First off, allow me to apologize. Due to circumstances out of my control, I am posting this a lot later than I was planning to. However, I did want to make sure to let you guys know what happened in the house on Saturday before the P.O.V. ceremony is held and before they broadcast Sunday’s show.
On the one hand, it can be argued that what happened on Saturday was a minor but stupid made by a houseguest who obviously doesn’t understand the game that she’s playing.
On the other hand, it could be argued that what happened on Saturday was the first important event of the game because, unless something major happens, it pretty much sealed in stone who is going to be evicted on Wednesday and, therefore, be the first person to leave the house.
Basically, what happened is that Joey — the blue-haired makeup artist who has been declared America’s favorite and who is the first member of the twist that nobody asked for, Team America — well, Joey basically screwed up big time. What makes it even sadder is that Joey doesn’t seem to realize just how much she screwed up.
The day started out relatively quiet. Devin was sad because he was missing his child’s birthday and, perhaps because of that, he was a little less in-everyone’s-face today. Almost the entire day was spent with personal talk but relatively little game talk, which is amazing considering that Donny has the PoV and is going to be taking himself off the block. Frankie and Zach, of course, spent the entire day talking to each other about how they’re going to get to the final two. But otherwise, it appeared that the whole day would be about people relaxing in the back yard and Caleb stalking Amber.
That all changed, though, once Zach started talking to Joey. Caleb has told everyone in his alliance that, after Donny uses the veto, he’s going to put Joey up in his place. However, he’s also told Joey that he will nominate whoever the majority of the house wants him to nominate. To those of us who have watched enough seasons of Big Brother to know, that’s the most obvious lie in the book. However, Joey apparently believed him and also believed that this meant that Devin would be nominated instead of her.
Both Zach and Frankie have said to each other that they consider Devin to be a bigger threat. They would rather that Caleb nominate Devin but, at the same time, they also know that Caleb’s not going to do that. They both appear to fine with the idea of sending Joey home this week and then going after Donny again next week.
But Zach, in typical Iago-like fashion, had to cause trouble so he spent most of today planting seeds of doubt in Joey’s head and, essentially, telling her that she better make sure that everyone tells Caleb that they want him to nominate Devin. Is Zach trying to get Devin nominated or is he just trying to make Joey look crazy? Or is Zach just creating chaos for the sake of chaos?
Your guess is as good as mine. Personally, I can’t wait to see what Zach says in the diary room.
Anyway, Joey listened to Zach and then did the stupidest possible thing. She held a house meeting where she proceeded to ramble on for way too long and she essentially told everyone that they needed to go and tell Caleb who they wanted him to nominate. This was a dumb move on her part for so many reasons — essentially, it revealed her to be the type of player who nobody would ever want to be allied with and it also showed that she does not understand that the majority of the house would probably vote for her to be the nominee.
Needless to say, if you’re tying to get out of being nominated by the head of household, the smart thing to do is to cut a deal with the HoH. The dumb thing to do is call a house meeting and tell everyone that they have to go and save you.
So, in short, Joey is probably doomed, which is funny because it’s been fairly obvious — from the way she was used in the publicity leading up to the premiere of season 16 to the edit she got during the first two episodes — that Joey was something of a producer’s pet. But, unless something really drastic happens between now and Wednesday, it would appear that Joey’s days in the Big Brother House are numbered.
And what does that mean for Team America? I have no idea but we all know that Donny’s probably going to be the next member, right?
Lisa Marie
OMG #1!…
Still having trouble placing names with faces even with a hard copy of their photos. Polar opposits in my opinion: Frankie and Devon. I think I would like Frankie to stay in the house for the long run if just for his entertainment value. I am very curious about how Jocasta is going to play the game. I have several friends that are either active clergy, or in seminary and I can’t picture any of them in the big brother house.
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Well its 5:00am in No Carolina. Couldn’t sleep. Thank you Lisa for the update. I personally think you are doing a GREAT! job. By my first impressions I like Donny, Amber and Britney. Anxious to see todays show. God bless you. Keep up the good work. You are apprciated. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hummmm keep losing my avatar???
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Be very interesting to see if there is a “twist” to save Joey.
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Thank You Lisa Marie! Wow Joey messed up. I was not a big fan so no loss for me. I wouldn’t care if Devin, Jocasta or Victoria went either. Still don’t have an actual favorite. I haven’t watched feeds much. Every time I tune in it is so boring I can’t stick with it. At least I can do flash back and see anything interesting. ha
Good Morning to everyone!! Y’all have a nice day!
