Hi, everyone!
So, I can tell by reading all the comments under the previous post that everyone saw last night’s eviction show. And we all saw Clay get evicted by a unanimous vote. Here’s just a few of my own thoughts about what I saw last night:
First off, I was not a fan of the way the show handled the whole Clelli relationship. By playing up the “romance,” the show played down the fact that Clelli have had a hand in every eviction. They played down Shelli’s entitled attitude. They didn’t even mention the fact that Clay got into a huge fight with James earlier in the day. (I imagine they’ll show it on Sunday.) I’m a huge and unapologetic romantic but when Clay and Shelli exchanged their first kiss, I wanted to gag.
Was it necessary for last night’s show to spend however long it was with Derrick and Cody? I mean, don’t get me wrong — I’m always happy to look at Cody. But it was definitely filter and I much rather would have preferred to see what previously evicted HGs like Da’Vonne, Jason, Jeff, Audrey, and Jace are doing now that they’ve left the house.
After Clay was evicted and he hugged Shelli, the camera picked up the sound of her heart beating. So, all the people who claimed that Shelli didn’t have a heart have been proven wrong.
I try to save most of my criticism of Julie Chen for twitter but I was not a fan of how she handled the exit interview with Clay. When Clay basically said some very tasteless things about Meg, you could tell that Julie didn’t know how to react. (It was kind of the same reaction that Julie had when Da’Vonne said that everyone was scared to vote out Audrey.) At moments like that, I wish we had a host who was willing to call out the HGs. Sometimes, I get the feeling that Julie wouldn’t even know who was in the house if not for her notecards.
How did the house go from leaning towards evicting Shelli to unanimously voting out Clay? Some of that’s because Vanessa went into hyperdrive, telling everyone that they had to vote out Clay because she was convinced that Clay and Johnny Mac have a secret relationship. At first Vanessa said they were related and then she said that they were lovers outside the house. And what’s funny about all this is that Vanessa was being totally serious. She wasn’t just trying to make the house paranoid. She totally believes this and even went straight to Johnny Mac and asked him if he and Clay had a relationship.
(Of course, by doing this, Vanessa also made an enemy out of John.)
Anyway, Vanessa’s efforts to get Clay evicted would have backfired on her except for the fact that Clay found out about them and lost his temper and, hours before the show, nearly got into a fight with James. And I think that Clay’s sudden display of temper really freaked everyone out. They realized that, if they voted out Shelli, they might have to deal with Clay threatening to beat people up.
And so, Clay was the first unanimous eviction.
That probably seems like a victory for Vanessa, right? Well, not really. Vanessa has gotten so paranoid and spends so much time obsessing and overplanning and forcing everyone in the house to listen to her while she freaks out about everything that now the rest of the Houseguests have gotten sick of her. Not only do they feel that she can’t be trusted but they’re also just sick of listening to her.
(Add to that, trying to go after Johnny Mac was stupid because Johnny Mac is literally everyone’s friend in the house.)
Becky won last night’s endurance comp. She is HoH. When last I checked, her plan was to nominate Shelli and Steve and then backdoor Vanessa.
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
The good guys are on a roll.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope Vanessa and her nasty hat leaves this week.
How dare her mess with JMac.
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Thanks Lisa I agreed with all that you said about last night show. Big brother is not how the show started out, going back to Janell my girl or Evil Dick they had N__s. fill in the space and this bb doesn’t have them. Vanessa and Chelli can go for me. Big Brother is in the rating hunt. It a Game and nobody in this big brother house understands that . I hope Becky stuck to her guns and take someone down from 6 sense, if they dont then Shelli will end up in the Final two. I have ? about Jackie also her voting is strange she said and agree one way and vote another way.
