Big Brother 17: Are We All Looking Forward To Tonight?

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 9, 2015

Hi, everyone!

Well, if you’re a regular watcher of the CBS show and if you dislike Liz, I know you are probably looking forward to tonight.  Tonight, we’ll get to see Liz lose the veto and freak out.  I’ll be curious to see how much of Liz’s freakout the show’s editors will actually decide to show us.  Will we get to see Austin begging everyone in the house to go talk to Liz for him?  Will we get to see her and Julia refuse to eat the dinner that he made for them?

We’ll find out!

But, as for what’s happening in the house right now — it appears that Liz may now suddenly be safe and Julia is going to go home on Thursday.  (Julia has even agreed with Liz that Liz is the best player, just in case you were wondering who was the dominant twin in that relationship.)  Austin went to Vanessa last night and made a deal with her.  If Vanessa votes to keep Liz, Austin has promised that if he or Liz wins HoH, he will neither nominate nor backdoor her.  For obvious reasons, Austin’s target next week would be Steve and Vanessa seems to be okay with that.  Vanessa then went to John and asked him if he was okay with voting out Julia and, of course, John said yes because John is okay with just about anything.

Now, it’s debatable whether or not Austin will keep his word to Vanessa.  Last night, he and the twins finally realized that Vanessa has been playing everyone and that she literally has a final two deal with everyone in the house.  I could imagine both of them going back on their promise if either one of them should win HoH.

And, of course, Vanessa could always change her mind.  Steve wants Liz gone and Vanessa has said that she’ll do whatever Steve wants.

But, as of right now, it appears that Julia is going and Liz and Austin are going to get at least one more week together.


Lisa Marie


hpr56 September 9, 2015 at 6:24 pm

Wow. Can’t wait to see the meltdown.

I just don’t want any of the Austwins to win. I am so darn sick of them.

It will be interesting to see what if anything changes next year.

Thanks for your write up Lisa. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

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Jeanne September 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Thank you once again Lisa. You stuck with it when most of us would throw in the towel. I really don’t care which of the 3 go home. Just glad one of them will be GONE!!!

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jolee September 9, 2015 at 7:07 pm

Oh, poop! Can’t anyone in that house think for themselves! Soooooo frustrating! Reminds me of an old song: “First she’s says she will, and then won’t, then she says she says she does, and then she don’t! She’s undecided now, so what am I going to do??”
I guess we shall see … tomorrow!
Thank you Lisa. Another great report. I hope tonight isn’t too ho hum! The best part of tonight is that we can come back here and talk about our frustrations! See you …..
Later! 😎

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MaryB September 9, 2015 at 7:18 pm

In one of the many chat rooms I’m in, can’t believe 2 ppl think this is the BEST season EVER!!! Maybe it’s their 1st year to watch feeds! Frankly, I will miss your blog Lisa, but can’t wait for this season to end

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deb September 9, 2015 at 7:55 pm

I see Jesse is still an unlikeable dumbass and he is his biggest fan.

I must say, Vanessa is convincing.

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Robert September 9, 2015 at 8:05 pm

I don’t think Vanessa can trust liz or Austin I hope she figures it out. and votes out Liz. Because liz is much better at this game. I also would like to see who will help Julia after Liz is out of the game.

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swt September 9, 2015 at 8:05 pm

ok, just finished weds show, ewwwwwww really Liz

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Dough September 9, 2015 at 8:05 pm

Why would they even cosider keeping Liz! Julia is just a floater and can’t win anything. It would be a greater benefit to break up Autin and Liz(who at least wins comps). Makes no sense to me.

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swt September 9, 2015 at 8:13 pm

I think Austin should have used the Veto on Liz, since he won Veto, regardless ~ true love ?would do anything to keep his girl happy ~ he said he wan’t interested in winning the money, he only wanted used the show to have his 15 minutes of fame, eick he’s so gross.

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swt September 9, 2015 at 8:14 pm

@Dough, Liz is good at winning HOH and Compts

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bbigbbob September 9, 2015 at 8:23 pm

Steve is definitely a girly man

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bbigbbob September 9, 2015 at 8:33 pm

The only thing the twins has going for them is those tight outfits.

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Candy September 9, 2015 at 8:46 pm

I was hoping to see them refuse the meal he made and what his reaction was to it, but they did not show it. I do not have the live feeds so i just rely on these mails i get from Lisa. and thank you Lisa for the updates.

