Big Brother 24 — Week 8 Nominations

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 26, 2022

Hi all!

Well, things have changed in the Big Brother House.  The Leftover Alliance is pretty much over.  Now that Joseph is gone, the members of that alliance are focusing more on their individual games and who they have to get out so that they can have a chance to win.  The new Kyle, Turner, Terrance, and Alyssa alliance now appears to be the strongest in the House, even if the rest of the Leftovers don’t really know it.  The people who were inside last week don’t seem to realize just how much the outside people bonded.  The Afterparty Alliance (as the outdoor people named themselves) have even kept the Leftovers from discovering that Kyle sold out the Leftover alliance.  They’ve insisted that Joseph was voted out because he was trying to make too many deals.  Taylor and Monte, at the very least, suspect that they’re not getting the entire story but I don’t think they understand just how committed the After Party alliance is to sticking together.

Last night, Turner won HoH.  Today, he nominated Taylor and Brittany for eviction.  However, his plan is to backdoor Michael.  Turner is trying to blindside Michael by leading him to believe that Taylor is his number one target.  However, Turner is not as slick as some of the other former HoHs.  (For one thing, he also told Michael that he wasn’t going to put Brittany on the block.)  Michael seems to suspect that Turner is planning on backdooring him and I imagine that, if he gets a chance to play for the veto, he’ll be going hard for it, both to protect himself and also save Brittany.

The veto is tomorrow!

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