Big Brother 16 — How Early Can We Open Up The Diary Room?

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 14, 2014

Hi y’all!

So, normally, I try to open up the diary room on the night before the vote but it just occurred to me that this week, the first vote will be held on Tuesday.  And Monday is always my busiest day.  There are some Monday night when I don’t even get home until Tuesday morning.

So, guess what?

I’m going to go ahead and open up the diary room now and basically hand the keys of the site over to y’all.  

Now, before I officially open the diary room, let me just make sure that everyone is caught up.  They held the veto meeting earlier today and Cody did NOT use the veto.  So, Frankie and Victoria are still the nominees and Frankie is still the target.  However, Frankie is starting to catch on that he might not be as safe as he was originally assuming and he has basically been talking to Caleb and trying to turn him against Derrick.  

Which is kinda stupid because Caleb doesn’t have a vote.  If Frankie were smart, he’d be devoting more time to trying to turn Cody against Derrick.  If he could get Cody to vote for him then it would be a tie and Caleb would have to break it.  Watching Frankie, it’s kinda obvious that he got so used to being in charge of the house that he doesn’t really know how to save himself.  He’s never had to actually fight for his survival before.

Okay, so let’s open up the diary room!  Who do you vote to send to the jury house?

Do you vote for

FRANKIE, who is rumored to have a famous sister


VICTORIA, who just has a sister?

Cast your votes over on the right side of the page or in the comments below!  And then, be sure to watch on Tuesday to discover who will be the next houseguest to leave!  And then on Wednesday, one other HG will be evicted.

As for me, I vote for …


Are you surprised?


Lisa Marie

EV September 15, 2014 at 12:04 am


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Jeanne September 15, 2014 at 12:06 am

Okay, here we go. I loved tonight’s show. Frankie say bye bye. Bed time for this Grandma. {{{HUGS}}}

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SharonB September 15, 2014 at 12:13 am


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Jolee September 15, 2014 at 12:18 am

I definitely vote for Frankie to leave the BB house and head for the jury house! I would feel sorry for the jury members, but after what they did to the BB house, I say they deserve him! I say booyah, booyah!! 🙂 /^\ <——- Frankie in the jury house! 🙁

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Luvs2shootpics September 15, 2014 at 12:25 am

Funkie must go

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 12:31 am

LM, thanks for the update. You were right, I was on the wrong blog. I guess I shouldn’t use my phone for comments. lol

Ivote to evict frankie and the sooner the better!

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Susan G September 15, 2014 at 12:31 am

Bye Frankie, you wretched jackass!!!

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Ina September 15, 2014 at 12:34 am

I know Frankie is going home on Tuesday and Wed I think Victoria unless something crazy happens I really hope Derrick wins the game because he has ran the house the entire season and I don’t think Caleb or Cody either one really realizes it and I think Victoria needs to go into acting because of the thing between Derrick and her

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Aggie R September 15, 2014 at 12:36 am

Frankie, Hopefully 🙄

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MAYELA September 15, 2014 at 12:45 am


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Shayne September 15, 2014 at 12:50 am

Frank’s gotta go see where he’s gotta go

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Sir Rock September 15, 2014 at 12:59 am

Frankie…and I’m still hoping for a blindside (that was the plan as of BBAD tonight).

After Frankie gets the boot its my favortie time in BB. I love when its down to the F4. The POV is everything. Saves your ass and you pick who’s in the F3. Can’t wait to see that comp. 😀

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Bob September 15, 2014 at 1:05 am

I vote elect Victoria l think frankie is a major presence in the house and will be greatly missed he’s won more calms than all of them. He has entertained us .and has been a presence in the house to love and hate.

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 1:15 am

Bob, I couldn’t agree more about Frankie being one we love to hate but I’m afraid that the dispicable person he’s proven himself to be trumps the love no matter how many comps he’s won. So goodbye Frankie. IMHO of course.

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Tay'me September 15, 2014 at 1:20 am

Frankie must go —let the door knob hit him in the botty

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tendr September 15, 2014 at 1:54 am

frankie doesn’t entertain me! i kinda throw up a little when i look at his animated bragging.

