Hi, y’all!
Well, I just finished watching the 2nd part of the premiere of Big Brother 16! Below is a very quick recap so, if you haven’t seen the show yet and don’t want any spoilers, stop reading now!
Okay, now that it’s just you and me:
So, tonight, we saw the 2nd group of 8 move in and needless to say, it was an awkward meeting between the two teams. Everyone seemed to admire Caleb’s body but a few of them — like Frankie and Joey — were freaked out when Caleb said he was a “hunting guide.” Zach got on Frankie’s nerves by making fun of where Frankie went to high school. Paola attempted to flirt with Caleb and was instead shocked and disturbed to discover that all Caleb wanted to talk about was how competitive he is. Donny amused everyone by making cricket noises. Victoria and Frankie may have formed a tentative alliance. Derrick and Brittany bonded over their kids…
And then it was time to compete for the second HoH! The houseguests had to hold onto a gigantic, rotating spit. All of the women fell early. Derrick and Zach both threw the competition, letting go once all of the girls were gone. (This would suggest that both Derrick and Zach are already paranoid about a possible all girls alliance.) It came down to Hayden and Caleb and, in the end, Caleb was the one who hung on for the longest. As Hayden put it, “Caleb is a beast!” and, based on that competition, he really is. (However, I am predicting right now that his competition skills and his lack of social game will be Caleb’s downfall.)
Julie then explained how the double HoH twist works and it turns out that I was wrong on one key detail. I thought that the house would be split up into two separate teams. Nope, that’s not the case at all.
Instead, it works like this:
1) Each week, there will be two HoHs.
2) Both HoHs will nominate two players for eviction, for a total of four nominees.
3) In the Battle of the Block, the nominated players will compete. The nominated players who win the competition will come off the block and the HoH who nominated them will no longer be head of household and will be eligible to be nominated at the veto ceremony.
4) So, in case you were wondering, we will still have the Power of Veto competition and all that. It will all take place after the Battle of the Block.
Julie did not mention anything about Have/Have-not competitions or anything like that so maybe the whole Have Not thing is going to be abandoned. I certainly hope so because, quite frankly, I’m sick of having to listen to people talk about having to eat Big Brother slop. The whole Have/Have-Not thing hasn’t really been that interesting for a couple of seasons now.
Finally, in our last twist of the night, we learned who has been voted as the first member of Team America. Team America will be a three-person alliance who will do secret things in the house and get paid money for it. (Basically, it’s just like America’s Player except now there’s three of them.) Before the season began, we were asked to vote on which player we would most like to be in an alliance with. Joey got the majority of the votes and so Joey is the first member of Team America.
(I was honestly excepting Frankie to get the most votes but I guess Ariana Grande’s fans did not turn out to vote for him. It’ll be interesting to see if that changes over the upcoming weeks.)
As opposed to last night, the second group of houseguests did not get as much of a chance to make as much of an impression as the first group. Here’s what I did take away from this latest group of players:
Brittany — As the newly single mom of three kids, Brittany has a reality TV-worthy backstory but otherwise, she didn’t really make much of an impression. It was interesting to watch her and Derrick bond over missing their children but I don’t know if either one of them is really a strong enough player to make much of a potential alliance.
Caleb — Our second HoH! Unless they somehow impact his game inside the house, I’m not going to talk about Caleb’s politics or anything he may have said online before he entered the house. I’ll leave that for others, if they want to talk about it. My only concern is what he does and says inside the house and so far, Caleb is shaping up to be a real threat when it comes to winning challenges. At the same time, Caleb also came across as being overly aggressive and seemed rather cocky and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s his downfall. I have to wonder if Caleb is one of the players who had never seen Big Brother before entering the house because he really seems to be underestimating the importance of a good social game. (On a personal note, I’m trying to be fair to Caleb, despite the fact that he was seen using Axe body spray before entering the house…)
Christine — I know the BBBlogger loves Christine so I’m going to choose my words carefully. Christine seems like she’s very nice but she’s so calculated in her quirkiness, I would probably go crazy if I had to spend three months in a house with her. For all of her attempts to come across as being the most interesting person in the world, Christine seemed to fade into the background once they entered the house.
Derrick — Even if I didn’t know that Derrick was a cop, I would be able to guess just from looking at him. Otherwise, Derrick didn’t make much of an impression though I do think he made a smart move by throwing the HoH competition.
