Hi, y’all:
So, as we all know, Frankie is the current Head of Household and he has nominated Cody and Victoria for eviction. His target is Victoria and blah blah blah. It’s pretty much the same stuff that’s been going on since the game began.
Anyway, they held the veto competition on Saturday and guess who won?
Maybe he had to solve another maze. Or maybe the competition was to see who could answer the most questions about Ariana Grande. But, for whatever reason, hateful Frankie won the veto.
Anyway, they held the veto competition earlier today and it was actually on the live feeds. Victoria and Cody both made the exact same speeches that they’ve made every other time that they’ve been on the block. Frankie then said that he loved them both but, at this point in the game, he simply could not use the veto.
And again, none of it matters! The button has been pushed. This week isn’t actually happening.
As for tonight’s episode — well, at least we’ll get to see Jeff propose to Jordan. 🙂
Finally, a quick reminder: Please do not post any videos taken from either the CBS show or the LFs, because that gets us into copyright issues and could potentially cost the blog a lot of money. You can post links to the videos but just not the videos themselves. Thank you!
Lisa Marie
The show is obviously rig
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The only reality in reality television is that if it the “show” does not get high ratings and attract advertisers willing to pay top dollar for ads, the “show” is canceled for real!
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I think the veto competition is the one where they scramble the house guests faces…… At least, that’s what they made it sound like, last night on BBAD.
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I am so over Frankie. If he gets too the finale two I hope he at least does not win and only come in second. I could stand the way he was talking to himself in the hoh room. He sure thinks so highly of himself and thinks he is the best and is the biggest threat in the game. Like I said I am so over him.
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Thank goodness I have something to look forward to tonight and Skanky’s face on Wednesday REWIND will be priceless! Thanks for your devotion LMAO, in spite of such a disappointing season.
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If this week isn’t happening then the great rat race didn’t happen along with its success. Therefore, there are no winnings attached to it.
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LM, not LMAO. But really LMAO at Skanky
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Great thinking Kit! I agree
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Thanks L.M. as always! Last night on BB after dark a couple of the HGs were speaking to the camera like it was their time for national TV time the cowboy telling all to follow him and Derrick telling people to buy the live feed as they will be up all night, that’s when I said good night.
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@LM sorry about the video. I hope it doesn’t become a problem
Can it be deleted?
Looking forward to seeing people with emotions on the show or Jordan and Jeff
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Kit, good point. I haven’t thought of the rat event being null and void since this week didn’t happen. Lol…love it!!!!!!
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Agree the TA challenge didn’t happen
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So no $$$ this week
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It is really nauseating that CBS keeps having competitions that are suitable for hateful and disgusting Frankie to win. He is so tricking dramatic I can hardly continue to watch the show.
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Thank you Lisa. Looking forward to tonight only because Jeff and Jordan will be on. The rest should be the usual yawn fest! 🙂
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Sylvie — Don’t worry about it, I took care of it. 🙂
Tonight’s episode appears to be all about showing clips of better houseguests from better seasons.
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Just keeping my place, as Bobo would say.
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I am so over Frankie and his tight blue short shorts. Just sayin. And poor little gullible Victoria. Derrek really laid it on her and poor thing believes she’s the girl champion.
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Oh, and also his hand heart all the time. Forgot to mention that before.
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from the previous page, ugh
erie angel @ 10? I have been watching BBAD daily since the
erie angel @ 10? I have been watching BBAD daily since the
rape incident. Last season of BB was the first time I had
ever watched BBAD, I only caught the very tail end, with
Andy, Gina Marie and Spence. The discussions they were
having were so bizarre I thought I had fallen into the twilight
zone. It honestly sent shivers down my spine, I was quite
shaken.I a angel @ 10? I have been watching BBAD daily since the
rape incident. Last season of BB was the first time I had
ever watched BBAD, I only caught the very tail end, with
Andy, Gina Marie and Spence. The discussions they were
having were so bizarre I thought I had fallen into the twilight
zone. It honestly sent shivers down my spine, I was quite
shaken.I am curious as to what kind of behaviour will be
exhibited by these guys as the end nears. I just play games
or do housework with it on in the background.
Ralph @ 108 lmao thanks for the laughs!!! I would be
SOOOO pissed if someone played a joke on me, filmed my
reaction and showed it to the world! Pissed I tell ya! But I
wouldnt have made such a fool of myself as those sissies lol.
Love eveyones comments. I might have to check out BB
2008, I vagueing remember some of it. I am getting old 🙁
Love the share of tidbit gems from the net.
Watching BBAD, Victoria is a photographer. She is suppsed to have an ‘eye’ for detail. How could she NOT win this?? arrgh
I am watching Wil Hauser BB16 Saga from the beginning, the guy is amazingly funny and talented.
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any truth to the overheard conversation between Derrick and Victoria about meeting up outside big brother house before they go back home. He told her they would have a couple of days in hotel before finale then meet up in 3 months If true he should be booed when he leaves
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Jordan is the cutest thing that has ever been on BB. ….Jeff is a close second.
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i so hope Frankenstein gets backed doored
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and gets booed as he leaves the bb house
and Julie rips him to pieces
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Rosie, I sure hope that’s not true.
