Hi, everyone!
Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and Austin and Vanessa…
Ever since Audrey’s eviction, there’s been a lot of plotting and scheming in the Big Brother House. HoHs Vanessa and Jackie plotted to backdoor Austin. Austin plotted to backdoor Steven.
Why is Austin after the relatively harmless and inept Steve, as opposed to someone who is actually a threat to win? Apparently, he feels that Steve spends too much time talking to Liz. Austin really is just an overgrown 12 year-old child. He even has an imaginary friends named Judas.
(Hopefully, Judas will eventually possess Austin and start writing “redrum” on all the walls.)
Anyway, Austin is convinced that everyone is convinced that Steve voted to keep Audrey but instead, everyone appears to have figured out that Austin cast the vote. As of last night, at least, Austin had yet to figure out that his scheme was not working.
Vanessa nominated Clay and Becky. Jackie nominated James and Liz. Apparently, the plan was for James and Liz to throw the “fan favorite” Battle of the Block, which would make Jackie HoH. That way, Jackie could backdoor Austin and Vanessa could avoid getting blood on her hands.
However, there was a glitch in the plan. Nobody told Liz. When the plan was hatched and then nominations originally made, Julia was the twin in the house. Liz was off wherever she hangs out whenever Julia is doing twin duty.
Now, it would have made sense for Julia to let Liz in on the plan during the twin switch but Julia wanted Vanessa to be the one to explain it all to her. However, from the minute Liz reentered the house, she had Austin crawling all over her and telling her about how the plan was to backdoor Steve.
(Austin also spent a lot of time telling Liz that nobody likes her sister and that Julia is a terrible player who Austin and Liz need to get rid of. Uhmm — real smart, Austin. Speaking as the youngest of four sisters, I can say that no showmance will ever defeat the bonds of sisterhood.)
So, they went into Battle of the Block without Liz knowing what the plan was. James was supposed to throw the BoB but guess what? Clay may be nice to look at but he’s absolutely terrible at Big Brother competitions. So, even though James was trying to lose, he and Liz still won the Battle of the Block.
So, now Vanessa is once again Head of Household and is freaking out about getting blood on her hands. Clay and Becky are the nominees and there’s a lot of people in the house who actually would like to get rid of Clay. As far as I know, the plan is still to backdoor Austin and I hope that doesn’t change.
Of course, Austin is still totally clueless. I think he still thinks that Steve is the target and, if Austin wins the Power of Veto and uses it, I imagine that Steve probably would be the replacement nominee. So, let’s hope that Vanessa sticks with her plan, Austin doesn’t win the veto, and Austin leaves the house on Thursday!
Lisa Marie
As usual you’re right on the mark LM. Thanks! I just read an article on Yahoo from Entertainment Weekly when Julie C. says it was correct that Audrey broke the rules. It was a piece that others have said of CBS trying to be politically correct. Boo Hoo, she was a poor player who was not judged by who she was but how she played.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, Austin is a fool, Austin you have/or had a chance if you just kept quiet. To much talking is getting you in trouble. in last posts others saw James as a thoughtful person, getting Audrey food. I believe he is a good ole boy and may use the money wisely, not like some who may not need it ( like a professional poker player). just my thoughts.
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Right on Lisa!!! You definitely have a way with words and I almost always agree with you. I don’t know how many more times I can stomach Austin all over Liz! He looks like a snake that is ready to shed his skin! (shivers!!!!) I really can’t remember in some of the earlier shows that the HOH’s were “afraid of getting blood on their hands!” They were proud when they finally got someone out the door! What are they thinking? That BB is a popularity contest? As my dear Aunt Cappie used to say: “Guts up!” The HG’s used to fight hard to become HOH. Now, some of them don’t want the responsibility of being HOH because they don’t want to upset anybody by actually nominating them! Really?? I really want someone to step up and start playing the game. All I have to say to the HG’s is “Guts up!! (Thank you Aunt Cappie.) 🙂 Good post Lisa! Later!
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What’s up with Liz??????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are pictures of her laying in bed with Austin kissing. Does she really like him? I was hoping she was just flirting for game sake.
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Sissy, these players have no GUTS. BB this season is a farse. If I wasn’t such a BB addict I would STOP!! watching it. Sooo sooo sad. :0(
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Did any of you see the interview Jeff had with Audrey?