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Lisa, I totally agree with everything you said! I think they were trying to convince us that Clay and Shelli being torn from the arms of each other was like Romeo and Juliet! So contrived! I would also have rather seen more of what was going on in the house. I’ll bet some of the veterans of BB are saying, “What!!!!” I hope Becky will stick to her guns and put up some strong players. I would love to see Vanessa backdoor’d. She does her best work sitting at a poker table. She is funny, self confident and good at what she does. Send her to jury and maybe she can teach the other HG’s how to play poker! 😉
Later! 😎
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I don’t have the live feeds but it kind of seems that Jackie is starting to play the game. She seems to be more aware of the alliances and the other players. I do hope that Becky does stick to her guns, she does tend to be a little wishy washy and playing both sides. I’m hoping either Shelly or Vanessa go next week, or both. It’s a double eviction, right?
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EXCELLENT BLOG, Lisa Marie!!!! Well said! Hahahaha- I heard the heartbeats too and was like WTH?!
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Jolee, from what you’ve seen, does Vanessa wear a cap when she’s playing poker? She’s always wearing a hat or head band, is she losing her hair?
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Thanks for your write up Lisa♥ ………………………………………………….
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I’m so so so happy Becky won HOH she is someone who I really see winning this season as a whole ! Can’t wait for this week!
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Woo hoo! Loving all the drama!!
Thanks Lisa!
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Becky is too wishy-washy. As soon as she found out that Clay and Shelly were going up, she couldn’t wait to tell them and playing both sides will bite her in the butt. I am still shocked that Shelli didn’t go home. I would love it if America got to vote out the last person before the HGs got sent to the jury house – that would be a great twist! Oh well, a girl can dream. Hope that Johnny Mac takes it all – every time her talks, he has my husband and me cracking up! Looking forward to Sunday….
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Great Blog and I agree 100% with everything you said. I so wanna cancel my feeds, but then I’d miss my BB friends that I have met over the years. I turn feeds on, and leave it muted, lol.
So glad Becky won! Hope Van goes next Thurs!
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Des, yes, Vanessa always wears a hat and sunglasses! Her hats are usually sports hats like baseball caps. I think she wears the hat and sunglasses to hide her face so know one will know her emotions. 🙂
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A little bird told me this…………………
While nothing has been confirmed and likely wouldn’t be until Sunday’s episode it does appear that we may have a return of the America’s Player role on Big Brother 17 this season.
Flashback to 3:35 AM BBT 8/7 Cams 1/2 to hear James called in to the DR. Feeds cut to Fish. When they return in about 40 seconds James is not on camera but we can still hear his audio. It’s important to note this audio appears to be leaking only to Feedsters and not in to the house.
Listen to the Feeds at 3:35.40 AM BBT as we hear James say “Whaaat? America’s Player card?” Production replies: “Congratulations.” Then audio cuts and we’re back to just watching Steve fiddle with cushions in the living room.
It’s tough to know for sure if this is James joking around which he might be, but production’s calm reply without skipping a beat sounds like they were ready for that comment. Secondly, James did not leave the DR until 4:44 AM BBT. That’s nearly 70 minutes in there when he wasn’t the new Head of Household. Again, not impossible under normal circumstances, but would have allowed for rules talk.
Sure, neither of those are certain confirmations, but I’m leaning to the side of things that this is legitimate. So what does it mean for the game? Hopefully not much.
James is obviously a prankster as we’ve seen time and time again and America’s Player hasn’t always been tasked with the most serious of missions. In BB10 Dan had a challenge to get an extended hug from Jessie as one example. This could just be for giggles. Or maybe it’s more serious. Dunno.
Another question might be, where was the viewer poll for this? The original AP (Eric Stein in BB8) was not a viewer’s choice nor was the Saboteur twist in BB12. So these aren’t always viewer selections.
However, I saw discussion that there was a CBS poll online this past week asking who you would want to make a F2 with and if you remember last season, isn’t that similar to how Team America was decided when Joey won the first voting round?
If it was a popularity decision then James was in the right place at the right time. He nearly tied John in our Week 6 popularity poll and his targeting of a big power couple easily spiked his ratings this week.
We’ll have to keep watching for more clues, but it’s entirely possible that James Huling is now America’s Player for Big Brother 17. Let’s keep watching to see what happens next.
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Wow bobo! That’s the longest blog I have seen by you! Great information! Thank you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My mom used to say: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!”
I will change it to: “Unless you have a lot to say, keep it simple!” 😉
You need to do a lot more of this bobo! I thoroughly enjoyed your blog!!
