That’s right.
You read the title of this post correctly.
There is not much to report as far as activity inside the house is concerned. Jason is Vanessa’s target and Jason not only seems to know that he’s going home but he seems to have accepted it as well. He spent most of today sleeping.
And seriously, it’s so frustrating to see! The great players of the past never gave up. How many times was Dan on the verge of getting voted out just to, at the last moment, come up with some brilliant plan that kept him in the house? For that matter, how many times was Evel Dick supposed to be going home? We can even go all the way back to season 2, when Dr. Will regularly cheated certain eviction.
Strong players don’t give up. And, yet, for the past three seasons or so, all we’ve seen have been players who give up as soon as they realize the odds are against them. Apparently, houseguests feel that, if they’re nominated after a veto meeting, then there’s no way they’re going to stay in the house. Backdooring has become such a predictable strategy that houseguests would rather surrender than campaign to stay.
Seriously, how can you have any respect for players who aren’t playing to win? What fun is it to watch people who are apparently willing to settle for 15th or 14th place? Anybody who says that they’ll be happy as long as they make it to the jury should be disqualified from entering the Big Brother House. If they’re not here to fight and make things entertaining, then what’s the point?
Don’t get me wrong. I like Jason. I was among those who thought Jason had a lot of potential. But he’s given up and that is just so annoying to witness.
Speaking of annoying, how how about tonight’s episode? I just finished watching it. I knew, of course, that this episode would end with Vanessa going back on her word and nominating Jason instead of Austin. But still, that didn’t make it any easier to watch.
How gross was Austin when he was laying in bed with Liz? Bleh. But the worse Austin moment was when he mentioned Judas in the diary room.
And again, I say bleh.
Anyway, it looks like Jason is going to be evicted tomorrow. And then Julia will enter the house and I’m going to guess that means we’re going to have a double eviction next week.
We’ll see what happens! Things have to get better, right?
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa Marie for your blogs. I find them quite insightful!! You’re right…not much happening in the house. I do wish that Jason would do SOMETHING to try to stay. Why come on the show if you’re not going to fight for it. He seems to need the money more than anyone at this point!
Can’t wait to see how the house is with both Liz and Julia there! How will we tell them apart!?! Sure the houseguests will know all their differences but from our point of view I think it’ll be tough. They sound exactly alike. Maybe they should wear different colors or one has to wear an wristband! LOL Just joking…but it’ll be fun to watch!!
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Well we just lost the last of BB. I don’t know what happened. It was cut off at the end. We lost about 15 min Booo
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Jackie needs to emerge as a leader here. James will follow any female that gives him a tiny bit of attention, John is smart enough to stop the Clay Shellie steam roll, Meg will be down and then there is Steve and I think he will keep Jason over Becky with just a small push. This is actually the last week they have a prayer with the twin coming in next week.
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I don’t know Lisa..I have kind of given up on this game getting any better this year!~! Jason and crew were supposed t be going after 2 people today to get the last votes he needed to stay. That didn;t last long. Everytime I looked in on the LFS, they were all asleep in the purple room. These people are in their 20’s! How much sleep do they NEED a day??!! I was probably getting about 4 hr/nite back then….IF that much!! And no naps!!!lol
Watching Jason give up was almost as bad as watching Austin in bed with Liz! How gross/uncomfortable was THAT??? I really don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone else in that house anymore. If BB was smart, they would bring in a surprise Vet back into the game. I’d even settle for Jessie or Rachel at this point! How desperate is THAT???lol
They either need to take BB off the air, so I can’t watch the trainwrecks or go back to the way it used to be…..with good HGS who actually came to play! And no TWISTS!! Becasue seriously, I’m not sure how much more of this kind of insulting rubish I can endure!!
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@Jeanne….Clay took himself off the block and Vanessa put Jason up. That’s about all you missed and I’m sure you already knew about it!!
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@Junksies….this was from the last page but it was the last post so in case you missed it……
@ Junksies…..Agree usual!! 😉
I think Jason was thrilled to be there but that he also really needed the money!! So why he didn’t play is beyond me! Maybe he thought he could float his way thru!! That usually only works if you have a strong player helping you.
