Seriously, where do I even begin in telling you what’s been going on in the Big Brother House?
I’ll say one thing about these players — they all seem to be playing hard. In fact, some of them (like Devin) might be playing a little too hard. But, judging from what I’ve seen on the live feeds and what I’ve read online (and from what I’ve learned from reading JT’s comments — thanks, JT!), it would appear that all of the alliances that were made on the first day — Crazy 8, Cuatro, Double D — have been abandoned. There was not a Brigade or a Friendship to be found among them.
Instead, there’s a new alliance that is currently in charge of the house. That alliance is called the Bomb Squad (Bleh! Boring name!) and it appears to be based largely on testosterone. The Bomb Squad is made up of Caleb, Frankie, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, and Christine. Zach and Frankie also have a final two deal. Nicole and Christine, meanwhile, are bonding over the fact that they share a bed and both wear glasses. Meanwhile, Victoria, Brittany, Jocasta, Donny, Paola, and Hayden are without an official alliance though I’m sure they’ll end up bonding together by default. (Outsiders have to stick together!) Finally, Joey is a member of Team America, which is currently an alliance of one though she’s scheduled to get two partners once America is finished voting.
(Thank you to Lostie, who posted a great graphic under the previous post, without which I probably wouldn’t have been able to keep all of that straight!)
Since the live feeds have only been available for two days, there’s still a lot of questions about what happened in the house during the time between the initial move in and Thursday night’s premiere of Big Brother After Dark.
Here’s what we do know:
1) Joey, of all people, apparently told everyone about the existence of Cuatro. As a result, Cuatro no longer exists and the Bomb Squad (especially Devin) does not trust Joey.
2) Paola and Victoria have both gotten a reputation for being abrasive. I can see that happening with Paola but I think everyone needs to stop hating on Victoria (mostly because Victoria reminds me of my best friend Evelyn, who is like a fourth sister to me).
3) Hayden and Nicole have a showmance going on. Personally, I thought she was going to get together with Cody but I guess Nicole likes Hayden’s stoner vibe. (And, to be honest, Nicole is not alone. I’d probably let Hayden come chasing after me as well.)
4) Caleb is insanely in love with Amber, to the extent that some people online are comparing him to Gina Marie. Amber is open to a showmance but might not be really aware that Caleb is apparently planning their wedding. I find myself wondering what will happen if Amber is voted out before Caleb. Will Caleb pull a Gina Marie and spend an entire night crying and screaming her name throughout the house? Only time will tell but, as of today, Caleb has been telling Paola that he’s basically ready to tell Amber that he’s in love with her. (Speaking from personal experience, there’s nothing more creepy and awkward then having some guy that you’ve known for five days declare himself to be in love with you. Especially when that guy is someone who spends most of his time sitting around with an angry scowl on his face.)
5) Devin is freaking people out! Apparently, he is way too intense for his own good. Judging from some of the comments that have been made in the house, Devin apparently had a major blow up before the live feeds were turned on. The women, in particular, don’t seem to feel safe around him. However, Caleb likes him because they both enjoy working out.
6) Devin no longer likes Donny and spends a lot of time talking about how much he doesn’t like Donny.
7) Frankie is convinced that Donny is lying about being a groundskeeper and is frightened that Donny is actually a mad scientist of some sort. (What Frankie doesn’t realize is that Donny might be both.)
8) Derrick is not telling everyone that he’s a cop, despite the fact that he totally looks like a cop, acts like a cop, and talks like a cop. He’s telling people that he’s a groundskeeper. When last I checked, Donny was asking Derrick about the specifics of his groundskeeping job. Derrick was giving some good answers but still totally sounded like a cop.
9) Donny is still having a hard time remembering everyone’s name.
10) Hayden enjoys walking around naked and showing off his tattoo.
11) Zach is coming on very strong and aggressively and, to be honest, I keep expecting to see him snorting a line of coke in the storage room. Seriously, the boy just needs to tone it down a level or two or twelve.
Now, as far as the nominations and the Battle of the Block and the POV are concerned it went something like this (and I have to give credit again to JT for helping me keep all of this straight):
Frankie nominated Brittany and Victoria for eviction.
Caleb nominated Paola and Donny.
