned to do this anyway … That Daniele is a smart cookie. Nevertheless, the two of them were slated to spend some time together outside the house (overnight, even) as part of a prize they won from BB.

Look, Daniele’s target was Jen the entire time, and everything on Daniele’s birthday week is just coming up roses. Her dad stayed. She got a letter from Nick. She won PoV. She won a trip outside the house, and … she pretty much got to pick the evictee this week … Jen.

Considering Jameka cannot win HoH for at least two more weeks, she’s 100 percent safe for now. Why anybody would vote to evict Jameka, strategically, at this point is beyond logic. Jen isn’t really aligned with anybody steadfastly, and she competes well enough to be a threat. Unfortunately for those of us who like a little suspense, this is as close to a slam dunk as we could possibly get.

Right now, in fact, it would be unanimous, 5-0.

Unless America tells Eric to evict Jameka, it will be unanimous. At least America allowed him to give his Woobie to Jessica. I’m tellin’ ya’, he gives the nerds of the world hope because I could 100 percent stalk that woman.

I kid. I kid.

Jen is quite disappointed at what has transpired, but there’s nothing she can do. She did tell Dick that there was no way either he or Daniele would have her vote, to which he replied that she should quit pouting. By the way, it was the first time I’ve seen Mr. Donato inside the gym.

With everything going right for the birthday girl, you’d think she was actually “Alice” in Wonderland …

Anyhoo, do you think there’s any chance Jen survives this? I don’t, but we’ll open the online diary room tomorrow to let you guys cast an official ballot.

Tony V August 20, 2007 at 10:24 pm

Strategy aside, I sure wish Amber or Jameka was leaving. I am sorry, but I can’t stand the way they act as if they are so pious, yet they have no problem cursing and talking behind everyones’ backs. Those two are going to think they are the Dynamic Duo for “talking” there way out of this jam!!!
I know Amber can’t wait to apply for Next Top Model or doing the whole inspirational speaker thing. Jameka, I am sure, will win counselor of the year for all her mediation and behavior modification that she completed while in Big Brother 8!

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bb8obsessed August 20, 2007 at 10:37 pm

things are getting interesting on the live feed. Jen is going nuts being nominated. Jen destroyed ED’S cigarettes and is packing her stuff in garbage bags. This is getting soooo good! I’m goig to be so happy to see her go but the rest of the week should be great.

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Natvtxn August 20, 2007 at 10:37 pm

Dang. Get ready for WW4! Dick is gonna BLOW when he finds his cloroxed cigs! BB better keep Jen in DR!

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Natvtxn August 20, 2007 at 10:46 pm


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Angel August 20, 2007 at 10:48 pm

What happened? Jen did something to E.D.’s cigarettes?

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Tony V August 20, 2007 at 10:52 pm

Is Jen trying to kill ED or something??

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Big-Brother August 20, 2007 at 11:11 pm

Reminds me of the days when we saw a toilet being cleaned with a toothbrush!

Oh the classics! 🙂

I say Jen should stay…..but I have a feeling she is history this week.



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scooterzz August 20, 2007 at 11:16 pm

holy crap!!!!

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Bruiser August 20, 2007 at 11:18 pm

Ha Dick and Jen are in a fistfight and ShowTime Cuts the feed. What BullSh@t.

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Natvtxn August 20, 2007 at 11:18 pm

BB gave him 3 cartons back.Jen is getting burned by di cig. Shmtime got turned off.

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Tony V August 20, 2007 at 11:18 pm

My screen went to black!!
I want my money back~!

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nancy August 20, 2007 at 11:18 pm

Girls just gotta have fun…and gonads. Uber gonads

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soonerryan August 20, 2007 at 11:20 pm

Wow, no doubt this is war. And I thought this would be a dull week.

BB must have gotten on to Jen and Dick because Dick went out to smoke what he had left, I guess, and Jen started yelling at him not to blow smoke in his face. Dick then kicks at her and tells he he’ll do whatever he wants, and I seriously thought it was going to come to blows …

Trivia came on.

BB comes back with Jen applying some cream on her eyes. She goes back outside, and boom. Trivia. BB senses that this is going to be an ugly week. Holy moly is right.

I’ll be really honest with you. I feel sorry for Dick. That was uncalled for … I hope they’ll allow Daniele to bring him some smokes back.

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Frank August 20, 2007 at 11:20 pm


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nancy August 20, 2007 at 11:22 pm

Thanks for the updates

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Bruiser August 20, 2007 at 11:28 pm

Even if by some magic Jen stays this week won’t she get put up on a penalty nomination for eating when she’s not supposed to.

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The Saint August 20, 2007 at 11:28 pm

Well, I’ll say this much… BB has one heck of a show to rebound from after Sunday’s snorefest, lol.