Nothing was disclosed tonight! It’s such old hat on Wed as we all have known everything they show since last Sat!!!!! I never understood why they switched it from Tues to Wed nite. Going from Sun to Wed, when those are the down days anyway, is so hard!!! I’m surprised that those only watching the show even remember WTH is going on!!lol And what show does CBS have on Tues nite that is so important…oh wait…CSI!!! UGH> Not a fan but it must be the reason why they can’t have BB on in that time slot!! So once again, TV Politics affects the viewers. Nice. Sometimes I think that CBS thinks BB fans are really stupid. We stay thru bad schedule changes, horrible HGS, dumb ass twists……maybe they’re right. We MUST be stupid to put up with this! Especially when we get so little in return anymore!
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@Star – I didn’t miss it…I always go back and read the very last previous comments on every post. Don’t want to miss anything!!! I agree with you as well…nice to be on the same page!!!
I’m gonna TRY to make a margarita to get through tonight’s show…maybe it will help!!!
Lisa…thanks for all you do!!! It’s not easy making a purse from a pigs ear.
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Thanks LM as always. The best twist would be a double eviction Thursday to shake up the game prior to the twin entry. Then we will have a new twist we’ll have CBS send in LM as Americas representative player. Now that would bring life back in the game!
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We were able to get our tv back on and finished watching BB. We really didn’t .miss much except the shocked look on everyone’s face when Vanessa put up Jason. I think she started a fire under the “other side” that I hope will keep on building until it gets them off their butts and out of their beds and start playing the game. We can only hope. Megan was really upset! I think Jason is still in shock! He did not see that coming at all! I am looking forward to the HOH comp tomorrow night. I want someone to win that is really, really angry at Vanessa enough to put her on the block!! Let her sweat it out a little. I still want to see Austin walk out the door. Then I want Liz and Julie to stay in the house so Austin can have the jury house without his “love!” It could happen. Maybe they will have a double eviction and send Austin and Clay to the jury house! Now that would be something to cheer about!! Later! 😎
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Star I agree with you about the lazy players this season. When I was in my 20’s I had 6 children, worked a 40 hr a week job. I worked the graveyard shift so I could be with my children during the day. I napped when they did and slept a few hours after they went to bed. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Smile!
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I think that Vanessa is the one to beat in this game she seems smart and she wants to win.just like she’s playing cards all her her plays are by the odds she’s always thinking percent. not so much on emotion.remind me of Derek the policeman,although to me she is much more interesting to watch.
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hands down, I regrettably think that van is gonna win. grrr.
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I don’t watch the LFS so I’m sure I’m missing something. Wouldn’t Jackie, John, Meg & James vote to keep Jason? With Austin, Liz, Shell and Clay voting to keep Becky? Leaving Steve as the swing vote. I know he aligned with Van essay but he has to see what’s going on and that he is bottom of the alliance. I wish I could play this game.
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@ robert – i think you are on to something…..
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@Jeanne…you had 6 kids in your 20’s???? OMG!!! 😯 Were there a bunch of twins???lol I cannot even imagine.I was working F/T, partyingF/T and only taking care of myself and I thought I was busy!!!lol I still usually only average about 6 hrs sleep a night. Like I always said, you can sleep when you’re dead!!! 😉
@Robert…I agree that Van could win this with her drive, intelligence and her knack for the odds. I disagaree that she is more interesting to watch than Derrick. Or maybe it’s the listening to part I disagree with!She talks so fast and in such a monotone and she never STOPS !! More than a bit annoying.
@Cheech……what you have missed is that Steve is Van’s little snitch and she has him in her back pocket. John threw several comps for Shelli and Van so he is too. Besides, jackie, john, Meg and James aren’t enough to stay this week. You need 5 votes. Supposedly Jasons side was working on talking Shlay or John/Steve into crossing over to the dark side. But either they got shot down or they, more than likely,just gave up because I didn’t see them doing anything but napping . Maybe they have irons in the fire and plan on trying until the eviction. But I kind of doubt it. Hate to see jason go, but…you need to PLAY to STAY dude!!! lol
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Star, sadly I do agree, just remain hopeful. I think that John is too smart not to realize what they have been doing to him in regards to throwing comps. I would think Steve has to see where he stands in regards to the power alliance as well. Those 2 plus Meg, James and Jackie would be enough to keep Jason and flip power in the house. Not to mention, see the distrust in Van essay now. I wish ppl made power moves like the old days.