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Thanks Lisa Marie for the detailed update…don’t know what we’d do without you. Thanks for posting the pictures again. Still trying to figure out who everyone is and all the baseball caps and such is not helping! LOL!!
Just finished watching BBAD……wondering if Joey thinks she has special powers because of the twist!! Seems like they’re all scrambling like little mice! I probably would’ve lain low if I was Joey and wait for instructions and rack up the $5000 per request!!
Oh well……that’s just my opinion for now. Everyone have a great Sunday…I’ll be checking in every so often….can hardly wait for tonight’s show!!
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It seems like CBS should have had the votes for America’s team all lined up by the start of the show instead of dragging it out during the first week. Joey going home first isn’t upsetting to me, as I think she would grate on my nerves quickly.
On another note I find it curious that Frankie’s sister who’m I’ve never heard of is performing on the big 4th of July show as one of the singers. Just seems like an odd coincidence.
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Thank you LM for the updates. I’m still trying to sort through people, names and twists. I think Joey has done a series of stupid things and she does need to go. If CBS saves her I’ll be upset.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m not understanding why Frankie is so determined to get rid of Donnie. If he was a mad scientist and super genius as he thinks it’s obvious he isn’t a physical threat. There are a lot of bigger threats in the house with a combination of brains and brawn.
Anyway so far this season is looking better then season 15.
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Thanks for the updates!!! I rely on this blog so much to keep up with what’s going on. I haven’t been able to watch BBAD since they moved it from Showtime to TVGN. My cable company’s on screen guide shows BBAD coming on at 2AM instead of the normal time but it actually comes on at some other time. Soooooooo if I set the DVR to record it, I get other programming. 🙁 So I really appreciate all the bloggers on here keeping me up to date on all the shenanigans in the BB House!! Thank you all!!
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Bonjour LM,
Well Joey showed her “true Colors” not too clever is she?
Maybe she thinks we all voted for her to be the special one and got over confident?
A house meeting ? oh no!
Too much too soon ……I vote to EVICT her
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Hi, I never liked Joey so I am happy she will be the 1st to go. Who is Pow Pow? Like the above poster, I turned on the feeds but they were boring. Maybe after the live show they will be more interesting. Let’s hope BB16 is better than BB15.
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Wonder why the Afro Americans seems to be mentioned as the least favorites in the first couple of weeks. I hope this is not going to be like last summer. I am making reference to Kerij’s comments. I just saying…….
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Morning everyone! Happy blogging!
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Paola is Pao Pao.
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Freaky start with the Blue haired lady, but that is what reality shows can do. I am starting to see egos getting nipped and recognized at the same time. It is as if some are noticing that EVERYONE is lying! lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Zfrankie gets found out soon so the show can be “real”. hmmmm
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Thanks for the update, LM.
What is wrong with Frankie and his obsession to see Donny evicted? Donny can’t even remember names, he’s not a physical threat…
Well, what I’ve been reading we have a obsessive behaviors in the house. I read on another site one of the guys (don’t remember who it was) has serious OCD issues. And then there is that Caleb, thinking he’s “in love” with Amber. Give me a break. One thing is for sure, with all the emotional baggage these people are carrying around, its going to either be the best BB ever or a bigger flop than last year.
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What happened that everyone turned against Joey? I get that she has solidified herself as the target, but what happened? From what was aired Wed and Thurs, she was nowhere on the radar. Even America was fooled???????
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Thanks Lisa as always clear and to the point. Just catching up before the show tonight. Joey sounds like she has sealed her fate. Can’t wait for the show to see what happens. Off topic but wanted to share – went to see CHER last night in concert at Key Arena in Seattle she can still rock those outfits at 67. And her show was fantastic. My second one this year. Nothing like LIVE singing
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There is such a mixture of people this season…and yes I too am interested to see how Jacosta fairs out in the house…but she might surprise us…after all everyone knows what Big Brother Etiquette is like in the house LOL Good luck everyone…I haven’t picked a favorite but I must admit…I do think Donny is cool !! 🙂
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Janice — I’m not sure what specifically Joey has done. From what I’ve seen on the feeds, it doesn’t look like she really fits in socially with the rest of the houseguests. Also, she apparently told everyone about Cuatro, so now nobody trusts her or really wants to work with her in the future. I feel like the producers really promoted Joey before the show started and during the first two episodes, which is why she was voted into Team America. But, now that she’s in the house, it’s obvious that she really doesn’t know how to play the game or how to deal with other people. Maybe we’ll get to see more of whatever it was that Joey said or did that upset everyone on tonight’s show.