At the Battle of the Block, Brittany and Victoria won. As a result, Brittany and Victoria came down off the block and Caleb became the sole HoH.
The Have-Nots (yes, the Have-Not thing is back again and so is Big Brother slop and BLEH — the whole Have-Not is always the least interesting part of the show for me) are: Brittany, Cody, Hayden, and Joey.
The POV players were: Caleb, Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, and Victoria. Jocasta and her bowtie hosted the competition.
The POV competition was the spelling comp, where the players had to dig around for letters and make words.
Donny won the POV! This was a POV that Donny had to win because he was the target this week, on account of Frankie and Caleb being convinced that Donny is actually a mad scientist.
So, Donny will come off the block and it sounds like Caleb is planning on nominating Joey in his place. The plan definitely seems to be backdoor Joey. (Brittany did try to convince Caleb to nominate Devin, which was a probably a mistake on her part because now the Bomb Squad is going to view her as a potential threat…) Which means that the whole Team America twist might start to fall apart before it even begins.
(As often seems to happen with Big Brother twists…)
Anyway, that’s it for now! Donny is safe and Joey is most definitely not.
Paix et d’amour,
Lisa Marie
FIRST…. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Here we go again! 🙂 Looking forward to Sunday! 🙂
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Oh BBB … you do pay JT… not money, but just by having this blog, so he has a place to blather on about Big Brother.
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Wow… between our two blog hosts (BBB & LM) the hormones are really flying over certain houseguests…
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YW Lisa Marie….glad to help out… 🙂
Wow, u covered Everything Perfectly….i think that CBS will NOT allow the HG’s to Evict Joey cause of the Team America…i feel the DR will get involve and stop the eviction…u know how they always interfere and stop evictions in the past, lol…
Great Write-Up LM….Thank You… 🙂
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New blog just in time to say goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow. Stay sweet. {{{HUGS}}}
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Actually, I can’t say I blame Bill… if I were only 40 years younger. And Betty was gushing over Hayden yesterday, so maybe she and LM see something I don’t.
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Hayden is cute and seems like he would be a lot of fun to spend time with. Cody is hot and nice to look at but that’s pretty much all he is.
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Wow so much and we have really only just begin and the dynamics in the house are changing already ~ like usual I am not a big big fan of cocky guys that come in with a snobbish attitude like Zach ~ Donny is a little strange for me ~ Joey already has displayed her goodies for all the world to see and the DJ well seeing I need to be nice will say nothing … some are a wait and see…..but its great to be back among BB fans ……. later
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Oui ! Paid et amour
Ok I am still trying to put names and faces together , but happy we gotten off to a good start.
Can’t wait fir the first eviction, that’s when the game begins .
Bonne nuit
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I’m still getting lost with names. I’m glad Donnie won POV. I would be upset if they started off by evicting the only slightly older person in the house. Joey and Paola are my least favorite women at this point so I won’t be upset if Joey goes. Zack and Caleb are both scarey in their own way. I think I got the names right.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love this Blog!! Lisa Marie and Blogger Guy you are both awesome.
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Glad Donny won POV. He and Hayden and Christine and Cody are my favorites so far. Hayden’s just got nice guy written all over him. If he can wriggle through the twists and turns and lies and truths I hope he wins.
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Where is everybody? Probably asleep like the houseguests. I forgot to thank you, Lisa Marie, for another insightful recap.
And, 🙂 … the Official BBB Houseguest Grid looks… Great!
Bobbi… date and time for Joey please.
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You did a good job of explaining everything, Lisa Marie. Keep up the good work!
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Hi Ted, I think a number of people are upset that we can no longer share our feeling about the people in the BB house due to the blog police. I used to love this blog, but now I feel I have been hit by a ‘Gag order’!!!
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Thanks LM – i like hayden too – he seems to go with the flow so far – cody is cute – but no content there, i dont think. i like donnie,b ut keep wondering if he will slip up and make sentence without that accent………
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Thanks for the update LM. I couldn’t afford the feeds, so this blog is the next best thing.
I’m glad Donny won POV and hope Joey isn’t evicted this week–that’s the problem with these kinds of twists though, they often go nowhere.
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Tomorrow, tomorrow again.
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Thanks K11 and Ted. You know why.
Betty, you nailed it and thank you my friend.