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@BC Marie
I went to Victoria’s Photo site a while back
It’s ok , not bad not good, she doesn’t stunt out as a photog
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Hey guys, not much to say about anything this week really. They only reason (in my estimation) that the Veto was shown on the LF’s is because it doesn’t mean anything. Jeff and Jordan engagement was nice. I do believe they’re good people and I’ve always liked them. I honestly don’t think Jordan “deserved” to win her season, but hey, she was nice and worked it out….I don’t take it away from her.
Me and my girlfriend have been binge watching BBCan Season 2. We both watched season 1 as it played out, some guy posted the episodes to youtube. I gotta say, if you LOVE BB, like we all do, and you miss good players (instead of celebrity relatives, models, and wannabe actors), good game play, and really fun challenges, I HIGHLY suggest checking out BB Canada 1 and 2. We watched 12 episodes over the weekend and it was so refreshing to see how GOOD BB can be.
I’m always gonna watch BB US till the day it’s cancelled. That said, the last 2 seasons haven’t been the best, as we all know. Watching the Canadian version makes you remember how good the show can and SHOULD be. I honestly don’t think anyone that posts in here would dislike it at all. Do yourselves a favor and check it out!
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Rosie O-The difference between Derrick and Christine is that Derrick has never gotten all hot and crawled all over Victoria. He has demonstrated in the house and the diary room where his boundaries and loyalties are. I personally think that he would be a fool not to reassure Victoria because she has been ostracized so much this season she is vulnerable to anyone being nice to her. They all believe they can beat her. None of the others has even bothered to even worry about who she wants to go to the end with. I don’t think they see her as having ANY power. I think everyone should want to take her to the end. I think only Caleb is clueless to that. He is definitely traveling to the beat of a different drum than the others left in the house. Poor guy. First, he’s going to be unforgettable for being BB’s first guy to have a nomance and second, he really thinks the other players will choose the honor of keeping their word over their game playing. Anyway, back to Derrick. I have seen nothing to lead me to believe he would hook up with her in any way outside the house that was romantic or inappropriate. IF he even said what he is accused of saying.
I also will be surprised if BB doesn’t talk to every crowd from now on and instruct them that they can’t even come in if they don’t agree to refrain from booing anyone left in the house like they did Christine. They adore Frankie and they are on the outside. They have to know he is not popular with fans because both straights and gays are not happy with his narcissistic attitudes. That was really the worst reaction I have ever seen from any BB crowd. I think Christine got booed so much it made everyone out here watching from TV shocked and feeling awful inside. She deserved to be chastised but that was really harsh. I’ve never heard of a BB where no one supported the person coming through that door on their way out. She still has to face her family and husband. I would not want to be her right now.
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That was so cute that they brought up The part about if Jordan could be any animal when she came back what would she be and she said squirrel cause they just hang out in the neighborhoods. I was like come on Black dog people will send you lots of treats if you will just go psycho on Frankie while he is holding you. Or better yet pee on him. That was cool for them, happy for them also but Jeff wasn’t all that polite to her in the public in that she wasn’t as well educated as he and it put her in some uneasy embarrassing positions sometimes and it stood out. I was afraid if he did that in public how he must treat her in private. And here’s a question, Frankie won HOH outside with everyone before they came in and saw the Golden Button to Push so shouldn’t it rewind from that point forward? That way it would make him ineligible to play in next HOH but get put up as replacement in the do-over if he doesn’t win the veto as a participant if not selected as nominee. Does that make any sense? Too much Football! And UTOPIA !
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disappointing season, I can’t wait for it to end I HOPE CBS READS THESE BLOG’S ~ IT’S RIGGED AND IT’S NOT FUN ANYMORE.
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watched the show tonight, it was very sweet, even the boys had tears in their eyes.
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When button results are announced. Since 6 people left in house the 3 not on block or HOH could play for the chance to be HOH and 2 new contestants be put on the block. The 2 put on the block would be the two who did not win the HOH. Then veto option could involve remaining contestants.
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I always love seeing Jeff and Jordan and I loved seeing all of the old clips of them but, other than that, that was a really strange episode of Big Brother tonight. It’s almost as if CBS was saying, “Yeah, nothing happened so here’s Jeff, Jordan, and some country music.” It was sweet but, at the same time, I think it says something that everyone was a lot more interested in Jeff and Jordan than they were in anyone who is currently competing in the game. Lol.
And, if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would point out that the only current HG to be prominently featured during the reception for Jeff and Jordan was Frankie. And speaking of conspiracies, was it just me or was the HoH competition something that really only Frankie could have pulled off? Victoria has already proven herself to be a total klutz. Caleb, Derrick, and Cody are all too big physically to really handle running back and forth on a balance beam. Frankie, meanwhile, is, physically, the smallest guy in the house as well as a professional dancer.
If they’re going to have to do the exact same challenges all over again on Wednesday, then I think we can all expect Frankie to win HoH once again.
