Hi, everyone!
Monday is my crazy day so I’m almost literally writing up this update and changing at the same time! That’s dedication for you! Unfortunately, it also means that this is going to be a pretty short and quick update.
But that’s okay because, as has been pointed out in the comments, the house has been about as exciting as watching paint dry. Everyone seems to know that Clay wants Da’Vonne out of the house and, for the most part, everyone’s laying low and letting him have his way. That’s a good strategy (because, after all, if Shelli and Clay are focused on Da’Vonne, that means that everyone else is safe for a week) but it’s not necessarily fun to watch.
Has the phone started ringing yet? If it has, I’ve missed it. Maybe they were planning to waiting until after the veto ceremony. Or maybe Kathy Griffin got bored and decided to go appear on a different reality show. It could happen! Kathy seems to pop up everywhere!
ANYWAY — both Audrey and Liz are safe this week because, in the end, Shelli for some reason decided to replace John with Meg. Meg told Shelli that she wants her safety guaranteed for three weeks in return for not seeking revenge. Good move on Meg’s part. Who knows? I’ve been pretty dismissive of Meg but maybe she’s smarter than I thought. Still, I think James is crazy if he thinks Meg looks like Taylor Swift.
So, right now, it looks like Da’Vonne is doomed. And, quite frankly, it looks like Shelli is doomed too. She’s managed to alienate a lot of people during her times as HoH. And I think it’s going to come back to haunt her.
At the same time, I think Clay’s going to be okay. Clay’s got the smile and all of that natural charm. He’s likable and you can get away with a lot in the Big Brother House if you’re likable. So, while Clay is the one who is responsible for almost everything that has happened this week, Da’Vonne and Shelli are the ones who are probably going to end up paying the price.
And that’s it for now! Bye!
Lisa Marie
You got it right Lisa! As I mentioned on the last post, it would be very interesting if Da answered the 7th phone call! That could throw a monkey wrench into the entire scenario! Especially if she could share the “twist” with the HG’s. Even if she couldn’t it would be interesting to see what happens. If only wishing would make it true! 🙂 We shall see! I couldn’t think of anything that would affect the game more! Good report Lisa. Have a good evening.
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I really believed Audrey would be gone after she got busted being a liar and a manipulator. Guess these houseguests aren’t as smart as I thought they might be. It would kind of serve them right if Da answered that call. She is too high strung and drives me nuts right now but Audrey deserves to be gone more. This could truly kill Shelli’s house time. Dumb of her.
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Ring ring. .not yet!
Why is it people forget they are playing a Game and for money!
Shelli…for instance!
Thanks Lisa for update!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t wait for the phone shake up!
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Why, why, why, isn’t everyone smart enough to get Audrey OUT!!!. I don’t understand. So frustrated. Okay Jeanne “Let it go, Let it go.” :o( {{{HUGS}}
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That was funny sissy! Your comments are always short and sassy!! I vote to evict Audrey …. no matter what the HG’s want!! 🙂
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Thx Sissy
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So Lisa are we commenting on two posts now ?? ……..
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It’s not PC to send home the only black American. Something will change to keep her on.
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It just came to my mind. Did that girl not hear that train? Here in the south we say “bless her heart.”
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I hope Da can be saved by the Last Laugh twist. I will be thrilled to see Shelli and Clay’s faces if she gets to stay. That would be AWESOME!
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Ok everybody….the phone call has been played and Day got the 7th call!!!!!! So it’s her choice which 3 HGS can’t vite. Who do you think she will pick???? 😉
I’m sure Clay is one……Audrey…..and if she is smart, Steven. I herd earlier today that he went running to Shelli with all the info that james, Jason, Meg and Da were talking about. He is a RAT and a liar and no longer on my LIKE list! In fact, I UNFRIEND him!!lol It’s been that kind of day and I already unfriended a family member so……LOOK out people! No holds barred!!! 😉
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Thank you Star for the update. We haven’t been getting the blogs in our email??? Good night, sleep tight. God bless. {{{HUGS}}}
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Wow! Star!! I hope I’m still your friend! I am soooooo excited that Da got the 7th call. That is exactly what I wanted! Now, if she just plays her cards right, she could turn things upside down. I am very disappointed in Steve. I thought he was going to be one of my favorites. He’s turning out to be an Andy wannabe! I can’t stand that type of a player. I also unfriend him! Well, back to The Profit, one of my favorite shows on CNBC. It’s so good. Bye all. Talk atcha later! 🙂
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Yay for Day getting the 7th phone call, that’s all I am going to say!! 🙂
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WOW..it’s so rare things play out so well in the house! Very happy Da got the 7th call…cant wait to see what happens!
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Da’ got the second call and has also figured out that Liz and Julia are the twin switch. I’m not crazy about her calling Liz the moon face or pie face fatter twin, but that girl has street smarts. If I didn’t know better I would think that Da’ is the poker player and Vanessa was a… I don’t want to insult anyone’s profession so let’s just say she doesn’t seem very bright. And she seems to have no instinct for this game. Strange when a person makes a living from reading everybody’s slightest facial tic and body language. Da’ certainly has that instinct.