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Betty that’s exactly why a LOT of us aren’t here! We do fly byes cause we love BB but we aren’t feeling the love for or from BBB. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Part of the fun of BB is that u love to hate certain ppl. Remember when we had Nasty Nat and we were ALLOWED to say how we felt about her?
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Well, I wrote this post and, as far as I’m concerned, all of you can say anything you want in the comments. I’m not planning on being any less snarky this season and I wouldn’t want any of you to be any less snarky as well. If I can say whatever I feel about the houseguests (and trust me, if I couldn’t, I wouldn’t be here), then you can as well.
Seeing as how there is talk of blog police and all. I want to make a few things perfectly clear right now. (I have talked to Bill about this. He knows how I feel about this and he’s agrees with the clarification that I am about to post below):
1) Your comments about the show and the houseguests will NEVER be censored by me or anyone else on this site.
2) I will never delete or edit a single comment about the show or the houseguests that is left underneath anything that I post. If I feel the need to defend something that I’ve written, I will certainly do so but I will never interfere with your right to express your opinion.
3) As far as your comments about the houseguests or the show are concerned, you are not going to be policed on this site. You are free to say whatever you want and you will NOT be censored or scolded by the administrators of this site. I promise you that.
4) As I told Bill, I feel that he needed to clarify what he meant by “MEAN” comments. To me, as the person who writes the majority of the posts on this site, a mean comment would be a comment that was obviously racist, homophobic, or prejudiced. (In other words, the type of stuff that the majority of us would never and have never said.)
Unfortunately, “mean” is a pretty broad term and I think that some of us (like me) would argue that one of the pleasures of watching a show like Big Brother is that we get a chance to be snarky about the way the people in the house are behaving. To some people, those comments are going to sound “mean” but honestly, it’s just a part of the game.
I can’t remember who said it (sorry!), but I agree with the comment that once the houseguests move into the house, they have essentially become characters on a TV show and, as such, we have every right to talk about them as we would talk about any character on a TV show.
So, to me, any comment is acceptable as long as its related to what is happening inside the house and on this show that we all love. While I’m sincerely sorry that some might have been offended by some of the comments about Christina’s physical appearance, the fact of that matter is that Christina said that wandering around the house naked was going to be a part of her strategy. As soon as she (or anyone else in the house) says that, we have the right to comment on whether or not anyone actually wants to see her naked. So — and again, I am sorry that some people were offended, to me, those comments about Christina were not mean. For that matter, the comments about Zach’s hair, Donny’s beard, Caleb’s politics, and Paola’s personality were not mean either. They were simply people stating their opinions and that’s what we are on this site to do!
What would not be acceptable — and what I would consider to be mean — would be, for example, attacking Devin or Jocasta because of their race or Frankie because of his sexuality. Wishing real-life, physical harm (as opposed to just wishing that someone loses the game) would be something that I would consider to be mean. That’s my personal interpretation and that’s the one that I will be using as far as my posts on this site are concerned.
So, as far as comments go, my policy is this: I’m the one writing the posts and you can say whatever the Hell you want to underneath them. My only real rule is that you not personally attack anyone else on this blog. (And by personal attack, I mean just that. Disagreeing with someone does not constitute a personal attack.)
Most importantly,I would ask that everyone respect the fact that not everyone on this blog is going to feel the same way that you do about politics and religion. Sometimes, someone might use language that you don’t like but you know what? That’s their right and if you know that someone is going to always say something that you find offensive, maybe you should just not read their comments. If there’s somebody that you can’t stand, don’t read or reply to their comments. (That’s the best advice I can give you, as far as that’s concerned.) And, if you are so offended by what anyone on this blog might say about any of the houseguests that you simply cannot imagine how you can possibly continue to come to this site — well, you might want to consider that we’re all talking about a TV show here. It may be called reality TV but that doesn’t mean it’s real life.
The fact of the matter is that, no matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to go through life without accidentally offending someone or getting offended yourself. The fact of the matter is that it doesn’t matter if you’re the prettiest or the smartest or the most succesful person in the world, there’s still something that you’re going to be insecure about. There are still going to be words that are going to hurt you. Me, I get upset everytime that I see someone saying that redheads have no souls. But, at the same time, I happen to know that redheads do have souls so you know what? Fuck them if they say that. Why should I let a stupid comment like that even ruin a second of my day?