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@Jolene from yesterday post, I’m totally impressed of your use of infinitesimal.
Lisa and everyone else, thanks for all your insight. This blog is definitely more interesting than watching.
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Vanessa will not win. She is not as smart as everyone thinks she is and is extremely transparent. When comparing her to the HGs, she seems smart but that isn’t saying much at all. The big problem is not only the HGs on the other side can’t figure out what she’s doing, her own alliance can’t see that given the right moment, she would do the same exact thing to them. All she’s doing is finding out what someone said about something that don’t mean anything and then turning whatever was said around on them and calling them a liar and that everyone else feels the same way so you have to go. That’s as weak as it comes, yet everyone in the house not only goes along with it, they help her do it. Now she even as BB watchers thinking she’s gonna win and is a genius. I don’t think so.
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After all that, like I said yesterday, Getting Jason out was the best move not only for her game, but her alliance. The only reason they wanted to keep the twins in the house, was for them to have the numbers. Getting rid of Austin would have been going against plans they’ve had for weeks.
We were talking about Jason and him knowing about Vanessa’s poker playing, I watched the rest of that BBAD and didn’t catch that he said that to Becky. If that is the case though, it doesn’t make any sense. If he truly knows this, first of all, how does he know this, and second of all, why wouldn’t he immediately be using this info to crush her. Call a house meeting and destroy her. In the meantime, he rallies most of the house to get votes to stay. As of right now, nothing he’s doing is making much sense.
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@Star- so agree with you! Maybe if Jason’s parents didn’t enable him, he would fight to win the money. He’s basically rolling over and accepting his fate without a fight! Vanessa is annoying and why they all trust her is beyond me. As older and wiser folks- we know- when someone talks about lying like Vanessa does- they are usually the biggest liars. These kids are too young to get it. I really wish I would have seen the very first BB shows!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa, thanks for your updates!!!
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Good Morning!! Forgive me if this has already been asked or answered. I have been in the hospital and have not been able to keep up with the blog. Isn’t Julia eliminated from entering the house tonight because they caught on to her? I thought as long as Liz and Julia were able to keep it hidden they could both enter the game. What was the point of holding her out all this time since they all know about her. Especially now that it has effected the game to the point Jason is going home etc. what would have made her entry in the house null and void….someone shouting from the roof top Julia and Liz are twins?? To me what would be great is Julie announcing tonight there will be no vote because Julia and Liz were outted so Julia goes home. Just a question and my thoughts. Thanks Lisa Marie
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I sure hope it will get better. Boring!!!!!!
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Dawn I think you are right about they had to keep it hidden. But if that is the case I wonder why Liz is still in the game? It would be great if tonight they didn’t vote and Liz was taken out. If the floaters would united after that they could run the house and if they were smart take Van out first!! I can’t wait to see who wins HOH that could really shake things up.
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@My2Cents – Van may win but I didn’t say she was a genius.
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I have to say my favorites right now are John and Steve. John has that bobcat goldthwait 1980s voice that’s funny and annoying at the same time plus his diary room takes are hilarious. Steve is a very different sort of cat, very cerebral in his approach and always analytical.
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Dawn, I agree with you, thought twin would be outed if discovered. But you know Big Brother, always changing the rules to better their ratings. Plus I think the twins add some life to the show, so they may want to keep them in.
Now, my question is, what happened to the weekly twists “conceived” by a special guest?
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hoping for a miracle that there will be a rewind tonight so Jason can stay then their side will win hoh and take Austin out first. We can all hope
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Thanks Des!! 🙂
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My understanding of the Twins is: If the one twin made it through three weeks they could both enter the house.
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so usually by now the showmance couple is considered a threat , but not this season
And we gave 2 couples
But who’s counting ?
Yawn !
Looks like it’s going to be the same every week no big bold moves
Yawn !
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