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I don’t understand Vanessa’s phobia about getting blood on her hands. The jury members
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have not started gathering yet. The only blood on your hands that really counts is when
the jury convenes and you want their votes. The others who have left have no voting
power. If the house wants Austin gone, then there is no blood to worry about anyway.
If she’s worried about becoming a bigger target because of her ability to win HOH and
veto comps, then don’t win. But if you want your group to stay in power, it looks like you
will have to depend on yourself and Shelli to keep it. The rest don’t seem to have the
capabilities to win. I can’t figure out if Steve is throwing comps or just not as good as he
thinks he is. Either way, I have a hard time understanding him when he tries to talk game.
He repeats himself and sometimes doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend what the other
person to whom he’s speaking is saying to him. Even the other HGs have trouble following
his conversations. Yet sometimes, he makes perfect sense. I thought Meg would have done
better than she’s done in the game. Maybe her time is coming. James is a good competitor,
but lack of good communication between players has been a downfall for plans hatched in
advance. It’s almost like watching keystone cops. Becky and John are good competitors, but
haven’t reached their peak yet. As the number gets smaller and people start to turn on their
alliance members, it will be interesting to see whose cream comes to the top.
Please let Austin go home!
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Star: So agree with your posts and thank you for the info and early spoilers. You are
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------great at getting the information out to us.
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I thought Liz was just using Austin for her game. I have seen several pictures of Austin with her, but the expression on her face seems like she doesn’t like it. Especially the picture of her face in the mirror when Austin is hugging her. She doesn’t look happy at all. I will have to search YouTube to see interview with Jeff and Audrey. Let those blogs keep on coming! Everyone must be having a nice Saturday and no time for BB Blog. I’m sure we will get more blogs later! I look forward to them. Bye for now!
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OOPS!!! This blog didn’t come up when I refreshed! So , from the last page…..
~PLAYING in POV: Vanessa Clay Becky Liz Johnny Mac Shelli HOST: JASON –
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Also, I wrote this responding to comments from earlier today. So I am reposting here and then I will read today’s!!! lol 😳
WOW..now we are blogging!! lol Lots of good comments to respond to!!
@jadeangel….I never really warmed up to Steve. We all like the underdog and sweet, scared little boy. As women I think we want to protect him. And I kept comparing him in my mind to Ian and thinking he would take off at some point! He is just super awkward socially(at least Ian has a reason to be and got popular anyway!!)He seems to hold grudges, lie a lot and hasn’t really formed any real bonds with anyone. I don’t see him as a threat tho so they may keep him to use as a pawn as the numbers go down. But he could go anytime and I doubt anyone would even notice!! lol
@Junksies…always enjoy and agree with your posts!! GMTA!! lol As to jackie, the reason she is with S&C is that she at least recognizes that they hold the power! And she has felt isolated all game because of Jeff. I think she would have done much better has she come in alone but then no one would have known who she was , so what’s the point??LOL Also, she is Beauty Contest/cheerleader pretty and I am sure used to being popular. Jock Clay and girl-next-door Shelli make her feel like she is in with the cool kids!!!
@sherry…totally agree with your assesment of Clay! I also thought the house wanted Austin out. But last night, the house was divided into whispering pairs in different rooms. C&S . A&L. V&Jackie. It was hard to hear what they were saying/plotting and I tended to not listen after awhile. I will dig around and if I hear anything I will let you know. I don’t LOVE Clay but at least he is eye-candy and really our ONLY, at this pint! I would MUCH rather see A-hole go…lol
@J&JTwins…….For some reason this blog has had server problems all season. I only clicked on those boxes one time a few years ago and my mailbox was so flooded, I turned them off permanently. It isn’t that hard to put this blog in your taskbar and click on the last post whenever you want to check. May seem like the long way around but I guess it depends on how often you check here and if you want to spend all day deleting emails. lol
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Well, Lisa pretty much summed everything up at this point. As I stated before, if they are smart they will keep Clay at least for the numbers. Austin is a wildcard and will do what’s good for him…and Judas! And that is usually personal. He may be smart but not a smart player!!