Yvonne — I’m not sure why Frankie is so scared and obsessed with Donny but he certainly is! In the end, I think some of it may be jealousy on his part because people in the house seem to like Donny a lot and Frankie, I think, has a hard time dealing with not always being the center of attention. Of all the houseguests, Frankie and Zach are probably playing the hardest right now but I do think that will probably backfire on both of them eventually.
erie-angel — I thought I read that Caleb was the one who was showing some obsessive compulsive behavior. He definitely is obsessed with Amber, to the extent that Frankie and Zach spent a long time mocking him behind his back yesterday.
Craig — As far as I can tell, it looks like Jocasta has been laying low, which is probably a good strategy on her part, considering how freaked out some of the other houseguests appeared to be when they discovered that she was a minister.
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hey yall,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa Marie you are awesome, thank you for keeping me on track, I don’t get the live feeds, can’t afford them, and BBAD comes on to late for me. But this Blog rocks and so that’s why I stay here season after season.
thanks again
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STAR – It was Caleb that called Joey a Smurf on BBAD last night! I laughed so hard, I almost fell out of bed.
Did I actually hear right on BBAD that Joey told Devin he was going to be voted out? The blue hair dye must have seeped into her brain!!
Right now I can’t see production stepping in and saving Joey without causing all sorts of chatter about production interference. She really does not have any idea how to play this game and should be voted out. I hope this will put a stop to America’s alliance. The audience should stay out of what is going on in house and let the HG’s battle it out!
I was happy to see Devin again supporting Donny. He will need him later on in the game.
I hope Frankie will wise up soon and turn on Zach.
Great write up LM! Thank you
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LM, great write up and so nice of you to respond to so many of the posts. 😀 O:)
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Cant wait for the show tonite – hope we see alot of diary room sessions with ole zach to see where his head is
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Hello All, Glad to see BBB still UP and running and well done as usual. this has always been the best BBB site on the web. Enjoy the season and tell all friend to check it out. see you in the diary room. Enigma
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LM… yes, as I recall, Joey knew nothing about Survivor. She watched vids of past seasons to get educated, but of course that does not prepare you for how life and strategy in the BB House really is, unless you commit to being a real student of the game, the likes of 🙂 & 11. I think the tag ‘Smurf’ is perfect for Joey. She has an interesting body type. I hope she is safe come vote time… this is BB after all. The Seattle Breed of Liberals is an interesting and grating bunch, and I would imagine this air is what has put people off. Noona probably knows what I mean. He Northwest Girl… would have loved to have seen Cher… going to go see Steely Dan at Marymoor next week.
Zach acting like Iago??? I may have to rethink my opinion of him. He may become my favorite player now.
I tried the feeds on my computer yesterday and could see the little camera pics at the bottom, but could not get the big pic. It worked better on my ipad, but didn’t have a lot of time, but it looked like everyone was having a congenial time hanging out. Joey had a cute feathered bra on and was laying in the hammock with a blond in a pink bikini… I could not see who it was, as she had her hand over her eyes for the sun. I would have loved to see the Joey Crazy Rant, if anyone knows what time it was.
Oh, Betty sweetie… you will have to wait till BB is over to come visit me, as I have not TV in my bedroom and I wouldn’t want you to miss BBAD.
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Really Shirron! They are just annoying to me. Nothing to do with race.
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Shirron… Please don’t start making this a race thing. I know KeriJ and she is not a racist. If you are referring to comment #5, I don’t get it. I don’t care for Jocasta, but not because she is Afro American… it’s the damn bow ties! And the praying, which CBS is just loving to exploit… evidenced how they are portraying her. I think she will be a fun player to watch otherwise.
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Oh hey, KeriJ… didn’t see you sneak in. How’s the bug?
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Oh Ted, don’t worry about the TV, you can go to bed and get started without me! 🙄
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I just hope Devin stays in the BB House a really long time so his little girl can get some mini-sense of a normal upbringing in his absence she’s been blessed with. That poor little girls gonna need psychotherapy some day!
