Hi, everyone!
So, here’s my quick Monday update. As always, please forgive the breifness of this update. Mondays are always crazy.
ANYWAY, they held the veto meeting today. James took himself off the block. Vanessa nominated Julia in his place.
Now, from what I’ve seen on both twitter and Facebook, a lot of people are really excited because they think that there’s a chance that Steven and JMac might team up with James to keep Meg and vote out Julia.
As someone who has been bored with this season and would love for some real drama to happen in the house, I would love to see this happen. A lot of people are pointing out that Liz has said that she will self-evict if Julia gets sent to the jury and Austin has occasionally said that the only thing he cares about is being with Liz. If Liz isn’t in the jury house or the Big Brother house, then he might self-evict too! Or, at least, that’s what a lot of people are speculating might happen.
As I said, I’d love to see this happen but it probably won’t. First off, Liz may say that she’ll self-evict but I doubt that she would actually do it. She’s having too much fun being the Queen of the House and she has also said that she’s looking forward to taping more mean goodbye messages. Liz isn’t planning on going anywhere. I think her threat to self-evict was more about trying to scare Vanessa and trying to get people to pay attention to her.
(Julia has also said that she’ll never forgive Vanessa if she is evicted, even though Julia is the one who volunteered to go on the block.)
But, even more important, I don’t think Julia is going to be voted out. Vanessa has made it clear that she wants Meg gone. She even told Meg to her face that Meg is going. (Meg has been crying ever since.) Steve and JMac may talk about how they have to get rid of Austin and the twins but neither one of them seems to want to make a move this week. I think, to a certain extent, they believe that by getting rid of Meg, James will have no choice but work with them. Whereas, if they keep Meg, James will always be more likely to do what Meg wants to do.
Personally, I think it’s stupid not to get rid of a twin when you have the chance. Austin and the twins are the strongest alliance in the house. Both Liz and Austin would be strong contenders in a final two situation. Voting out Julia would change the balance of power in the house, with JMac, Steve, James, and Meg suddenly having the majority alliance.
(Of course, one of those four would have to win the next HoH to keep Liz and Austin from coming after them but then again, that’s Big Brother.)
But anyway — as someone who cannot stand Bigfoot’s Angels, I can understand why people want to believe that Julia might be voted out. But don’t get your hopes up. Right now, based on what we’ve seen of the houseguests this sesson, I’d say that I’m 98.9% sure that Meg will be the next member of the jury.
Lisa Marie
P.S. Thursday is a double eviction but the HGs don’t seem to know that. (They seem to think it’s next week.) If they knew it was a double eviction, they’d probably be more likely to try to take out both Julia and Liz in the same night. But, unfortunately, they don’t.
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Okay – so since when have they done the smart thing? Ummmm, never. If Vanessa wants Meg out, then that’s what it will be.
But what a great scenario you have pointed out. Again – WOW
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I am certain this group is too dumb to make the right discussion to get rid of the TWINS.
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This season their seems to be no one smart except Vanessa and I do not like her. When the others get home and see what a liar she has been, will they feel foolish. Johnny Mac is lovable but he never makes the big move, he always does what Vanessa says as do the others. I guess they get what they deserve – Vanessa telling them what to do.
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It would be more than spectacular if JM, Steve and James came together. They have the power this week – but no, they will not and JM & Steve will vote out Meg like idiots and James will give her a sympathy vote. ugh.
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Meg..quit crying you’re not going anywhere. Lisa is wrong with her nearly 99% conviction. Steve, JMAC, and James need to WTFU and realize this is there chance to take over the house. It’s simple math and unless these simpletons can’t add they deserve for the twins and DISAUSTIN(g) to go deep and win the darn thing.
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Vanessa is not expected a double eviction because she has not found someone to run down yet for the house to get out .it is going to be her if she does not get her act together. She needs to brain wash in her usual style or she is going home. Good bye Vanessa or get your act together now no time to loose. Your not going to like the jury house.
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Thank you Lisa! I guess where there’s life, there’s hope! I am a very positive person, but the “Oh Brother” house doesn’t lend itself to positivity! 🙂 I would say they are all a bunch of sheep, but that would be an insult to the sheep! Even the sheep wouldn’t drink the Kool Aid! I am very eager to see what the DE will bring! I hope the house gets turned upside down and backwards! That’s my opinion … I shall return to see all of yours! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Please, please, please let it be Julia that gets the boot this week!!!!!! If Meg goes.. I might self evict myself from watching the show. I can’t even.. “Austwin” anymore. I just … can’t.
