Hi, y’all!
So admittedly, it’s still early yet and I’m still getting to know the houseguests and I’m still getting a feel for what’s going on in the house. The first two weeks of Big Brother are always something of a mess. Alliances are formed and quickly forgotten. People who clearly are not threats are often mistakenly viewed as being threats (like Donny from Big Brother 16, for example) while future power players are often the least visible people in the house. (Derrick, Vanessa, and Dan Gheesling are all examples of this — none of them did much for the few weeks of the game and all of them later emerged as power players.)
That’s just the way Big Brother is. If you immediately step up and try to establish yourself as a power player, you’ll be voted out. That’s especially true during the first few weeks, when all the evictions are based less on strategy and more on whether or not you made a good first impression.
And that’s why Jozea is pretty much doomed this week. He came on too strong. He told Da’Vonne that he was the newbie messiah. He was actually stupid enough to tell James, a proud veteran, that he didn’t think that the 4th of July should be a holiday. When James pointed out that Jozea only had the right to say stupid stuff like that because of the sacrifices of the men and women of the armed forces, Jozea replied, “I didn’t ask them to do that for me.”
In short, Jozea is an idiot. There’s been a few changes in the house that I’ll get to in a minute but one thing has not changed. Jozea is the target and he will be voted out next week.
Interestingly enough, Jozea doesn’t appear to realize how doomed he is. He seems to sincerely believe that all of the newbies have his back and that they will vote to keep him over Paulie. Jozea has been calling house meetings to talk strategy. Jozea has been openly insulting Nicole, taunting her about her previous relationship with Hayden. Every time that I’ve looked at the live feeds today, Jozea has been in the middle of monologue about just how awesome he believes himself to be.
Jozea is doomed and he’s too stupid to even realize it. And, again, it is worth noting that Jozea was reportedly recruited to be on the show. He knows nothing about the game and, even worse, he knows nothing about how to live with a group of people without driving everyone crazy.
How obnoxious is Jozea? He’s so obnoxious that he’s even making the equally arrogant and condescending Paul seem reasonable by comparison!
As for the other big developments in the house, here they are!
First off, the new competition that Julie was hinting at is something that is called Roadkill. Assuming that I’ve managed to correctly translate what we’ve heard on the live feeds, the four members of Category Four are the only one who competed in the comp. The winner of the comp won the power to nominate a third person for eviction. However, the winner’s identity was not revealed to the entire house.
Apparently, Frank won the competition and he nominated Paul for eviction! Needless to say, Paul was not happy about it but, when last I heard, he was under the impression that Michelle was the one who nominated him and he is busy plotting revenge.
(As Sirrock pointed out in the comments under my previous post, this is a lot like the America’s choice twist from season 15. It’s a little bit more fair, however, that the power is determined by a comp as opposed to having people vote.)
So, for a night or two, the nominees where Jozea, Paulie, and Paul. However, they played the POV earlier today and Paul won the veto. Paul is going to use the veto on himself and it will fall on Frank to pick a replacement nominee.
However, Jozea is still the target. And he’s not doing anything to become less than a target. Bye, Jozea!
Lisa Marie
P.S. I know that some of you have had issues getting the emails. I’ve contacted BBBlogger and he’s looking into it! I apologize for any inconvenience and, as always, thank you for reading and commenting!
Hey Lisa!!! I love the way you always sum up waht we all are thinking!! And better than I at least could verbalize it!! 😉
I had heard that Jozea was a recruit too. But watching BBAD I head him say……*…..every season…..* and I thought…. You’ve never watched a season of BB in your LIFE Bud!!!! lol What an annoying BSer!!! He is the least likable gay guy they have ever had in the house. Maybe just GUY period. No….wait…I take that back…lol Sending him home will make everyone happy!!
I am watching BBAD and Paul has a dog suit on. And his POV medal. Do you know what that is about? He must have taken a punishment or something to keep or get to the Veto.
Ok..Da has a dog suit on too. And I just saw someone in a can of some type. Hmmmmmm……… Hope they are going to show this on Sunday!!! 😉
I haven’t started getting the posts in my email but then it took a while for the Blog email to get to me too. Maybe it’s AOL. Also I have Win 10 so….could be anything.
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Jozea needs an off switch.
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Thank you so much for your blog and keeping it real, Lisa Marie. Your perspective is usually right on. You rock!!
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I so agree with you, Merlie! Hello Lisa and fellow bloggers! I’ve missed you all and look forward to an awesome summer with you all! 😍 Thanks for an amazing blog, Lisa!