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tendr September 15, 2014 at 1:54 am

o yeah……….frankie

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Jolee September 15, 2014 at 1:54 am

Starfish, I agree with you. Nothing could ever convince me that Frankie adds anything to the BB house now that he has proved to be so absolutely over the top disgusting! Please, no more Frankie in the BB house.
Bob, is it just men who dismiss what Frankie did that to most was beyond what any decent person would do? He should have left the BB house immediately after his comments about Victoria! IMHO!!!
Bye,bye Frankie!

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Star September 15, 2014 at 2:08 am

Just getting caught up on the previous post. You miss so much so fast…lol

Sylvie and junksies… are the first two that I can ever remember who have actually even tried to get on any of the live shows..much less the Finale’!!! Even just to hear two of OURS might make it is SO exciting!!! Good luck to both of you!!! *fingers crossed*

@erie-angel…….I have said all season that I didn’t think the HGS were allowed to tell the noms when they were going up!! Either BB totally changed the rule this year or relaxed it as the show was going so WELL(cough,cough..). but they have done that all season! Like the show wasn’t a sheep menatality enough already, then we get NO reaction from any of the noms when they get blindsided…because they weren’t…really. Rememer Justin’s reaction when he went home instead of Evel Dick??? One of the funniest and best moments EVER on BB!! And what if he had been TOLD ahead of time! Never would have happened. More’s the pity. I wish someone would hand production the cover to the BB home game and let them reread the RULES!!! lol

And as long as I am rambling here..and there really isn’t anything ne to talk about……has anyone else noticed that NO ONE has used the BeeHive room in weeks??? IS it closed off or something? Or was it just tht the HGS were so paranoid that they didn’t want to be in the room alone with anyone becasue there was a door ??? The do get locked in alot, especially toward the end of the game, and it feels like the house has shrunk since they haven’t been using that room.

And naturally….I vote to evict Frankie Pants!!! I HAVE been watching all season, haven’t I??LOL I HOPE they don’t tell him beforehand, but at thisdpoint, as long as he is GONE, I really don’t give a rip!!!

Does anyone know if there will be any BBAD tomorrow night?? I am sure the LFS will be off or Jeff, but hadn’t heard or remember hearing about BBAD.

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Grandma Kathy September 15, 2014 at 2:08 am


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janice jordan September 15, 2014 at 2:27 am


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Verna September 15, 2014 at 4:02 am

Skanky Frankie

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J Renee' September 15, 2014 at 4:33 am

@ ALL – There was a Big Brother “Leak” in my Facebook News-feed that Cody had decided NOT to use the POV. Here’s my reply to that posting: “Frankenstein leaving will be THE BEST PART of the ENTIRE season of BB 16 !!!! CAN HARDLY WAIT !!!!!!!!! So SICK of seeing his “OVER-THE-TOP” DRAMATICS !!!!! There aren’t enough negative words in the dictionary to describe this “self-entitled, vile, selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, egotistical, attention-seeking, lying, back-stabbing, over-sexed, shallow, flaming” pr–k !!! Thank you Cody/Derrick !!!! I vote to evict “Frickin’ Skanky Frankie-stinks !!!!!!!!”

Moreover, he does NOT belong with “normal” people in OR outside of the BB house !!! I truly hope he gets some much-needed counseling/psychiatric help. I’m sure his sister can well afford it. However, something tells me his family will be just as delusional about his behavior as he is about how important thinks he is !!!! Regarding the “taped” eviction, could we REALLY expect anything different from production since they’ve promoted/protected him the entire season ??? They might even come up with another “twist” so he could come back in the house. Lord help us all !!!

@ L.M. & All Bloggers – Thank you so much !! I look forward to coming here every day way more than watching the live TV show/BBAD. Wishing everyone a great week ! 🙂

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RhondaP September 15, 2014 at 5:03 am

I vote to evict Frankie. So glad he is going, hope no one interfers with him going or any one changes their mind about Frankie going.