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I’ve been talking about low IQ’s this season and think I am partially right. But the real
ingredient that is missing in their game play is common sense. Take JM for instance.
He has to be above average intelligence to even be accepted into dental school. But he knew nothing about BB before agreeing to go into the house as a HG. This kind of
experience is something even the long time fans that make it in are not really prepared for how difficult it really is. Austin and Vanessa are in this category, too. But then there are just as many on the other end of the spectrum making decisions that will affect your game. I think JM is shell shocked about the behavior of most of the HGs and how unlike the real world this game is. His common sense has deserted him. Austin lives in a fantasy
world, and Vanessa’s mind never stops to re-charge the brain cells. She’s had a great deal
of luck on her side with the other HGs, as well as some good game play. Her methods
have not been the best, but she’s achieved sucess so far.
Then you add the emotional factor of those who become romantically involved and your game play takes a nose dive, because your emotions have superseded your common
Next take into consideration that you begin to over think every action of the other HGs and what your next move should be. zParanoia sets in.
Add IQs that have a wide range of difference, plus lack of common sense, and then add over thinking…..you get a very boring season. One that brings you to the edge of hope that someone will make a really big move that stirs things up and then pushes you over the cliff of frustration when it never happens. I’m standing on the edge of hope that JM and Steve will work with James to make the big move, but am wearing my parachute for when I’m pushed over the cliff of frustration once again.
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Sherry excellent writing and thought your profession and life must have been a teacher.
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Thank you, Robert. But I was a dental hygienist for 32 years. Wanted to be a teacher
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and was accepted with a scholarship to a teacher’s college, but went in another direction.
But I had the most wonderful teacher in the world, my husband. He was a counsellor
for rehabilitation services and taught me so much about people and about myself.
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@sherry…One that brings you to the edge of hope that someone will make a really big move that stirs things up and then pushes you over the cliff of frustration when it never happens.
Now that sounds quite similar to the eons old formula for every soap opera since the dawn of daytime programming.
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I look forward to your blogs..so sorry I paid for feeds AGAIN, I never watch them, worst cast EVER
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Has anyone won BB that was is a showmance? If not, it gives me a little hope that neither Austin or Twit 1 will win. But doesn’t mean that Twit 2 won’t win with Twit 1 as runner up. UGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m flabbergasted that these HG’s are not running the numbers in their heads. It seems pretty simple to me. I was hoping James could do a rally but it doesn’t seem likely and Jmac and Steve have been disappointing in their gameplay. Thought both of them were much smarter. They are both acting like sheep. These 2 are in for a reality check, sooner rather than later. Come on people, wake up. Meg, this is what happens when you sleep all the time – you get sent home.
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~ewwww those guys can’t see past their noses, i hope just like yall they will wake up, the CAN control the votes, why are they so worried about getting bloood on their hands ! i like loud DRAMA on BB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Rachell won had a romance but she played so much better when Brendon got evicted,
~Jordin won, her and Jeff slept in the same bed, but peck kiss only, she won.
~Now Rachel and Brendon are married and
~ Jeff and Jorddin are getting married in June 2016, they live together right now in La. These people don’t know how to play BB.
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oh my oh my. what is the big deal about getting rid of Meg? the Austwins need to be EVERYBODY’S target at this point in the game and it’s so obvious – yet they’re all afraid to make them mad? Steve is such a whimp as far as causing anyone to get mad at him. And he’s supposed to be the Brainiac of the group?? why isn’t he pointing out Austin & LIz & Julia are going to take it to the end of someone doesn’t make a move – rather than just ride their coattails til they tire of him.. which is gonna be REAL soon!
Everyone keeps saying about Johnny Mac not being familiar with the game. Well I saw an interview where he confessed to be a huge fan of the game but chose to keep that a secret rather than that he was a dentist. He’s just not good at PLAYING it apparently ..(and sadly ..) If they don’t take this opportunity to give Julia the boot they’re idiots but on the other hand who would want giant Austin mad at them?? EEK! lol. I suspect he’d secretly like to see Julia go too because she distracts Liz too much.
