Hi, everyone!
So, last night, we had the second part of the final HoH competition. Since Vanessa already won the first part, the 2nd part was between Liz and Steve. It was a timed competition, where Liz and Steve had to climb over stuff and put letters in crossword puzzle. Ultimately, it took Steve about 28 minutes to finish the comp. It took Liz 31 minutes.
So, as a result of those three minutes, Liz has been knocked out of the final HoH comp. Her fate in the game is now dependent upon Steve or Vanessa. On Wednesday, Vanessa and Steve will face off. Vanessa has been telling Steve that she’ll take him to the final two. Steve told Vanessa that he would take her to the final two.
That’s right, it’s a practical love fest between the two of them. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Vanessa is just lying to try to get Steve not try too hard to win. And Steve has continually been seen talking to the imaginary voices in his head, telling them that he’s going to evict Vanessa and take Liz to the final two.
We’ll see what happens on Wednesday!
Sunday, I assume, will be the flashback show where the final three sit around the house and pretend to talk about the former houseguests. I guess I’ll watch, though I have a fear they’ll use this episode as an excuse to slip in some more Frankie Grande footage.
What can I say? I love you all but I’ll be happy when this season is over.
At least we’ve got Survivor and The Amazing Race to look forward to! I’ll be writing about both of those shows over at http://reality-tv-chat.com/ so feel free to drop by.
Lisa Marie
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what ???? i never been 1st ever, glad Liz is out of the final HoH comp, ~ I hope Steve does not throw the comp ~ good grief ~
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LOL 1st and 2nd now 3rd?
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Wow swt, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. Lets hear it for Steve. Come on Steve don’t lay down, stand up and fight for it. Let us see your man side.
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I hope Steve wins the final HOH and vote Vanessa out. If he does not win the final HOH, Vanessa will vote him out.
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Good for Steve!
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I hate that Liz even is most likely to be in final two. all she’s done memorable throughout the season is to have sex under the blankets with Austin. But she seems to be just beaming at how special she is to have made it this far (which is only due to the process of elimination)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No wonder she couldn’t do as well as Steve on a crossword puzzle. The words didn’t end in
“uh” so she was probably confused.
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If Steve does not evict Vanessa, then Vanessa will win hands down. Liz has 2 votes for sure. The only person I like at this point is Steve. I love Johnny Mac & I would love to see him play this game again with a different style.
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Come on Steve … prove you belong in the finale!! And do not take Vanessa with you if you win the final comp.!!!!! I know you are smarter than that. . Aren’t you???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa, you have been so great this year! Always delivering an informative post even when you didn’t have much to work with. I will definitely be joining you in the Reality tv Chat! 🙂 Back to Saturday’s chores! 🙂
Later!! 😎
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pretty boring in live feeds. Vanessa was doing dishes & wandering around in sunglasses and her stupid hat. how stupid is that?? everyone else in bed apparently and camera showing the door for some reason.
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Hi Lisa Marie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your work this season this is my first time really in to the Blog and love it!!
I just hope that Steve is smart enough to get Van out and take Liz with him to the final two.
She has told everyone that came in the house she would take them to the final two and so be it that she is evicted in the final 3 position. Serve her right.
Carmaa is a bitoch!!
See you next year God willing and the creek dont rise!!!!!
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Hi Pat! Welcome! We still have a few days to hear your point of view! 🙂
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I do not Like Van…..but the Game is about Big Brother, which includes Lies, Crying, Fakeness and such,…..A True BB Lover would know that Van played that game to a T. NO, I dont like that she played it that way……but shes a true BB Player…..and as much as I hate to state that fact……Van deserves to Win. Steve didnt do much until the end of the Game……..Van has been playing all along and that’s just a Fact ! I know that I’m taking the worse Road here…..but Facts are Facts…..and if anyone can play as hard as she played, then screw Steve and let Van take it !
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We can only hope and pray Steve wins and makes the choice because Vanessa will definitely take Liz. She has promised both of them final over and over again and I even heard her say to Steve yesterday that the words ‘final two’ never came out of her mouth to Liz. She can definitely tell a believable lie!!!! That is most of what she has said to Liz for the last couple of days!
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Thanks Lisa if it hadn’t been for your blog I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Does cbs own part of Ariana grande? Pleeeeez stop it!