Or, to put it in Big Brother terms, it upset me seeing all the comments that were made on this blog and others about Texas last season. But, Aaryn was from Texas and, even more importantly, she spent most of her time in the house wearing a Texas sweatshirt and talking about how she was from Texas so, as a result, everyone had every right to talk about the fact that Aaryn was from Texas. I may not have enjoyed reading them but that’s life and, quite frankly, I still had a pretty good time last summer regardless of what people were saying about my homestate.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on for way too long and I’ve probably gotten massively off topic but oh well. That’s just that way I am, right?
To summarize: Just keep being nice to each other (or, ignore the people you simply can’t be nice too because this is a public blog and anyone can post here) and — as far as the houseguests are concerned — say anything that you want.
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Nicely said Lisa. Let’s all have fun and blog our hearts out! 🙂 Looking forward to tomorrow!!
I will admit being 81 years old does make me cringe when I see the “F” word, Having said that, I will attempt to just “skip” over them! 🙂 Just being honest and expressing myself!! 🙂 Now, let the fun begin! I really enjoy reading all of your thoughts. Bye for now! 🙂
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Bravo LM! Well done! I do ignore those I don’t want to talk to, for good reason, so that’s a given!
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Lisa, Lisa. You go girl. I couldn’t of said It better. It’s like in the old western movies, the good guy wore the white hat and the bad guy/villain wore the black hat. We all have a tendency to take sides.But we bloggers should all be on the same side. Having fun for the summer talking about the antics of those crazy BB house guests. Last year Spencer was definitely a black hat. IMHO. I am so excited, lookin forward to a summer of getting to know all the bloggers better. Stay sweet. God bless you all. {{{HUGS}}}
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Thanks LM, I had a feeling you would not let us down! Glad to be back!!
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Trying out some faces. 🙂 😉 o:8 :x1
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8:) z:) 0:) see it these work with
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Try again sissy!! 🙂
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Starfish — Thank you. Hopefully, I got my point across. I’m always a little worried when I go on for that long that I may have gone off-topic but oh well. 🙂
Jolee — Don’t worry, I don’t use the F word much. 🙂
Lostie — Thanks! We all need to smile, I think. 🙂
Everyone — I realize I went on for a really long time there and I talked about some things that a lot of us have very strong feelings about. If I was unclear about anything I said or if there’s anything you want to say (positive or negative) about what I said and you don’t want to do it in public, my e-mail address is Or you can track me down on facebook at or on twitter at @LisaMarieBowman. Thanks!
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Lisa Marie..well said and thank you FOR saying it and making clear the RULES of the blog. I was one of the instigators of Nosegate, and as I have said to a few others, I knew the minute I let that post fly, I shouldn’t have hit send! Justa gut feeling! I am not usualy that *mean* about people’s looks but I do have a tendency to pick people apart, physically and otherwise, on here. I already had gone on about PoaPao’s nasty fingernails. And I have always been a fashion police, coming down on Porsche and her joggging suits daily, for example. It IS part of the game and as you said, part of whoI am! (or WE are!!) 😉 If we didn’t like to study people, we wouldn’t like BB and wouldn’t be posting here!! It just is what it is and has been working for years. I may feel a little like policing my commnets for a bit, but hopefully tht passes as the excitement of teh game mounts and people get back to being themselves.
I totally agree with your desrciptions of what MEAN is. I think we all watched it all last year and comp;ained about the HGS being the epitome of it ourselves, so I can’t imagine anyone crossing those lines here. Be it about the HGS or each other. We’er all pretty good about having each others’ backs on here and if anyone comes on that is giving anyone a hard time, we let him know about it! Do I always like every single blogger on here?? Or all that is said?? Heck no! But you just move on. Skip their posts and enjoy the rest!
Anyway, I think I am rambling now too and not saying anything new! Just wanted to let you know that I think you Rock and thank you again for clearing the air here!!! *Deepbreath* Awwww… already feels lighter and like HOME again!!! BIG HUGS!!xoxo
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Betty — Thank you and I’m glad to see you back. 🙂
Jeanne — Thanks!