@ Janice…I haven’t seen the interview with Jeff and Audrey either. I am sure it it on the LFS but I just don’t have any interest. Was there anything in it that stood out??
While looking for it online, I did find some nudie shots of the twins(very tasteful) modeling and some from in the house. If you want to see it posted let me know. I didn’t want to offend anyone!!
@sherry……I didn’t realize anyone had read the other page, but thanks for the compliment and ignore the repost!!lol
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Will go back and read more later but just thought how funny if Jason could pretend to have an Austin crush and follow him everywhere he goes and have everyone else go along with it… maybe have a couple more girls do the same and drive Austin nuts with all his bb groupies… fake girl and Jason fights over Austin… fake tears. ; maybe Austin would end up wrapped in blankets hiding in the HN room? Anyway..funny visual.
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Yes, tendr, that would be awesome! 😀
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Star: I would like to see the pics of the twins in and out of the house. Thanks.
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tendr: So funny! Loved it.
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Jeff highlights. Must be playing POV comp.
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@sherry…..let me know if this works or not. I sent it to my email to save it so it might not. If so I can go dig it up again!
Twins pics…a little racy but nothing really offensive.
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TENDR – that would be great!
About an hour ago Liz went to the DR and when she came out she went straight up to the hoh room – Austin didnt see this – so he paced and paced and paced – then he finally went up there where she was halfway laying down at the end of the couch – so when he sat down he was at her feet. You could tell it annoyed him that he couldnt put his arm around her – so he just grabbed her foot. SO ANNOYING!!!
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As far as the nudy shots of the twins: “much ado about nothing!” I do however see them in a different light. Maybe Liz doesn’t mind being mauled by Austin! I still wonder how Julia feels about it! Twins share a lot of things, but not their men! 🙂 Still searching for the interview with Jeff and Audrey. I really want her to be okay, but still glad she is out of the house! Austin next please! I am a little surprised they haven’t had a double eviction yet. It seems about time for one. Doesn’t Julie usually let us know the week before? I guess we’ll find out, hopefully soon! I am ready for a real shake-up on the house!! Later! 🙂
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The only good thing this year is your writing style
Thank you for making another boring season fun to read about
I missed the show , my husband deleted by mistake and I don’t care!
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For those looking for the Jeff/Audrey interview, it is on the LFS if you have them. But I found it also on FB. Go to the Big Brother TV show and like. They have it there too. I tried to find a way to send it from my LFS but there isn’t one. Sorry. 🙁
POV still being played.
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Going out for a bit of shopping and dinner. Enjoy your evening all!! I’ll BBL!! 😉
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Thanks, Star. They came in just fine. I agree, tastefully done and not offensive at all.
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Clay won POV
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Hi Stra, good to see you here. Or anywhere!
I didn’t think I’d like Vanessa when the game started but she and Shelli are pretty strategic players. Clay is hanging on to Shelli’s coattails for all he is worth, which doesn’t seem to be very much, and the rest of the HGs just seem to be milling about hoping they will win. Anything. Interesting season. Not great, but not the worst. We’ve had better and we’ve had worse. This is a reprieve after the last two seasons.
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Thanks goodness Clay won POV!! At last he comes through and earns his bread and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------butter. Now it is for sure Austin will go home. Although some want Steve to go, Vanessa
counts him a secret ally and won’t get rid of him. Those that wanted Clay gone have
lost for this eviction, so Austin….good bye. Hope your wrestling career improves, but
the Judas thing is not very appealing, nor a very good hook.
It’s getting ready to really get hot in the game. When Austin goes up on the block, he
is not going to take it very well. But hopefully Liz and Julia will get some relief from
Austin’s smothering affection or whatever he calls it. It’s really getting creepy supreme.
But then Liz hasn’t done much to cool him off. Can hardly wait for the fireworks!!!
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Lisa, I agree with you about all the emails. I have unchecked my notify boxes. I would rather come into the site. YEAH! Clay. Goodbye Austin.
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I kinda like getting BB e-mails that are current …. just not the old ones! I just got a bunch that were posted before Audrey was evicted! 🙂 Not good! Well, time to start my evening! Later!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love BB..but as we can all see..these HG have no guts!!! Get blood on your hands already!!! Get psycho Austin out. Break up Clay and Shellie!!! Like someone posted…I’m also a big fan of BB..that’s why I can’t stop watching!! It’s also time to just have one HOH!!!