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bbigbbob September 9, 2015 at 9:04 pm


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KevInDenver September 9, 2015 at 9:14 pm

Is ANYONE really strategizing in this game? Sending Liz to jury would weaken Julia even more (destroy her really) and it would nearly castrate Judas.
The remaining knuckleheads in the hizzy are too stooped to realize that Julia in the house increases their own chances to win the very few remaining comps. Great Caesar’s ghost!
If Julia goes to Jury and and JMac doesn’t win HOH then Steve’s goose is cooked.
Who does Vanessa want to really be in final 2 with?
I think she can easily win sitting next to Julia and maybe Johnny Mac although Johnny Mac is more liked by the jury house?
Oh good grief…
Who would the jury favor in a Vanessa/Judas final 2?

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Audrey September 9, 2015 at 9:24 pm

Don’t be surprised if Vanessa wins the game. She has played everybody.

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cathy September 9, 2015 at 9:54 pm

Oh u sure hope Vanessa messed up and votes to keep liz! But strategy wise voting liz out us the bug move as if now. Team Liztin. But if she goes Austin has got a struggle going on like crazy. If liz stays he has got to win and put up Steve and Vanessa. It made the best sense for him and Liz. HE HAS GOT TO CUT OFF THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE! Vanessa. I am really enjoying the show since James and Meg left. Everyone keeps saying James deserves to win, why? If we are talking because he was in the military, okay I agree. But generally speaking anyone of these folks deserves to win. I try to watch and decide for myself who I like and don’t like. Basically from what I have seen austin is a good guy and pretty much just like any other wrestler with a alter ego lol. As far as his looks, he isn’t the worst looking guy I’ve ever seen and no question as to whether he is a man or not. I like a big man myself.

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Carrie September 9, 2015 at 10:06 pm

Oh Mylanta!!!

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KevInDenver September 9, 2015 at 10:11 pm

JMac was wondering out loud while alone whether or not to TRY to win HOH. Huh? I do not understand him and if he doesn’t give it his all I hope he goes,

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Jeanne September 9, 2015 at 11:10 pm

Nite nite everyone

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 9, 2015 at 11:12 pm

I just wanted to say thank you again to EVERYONE who has commented this season! Y’all have made this season bearable for me. Thank you so much! 🙂

If y’all are interested in talking about Survivor and Amazing Race, we will be posting weekly updates for those two shows over at!

Thank you, everyone! Y’all are the best!

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Wish I weren't a JohnMC September 9, 2015 at 11:45 pm

Ok, so the Veto was won by Austin, and the twins and Nessa were in the bathroom…
Steve and Austin tried to enter and Steve the HOH was rebuked and he left!?
Buddy, you don’t leave, they do.
So sad.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 9, 2015 at 11:47 pm

I noticed that too! What was up with Steve just turning around like that. He’s the HoH, he can do whatever he wants.

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jolee September 9, 2015 at 11:48 pm

Thank you Lisa! I would love to join the Survivor and Amazing Race chat. It seems like the chat for Survivor starts out well, but goes down hill after a couple of weeks. If you have a chat, I will be there! 🙂 Thank’s everyone for your comments. I too was disappointed that they left out the part where Austin fixed the twins dinner and they refused it. Also, in my opinion, I think Liz jumped back into Austin’s bed so he would want to keep his little bed buddy in the house! I do not like the way they choose to edit the show. Well, I may check back later. I hope Star makes an appearance. Nite all.
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 10, 2015 at 1:29 am

Awfully quiet in here!!!! Nite all!! 🙂
Later! 😎

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Junksies September 10, 2015 at 2:42 am

Hey everybody!!! Been here but just lurking…weening myself off BB 🙁 My passion left when James walked out the door!! Just a few random comments:

Everybody in the house is oddly content, happily assuming they are safe and that nobody is really gunning for them. The twins are resolved to the fact that one of them is going to jury. Steve is all sh*ts and giggles and Vanessa is extremely happy thinking she’s got this thing all sown up. I hope she is wrong and the cards aren’t dealt in her favor. My hope is JMac takes it, with my second choice being Steve. I hope for once there is a bitter jury and Vanessa won’t be rewarded.