Hayden — Before Hayden came into the house, I dismissed him as being this season’s version of David, the first guy voted out during BB15. But you know what? I was wrong. Hayden came across as being smart, likable, and strong competitor. Fortunately for him, he’s not as cocky as Caleb so people probably won’t be threatened by the fact that he nearly won HoH.
Jocasta — I really don’t see Jocasta lasting very long. As a minister, she’s going to make a lot of the other houseguests nervous. Personally, I could have done without having to listen to the gospel-themed muzak that Big Brother played whenever she was on screen, if just because I thought that it came across as being a bit condescending.
Victoria — Victoria is going to have a lot of haters but I like her because 1) she reminds me of my BFF and 2) we both own a lot of clothes. Victoria’s head is obviously in the game but she was the first one to drop out of the HoH comp, despite the fact that she — as opposed to most of her fellow houseguests — was actually trying to win. So, Victoria’s success will probably depend on whether or not she can find a strong alliance to keep her safe in the house. She did immediately bond with Frankie and I think a Frankie-Joey-Victoria alliance would be a potentially strong one.
Zach — Yeah, Zach is pretty much doomed. He said that his strategy is to lay low but, based on what I saw of him tonight, I don’t think Zach could lay low if his life depended on it.
So, what does everyone think of the second group of eight? Who do you love? Who do you hate? Let us know in the comments!
Also, BBAD starts tonight and the live feeds should be open as well!
The game is on!
Peace & Love,
Lisa Marie
Here we go! Have fun everyone!! 🙂
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My comment from the previous page….(oh, and I didn’t get the email letting me know of a new page, btw)
Howdy all….I just want to say thanks for all the birthday wishes here. Reading them all made my day feel even more special. You guys rock!
I added my 20 votes for Donny….. 🙂
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I really like Donny.
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There’s 4 on the block. They have a competition and the winner goes off the block and the one the HOH who nominated him is no longer HOH. That leaves 3 on the block still. Am I missing something?
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The nominees will be competing in teams of two so two people will come off the block.
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My comment from last page too. Got a call before I saw new page was up!!! 😳
Star 06.26.14 at 10:46 pm
Hi Betty!! Agreed. The faster Zach goes, the happier I’ll be! But this twist makes it not so easy to tell who is going to go. And what the HOHs will use as a yardstick to decide. They used to nominate either people that irriated them or strong threats. But this changes EVERYTHING!!! It’s going to have to be much more logial and strategic now. Not just *You threw me under the bus or stole my showmance, so you have to go* stuff!!lol
Lostie…I did use the side numbers. I tried both. In all different ways. I will go to your link after this and see if it sheds any light! Thanks again!! 😎
I like Frankie the best right now. He could entertain thru the whole season, so hope he plays his HOH right!! I also did not like the girl that says she is a minister. Don’t have all names down yet! She is SO fake!!!! Who prays like that??? I don’t like people that think they have God in their back pocket and ask him do help them WIN things!!! He’s got wars and hunger and disasters to deal with. SO STFU and play your OWN game, ya lazy butt! And what is UP with all the bow ties ??? At 1st, I thought it was a part of her suit for church, but she wears one every day!!??? Can you say beyond quirky??? And into annoying??LOL I can’t wait for Frankie the fashion police to notice!!
And I agree with Lostie and aggie…….the poor girl is FUGLY!!! lol If she wins BB this year, the 1s thing she should splurge on is a nose job! I’m just sayin’…lol She does seem ok tho. A lil quirky too. Seems alot of the HGS are this year.
Oh..I like Hayden too. He seems to have the same kind of laid back personality as the original Hayden and look what happend to him!!! 😀
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Many of us have always hated how far some people get by doing nothing and being horrible at every comp.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So at least this could go against that and HOHs will target those people more.
But I don’t expect this twist to last very long… based on past history anyway
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I have to pull for Caleb, he’s from KENTUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
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Lisa Marie, somebody sent me this post. It’s the Losing team’s HOH that comes down.
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I selected Christine! Blind pick and at the end of the season we will see what happens. However, I am in love with the single mom Brittnay. OMG!
As a newly divorced man, I would love to get to know here when she gets out of the house.
You know I will be watching the feeds and hoping all the other house guests leave her alone…SHE IS MINE!!