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Joyce September 15, 2014 at 5:17 am

I happily vote to evict Frankie …..FINALLY

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Fiamma September 15, 2014 at 5:45 am

I vote to evict Arianna’s brother

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Bob September 15, 2014 at 5:51 am

yes I agreemen do seemto give other men a pass when they do what they do when drunk. I was very quick to forgive Mell Gibson in his drunken problem.

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RMM September 15, 2014 at 6:02 am


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erie-angel September 15, 2014 at 6:24 am

I vote to evict Frankiestein.

@J Renee, you forgot arrogant, conceited, prideful, self involved, superficial, foul, nasty, abhorrent, odious, obnoxious, hateful, sickening, malevolent, black hearted, vulgar, insulting, rude, disrespectful, brutish, inhuman…

I could go and on, but I won’t.

I am a little disturbed by my own feelings. Usually, when I don’t like a HG, I love hating that person. Like Evil Dick. I was one of the people who was never a fan of his, but I still enjoyed the game and was able to root for him at the end. And even though I didn’t like the way ED treated some people-Jen mostly-I was able to be entertained by him at times. Frankie, though has no entertaining value; especially after what he said. Frankie ceased to be entertaining after the first week. To never again see him grace my television screen would be too soon.

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Pauletta September 15, 2014 at 7:01 am


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Randall September 15, 2014 at 7:02 am

I vote to ‘Save’ Victoria and have her nominated for an Emmy Award. She has pulled that acting off fairly well. Even Frankie was watching her closely with questionable motives. I agree 110% with J Renee’ in her dislike of Frankie. The first couple of weeks he got grins and smiles from me, after that all his antics did not bring one smile or grin whatsoever! Absolutely disgusting. If what he suggested Cody and Caleb due and I don’t think Frankie was under the influence was indeed against the law in some form or fashion I sure hope Victoria’s Parents have the authorities there waiting on him outside the confines of Big Brothers Arms. I really wish the 3 Muskateers would talk Frankie into preparing Victoria a going home final meal all Gormet Style to really get Frankie jacked up and have Victoria go along and then lower the HAMMER! He probably want even have his luggage packed like he would even if he knew he was going home, that’s someone else job! Today, I believe is their lockdown day and no live feeds just fish or Jeff. So employees get to assume positions.

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Nathasha September 15, 2014 at 7:05 am


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Watchdog September 15, 2014 at 7:47 am

Frankie for the WINNER of the ticket home Tuesday!!!

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Randall September 15, 2014 at 7:49 am

Joan Grande@joangrande
Every person on #BB16 has their family & friends tweeting for AFP. We are NO different & WILL be tweeting for Frankie . # NotSorry# Get Ready
This was tweet put out yesterday and still I find it so hard to find these contestants are playing on an even playing field! Unless we can harness the millions of fans following some of our Country Singers or Actors to help stand up for what is an injustice to the system this will be an overwhemingly victory for Frankie, the one that will be known from now on as the over the top Gay 31 year old that suggested that Caleb & Colby get Victoria drunk and take Both her Virginities! Does that person deserve to win anything? Absolutely not! When Donny was evicted in my opinion, TA was no longer a Team and should have stopped even though the Rat Chase was the Highlight of Season! If you follow any singers on twitter try planting a seed in their ear to what is going on to help.

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Keith September 15, 2014 at 7:54 am

Frankie, but I wouldn’t be surprised if something changes as late as Tuesday afternoon.

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Keith September 15, 2014 at 7:58 am

Four people have voted to evict Victoria, seriously??!!

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Terry Brown September 15, 2014 at 8:35 am

Bye – Bye Frankie – you fruit-loop dingus! So happy!

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Sir Rock September 15, 2014 at 8:38 am

Someone in a BB Facebook group posted this link. It says Frankie’s net worth is $1.5 million. It’s a total joke that he was ever put on the show to begin with, if this is accurate.

