Welcome to BB Day everyone! Today is the day you have waited for since last September when we watched Andy survive the Big Brother 15 house and everyone went their separate ways!
So tonight marks the night when another season of house guests enter the house and do what they can to earn the big money in 3 months from now. 16 brand new house guests will take their place and we will see their every move and how they operate inside the house to see if they can Outplay, Outlast, Out…wait a minute..that is a whole different show. LOL Tonight, bring the drama! Bring the back stabbing, Bring the back door and let’s see what this dual HOH thing is all about!
Tonight will be fun. So here is what you need to do.
1. Join us and watch Big Brother 16 on CBS. We will be here on the blog COMMENTING ON THIS POST (since I do not have the chat room ready as promised yet!) sigh!
2. Tell your kids, your spouse, your friends good bye and that you will see them in 3 months and to not bother you until September.
3. BUY THE FEEDS! If you are a real Big Brother fan and watcher, you should buy them and watch with us. It is good to get this out of the way and all setup and working. Do not want to wait for the last minute. http://bit.ly/BB16LiveFeeds This link supports this blog and will help enhance your summer experience with Big Brother. Hook yourself up!
4. Stock up on bottled water and dry goods. Would hate for you to miss anything.
5. Bookmark this site www.Big-Brother-Blog.com and LIKE our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BigBrotherBlogger and follow on our Twitter at http://twitter.com/BBBlogger
6. Sign up for the DAILY EMAILS. Every time there is a blog, there is an email. Sign up on the RIGHT at the TOP. If you ever want to stop getting the daily emails, there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom. EASY STUFF!
7. Set your DVR (or VCR if you are old school) to record tonight. Would have for you to miss the first show!!
So check all of those off your list and you will be set. Big Brother 16 starts in less than 8 hours! ARE YOU READY? I know BBBlogger is and cannot wait!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Hope to see you all on the blog tonight…or FB page…or Twitter. I love you all and this year is going to ROCK!
PPS: My prediction is that a female will win Big Brother 16 and I believe Christine will win it all. Guess we will see in 3 months!
PPPS: Here is a video sneak peak of tonight…in case you missed it from our amazing commentors!! ENJOY!!!
check, check and check READY TO ROLL!!!
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Ready to rock baby.
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SO Ready!!!!!!!
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I should have called this post the Big Brother 16 SURVIVAL guide instead. LOL.
Fun stuff!
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Ready, Ready, Ready!!!
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I was born ready. Can’t wait. {{{HUGS}}}
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Ready Bill! I am watching the Talk, first time! They are playing the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB show…… Funny π Hope everyone is going to be here after the show, see you later …………………….
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Counting down…Can’t wait
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‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ contestant Caleb Bankston died Tuesday when a train he was on derailed.
Survivor: Blood vs. Water contestant Caleb Bankston died Tuesday in a freak railroad accident.
Bankston, who worked at the Alabama Warrior Railway in Birmingham, was on a train when it derailed, according to People. Beyond that, not much is known about the accident.
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Excited too but will have to watch it later. In two weeks, I’ll be BB’d up again.
That up top vid was courtesy of JT and KeriJ. Good one you guys!
It would be nice to see a female win but, for reasons beyond logical comprehension, the females can’t get out of their own way to stay united.
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MM, that is a shame about Caleb. He was a nice guy. Take a look at a couple links, of write ups, on the previous post.
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Is it time yet?
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It won’t be long now!! EXCITED!!! π π
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I’m excited!
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hey yall π I am ready to ~~~ nice to see everyone ~~~~
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It’s so great to see so many new faces or uh names. π It’s great how we are all so excited for tonight!!
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I’m predictin’ Cody for the win. π
We’ve got a lot of thunderstorms going on right now so my plans for tonight have been put off until Friday so I’ll be home to watch Big Brother! π I’m still going to let the DVR record it, though. Just in case! π
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My Wife told me that AI Clay Ankins Died last week π― Did anyone hear that?