Peace, BBBlogger
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i know i’ll get crap for this but it bother’s me calling someone ugly for the way they look….i know how it feels and so does my husband. maybe it’s just something i taught my daughter’s from the time they could understand……never make fun of the way a person looks ‘in a mean way’ and i hate the word ‘ugly’ when it comes to the looks of someone that they’re born with. to me ugly when talking about a person usually means the way they act.
yea ok so i ruin the jr high fun. to me zack has been ugly. i know ppl physically unattractive according to what society says is pretty or handsome and yet they are beautiful so i may be a bit sensitive about calling ppl ugly cuz they have a big nose…my husband has a big nose, ears stick out, he grew up being called names and beat up….i got some of it in my early teens to the point of going to school would make me physically ill…you never outgrow that and thank God my mother would punish us if we called each other ugly (me and my siblings) when i look at my guy, i see nothing but the sweetest friend i’ve ever had……..ya’ll have fun blogging. i seriously don’t belong here.
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tendr you do belong here. Kudos for speaking up. I happen to agree with you.
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I’m having some reservations about this twist. Some people aren’t going to want to win HOH and get blood on their hands with the threat that they could still go home that week.
We’ll have to wait and see but I think this twist will turn out to be a dud just like many previous twists have been.
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tendr, I am so glad you shared your feeling! I agree with you 100%!! My twin sister and I were teased a lot and it now makes us very sensitive to any kind of criticism! If you can’t say something nice, how about keeping it to yourself – especially when you attack a person’s religion, political preference and their looks,which they can’t help. God doesn’t make any mistakes – we are all beautiful in His sight! It’s one thing to critique a person’s actions, as we all do here, but can we be kind? Sorry, I felt a need to express my opinion. Have a good evening. I love this blog site. 🙂
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Janice….i believe ur wrong or that LINK u sent is wrong….how Lisa Marie said it is Right…..the Winning pair of Noms will have the HOH that Nominated them lose their Power ….that’s exactly how Julie said in the tv show….
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tendr…you are perfect and a part of our blog family. Itt is good to let people know that something bothered you. Sorry if the chat on the blog made you feel bad.
As the season goes on we will talk about and “judge” the 16 house guests and sadly it is part of the fascination of Big Brother. Sometimes it can get a little mean but know that it is not personal. Sorry if you took people’s comments personally.
Life is good, the blog is good, the feeds are coming on soon! GET EXCITED!!
So what does everyone think so far? I feel like it could be an interesting mix…
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Happy Birthday Frannie! (i hit you up earlier on FB!)
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Thanks, Janice, that’s what I was trying to say. Maybe I just didn’t put it well — the twist isn’t an easy one to explain. 🙂
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I agree Lostie. That is why Caleb, the HOH that was crowned tonight, said who will lose for him!
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So far Zack is the only one I have no use for. He’s lived a life of entitlement and has some big challenges ahead of him as he grows up, hopefully. I can’t stand arrogant, snobbish jerks who have no control or just don’t care what comes out of their mouth.
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@ Tendr
Sorry I call it the way i see it, If it offended you sorry about that
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seems like Paola, Donny, Christine, Derrick have no keys…. are they the 4 noms?
Who knows.
Not much happening yet of course.. they are still in the happy to be there mode.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chit chat… and of course.. what would BB feeds be without a lot of late night eating
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I know I’m getting old, I just can’t relate to these kids. You look at them and wonder how they will run our future world? We tend to make judgments, but they are making them also! They are making alliances based on looks, attitude and heaven only knows what else. They call this reality but it’s more fantasy than anything else. I just call it entertainment and live with that. BBAD(no volume!) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………..
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@ Star
Right on
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LOL/// you’re not missing much with no sound Sal… I’ve muted my computer a few times already 😆
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tendr..I am sorry if what I said upset you. I don’t usually say stuff like that about HGS but it had already been said and I was actually thinking it, so I just said it put loud. I would never say it to anyone’s face, ever! And BBB is right. We are voyeurs. That is WHY we sit here all summer watching this show, BBAD and live feeds. We are going to say what we think, share with others and even be mean once in awhile….mostly in trying to be funny. It is what it is. You know I love you but your name is well placed and deserved. You do have a tender heart. But it’s just a game and just a blog. I am not going to censor myself and i don’t think anyone else should either. If I disagree, I may speak out or just move on but I won’t ever get mad or try to stifle anyone, because this is an open and free opinion blog. I hope you weren’t serious about staying away. Please stay.
