Hi, everyone! I’m just popping in to give y’all my quick Monday update of what’s happening in the Big Brother House.
Today was Veto Ceremony Day. On Saturday, when they held the veto competition and Hate Twin Liz won it, she told her alliance that she wasn’t going to use it. Of course, even after learning this, Vanessa started to freak out because she was convinced that she would be backdoored.
Well, don’t worry, Vanessa! Any other season of Big Brother, you have been backdoored! But this is the season where houseguests have to literally be forced to go after dangerous players. So, no, you will not be backdoored this week. You will remain for another week, largely because the Hate Twins feels that you’re a bigger target than they are. It’s not necessarily a bad strategy on their part, though I do think they have to be careful about holding off for so long that Vanessa manages to sneak into the final two.
Anyway, they held the ceremony earlier today. Liz did not use the veto. Vanessa is all smiles again. As of right now, it looks like Becky will be sent to the jury house on Thursday.
And yes, eventually, a juror is going to return to the house but I imagine that won’t happy until next week. I think they usually wait until there’s 4 jurors before sending someone back into the house.
Lisa Marie
Boo! 🙁 Thank you Lisa. Have a nice week!
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Well, I came on to tell you that Liz didn’t use the Veto but it looks like Lisa bet me to it!! lol Nothing else really to say that LM didn’t but at least it looks like I’m #1!! lol
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Awww..now jolee beat me to that too!! Looks like I’m having a SLOW day!! It’s storming here tho and *rainy days and Mondays always get me down!!* 😉
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Yawn…………..that’s all I have to say!!!
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Vanessa all but told Austin she is/was a professional gambler today and as usual Austin put two and two together and got three. Listening to Austin ramble on and on in circles while literally saying nothing suggests that he may have spent one round too many in the ring. Or perhaps he has become the most recent house guest to come down with a severe case of vanessaitis that always seems to spread rapidly in the HOH room each and every week.
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Fannie, you are sooo right … YAWN!
Hubbie & I happily watched last summer as Derrick cleverly manipulated the house, but Vanessa isn’t LIKEABLE. Derrick wasn’t a bully or heavy-handed, but a hero to root for. I really don’t like these people, but for Johnny Mac.
So funny when Johnny rightly called Vanessa a bully, then followed her up to the HOH!
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Star, you are cracking me up. Hey, you beat me!
Anyway, thank you Lisa. Could you possibly get on that show and go in and show them how it is done? I am very very tired of their stupidity.
I agree that there will probably be another week before they will bring someone back. I really hope it isn’t Shelli. Please NO!
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They are all going to be surprised when it ends and they get to see what fools they all were about Vanessa. She just may end up winning it all. She sure knows how to manipulate these young-ins. Hope next season they bring in a few older contestants.
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@hpr…..well, you made this easy for me as I was just going to write a shout out to ya!! 😉 I AM sorry I missed you!!! I was in a hurry yesterday as we were leaving and hubby was shouting at me to go and I was so excited to see SF and Fran on here I just blurted something out and have been regretting it since!!! Princess is still on here and macy and prolly many others my tired Monday brain can’t remember right now!!lol So we are all equal, all just bloggers and let’s forget the divisions from now on. How’s that?? 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually, we must not ever be on at the same time anymore as I haven’t given you a shout out all summer I don’t think!! At least I made you laugh!!lol Good to see you at any rate..always love your posts!!! 🙂
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At least when Johnny Mac was in the diary room last night he said if he made it through, he was going to be gunning for Vanessa. I hope he survives to do so. She is annoying. I hate her hats, her make-up, her MC hammer pants, and the way she is up everyone’s butts all of the time. And she thinks her stories are interesting; which they are NOT1
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JULIA HAS NO GAME, MUCHO GREEDY & NO TABLE MANNERS!!
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well I guess there wont be any excitement this week.
I dont think I have seen mama margie post this season, but then again I havent been reading all the blogs. Just not feeling it this year.
I dont dare say who I would like to see win this year for fear I may jinx it 😉
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I can’t seem to get past Vanessa’s slandering of the Bible and the disrespectful language
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in reference to it. Then I read she tells stories from the Bible to other HGs and sometimes
uses these stories to cover up game talk. I think to use the Bible to manipulate people for
a game is too low to find a suitable word to cover it. I’m afraid she has some bad times
ahead of her, whether or not she wins BB. Finding out how people viewed her and what
they think of her is going to unravel her. Without your faith to get you through dark times,
the journey is far more difficult.