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I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes with production on this one but I just don’t get it. They know the viewers are livid over Frankie yet he continues to run the show – get special favors and seemingly can go into the DR whenever it suits him plus gets info the others don’t (I caught a couple things he started to say right before fish cut in) The only thing I can figure is that they have some sort of deal to promote Ariana – because Frankie seems to be allowed to sing her songs, play her songs, talk about her constantly . It’s become like one big long commercial for Ariana Grande. And now nauseatingly Frankie has even begun to wander off somewhere and talk to the cameras bragging about how many comps he won & how great he is. They better do SOMETHING because if he wins anything at all in the end, there’s going to be a riot among viewers. And I just don’t get why they just don’t seem to care. It’s almost like their attitude is they’re mad that we complained so to get back at us they’re going to take him all the way to the end just to spite us. The guy is being totally rude, crude & obnoxious! And get how ever since he supposedly got to talk to his mother about an attorney or something he goes out of his way to be nice to Victoria who doesn’t have a clue why he’s being so nice & that he’s just trying to get on her good side before the you know what hits the fan. I just pray Derrick wins or even Victoria at this point! Even Cody would be a better option than the other 2. Frankie is just on there to promote HIMSELF. He can’t stop bragging, admiring himself in the mirror, talking to the cameras etc etc. Does CBS think we find him entertaining???????????? REALLLY????
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And YES. I said Victoria! (that I wouldn’t mind seeing win at this point – just to get under Frankie’s skin!) the joke would be on ALL of them – playing her as they have. But I DO think if anyone should “rightfully” win .. (I throw in the word “rightfully” because I suspect it won’t have anything to do with “rightfully) Derrick has played this game hard and smart but now at the end the weirdo has taken over the show and the limelight. Do they really think we watch this show all summer just to see some pompous self absorbed narcissistic moron who doesn’t need the money (Frankie) win in the end??? and what charity would want to be represented by someone who conducts themself as Frankie does? I’m thinking NONE. think about it.
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Thanks for letting me spout off here Lisa Marie.
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@ SIR ROCK – Where can we watch BBC in the US ? I in TX & have Charter cable & don’t think Charter broadcasts any Canadian TV stations. Is BBC on line ? Would love to watch it, as ANYTHING would be an improvement over the USA’s BB @ this point !! Sure miss BB being what it used to be back in earlier days !
@ ALL BB BLOGGERS – I’m confused, is everything that occurred from tonight’s BB back to Thursday’s episode the “Rewind”? If so, what a waste of time for all !!! ( Hopefully, Jeff ‘n Jordan don’t rewind too !) 🙂 It seems the more VILE, EGOTISTICAL, & ARROGANT Skanky-Frankie is, the more CBS makes EVERYTHING in his favor !! Clearly, this season of BB is “rigged” for him to be in the Final 2 and/or win. Why, I have NO clue ! Don’t see any reason whatsoever how Skanky-Frankie could benefit his sister’s musical career. Who the heck ever heard of her0 unless you’re a “teenie-bopper” ??? So disgusted with BB now ! As always, much appreciate\ion to Lisa Marie & all BB bloggers for your comments. I get more out of coming here than watching BBAD ! Have a great week & stay alert, there’s way too much happening around the globe & 9/11 is four days away !!
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Cool to see Jeff and Jordan again, I hope he doesn’t drag things out and make it a long engagement, I’m sure Jordan wants to start a family. He did well with her ring. Good Luck to them, About the Frankie thing, I’ll believe it when i see it, I doubt he will go anywhere, If it’s a rewind, It will probably be the exact same comp, Frankie will be playing and will win again. Ok, It was those idiots fault for not getting rid of him when they had the opportunity, Now it’s probably too late.
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@ Jeanne4488 – DITTO EVERYTHING you said !!! Didn’t see your post before I posted. 🙂
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Jeanne 4488, You are right on point! I had a very hard time even watching the show tonight. Frankie turns my stomach! I really want to see him go home Wednesday night! PLEASE!!!!
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@Ralph….Thanks for the play by play of the rat hunt…..I was LMAO!!! Thanks!!! I’m just wondering why they’re not too concerned tonight on BBAD!! Did they catch the “RAT”?? LOL
Love Jeff and Jordan and wish them the BEST!!!!(Come on CBS…air the wedding!!They deserve it!!!)
Thanks LM for your blogs…..we love you!!!
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I have not had much to say this season, because obviously… there is not much to discuss! Derrick has played everyone live a well oiled machine and NO ONE seems to notice that?!?!?! I am so confused by this group of people. Victoria….does she even know she is playing a game? Or is just just hanging in CA for the summer?!
Loved to see Jeff and Jordon again; best thing that happened this season thus far. I don’t completely understand the “rewind button”; it was marked by a clock dated 5+ days, so when exactly will they stay/stop the rewind part.
This cast is like watchings pigs to the slaughter. How can every vote be “a number” to zero for every eve fed houseguest? Can’t anyone think for themselves this season. I know I comained about the blonde from TX last year, but at the very least she added some fire to the show. The “booing” of Christine was a bit surprising to me. Was it because she did not say goodbye to anyone or the Cody deal? Maybe I have missed something? I am quite bored with this season. I am having back surgery on September 16 and I am not super bummed I will miss some of the season! That says it in a nut shell!
AS WAYS…… THANK YOU LISA MARIE for your wonderful insights to this show. You are always right on the money!
Love to you all!
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Big Brother Canda
Navigate through the site for Full Episodes, watch the exit interviews – they are interesting. I see they have some new segments that catch up with the players and their lives, I am going to have to check that out.