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Anyone notice what is on the table SLOP
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Am I the only one getting confused here?
First this was said:
3) In the Battle of the Block, the nominated players will compete. The nominated players who win the competition will come off the block and the HoH who nominated them will no longer be head of household and will be eligible to be nominated at the veto ceremony.
Then I was sent that site that said the HOH who stays in power is the one who nominated the team who came off the block.
Then Lostie says, “the Winning pair of Noms will have the HOH that Nominated them lose their Power”
Then Lisa Marie posted that was what she was trying to say which I took as the post I sent was correct.
I guess when that show airs we’ll all know for sure.
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So far so good! Anyone watching them cook? ………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Snakebit 🙂
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Mr. Bobo, good to see you sir! If the noms of the person who did the nominating win the battle of the block, that HOH loses his HOH!
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aggie….just said what I was saying here. fguess it was mean but it IS just a blog!!! 😉
I heard ther are have-nots. I guess they volunteered. Caleb is one. I think Hayden. ASlso blue hair girl andpossibly Amber?? I have got to get a handle on names!!!
Anyone else see hayden naked?? 1st thing on BBAD. He was holding a aht in front of his private parts. Not sure WHY yet but it was funny!!
I was losing sound in and out too. Not swearing, longer than that. Bugs. BBAD bugs.lol Haven’t tired LFs yet. Too much going on!!!!lol
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Hey Mr. Bill, are you watching the feeds? Are they cooking & just all talking? If so then I am seeing it on tvnutters………. 🙂
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Star #26 blog – well said Star. If we are going to be a part of this blog, we need to understand we all express ourselves in different ways. While I understand tendr’ s feelings, I know we have the right to tell it like we see it! My mom used to say: “Your right to express yourself ends where my nose begins.” 🙂
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I guess all I can see for sure is that Paola & Donny’s key are gone.
So maybe they already had the battle of the block?? …and those are the 2 left?
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P.S. Since I don’t get TVGN anymore, I appreciate all of your input! Goodnight bloggers – sweet dreams. Since I don’t get BBAD, I can go to bed now! 🙂 🙂
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To make something bold you need to That is how I do it 🙂
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I just re-watched the show where Julie explained the HOH and battle of the block. The team that wins comes down and so does the HOH that nominated them.
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Okay that did not work 😕
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Bob… that’s the tough part about splaining codes on here… the code doesn’t show up.
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Let me try this then at the end same thing but you need to If this don’t show up I’m not sure what to tell you
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Jeff, now you tell me 😆
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jolee..thanks for the support!! 🙂 I don’t understand why AT&T wouldnt have TVGN. But if you get the LFs, it’s the same thing. Only you get to pick what cam to watch and it’s not censored!lol Also if you go to jokersupdates.com, you get a written play by play of what the HGS are saying and what is going on in the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight. Sweet dreams!! 😉
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>b/b< put what you want to say between and reverse the arrows
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Janice — After the Battle of the Block, two of the nominated players will come down off the nomination block. The HoH who nominated those two players will lose his HoH privileges.
Here’s a hypothetical of how it could work:
So, let’s say that Caleb nominated Jocasta and Donny for eviction.
And then Frankie nominated Paola and Cody.
At the Battle of the Block, the team of Jocasta and Donny would compete against the team of Paola and Cody.
Let’s say that Paola and Cody win the Battle of the Block. Paola and Cody are no longer nominated. Frankie is the one who nominated Paola and Cody so he is now no longer an HoH and is eligible to be nominated if the power of veto is used on either Donny or Jocasta.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->b> >/b>
reverse the second arrows
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oops, first arrows
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Thanks 🙂 So are you watching the feeds?
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Sorry, Janice, I missed comment #38 while I was typing out my hypothetical. 🙂
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Is it me or does Frankie have a “normal” side
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Just catching up on the blog and will probably watch the 2nd show in a day or so if not sooner.
BOTB (battle of the block) sounds very interesting and will create some strategies on the part of the two HOHs. I agree with JT, I don’t think it will last long either.