It took JMac awhile to find his footing but is the most improved player. He sat back quietly observing letting himself be manipulated and used how many times as a pawn…?…and learning quickly and now look where it has gotten him. Criticize him all you want…look at where he is. I would not label him a floater. He was one of the first to see through Vanessa for the devil that she is and was smart to align himself with her. I hope it pays off for him.

Steve knows exactly what he was doing from day one. Several posts ago I called him crazy like a fox. He reinforced my intuition as spot on by observation as each week goes by. Studying him closely, his demeanor, manner of speech, maneuvers, facial expressions, habits and just a gut feeling…I conclude that he has plotted and planned to be exactly where he is. Don’t believe it when he says he thought he’d be gone the first week.

Several posts ago I predicted it to be Van, Steve and Austin for final 3. All 3 are still there, but I hope that JMac replaces Austin in that final 3. Austin jeopardized his game by “falling in love” thereby forfeiting his chance to win. And I think he will wimp out if given the chance to take out Vanessa.

Annoying habbits…Julia runs her hands thru her hair until she finds a loose strand, singles it out, ties it in a knot, breaks it in two and then tosses it aside. I’ve watched this strange habbit 10’s of times. Weird.

Austin learned how to play chess while in the BB house and is attempting to be the best. He is obsessed. The last 5 minutes of tonight’s BBAD went like this: Austin and Liz are playing chess while all in the house are watching. Liz makes a move. At least a full 5 seconds later Julia jumps in moving the chess piece back where it came from saying “that was a bad move.” Austin protests that “the two of them always do this…that’s why you can’t beat them…every time one girl makes a bad move the other girl changes it real quick and they go back and forth until they get the right move… their two brains are….err….coming together. They make the wrong move and every time it gets corrected by the other one…they are unbeatable!! They are nuts…it’s crazy!!” Vanessa asks “and they win?…ooooh, I want to play them.” They are all talking over each other and I can’t hear exactly what is being said except for…Steve says…”It’s a rowdy bar song”…to which I say how does he know what a rowdy bar song is? See….there’s more to Steve than what meets the eye.

Last night…I laughed my butt off…Julia and Liz were playing pool. One side of the pool table is too close to the wall and all players consistently complain that the close proximity to the wall interferes with their shots. Julia was presented with a particularly difficult shot so out of nowhere decided to abandon all rules and hit the ball with the cue stick in the same manner in which one would use a croquet mallet!!! It was so spontaneous I just cracked up. And Liz let her, like it was no big deal!! At chess and pool they make up their own rules but are gonna learn some hard life’s lessons that they are not exempt to all rules…

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Junksies September 10, 2015 at 3:51 am

Thank you Lisa for your dedication and leadership!!

I’m thankful for this blog and all the people who make it very special and a bright spot in my life! Each year my affection grows for all of you and my sadness deepens when it is over… 🙁

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Star September 10, 2015 at 5:59 am

@Junksies..great observations!!! I noticed the hair thing a long time ago too. I think she is looking for split ends. A lot of girls do this. Always made me crazy. I never check mine because they are all split, so it didn’t matter!!lol I played back Steve about the bar song too. Still couldn’t hear what it was tho. I do agree that Steve has been playing a part. HE was kind of loud and boisterous tonight and was really hitting on Julia! Including touching!!!! lol The HGS all just went to bed a little while ago and it was Steve’s evil plan to keep everyone up as long as possible because tonight’s comp is supposed to be physical. Sneaky, sneaky white boy!!!lol(line form an old Everybody Loves Raymobd!!)lol

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Barbara September 10, 2015 at 9:13 am

Does no one in that house realize that Vanessa has been running it since day one!

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Cheryl September 10, 2015 at 11:14 am

Vanessa is a master manipulator. I wonder how her friends and family think about this – especially Mel. I am sure she is the same on the outside. Also, I was watching BBAD a week or so ago and she was saying Mel asked permission to go out of town – while she was in the BB house. Ask permission? What kind of relationship is that? Van repeated several times that she asked her if she could go. In an committed adult relationship you can mention that you will go – but ask permission from Vanessa – I do not get that.

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swt September 11, 2015 at 10:24 am

???? who WON HOH ???

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swt September 11, 2015 at 10:27 am

@ Lisa Marie thank you for you decation to this wonderful blog your so Awesome ~ simply the best BBBloger 🙂

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swt September 11, 2015 at 10:29 am

~~~ Vanessa won HOH ~~~~~

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