Later! 😎
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@bobovnvet I just read about that conversation James had with Production on Joker’s. So that collaborates your suspicions. I am anxious to see how it works out and hope it does not mess with James’ game. I’m also happy that Becky is waking up and getting out from under Vanessa and Shelli’s thumbs. She needs to play her own game and it looks like she will.
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I love the way the Producers arrange the HOH competition so that it will favor certain individuals that they want to win. For-instance the competition that James won, they know that smaller individuals would have an advantage. They also know that Becky would have an advantage winning the last competition because of her history.
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Thank you Bobo. I wish I had such a gift of recall. I can’t even remember what I had for dinner last night. ‘re/Van and her hat. In the beginning of the show she was upset with production because she couldn’t get her roots touched up. When she plays Poker she wears the WPT hat and sunglasses to hide her reaction to the cards that are dealt. When I was going through Chemotherapy and couldn’t sleep I would be on the computer watching World Poker Tour. She was very respected by the players.
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@ Lisa Marie – Chenbot is THEEE worst! I know, she’s a BB staple….and married to the top guy at CBS, so she’s kinda like the hammock….she comes with the house! That said, could you imagine Jeff Probst doing those exit interviews? He would have handled those situations 1000 times better than Julie. He digs right in and would get right to the heart of the comment like a real pro. Oh well….we got a nice hammock though. 😉
@bobovnvet – In a facebook BB group, the admin is saying James didn’t win/get America’s Player. A poster asked what James won, and people commented on the post saying he won America’s Player…..we think? He just replied back, FALSE! With no additional info. Perhaps James was joking since it wasn’t advertised to the home viewers? We’ll know soon enough I guess.
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Hi Lisa, Love your Blog
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So wanted sheli to go home but of course bb had a lot to do with her staying we all get tired of that.
Becky will put up I hope Sheli and Steve and backdoor Van. Tired of hearing her wyne and accuse everyone of doing something or other that is against her game.
Becky really went full throatle to win that comp good for her.
Hope to double eviction gets another big player out to the jury house van needs Sheli to keep her company for the next weeks.
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hey yall 🙂 first comment so far, i only wasted the last 2 shows so i need to get caught up. ~ i’ve been so busy, selling my house, buying another, then you realize the one you sold is better than the one your about to buy !!! the grass is not greener sometimes on the other side ~ at least i know these neighbors ( which sometimes creep me out ) the house i want to buy, we did drive by’s at different times, days, nights, weekday’s and weekends ) . We are staying in our home, at least it’s paid for and nobody can take it away. The only thing we wanted to do is move in the city, but we are in the country. 8 miles from the city, so what. now that we made our minds up. A big relief took 10,000 pounds off my shoulders. the act of sale never happend yet so we had time to cancel. whew !!! 🙂
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not wasted ( watch )
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When is someone going to backdoor AUSTIN. He is just a big baby. He wants to get in on with Liz and she can’t stand him. Is this guy for real or what. I am also sick of Vanessa trying to bad mouth Johnny Mac.
This guy has me in stitches. He is also a Dentist. He looks so young. WOW he has my vote as the guy to win the monies.
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Nice write-up Lisa Marie, thank you! Glad Becky won HoH, hope she stays with her plan.
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Jeffish on LFS. Must be doing N0ms now.
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What Johnny Mac to it all.
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****************************SPOILER ALERT*********************************
Steve and Shelli
(with intention to BD Vanessa!!)
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thanks, STAR I hope the plan works and Vanessa doesn’t play the pov cause if she plays in it, there is a possibility she could win and the plan will be for nothing.
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@bobovnvet – there’s a youtube video with the leak from the DR about James getting the America Player card and being congratulated by production.
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Cool Sirrock! thanks ……………….
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Thanku Sirrock!
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So I got the LIVE FEEDS and will not “spoil” but just have to say I am very pleasantly surprised by Becky’s nominations! Becky’s a floater no more and I think the game is gonna be very interesting this week. I still wish Ken-doll had gone to jury house instead of Barbie-doll though.