Star, agree my friend. Blog away.
tendr, I agree with Star, you are named appropriately. I was teased terribly as a teenager too and without going into specifics, it does stay with you. However, I’m an adult now (all growed up) and I’m on a blog and we are judging (as BBBlogger said) this group of people who chose to be on a reality contest for many weeks. They want all the publicity they can get. Afterall, all publicity is good publicity. They know they will be criticized and even adored and should one of us choose to call it as they see it, favorable or unfavorable, well that’s what happens when you appear on a reality TV show. They’ve opened themselves up to any and all love, adoration and criticism. IMHO
Hopefully, I’ll get to see the 2nd show before the next one comes on.
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feeds and BBAD
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2 AM Time to watch some more TV….See you later…………..
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Food is in the pantry
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1am, getting tired
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Alliance of Zach, Cody & Derrick… with Zach making final 2 deal with Frankie… and those 2 will also work with Christina.
Just watching a bit of Zach in the HOH room… he is playing way too hard way too fast. And he is wound tighter than an 8 day clock. I don’t think he can make it far that way. Chill out or get voted out/
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Yeah not liking Zach for sure he gotta go~~
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Starfish…..hope you don’t get too far behind but glad you are at least doing drive bys….I’d miss my pal and partial namesake!!lol HUG!!!!
You summed everything up much more succinctly than I did. That’s BB in a nutshell. End of story . Period. (To quote ED!)lol
!st 2 noms are Donny and Paola. Not sure which HOH nominated them but I think Frankie. He and Zach are having a pow wow. Sounds like they are going to work together. Didn’t see that coming. Maybe it’s the Florida thing. Weird.
Way too much going on! I have got to get used to all this action at night.lol Usually just sitting here watching movies and going on FB. Easy-peasy..lol
As for the BOTB thing…just think of it this way. Whoever WINS, they are like OUT and so is their HOH. Done. Like dominos falling. And the other 3 are left UP and continue on the way a normal HOH would. I dunno. Makes sense to ME but …lol
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Thank you Star! 🙂
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JT..I heard Zach talking about that alliance, but I thought he was making fun of it,like he was just pretending to be in it. Didn’t know he was making a F2 with Frankie. WTH?? Slow yer roll, babe!!!lol In fact, Frankie just told him to calm down!!! Maybe because he has no FRIENDS he has alot of talk built up inside!!! lol
This whole house is hyper as heck tho. And there must be at least 10 alliances. So far. I hope BB doesn’t give them anything to DRINK!!! lol
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Pay-ola was talking about fighting so hard last night (in the battle of the block comp)
So looks like her and Donny are the only ones left on the block? I think. Hard to get a good look at the memory wall.. but their keys were definitely missing. I thought I saw 2 others gone at first.. but looks like those keys are there.
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I guess Zach and Frankie DO have a F2 and are making alliances with other HGs so no one will suspect they are working together.
Frankie says he hopes Pao Pao goes but she will self-destruct anyway!
Heard something about a showmance already between Hayden and Nicole??? Say it ain’t so! The whole season is not supposed to go down on the first nite people!!lol ON a side note..I didn’t see Hayden as being Nicole’s type. I thought it would be Cody.
LM……you were right. Poa Pao WAS hitting on Caleb and is continuing on that journey now. Hardcore. And listening to her talk is making my ears bleed. lol
JT….I thought you had put a pic of all the HGs up on the blog? I need HELP remembering names as some justa NOT sticking with me yet. BB Brain has not fully kicked into effect..lol
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Lol, it’s always funny how hyper and happy the house always is in the beginning, before everyone has had a chance to get sick of each other. 🙂
I also always think its funny how quick everyone is to form an alliance in the beginning, especially with people that they barely know. 🙂 I’ve watched a bit of the LFs tonight and I’ll probably check in on them again before (or, perhaps, if) I go to bed but from what I saw — Zach is going to talk and scheme his way right out of the house if he isn’t careful.
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JT….Donny and Pao Pao are he only ones so far. Maybe they are going to do the other noms tomorrow. It’s kind of like they are making up the rules as they go along this year.lol
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Hi Gang! Nice to see you all back!
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Stra, I did give BBB a pic… but he said he had to resize things on the side for it to fit (like last year) …so in the mean time he just added it to that post.
Also.. Caleb seems to be head over heals for Amber
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Hi Craig.. good to see you back again.