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Star — Thank you, I’m glad you’re back. 🙂
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Hmmmm. coffee / (_)0. Angel / }°{ penguin / (`> fish / »}}}° me / ¿) . Some of these don’t turn out the same as on my puter…
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Star, I’m one of those people that love to sit at the mall and people watch. And yes I can be very critical of them. But I also have a very big heart and I can really love people very fast.
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Great Info Lisa♥ & thank you for all your comments 🙂 Putting any kind of Gag Order On us would be the down fall of this site! I am so proud of you my dear Lisa Thank you all for the updates …………………..
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Now that I am back and free to speak my mind. I just want to set the record straight…
I only said Hayden has a cute tooshie like yours!!!! 😆 I don’t think he is particularly good looking!!
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Lisa, I know you must feel really good about the support you are getting from our BB blogger family! I really appreciate your heart! 🙂
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Hey Betty Going to start our BBQ But just wanted to catch up on things! I saw what you commented on at our home 😉 & I was with you all the way my dear friend ♥
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Hi Bobo – Thanks
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Betty ♥ 🙂
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Thank you, Bobo and Jolee. 🙂
On the Big Brother front, I’m currently waiting for the results of the veto meeting — assuming that they have it today. 🙂 Donny is definitely going to use it on himself and I’m pretty sure Joey is going go up in his place. I’ll post an update when I have it. 🙂
And also, I’ll be watching (and live tweeting) a movie called Snakehead Swamp on SyFy later tonight so hopefully, the veto meeting occur before it starts. 🙂
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Anytime Lisa ♥ …………….. THANK YOU! ………..
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See you all later 🙄 ………….
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My word! What went on today?
How come I am not getting you in my emails since late last night?
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Betty… still not retracting my Cougar comment.
LM… nicely said.
Bobo… stop stalking Betty… that’s my job!
Star… stop stirring things up… that’s my job!
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LMB – its all good, girl!
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the Feeds been pretty quiet today…hardly no game talk….just HG’s talking bout their home lives….now and then, we would hear some game talk but not much….Frankie & Zach continue talking bout evicting people in the coming weeks….
but today it was mainly a Outside day…the girls with their Bikini’s on and the guys mostly playing Pool w/o their shirts on…just walking around in the BY, playing around and having a Fun day outside…today is Devin’s 2 yr old daughter’s birthday so they all said together HB to her….and Hayden at one point gave us his LOUD YELL that made all of us DEAF…it was really LOUD and i had to Mute the Feeds alot whenever he did it, lol….
Lisa Marie…the POV Cerm is Not for today….it is Not on the LR Screen so we wont have it today…maybe tomorrow… 🙂
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Thanks, Lostie, I was wondering why everyone was being calm and mellow.
It’s funny — these HGs are a lot nicer than last season’s hateful crew but I’m starting to get worried they might be too nice. Lol. We need someone to tell Pao Pao that she’s going home or something so we can at least get some drama going in the house! 🙂
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Right now, Caleb and Hayden are playing pool against Nicole and Amber. I’m just like, “RUN, AMBER, RUN!”
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I know that Devin resembles the Rock—-but I keep seeing more of a young OJ Simpson. I noticed it last night on BBAD when he was wearing a hood. Now I just can’t get past it. OJ was an attractive guy in his hay day but if I resembled the Rock and OJ I’d definitely hope people only saw the Rock in me. Do any of you guys see the resemblance?
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Lisa Marie: Thank you so much for straightening that all out. I was pretty sure that’s what BBB meant, but it seems he may lack the ability to communicate as eloquently as you. This is good news as pretty much all Blogs and sites and Twitter pretty much just say what they want about things, and often in a negative light.
As long as I have been on here, we have always sort of ‘policed ‘ and kept each other in check but the thought of not being able to freely express my thoughts about some of these Fame Whores and use specific salty words when necessary. I hope that fact that CBS caught all that crap about perceived and real racism last season had nothing to do with his tone. These are extremely good and kind people here and I know you know that. I’d never come here without people like Ted and Betty and Aggie and Starfish.
I never had been to a Blog before, or was on the Internet before this BBBlog. Then one night years back, I Googled ‘Big Brother’ and the word ‘Blog,’ and found this cool site—all because I was SO MAD at how Ronnie was acting in the House and I wanted to express it to someone. Had there been rules about saying ‘bad things’ back then, I would have never have met some of these wonderful people like MM and Frannie and Bob and Star and princess and my Life would be so much hollow because of that. This Blog matters.