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I heard that James said that when he came out of DR, but Americas favorite player hasn’t happened yet and that he winked when he said It like he was teasing. Who knows for sure. I guess we will have to wait and see.
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Which Houseguest would you want to be stranded on a desert island with?
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Q- “Which Houseguest would you want to be stranded on a desert island with?”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A- John for laughs or James because he’d be helpful and look out for you when you needed it.
I think all the others would drive me fecking bat-shite crazy…
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I wouldn’t want to be stranded with any of the houseguests, but if I had to choose, it would be John. Hopefully he would have his dental equipment. You can always use a good dentist! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enjoying the blogs! It’s off to bed!
Later! 😎
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After watching BBAD I’m confused. Is Becki with James, Jackie, and Meg? And if so,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------why don’t they know she’s planning on backdooring Vanessa? She seemed to be with
them, but didn’t bring them totally into the loop. You wouldn’t know noms had already
been done by the conversation among them at the beginning of the show.
I’m having difficulty getting comments in my inbox. Had 208 in spam. Them nothing.
Have to be doing something wrong, but don’t know what.
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@Sherry – Bec is with JJ&M and they do know the Van backdoor plan. Sorry, can’t offer help for the inbox malfunction. Others are/were having trouble with it too.
@KevInDenver – I’d want to be stranded with James cuz he has survival skills and I like his quirky sense of humor.
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Junksies: It’s time for me to go to bed. I’m eaten up with stupid tonight. I wrote out a reply to you and hit the reply button like an e-mail. Will try again. JJ must be for James and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jackie. M but be for Meg, but I didn’t get the “amp.” part.
I don’t understand why Jackie kept saying if she had to go home, she had to go, if she knew she was safe and Vanessa was getting the back door. There must have been something prior to her ranting and raving that I didn’t get. She was hard to follow anyway. Every
other word was an F bomb. Her parents must be so proud of her. It may just be me, but
it seems that the language gets worse by the HGs every year. She isn’t alone with bad
language. The twins and Meg are just about as bad. The guys seem to be a little better
that the gals this season now that Jason is gone. Swearing is something most people do, but for this younger cast, it seems like they can’t make a sentence without it. I will give Jackie Kudos,however, for being as limber as a wet noodle. Some of the positions she gets her body into are awesome!!
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9:27PM BBT: Jackie says, Vanessa was so desperate that she put Crisco in her damn bowl. Meg asks if they will show that on the show? James says, probably not, but she got called out for it. James says, she was putting big ass chunks in the bowl to. Jackie says, she can’t believe that Vanessa was cheating.
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@Sherry – And I’m eaten up with lazy tonight, thus typing only the first letter of their names!! LOL!! “amp” ??? I believe they were 10 steps ahead talking about double eviction scenarios and their ultimate fate. As for the swearing it actually is not as bad this year as years past, IMO. I watched 2 seasons of BBAD on Showtime with no censors but the 3rd season, when it aired on TV Land (I believe), the censors were slow on the draw that not only were the F bombs edited, but seemingly entire sentences were wiped out. Their mouths were so foul that season it was difficult to follow conversations.
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JMac and Steve:
1:35 am – 2:40 am – Johnny says we’re at a point where I have Vanessa in a choke hold and she has me in a choke hold. One of us is going to win and I don’t know who. Steve talks about needing to talk to Shelli. Johnny tells him to wait till tomorrow. They hug and Johnny goes to bed.
(Good stuff Maynard!!)
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Now this season really tops last season!! Woo Hoo!!!
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Junksies: You’re right. I forgot about that. I complained all season because so much of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the conversations were deleted, it was hard to know what anyone was actually saying! Good
memory! Bad memory on my part. Thanks for reminding me!!
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I wonder what Clay’s parents thought about Shelli. I bet they are totally upset. She even looks her age. Maybe like mother and son. I don’t think he will mess with her after she gets out of the house. Or maybe he will for a little strange on the side…lol
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Lots of interesting comments since I went to be last night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Sherry, I can relate to your losing your post because you pushed the wrong key! I can’t even count the times I have written a real “masterpiece” and then I hit the “home” logo that us just below the space bar on my Kindle by mistake! 🙁 grrrrrr!