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I agree….legit rid of Austin…..he creeps me out!!!!!!
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i’d rather get rid of shelly and clay and have austin stay awhile and mess with his head and heart…he’s not going to win so why not bug him right back? Liz needs to get other’s to fight her for him just to give herself a break…and i’d be doing a hide and seek thing with him…of course i’d not tell him..i’d just see if other’s could hide me from him and when he finally finds her she should act all innocent…they’re boring in there…i wanna see austin cry. i mean judas..it’d be different if she really liked him…when i saw the pics of him holding her head and kissing her it didn’t gross me out but her expression did make me feel uneasy. i felt like saying…like someone announcing a wrestling match…Now Judas has Little Lizzie in a head hold..look at those arms on that man…wow, he could snap her neck..she can’t get away…she’s down! Can she breathe? OH NO here comes the lip hold…closer closer…Lizzies expression isn’t going to scare Judas off…He is kissing her and she’s wiggling like a snake with it’s head caught. Judas’s huge paw, i mean hand is wrapped around her whole head. Judas wins this match…Lizzie can’t even get up and run away………..I’d hide his hat and say Clay did it…cough every time Austin got really close..a hacking cough…..tell him i heard he touched my sister’s boob..pour water in the bed and say she peed and has accidents sometimes. lay a big pad made out of extra sheets in bed with them…i’m laughing but i’m serious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.I don’t want the twins out. seriously i like them better than shelly, van, meg, all the guys except for John and becky. i don’t know why the shows we see on tv don’t show how cute John and beck get along and make each other laugh………………………change of subject..i’m watching this show online called “Unreal” and it’s about a dating show and how horrible it really is “they say” behind the scenes….it’s shocking and it makes me wonder…if bb is the same way…controlling everything and it’s actually brutal.
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It seems that the HGS had to dress up as squirrels for the POV comp. Does that mean that Clay has the biggest nuts because he won??LOL Sorry…couldn’t resist!!!! 😀
Also, Van picked Shelli, Clay and Steve for H/Ns this week. (altho Steve volunteered. Weird) Seems like we are short a person here. She picked 2 people from her alliance and her little secret spy boy. IS she trying to look like she’s not aligned with anyone??
Shelli and Van doing double tag duty on Liz trying to determine where her head’s at and if they can trust her. Still grilling her about if she voted for JEFF to go. Really?? He’s out…who cares??? She did, but she totally denies it. Good girl!!! lol
Also talking abut BDING Austin and how the house sees the twins and him as a three-headed monster. She was shocked he was the target and tells them that everyone in the house wanted Clay out!!! No reaction from Shelli. I expected a meltdown!! She says she doesn’t like him the way he likes her and even if she did her sister would C*ck block him!! lol He actually repulses her! Maybe there is hope for her yet!!! I don’t expect Austin to go without a fight. But who’s going to vote Becky out?? Also, he is going to be majorly depressed when his fantasy of doing the nasty with Liz at the jury house falls apart!! ICK!
I was shocked that Clay finally WON something! Not a huge fan of either guy, but I would much rather continue to watch Clay than Judas!!! Here’s your 30 pieces of silver, Judas. have a nice life!!!! 😉 I stand by my prediction…this year’s winner will be a female!!! The guys are a bunch of LOSERS!!!
@Hey Princess!! Good to see a familiar vet face!!! Someone who still knows me as Stra!!!!lol
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creeped out? come watch my husband do a Jim Carey impression or talk like pres Clinton or even festus with his pants up to his chest…yes..it’s a creepfest of a happy marriage but i roll my eyes wayyy too much.
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@Star and her nut fetish. Now we know.
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Clay is a cartoon
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When is the veto nomination going to take place? I can’t wait to see the look on Austin’s face. Hopefully he will go up. I can’t stand looking at him, he is so gross with all his tattoos, that ugly beard with that rubber band and his painted nails. A beard is as dirty as a toilet and his is nasty looking. I wonder if Johnny Mack talks to his patients the same way he talks on camera? He seems like a nice guy, he is book smart,but socially awkward. This season is quite the sleeper. Jackie is a bore, she is pretty and likes to touch her hair every minute, but has no game. Meg is cute and laughs all the time but if she becomes HOH I wonder what personality will come out. Steve is a 12 year old and seems to have OCD or something. The double eviction will occur when the first two people go to the jury house so they don’t have to go alone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t wait to see what happens.