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P Jordan of Jeff and Jordan session 11.so don’t get hope up.
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@Robert & @swt Thanks for the info. Both of them were infinitely more entertaining than these 2 banana heads. Here’s to hoping!
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Sherry, great analysis! You definitely have a way with words! I thoroughly enjoy your comments! 🙂 Monday is a difficult day because we have to wait so long until Thursday! I have been catching up with American Ninja Warrior tonight, so haven’t been on much. Have a good evening everyone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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What happened to how they used to play this game in the older Seasons…. Every houseguest wasn’t always trying to please the HOH… If they were in an alliance they were not afraid to go against the HOH to do what was best for their own game. I remember many Seasons on eviction night, the votes were very close, not 10-0 or 7-0…..that’s what made the game interesting and exciting…. The past few Seasons, everyone just votes how the HOH wants and no one has a mind of their own…. It’s soooo boring and predictable… not the way Big Brother is supposed to be played. The whole point is to go against each other and take chances… I don’t know…. I do think if they don’t find better players and stop following what the HOH wants every week the show is going to eventually burn out. Just My Thoughts….
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Meg is going to be voted out on Thursday and then James is g0ing to be voted out afterward on Thursday which is a double eviction. I have a feeling the two people who are at the other side of the house will be evicted on Thursday. I don’t like the side of the house which is Vanessa, Austin, Liz, and Julia.
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However, that side of the house which is Vanessa, Austin and Liz has been winning competitions while even though the 0ther side of the house has been winning the social game, they haven’t won the competitions.
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I think the “please the HOH” and ” go with what the House wants” started a few seasons ago with that Asian girl ” Helen”..remember? That was HER LOUSY way of playing BB and from THEN ON…it’s been that way! BLEH!!
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Julie Chen must be reading the blogs because she has not told the house guests that this week is double eviction. They can’t plan ahead and their heads will be spinning. What the heck is up with Steve? He is one weird person. I only eat bland food, no cheese, no sour cream, what is the most bland food on the menu? What a dork! He could never live in Wisconsin we are a bunch of cheese heads here. I agree with you guys this season sucks, they all vote the way the HOH wants and they act like it is a party every night and they just don’t see the big picture. Meg has slept the whole game away and can’t win. Should of separated the twins the minute they came back. Can’t wait to see the look on their faces when Julie says “Double Eviction” Later and good night.
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It’s the Stockholm syndrome, I tell you with Van as the kidnapper. This season..of Big Brother “Expect Nothing”
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LOL @ Tendr…”Expect Nothing” is right!!
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Thanks, Jolee. I do so enjoy the many posts from everyone, including yours, sweet lady. I agree that from Sun. to Thurs. seems like forever. I wish they just had them closer together. I liked Tues. so much better.
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“Expect Nothing”….good one, tendr. Your sense of humor always comes up with some-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thing that hits the nail on the head, but in a funny way. How are the implants doing?
When is your next appt.? I’ve been thinking about the ordeal you’ve been going through
and marvelling at your ability to never lose your sense of humor.
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swt: Hope today was a good one for you. I know none are great, but some better than
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------others. During my battle with my computer service going on the blink, I lost your
e-mail address. Could you please send it to me again? You have mine, right? I’ll be happy to share with you my experience with my husband, but you know every case is not the
exact same. Have you tried to be put on a transplant list? The earlier the better, but even
later than optimum can be achieved. We would have gotten a lung sooner for my hus-band had the doctors been more willing to transfer his case out to other specialists and
hospitals. If they told you you have two years, you’re ahead of the game for a transplant.
Thinking of you.
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@P, Dr Will was in a bromance, does that count?
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Sherry….Vanessa reminds me of my ex husband….yeah…he talked fast and loud and could even tell you what you were thinking before you did……so easy to come up with ‘expect nothing’….i go thurs for deep gum cleaning which i think i have to do for weeks to toughen my gums up before implants and i still have a hole where a tooth was pulled so i’m kinda not wanting that area touched…i’m going to ask for a shot and for some reason the fourteen yr old implant dr. is going to let some girl do it. she’s pretty big so i don’t know if i can knock her out with one punch so i will ask nicely for a shot then if she says no i’ll have to tell her to duct tape me then to the bloody chair cuz this isn’t going to be easy for either of us. when i went in the boy doc. kept stabbing my gums, right? and they bled…and it hurt…he kept saying how weak they were though my reg dentist i had just seen and had my teeth cleaned never said one bad thing about them…so i kinda got po’d…and i said, well i asked dr.boy….don’t most gums when ppl are still living, bleed when you stab them????? he said not healthy ones..um so i’m not looking forward to it. plus it’s early in the morning and i stay up so so so late. i said i’m showing up in my pj’s. they said they didn’t care. honestly i’m dreding it and i know it’s not even the hard part….sigh…thanks for asking.