LOL Stra.. makin’ it up as they go along 😆
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I won’t be posting so much, but I really enjoy your comments. Now I have to study to match names with faces (or bodies 🙂
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LM…agree about Zach!! I think he will drive people cray-cray! Even as they pledge their alligence to him!! It’s funny after watching for so many years, we can spot *types* and know what is prolly going to happen to them.
Hey Craig!! WB!! 😉
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Awwwww, I bet Nicole and Hayden would make a really cute couple. 🙂 (Though I doubt it will last outside of the house…)
Cuatro may have already fallen apart. Lol. So far, the house seems to shaping up to be a patriarchal society.
It doesn’t surprise me to hear that Paola is the first target. Perhaps Donny is just a pawn, like Spencer was all those times last season. That would be interesting since Donny said that Spencer was the former houseguest that he most related to.
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JT..OHhhhh…I wasn’t really paying attention to what Caleb and PP were talking about. Now I am and he is talking to her about Amber! Like..Do you think Amber likes me??? Like she knows Amber yet much less YOU!!!lol You have all known each other for like 15 seconds!! CHILL!! Chill-town..remember them??? Good name for a reason!! lol
Wait…everyone is going to bed..really??? I haven’t even tried out my LFS yet!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ;D
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Stra, Payola was talking about the name she drew (for veto I guess… Zach)
So they must have already did BotB… and those are the 2 left on the block before the veto comp
Yes… I was listening to Caleb drone on and on about Amber when BBAD cut to the beehive room for a while. Caleb sounds like a 12 yr old girl with a crush. He seems very needy from what I saw.
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Here Stra… here’s a pic down here 😆
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When did they have time to DO all this?? SHEESH!! It’s very confusing not to what is going on or HOW they are going about it this year! I feel like a whole month of play has gone down tonight already!!
Caleb does seem needy. Who woulda thunk??? The strong,silent, hunter type. Begging PP to find out if Amber LIKES him!! Obsessively!! Ew. lol
Are you watching the Have-Not room?? It looks like a block of ice! Everyone is cold and trying to cover the beds with clothes to make them warmer. Someimes I think BB is a bit harsh when it comes to that room. Can you imagine how your back would feel in the morning?? I was sleeping on a waterbed once and the heater went out. Kept trying to pull covers up until I figured out it was my back tht was freezing! I don’t envy them!!!
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Yep.. was watching have not room.
They have been in there a week now… so I guess they are on schedule with a normal week of BB.
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Hypothetical (pathetical?) convo between Caleb & Payola… just to give y’all an idea what we are dealing with.
Payola: I sleep with Amber… so.. I can find out things
Caleb: Yeah… find out if she likes me
Payola: ok
Caleb: I mean find out if she likes me….. or if she likes me, likes me.
oyyyyyyy 🙄
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Oh KEWL!!! Thanks, JT!!!!! I am going to do a little homework while I have the chance!! 🙂
The 3 hunks are talking in H/N room. (C<C<Z) Said something about having a reason now to send PP out. And about backdooring someone. Didn't hear that. They are saying they are going to REIGN.
2nd set of NOMS……Brittany and Victoria
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They are talking about taking out Donny….. NOOOOOOOOOOOO
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LOL@JT Now THAT is good TV!!! hehe
I forgot about them being in the house for a week. I guess that makes sense.
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Hmmmm…….do you realize that the noms are all girls?? Except for Donny. And they see him as the old,odd expendable guy. The house is being run by testosterone!!!lol
I think they don’t trust tht Donny is as Gomer Pyle(altho I am sure they wouldn’t know who that was!!)as he is trying to portray. Maybe he’s laying it on a bit thick and doesn’t realize it. When he started to do the cricket thing tonight, I could hear strains of the Andy Griffiths show. All he needs is a fishing pole. Maybe going in the huse as a character wasn’t such a good idea!!
Cody is trying to go to bed and that tin foil sheet is LOUD!! He’s all bundled up in a hoody and mittens. Either he’s cold blooded or BB needs to kick up the temps in there a bit!!!lol
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IS that lesson for me?? I get really confused with that hyperlink stuff. Kinda decided just to not bother with it.lol Thanks tho.
I still can’t get the heart to work. But I tried it in an email and it worked just fine. I wish I knew what the drop down thing is that pops up when I try it here so I could stop it.