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Love this blog! I am glad I found it. You are so good at summarizing, & explaining what is going on. I will enjoy reading your blogs this season. I don’t mind the spoilers although I have to keep them to myself as my husband likes to “watch” to find out what’s going on! 🙂 Thank you!
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OMFG… the Live Feeds are OFF THE HOOK… BB should ONLY be watched with the Live Feeds… cause that’s where u see Everything TRUE and NOT the Bullhsit that CBS shows us in the TV shows, lol…
so now, we know pretty much what the Sun, Wed & Thurs tv shows will show us… with Jozea being Evicted on Thurs with a 8-3 Vote… BTW, Frank will Re-Nom with Bridgette…
i hope anyone w/o the Feeds are watching BBAD to keep up with what is REALLY Happening in the BB House… it’s been So Exciting… James has been GREAT… he is So Funny…
and @STAR… yes, they were all Dressed as DOGS for the POV Comp today, that’s why u saw them dressed that way, lol…
Thank You Lisa… for ur Always Awesome Updates Blogs …☺…
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Thanks Lisa for the update. Good stuff. Josea is an obnoxious dweeb. Too bad James couldn’t bonk him for his remark. Can’t wait for him to be gone. Too bad Paul won Veto then we would be sure one of the jerks would be out.
Star, dog suits? That should be interesting. I’m not getting follow-up email posts yet either. Maybe it will work with this new blog.
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@SF…I got ONE post so far…lol and it was Erin’s…very short..lol Maybe that was why. They will dribble in eventually. 😉
More BBAD gossip…..Tiffany was asking James about Shelley and her BF from last year..I just blanked on his name!!! ARGH! lol Anyway,they did break up. CLAY!!! Phew! But he still keeps in touch with them. Mostly just texts. Kind of cool having a past HG to talk to about the HGS your sister worked with!!! 😉 But right after that,BB moved the camera off them and back to Paul and Jozea. UGH!! 😛
I don’t really get why everyone is still wearing their comp outfits. I thought it was a punishment. Weird bunch!! lol
I also heard them talking about BB telling Jozea and Victor to stop talking to each other in Spanish! BAD muchachos!!lol And Z…I cannot get her name yet….is driving me crazy!!! I just want her to STFU!!! GAWD!! Miss Narcisistic Know -It -All!! You learn what they are really like on BBAD or LFS. You are missing out on that part!! 😉
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Wow HoH8, that’s some inside info. Happy to hear Josea really goes! Is all of that on BBAD? I don’t watch it, it’s just too time consuming. Besides, you all do a great job of relaying the info and everyone adds a little something new.
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Hey Girlfriend… Nice to see u commenting… yeah, most of it is from the Live Feeds and alot from the 100 BB sites i Lurk around trying to find out All the Dirt… just so i can report it back to u guys, lol… u know me, lol …☺…
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Hey HoH8….So they all wore dog suits?? They haven’t shown it clearly yet but I think Bridget is wearing something else…like a can or something. If the POV is over…why are they still wearing them?? They think it’s COOL??? lol These HGS, for the most part, seem a bit immature and unaware. And think this is a big Frat party!!lol
So Frank gets to do the ReNom. That seems unfair. That was always the HOH’s role. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Nicole yet tonight at all on BBAD. And they just showed her room and she wasn’t in it. Maybe shes in the DR. But then I am about an HR behind on BBAD right now.
Funny how everyone is talking about social media so much. I don’t remember it being such a hot topic last year. Oh well..another year younger….lol
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Hi Star… yeah, just most of them wore Dog Suits… the others wore other things pertaining to dogs like a Fire Hydrant, lol… and ur right… this Cast is just TOO YOUNG for us to Like… come on, the Oldest is just 32, Lmao… my own kids are ALL Older then that, lol…
the reason Frank gets the Re-Nom is cause he was the one who Nominated him after he Won the RoadKill Comp… IF one of Nicole’s Noms would’ve won the POV then she would’ve done the Re-Nom… this season will take some time to get Used to it… it’s So Confusing, Lmao…
Great to see ur keeping up with the show …☺…
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I’m enjoying this year better but sheeze these guys are young. I think being on TV goes to their heads. You know how people act behind a newscaster when they know they’re on TV. Too funny.
Anyway, thanks for all the updates. BBB is trying to figure out why we aren’t receiving emails and I hope he figures it out. It’s a PITA to figure out where you left off and then try to see if anyone responded to your comment. So, if I don’t respond to anyone, it’s because I didn’t see it. I’m not getting emails except for the main blog. 🙁
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Same here SF. I think it might be AOL. or Win 10. Possibly one of those had a firewall or just isn’t compatible. Altho in on other Wordpress blogs and get update posts. Oh well. “Shrugs”🤗
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Hey Starfish! Trying to figure out why things are not being sent. Everything seems to be working as expected otherwise.