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OH and i know i sound very stupid with the way i talk…..well i sorta am.
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tendr: Don’t even hesitate to insist they give you a shot to numb the gum tissue, and you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can ask for gas, as well. The gas only relaxes you and makes you not care WTH they do
to you. Many patients ask for these two things just for normal teeth cleaning. I’ve had
some who wanted to be put to sleep for anything other than normal dental procedures.
Don’t let them intimidate you. They are there to make sure your visits are as comfortable
as possible. If not, then you’re going to the wrong people. Any questions you might have,
please feel free to ask me. I may not know the answer, but will try. Good luck!! Let me
know how Thurs. goes.
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@Wingnut17 poor Steve may be lactose intolerant. I am and i eat lactaid like it’s heroin.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you mess up and eat lactose, it’s like the worst stomach flu and birth of the alien at the same time…and you’ll knock any old person down just to get to a bathroom. just sayin’
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@Sherry, a different surgeon refused to knock me out to pull a very back tooth becuz i didn’t have twofifty on me my insurance wouldn’t cover. it was horrible. it took two ppl to hold my head. it was awful. i told my husband never again.. i wanted to kill them both. i felt abused. ..i don’t like the gas becuz it gets too high too easily…but i will ask for shots but i don’t know if this girl will know how to give them. the dr isn’t even going to see me…maybe if i say i’m broke today, they’ll run and get him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this whole thing will go into next yr. i’m making beautiful bracelets and selling them for half of what they’re worth and so far only family are buying though i have posted crappy pics in fb………….it’ll be next yr and pray i have enough bone to hold the implants in. ok i will shut the f up now. hugs to you.
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tendr: You never sound stupid. Asking questions is the only way to find out something
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you need or want to know. Being leery of a procedure that might cause you pain is only
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pain and loss of money i don’t have…i’ve been so blue today, tonight. i get this way often. i can go drink coffee and pull out of it for a short bit but it gets quiet and i stop being busy and i start thinking and i want a button to push that turns my brain off. i’ve been listening to knock knock knocking on heaven’s door….cheaper than two implants.
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tendr: Most oral surgeons include “knocking you out” in the charge for the extraction of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------any teeth. It isn’t separate, unless the patient asks to be kept awake. There is no excuse
for any dental professional to have two people hold someone’s head down while doing
an extration unless the patient has palsy of some sort and can’t keep the head still. I am
so sorry for your experience that turned into a nightmare!!!
If the hygienist doesn’t do anesthetic shots, then a dentist must be called in to administer
them. He has to be on the premises for any work a hygienist does (at least he should be).
Call the office and tell them ahead of time you want to be numbed for the procedure.
That way he has to be there, if she can’t do it. Many hygienists today do their own shots.
And the laws have changed about the dentist being in the office, whether or not he sees
you or not. Many states allow him to be gone, if the employees are doing work in the
mouth, others don’t. Some don’t follow the rules, however.
A dentist is responsible for any procedure done in his office, so I think it’s better for him
to always be there. An emergency could develop with any patient during any procedure.
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@Tendr – We can always count on you for a good laugh. I hope your procedure goes well.
@Jolee – I grew up listening to Ray Price and country music in general because that is what my mother listened to and at the time kind I protested…well actually hated it… but these days I really enjoy all the old timers. The songs you mentioned bring back good memories.
Sometimes I spend waaaayy too much time on BB and have to take a break for my own sanity and with Vanessa winning HOH that was the last straw…just couldn’t hack it any longer so I self evicted, after all, what fun is it when your team is losing and you just don’t want to see your fav players go to the slaughter???…but then my little hero man James won POV breathing life and hope back into this crazy game of BB. For me, following the numerous strategies is a waste of time because in 5 minutes it’s going to change anyway as well as all the musical alliances so why bother?…I’m tired of spinning, so I will leave it to those of you with the wisdom and patience to follow the many switchbacks. I don’t recall a season where there were so many alliances and “deals.” And with the consistent great ratings that BB is achieving they are not going to fix what isn’t broken regardless of what our opinions are. We are going to just have to like it or lump it!!