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Judy September 15, 2014 at 9:02 am


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Donna September 15, 2014 at 9:05 am

FRANKIE!!!!!!!!! He drives me crazy!!!!!! BYE BYE

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jeanne4488 September 15, 2014 at 9:08 am

Well as usual I didn’t know when to go to bed at a decent hour last night – so was up “super” late (Victoria’s favorite word – super) watching feeds til I think 3 am! And Victoria got drunk and was wandering around the house talking to everyone with a huge contented smile on her face and making Derrick extremely nervous that she was going to spill something that he didn’t want her to. At one point she crawled in bed with Caleb in the HOH room and he threw a Derrick a look like “huh?” After telling Derrick she couldn’t stand him just a few days ago, suddenly she was going on about how much she LIKES Caleb & how sweet and nice he is and after Derrick left, she told Caleb she thinks he will win and that she will vote for him. She eventually then went downstairs to hunt for Derrick who ran in Cody’s room and hid & so she didn’t see him when she peeked in. They laughed & joked about her for awhile. She soon came back, seeing him this time & passed thru to another room. Derrick assured Cody that in less than 3 min. she would come thru again, which she did. Finally, nervous as to what she’d be up to next since she kept saying she was going to bed but continued to wander about the house, Derrick told Cody he was going to bed but instead went looking for her to give her a talking to, finding her in the bathroom. He gave her a HUGE talking to about her behavior & how she was going to ruin her own game if she didn’t straighten up. She kept saying “but I didn’t sayyyyy anything!” and then wanted a hug .. (about 3x) He was EXTREMELY annoyed with her last night. Finally then went to bed & Frankie slept in their room last night (imagine that) At one point he got up to go to the bathroom and Vic got up and went over to Derrick’s bed to again assure him she did no wrong and asked for another hug then went back to bed and passed out.
They were told to be up and at their best at 9 am for a surprise so they all went to bed early.
Frankie was all excited thinking something really fun was going to happen but I THINK that it’s really that they are going to tape the eviction! (yep. gonna be REALLLL fun Frankie! lol) which is why the feeds will be down today and tomorrow (so we don’t see who’s gone til the show is on)

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jeanne4488 September 15, 2014 at 9:16 am

lol at how everything Victoria says ends in “uh” ..
“Noooooooooo-uh!” mostly.
and everything is “super” (her favorite adjective)
The boys are enjoying calling each other “beasts” and stroking each others egos, along with their own! (Frankie & Caleb)
Oh! and in chat on the feeds, earlier yesterday someone posted that Caleb found Frankie’s butt plug! I missed that one! so have no details. Did anyone else hear that one? Since they are searched along with their things before going into the house, I don’t know how he could have possibly smuggled in any type of sex toy or when he would have expected to have the opportunity to use it with cameras on him 24/7! (watched but saw or heard no more about it).
and on that note .. time to get ready for work! (PAST time actually!)

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Jolee September 15, 2014 at 9:26 am

Bob, I also forgave Mel Gibson! Frankie is no Mel Gibson!! Frankie has been nothing but obnoxious beginning with week two,if not before. Fondling all of the men, demeaning all of the woman with his foul mouth! Usually people ask for forgiveness, and then we gladly forgive! I haven’t heard one word of remorse from Frankie about his behavior in the BB house. Why do you think 99% of the BBBloggers want him gone? I am always willing to forgive, because I have been forgiven so much. If Frankie were to tell Julie he was sorry about his actions in the house,I would be first inline to forgive him! I am a glass half full girl! Everyone have a good week! 🙂

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ginny September 15, 2014 at 9:58 am

@jeanne4488 when Caleb gave the chess piece to Frankie.he said someone has to be a pawn. On Twitter it was said…that chess piece was Frankie’s butt plug. I think they did not mean he had a sex toy but that it looked like it could be .
On twitter Frankie’s mom is defending him and Ariana is tweeting from Frankie’s account.

See ya Frankie..

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hpr56 September 15, 2014 at 10:07 am

I vote to evict Frankie. Oh please let it be true. I can’t stand him and especially knowing in my heart the reasons that he was in the house and the reasons he is still there. It’s past time. Get out now, Frankie.

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Tuna September 15, 2014 at 10:14 am

What if Frankie went home, then the three remaining alpha male hamsters decided that they had the best chance of winning if Victoria hit the final too. Cody goes home next (he’s cute, but he has no game). Then Caleb. Then the jury realizes how thoroughly they have been played by Derrick. They vote to give Victoria the money out of pure spite. Then we could all get to see Derrick’s surprise face.

