Big Brother 21 — Week 10 Veto Meeting Results

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 2, 2019

Hi, y’all! I hope everyone had a good and safe Labor Day. I was away from the feeds for most of the day but, from what I’ve seen since I got back home, here’s what I can tell you:

The veto meeting was held today. Tommy used the veto on Christie, saving her for a second time. So now, there’s no doubt in the house that Tommy’s ultimate loyalty is always going to be Christie. They really should have figured that out a while ago but these aren’t exactly the sharpest folks ever to play Big Brother.

Just as he said he would do, Jackson put Cliff up as a replacement. Now, as of right now, it does appear that Jackson is still planning on targeting Jessica. He told Holly that, if the vote’s a tie, he will definitely cast the tie-breaking vote to send Jessica to the jury house. And yet, it’s always hard to say for sure with Jackson. I mean, just a few weeks ago, he was determined to get rid of Christie and then suddenly, he turned around and went after Analyse and Nick instead. Somewhat ominously, Jackson and Holly were just talking about how difficult it would be to beat Cliff in a final two situation. Fortunately, they don’t seem to think Cliff will make it to the final two because he’s so bad at challenges that they both feel they’ll be able to get rid of him any time that they want to.

(Interestingly, Jackson is convinced that he can beat both Tommy and Christie in a final two situation. Holly’s not so sure.)

For her part, Christie wants to get Cliff out of the house and she wants to form a new alliance with Jessica. She’s been coaching Jessica on how to campaign to stay. Christie’s plan is for Jessica to tell Jackson that, if she wins HoH, Jessica will nominate Christie and Tommy for eviction. Of course, the actual plan is for Jessica to win HoH and then nominate Holly and Jackson. But, since Jessica has been talking nonstop about how she doesn’t want to nominate any women for eviction, it’s hard to believe that Jackson would buy that Jessica has suddenly decided to target Christie.

Things could change but, as of right now, it sounds like Jessica will be leaving the House on Thursday.

Lisa Marie

ginny September 2, 2019 at 10:20 pm

As much as we dont like cry baby Christie you have to give her credit for playing the game!
At this point i would love to see Jackson GONE! That scene with Holly was hard to watch but it was a perfect case of how a man manipulates a woman and turns the tables into the accuser becoming the victim. He is a master manipulator!

Would love to see Christie and anyone else except Jackson in the end!

Thanks Lisa

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Jolee September 3, 2019 at 4:34 am

I agree with you! Just as I was beginning to think Jackson was being a team player, he annihilates Holly ON NATIONAL television!!! And, she lets him! ??????? Then I saw them snuggling up on BBAD! I would have kicked him to the curb! How can a woman let a deranged man degrade her like that? I sure wouldn’t be able to make light of it in front of everyone! When Christie was telling the group about her and Nicole having a crying jag, Holly took advantage of the situation, and made it seem like her crying was the same! Not!!! 😭😭

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MargieP September 3, 2019 at 1:58 pm

Jolee I love you!!! You said exactly what I was thinking! Holly had a right to be angry with him and he then turns it around on her and makes her the bad guy! Worst yet she lets him! Her going up to him and begging/whining ‘please love me’ is so embarrassing. Then she lets him drag her off to the shower for sex! Why would you let someone treat you that way. Very low self esteem in my book.

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MargieP September 3, 2019 at 1:58 pm

Ginny I absolutely agree! No matter how much Jackson protests that he is not what he has been portrayed to be he certainly proved what a true AHole he is! But again Holly LET him treat her that way. Where is your backbone girl! It’s very plain to see how she can’t keep a relationship with that behavior!

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bdkisok September 3, 2019 at 9:46 am

Regardless of who leaves first on Thursday, since it’s a double eviction night, I think the second person evicted will set the stage for the remainder of the season. If either Holly or Michie leave, it will completely change the dynamics of the whole house.

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MargieP September 3, 2019 at 1:58 pm

So true….at this point I’m ready for a change. I would love for Jackson to leave, that is if he can get his big head out the door!

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Jolee September 4, 2019 at 10:34 pm

Me too! 💗

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MargieP September 3, 2019 at 3:19 pm

Tommy and Christie are in HOH with Jackson and Holly just about to get them to switch his target to Cliff instead of Jess and in walks Cliff! J/H are sounding like they might be convinced to switch.

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Ted Strutz September 4, 2019 at 4:45 pm

It is interesting how easily Jackson is swayed.

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Jolee September 3, 2019 at 6:43 pm

I love you too Margie! 💗. They say, “Great minds think alike! “. 😍
Jackson is a first class jerk and Holly is a pitiful enabler! I would love for either one of them to go to jury during DE!

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