Looking forward to more postings from those of you who have BBAD and the Live Feeds. I hope Becky sticks to her plan and gets one of the strong players out of the house …. hopefully Vanessa, then Shelli.
Getting ready to do Saturday chores! 😉
Later! 😎
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Correction: ….went to bed ….! 🙂
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Jolee: So glad I am not the only too trigger quick or befuddled person who loses things
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by hitting the wrong button. I have lost three manuscripts and had to start from scratch
to redo them. Grrr….I wish our generation had had more computer skills taught to us.
But then I can remember typing on an antique typewriter whose keys stood up away from
the base. It really slowed down typing time!
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I read on Jokers this morning that Vanessa told Steve to pick her for the veto if he gets players choice. She then PROMISED Steve she would take him off the block if she won. Didn’t she promise Shelli she would take her off? How funny would it be if she did win the veto and takes Steve down and then Becky puts up Liz as the replacement nominee. Shelli would be furious!! Vanessa is now so paranoid, she doesn’t think things through!
Does anyone know why Vanessa thinks the only other person Becky could possibly put up on the block would be Johnny Mac if someone comes down? Vanessa is so delusional! I wouldn’t be surprised if she was admitted to a funny farm after the show!!
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***************************SPOILER ALERT***********************************
Veto players are:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Becky Shelli Steve Vanessa Meg and Austin
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Thanks Star! & Hi 😆 ……………………….
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Hey Betty!! I didn’t hear that Van tried tio make tht deal with Steve, but it wouldn;t surprise me. It is the exact same deal she has TRIED to make with Shelli but Shelli has never agreed to throw the comp. In fact, she says the only reason that she picked Van was so she wouldn;t blow up and cause a scene. I think Shelli is feeling really lost without her Clay for backup. Playing alone in the game is totally new for her. Prolly feels like she is jumpimg off a building without a net!!lol
The last I heard, Becky is close to JM so he is not on her radar at all!! The only reason that Van keeps throwing his name around is tht they don;t like each other and Steve is her little lap dog. So if either Shelli or Steve goes, she loses an ally. It’s like the whole house has reset, the 6th Sense is no more and she is scrambling all over the place!!!
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Jeffish!! It’s Veto time!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t beleive it. They haven’t been playing until late afternoon or even early evening all summer!! Wonder what’s up??!!
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@Shirron……..I think Shelli looks her age too ..at least! Lots of wrinkles and that long hair ain’t hers!! I’ve seen her put extensions in!! lol SHE however was bragging late one night to Clay that Production thot she looked 10 years younger!! PPFffttt!! Of course, they then said that they hoped she didn’t mind being the oldest HG in the house this year! Flattery will get you everywhere with Shelli it seems!!lol
Also cracked up at Clay keeping her for some *strange*.!! The 1st time I ever heard that was on Two and a half Men when Charlie said he was getting some *outta town Strange*!! lol Still makes me laugh. 😀
@jolee and sherry…..Don’t feel bad. I have lost *masterpieces* too here. 😉 It’s not always our fault. We used to say the Cyber Gods had eaten our posts, but sometimes they just disappear!! It’s an extra step, but if I write anything long, I always copy it. That way if anything does happen, I have it to replace.
@Hi Bobo!!! You stole my thinder uesterday with the news about James and AMerica’s Player. Looks like I am going to have to watch out for you!!! lol
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I just read something interesting on Joker’s. Shelli and Vanessa said they could tell which one of the buttons was the house choice button while still in the bag JUST BY FEELING IT. Was that a revelation or what? Do you think Production is aware of this?
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Sherry, I also started on a manual typewriter! I remember my first electric typewriter was a bright red Remington! I loved it. Remember when we first got correctotype on sheets like carbon paper, but white? My boss would not allow any corrections with the liquid correction fluid. After I started using the correctotype, he didn’t even notice the errors! 😉 I ended up teaching word processing and Excel at our local Technical College. I worked on computers until I retired.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am getting very frustrated at Vanessa. She is getting on my last nerve! She needs to stick at what she knows best, poker and partys! I hope she gets backdoored and then at the double eviction I would really like to see Austin out the door. Eager to find out who wins the veto! Star, I am depending on you to let us know! 😉
Back to my chores!