You do a great job sister and I am glad you addressed this. The thought of not wanting to come here to communicate in a Modern Way with my fellow BB fans bummed me out last night. Freedom of Speech is a huge thing and I so respect those who died so I could simply live in a society where I can call Ronnie an asshole (And have the NSA record it.) ☺
Keep busting girl, you do a fantastic job. —-Kevin11 :mrgreen”
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Love you Kevin11 and Sir Louie too!!
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Kev11 ….where are ur Twitter Updates?…i heard u always had them here all the time…im Not on Twitter so i look forward in seeing them from u… 🙂
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Theodore, I am a cougar. Don’t you wish I would jump on your bones? 😆
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SALTY LANGUAGE ALERT!!!… 11 is Back. I do hope his cat, sitting in his lap watching the feeds with him, is not too bored with his rambling on about Big Brother this and Big Brother that. And I am sure his pal 🙂 will be more than happy showing him how to do a ‘mr green’. I had never been on a blog before googled Survivor and came across the bogus Survivor Blog BBB had put together to keep all of you blogging till BB came back on. Everyone got pissed when I wanted to talk about Survivor. So that’s how I met “y’all” (as 🙂 and kerriJ would say).
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Betty 😯 ! Actually, I think I am older than you so it probably wouldn’t count as ‘cougarness’. I told you… come to Friday Harbor.
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Watching a bit of LF today – trying to figure out if Zach is playing Frankie – or if Frankie is playing Zach…..or maybe their feelings are mutual – what are yalls thoughts?
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Actually, 11… Bobo is the Resident
expert. I have not posted my quota of emoticons for the day.
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Lisa Marie, well said , clap clap, now take a bow or do a curtsey
You made my day girl friend
Being a New York Italian it would have been almost impossible for me to
WATCH MY WORDS, I thank you for lifting the gag order.
Kevin 11 how is my little louie, aka the fresh prince of Vegas
Hope all like the little poem below
Big Brother Blog Rap
On goes the PC
Wonder who has blogged me
Loading up my BB blog instead of Facebook
Gotta have a quick look
Oh, somebody’s mentioned me
spoilers with friends?
There’s just three
I see a funny picture
I liked it so I responded ya
When this poem’s done
I’ll go for a nap
I check my BBB in the morning
and I check it in the night
I check my BBB when it’s dark
And I check it when it’s light
Oh Bill, Lisa Marie and JT
What have you done
I can’t get away
However fast I run
Oh BB it’s everywhere
It’s like I’m breathing it in
It’s like unnatural air
It’s fun to have BBB
When you are any age
But everywhere I go
I hear people say
“You got a BBB page?”
ciao to all, bbl
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Ted I am sure you are older than me, maybe older than dirt! 😆
But I have to love ya!! 😳
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Bravo MM!!
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macy 123123123123…LOL…i think Frankie & Zach are both serious about going to Final 2 together for now, at least…they keep talking game about when the “Bomb Squad” breaks up and who to start sending home from that group….
but i think u think that maybe it is Frankie that’s playing with Zach…that’s what i would think, lol…. 🙂
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Mr. Ted
Older than dirt 😆 Good one Betty Watching the girls talking in the hammock, Got some good kids this season…….. so far 🙂 Back to some movie time, see you all later………………….
That’s Army Green Ted! 😆
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LOSTIE u can leave off those damn numbers – ha ha – i need to figure out how to change that – or u can call me bendi – watching the feeds – frankie put on a whole face of make up – concealer – powder – mascara – looking FAB
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Bendi Love your name ♥ So different! …………….
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thanks mr. green
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why thank u betty and bendi,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do what I can to amuse the troops
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Watching a movie on HBO called The Counselor, Looks good so far! This small TV in my art room is just not cutting it, so time to down to my man cave & watch it on the large screen 🙂 See you later! 😉 ……………………………………………………………….
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MM Very cool 😎 Thank you ♥
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oooo mr green has an ART room!
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Joey just made an announcement to the house! What a jerk move!
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What was the announcement?????
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txs bobo
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I don’t know who she said…. but that everyone needs to talk to before they vote? 😕
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------😯 Sorry I did not get the name but they were not to happy with her!!!