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@wingnut17….The POV ceremony is always on Monday. And I can’t say I disagree with your observations.
@tendr……It takes one to know one!!! lol Actually, I do have a nut fetish. I LOVE me some cashews!!!! I can’t have them in the house cuz I can’t stop eating them!!! 😛
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Good reports! Star, I hope you had a nice dinner and shopping! I also have a real nut fetish! I always have a mixture of almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts and pumpkin seeds beside my chair. They are good for you! 🙂 ( I can’t eat many peanuts .. they give me a stomach ache) I have nothing to say about the BB house because you have all said it well! I am going to try and get to bed before 2:00 a.m. this morning! Sweet dreams my friends! Later!
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@Lisa – Morons are pretty much one size fits all. Excellent post!
@Jolee and Jeanne – Luv the banter between you two. No kids…that explains why I’m not concise. LOL!! Totally agree with you about no blood on their hands. Another difficulty they seem to be having this season is “what reason/explanation should I give?” or “what should we say?” blah blah blah. How ’bout JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO! GUTS UP!!!
@Jan – I too thought it very nice of James getting Audrey food. It’s the southern gentleman in him.
@tendr – I’ll take a front row seat to that match…I’m howling…2 funny!!!
@Star – I wondered about the HN short list. ??? Luvin all this humor tonight!! Sorry, but what the heck is GMTA?
I deliberately stayed away from anything BB until tonight’s BBAD @9pm in the hopes of adding interest and mystery to an otherwise predictable and boring couple of days. Wow! It worked…enhancing my viewing pleasure!! I know that sounds corny, but it really did!! There was Vanessa seemingly reconsidering back dooring Austin. Huh? Then there was Austin squirming in his pants and I knew something big time must have happened. He didn’t win veto!! The rest of the show was like piecing a puzzle together. So I’m off to my fav sites to fill in the blanks.
Lifetime cashew lover but almonds are trying to take first place but recently pistachios rule!!! I read pistachios are the lowest in calories of all nuts. When my poodle hears the crack of the shells she comes a runnin’ for her treat. She actually eats the meat and leaves the shell!! I kid you not. Little smarty.
All you bloggers were really fun tonight!!!!
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Thank you Junksies. It’s 6am can’t sleep. Restless legs. Driving me crazy ( short trip ) Anyone have a cure? This is totally off topic. Going to and get a couple of hours. God bless.
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As a successful professional poker player, Vanessa needs to start playing her cards to win after every deal with no self-serving distractions from other players at the table. To take the 500K pot, she may need to leave the game a little bloody.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are Shelli and Clay the only F2 deal that really matters to them? Count on it!
Are Liz and Julia likely to part ways at F2 for Vanessa’s benefit? Never!
Will Austin/Judas ever bow before anybody but Liz? Only in my dreams when she cuts his hair and beard off and he loses all his strength.
Will any of the other seemingly independent players lay down their cards to help Vanessa take the pot in the end? No way!
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For next year Big Brother contestants they should use all the first evictees from all the past seasons, see what kind of game we get from a house full of losers. I wonder how old the first ever evictee is now.
For the 20th season they should do all the winning contestants.
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Well good morning bloggers! Happy Day! When you can wake up feeling good after only five hours sleep, that’s a good day. Started the day watching our church on the internet! Nice going to church in your pj’s with a hot cup of coffee by your side! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junksies, I can’t understand these HG’s this season. They really don’t have any guts! They think they are all on a holiday, having fun, not hurting anyone’s feelings because they might get mad!! I could tell those houseguests a few of my mom’s “sayings!” But I won’t! 🙂 I wonder how sweet everyone is going to be when they start turning on their puny alliances?
Tendr, you are soooooo funny! I love your sense of humor! Gotta go! Catcha later! Have a happy Sunday!
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** Spoiler Alert** I just saw posted on Facebook that Clay used the veto on himself and Vanessa put Jason up as the replacement nom instead of Austin.
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I just checked the Jokers site and that is what they are reporting also.
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