Hi y’all!
Well, two secrets have been revealed!
Earlier on Monday, Joey — who, despite having said that she had accepted the fact that she was inevitably on the verge of being voted out — proved that she hasn’t given up yet by trying to use the only piece of leverage that she has left. In a conversation with Hayden, she kind of sort of revealed the existence of Team America. Here’s a transcript of the conversation:
Joey: I have something, that if I’m able to stay, I can really help people out.
Hayden: What?
Joey: I can’t say what it is. If I say, I won’t, I won’t be able to do it.
Hayden: I don’t really get that.
Joey: Alright, so I’m promising you right now, I will fight for you in this house if I stay here. I will keep your ass safe for 3 weeks if you keep me in here. I’m a better competitor. I can win.
Hayden: Uh-huh.
Joey: I was voted America’s Favorite.
Hayden: What does that do though? Like what’s your? What do you get to do with that? Do you know?
Joey: That’s the thing. This stays between you and I. You promise? You have to promise!
Hayden: Yeah, absolutely. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to say. Either way I won’t say anything. Just marinate on it.
Joey: If I don’t stay though, I can’t, I can’t win it and I can’t share it. It literally starts after this Thursday. So I really need to stay in the house. But that’s something I have that I can offer to people.
Hayden told Joey that she should tell the others that she might have this power and then he promised to keep their conversation just between the two of them.
So, technically, Joey did not reveal the existence of Team America. She just revealed that she had received the most votes from America and she implied that she now has secret powers. (And, I have to admit that when Joey said she was going to have these undefined powers, I couldn’t help but think about poor Lawon going, “I think I’m going to reenter the house with special powers!” right before he told asked everyone to evict him.) She also blatantly lied about not being able to reveal the details of her powers. She told Hayden that she couldn’t reveal the details but, when she first found out that she had been selected for Team America, she was told that she could tell everyone in the house about Team America if she wanted to. I wonder if it’s going to occur to Hayden that, if Joey was telling him the truth, then that means she would no longer have those special powers because she told Hayden about them.
Still, I can’t necessarily fault Joey for trying. At this point, being a member of Team America is literally the only advantage she has and it would be foolish for her not to use it. However, I think it would have been smarter of Joey to explain that America is going to be electing other houseguests to Team America and to perhaps imply that, by voting her out, that would prevent everyone else in the house from ever having a chance to get on Team America themselves. By saying that she was “America’s Favorite Player,” all she’s doing is bringing up memories of how powerful Elissa was during the first few weeks of BB15.
(Then again, Joey never watched Big Brother before entering the house so it’s doubtful that she knows about Elissa or BB15’s fiasco of a twist.)
And that’s bring us to an interesting question: when was the last time that a Big Brother twist didn’t turn out to be a fiasco? Obviously, the Big Brother producers are trying to keep the show interesting but, all too often, the twists often seem to just get in the way of people playing the game. At their worst, the twists often lead to Houseguests being unfairly penalized and they provide fuel for those who claim that every single season of Big Brother is fixed and specifically designed to make sure that a pre-determined houseguest wins.
To be honest, I think its time to retire the “Expect the Unexpected” motto. I think just the fact that Donny, Jocasta, Caleb, Frankie, and Paola are all living under the same roof for three months is unexpected enough without trying to drag Team America into it.
But anyway…
The other big secret that was revealed was one that really wasn’t that much of a secret. Caleb told Amber how he felt about her. Amber replied that Caleb was her friend. Caleb, of course, decided that Amber only said that because she’s on national television and doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with the entire country watching. Amber, meanwhile, told Christine that she would be open to voting Caleb out of the house.
Before I end this post, I just want to say thank you to everyone who left comments under the previous post. Since I wasn’t able to watch any of the live feeds during the day on Monday (which is traditionally the busiest day of my week), your comments pretty much allowed me to keep up with what was going on in the house. I’m going to repost two of JT’s comments here to let you know exactly what also happened between Caleb and Brittany on Monday:
Now Caleb is telling Brittany that she needs to vote out Joey or she will be the next target. He says this vote needs to be unanimous (NO.. it doesn’t!). He also said she would be the only one to vote against the house (hmm).
Caleb also told Brittany what Joey said after she was named as re-nom. “You just made the biggest mistake of your life”. Take that with a grain of salt.. that is what Caleb claims she said. This is the same Caleb who knows Amber is in love with him. Reading people & judgment might not be his strong suits.
And then:
Caleb to Brittany:
“You’re smart.. you’re 29 years old.. you got kids.. I think you’re smart enough to make the right decision”. I was waiting for, “I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse” (I didn’t see a horse’s head in the HOH bed though).
Not sure at this point if Caleb is Vito…… or Fredo?
In answer to that question, Caleb is Fredo but he thinks that he’s Sonny.