JM is the only HG with any common sense or guts to stand up to her. For that she has
made him enemy #1. I so hope he is not voted out and gets to win the next HOH so that
he can come after her. He is the only one who can and will do it. He would do it on principle alone. He has watched quietly from the sidelines and seen the damage she’s done
to the other HGs and to his friends. Go JM!!!
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I don’t understand why you call them “hate twins”. Love your blog.
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Best case scenario is JM wins HOH and nominates the twins. One of them is taken down and Vanessa put up.
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What dumb people that are in the house now. Keeping Vanessa, the liar … Only one with some sense is JM.
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Yes I’m hoping that Johnny Mac does win HOH and puts up van then after she gets herself off with a unanimous vote maybe then you will see that she truly is the best player
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I second the yawn! I too do not like Vanessa, but I am more frustrated with the house guests for letting her continue her shenanigans! Becky was the only one with the guts to back door Vanessa, and that HAD to be the ONE time when the house voted against the HOH!? UGH!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too am a big Johnny Mac fan. I would love to see him and James in the final two. I also would not be disappointed for Becky to come back in and make it to the final two!
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I’m with you Doris.
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I just thought of a great scenario. When JM or Becki (at this point it looks like Becki, but Van has it out for JM…could change) get evicted then the one left needs to get HOH. Put
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Van up with one of the twins and let it play out. Then when the one voted out (JM or Becki)
gets voted to come back into the house….they’ll have the numbers on their side to get the
remaining twin and Austin out. Then it’s survival of the fittest. Wouldn’t it “be loverly”???
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Have a question for Austin. What’s it like to try and function in life with an IQ of 58?
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Love everyone’s posts and Lisa you really make this blog what is is..the best! Vanessa might be a great poker player..but , in my opinion, she is not a good strategic player on BB..just that her alliance members ( Austin and the twins ) are so easily led. I think the twins were cast for “eye candy” they are incredibly stupid. Austin thinks with his dick, period. Shelli was a good player who MAY have seen thru Vanessa’s schemes ..eventually. Hoping Becky goes instead of Johnny Mac….or that he returns and sends Vanessa to jury. I dont like her because , as Star said…she expects people to agree and praise her..she is arrogant and entitiled. After all, she is a genius….Bleh!
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@Star! Sorry I beat you to #1 spot! I just happened to be checking my e-mail when the new post popped up in my e-mail. Does that make me a Junior Vet?? I like your suggestion about equality among us bloggers. I have grown very fond of all of you! I hope you find my contributions interesting. I enjoy all of yours.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I feel the same way about Monday’s, Star! We didn’t have a rainy day today, but tomorrow’s forecast is for 90% rain! We will be staying home, curling up with a good book or crafting, eating great food and ice cream sundaes for dessert! 🙂 Jeanne bought the store out today! 🙂
I agree with all of you about Vanessa, and Johnny boy has been my favorite from almost the beginning! Let’s hope Vanessa has awoken the sleeping lion and he has a chance to get her out the door! PLEASE!!!! 😉 I will be checking back later! Hopefully your evening goes better Star!
Later! 😎
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C’est – tell us more of this van admission !!i cant wait…did you hear it on lf? In another 3-4 hours I will be looking 4 it…where can I find?
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Bbad just started…seems there iS amposed deadline comp for making dinnet? I’m on my cellphone so excuse my typing?? I will spain -0 I will say a positive comment for a change about the twins and that is they do seem to know how to cook. They know their way around the kitchen. They should go on Food nor Worst Cooks in America. Haha
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I still can’t stomach having to watch Vanessa lie, cheat, and steal her way to 2nd place this season. I hope John wins HOH next. How can this seasons Zombies NEVER call Vanessa out on her BS?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope someone steals her hats and sets fire to them in a pile in the back garden.
On a positive note…..
….ummm …
… never mind
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Bbad. 907. Steve and jmac talking game…Steve suspicious…playing cat and mouse….