Hopefully the site viewing works outside Canada. If not, you will have to try youtube.
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Lisa Marie…I thought the same thing while watching Skanky balance on the shovel handle. Being a professional dancer gives him unfair advantage. Seems like he has multiple skills across the board and I don’t like having to admit that.
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@J Renne’ – the link BCMarie is for the site, but she is correct….you can’t watch a Canadian site in the US, that is unless you download an app. The app is called Hola. It allows anyone to have access to foreign websites. I just found out about this from a guy in a BB Facebook group I’m in. He walked me though it and it was a piece of cake. http://hola.org/
Download that bad boy and you’ll be good to go for using the site provided above. One other tip, make sure you AdBlock or another type of ad blocker. The site FORCES you to watch the commercials unless you have that downloaded too. Let me know if you have any questions, I can help you out. I downloaded both of those apps to Chrome and Firefox this weekend…..its a piece of cake. Totally worth it to watch BBCan!
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Thanks for the info on the adblocker, hola, and confirmig my suspicions about cross border viewing Sir Rock. Years ago in bulletin sites that I hung around it would be difficult at times for yanks and anuckleheads to have convos about tv news stories because we couldnt watch the other country’s content in our own country. The advent of youtube helped allieviate some of the frustration. When I was posting the slice canada link I got to thinking about what LM had said about video copyright and I had a feeling that issue might apply here. Glad you were able to provide your counnry people a solution. I really enjoyed the BB Canada. My brother, who is also a BB fan and self proclaimed TV critic thought it was cheesy, but I really enjoyed them.
Now that I know about this hola (Derrick) I will have to check out BBUK sometime 😉
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i’m glad i’m not the only one that doesn’t really “get” the rewind button and how ‘back’ it’ll go. i did actually feel bad when christine got boo’d though i didn’t like her choices hardly ever…but honestly i don’t think i’ll feel bad if frankie gets boo’d but it won’t surprise me if he doesn’t since i think he has production’s favor. what does that say about production? and i would love it if vic won. i really would. just to give her something to gain from all the crap she’s going to have to face when she’s out of the game and home……….from realizing those guys were never really her friends.
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BCMarie… Slow response, no problem. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RosieO… There is, and will not be, any hanky panky between Derrick and Princess Pawn. He is very much in love with his wife and any plans with PP for the hereafter will be as friends only.
Ralph… Thanks, the rat thing was really funny. I can’t wait to see Cody standing on the chairs. That’s where I would have been.
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Jim Bell… Thanks for reset explanation but it didn’t help me.
Okay, I get the reset button wipes out the week’s events, but the more I think about it the more questions I have. Two sites both said it resets back to right after Chrusty was evicted. That would mean no HOH, no noms and no VETO for skanky lizard boy. All would be redone. But wait… The button was pressed AFTER lizard boy won HOH…so doesn’t that mean the rewind starts from that point, and if so, he would remain HOH, but no noms or VETO? Get what I mean?
Hypothetical situation: Lets say he won HOH did noms and then pressed the button before VETO. That would make only the VETO null and void. Yes? No?
From a website where Julie explained:
Updated: Julie Chen has now essentially clarified her earlier clarification that felt a bit muddled. She now says that all of the players who were eligible to play for Head of Household Thursday night will be eligible to compete for it again Wednesday during the Rewind. That means, as many Big Brother 16 fans had suspected, that Derrick won’t be able to play.
Everybody is anxious to see how things will play out in week 11 of Big Brother 16 this coming week. During Thursday night’s show, host Julie Chen introduced a new twist to both the viewers and the houseguests. Just how will things work with the “BB Rewind”? Chen clarified things a bit, but some BB16 fans are still curious to see this all play out on-screen.
As viewers learned Thursday, the BB Rewind was thrown into the mix for this coming week. If any of the Big Brother 16 houseguests push the button, the week will be played over again next Wednesday night. Some wondered, however, just who would be eligible to play in the Head of Household competition.
Entertainment Weekly talked with Julie Chen to try to get the specifics. Chen said that all the houseguests will play for Head of Household again. That sounds simple enough, but some BB16 fans might say that the wording still seems to leave the door open to at least a couple of possibilities. For example, if the game truly and simply goes into rewind mode for one week, that would mean that Derrick Levasseur is ineligible to play for Head of Household. Franke Grande, Cody Calafiore, Caleb Reynolds, and Victoria Rafaeli would again face-off for the HOH honors.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1455196/big-brother-16-rewind-update-julie-chen-clarifies-how-it-will-work/#iZ7WU6kcRJTtTyUg.99
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So that explains that. I think. !!??!!*%)#
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J Renee’ …you made mention of global events and 9/11 being 4 days away. I’m a news junkie and was thinking the other day that since the guests have been in the house the following major events have happened:
Volcanoes in New Guinea and Iceland
Earthquakes in Napa Valley 6.0 8/23 and Peru 7.0 8/24
Ebola outbreak
Two beheaded journalists R.I.P.
Russia invades Ukraine
Israel/Gaza battle
Robin Williams and Joan Rivers both passed away R.I.P.