Send me an email to RealityTVChat@gmail.com and let me know what is not working….
1. Emails when new posts are created.
2. Subscribe to comments.
3. Numbering on comments.
I am not sure where the numbering went so I will see what is up with that. I should have some time tomorrow!
I will do what I can to see what is wrong with the email….are you getting them in your spam/junk?
Peace, BBBlogger
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I agree about Big Brother After Dark. Tonight’s Spin the Bottle game has been a lot of fun to watch.
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thank you for a great update Lisa and it is nice to see you on Facebook also. I will be so happy to see Josea leave and he has no clue how to play the game. As the wife of a Veteran I am not happy how he insulted our Veterans. I am happy with the returning players as they all know how to play the game and I am enjoying all of them especially James. I am surprised that I like Tiffany as I could not stand Vanessa. Tiffany is smart and she knows how to play the game and she is in well with the Veterans so I think that she will go far.
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Thank you Lisa! Glad I stayed up long enough to read your post! Great as usual. Goodnight everyone! This lady is off to bed! Turning on my Ray Price music to put me to sleep! I love his voice! Nite! 😊😊😊😊😊
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I am confused. I didnt read the previous blog I have a crazy work schedule and there is no way I am going to be able to watch BBAD for at least two weeks. I am not understanding why Frank would nominate someone. Isnt it the HoH that would nominate who to put on the block? Maybe I didnt read it right.
When I read that Jozea was recruited my first thought went to Frankie. Oh please no dont let this be another long summer where the house cant get rid of an egomanical fairy no matter how hard they try!
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my comment below is to you.
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lol, BCMarie .. yeah that about sums up a perfect description of Frankie – “an egomaniacal fairy that the house couldn’t seem to get rid of!” and this Jozea seems like he could be equally annoying. but if recruited was probably encouraged to be outrageous. they just like to torture us with a couple extremely annoying people in the house! and it always amazes me how long they manage to stick around too! But hopefully Jozea will soon be gone and next Paul. but have a feeling it won’t go that way with Paul being a little harder to get rid of.
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BCMarie..Hi!! WB!! 😉 It is sort of confusing this year . They have added so many twists to teh show. But I believe since Frank is the leader of the team that won a the Roadkill comp and he got to pick a 3rd HG to be on the block, when Paul took himself down with the Veto, Frank got to name the renom. I think. lol It seems unfair to the HOH. In fact, the whole thing seems unfair as you can;t play for HOH yourself, you have to be chosen by the team. Not what we are used to! But I am betting that half way thru the season, it will go back to normal as people are evicted.
And hopefully no worries about Jozea hanging around all summer to bug us! It sounds pretty certain that he is going home this week!! He and Paul get on everyone’s last nerve, so the sooner they both go, the better!! lol
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BCM..I almost forgot. It looks like Frank is going to renom Bridegette too. 😉
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Hi everybody. Great to be back for another season to bitch and whine – my favorite part. Wonderful update, Lisa Marie. I always appreciate it, especially when I get a little behind on stuff.
@Star; think of the Old Testament, Zachius. This is a feminized version of that name, Zakiyah. Creative. Interesting that Da’Vonne says she’s a new Mama Da’. The only thing new is that she doesn’t blurt it out – except to the cameras. As much as I’d like the vets to have a fighting chance, she gets on my very last nerve on every show. I hope that Tiffany, Paulie, and Corey(?) do stick with the vets. It evens the sides a bit. I’m not sure where Victor fits in or what game he’s playing, but for a couple of weeks he could be a numer for the vets. That would split the house 8-8 and with a newbie leaving, please Lord let it be Josea, then bearded Paul, it could be a fun summer.
Hope I can stay awake for a bit of BBAD tonight. There’s already some interesting comments being made by the newbie house guests.
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Mama Da with all that dramatic hand gesturing whenever she’s in the diary room about makes me nuts , so yeah, she’s annoying.. and bossy .. BUT ..she’s a number for the vets who I’m rooting for at this point! Love the other 3! so for now we need her.. and who better to irritate oh-so-annoying Paul? we’ll just sik Mama Da on him! I have faith she has the ability to eventually take him down! if she doesn’t go first .. and odds are that sadly at least ONE of the vets is likely to get voted off sometime soon. Hoping to be wrong though! James and Nicole are definitely my favorites so I’ll be rooting for them all the way!