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lol re devin, I hope he goes sooner then later, why u ask?? because he is a liar, sneak and has a way of turning peoples head, did he not in the first 1/2 hour of the show make a d&d alliance with Donny? Why yes I believe he did, thus liar liar pants on fire, as soon as the clock struck the new hour he was all for voting Donny out, With friends like him Donny needs no enemies. and for the record he is on my to go list not because of his color of skin, but because I do not like his lying, vicious ways.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too know Kerij, for many many years, we are not only bloggers here but at other sites so we keep in touch all year round, and trust me on this she is the least person to make ugly remarks. I just hope we will NOT in the future specify why we like a hg or why we dislike them.
Is it me or does it seem like the devil keeps popping up on this blog, to ruin this years season of bb. ( please note I said devil not anyone in particular) We just jumped a hurdle which thanks to Lisa Marie’s help was all taken care of, and we are a happy bunch of bb campers.
Please do not assume anyone’s intentions, cause like my grand ma used to say when u assume you make an ASS OUT OF U AND ME
thanks all for your kind attention to this matter, ciao till next time
So far I am in Donny’s corner, along with Frankie, Nicole, Cody and Victoria.
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Hi all! I saw the whole thing with Joey, She was so dumb last night! I posted what she did on the other page…. Thanks Lisa for your write up, hope you got rid of that headache 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all later……. ……………….
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Hey Ted, MM! My Bug is great! Thanks for asking. Looking forward to Light Up Arlington and The Fourth Parade the next morning.
Oh I forgot to add Paola, and Zach to my list of annoyances. lol
What’s going on in house now, since fish are up??
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Hey, everyone — it looks like the veto meeting is going to be coming up soon. I’ll post here as soon as it’s happened but it appears to be pretty much a done deal that Caleb is going to put up Joey. I know he did talk to at least a few houseguests about who they wanted him to put up and most of them said Joey. Whether that’s the way they really or if they’re just playing it smart telling the HoH what he wants to hear, I’m not sure but it definitely sounds like Joey is going to be gone.
In other news — apparently, Brittany and Devin had a fight last night, which I assume is because Devin found out that Brittany was trying to got Caleb to nominate him. Devin has basically spent almost all of today complaining that Brittany “attacked” him and saying that she uses her three children to get sympathy (as if Devin doesn’t bring up his daughter every chance that he gets!). Frankie said that Brittany is now his “Public Enemy #2.” I guess Number 1 would still be Donny?
Finally, on a purely administrative note: My write-up of tonight’s show will probably be posted a few hours later than usual because I’ve got a late night movie date. 🙂
Okay, back to checking in on the LFs. 🙂
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Keri — Veto meeting! 🙂
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Greetings one and all. first time posting for a few yrs…glad to see familiar “faces”. Craig in #1-your cat looks just like my sweet Belle Bella. so far I like Donny best and not just because he is from NC. I like Frankie Ok but they show him too much. trying to watch BBAD..mostly boring-too many people still…glad to see Joey go altho I am also pretty liberal…speaking of is my granddaughter Rhiannon’s 30th birthday…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did anyone notice the woman (I think the one from Tucson) coughing and sneezing and then handling food and dishes? EECK! good day everyone.
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As we wait for the veto ceremony to end and the LFs to come back, here’s a recent tweet from Andy Herren:
Have any of the houseguests ever mentioned me? #BB16
And here is the reply Andy got from Amanda Zuckerman:
nope, but they mentioned me…idiot. #whowonseason15?
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I forgot to add that I really like Hayden…boyish charm tickles this soon to be 70 yr old! so my favs so far are Donny, Hayden, maybe Derrick, and for girls I guess Nicole…Jocasta started off bad for me but laying low has been a smart move…she might sqweek through.
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Thanks LM! Amanda is a meanie.
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Caleb is now apparently referring to Amber as being “my old lady.” As in: “My old lady looks good today.”
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Thanks for the rundown on Joey,
Amanda is no longer with McCrea… and has a new man. Good looking guy and I ‘m happy for her, as she was one of my favorites… hope they bring her on this time.
LM… go see the movie ‘Chef’… best I’ve seen in a long time.
I see fish!
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The feeds are back and the replacement nominee is … JOEY!
Okay, not really a big shock there. The feeds were down for at least an hour so I wonder if there was some sort of drama at the Veto meeting?