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LOL@ Kev…. 😀 I don’t think fire would destroy Van or her hats!! You need to pour water from the hot tub on them and then watch them sink into the BY in a POOF of smoke(left behind by jason!!). Because she is the Bi-polar Bitch of Big Brother17!!! ::::::fade to sounds of goblins and gremlins gigling in the background:::::::: lol
I found what I think is a good insight on the question you pose about Vanessa. It’s a bit long but a good read, altho the ending may not be necessarily HAPPY!!
*I know a lot of Big Brother fans are hoping for Vanessa to be evicted in a Backdoor scenario this week, but I promise you that isn’t going to happen. Her paranoia would have to crank up to 11 and cause serious concerns for Austin and the twins for there to be any movement on the front. Even if she caused that much trouble the Austwins would have to take a serious detour from their current plan.
By letting Vanessa survive this week the Austwins have a house wide target that isn’t them. Next week whoever gets power will be going after Vanessa instead. Of course there’s a risk of Vanessa escaping danger and them becoming plan B, but it’s not the worst idea for their game if they don’t.
What if Vanessa gets HoH as Big Brother luck would make us anticipate? Then the Austwins are again safe for an extra week. That’s why they’re playing nice and happy with Vanessa despite being on to her. Vanessa would go after Johnny Mac next week or take a Goblin out as her plan B. Again, not a bad deal for Austin and the twins.
But say Vanessa doesn’t get HoH next week. Is she a done deal then? Maybe not.
If Julia or Austin get HoH do we think next week would be handled any differently than this one? Doubtful. They’ll just let JMac go or maybe a Goblin. There’d still be no reason to take out such an erratic and potentially bitter Houseguest themselves.
Okay, but what if it’s JMac or a Goblin? And here I’m assuming Becky is evicted this week as planned, but if not then swap her out for John. Either of these situations would put the target back on Vanessa and I imagine she’d go then, except for another argument: returning Juror.
I can hear it now: if we wait one more week to send Vanessa to Jury then maybe she won’t have a chance to come back. Julie told them a Juror could return and they’ll likely expect it to include the first four Jurors since that’s usually the pool size on these opportunities. That might be enough to get them to delay her eviction.
This could go on for a few weeks, especially if you flip the order of them first delaying it due to the returning Juror and then the Austwins win HoH the following week. Soon we’ll get close enough to the end that someone will decide she’s as good as a Meg to be sitting next to in the F2 because not enough players would vote for her. Not saying that’s true, but it won’t surprise me to hear it said.
Sure, Vanessa could go next week, but I see a lot of paths that keep her around for weeks to come.*
At this rate, she could easily win, which is her plan, I’m sure, and we will all be cursing our TVs and ourselves for wasting an entire summer on yet another disappointing BB!!! And Vanessa lived happily ever after. The End. lol
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Excellent post @Star !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Vanessa WILL make it to the final 2
I just think she will have burned ALL her bridges and only get 1 single vote from PsychoSteve-O.
The saga continues…..
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When people try to sugar coat their conversations to not upset Vanessa, she still takes it the wrong way in the most negative light possible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watching/hearing Vanessa exhausts me.
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Pick on the players that don’t play the game then you all pick on the players that do.
This is BB where you lie cry and do whatever to win a half million bucks whether nicely or mean.
It’s a Game for money. It’s a Game to win!
Vanessa is a professional poker player. I wouldn’t expect less of her play.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May the best game player win the game!
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Noooooo! Please don’t subject us to another week of Vanessa’s antics! My best scenario would be for Johnny Mc to win HOH and send the “Mad Hatter” back to Wonderland! I would think after Johnny’s last conversation with her would certainly motivate him to do his best to win HOH! Johnny boy needs to do something to earn the support he has had from so many of us! So Johnny, let’s get with it!! We are counting on you!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nice post Star! That’s why you’re a “star!” 😉
Later! 😎
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@Kev……thanks! I tought you would appreciate that!! 😉
Van in F2…a huge probability. Steve voting FOR her means that something went wrong for her tho…because that means someone else took her knowing no one would vote for her.(altho I am not sure who that would BE of the remaining HGS. None of them are really that strong a player) But if things go her way, Steve…uhhhh will be sitting NEXT to her. But actually, he has gotten quite popular in the house….little Oscar Boy……and she has gotten quite hated. So not sure the * I was the better strategic player* argument would fly this time.