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa Nice write Up
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Hi Guys,
Major Storms here so far we got a little water in the basement Nothing major if it continues maybe worse.
Caleb is going to end up getting the boot if he doesn’t stop obsessing about Amber it seemed to me she was kind of cozy with Devin, he would be crushed if she had a showmance with him, he’s a better looking guy. but i thing Devin’s days are numbered because he went behind the guys back and brought the girls in. I have feeds On, it seems Hayden is kind of sweet on Nicole.
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Now I can sleep peacefully
Grazie e buona notte
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Buongiorno! e Grazie Mille! Lisa Marie et al,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just decided I’m going to rank (without rhyme nor reason)
HGs from my most to least favorite so far
(I need to catch upon feeds and comments yo):
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I seem to be missing alot of stuff this season. I didn’t know about the Caleb Confession…and wish I could have seen the big FREEZE OUT……lol Didn’t catch Joey’s blabbing about her BB*gift*, that she doesn’t seem to quite understand, to Hayden. So thanks for keeping the tabs on everybody JT and LM!! But it seems everytime I turn on the LFS or TRY to watch BBAD…..NOTHING is going on! I mean like cricketville!!
We had bad storms here for hours tonight too, aggie! And while that was going on, I missed most of BBAD. But at the end, Nicole was crying and several HGs were comforting her and she was saying she wanted to go to the DR. No idea what happened there either. Think I may go investigate, see what I can dig up.
I know I haven’t gone out on a limb for any HG yet, but so far I don’t LOVE or HATE anybody! They all seem kind of white bread at this point. I think after last season, they are so afraid to do or say the wrong thing,they are almost crippled!! I am sticking mostly with my girl Nicole. And I think she and Hayden would be sweet together! And thank God for Frankie or we would have NO comic relief in the house!!! OH..he was cradeling Victoria in the HOH aboutthe same time Nicole was crying downstairs. Wondering if there was something between those two!! Or just coincidence! I”be back if I find anything out!!! 😉
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Thanks Lisa Marie for all your updates. They are so spot on and quite humorous.
Here’s my question…..we’ve been told who’s on slop…..but was there a competition for it? Maybe they’ll show it on the next show. I don’t have live feeds either so I really appreciate all the blogs!!!
Well everyone have a great Tuesday!!
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Ok…found out why Nicole was crying. And it’s SO not exciting!! She misses home! YAWN!! Come ON girl! Didn’t you ever go to camp?? Or college???? And apparetly she wanted to go to the DR rto talk about it. I guess she thought she said something mean to Hayden too, but he just brushed i toff. Haven’t found anything on Victoria but it would probably be anticlimactic too!!!lol
And just a question..does PaoPao remind anyone else of G-nat??? Anyone??LOL
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Night all. {{{HUGS}}}
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Wow. I liked Joey in the beginning, but reading this stuff, I think she may be a little cray cray. I agree about all the twists. They do get in the way. Wish they would have a season where there were no twists, then all the HGs would be wondering when a twist was coming. They’d go insane. LOL
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Thanks for the post Lisa. I did LMAO at the Lawon reference 😆 I had almost forgotten about that blunder. Never thought I’d see a HG so sure they were coming back that they would volunteer to be evicted.
I didn’t want Brendon to come back that season.. but I have to admit it was priceless when Lawon lost that competition and the reality of what he had done hit him.
I like your idea of how Joey should use her “special powers” to her advantage. That is about the only way I can see her gaining anything by telling people.
One slight problem with Joey telling Hayden about her special powers to gain a vote.
Hayden does not believe a single word of it.
Hayden didn’t tell Nicole about what Joey said exactly… but he did say that Joey came to him with some wild, made-up story.
I cringe at the thought of what production might have America’s Team do. Hide the cereal for a day? Short sheet a couple of beds? wow.. the possibilities are endless when the BB think tank gets in gear. 🙄 Hopefully it will never come to that if the evictions get in the way. Didn’t they learn their lesson when Annie “The Saboteur” was voted out week 1? 😆
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Yes Star …Paopao totally reminds me of Gnat!!
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Marla Jo, I agree. the most unexpected thing for the HGs would be them expecting a big twist.. but it not happening.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s like revenge. Sometimes the best revenge on someone is to never do anything… and have them looking over their shoulder all the time.
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Aggie, I agree that Caleb could get booted. Amber will get him out just to get rid of the awkwardness. Others will get him out so they wont have to kiss his…… ring anymore.
Hayden does like Nicole. She likes him.. more as a friend though. This seems like an upside down year where the guys are going for the showmance.. and the girls just want to be friends. We’ll see if enough of them can pull together to do some damage. Last year they had the game in hand. The guys numbers were cut to 4 in a blink. But then the cattiness got in the way. This group seems way less likely to have that happen.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on slop I didn’t see that.