I think it was the Rock?
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Joey is fighting for her life in the BB house. 😆
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BETTY – she is sooooo shooting herself in the foot – has she not seen this show before?
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Macy – I want her gone! I could not believe America chose her to be in the alliance! I just hope production doesn’t interfere with the vote on Thursday!
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I am with you Betty 😯 Hey I’m always with you 😆
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BETTY she is going on and shut up girl
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I don’t like hearing this talk, as Joey has been my favorite from the start. I’m so happy she is the first on America’s team. Now I have to vote to get Paola on too.
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Janice and those that missed Joey’s Announcement…it’s obvious that Joey knows she’s going up as Re-Nom…..BUT she thinks Caleb is not doing what the House wants so she made this announcement to the House to make sure Caleb does what the House wants….here is her Quote:
“Caleb is going around saying he wants to make sure it’s a house decision (of who to renom) and I just wanna make sure that that’s happening so that the right person goes up on the block, ok? So Caleb will go around individually to each of you and make sure your voice is heard, so that whomever is up on the block, is a house vote. Ok? Alright.”
and by making this statement pretty much sealed her fate to leave the House…and to point out, Joey spent the entire day in the smallest Bikini bottoms that made her ass cheeks stick out with her Huge ass, lol… 🙂
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I can only imagine she wants to bring Caleb down and make sure he’s the next one out since she knows she’s going up. Not that things don’t change on a dime around here.
Thank you for the update.
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Well, let’s hope Joey is saved by production. But we still have a ways to go.
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Ted Joey is a real nut case! 🙄
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WTH? Was Joey one of the players who had never seen Big Brother before? Honestly, I kinda suspect that she’s Gordner’s plant this season — I guess we’ll find out when it comes to whether or not she’s allowed to be voted out. Lol.
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😆 Lisa ……………
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Everyone is talking about Joey now! Well she gave them all something to do ❗
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I’m currently watching a zombie movie with my late night movie crew so my next update will be pretty late tonight. But it will be written before I crawl into bed and it will probably be all be about Joey. 🙂
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Well, it looks like we have our First Showmance of BB16 with Frankie & Zach…they look so Adorable together…im wondering if Zach will be the Pitcher or the Catcher, LOL… 🙂
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I get the feeling that Zach may be playing Frankie as far as that’s concerned. It’ll be interesting to find out what Zach’s been saying in the Diary Room.
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Lostie…we don’t want BBBlogger getting into trouble, so I copied his comment from the previous page. It was the last one on there, so I’m sure it wasn’t seen.
99 BBBlogger 06.27.14 at 10:42 pm
I am ok with videos but please NO VIDEOS that show any content from the SHOW or LIVE FEEDS. That is against the Terms for me being an affiliate with CBS and I really do not want to lose that relationship.
Thanks everyone!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Lostie…love you but I removed your 2 posts with video. I am sorry but one season I lost the affiliate connection with CBS and lost a lot of money…cannot do that again. Sorry!
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MM..loved your rap !! Now that’s the way to express yourself on here…with NO censorship!! Just a lot of imagination!! You GO gurl!! ♥♥
Ted…your job is safe from ME!! I hate drama on here..especially if I am in the middle of it!!! lol Now drama ON BB is a must have. But not so much so far. I think the quieter and more BORING the actual HGS are, the more we rumble!!!!! 👿
Betty…..absofriginlutely no shame in being a Cougar!! 😉 I’ve been one since before there was an animal kingdom name for it!!!lol Never dated a guy my age or older!!! And proud of it!! 😎 COUGARS UNITE!!! lol
I wasn’t sure about Joey ..had no particular feeling either way. But when she got voted America’s team or whatever, I was pretty shocked!!! 😯 I didn’t see the draw to her at all! I was sure it would have been Frankie or Cody. NOW I see WHY I didn’t get it! This girl IS a nutcase, as Bobo said!! And had no game whatsoever!!! Who TELLS the HOH to go around and MAKE SURE he polls all the other HGS to see if they want her on the lock??? it doesn;t matter idiot!! The HOH is playing HIS game to take him as far as he can. And she shouldn’t be prodding the beast before he has ACTUALLY made her a NOM!! I agree with Devin…WORST BB player…if not EVER…… least this season! Say BUH-BYE Joey! Smurf out!!! hehehe
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Star — Joey is done for, unless Devin goes crazy or production introduces a “Vote a HG back into the house!” twist.