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america favorite voting for the 25k now works, you can vote 20 times then no more,
if Steve takes Liz ~ Lis will win ~ if Vanessa takes Liz ~ Liz will win ~ i read somewhere that the game is set up for Liz to win the 500k
I hope it was a LIE ~ I want Steve to WIN the 500k ~~~~ But Vanessa has played the best game, mind game, talking deals with everybody ~ everyone was putty in her hands. She’s good and as much as I don’t care for her gameplay she has done well. Reminds me of Dan, but we shall see soon.
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Go Steve!!! You don’t deserve it, but how many of us get things we don’t deserve. I do! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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If Steve wins and picks Vanessa he is not much of a super fan. He should know better! I bet Steve’s mom is praying he takes Liz if he gets to choose.
Where can I watch Jeff and Julie Chen’s interview regarding Austin?
Ready for this disappointing season to end. I look more forward to Big Brother than I do Christmas. A huge let down this year.
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Hi Dough! I haven’t been able to find the interview either!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Does anyone know when the next comp is going to be held??
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Lisa Marie, I tried that web address you mentioned and I’m getting “This page can’t be displayed”. I used this address: http://wwww.Reality-TV-Chat.com
I thought it would have been nice for Liz to win the comp, giving Vanessa 1 win/1 loss. The game could have been more exciting then. Just MHO.
Live feeds will be boring Sun., Mon. & Tues. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Time to do flashbacks.
Just for fun I came across Big Brother 6 HOH video where HGs were in a glass house in the backyard, each holding onto a small box with a button they had to keep pressing or be eliminated. What a fun challenge that went over 10 hours.
Happy Saturday everyone.
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Jeanne4488—you are spot on with the way I feel. Liz and the “uh” is so true and makes me laugh. And Vanessa and her stupid cap is so annoying. I’m not sorry the season is almost over. I’ll finish it only because of all the time I devoted to it. The only outcome I’ll be ok with is if Steve should win and he evicts Vanessa. But in reality he’s been a coward in regards to Vanessa every single time so I fully expect to keep her no matter what he’s saying now. I don’t think he’ll win though, so it is what it is.
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I think if Steve takes Liz to the final 2, he will lose. She would have Van’s vote, Austin’s,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Julia’s before anyone else voted. They could put pressure on the rest to vote as they
do. If he takes Van to the final 2, he could also lose as she out played him. But he did much
better later in the game by winning more comps than expected by his early play in the
game. But he listened to Van too much and made some bad choices. Either way, I think he
will not win, but come in second. The only thing with Vanessa going with him, if it comes to that, is all the jurors really dislike her. Usually this would make no difference, as the jury usually goes with whomever played the best game, no matter how much they disliked the person. But this is not the normal jury of past seasons. I will watch if for no other
reason than to see how the jury votes.
Thanks, Lisa for a wonderful summer of blogging and critiques. I will be looking you up
for the Amazing Race and Survivor blog. Thanks for sticking with us and encouraging us
when encouragement was all we had to keep us going.
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It seems like the HGs were a bunch of dummies this season. From day one Vanessa has played them and they have blindly done what she wanted like lambs to slaughter. No one had the courage to seriously try to get rid of her even her lies were made clear to everyone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then they bring Frankie Grande (the advertisement agency for his sister) and I lost interest in a hurry. Why not bring in Evil Dick or the Hance family with one week left on the show?
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@Sherry – my thoughts exactly.
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Sorry, everyone — try the url without caps: http://reality-tv-chat.com/
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Hi guys! Thanks for keeping this alive! Just checking in! See you all …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Thank’s Lisa, it worked! I saved it in my e-mail and sent it to Jeanne!
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Rowdy: Glad to know I’m not alone in my thinking!
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Thank you Lisa. It worked & I added it to my favorites.
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Thanks Lisa Marie for all you do for us! Well we’re finally at the end of the season. Thank God!!!
O/T……for those Who don’t do FB….My email is doux62@att.net(Sherry & Jeanne?Can’t remember!! BB Brain Fatigue!! LOL!!
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Forgot to add my post, now I’m 32nd.
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Vanessa is a BIG BULLY she’s a card shark for crying sake, she’s dangerous
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I AM VOTING FOR JAMES BECAUSE HE HAS A DAUGHTER AND HE NEEDS THE MONEY. HE BROUGHT FUN TO GAME AND I REALLY LIKE.
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@ April …. my enthusiasm for who might win ,, went out the door with JMac. Now it’s just down to Vanessa (the bully) .and that bulging eye innocent expression she works so hard at!,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liz, who you can tell is very much “into herself” whenever she has to make some sort of speech or is in the DR, and just gave us a showmance to feel disgusted about & she’s just plain undeserving of winning $500,000 for her participation in this game. And finally Steve – which I have to root for at this point because I don’t want to see it given to the other 2.