Funny, most years you get a feel for who will win. This year, I really think its a crapshoot. Very odd bunch of HGS for sure!!! 😉
Agree about Van being exhausting to listen to. Some nights I think my ears are actually bleeding…lol
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@jolee…..Awww……shucks!!! lol Your wish is everyone’s best case scenario so let’s just keep our cumulative fingers crossed for it!!! 😉
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First of all @ Doris shenanigans is the best word ever and completely underused – secondly, nearly everyone on the post is smarter and funnier than the ding dongs in the house – thirdly, am I crazy? I don’t understand at all why Liz and Julia believe they are good looking – I’m not saying they’re trolls – I’m just saying they are average – all three of my daughters are a million times better looking than the doubleskank twins – Facebook elizabeth graham – UC Berkeley, Angelica Graham, University of Washington or Isabella Graham, Xavier University – I have nothing against them being unattractive, but they keep saying they can get people to do things for them because they are hot – I don’t think they are “hot” besides that’s a genetic trait that they don’t control – how about kind? Loyal? Trustworthy? They are serious bitches –
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I love this blog. Sorry I haven’t contributed much lately, but I have had a lung infection and been on antibiotics for 2 weeks. It’s wiped me out. Thank you for sharing. Smile
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I have an old fashioned message for the twins! Another mommy-ism! “Pretty is as pretty does!” And, as I have previously stated: “Oh the gift that God could give us, to see ourselves as other’s see us!!” Oh, one more!! 🙂 “This better to stay silent and thot a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, since I don’t have BBAD or the live feeds, that’s my contribution for tonight!
I’m off to dreamland! Nite everyone! Goodnight Star … you’re welcome! 😉
Later! 😎
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Night Sissy!!
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Whoops! Correction: “Tis better …… (darn spellchecker) 🙁
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Jeanne, i’m sorry you have a nasty lung infection. I know meds can make you feel awful. i’m having to take them but i take a strong probiotic with my antibiotic. How long do you have to take them? two weeks already? seriously………ask your dr. for some “diflucan” you can get generic and it’s one pill a week…”for your tummy and all the yucky stuff antibiotics do to it” after they’re gone get on a multi strand probiotic…i have my mom on it..hope you’re feeling good soon. v
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@Jeanne – I wondered where you were and I hope you get to feeling better really soon.
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@Susan G – Couldn’t agree with you more!!
@Star – Yup…I’ve been saying Van, Steve and Austin, final 3 and I’m not happy about it. JMac will have to fight for his life by winning all comps to stay alive.
Tonight during BBAD there was a very interesting conversation between Steve and JMac where they were actually talking “around” each other, especially Steve who didn’t want to give up anything and JMac picked up on it right away. I was hoping the live feeders would have a report on that little dance they did. ???
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Good morning Bloggers I do think we have had enough of vanessa put up the twins Jmac and backdoor Van tell the house exactly what she has done in this game who she has hit and who she manipulated out of the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Jmac did this next week I would be the happiest BB Fan.
Can’t stand stupid Austin and the twins are not nice girls.
Even mean to each other and snarky to others.
That’s just my thoughts.
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Tendr and Junksies, thank you for thinking about my sissy. She had been on strong medication for almost two weeks. She is feelings a little better. I love this group of bloggers! You are all awesome.
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From the other page……. C’est Moi & Starfish Thank you my friends♥ Thanks for your write up Lisa! ………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi STAR 🙂
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I hope the Juror, that is sent back in to the game is the one leaving the house, last time they did this that week the person returning was lost and was out too long have no momentum to win so if big brother is reading this please make that competition for the one leaving the house it will just make it more interesting
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I’m thinking one smart thing van does is let everybody know who her target is a week ahead of time and then during that week she doesn’t target them, but so far they been going home, the original target. Would you take somebody out that’s not going to be targeting you maybe I would wait one more week
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The twins said that they could use their hotness next week on Johnny Mac so that’s why they’re going to keep him I think all the players should use their assets and you cannot deny go the twins are hot hot hot hot…,
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I’m not EVEN going to try to guess the moves of the pea brained minions. I’m going to watch like a child watching cartoons.
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Good one, tendr!
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