POP TV runs the Orwell games which consists of twitter feedback, drinking game, multiple choice question and answer games etc. etc. Last week they posed a question asking if we want to keep Pot Ball or not and the overwhelming response was 90% to get rid of it. I think BB must have told them to cool it because for several nights it has not been played along with Sling Band as well. Yippe!!…I say good riddance!!
With it being a slow Monday night I thought I’d share the following “stuff” with those of you who do not have BBAD…STUFF that I hope you find interesting….
OMG, I would hate to cook for Steve…he is a THE MOST finicky eater of all time…doesn’t like catsup, mustard, onions…wants plain food, stripped down and bare, no flavorings at all. Plain plain plain. He recalls a time at McDonalds when he got a happy meal with a plain burger and it somehow touched a little dab of catsup and no matter what…cutting off that portion, he would not eat the rest of the burger. But he loves sweets. Becky made what he thought was a pasta dish and was soooo looking forward to eating it…it smelled and looked good, but when he saw her put sour cream and salsa on it he went to the bedroom and cried because he didn’t want to eat it!! Turns out it was enchiladas and not pasta!!
A couple of days ago while talking game, Vanessa had the nerve telling James to take off his sunglasses so she can see his eyes…but yet it is okay for her to wear sunglasses no matter what…Hypocrite!!
While grilling Steve about a conversation he had with some other player and to assure Vanessa that he was not lying to her she asked him… “okay, so you did not SAY that but did you SIGNAL OR USE SIGN LANGUAGE IN ANY WAY?” (She will stop at nothing to sniff out a liar!!)
Julia finally changed her shorts!!! I’m not kidding…she wore the same flowery shorts for at least a week!!! Ewww!!! (I’m not kidding either!!)
Several people were in the bathroom while Liz showered etc and BB told HG (Liz) to clean the bathroom mirror and Austin said F…Y… in response. (how rude) Steve was saying something about his little brother achieving something academically ahead of schedule for a 21 year old…da da da…Austin replied “oh he just got lucky”… (Austin has to be the best and brightest at everything ya know…nobody is as good as him at anything…not a gracious bone in his body!) (Puke!!)
At 9:30 BB gave them 2 beers and a bottle of wine. Never, ever have I seen a group of HG’s get as excited as they do when they get alcohol. They sound like a bunch of screaming banshees!! I kid you not….Liz opened up the bottle of beer with her teeth!!!…while slathered in a green clay facial mask she wore for about 45 minutes during a bunch of kisses from Austin at the hot tub. (More ewwww!!!) Mr. Suave know it all Austin needed instructions on how to operate the cork screw. Virgin Steve took a sip of the beer…first time?…hating it and wondering what the allure is. As HOH Vanessa got a bottle of Port wine that she has not opened yet and somebody asked her about it and she said she was saving it for when Julia gets off of slop. Julia relies aahhh… I call BS on that…she is selfishly hording her wine while slurping up the others. And she hasn’t shared any of her basket either. Vanessa she’s a klutz in real life. Shortly after the beer arrived Meg and James finally woke up from their nap and Meg started eating Sour Dots and she playfully tossed one at James’ mouth but it fell on the floor and Meg was looking for it saying “where did it go?”….James replied “where do you think it went…back in the box!!??” (They are so cute!!) One can see how lovesick he is for Meg. He will miss her so much. Meg works freelance for a tech company four times a month!!! (wow interesting) Meg’s dad is the Mayor and when she was in high school he had a bunch of cop cars outside their house when her date came to pick her up for the first school dance. When Austin’s dad drinks he sounds bitter and complains that all the kids (6 of them) ruined his life…that before them he had nice cars and country club memberships…the worst day of his life is when you kids were born. (he sounds like a winner) James says he has a big cardboard cutout of Taylor Swift and it looks just like Meg!! James asks Meg if she has a bra on because he can’t see any straps. She replies yes and it is strapless. James says those kind confuse him…he doesn’t know whether to go to the front or the back!!! Vanessa says she’s going to set up Steve on Tinder. (she can add pimptress/madame to her resume) The hg’s have discovered that Steve is most likely lactose intolerant because he is always so gassy. They suggest he take a Tums…a fiber pill…Pepto Bismol…to which Steve asks…”what is Pepto Bismol?” (this confirms he IS from another planet!) There was a power outage and some of their food spoiled. So that explains why the clock on the microwave was out of whack but now it is broke entirely…or may be just unplugged…Austin has to investigate.