It could happen. 😉

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 10:20 am

Bob, I guess you would label yourself one of the “good ol’ boys” then? I agree with Jolee, what he did on national TV was rude and crude and bordering on illegal endangering of bodily harm. Also, like Randall, doubt he was drunk. He didn’t appear to be drunk and as we’ve seen over the weeks, he’s always that disgusting. Just my thoughts.

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Barbara September 15, 2014 at 10:35 am


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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 10:35 am

ginny, how could Frankie’s mom possibly defend him? If he was my son, I would crawl into a hole. Of course, they’ll probably say that he was acting the entire time and that he’s really a sweet, kind, gentle human being. We’ll all buy that right? Some will I suppose but as Maya Angelou said: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

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EV September 15, 2014 at 10:46 am

@ Starfish, I totally agree with Maya Angelou’ s statement! Frankie “showed” us who he was in the beginning and has continued to prove over and over again that we were not wrong! It appears that Frankie’ s family is just as delusional as he is!

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PRHinNC September 15, 2014 at 10:48 am

As I said in a prior post, Frankie must go. I’m pulling for Victoria, bless her heart!

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Anne Ravenwood September 15, 2014 at 10:49 am

Thank you thank you – CALEB – for growing a pair and finally putting up KING SKANKIE (My name for Frankie of course). This guy is so full of himself that he actually thinks he is SAFE, SAFE…….really? Is he really that stupid? No, not at all. He is that in love with himself. I certainly hope that CODY sticks to his guns and votes with DERRICK to evict this weenie. If he doesn’t, then he can kiss 500k goodbye……..of course, he can kiss it goodbye anyhow because Derrick is going to win.

I am so excited and relieve that Mr. Ariana Grande is going to be shown the door right on his pink butt!

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Linda September 15, 2014 at 11:25 am

I GLADLY vote to evict FRANKIE…!!!

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macy September 15, 2014 at 11:29 am

i vote to evict FRANK

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Debbie September 15, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Frankie needs to go! I hope it’s today! I’m sure they won’t be packed all the way if he goes today so it’s going to be a shock for him because he shoulda had another day to plead his case to stay! So in some ways he’s gonna be blindsided! The boys won’t have a chance to sit him down to tell him because they think they still have another day! Booya!, as everyone has been saying! Can’t wIt to see it play out!

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Jolee September 15, 2014 at 12:52 pm

Stsrfish, I think we must be related! We think alike! I totally agree with everything you say! Can Jeanne and me adopt you?? 🙂 I can’t imagine anyone wanting Frankie to stay! I am looking forward to Tuesday night when hopefully, we can say: “Frankie Grande has left the building!” YES!! 🙂 I also agree with Maya Angelou. By the way, she lives in Winston-Salem, NC. Her name is in our phone book! FYI. 🙂

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Tammera September 15, 2014 at 1:07 pm

I vote to evict Frankie.

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Joan Dunn September 15, 2014 at 1:27 pm

Time to go, Frankie!

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BBIGBBOB September 15, 2014 at 1:29 pm

They have to put up with his pouting at the moment. I vote for skaney franky!-

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macy September 15, 2014 at 1:47 pm

so how is this going to work with the live feeds and BBAD – if they eject FRANK – im guessing they wont have those two viewerships????

someone ENLIGHTED if u can!

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Alyia September 15, 2014 at 1:55 pm

I signed up for Live Feeds before BB started. Oh please God make it so that Frankie the sleezz goes to the jury house. Let them have him and treat him like he has treated everyone in the house with no respect and a women hater. I have never seen a more despicable human being like this so called person.
Victories parents should sue him for Character assassination on their daughter and all the women on this season of Big Brother. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Frankie aka Granda how could his sister even claim him.

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 2:07 pm

LOL Jolee, I appreciate the sentiment. It’s so nice of you. I would look like a zuma wrestler if I lived anywhere near you guys with all that food you cook. However, we are definitely die hard BB fans. 😉

Debbie, I haven’t thought of that. So if the HGs don’t know that the eviction is early, then it could be a real surprise to dear ol’ Frankie. Now that would be great!