I admit Vanessa played it to the hilt. I just find her VERY sincere tone of voice and “oh so innocent” expressions while convincing her victims what they should do to advance HER game – all just totally nauseating. She called people out for being dishonest throughout the game and nobody in there was more dishonest than her.
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I’m baffled by Steve’s inability to take care of himself: doesn’t close doors & drawers, doesn’t pick up his clothes, leaves shoes in middle of room for others to trip over, doesn’t bathe his privates, doesn’t brush/comb his hair, etc. Why didn’t his mom teach him these things? He was asked if he had roommates at college. He said “no”, no one would have him. He seems amused about him being clueless. I see a young man with a brilliant mind ( I have learned a lot from him this season), a great deal of musical talent, but he completely lacks any form of common sense.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any thoughts?
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I’m a newbie. Am I mistaken or did someone say that the runner-up will get $50,000?
I could live with Vanessa getting 50K – though I dislike her a lot – at least she played hard and smart. But the idea of Liz getting 50k just makes me sick. She seemed such a nasty person – totally self-absorbed and with an enormous sense of entitlement. She wasn’t playing, she was just being the kind of person she is – selfish, self-centered, and entitled.
My vote goes to Steve – not because I like him, but because I don’t dislike him as much as Vanessa and, especially, Liz.
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Steve doesn’t deserve the game. He has lucked his way thru to the end. Liz is dumb. And even though I don’t like Vanessa and her stupid hat, she has played them all! She should win.
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@Jeanne4488–Again, I agree with you 100%. I was so hoping that Johnny Mac could make it through to the end but knowing that dealing with “the Devil” can’t have a good outcome. He, over just about any of them was well aware of what he was dealing with and had her figured out but by then it was too late.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too only have Steve left to root for because he’s the least of the evils left. Actually he’s not even evil and he may be smart scholastically but dumber than dirt about people. His biggest flaw (which cost him the game, probably) is that he’s a spineless mama’s boy and naïve to the max. Of course she picked up on it and used it to her advantage with no twinge of guilt whatsoever.
Yeah, yeah–it Big Brother–I know. I still feel the way I feel and have that right just as much as the pro Vanessa people have their right too. Over the years, every one of my favorite players are the likeable, funny and kind ones.
Anyway, Jeanne–It’s nice reading from someone that feels exactly as I do. Thank you.
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Sharon–yes the runner-up gets $50K and I agree with you especially about Liz. And I agree about Steve also. I could live with Vanessa getting the runner-up prize but truly wish someone would have chucked her out of the house a long time ago.
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Thank you Annie. I wrote it down and will transfer it to my contacts.
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@ Max i agree 100%
@April i agree 100%
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I agree with all of you who are rooting for Steve. Even though he doesn’t deserve $500,000, he is the only one left that I would rather win the money. I also agree that Vanessa, rather than Liz should win the $50,000. She could easily lose it all on one hand of poker! I really hope Steve wins the next comp. Eager to have it all over!! See you all …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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It’s late, going to bed. Nothing new to add. Just have to wait till next season. Merry Christmas everyone. Ho Ho Ho.
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No, no, no sissy!! To soon! 🙂
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They say, Saturday night is the loneliest night of the week! It sure is in here! Where’s my Star? tendr, Junksies, Sherry, Marie, C’est Moi, Annie, Jeanne4488, Bob, Macy and all of the other night owls? It’s lonely in here!!
Jo. <—————– lonely! (:
Guess I'll go read a book or play my new Scrapple game. " All by myself … don't wanna be all by myself anymore!" It's getting sad because it's almost over! 🙂 I love all of you BBBloggers!! <3. Nite! May be back …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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I’m here Jolee and found this interesting tidbit…Production helped Liz during 2nd part of HOH!!
Steve and Liz were discussing things that happened during Friday’s 2nd part of HOH comp. liz talks about a comp that she could not recall and tells Steve what she was saying.
LIZ: I kept saying to myself, OMG I wasn’t here. And they were like, Liz yeah you were here, that’s the HOH you won”
STEVE: They told you that?
LIZ: Yeah because I kept saying to myself that I wasn’t here.
STEVE: Wait, they gave you (FISH)
BB17 September 19, 2:38pm BBT (Cam 1/2) Saturday – Liz tells Steve how prod gave her a clue and help during the 2nd part of HOH comp.