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Hey Princess!! Glad you are back! I’ll be around late night for sure if you want to chat..lol
I guess I am not up on my Old testament cu that name doesn’;t sound familiar either!!lol I’m Catholic. We tend to hang out in the New testament more.(at least that’s my story and I’m sticking with it!!)LOL
I don’t think Da is playing any differently either…not good for her! I do appreciate her intelligence, as she spotted the twins 1st last year and was 1st to know Tiffany was Vanessa’s sister. And she can be funny. But overall, she’s not a favorite of mine. Maybe because she left so early alast year. Feel like we didn’t get to know her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agree 100% on everything else. I like Michelle, Paulie and Corey and think they are on the Vets side. Vic is trying to play all sides. So he is a wild card. No one can stand Jozea or Paul! And I don’t like Zakiyah either. She is egotistical as hell and likes to listen to herself talk…..when all I want to shout at her is STFU!!!lol And she thinks she is God’s gift to men as she went on ad nauseum to Corey and Vic last nite. But all she does is sit/lay around and yak. Not sure she is going to be good at gaming and I don’t see her helping out in teh kichen or cleaning up much. Bleh! Not my cuppa. JMHO. 😉
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It’s New Testament, not Old. that’s what happens when you mix pain meds and exhaustion.
In Sunday School we used to sing a song about Zacchaeous “was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree his Saviour for to see. Then it goes on in the same manner, Jesus passing by said he was going to his house that day. He’s only mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, and I spelled his name wrong anyway.
The moral of the story is that he was a tax collector, one of the most despised professions of the day and because of his tenacity he was rewarded.
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copied from HoH8
the reason Frank gets the Re-Nom is cause he was the one who Nominated him after he Won the RoadKill Comp… IF one of Nicole’s Noms would’ve won the POV then she would’ve done the Re-Nom…
thank you Lisa for your blog and for all who are watching it live …i like to hear what we don’t see..
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Thank you Lisa, for all your hard work and thanks to all of you who have the live feeds and BBAD….Jozea just looks hostile and arrogant..his face..he doesnt even have to speak. I really hope he is voted OUT! Nicole does whine alot…I thought it was cute on her season but not so much this time. But I dont dislike her…and I feel a loyalty to the vets. Right now, I hope either Paulie or James wins. I’m sure as time goes on I’ll change my mind??
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my opinion not changed yet vote off he bigmouth oh gosh her name escapes me at themoment the one who is return guess did not like her before and this time i dont like her more then last time lol not nicole the other one thta came back please
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Love hearing what happens Live. Lisa Marie you are doing fantastic
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Enjoying the show and already love a few people and JOZEA is NOT one of them. How do I upload a photo here???
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Dude does not have a clue. Life in the house is bad enough, but after his comments life as he knew before, will not be the same out in the real world! Bye Jozea!
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Thanks tendr!
I hope no one took offence to me calling Frankie a fairy, I am certainly no homophobe. But when I think of Frankie I think of all the tinkerbell leaps, twirls, piroettes gawd I wish I could bleach those images out of my head.
Looking forward to tomorrow night show. I might even try and catch me some BBAD tonight 🙂
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exactly what I meant too BCMarie! was he on speed or WHAT?? he was just a bit TOO MUCH when he knew the camera was rolling and pointed in his direction.
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I have a question and it may be a stupid one . On the normal block & pov issue (without a twist going on) if someone wins the pov and they don’t keep it, they take some that is on the block off, why is it just assumed they are not going up? I have seen it over and over, the hoh picks another person. The pov is not a double save is it? I would put that person up for vetoing my nom .
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When you win the veto, you are also given immunity from being nominated if you choose to use it.
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Why does Big Brother always pick the worst gay people to be on the show. They are making me hate gay people and my daughter is gay!
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Been going to the ‘support this blog’ to get live feeds to no avail.
Ho H8 please help
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Oh Dear macy… i cant find the Link to buy the Feeds from BBB either… it should be right on Top and Huge to See… But i CANT see it anywhere… u can always go directly to CBS and buy them there instead… or maybe wait to see BBB can help u find where the Link is… sorry…
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Macy, are you clicking on the links underneath the comments, the one that says: Support our blog by signing up for the BB18 Live Feeds via CBS All Access. I clicked on it and it took me right to the site.