Later! 😎
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It looks like Shelli has turned her back on Van once John told her tht Van was teh crafter of getting Clay out of the house! He wants it to be himself, Shelli and Stever moving forward. Snipet of convo from the wee morning hours:
John reiterates that it all comes down to him, her, and Steve alone against the house. He says there was never any Becky for them. Apparently something has happened to make John distrust Becky and I’m not sure what it was. He promises to use the Veto on Shelli if he gets the Veto. Shelli tells John she wants to work with him and not Vanessa.
Vanessa’s support team is eroding fast. Vanessa placed the wedge between her and Shelli/Clay on Thursday with that big (completely unnecessary) fight, Becky knocked it in to place by telling Shelli about her plans to get out Vanessa, and John just may have rammed it home with this talk.
Jackie in HN room talking to James and Meg last night said ….Wouldn’t it be funny if it ended up being Steve and John on the F2!! Looks like she may have psychic powers!!!lol
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Star, oh yes! The key word is backup, backup, backup!!! I also learned the hard way!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any news about the Veto yet?
I really am going to get busy!
Later!! 😎
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Who won Veto
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@Jeanne..it’s not over yet. Veto comp usually takes awhile It.s been 1 1/2 hours as of now. People were speculating it might be OTEV. That is usually quite a long one. But they never really know until they get out there!!
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Hi everyone! I’m late updating because I’m waiting to see who wins the veto!
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Didn’t Becky choose Vanessa to play in the veto comps?! Wth?!
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Shelli chose Vanessa telling JMac that v would freak out if not chosen…. Dying to hear results!!!
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Well. almost 3 hours since the POV started!! I have things to do so need to leave. Will keep track on my NEW iPhone 6 tho!!!! 😀 Much bigger screen and faster so should be able to report remotely!! Hope Someone gets it who will USE it so that Van can be BDed!!!
L8R peeps!!!
PS…Lisa..how do you make he heart on here again?? I know it’s ALT something but I can’t remember!!! 😉
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@JoanD – I’ve always wondered about that little bag of “tricks” and if their was a way for it to be manipulated, either by the HG or BB. Makes sense to me that it is a possibility and is one of the reasons I always watch really really close to see if any shenanigans might be happening. Forever the pessimist!!LOL!!
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omg not their but there
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So sorry Star…did not want to steal your thunder! I have been very quiet this season! I will go back to being a fly on the wall 😆 My dear friend! I really miss my good friends who always had some great things to say but were always shot down from some new people who think they own this Fucking Blog! It was something I wanted to post because I was not so sure if it was true & wanted some feedback on my comment! So good to see a cool Vet like you still here……….. Later my friend! ……………. …………………………
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Star…. Just copy & Past a heart & then you will always have it!…………
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HAVE IT 😳 ….
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Not sure if you all saw this but yesterday was………
August 7th is National Purple Heart Day
A Day to Honor America’s Combat Wounded and Fallen Heroes
Each year on August 7th, the nation pauses to remember and pay homage to the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. As America’s oldest decoration, the Purple Heart is awarded to any member of the U.S. Armed Forces that has been wounded, died as a result of wounds received in battle, or those who died in captivity while a prisoner of war (POW). We now celebrate Purple Heart Day on the anniversary of its creation by General George Washington on August 7, 1782.
This year, many States, Counties, and Cities; sport and entertainment entities; colleges and universities, and other patriotic entities across the nation who have proclaimed themselves as Purple Heart communities, will raise the Purple Heart flag in recognition of the service and sacrifice of their local sons and daughters. In New York City, the Empire State Building will be lit in purple lights as a reminder to all Americans that there is a price for the freedoms we enjoy, and honor is due to those who gave their all in defense of those freedoms. In Las Vegas, NV, site of the 2015 MOPH National Convention, the famous “Fremont Street Experience” will feature a special ‘Purple Heart Day” patriotic sound and light show.