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watched ‘the talk’ today where they had their usual big brother competition in the house – in the fire room – the comforters looked comfy – oh no – is this an indication that there will be alot of snoozing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Clay Aiken is still alive. He’s running for Congress in South Carolina right now. One of his primary opponents did die, under mysterious circumstances.
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LM, my son and family are stuck in Dallas waiting to come to Ca. They are 1-1/2 hours delay so far. Ugh Electrical storms and they are going nowhere. π
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Just watched The Talk. It was a great way to kick off tonight’s BB. Jeff was adorable as usual! Looking forward to all of the blogs tonight. I have a question: Since we have AT&T cable, we don’t get TVGN channel. Is there , a way to get BB After Dark on the web?
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I think my countdown clock is off by an hour. Go figure….
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Lisa Thank you!! My wife got it wrong…..again π See you later my dearβ₯
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Thanks for the checklist BBB, but I don’t need it!! I can …and actually DO….BB in my sleep!!lol
Starfish….you will be missed, but have a grat time with the fam!!! π
I probably won’t be around during BB, as usual. I watch with hubby and if I try to blog too, I miss the show!! And especially in the beginning, you kinda need to study the HGS and find out what this whole new TWISTIEST TWIST ever is all about!!
Peace, love, light and BB16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTYL!!
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Lisa Marie…..here is a little something for you on your pick to win!!!! Enjoy!! π
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I can not find BBAD for tonight. Is it going to start another night?
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Good one Star! π
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STARFISH – i live about an hour outside of dallas and my ADT alerts has been going off effective til 5;30 CDT – all clear here at my house now – but we have been getting alot of rain here this week –
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Mitzi — BBAD will start tomorrow night.
Starfish — It’s been raining down here for about 4 hours now but the rain has slowed down a bit now. Or, at least, it has in my part of the metroplex.
Star — Thanks! π
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Umm… thanks for that Stra π My eyes just recovered from be burned out the first time that was posted π Maybe I’ll post a video of Jerry to get you back π
As for me… I need my checklist for BB 16!
[β] Phone turned off
[β] Emergency generator fueled up
[β] Stay off my property signs staked in
[β] This property protected by “BB Lunatic” sign hung on front door
[β] Plenty ‘o beverages & snacks on hand
[β] Friends & family notified to stay away
[β] Laptop fully charged & tune up tasks performed
[β] Feeds checked and ready to roll
[β] Cable bill payed
[β] Electrical bill payed
Hmmm… I think I’m ready π …so let’s light this thing off!!!

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Less than 2 hours. Sooooooooooo ready!!!
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Looking forward to tonight. My sister’s husband, children and grandchildren are here for a bbq and are going to stay and watch the show. This is going to great to be together for the new season, a show my sister loved so much.
Let the games begin and everyone on this blog enjoy the fun which is about to begin
The family just said to say best wishes to you all.
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I hate that BBAD is going to be on TVGN again. I don’t have that with AT&T. π
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Okay Going to watch some TV….I will chat with you all later β₯
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Is Jeff talking to ….. What’s his name with the red hair on the feeds ?? β
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I’m ready for the fun to begin!!!
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anyone see the sneak peek from The Talk today?…i counted 7 HG’s in the Red room and the missing HG was Nicole…..
so i think Nicole will be the First HOH tonite….lets see… π
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codys dad reminds me of that SNL bit where the parents kiss the kids on the mouth – ha ha ha
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Cody is definitely eye candy. I’d probably like Devin more if he hadn’t said that he looks like the Rock because now I can’t look at him without thinking about how little he looks the Rock.
I guess Nicole is supposed to be this season’s Jordan.
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guess there wont be any live feeds tonight so that the show tomorrow night will be taped with tonites show –
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ahhh… that makes sense with a 2 night premiere… I don’t recall having that before.. not recently anyway.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOD… I can get some sleep tonight!! π
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Hi Lostie How you doing? The young kid Cody & family live just down the road from me! I don’t know them… Anyway the show was Okay , would have liked to see them all in the house at the same time…. Amber very good looking young girl gave up the HOH to the Pink haired guy!!!! Don’t have all the names down yet but good start….back to my TV….see you later ……..