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Debbie September 15, 2014 at 2:10 pm

Starfish, thank u for acknowledging me! I think it will be awesome if it goes down like that!

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Ralph September 15, 2014 at 2:56 pm

Caleb really didn’t ‘grow a pair’, Derrick just through at him a scenario that would leave Caleb to evict Cody or Derrick. Of course this was before Caleb voted Frankie up, when he was pushing for Derrick to feel what it was like. Derrick told Caleb if Frankie won the Veto, he would take Victoria off and force him to put up Cody. Then he would be forced to not ‘honor’ the final three agreement. That convinced Caleb to put Frankie up. Derrick.

As far as today, here is what I found:

Derrick has told Victoria to act more nervous. This is to make Frankie less nervous, and for Derrick to keep Caleb on track…but Victoria is messing everything up by getting drunk last night, smiling at everyone and snuggling with others she supposedly doesn’t like. I think Frankie is figuring out the scam. Derrick tells Victoria she is starting to mess up her game, and effecting his.

Derrick really does like Victoria…and almost slips up when he says, “When you get out, you’ll understand more because there’s a back story.” He almost blew it! He even gets on himself, when Victoria leaves and says, “I almost slipped right there. I definitely almost wanted to tell her right there. Dammit!! Derrick don’t do it. Almost wanted to tell her. F**k that would have been stupid. So glad I didn’t! That would have been dumb. That would have been real dumb feedsters. Don’t tell her yet, whatever you do do not tell her what you do. That will crush your f**king game. Do not do it. Do I think she would say anything… no I don’t. I don’t think she would say anything. I think she would take it to her grave but don’t do it. Just wait 6 days. I can’t wait to tell people who I am. It sucks not being able to be who you are. That is the closest I’ve come to telling anyone in this game. That would have been dumb. I would have regretted it instantly.” He even begs to vent in the DR, to get it all off his chest. He is really upset. The game is starting to effect him, because he realizes others need the money just as bad. As it gets smaller, and people really show more of who they are, the barriers brake down…and Derricks is! He continues venting to himself and those watching, “Obviously you guys know I’ve been loyal to Cody and I plan on continuing that for sure. But that girl is a very good girl and I just know she hasn’t played the best game and you guys are probably crushing me right now. Like Derrick what are you even talking about. And you’re probably right but when you learn about people and who they are it does play into your decision making process. The only person that probably affects me is her. And I know there is more to her that I don’t know. She probably needs the money just as much as everyone else in here. Or maybe she’s rich and I’m just reading her wrong, I don’t know. Cody’s a good player in this game, he’s a good guy and loyal.”
…Everyone is asleep, or at least trying to by now…

The House-guests wake up to a lock down backyard. Cody puts his ear to the door, and production says, “Stop that!”…Of course Frankie is giving out his disturbing hugs (at least part of the time).
They are given activities to make Tye-die shirt kits.
That’s all for now.

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Star September 15, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Good Monday all!!
I too (as was Jeanne4488)was up WAY late watching the LFS last night!(actually until the wee morning hours!!) Even tho everyone went to bed before 11:00BBT,which is what got me watching, it wasn’t dull.

Derrick is defintly a nervous, albeit focused mess!! He couldn’t sleep so got up and wandered out to the BY, soon to be followed by Vic. They no more than get talking and frankie follows them too. he is also sleeping in their room. He doesn’t want anyone sayong anything w/out him around! he gets cereal soona nd goes back to bed. Caleb and Cody sleeping like the dead!lol A LONG convo..mostly Derrick talking..about how Vic can’;t get drunk anymore and has has to watch what she says and be mroe vigilant cuz they are almost there, etc etc. She is almost crying and keeps apologizing and Derrick keeps saying…Don’t apologize to me, it’s your game!! Listening to him I thought to myself..I wou;d be a nervous wreck if this guy was ever interviewing me as a COP!!! He took a tone with Vic at one point too where I thought I wouldn;t even want to have an argument with him as his wife! I think Der can be a bit of a bully in RL and I think he is hiding a temper too.
Anyway, Vic finally gets somethng to eat and back to bed, but I don’t think any of these 3 slept for hours as they have the most to lose right now.
Der sat for a bit alone, asked a John for a DR session and then started talking to the camera. It so reminded me of when ED used to do that, minus the cigarette!!lol At one point he said this………* I’m just trying to play the best game I know how to play and I know I’ve definitely made some mistakes in the game and probably sent home the wrong people…the whole nine… And I’m sure you’ll let me know (the feedsters will tell him his mistakes) the second I get out of here, you’ll let me know about it. And I’ll listen, I’ll listen if I f***ked up… But you guys have to catch me at some weird hours because you all know what I do for a living and I sleep during the day… But, we’ll work it out.*
So he is obviously a 3rd shifter.