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JT, I agree, Unless he could save himself somehow Caleb could be gone at some point
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Thanks for the post LM! Good morning!
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Banjo, people on slop are Brittany, Cody, Joey, & Hayden.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not sure how they were decided. Seems like they were chosen after HOH comp? And I think Cody even volunteered for it. Anyone know?
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Thanks so much for the updates LM and everyone. I can’t get after dark because they don’t carry it on Comcast in my area.
Everyone is so awesome to give updates and opinions. I appreciate it. I am definitely not a fan of Zach, Devin, Paola, or Victoria. Don’t dislike them but I do think that Devin is missing some screws in his head.
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Glad you made it through the Midwest storms my friends. That was quite a front.
Up early, drinking coffee in Las Vegas, watching Brittany drinking coffee on the Live Feeds and you can just tell by her face she’s hating things and not cut out for the game. Her lips and facial expression reveals so much. I believe the only way she can hang is to get in good with Frankie and Zach and neither of them seem to care much about her, or think of her as a possible ally, nor does she seem smart enough to know to try to get in with them. We’ll see how she evolves, but if Joey does and Brittany does hang with BoomPowBang, then, she gone. I see her, PaoPao, Caleb, Devyn and Jocasta being 5 of the next 6 likely to go after Blue Hair.
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brittany: “what if they do an update a year later and we’re all in a white padded room?” >> like #BB15 on twitter a year later? lol #bb16
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I am not surprised Hayden did not believe the little ‘Smurf’. I don’t think any of the HG’s would buy her story. I am sure they think she is grasping at straws. I just hope production doesn’t try and save her!
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(For Newsmatter Only)
(Not counting PowPow as she may not know she’s actually in the Game, ala Ashley, BB14) 😀
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Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo 29s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Volunteered RT @KevinStott11: Do you know how the players on Slop ended up on it?
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A new poll is up on the right sidebar. Feel free to vote for who you are liking so far this season…
Any guesses who BBBlogger voted for? 🙂
Peace, BBBlogger
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Fantastic conversation between Caleb and Devin last night Well worth checking out if you have LFs as it reveals a sweet side of both of these human beings.
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caleb’s sad talk w/Devin starts at 12:57am on cam 1. #bb16 #bblf
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Looking forward to the future power clash between Frankie/Zach and Caleb/Devin. Seems F/Z will have the numbers if their F2 Deal ends up being the real thing. This season seems to have potential to be so much more pure compared to the crap Production tried to sell us the last couple of years. I was a Reilly sister away from jumping. 😯
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LM thanks for update – especially about convo with hayden and joey.
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Hi everyone! Happy day!
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@Kevin11 I was myself a Reilly sister away from jumping too.
Yes better start except for to Joey being selected as the special one, but entertainig
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I wrote a long piece and then lost it…how frustrating. Most impt was last nights conversation between Frankie and Donny.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frankie said he thought he would just be the “gay” character instead of being…and Donny interjected “as the entertainer” which Frankie seemed to like. I said how great for America that we now do not see gay as the first adjective for someone.
I will write shorter comments so I do not continue to loose them. good day all.
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Hi Jolee.
Kevin, I loved your comment about the Reilly sister. I felt the same way.
PatRoseNC thanks for the info about Frankie and Donny (reminds me of a song). I agree that he is VERY entertaining and interesting and I like seeing him recognized that way.
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was so cute last night on BBAD – after hayden and nicole finished their talk in the beehive room they hugged and one of their hearts were beating so loud and fast you coul hear it on the mic – so sweet
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I feel like production told Joey to hint around at special powers. Not feeling confident she would have come up with that strategy, or any strategy on her own. I would buy live feeds if it revealed what was said to house guests in diary room
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Ha… Joey’s little freak out a few minutes ago was hilarious(language aside)!
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Thanks Lisa for your update! 🙂 So Happy, Happy You are here JT 🙂 So glad to see you Kevin My Friend……….. Got in some trouble when I said I would miss some of my friends last season, but we got that straightened out 😆 I am always getting my self in trouble anyway because I don’t always say enough ❗ Glad to see everyone commenting & keeping me up to date…………. See you all soon, bye for now………………
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What did Donny win today ????
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Hi Bobo!! 🙂
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Hi ………………
See Ted today????
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Going to watch 24……….. see you all later………………
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Thank you all for all the updates. LM, I don’t know how you do it all and then have time to write up such a great blog.
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watching bbad, I have come to the conclusion I do not think 90% of the houseguests can complete one sentence without using the word YOU KNOW or LIKE
just had to throw that in here lol
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Caleb claims he is done with Amber… unless she calls him after the show to take him up on the date (I can’t make that up).
He says he is back on his game now that he’s sees she was just using him to get to the end (using him by leaving the room whenever he entered?)
He was talking to Devin about it a bit ago.