Thankfully we have BB to distract us a little. Kiss your husbands and wives and (((hug))) your babies. 🙂
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@LM…I was thinking the same as your comment #31. The show tonight was so ODD, although fun. It was great seeing J&J. Jordan hasn;t really changed, possibly gotten prettier. Just as kind of DUH tho and so straightforward..lol Jeff looked so YOUNG in the clips of him from S11! Weird to see them in the house after all this time. They have gotten to be such a commodity as a couple, it just seems they were always stars and never HGS! I remember like it was yesterday, most of the scenes, but especially Jordan’s answer about being a squirrel..and Jeff’s reaction to it!!! those were the days! I agree that Jordo didn’t really *deserve* to win and wouldn’t ever have won it without Jeff there beside her. But they won more than BB that year, so I guess it was meant to be!! 🙂 But this year’s HGS were totally insignificant in the show tonight. It was like they had crashed a party or something! And trying not to be found out! lol
@Madisonchris…….Christine got booed because she and Cody were practically ahving an affair on network TV! Anyone could see the love in her eyes for him and being a young, dumb ,very HOT guy who is used to female attention, he didn’t notice! But yet, he kept cuddling and being touchy-feely with her constatnly. I KNOW he thinks of her as a good friend and talked about meeting Tim, but somehow in her fantasies at night, possibly while sleeping in the same bed, Chris saw it as an after the show love. Zingbot even laid into him for this! SO fans everywhere have been outraged that a married woman would do this. Even her hubby and fam talked her down when they were on one of the shows. So she not only lost BB, she lost any fans she may have had and possibly her hubby, when it’s all said and done!!!
And about the button….which BTW drives me absofriginlutely crazy when Frankie calls it a BUTT-UN……..it is simply this…….Wed, the HGS will find out that they reset the game and that this last week didn’t count. So Derrick will be HOH, and noms and POV , everything they did this week will need t be done all OVER again!!
I don’t like this *twist*. As I said before , I think it was a filler. They made the show like 2 weeks or more longer this season, and they really didn’t have that much show. It has been boring enough, and most of us just want it to be done already…..and now we get to see a whole week over. It’s like Groundhog Day!!!
I didn’t like the whole TA thing either. It made 3 guys into an aliance when really they were working individually for money. And it sucked as the ideas were stupid and the HGS were too lazy to even follow thru on them.
BBAD was like watching paint dry tonight and i slept off and on trying to watch it. All Der, C&C keepp talking about is how they have to win F3. Vic sits alone. And Frankie lives in the DR. The dryer going in the background was the only sound at times and it was a relief to not hear their droning voices. This season will go down ad one of me least favorite EVER!!!
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lol @ junksies and the expletitive at the end of the explaination 😉
I am not, and havent, bothered to figure out the defintion of the rewind. Let’s just get the damned show to Wednesday already.
While everyone is anxoisly looking forward to seeing Frakenstein’s jaw drop in surprise, I am fully expecting him to be “See!! ! I knew it! I was right all along!” ugghh
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@junksies…I agree with Julie’s explanation. I don’t think Derrick will be able to play, as I understand it. I am not totally sure CBS even knows waht it means and will be playing it by ear. This whole summer has felt like that. Late night comps, bleeding into BBAD, stupid twists that aren’t exciting, very weird casting choices……it feels like it was thrown together, like no one was really into it this year. Even production!!!lol
And thanks for the Summer in World News. And actually, I think it’s been just the opposite. The news has disracted me from BB. That usually doesn’t happen!!! 😉
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BCMarie… LOL, your smart for not trying to figure it out!!
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Star…Ground hogs day…too funny!! 🙂
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same ole crap different day
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@Star, I agree with you that they have been playing the season by ear (except for the part of making Skankie look good). CBS did not seem to have a real plan or direction. If they had done the rewind earlier, it might have been more effective at shaking things up a little.
I love Jeff and Jordan and even though people think that Jeff puts her down, I don’t really see that. I feel like he is entertained by how naive she is. If she was treated poorly by him, especially in private, she wouldn’t be with him. She is naive but not stupid.
Thanks for all the wonderful updates LM. And thank you to everyone who has Live Feeds and can get After Dark.
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My only comments are that there’s no way that Derrick made any arrangements with Vic to meet after the show for anything and we’ll find out what the reset means on Weds. Julie said, reset begins after the show on Thursday. Pushing the butt-on didn’t have anything to do with the timing of the reset. If they push it – reset…. if they don’t….no reset. Of course IMHO! “razz:
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thx LM
re – derrick mtg up with vis after the show – – – he and vic have agreed to meet each others families after the show – stictly platonic – he views her as is dum little sister…..
ive never been one to say the show is rigged, but this year….clearly it is
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I took the meaning of the reset to mean that if the button was pushed the game would reset to the moment crustine walked out of the house. Frankie’s HOH win, nominations, POV win mean nothing. There was never even a hint as to the timing of the push determining how far back the reset would go. What gets me riled about this season, except for frankenstein’s obnoxious sexual advances toward all the guys, is that like sheep they think they have to do everything together. Even Derrick admitted he wanted to push the button, but he wasn’t about to admit that the other HGs. Yes, I watched last night. I couldn’t stay away. Not with Jeff and Jordan, two of the best people to ever play BB, coming back into the house for the day. So funny that Jeff said the house stinks. That was priceless. But hey, they got rid of all the people who did any chores. And I remember early in the season Frankie speculating that a professional cleaning crew might be coming in sometime during the summer. Obviously, he doesn’t do his own household chores.