09/19/15 02:55 PM
Wow…if that don’t beat all!!….
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BB gave the guests a deck of cards and Vanessa taught Liz and Steve how to play Gin Rummy (that portion happened before BBAD started) and later Mom Vanessa came out of her lair to check on the kiddies and found Liz holding her cards upside down so Van instructed her how to hold them properly by fanning and don’t molest the deck while shuffling. In what sounded like Italian including hand motions Vanessa said; “you must be gentle.” Seeing Liz’s reaction was priceless.
I’m easily amused….
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You ask…how is it possible to hold cards upside down???…dunno, but Liz is doing it…the picture shows it all…
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@jolee, I try to spend some time with James weekend nights…. even if its just a movie , TV or watching him sleep. My hands are still busy making bracelets… that I NEED to sell.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I’m not on here much.
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Hey tendr been missing you!! O/T What materials are the bracelets made out of?
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Hey guys!! I’m with tendr…..weekends I tend to not be OL much if at all so Mike and I can spend time together. In fact, he just went down to bed and I am watching the card game on BBAD. Liz was holding her cards *fanned in*and clumped together so they did look upside down! Obviously NOT a card player! Snd she was teaching Steve to play Gin!!!lol
Anyway, speaking of watching a movie, we just saw the Boy Next Door with Jennifer Lopez. Creepy scary gory flick!!! I kind of screamed at least twice!!lol Seriously tho, it was good. Just very TENSE!!!!
I’m not blogging much in general. Nothing new to talk about, Just waiting for Wed. Sun nite is going to be so boring! I hate it when they do the walk down memory lane crap. It’s so obviously fake!!
This was about 3 hours ago. But Steve was pacing the backyard alone practicing his speech to evict Vanessa, emphasizing he’s Cody to her Derrick. Boom!!!! Maybe our boy has grown up!!!lol
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I am still very unhappy with this season. I hope that next year’s season they do a better job of selecting the guest for BB. Ultimately, it does not make a difference in my opinion who wins, I just hope that it’s not Vanessa. Yes, she may have played the game well but I have been so tired of her from the beginning. This season cannot be over fast enough for me. I am really looking forward to survivor and The Amazing Race. I just wish they’d pull off the bandaid little bit quicker instead of dragging this out.
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Good morning fellow bloggers. Last night I didn’t even try to watch BBAD. I just
couldn’t make myself watch another night of the three playing games and irritating
me. I went to bed early and now am up and trying to figure out why I’m up.
OT: For those of you haven’t seen “A Walk in the Woods” with Nick Nolte and Robert
Redford, it’s worth the time to go see it. I am not a Robert Redford fan, but over the
years have maintained a fondness for Nick Nolte. Nick shows the bad effects of too much
drinking, and Redford shows the effects of too much outdoor living, but they are hilarious
together. Our regular group met for lunch,but only two of us went to the show. We loved
it. It probably is much more entertaining for those of an older generation, as we can
commiserate and relate to them better. But I recommend it highly for a break from the
depression of a poor season of BB.
I can’t understand how BB keeps cheating season after season with their season picks
and never has to take responsibility for this. This is not the first season they have done
this, esp. after A. Grodner came on board. But it is, I think, the worst one yet.
The basic game plan of the show was a winner and shouldn’t have been messed with to try to force a certain outcome that only the production staff wants. All season the production staff has been at odds with the fans. They have pushed agendas that the fans couldn’t accept and did a lousy job in casting from the beginning. Then they took away the voting of the fans on things that kept them feeling a part of the show. They took away the twists we came to enjoy and look forward to as part of BB and added twists that were miserable failures. They have consistently ignored our complaints and suggestions on how to try
to fix a doomed season. (Not by cheating,but by going back to the old way of doing things
and allowing the players to play the game without production interference.)
There is another aspect of this show that has been overlooked by them. Even if a player is a good player by their standards, if they are not likable or have played the game with a long list of dirty tricks and whims….they are not generally going to be supported by the
fans. Human nature pulls us towards the underdogs in many cases. The basic problem
with this show is that they don’t apparently understand human nature and aren’t good
judges of character and what the fans really like. They just don’t seem to care any more.
I don’t know if all the rumors of misbehavior by production are true or not. But when
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there is smoke on occasion after occasion, there is most likely fire involved. This blog
was the only redeeming feature of this season, and it’s been an exceptionally special
one. Fans of different ages, different opinions, different walks of life, and ones living in different states and countries came together and began to care for each other in ways
BB probably would never understand. So despite a dismal season with problems that
have turned many away from it, this blog has been a rousing success and touched the
hearts and lives of many who participated, both those who commented frequently and those who commented only minimally. We became a united front of caring people.