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“Back to my tv” = nap
I would have liked to see more too… but at least we get another hour tomorrow.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as names… IDK them all yet either. I only watched the short interviews this year.
But we’ll see about getting a pic up top here once I see exactly how this twist is gonna work. Must be teams of 8 but I’ll wait and see.
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Hey my friend Jeff the Nap thing is getting old! ……………
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jt i could be wrong might ck live feeds a bit later – or no – get that sleep – ha
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ok Bob… fair enough π
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J.O.G. is already playing around
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When you leave a comment, do you have to fill in name and email every time?
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Hey Bill how you doing? Thanks Jeff……… π
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ricscor, you shouldn’t have to.
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Back to my shows…..AGT…… see you later………..
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Macy… I looked at this schedule from tv grapevine………..
Jun 25th 8pm….we will all start our Summer of BB Fun…..
Jun 25th….Live Feeds will come on after the show airs…9pm BBT or 12am ET….
July 3 Thurs…the first Eviction Live show and the summer will start….Enjoy it everyone…..
That was posted June 14… so maybe I’ll peek at feeds at 11pm. If there.. I’ll watch.. if not.. I wont. π
Actually… I hope they do wait a day.. one more day of FREEDOM!!
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ONE of them is already annoying to me but I won’t say her name. LOL Wish it would have been 2 hours tonight. I hope they aren’t throwing in all the new twists at the beginning of the season.
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I’ll say (guess) it….. PAOLA!! π
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jt – thx 4 that
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Thanks justaguy..I saw where it was auto filled in after I left my comment.
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y/w…. and depending on browser and settings… it should be there even after you shut down computer and come back another time.
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JT….ding, ding, ding. If I had a prize, you would win!!! π
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PAOLA is my choice for least liked out of the first 8
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I enjoyed show but had to lol, the house makes an alliance, and 1 min later the girls are making an alliance, and then devin and Donny gump make one,
and the beat goes on.
the real fun will begin tomorrow nite with the battle of the hohs.
ciao till later
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Margie, I agree I didn’t like Paola, all she seems concerned about is eye candy
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Good First episode but I did miss a half hour of it, I will have to check that out later
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Really not fair to judge anyone in the house so soon, but I hope Paola and the girl with the blue hair (Joey??) don’t last too long. Enjoyed Frankie, Donny and Devin, would like to see them go far. I also liked Amber and Nicole. Just my first impression, I will probably change my mind over and over again in the coming weeks.! π
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mm – surely cody wont fall for that girl – she low rent in my book – and i dont normally say negative things about peops i dont know – but then there are those vids with cody in his scantily clad undies………………
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Yeah Pow Pow is kinda annoying already.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kinda like the DoubleD alliance.
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I like Joey.
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I like Donny! He seems real. Looking forward to tomorrow night! Sleep well bloggers ~ you may not get much sleep after tonight!! π
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For the most part, I enjoyed tonight’s premiere. I’m going to be rewatching it in about 90 minutes and then posting a recap.