The organization now known as the “Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A. Inc.,” (MOPH) was formed in 1932 for the protection and mutual interest of all combat wounded veterans and active duty men and women who have received the decoration. Chartered by the Congress, The MOPH is unique among Veteran Service Organizations in that all its members were wounded in combat. For this sacrifice, they were awarded the Purple Heart Medal. With grants from the MOPH Service Foundation, the MOPH and its Ladies Auxiliary promote Patriotism, Fraternalism, and the Preservation of America’s military history. Most importantly, through veteran service, they provide comfort and assistance to all Veterans and their families, especially those requiring claims assistance with the VA, those who are homeless, and those requiring employment assistance. Programs of the MOPH include VA Volunteer Service, JROTC Leadership Award, Scholarships, Americanism, Purple Heart Trail and Cities, Welfare, and numerous community service programs, all with the objective of service to Veterans and their families……………….. ♡
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I know it was not BB related but just wanted to post it! ………….
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Thank you bobovnvet. My husband was a proud Marine who served in Korea. I wish I had known yesterday about the special honor to fallen vets. I have supported the Wounded Warriors for some time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you will continue to blog here. I’m not a BBBlogger vet, but I love this blog! It’s the best.
Any news about who won the POV yet? I just hope it’s not Vanessa.
Later! 😎
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@bobovnvet – My brother served in the Vietnam war and was a Purple Heart recipient. Sadly, he is the last in our family who served going back to WWI, unable to convince his son to continue on with the tradition of military service. I thank you, and all who serve and sacrifice so much for our country. I get so angry when I see the lack of support for our Vets and budget cuts to our military. Thank you for sharing this info.
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My brother is a Marine vet only recently diagnosed with PTSD.
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4 hours and still out. Thinking it has to be and individually timed comp. like the face one. At SAMs Club eating a piece of pizza. Lol. Stay tuned!
@Bobo….. I hope you knew I was just kidding!!! ;). Glad to see you are keeping up on everything and us Informed. And you were always kinda quiet anyway!! Lol. I’m glad yo are still here too!! We will represent the Bets!! And you represent the other kind too!! Luv ya! Xoxo
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Oops!! VET not bet!! Duh. Lol
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@Jolee @Jeanne – The other night I shared a short story of my twin aunts that I wanted the two of you to know and hit the wrong button, protested to Lisa and the moderator, to no avail. It’s in oblivion somewhere in the blogasphere. Someday, on a slow night I will retell.
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I’m on pins and needles waiting for the results of the veto comp!! It seems that they’re all starting to play the game now. At least I hope so!!
I hope that either Vanessa or Shelli goes home this week. Last night Shelli was bragging about how Clay and her younger brother look SO much alike!! It turned my stomach because she had been making out with a much younger man (not so bad) but to compare him to her brother…that was just YUK!!!
Austin needs to go too….his game play is practically nil because he’s obsessed with Liz. Like someone said…he’s thinking with the wrong head! LOL!! The sad thing is she doesn’t want anything to do with him…he follows her around like a puppy!! At least she has her sister there to divert his “attacks”! LOL!!
Vanessa is so paranoid about everything….she needs to take a chill pill!! And if Shelli thinks Van would be upset if she didn’t pick her for the veto comp…just imagine how Vanessa’ s going to react if she is put up as a replacement nominee?!? She’ll either have a fit or pull an Audrey and sulk until eviction. But I can’t really see her falling on her sword so we will be in for quite a show, I hope!!
Glad to see JohnnyMac step up his game!! I knew he wasn’t just sitting back doing nothing and practically everyone used him as a pawn so he has a lot of payback to give the others!! And it sucks that Steve’s wisdom teeth are coming in and the dentist can’t do anything about it!! LOL!! Didn’t Victoria have trouble with her teeth last season(as,well as her hair because she refused to take her extensions out) ??
And how can James be America’s Player if we didn’t choose him?? Is this true or another one of his pranks? He does like to prank alot but he has a good heart!! No one treated Audrey with more compassion during her meltdown. He make a good husband someday!!