So I thank you, Lisa for providing this gateway to friendship and entertainment. You
are the best. And I thank all of you bloggers who accepted me this season and gave me
such a special gift.
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tendr and Star: Good for you for spending as much quality time with your husbands as
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------possible. Enjoy every minute you can grab, as one day the opportunities to indulge in
those special times may vanish without warning. Live with as few regrets as you can
humanly manage, and your life will never be empty. The most precious gifts of life are
wrapped in memories that only increase in value with time.
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PLEASE don’t let it be Liz and Van . . PLEASE
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Sherry, I have really enjoyed getting to know you this season. Great blogging season, worst BB season. On to Survivor and Amazing Race.
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I first met Robert Redford in Park City, Utah, during the opening season of what was then called “Treasure Mountain Ski Resort.” He and James Drury (The Virginian) were sitting on bar stools at the Prospector Hotel at the top of Main Street when another ski instructor and I noticed the two of them in their fancy cowboy duds. What really caught our attention, however, first only seeing them from the back as we entered the bar, was that neither of their boots came even close to touching the floor. Strange, since the bar stools were not that tall and nobody under 18 could even order a 3.2 beer anywhere in Utah. We sort of laughed under our breath thinking, first, real cowboys and sheep herders in Utah don’t dress like that – ever – and second, who are these two short legged rhinestone cowboys and what in the hell are they doing here.
Curiosity got the best of us so we had the Prospector Owner Jim Carr, introduce us. Within a short time thereafter, they bought a round, we bought a round and so and so on and the rest I don’t remember that clearly.
Little did I know then that he would transform “Timp Haven Ski Area” where I trained with our BYU alpine team into “Sundance Resort” several years later.
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well cripe. had stuff all typed in here then suddenly poof! it went back to the previous page. guess I must have bumped something.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyway .. let me start again!
@ Jolee- I whimped out last night. wasn’t feeling too good. Also feeds have been boring now that it’s down to these 3. (not that they were anymore interesting with Austin there) Only thing that stood out to me was Vanessa doing this hypnosis type thing with Liz – who of course LOVED it. and Steve beating it out of the room becuz he wanted no part of it. (I’m guessing not trusting Vanessa to hypnotize him right into losing! lol)
@ April – yep. you and I are clearly on the same page with the whole thing.Frustrating, huh?
@ Sharon & April – I agree that it’s totally sickening that Liz has such a good shot at walking away with $50K at the end of this & totally undeserving. and yes yes, Vanessa played the game and everybody in it but I just HATE to see her win it. Just mostly how all thru the game she’s accused others of not being loyal or honest with her and that’s exactly what SHE has been to ALL of them. And I know it’s not about who needs the money BUT .. she is the person who LEAST needs the money & so it’s hard to be happy to see her haul in
the prize. it’s just sickening.
And now reading here that Liz was getting help from Production?? wow. I bet Steve was livid! and who could blame him? how unfair is THAT? and yeah I’m sure fish came on REAL fast! I suspect they’ve been helping Vanessa all along.
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Sherry, I am really touched by your comments. If I had your talent with words, I would have expressed the same feelings! This definitely has been a different blog. We have come to know each other in a more personal way. I believe the main reason is because we were free to express ourselves and go off topic, because of the lack of interest in Big Brother. We wanted to be here with our friends, but there just wasn’t the excitement that BB used to offer. Mainly for the reasons you mentioned. We felt left out as viewers who in the past were an important part of the decision making. In the past, we had the opportunity to be involved and we were eager to see the next show to see what kind of slop they got based on our votes. And they involved us in other ways like America’s Favorite Player.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I personally have felt well accepted and made many friends that I am looking forward to keeping in touch with.
You can contact me through Facebook at Joanne Needels May or e-mail me at joleemae@aol.com.
I am beginning to feel sad knowing this blog is soon coming to an end. But, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! We have Survivor, The Amazing Race and the knowledge we will be staying in touch with each other during the year! And …… Christmas is coming!!! 🙂 I will be checking back ….
Later!! 😎
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C’est Moi: Great story!!! Thanks for sharing that. I noticed in one scene of the movie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------how short he looked and thought it might just be cinematography error. Now I know
he really IS short. You ought to go see that movie, if you haven’t already seen it. I know
you and your wife would enjoy it!