Devin told Caleb to just quit talking about it or you’ll drive yourself crazy. (I think he meant you’ll drive us crazy) 😆
So even Devin is sick of hearing about it. And I’m sick of writing about it… and y’all are sick of reading about it.
As far as the vote Thursday.. still gonna be Joey going. Some want to save her but don’t have the numbers.. and doubtful they can get them. So more than likely everyone will just fall in line for a 13-0 vote. We’ll see though.
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Live Feeds Update…..Tues 7/1 6:28am…for the Flashback
it seems that Zach is Gay and wants to have sex with Frankie….this Convo happened in the BY with Cody & Brittany when they were talking about “Zankie”… here is a copy&paste of some of the convo…. very interesting stuff… 🙂
Brittany: “I think Zach & Frankie are gonna have a showmance.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody: “You know what? And I will tell you this, but PLEASE don’t say anything! I swear to God, I’ll know it was you!..because I have not told anyone this, I have kept this in, but (Zach) came up to me when we were at the photo thing…”
Brittany: “Zach did?”
Cody: “Zach did. And he was like ‘Bro..bro, I wanna f**k Frankie!'”
Brittany: “Oh my God!”
Cody: “I was like (laughing) WHAT?!”
Brittany: “At the photo thing, he walked up to Frankie and was like staring at him up & down and he was all ‘You’re making my d**k hard, you’re tuning me on’. Me and the girls were like..”
Cody: “I hadn’t spoke to Zach yet, this was Day 2 we did the photo shoot so me & Zach didn’t really talk Day 1..”
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I am almost willing to guarantee Caleb isn’t done trying to woo Amber, because he’s a mental case!
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Lostie, too much information. 🙁 Gag!!
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@Bob @Sylie @hpr 🙂 Listening to Caleb say he won’t be nice to Amber through duration of the Game. He is a funny man. Said if she want to go out on date with him after the show, then fine. He is Super Smitten. Frankie is listening to him chirp about it for the 11th time I think.
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Watching BBAD,and I heard Caleb talking to Devin about Amber,saying she was using him to get to the end…OMG,he is so delusional …I really believe if looked different,because he is a nice looking guy,….the people in the house would be trying to get him evicted..he is so creepy and wierd..and I think he could easily be a stalker,waiting to happen….maybe I’m wrong,does anyone else think he’s creepy?
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im so sorry jolee…but that’s what we hear in the Feeds all the time…they curse every other word…CBS does a great job censoring the epi’s for tv, lol…. 🙂
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New Post!
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Thank you Lostie. I watched BBAD last season and I had to DVR it so I could skip the parts I didn’t like. This year we don’t have TVGN because we changed to AT&T and they don’t have TVGN. I was disappointed at first but now I am glad. It got so nasty last year with Spencer and GinaMarie, I had to stop watching it! I realize it’s my age that makes me so sensitive to some of the things that go on in the BB house. I have watched Big Brother since the very first series and it has really changed! Some for the better, but a lot of it honestly groses me out! I am not trying to censor anyone here, so please just understand I am a sensitive old lady who happens to like Big Brother. I respect everyone here and I hope you respect me too. I really love this blog. A lot of awesome people reside here! Have a great night. This lady is going to bed now! 🙂 <3
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jolee…..♥♥♥♥♥….. 🙂
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@ Lostie
Wow quite a bombshell I didn’t see it and was surprised. It would not surprise me if Caleb was Gay also. He seems way to comfortable hanging out in the HOH bed with Frankie and the fact he put on Frankie’s short shorts, which Hetero guys usually don’t wear seemed very odd, he thought they looked good on him but they were so tight you could see the outline of his butt and the crack of his ass. very creepy then he started working out in them. It would explain all his problems with women.
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@ Star
We got round 2 of more rain earlier tonight Unreal it was like a monsoon, way too much every place is getting flooded
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Lostie, it was really nice to wake up and see your post. If I could make those hearts, I would give you a dozen! 🙂 My Kindle Doesn’t give me the option. 🙂 <3
Have a great day everyone….eager to see tonight's show. 🙂
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hi yall ~~~~~~ hi Bobo the answer to your ?? Donny won the VITO and took himself off the block ~ Joey took his place.
I am a sensitive old lady who happens to like Big Brother too 🙂 ~~~~~
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I dont like Frankie. He’s a freak. My opinion is like yours, you think Caleb is a freak. He is not. Caleb is only trying to show Frankie how to act like a man.
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Thanks for the info lostie and thanks so much Kevin. I think Caleb is a nutso.
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Frankie is an actor. He is entertaining. Caleb has a scary stalker mentality. Devin has issues. I’m going to root for Hayden, Nicole, Christine, and Donny. Today anyway. Looks like Joey will go. No shocker there. She just didn’t know how to play the game or stay under the radar. Ready for tonight’s show!!
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