I hope Becky doesn’t mess up her HOH and makes some wise choices but she does tend to be a follower. Big props on her HOH win…she’s definitely a fighter!! Can’t believe Vanessa tried to cheat by putting Crisco in her jar….she should have been called out and eliminated from the comp for cheating!!!
The twins are fun to watch and I hope one gets an HOH so we can see pictures of them growing up as twins. They did say that they never dressed alike as children. I don’t think that Liz meant to be hateful with her outgoing speech.. I think she was trying to be funny. And as you know CBS doesn’t show ALL of the exit messages so they chose to show that one. Hmm!
Enough for now….sorry for the rant but I had to say something!! I love this blog and all my friends here….it really makes my summer!!!
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Still waiting on the veto results.
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Hey Lisa, when you get any of the results let us know! I can’t wait to see what happens ! …………………… 😆 Oh my dear Star I know you were just kidding my friend♥ See you later ………………………………
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Junksies — Every comment of yours that has ever been held up in moderation, I’ve approved. If your previous comment was held up in moderation or sent to a spam folder, I can assure you that I found it and I approved it and it should be posted. I may not always be able to respond as quickly as I would like but I do check on and try to make sure that every comment gets posted. Go back and check. If the comment is still not there, then something else must have happened but I can assure that if I saw your comment in moderation or any other folder, I approved it and it should be posted. Thank you.
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Thanks Lisa Marie…you are awesome!! You are so busy yet you keep us informed and I love your opinions and insight!!
O/T…..I love your avatar in Criminal Case!! I love that game…it’s addicting!! LOL!!
Hope you take time to enjoy your weekend…you deserve it!! XOXO
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Sorry, Junksies, I just reread comment #80 and I realized that the tone probably sounded a lot more bitchy than I meant it to. Please accept my apologies. 🙂
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I love that game too, Annie! Thanks!
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♥….. Thanks Lisa! ……………
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Geeeezzzz…..almost 5 1/2 hrs!!! What does the winner’s time have to be?? Under 3 hours???? lol Not only interested in winner but to see WTH they have been doing al this time!!!! I was wondering if it could be endurance but I don’t think they have ever done those for POV and I don’t think anyone would ever go that long in this group!! I wonder if there was some kind of accident…or fight???? Just can’t imagine what is taking so long!!!!!!!!!!!
@annie….good to see you! You hen’t been on in awhile, have you?? But you made up for it!!lol I didn’t know JM’s teeth were bothering him. maybe the wisdom part is throbbing to get his brain going!!lol I also commented on how we haven;t gotten to vote on anything this season. We used to vote on food for the HNs and always on AP. I don’;t that is a real thing actually. Jasmes was probably doing a practical joke on the LFers as he loves to do those!!!
@Junksies…I lost a long post just last week. Frustrating. Like I said….aslways copy before you hit send!!!! 😉
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Not official yet but it might be Steve. Here’s what I herd……Becky tells James– This is so great because Steve wants Vanessa out! So no one will care -j
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Its official! Steve won POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@Lisa – Apology accepted!!! In no way did I mean to blame you in the least little bit, at all, never in a million years!!! You are our fearless leader and I have much reverence and respect for you!!! I was just chiming in with the others who have lost posts cuz we hit the wrong button. I’m glad you apologized…I was wounded because I felt that I offended you. It was a horrible feeling. And please accept my apology, too, for I should have explained myself a little better in #76 that I wasn’t blaming you. Okay…all is forgiven. Luvs!!!
@Star – Thanks for that suggestion and I’m gonna save in the future.
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I want to thank everyone for posting about the show. I have no television and have spent the last 4 days reading the comments and watching the show online. Hubs rented us a cabin at the lake so I could finish writing the book and they don’t have any tv’s here. Couldn’t believe it. Keep posting for us few that can’t always watch.
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Junskies — Thank you for accepting my apology! I felt that same terrible feeling, worried I had offended you. 🙂 *Hugs*
And also, everyone — there’s a new post up and it has the veto results! 🙂
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@Star – Thanks for update!!
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Junksies, I am eager to hear your story about your twin aunts. You can send it to my e-mail: joleemae@aol.com and I will share with Jeanne.
Yay! Steve won POV. Good news! Check new post just put up!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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