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Jeanne4488: Loved your post. I laughed out loud at the mental picture of Steve
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------running out of the room for fear of being hypnotized into losing. What a hoot!
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Jolee: Thank you. I have enjoyed getting to know you and Jeanne, as well. You both
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have such big hearts and such a love for life. Your many kindnesses have lifted my
spirits on more than one occasion. Yes, we will keep in touch and enjoy even more
the bond that began with this blog.
Later, dear friend.
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sherry: My favorite Redford movie will always be Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid co-starring Paul Newman. Not just because their gang’s early exploits took place in and around Green River, Utah, a small town near the San Rafael Swell that my Mother’s family settled in the 1800’s, but because Pearl Baker, the author of “The Wild Bunch at Robber Roost” was a very dear friend of my Mom.
FYI. I sort of got to know Paul Newman back in 1979 when he and I came very close to colliding at an intersection in Westport, Connecticut. He was in a ratty VW and I was in my 79 Lincoln Continental (compliments of client FMC). It was a close encounter of the no stop signs in the intersection type. It could have been ugly, particularly for him in his little VW, but all turned out well and we collectively caught our breath, chatted a bit, and went on or way. He was very short too.
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Ladybugg: I believe Steve’s mother forgot to love with open arms so that even the
smallest bird in the nest learns to fly one day. She has probably done everything for
him and expects very little from him. She loves his dependence upon her.
It is hard to teach your children all the lessons of survival that they will one day need to compete and succeed in the world of reality. It is a never ending job teaching a child good
manners and helping them to learn that with good manners and survival skills (like being
able to take care of yourself without the daily help from anyone) all sorts of doors will
be opened for them that would otherwise be shut. But the most difficult task is accepting
that your efforts might not always be appreciated or even understood. That being the best
mother you can possibly be won’t make you perfect or loved. That hanging on to a child’s
dependence upon you does them no favors and sends them out into the world handi-capped. Even a child’s social skills are hampered by a mother who can’t or won’t cut the
apron strings. But even doing the best that you personally know how to raise your
child or children properly won’t guarantee they will remember, love you for it, or succeed in the world. It won’t even guarantee the world will love this child you loved with all your heart. And it certainly won’t guarantee the world will treat any child fairly, or they will
always get what they might work very hard to achieve.
Steve has a lot of challenges ahead of him and a great deal of growing up to do. I hope
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he had learned something from this experience away from home and mother for such
a long time. And I truly hope he continues to learn and adapt to circumstances that
are going to be more difficult for him than some, because he wasn’t given the proper
tools ahead of time. And I hope maybe mother has learned something from watching
how far behind socially and growth wise Steve is. But I honestly don’t think she will. She
will see only what she wants to see and be eternally proud of the son she adores.
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C’est Moi: You have lived an exceptionally rich life with so many wonderful ex-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------periences. You really ought to write a book about your life. I’d buy a copy for sure!
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Jeanne and Jolee…I have a music CD I think you both would adore.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is: Croonin by Anne Murray. My very, very favorite to listen to.
It has all oldies. I have gotten great singing (with her) on “Cry Me A River”…
Let me know if you try it. HIGHLY recommend!
Have a blessed Sunday!
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JOLEE had to be the eagle eye last night – 6 teenagers over – nuf said
Sure hope steve sticks to his guns and takes liz – if he doesnt and lets vanessa snow him – he deserves to lose…..
looking for that julie/jeff interview toooooooooahhh
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JULIE/JEFF interview – i went to the top of the cbs site and ‘searched’ it – its like 25 minutes long – the austin question was at the end of the interview…
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New post!! 🙂
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Thank you Dough. I will look it up. 🙂
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Thank you Sherry for your kind words. God has truly blessed me with a love of people that I have just met. It’s a God thing. I am really going to miss you all so much. I am: bygrace6933@aol.com or on FB. Jeanne Needels Keshishian. Dough: I love Anne Murry and that song is one of my favorites. Getting ready to watch BB. Be back after the show.
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if Steve earns the right to evict Vanessa and evicts Vanessa he deserves to win
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve and Liz have somehow managed to NOT get evicted just as much as Vanessa
I hope Steve gets to evict Vanessa as I don’t like the way Vanessa told so many mean spirited lies about other HGs in order to get them evicted
I will always remain DISGUSTED with Meg, James, & Jackie for throwing Shelli (& HOH Becky) under the train
man up Steve and WIN this!
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