As much as I’ve come to dislike Audrey’s game, she has made Clay look like an idiot. Perhaps not to the house, but just in conversations. He really isn’t very bright and that makes him extremely unattractive to me (as does his age).
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Da’ got the seventh call. I hate auto-correct!!!
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So Da figured out Liz is the twin, good for her..she does have smarts..street and people wise. I am HOPING Vanessa has this also…and will show it soon. How awesome would the 2 be if they teamed up and both had those smarts?? Well, a girl can dream..
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Yay for Da getting that 7th call.
As for this game!! For some reason, I’m just not that into it this year. I haven’t been on here or any of the other sites much at all. And I’ve missed 3 shows!!
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Ok now….if Da figured out the twin stuff does that mean that the whole house knows?!? Also, we knew if they made it to week 5 they could play as individuals. My question is what happens now…is Liz kicked out….does she get go continue in the game but without her twin?!? Any info is greatly appreciated!! LOL
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I think Da is the only one playing the game. And if she did in fact get the 7th call, then look out. I really think Da would get rid of Audrey before Clay or at least that is what I would do. I love reading everyone’s comments because it fills in the blanks for me. Thanks everyone.
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@Annie….I don’t know whoall knowsor if Liz KNOWS peopleknow! But Day and Jason know and they have convinced Meg. Jason has been studying Liz all day! He knows all their differences. And he remembers S5 so he is comparing the 2. they know they need to get her out or if she manages the 5 weeks, he sister comes in the game too!!
How many twins are there this year??? Shelli has a twin brother looks JUST like Clay!! EW!!! And I know I heard someone else day they were a twin. I like to know the total number of HGS with twins!
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I’m not sure that three votes can save Da’ but it will make for a more interesting week until Thursday. Da’ told Jason about the twins, they had a lengthy discussion in the back yard. One twin is considered friendly, one is not. The last time I checked, Jason had only shared this with James, as Da’, Jason, and James are pretty tight, but Da’ was trying to figure out how to leverage this information to help her stay in the house. I think she’s going to try to bribe Liz/Julia for a vote in order to keep the news quiet.
I think Shelli made a serious error in not back dooring Audrey when she had the chance. Memories are short in this game and Audrey is a phenomenal manipulator. By the way, it’s been made known that production told Audrey about the twin twist, but not who it was, and about the details of at least one comp before it was played. I guessed, and I’m sure others did, too, that this year Alison’s pet was Audrey. I’m guessing she will at least get to jury now that Shelli has decided not to back door her.
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no doubt BigBbob. How on earth does someone get hit in the face by a train?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ball maybe, a fist maybe, but a train? My god what an idiot. My woman noticed
Becky’s face was a bit off and wondered about it.
Well done by Becky to recover and hopefully not be hit by a train again.
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Hi Star, it’s Jeff that has a twin if I’m remembering correctly.
So now Meg knows too. Interesting. I wonder if Meg will tell Shelli. I noticed Clay can’t keep his mouth shut. He tells Jeff everything and Shelli has been reprimanding him for just the little bit she knows about. That showmance would be over in a heartbeat if she knew how much Clay was blabbing.
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I vote to evict DaVonne the liar and Audrey such a pawn lol
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Da may still have a small chance of staying if she uses the leverage against Liz and Liz sways Austin – then whom ever else. I speculate she will knock out Clay, Jeff and Steven….
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Seems kind of strange to me that the one in the biggest trouble got the seventh call- could that have been manipulated ? Oh well, it will make everything more interesting !
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NOTE: 🙂 I am confused about how we are getting posts from here to our e-mail. Last year I got a post in my e-mail every time someone posted on here. This year I have been getting the new posts from Lisa, but the individual posts from all of my fellow bloggers are not in my e-mail until hours or days later. Then I will get about 50 or 60 at one time, and they are all older blogs! Very confusing! Does anyone else have this problem?? I always check the box to receive e-mails whenever a new post comes up. Anyway, I can live with it, but it’s a little confusing! Please forgive my venting! I am really enjoying all of your comments! 🙂 Jolee has left the building! 🙂
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OK I have to say something about Becky getting hit by a train. After being married a Long time to my ex a railroad engineer and being snuck on a mile long train myself and allowed to throttle one… she may have had headphones, earplugs, listening to music. You’d be surprised how many men drive right in front of a horn blowing train plus so many people stop or stand too close to the track not realizing just how wide a train car is and also THEY ROCK… and yes my ex hit a guy walking and killed him so maybe give the girl a break???
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Jolee. yes I suddenly received a slew of emails with posts that I had already read 1-2 days ago. I thought my system had gone bonkers but when I looked they were all valid but very very old!!!
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Saving a spot!
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Tendr she was hit by the light rail in Denver. It’s an electric commuter train and quite a few people have been hit by the light rail while wearing ear buds because it is virtually silent.
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