Interesting tidbits that some of you may enjoy… And thanks to all who supported me…
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Hey Junksies….great play by play of BBAD!!! Greatly appreciated…Thanks!!
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Thanks Junksies for the info. I complained how boring BBAD was, now I cant’ get it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and feel totally lost.
Have a great day!
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@ Melissa (21), the one player who doesn’t go along with the HOH is Van. Remember how she convinced everyone to go against Becky when she was HOH, and she even told Becky that she was probably gonna go in a different direction that would be better for her (Van’s) game. In addition, Van always goes to the HOH with her own agenda and manipulates/persuades/convinces the HOH to see why her plan is best. As much as I hate her bullying and hypocrisy, she is playing this game and she is playing the houseguests!
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I am right with you Laura .I might self evict myself from watching the show. I can’t even.. “Austwin” anymore. I just … can’t. Laura I copied your words because they are mine. if they dont do something with the twin and that Austin Person, I’m gone for this season.
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I have to hold out hope that come Thursday , James and Meg’s Trojan Horse plan that James was masterminding between 3:00-5:00 am this morning west coast time will be in full blown effect with Steve walking around professing I did not vote Julie out! They are setting me up, it wasn’t me. Of course it will take some great acting on Meg’s part to act like Steve is her best friend and also on Austin’s part to be PO’d @ Steve for voting out Julie when it was him (Austin) that teamed up with JM, and James to evict Julie which in turn helps Austin ( Eliminates his sibling connection) @ ( puts target on Steve) . Of course Vanessa and Liz will be suspicious that Austin did flip but with the double eviction happening will not have time to dwell long before thinking its 2 against 4 in comp for very important HOH that could send Vanessa home Thursday right in the same Taxi Cab with Julia! LMAO! Judas, as much as I hate to even text that word rears his ugly head for BB TV . If Austin doesn’t do this, when he knows he has protection from James, Meg, JM if they were to win HOH, he has to know he has a good chance of being nominated. When the vote comes down 3 to 2 Julia evicted and everyone looks at Steve like he flipped will throw his mind spinning especially if the comp has to do with memory coming up. This really is the only good chance Austin has if he wants the money and from last night it sounds like he does and then will spend it with Liz if things work out. And there will always be the question of who really voted which way to get Julia out when it comes time for Jury to decide and they might think that’s a big move that changed 4 peoples game. These guys have no clue it’s double eviction night Thursday. Now to make things worse CBS is gracious enough to be showing a Preseason Saints Football Game instead of regularly scheduled BB17 and are going to show it at 12:30 am to find out the results. Do they do this to make more people buy live feeds? Preseason can you believe that. Good Luck Meg , she just doesn’t want evicted by Vanessa! Anyone else is fine. Could you imagine her surviving and winning HOH in some weird comp and nominating Vanessa & Steve.
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Thank you for the information. Have to go get a chest xray.
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Thank you sherry, Junksies and tendr for all of the great information. You all were busy little beavers while I was sleeping. tendr, I will be praying for you as you have your teeth work done. It sounds brutal! I would definitely make some hard fast rules about what you want before I even put my foot in the door of that place. I haven’t had any real bad experiences at the dentist, so I never dread going, except the cost. I don’t have dental insurance. 🙂 Maybe you could call Johnny Mac for advise! Lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, got things to do today. Better get busy so I can play! 🙂
Later! 😎
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I hope the plan to evect Julia will stay in place. Austin better watch out if Liz finds out she will have is A$$. Thrusday will be very interesting I think and REALLY hope. Thanks to everyone that has th LF and sharing the info with us. 🙂
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Can’t wait for Austin to go and maybe get some shampoo and conditioner and wash his dirty hair
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So disgusting !
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@Randy – OH yeah!!! ***breaking into my happy dance*** brilliant plan let’s keep our fingers crossed. Good report Randy. Thanks!