I hope they have new competitions for the rewind comps; the gardening one was so clearly geared for a dancer to win. And the HOH comp was a joke on everybody given Frankiesteins’s love of puzzles and mazes.
The US version of BB is a hot mess. I watched part of the UK version last summer and then lost the link, and it was so much better. They didn’t even have an indoor shower last year, it was in the yard. And one of the reward challenges involved a mother/daughter duo where everybody thought the daughter had to instruct her blindfolded mother to do one thing when in reality the daughter had to do nearly the opposite without anybody catching on. The looks on the HGs faces when they were told they were getting the reward was awesome. I have to find the time to look for this season of BBUK and BBCan but I’m starting another new job tomorrow, this one full time 3rd shift. I already put my notice in at Macy’s and its the first time I’ve quit a job. Only lasted 2 weeks there. But oh well, more money and benefits I have to go for the full time work.
OK, sorry for the off topic comment. Hope Wednesday gives us something to talk about.
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Saving my place 😆 I will read everything later ………………………………
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I think, based on Derrick’s behavior, if anything he was saying they would be friends after the show. I have not seen anything in his behavior that would lead me to think that he is leading her on in a romantic way. This is just my opinion however.
The interesting part of the reset is that Skankie immediately when he saw it called it a reset button. That kind of grabbed my attention right away.
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It’s funny how we’ve all responded to one ridiculous comment by someone trying to get us all commenting about whether Derrick was planning a clandestine meeting with Vic. I usually catch on to those ridiculous comments made just so we’ll all respond with our arguments against whatever argumentative thing was said. Ugh Dummy me!
Love Jeff and Jordan and good for them. Wish them nothing but the best.
Since there’s nothing else to talk about, would you all please explain the reset one more time? 😛 😆
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Angel, good luck on your new job! 🙂
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I enjoyed the engagement, Jeff said Jordan gave him an ultimatum so she’s kind of “in charge” . But I do like them both
The pig sty stinks, makes sense. They should have kept Brittney she cleaned daily
Frankie was going to win that shovel challenge who are they kidding
I believe the reset is purposely confusing so production can go anyway they want w the next comp, meaning who stays
I am sick of Frankie, but who isn’t and Victoria with her annoying tone.
Derrick’s ok , not a lot of personally and smarter than the others.
Cody, not sure about him and Caleb wearing his underwear and boots ?????
Please end BB16 now !
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Starfish NO! I can’t read another comment about the reset button! LOL. I’m just going to skip those new explanations and wait for Wednesday!
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@Lisa Marie,
I did not post the video’s, I posted the links. I noticed the links on one did turn into the actual video. But that was not what I meant to do, to get anyone in trouble.
I will not post any more video’s.
@Rosie, Victoria and Derrick have been talking about their families for many days. No game, just all of them meeting after the show. I believe they genuinely like one another…and when it breaks that Derrick is actually a police officer, I have the feeling some might not want to hang around him, because of the bad wrap cops get many times, the few bad ones that make them all look the same.
It seems, the next two days/nights will be very boring…unless BBAD brings something else in this.
I wonder when the fire bells that surround one of the bedrooms, will go off…Maybe when the clock reaches zero on the push button…or some other ‘spin’ yet to come.
Once again, Lisa Marie, I apologize for my links posted turn into the video picture/link.
As far as the ‘rat’ Caleb said he put cheese out last night, when Cody mentioned it again. Maybe Derrick and Frankie will go the extra mile tonight…just for the boring value of TVGN…Guess we’ll see tonight when I dvr it.
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Sharon B you beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing (NOOOOOOOOOOOO.. please no more speculation over the reset button! lol) between the houseguests and the blog I think every possible theory has been covered! and we of course will have no idea what the real deal will be til it happens so pointless to keep trying to guess.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J Renee & Jolee- boggles the mind, huh? (trying to understand what in the world is going thru their minds at production) and pounding our heads against the wall everytime we have to see Frankie gloating once again about all his own wonderfulness. Makes ya wanna slit your own wrists. lol. All I know is Wednesday should be interesting. And I’d be shocked if it affected Frankie negatively in any way whatsoever.
Has anyone heard whatever became of the petition to throw him out on his head? (circular file in production office?)
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i think bb should dig a hole in the backyard …blindfold everyone and say go…and whoever falls in the hole last is HOH.
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Sharon B and jeanne4488 – LOL – I meant that with tongue pressed firmly in cheek and you responded exactly as I was hoping. 😀
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When the guys find out that Derrick is police I think they will all feel uncomfortable and betayed. They will wonder who is this dude that was their friend, their close ally that they divulged so many personal confidences to, who is this person that couldnt tell me one of the most impotant factors of their person? Wow. .. did I just get played or what, by a cop!!!
I would have loved it if production had set loose a real live mouse in the house, bu they were probly worried they would lose it and tart an infestation. Or they were worried Caleb would beat it to a pulp, no good the viewing public seeing blood spatter on the camera lenses.