Anyway, time for me to run so see y’all later. 🙂
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Wasn’t there a year when the house chose the one going up?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will be signing up for the feeds
Is that where u go to see the diary talks too??
Have a great day and thank you Lisa!
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Brit and Joey certainly didnt do their homework. No clue on the Ps and Qs of the game.
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watchin LF Caleb is soooo full of himself
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For those of you that watched BBAD last night did anyone notice how old Victoria looked? I know she is young, but the camera angles sure made her look like she was 50+!
No surprise Joey was nominated. Thanks Lisa Marie
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Wonder what BB would do if the houseguests agreed to not put up the losing HOH for a specified number of weeks?
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Wow! Can’t wait for tonight. I don’t have the feeds nor BBAD, so it’s good to get news here.
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Hi Betty How you doing today? ………………
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EXCITED for the drama to begin.
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Time to go down to my man cave…..the big TV 😆 See you all later
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Let’s see what they decide to show about Joey , but in general excited to see the drama unfold.
I love it that Donny is a threat but not the cop or the big guys, what’s wrong w Frankie ?
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This is going to move way tooooooooo SLOW.
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after tonites episode – its confrmed devin is a real creep
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Devin……….. 🙄
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I love reading everybody’s updates and look forward to them. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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Devin. Devin. Oh Devin. Is he crazy or just dumb? He is out of control!
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Is something happening on the live feed with Devin?
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Really dumb of Devin to take it upon himself and bring the girls into the alliance, I think his days are numbered, I thought he had a better head on his shoulder.
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So many fire works going on right now! Makes me a little jumpy ……….. 😯
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Hey Aggie♥
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Hi Bob, I’m waiting for Trueblood to come on again 🙂
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I recorded it! Going down to watch it soon 🙂
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great as usual 🙂
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Tonight’s show??? “Much to do about nothing!” We did confirm that Devin is a jerk!!!
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Great show…we got to see how the Bomb Squad got together and how Devin snuck in the 2 girls, lol…i Loved the BOTB, that must’ve taken hrs to complete …glad the Feeds werent up yet, lol….Pao Pao is so crazy, i cant wait to see her on the POV Comp when she couldnt spell her word, lol…..
so now, we saw how CBS is planning on Editing the show to America…they did NOT show one second of Caleb’s Mad Love for Amber…we saw Nada…after we all know how CRAZY he is for Amber ♥♥♥
Im glad we got to see the 2nd HOH room, now we know why Frankie ended up sleeping together with Caleb in the bed….we didnt hear anything bout the 2nd room in the feeds…i thought they both been in the main room together after i saw they were sleeping together….
and they showed us the alliance of Christine & Nicole, which was unknown in the feeds…i wonder if Christine will destroy the Bombers now, lol….i still dont understand why CBS is taking so long in getting Team America…only 1 member a week?….why not just take the Top 3 in 1 week to have them already…they still are going to need the full 3 after the eviction, lol… 🙂
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From this evenings episode I’m wondering if Devin is possibly a borderline schizophrenic. He’s all over the place and is getting progressively paranoid.
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@tedstrutz – I’m from Chicago visiting our daughter and future son-in-law for a few weeks in Seattle. But I did see Cher in Indy mid April. Hope you enjoy yourself at Steely Dan concert. I believe we really appreciate the older singers/bands as they perform live unlike some of the younger singers/bands today. Tonight’s episode of BB wasn’t anything to get excited about:( I do believe Devin May have signed his own exit slip.
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They should FRONTdoor Devin ASAP. When he gets nominated for eviction he’ll punch someone and get expelled.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pau Pau honestly couldn’t figure out how to swing?
Crazy 8
There are more than 8 crazies in this house!
I expect Caleb & Frankie to build a new & improved alliance they need to call
“Big Brother Saavy”
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Devin meltdown ! Roids ? what’s happening ?
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Devin definitely does have some issues. Roid rage sounds like as plausible as a reason as any. 🙂
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New Post!
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I think you called it sylvie.
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PatRoseNC …That is my girl Yoda….She has an unusual voice, thus the name given to her by the shelter from which I adopted her. They thought she had been neutered, but the vet said she was actually spayed. The name stuck anyway. Poor girl, not so many people want to adopt a black cat. She is so beautiful and sweet.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry to be off topic, but I love to talk about her.
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Craig..I know we are on another post now so I will go that you like black cats story about Belle is wild…won’t share it here. take care.
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