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did someone say self evict…if Julia goes home Liz and her boy toy will walk out with her…I WANT TO SEE SOME EXCITMENT IN THIS YRS. SHOW…PLEEEEEZE LEAVE…ALL 3 OF YOU AT ONE TIME…I WANT TO SEE Julie Chin FREAK OUT…when all 3 head for the door…Julia is a idiot for volunteering to get put up…but that is my opinion…sorry if I have offended anyone by calling her an idiot…
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the mortgage dr sometimes you just have to call them how you see them. I agree with you.
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Anyone who wouldn’t take the chance to break up such a strong alliance (twins!) should be evicted themselves. I have been hoping to get rid of one of them since the beginning! Does anyone think Liz really wants to be Austins girlfriend or is that part of her game-play. If it is game-play then I feel bad for Austin, sort of.
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We haven’t had a self eviction in a while , it would be a fun unexpected twist.
But would production bring them back within a day ? LOL
I think Liz is just bored and won’t care as much about Austin once they are no longer in the house together.
Yawn !!!!!
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Thank you for the very interesting comments. mortgage dr, you are right on, as usual. Hopefully, Thursday night will bring some excitement for the viewers! So far. ….. boorriinngg!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that sleeps as much as Meg! She is either very, very lazy or has a low metabolism. I’m surprised that she doesn’t have bed sores!
I hope and pray that the plan to evict Julie goes through, although I could care less if Meg goes. She has been a total waste of space and this is the only time she has gotten out of her bed to try to plead her case to stay. They are crazy to keep three of them in. Actually, I don’t think Austin or Vanessa would be heartbroken although they would both act as if they are.
I also love the fact that none of them are expecting DE this week. I like it when it comes a total surprise. Probably all of them will throw it because they don’t want “blood on their hands’. I hope JohnnyMac wins the first HOH because I don’t think he would be afraid to put up Austin and Liz or Austin and Vanessa. More likely the love birds because he thinks Vanessa will stick with him and Steve. We know that won’t happen. The feeds have been so dull!!
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Well I also had my teeth pulled. I was given gas and then put out. The dentist who did the extractions was asking me questions of all that he knew of me. He did this to see how long it took me to fall asleep.
Before i was knocked out I remember my speech was so slow and slurred that he had begun. I felt like I was on a acid trip and I could hear the nurses and doctors talking. I also was dreaming of waves coming on shore. It took about 50 minutes and then the doctor looked into my face and said we are all done. How are you doing sweetie? I told him that he looked nice in a bikini suit but I was still sleeping. It took me another hour to wake up.
I was still drowsy and went to were my husband was sitting. I felt like I had a hangover.
Had a severe headache but I was ready for some food. I had so much cotton in my mouth that my lips were starting to split.
This happen over a year ago and I still need my new teeth to be tighten. I kept the old teeth so that I knew what I went through.
After reading the other posters I feel that a lot of you went thru hell. My husband is retired Air Force so we got some monies taken off.
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The one time the oral surgeon from hell knocked me out was when I had to have a tooth too low to pull so had to cut it out. I woke up and told the ‘black female assistant’ she was so pretty and she said something about being old and I said as she walked me to the waiting room full of people….” it’s ok, BLACK DON’T CRACK’. My husband freaked out and yanked me out of there…
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Btw that’s my mixed race grandson as my photo. His handsome daddy is bi-racial. And his mommy, my oldest spawn is white as snow to the point you can almost see through her.
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Junkies, thanks for the great update, tender, I have had three root canals and now I need a tooth pulled and need an implant and the parents had to pay $2,000 for one root canal for me because I had no insurance. I feel your pain.
I hope Julia goes and Meg is a waste of space and sleeps all day. I hope Johnny Mac wins the HOH. Steve is a complete dumb ass and I can’t believe he was in a fraternity house. I would love to see him get liquored up and loosened up. His brain just doesn’t shut down, he needs to get laid and relax. Oops, he probably has never been with a girl. This season blows, I would love to take a scissors to Austins ugly pony tail in the front of his face. I just love the way the twins eat like a bunch of animals in the wild. Then they scrape their fork on the bowl and it send shivers up my spine. They chew like a cow eats hay. These girls need soap to wash out their dirty mouths out with from all the F bombs they have dropped.
Can’t wait for double eviction. Thanks for all the great posts tonight. Did Steve decide who he is voting for?
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