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Natvtxn August 20, 2007 at 11:29 pm

Showtime back on. What a show. Jam just watching and smiling. Im recording this one.

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Big-Brother August 20, 2007 at 11:30 pm

I find it interesting that Jen is “fighting back” against all of the Bulling that Dick has done. I think whatever happens to Dick it is probably deserved.

I feel for Jen….she is a caged rat at this point and she is going to go out like the fire cracker she is….

Drama for a few more days! Big Brother will have their hands full!



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Kool-Aid Man August 20, 2007 at 11:32 pm

At first, I didn’t like Jen. Then I realized that Dick and Daniele had bigger threats, so I put her on the sideline. At first glance I would say that Daniele is making the right decision because Jen is immune to both Dick’s and Daniele’s strategy. The only problem for them that could possibly occur is if Eric and Jessica renig, but honestly I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Amber and Zach winning HoH next week? Nah. Next week is Amber or Jameka, the week after is the other, then Zach. It seems pretty cut and dry, at least. Assuming that the final four is just that, Eric and or Jessica would nominate Dick and Daniele with Daniele going home (unless she got PoV, in which case it would be a tie, and then Dick would go home.) On the other side of it, it’s hard to say what Dick and Daniele will do if they win HoH.

Of course, that’s hypothetical and immediately assumes that Jen is going this week. If Jen doesn’t go this week, then our HGs don’t have any common sense; even if America decides to try to evict Jameka, I don’t even think Eric could pull that off.

Oh, and as much as I dislike Amber and Jameka over Jen, I fully intend on voting to get Jen evicted because keeping Eric in good standing with Dick and Daniele is the best way for them to keep their standing.

Also, Jen could rival DIck in an America’s vote if it came down to that. =P

Bye Jen.

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katie August 20, 2007 at 11:32 pm

I just hate Dick! He needs to go home for burning Jen with a ciggarette, and his disgusting mouth. You can say alot of things, but the degrading garbage that comes out of his mouth. They cut the feed, I would think that if there is physical harm done than they gotta go! Maybe Dick will go home. He is so degrading to women.

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Lisa August 20, 2007 at 11:35 pm

Jameka is boo-hooing about all the people who were on slop and cheated today, naming each one and what they ate!! HMMM

In a way I’d like to see her go and just let the drama play out with Jen and Dick, we all know Jen is history – if not this week then next, and they were all talking about wanting Zach gone – so he’s next – MAYBE – actually, not being alligned with anyone and playing the game all on HIS OWN, has been something to watch.

Anywho – BB never fails for drama.

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bb8obsessed August 20, 2007 at 11:36 pm

seriously…I know its GREAT TV but she’s eating food while on slop, destroying people’s stuff, and getting in physical altercations. This is totally crazy. It is a game nutso! Everyone has to go sometime. Finally Jameka had a good idea when she told Jen to go talk to the show shrink. I also think its funny that Jen is telling ED that America definitly likes her better than him.

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snt August 20, 2007 at 11:49 pm

Me thinks ED is going to far tonight – he should back off “take the higher rd” sort to speak – but not possible for him –

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Bruiser August 20, 2007 at 11:52 pm

Katie hates Dick.
Must be KD Lang.

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katie August 20, 2007 at 11:58 pm

Ha, that was funny.

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Bruiser August 20, 2007 at 11:58 pm

Automatic Penalty Nom for Jen, and No veto next week. Jen is gone for sure. Might as well get rid of Jameka.

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katie August 20, 2007 at 11:59 pm

So Briuser than that means you like dick?

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Evel Dave August 21, 2007 at 12:00 am

LOL WOW, Someone give me a play by play please!. How long was Showtime out? Was the internet feed cut too??? Bring me up to date please….later?

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Tony V August 21, 2007 at 12:02 am

Jameka is a huge fake!!! Is she or is she not a counselor??? What is the deal? When they make up her occupation, they should have said she was a mime. This would have been the perfect time for her to shine, but she just stood there.

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Bruiser August 21, 2007 at 12:11 am

Just my own Katie.

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Big-Brother August 21, 2007 at 12:17 am

Easy Bruiser…down boy…..LOL. Let’s try to keep things show related.

Love you Katie! 🙂

I hope Jen keeps rocking the house a bit….makes for great TV and even better talk on the blogs! 🙂 (yes I am a little biased!)



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Natvtxn August 21, 2007 at 1:46 am

Acually jameka Did step in. Feeds out. But jess complimented jameka a little later for attempting to intervene while the”boys” just watched. Of course eric complained how they were stealing his thunder voiding his wonderful antics.

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Ronjj August 21, 2007 at 2:18 am


I totally agree with you. I have been saying this about Dick for days and have been criticized for it.