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Frannie..I saw that post too. So I didn’t open the vid. Maybe LM or JT can take it down if BBB’s not around. Apparently not everyone saw it!!
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That’s what I was thinking too….it was the last comment on that page and the new page was up already.
Star….Cougar here too!! 😉
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WOOHOO!!!! Cougars unite!!!! lol You and me and Betty need to go celebrate at a strip club!! :::::::\_/::::::: That’s a drink….justa so there’s no confusion. 😆
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LM…..then Joey is officially the 1st HG EVICTED as I don’t see either of those scenarios playing out!!! 😉
I have BBAD on and I find I am having trouble concentrating on it. these HGs are so quiet and BORING!! They whiper and /or talk with no expresion whatsoever. There is no real over-the-top personalities in there this year. Except for Frankie and he is the GAY and an entertainer, so it’s basically expected. NO that wasn’t homophobic, I LOVE Frankie to pieces!!! But that is the role he was chosen to play in the BB house! (Don’t want to get myself evivted here!!) lol
Hey…Derrick or Caleb just called Joey a smurf!! Can they get this blog in there?? lol
Kev11…..Amen to your post! We all have a similar story as to how we got here and what it means to us. Hope everyone plays nice here now and we can Let the Games Begin!!! ♥
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franniep2 ….so sorry but the videos i posted were Youtube Vids…they were not videos from my own collection of the show or feeds…so i thought it was alright….if it’s against the law to post CBS stuff then it’s up to Youtube themselves to Remove them as they always do…i wont Post any more Vids…im sorry but i just Loved posting Vids for the posters entertainment….thank you frannie for bringing this to my attention…. 🙂
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Well LM THANK YOU for saying that about the “mean” stuff.
Personally I know that because I don’t like someone like Zach does not mean that someone else would agree with me. I understand others have their own opinion like I do. I respect others opinions. Everyone is allowed to think and feel the way they want too.
Personally I don’t like Zach. He thinks he can come into the game and hate everyone and everything. That’s all well in good he thinks he does not need anyone well guess he has never seen Big Brother before because if you don’t have help you are not going far.
He seems to be entitled – by that I mean rich and does not need the money. He talks about being unemployed and playing gold f everyday with his brother. Well from what I seen when they came into the house SOMEONE in the family has money because that was a nice country club they (he & the brother) were playing in.
I was kind of rooting for Devin for a few reasons – a single dad and the fact he and my oldest son (19) share the same name with the same spelling. But after reading on here about turning his back on Donny not really interested in seeing him win.
I would love to see Donny win 1 cause I think he needs the money and 2 he is my age. LOL
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Lostie — To the best of my understanding, videos are okay, they just can’t be videos containing footage taken directly from the live feed or the CBS show. So, we can’t show live feed footage of Zach and Frankie’s showmance but I imagine that we probably could show a video of Evel Dick talking about Zach and Frankie. As far as what you were saying about YouTube vids is concerned, I am honestly not 100% sure. I will ask Bill about that, the next opportunity I get. Until then, we’ll just play it safe.
To the best of my knowledge, it’s okay to include images. So, we could show (or link to) a picture of Frankie and Zach holding hands but we just can’t show a video of them doing it.
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Thanks for all the updates y’all. It’s getting interesting in there.
Ted… You spelled my name wrong again. Ha.. I have to get up in four and a half hours Better try to go to bed now.
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Okay, I’ve got taking care of some business on another site that I write for and then I’ll come back here and do a quick write-up on the Joey fiasco. (I have a splitting headache so my write-up will probably suck but I’ll make it up to you guys in a future post.)
Quick reminder that tomorrow, Big Brother will be on CBS at 7:00 my time, 8:00 east coast time and maybe we’ll get to see just what exactly it was that Devin did to make everyone so nervous about him. 🙂
And maybe they’ll have the power of veto ceremony tomorrow! 🙂
Okay, back later.
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Good Morning everyone … It’s after 3AM, time for some ZZZZZzzzzzz See ya
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New Post!
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Love this site and all the info on the HG.
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