I wish there were more smilies to use on here. I am really bored with the old ones. So now this should be bold???
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Hey!!I did it!! lol
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I guess IDK about AOL and the heart thing… seems you’ve done everything right.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know for me that if I don’t have my num lock key down… when I hit a “4” it will jump to previous page.
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Trying bold: am I bold not bold
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I think I did it!!! 🙂 🙂 yay!! 🙂
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Ok.. feeds are pretty boring some maybe I’ll fall asleep soon.
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I do have my number lock ON, but that is what it does. It jumps! Maybe I’ll try it OFF!!lol Nope. Didn’t work.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And those smileys are giving me a headache!!lol
So I agree and I’m out too. Nite all!!! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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# 87 smileys are cool JT You got to teach me some more stuff ❗ ……
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I am truly amazed that you guys can soak up all this information and form opinions so quickly. Without you I’m totally lost and BB would be so boring. Thanks all!
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So far, I like Joey and Donny, but I reserve my right to make changes as time goes on.
I’m not too thrilled about the double hoh’s and hope that doesn’t last long. As they say, expect the unexpected!
Have a great Friday and stay safe! Off to work….some of us aren’t as lucky as others to be off on Fridays. (and I’m not naming names…but it starts with a J and ends with a T)
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Thx a lot justaguy for posting the pics. It makes relating these comments so much clearer. I’m sure in a week or two I will learn exactly who’s who.
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The HOH’s should get together and pick out one person they both agree should go. They don’t nominate them the first time and agree, whoever stays HOH will nominate that person. Zach will be out soon. In his video he said he doesn’t need friends and didn’t care to have them. HELLO! In BB you need alliances, you can not make it to the top alone.
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Glad BB is back
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Holy shirt I can’t believe what I am about to say ..I am sooooooo digging Caleb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He is a competitor and is confident about his abilities. My early fave Zach is a bust for me he talks to damn much.
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flying by on my way to the forefront!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Its just a blog kids, don’t take it personally!
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Zach rubbed me the wrong way when they showed his get to know him film. If you don’t like people, why are you going to live in a house full of people?? He came off like an arrogant jerk!
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Why BBBlogger you really surprised me!! (Comment 11) BBBlogger and Brittany sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!! 😳 Go for it!!!
Does anyone think Zach was on some type of medications last night? He really was bouncing off the walls…very scary to me. I could not believe he and Frankie made an alliance after the browbeating earlier by Zach. Please someone tell me Frankie was just leading him on. I thought for sure Zach would be up on the block!
I am very sad Donny is on the block. I sure hope he wins the POV, as with Paola being up too, I think Caleb might try talking everyone into saving her, after all, she is his link to Amber!! Caleb was almost pathetic on BBAD last night mooning over Amber.
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my try at the bold lesson
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YAY thanks jt!
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Just checked in on the BB live feeds.
Right now, Caleb is shaving.
Exciting, yes?
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It’s fun to be bold.
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Zach got on my nerves when he was saying he did not need anybody he has never seen big brother then. You don’t get far by not being teamed up with someone. He seems to be the male version of Rachel and I was NO FAN of hers. I hope he is gone soon OR I may not be watching long. He has no job but he and his brother golf everyday and looked like an expensive country club so he comes from money.
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hey yall ! glad to see everyone
I like Amber she’s seems nice and I love her hair ~ zack yea no the faster he leaves the better
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STAR… please do not ask JT how to make smiley faces… It will Never End!!!
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It’s already crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in that house!!!!
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I liked the new people two, with the exception of Zach. Victoria is a little full of herself, but most are in some way or they wouldn’t be on the show, in an annoying way. And… either the Bow Tie or the Minister has to go… she’s nice and perky, and I know CBS is going to play her praying to the hilt, but if she starts preaching to the other houseguests she won’t last long. I don’t see single mom lasting long, although she is cute. I like the cop and I like Caleb. It will be interesting to see what happens with Caleb. The barista is cute but trying too hard.
Thanks 🙂 for putting the faces back on BBB. I hope you can get them up top soon.
Can’t remember how to do the live feeds, which I never watch until I receive an alert to something good… and Not Hayden in the Nude! Thought I’d take a quick look though.
I ‘ll have to take a look at the last post… it seems I’ve missed something.
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