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OK, first I wanna give a quick shout out to Lisa Marie for her shout out to me in her blog. I was reading it and I was SHOCKED to see my name…..gotta admit, that was pretty cool 😀
Second….Jozea is not a player, he’s a “type” that for whatever reason BB always seems to want to cast. I have ZERO issues with anyone’s race, lifestyle, sexuality and whatever else you can think of. I got two categories for people….either you’re cool our you’re an asshole. Jozea is an asshole, plain and simple. BB always seems to go for the overly dramatic, talkative, flamboyant gay male “type”. They cast that role almost every year. It’s strictly for drama and to check a box…..do we have a black person…check. Gay person….check….dumb jock….check….nerdy girl….check. Especially over the last 4 seasons, they cast to the same formula. Sure there are some variances here and there but it’s usually the same old thing.
They don’t cast PEOPLE, they cast a TYPE….and most of them aren’t even players or fans of the show. They notified they’re on the show and watch the last season on youtube so they think they get how it works. They go in, act a fool, and get the boot. But while they’re there, the create drama, say ignorant things that get everyone riled up…..more drama….and that’s what BB wants.
I know some gay people and none of them are a Frankie/Jozea type. I know it’s not flashy but there are some normal, smart, well adjusted, gay people that would DOMINATE this game if given the chance. OK…..rant over. Just tired of the stereotypes they put in there. I’m surprised there isn’t a Native American in there wearing a Head Dress or an Inuit (Eskimo) holding a spear and wearing mukluks!! 😉
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Agree about Josea,he is the lowest,and I get upset with b.b.casting idiots like him,I also have gay friends and relatives and none of them act that way.He can go,but as we know sometimes tricks are played and they manage to stay around.
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Well said Sirrock!!! I’m still getting adjusted to the new season. Hopefully, someone will start standing out from the crowd as a sincere player. I’ll just hang, in there and enjoy all of the blogs. Hopefully, I will be able to add some thoughts of my own soon! I really enjoy all of your comments, and Lisa, you are awesome!! 😊😊😊😊 Goodnight everyone!
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@ Sirrock..THANK YOU for putting into words very eloquently what I have always thought about BB casting!
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I was wrong. Hope annoying Jozea goes home along with Paul and Mamma Da.
But we know how things change and to expect the unexpected!
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Just a Quick Recap on the Live Feeds today SAT….
No Major Game Talk today… it was just a Chill Out Day Outside by the Pool Day with everyone just enjoying each other… talking… eating and going in & out of the house… it was Great watching the HG’s on the outside for the First Time… just Sunbathing and just relaxing and enjoying themselves…
it’s So Funny that Jozea STILL Doesnt know he’s going Home on Thurs… this Dude just Doesnt Know How to Play BB… his 2 Best pals Paul & Victor TRY to tell him Advice… BUT Jozea is the Type of person that Doesnt Listen what is said to him… he just waits for the person to finished talking so he can Say what he wants… u know what i mean???…
so tomorrow on SUN, we will see the TV show that will have FRANK WIN the RaodKill Comp and hopefully some of u that are Confused can Understand what this New Comp is all about, lol…
when Frank will give us the New 3rd Nom to PAUL…. but it wont matter cause Paul already WON the POV, lol… i got everyone Confused again, huh, Lmao…
well, hopefully, CBS will Explain it better tomorrow… see ya then …☺…
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Here’s the latest post!
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Thank you Lisa for a great write up💜 I saw POP After dark, kind of boring so far…This cast only know one word to express them self’s…..F this & F him & F F F😜
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks everyone for all your comments, I am still trying to catch up with all my TV & reading all my mail 😆 See you soon……………………
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omg. already I can’t stand it! It’s Cody and Christine all over again. Bronte is FOREVER up Paulie’s butt on the live feeds. Just saw her sitting in the kitchen alone eating and opened up this link to post something about it because when she went in the kitchen .. there was Paulie. And that voice of hers! can’t believe he doesn’t get up and walk away just to get away from her! She’s SO annoying! She will DEFINITELY be voting to keep him because if he left who would she stalk??? Well just as I went to write this I heard her say “well I felt funny sitting in there all by myself so thought I’d come out here with YOU” ..OF COURSE .. surprise surprise! since he’d left the kitchen, what else was she to do? I wish he’d hook up with someone . and NOT her!so she’d quit following him around.
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I am getting them but very late, when they say there is a new post I go from that page to get it! Then maybe the next day I get it in my E-Mail…….. Thanks Bill…Bob
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Let me say this . The only reason I am still watching BB anything is you Lisa. I just love your blog and you do a great Job. Yes that Jozea must go. I hope everyone stick to there guns and send his But packing.
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