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Great TA scenario , much better and the rat could eat their leftover trash that stinks
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I need to respond to the negative comments about Derrick being a policeman. He’s not the only one who has faked his job. Everyone does not feel negative toward the police. Why should his fake occupation make him any worse than anyone else. Honestly, I think they would be like “Wow. I had no idea. And to think we questioned Donnie.” So what if they divulged personal confidences. He was not acting undercover to arrest them. He is playing a game. Maybe my feelings about police men and women is different than most of you but I see no reason to be offended by his lie about his occupation.
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Jeanne4488, 🙂 Oh, yes! I am finally looking forward to Wednesday night’s BB Rewind! We can only hope (and pray??) that the HOH comp will not favor Frankie! Something really weird just happened when I was typing “(and pray??)” Autocorrect turned it into” Pandora! ” I am serious! 🙂 That is really weird! Maybe Pandora is trying to tell me something!! 🙂
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tendr, lol … good idea! 😉
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STARFISH was it the same blogger that goated us to talk about derrick/vic relationship – that also said TA didnt complete mission – no money
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hpr, you are so right about it being a game and what’s the big deal about lying about your occupation, no matter what it is. I doubt very seriously they will feel betrayed. They should feel betrayed that Frankie, a CBS plant, screwed their game up for them more than anything.
Macy, you may be right on that. I don’t remember that one and I don’t think I commented on that one. I don’t read all the posts anymore. Mostly only the peeps I know.
Jolee, I think the comps will be the same and favor Franklestein to be a true reset. CBS is really screwing with our show!!
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tendr, what a wonderful idea!!! too bad production can’t think of anything as simple and fun as having them fall into holes and the last one standing is the winner.
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So far so good! I have had so much to say this season ….but did not get into it!!! Could have been a shit storm or a pissing match, so just read all the comments & held my place & my mouth!!! 🙄 Last season I did get into some trouble with some comments & have learned to let you all talk & just hold my thoughts.. Like I said in the past It’s just a game & I don’t want to go after anyone or get into it with some of you, So Just going to save my place again & keep my mouth shut!!! Hope you all had a good Monday…Oh & Ralph The clips you put up were great… Thank you my friend :)….. See you soon & please try not to read into my comment & just let it be….Thanks………. ………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One more thing…………. I don’t need anyone to pray for me!
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Bobo – thank you for your input. {{{HUGS}}}
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…………………………………. 🙄 ……………………………………
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Just what I like, a man of few words. {{{HUGS}}}
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m not sure if what I said you considered negative towards the police. That wasn’t my intent. But, I guarantee if Derrick had come in saying, “I’m a police Sargent,” not many would have taken him as far as he went. It would have nothing to do with him as a person, just the label. The same ‘label’ Jocasta’ clearly had when she said she was a Christian minister. They couldn’t get her out fast enough, even after the eulogy she gave both Derrick and Frankie. In fact Frankie told her to, “Just die.”
Maybe I’m wrong with those that will visit him…I think Victoria can’t wait to meet his wife and little girl, same as Nicole…but some of the guys are not gonna hang out. It’s just ‘game’. Do you really think Frankie is gonna take up Caleb’s generous offer for a free week of hunting?
If you consider what I said calling him ‘worse than others’, your entitled to your opinion.
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BOBO sorry withmy back being out i could use all the prayers i can get – 53 and look like 88 limping across the floor, i refuse to take meds – still have to get in the car ev day with the teenager – CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!! ha ha
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OT – Macy – praying for your back. Nothing worse than hurting back with hurting feet coming in at a close 2nd. {{{HUGS}}}
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JEANNE thx ur so sweet
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I am behind on reading the blogs. Had a Doctors appointment this morning.
Anyway Cindy I totally agree about this being “obviously rigged” to make sure Frankie stays in that house.
He needed to go week 1. I have not liked him since the beginning and the further this goes on and BB says NOTHING about what Frankie has said about Victoria getting raped shows that CBS does not care like they say. To allow him to say things like that. Last year they were all over the racist comments but NOTHING about rape this year.
I love how Jeff and Jordan got engaged on the show. Best part of this season. Having them get engaged where they met and fell in love. So far that & Christine going out the great boos that came out of it.
IF Frankie ever gets out before the finale – I hope his is worse than Crustines. That would be AMAZING & AWESOME.
I just hope with this rewind thing that Derrick gets to play. And gets Frankie out. I don’t want to see Frankie win a thing. I hope either Donnie or Nicole gets Americas Player.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am VERY DISSAPPIONTED that Team America is still going on I think after they evicted Donnie it should have stopped. I hate the idea Frankie is getting even more money. He deserves NOTHING.
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I forgot 1 more thing – JEFF – THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting them know how nasty they are.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody said ” I never noticed the smells”
Well no not after living it is for so long. I don’t think I have seen a lazier bunch. In seasons past you could see them doing their laundry and dishes and cleaning around the house but it seems like once Devin & Brittany were gone there went their cleaning crew.
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Macy, is it you who is having back surgery? Whatever it is, if it involves back pain, you have my sympathies. I hope things improve for you very soon. I read somebody is having back surgery. Having done that myself, sending prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
Well said Bob! Loved the eye roll. LOL
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Starfish & still did not get it??? 😕 ……………….