Dick is degrading toward women and I am totally shocked that the other women in the house just stood there in silence and allowed him to do it. The verbal abuse was totally uncalled for. I think the other women in the house are totally afraid of the bully.

And again, I am very disappointed in CBS for allowing this to happen.

Jen cracked because she has been tormented by ED since Week 1. I am not sure how anyone can stand up to a bully like him. I also found it interesting that he never does it in front of his daughter.

Jen may be going home (I personally hope not) but if she is going, she is going out in a blaze of glory.

I think the world finally got to see what ED is really like, a pathetic, overgrown teen, who is basically a hater of women. No man, no matter how provoked, would ever speak to a woman the way he did. There are ways to argue verbally without being degrading.

There needs to be some punative action taken against him.

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Kathy August 21, 2007 at 2:19 am

Hey Katie, just FYI, before the feeds were cut you could see that Dick DID NOT burn Jen with a cigarette. Jen (being stupid) grabbed his lit cigarette, not once, not twice, but three times while he was telling her “don’t touch me”. Then all went black.

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Ronjj August 21, 2007 at 2:38 am

Kathy, I too watched the Showtime disaster tonight. Dick purposely blew smoke in Jen’s face and she pushed his hand away several times. Dick, in his usual degrading manner, provoked her even further after he saw she was ovbiously having a meltdown. How typical of him, to take advantage of a woman when she is at her lowest.

Again, the verbal abuse was totally uncalled for. It was actually embarassing to watch.

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Natvtxn August 21, 2007 at 7:42 am

Uh. Again. Jameka DID grab Jens wrist to stop her from grabbing at Dicks cig! Yeah he provoked her by purposely holding the tip betweeo forefinger/thumb and stabbing at her wheneve she tried to grab at it. Jameka now wishes she didnt intevene so maybe they both would have been penalized and jameja wouldnt be getting evicted. Its the w#ssy BOYS who just watched! Ronji. Agree about Dicks immature degrading comments. Embarrassing to watch! No one has the right to tell Anyone they are “a waste of life.” Actually says a lot about a person. Im glad he was able to calm down and laugh at it later though. He needs to keep it together or it could backfire on him. Im just mad how DR staff didnt stop Jen or not make any saving statements. But they sure did for saving Dick as he retaliated when grabbing/hiding Jens bags of clothes! He knows of BB producers “support” why else does he parade w/ his infallible attitude? The others know it too! This game is Wacked! Gotta love/hate it!

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Evel Dave August 21, 2007 at 7:58 am

Love the antics, hate the whining! BB 1 was a big cryfest and if I based my opinion on this game by that season I would never have watched the show again. This show is fun as long as they don’t focus on Wamber too much. Gotta love the Dick/Jen confrontation….lol. Notice the THOUGHT POLICE, lead by Big Cheif Ronjj, have swooped in to spread their hate and discontent on the board once more. Hmmm, I thought he quit watching, but alas he was waiting there in the darkness with little notebook in hand writing out his little violation tickets. Jeesh!!!…………….later?

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Shawna August 21, 2007 at 10:40 am

I thought this was a reality show but the Producers and Directors have more influence each and every day. I say this because Dick is allowed to get away with all the crap of verbally abusing all of the women because it makes good tv. Even when Eric was about to get evicted. I personally think Eric had the votes but they scrambled to do and say everything to convince the hamsters that was wrong.

I personally think BB had something to do with the Amber/Eric sky reading.
It made a catastrophe in the house and brought in new viewers including my daughter, who couldn’t understand why I liked the show until now.

I just wish one of the females have the balls to really go toe to toe with Dick and use the toothbrush in the toilet and in their underwear since he is acting out.

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Ronjj August 21, 2007 at 11:32 am


It has become quite obvious that the network is in control of the show.

For those of you who defend Dick’s hiding of Jen’s clothes, there is a difference between hiding something and locking it away where the person has no chance of finding anything. This is not hiding.

Of course the network lets Dick get away with anything he wants, they need the ratings! And I don’t care if it is a minor summer show, network ratings are important from a financial standpoint. This is no longer a reality show, it is a staged circus and we as well as some of the houseguests are all being taken in.

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Shawna August 21, 2007 at 12:21 pm

I agree it is a stage circus. I still say Jen would use Dick’s toothbrush to clean her underwear.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 21, 2007 at 1:56 pm

FOLKS IT’S ALL MY CHILDREN BUT AT NIGHT…they’re all a bunch of wacked out people playing on the big stage of life…national tv…by the way…has eric given the goofy animal to anyone yet…

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Shawna August 21, 2007 at 2:13 pm

Yes, he gave “Woobie” to Jessica.

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Ashley August 21, 2007 at 5:14 pm

OMG How can anyone possibly like Jen? She is CRAZY! I am just confused about that. Sure ED is rude and crude, but common if you had to deal with Jen, wouldn’t you be too?

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