I’m looking forward to watchin’ the rest of the season with y’all! π
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Great Premiere…I Loved It !!!!…Im Loving my Pao Pao…she lives in Queens and i in the Bronx, lol…i always Love my NYC HG’s…Loving Frankie from Manhattan and im hoping our Eye Candy Cody hooks up with Pao Pao, lol… π
so the first day with 8 HG’s and we have already 3 Alliances… here’s a chart showing the alliances… https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BrBIuppCMAAG7ag.png
Hey Bobo …long time no see…i think they took down our Survivor Blog…i think BBloggerGal retired and gave it up, she’s not even here anymore…hey, try to take a drive to Cody’s home town to see if u see anything to tell us… π
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Oh Wow, someone found the Second HOH Room …its the old Pandora Box Room and where the BB14 Coaches Room was….check it out… π
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Soooo…not as many posts as I had anticipated, but I am actually grateful for that!!! π I’m NOT complaining, but I wish there was a LIKE button or way to comment to people without having to wait until you have read thru everything. I guess FB just spoiled me..lol Now that’s a scary statement!!! π― lol
JT…..Sorry about your scorched eyeballs and psyche and about that being a repeat vid. I guess I missed it the 1st time. And I DARE you to find a risque vid of Jerry!! (ohoh…shouldn’t have gone there, should I???) π It boggles the mind to think what that would entail anyway. And kind of upsets the stomach…lol
DonnaP…I agree about Pow Pow or Pao Pao or PooPoo or whatever she goes by!! lol She’s a bit too ON and aggressive and that’s usally a recipe for an early exit!! What bothers US usually bothers the HGS too!! And on a really picky note, she bites her nails and leaves just a piece of nail polish in the middle of them. That’s just nasty…especially when you know you are going to be on TV..and a pet peeve of mine. Just sayin’….. π
I actually really liked everyone else in this 1st group. They were the ones I liked from their publicity picks. The 2nd group seems to kind of be the not-so-cool-kids…lol And I agree with LM(?) or whoever said that Nicole is this season’s Jordan. In fact, we said that during the show!! I’m pulling for her tho as she is a Michigan gal! Altho I have to admit to a little bit of a gringe moment when she askesd what El Cuatro meant!! (altho they should be La Cuatra, since they are all female, verdad??) π
Enough for one night I guess. Gotta save something for Part Dos!!! lol
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BTW…..people were asking for BBAD times. I posted it a couple of days ago but here it is again.
Mon & Tues…….11PM-2AM
Wed, Fri, Sat &Sun…..12AM-2AM
Only 2 hours most nights, which I don’t like. And times all over the place.
Also, is anyone here voting on who thy want on their team?? I guess I wasn’t aware that had started an not sure how to vote. Just go to CBS? Are most of you going to interact all season?? I’m not so into it, but I will if you will. π
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N/P Stra, I should know better than to click some things by now.. my own fault. As far as your “fave” HG from BB10… I wont bother tormenting you with that.
Voting for America’s Team…. I looked at CBS and it says voting is closed. So I guess we vote later. I don’t know if I’ll bother with that either… not a big fan of America influencing the game. And the votes are usually lame anyway (Saboteur… America’s Player.. need I go on?) And don’t even get me started on the silly alliteration fetish they have for have -not foods. I’m not voting for Mushrooms & Milk Duds!! π
Do feeds start tonight (in 8 minutes) …or tomorrow night? Looks like tonight because they have the 4 cameras ready… but I’m not getting any audio.. just highlights of Jeff’s interviews.
Oh well… I’m off tomorrow and off Fridays anyway π
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Team America voting is closed. The question was who you would most want to be in an alliance with. I forgot to vote but I probably would have voted for Cody.
BBAD starts on Thursday night.
New Post Is Up!
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BBAD starts tomorrow night… but I was wondering about the feeds.
Looks like tomorrow for them as well… nothing happening yet.
And that makes sense I guess… the premiere isn’t officially over.
GREAT!!! I can get some stuff done tomorrow!! π
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no feeds for me yet
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there will be 2 more votes for Americas Team
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Thanks Bill… when did the first vote start? I didn’t even bother looking into it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do we know who won? (I was distracted during the entire show.. and haven’t watched again yet)
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First vote was near the beginning of the show, I missed it also. Results will be Thursday night
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I watched it alone. Hubby has no interest so he mowed the lawn. I’m actually not impressed. The show always seems too short and I hope I get more interested in it. So far i am annoyed with Powpow as she calls herself i guess. I joked about Donny and his beard but actually he seems like a sweet gomer pyle like character….amanda I think thst’s her name…. is very pretty and the guys seem to ‘into’ themselves. we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.
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yes i meant too into themselves…i have a boo boo arm so i won’t be correcting mistakes or caps most likely will be off..i’m not close to my laptop…i’m curled up in the corner of my sofa with my dog typing on a keyboard so i don’t have to lift my arm…i’m not kidding……..i knocked the snot out of my elbow last night and it hurts all the way to my pinkie.
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and no, my dog doesn’t type
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NEW POST UP! *******
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Can these people not see that Donny and Derrick are the most trust worthy of the whole cast. Devin and Zach would backstab there own mother.
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