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Got it.{{{HUGS}}}
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@junksies – I was cracking up when I read the sentence “Julie Chen has now essentially clarified her earlier clarification that felt a bit muddled.” HAHAHA!! Julie, Julie, Julie…she needs to learn that everyone in the BB world is gonna be asking a billion questions over and over to understand what the hell is up with that button. “Clarified her earlier clarification” was hilarious. That shit just cracks me up. You’d think some TV producer or writer would have given her a clear and succinct description to read on the show, and that would have been that. Oh BB….how the mighty have fallen.
I’m assuming we all know now that the button/Rewind goes back to the point of Christine being gone and Derrick is the exiting HOH, so he won’t be able to compete. The rewind was a total failure, but I do believe it had some merit. I believe the hope for doing it so late in the game was to cause some major drama, but it didn’t pan out. The problem was that Frankie won both comps. If by chance Cody won POV and took himself off, then Derrick or Caleb would have gone up. Since they didn’t know the week was going to be a wash, maybe some “truths” would have come out early. Meaning, maybe Derrick starts pushing to keep Victoria over Caleb (if Caleb and Victoria were on the block) and that would get back to Caleb. Then a bit of a rift could have possibly taken place. All of sudden, Wednesday comes along and they all tell each other who’s going out. So say Caleb is the one going out the door, stabbed by his buddies for Victoria cuz she’s weak and beatable. Then BOOM!!! Rewind….noms are down, lets compete for HOH! That could have been a HUGE week of fun with a great payoff. BUT, Frankie winning the POV kinda mucked up things. My only hope is that somehow someone decides to tell Cody that he’s going and they’re keeping Victoria. Possibly Caleb would say that??? But chances are, Derrick won’t want to stab his buddy Cody to save his pawn Victoria. So what could have been a pretty explosive week, was like you guys said….Groundhog’s Day. Nada, zilch, zero. It’s like BB tried to make a backdoor plan for an entire week and totally failed.
Last thing, most of America hates Frankie at this point, as do I. Do you guys think the boys kept him just a bit too long? I do….they kinda blew it. I just can’t see him losing 2 comps (HOH/POV) on Wed during the live show. They’re gonna have to be quick comps, so maybe there’s a chance….but I was just thinking they may have kept him a bit too long and its gonna bite them. Time will tell I guess.
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Ralph — You don’t have to apologize for posting the videos. 🙂 I’m just glad that you’re here and posting and helping us get through this surprisingly difficult season of Big Brother. 🙂
Sir Rock — They totally screwed up by not getting rid of Frankie. Frankie is a strong competitor and it certainly helps that production seems to be coming up with challenges that are specifically designed for him to win. They should have tried to get Frankie out the minute that he told them he was Ariana’s brother. If they were smart, they would have realized that the only reason Frankie is in the house is because CBS is hoping that Ariana’s fans will watch the show and increase the ratings. But I think they pretty much missed their chance.
Just the fact that the reset button is going to allow Frankie to compete for HoH again but not Derrick shows how rigged this season really is, imo.
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I didn’t see it mentioned, so if I repeat here, I apologize. But as of about 9AM today, the HGS got a visitor!! The doorbell rang and standing there at the door was a DOG!! 😉 Her name is IZZY asnd she is there for about 24 hrs! They wanted to cheer up the HGS and give them something TO TALK ABOUT!!!! Especially tonight on TVGN!!!!
As i have said, probably ad nausem, this has got to be one of the most BORING F5’s EVER!!!! And BB KNOWS it if it is sending inas true RESCUE dog!!;ol
Love ’em or hate ’em. last year’s HGS were at least entertaining!!! Watching TVGN has gotten painful!! In fact, I ahve found myself falling alseep thru at least half of the show late;y and I never did that before!!!
@macy..sorry about your back. I can totally relate. I do go to a chiro tho. And take at least 2 Motrin a day!! Have a bad knee and getting arthritis too ehre and there. Getting old..or just injured..sucks!!lol Praying for ya and right there with ya!
Shout outs to Bobo, SF,aggie,C’est, Jolee, Jeanne, LM, Mary Price, Ralph,macy and all the blogaders! Can’t do a shout out to Vets anymore as most of them seem to have fled the scene!!! So welcome one and all. Any BB addict to stick with this season is a true trooper!!! lol
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Star, our fellow BB addict – thank’s for the shout out! Jeanne and I both think you are awesome!! We are really hoping tomorrow night will turn the tide in the BB house. Something’s got to happen and soon! 🙂 Hang in there with us. A couple more seasons of BB and maybe Jeanne and I will be considered vet’s! 🙂
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Hey Star. I love this blog. Jolee and I have been reading this blog for a few seasons. Just started blogging at the end of season 14 . So I guess we are the new vets. La la la . Actually I’m just a fellow blogger. I like that better. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hey Jeanne and Jolee…..we are all just paet of the Blogade family!! 😉 But you’re at least Junior Vets….;)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I feel so stupid as I thought I posted this on the newest blog. DUH!!!lol
Way too much multi-tasking apparently,, even for me…lol
But I am not going anywhere. Love it or hate it, I AM a true BB addict!!
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