He told Vic too that he is NOT going to make any mistakes until the end of this game. He has lost way too much in RL ….time with his wife and baby girl and hours on the job and money he can’t get back….to lose.
LAter. Cody woke up, went to the kitchem ate, back to bed. Der popped in and said something to him. both back to bed, but everyopne restless. Includong Cody.

Last thing Joker posted about the HGS was at 9:21 this morning and the about noon said the LFS would be Jeff interviews until the show Tues. sO fRANKIE IS PROLLY LONG GONE BY NOW! i HOPE!!! I hate not knowing wht is going on in the house!!! 🙁 I always think I am bord and so OVER BB at this point every year. Then I realize hw much I love being a voyeur, and being able to come here any time of the day and vent , gossip or joke with you guys!!! I am starting to feel the withdrawl coming already!!!!

Does anyone know if LM does a Survivor blog or any others WHERE we can catch her ? Or are there any other blogs you guys do?? I think I am definitley going to miss the show and all of you more than I thought!!!! 😉 name is Star and I am a reality blog addict!!lol
I probably should get twitter but I don;t really DO anything interesting enough to put on there. But it does sound like the heartbeat of everything! Anyone that is on twitter recommend it???

Ok…dreary gray,rainy day AGAIN and freezing out!! But I suppose I should go run errands.

Peace, love, and light!!!!!

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Ralph September 15, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Okay, I must be bored out of my mind…because BB is on a blackout live feed, from what others are saying, but this is the latest:
Big Brother is going to record, according to others, a few hours of them pretending that it’s nighttime to be used Monday night for BBAD (After Dark). This is intended to try and trick BBAD viewers in to thinking the footage is actually at night. HGs might get booze and they’ll be on lockdown so you can’t see the sun.
Starting sometime later on Monday the Feeds will cut and the next eviction will take place but unlike regular evictions there will not be a public audience (this means we are getting to the point all live feeds will be cut, and they will make BBAD and BB look live…but they won’t be).
CBS is bringing in employees (as audience) to reduce chances of leaks. Fans hoping for the next evictee to receive a Christine-like wave of boos probably will be disappointed.
Even a twitter campaign, #BooFrankie, is growing…but probably all for nothing, since eviction, at least this one, won’t be live.
Word is, all live feeds, for the most part, will be blocked till Tuesday night. If that.
It seems that might be it folks! Guess we’ll find out tonight. Of course I’m dvring it, so 2-3 hrs will be like 15-20 minutes, if that. If I see them working on Tye-dies I’ll know that it is taped.

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C'est Moi ici September 15, 2014 at 3:41 pm

Joan Grande, Frankie’s mother, will support her son, regardless. That’s what mother’s do! Follow any criminal trial, anywhere, and see who is sitting directly behind the defendant, male or female, regardless the severity of the crime. MOM! Blood is thicker than any amount of evidence, live feeds, or whatever else.

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C'est Moi ici September 15, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Maya Angelou was an African-American author, poet, dancer, actress and singer. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry.
Born: April 4, 1928, St. Louis, MO
Died: May 28, 2014, Winston-Salem, NC

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Jolee September 15, 2014 at 4:01 pm

C’est, thank you. I really admired her. I know she died this year. My autocorrect on my Kindle changed lived to lives! She will be missed by many. I loved to hear her speak. She was Oprah’s mentor for many years. Her name is still in my phone book! 🙂

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macy September 15, 2014 at 5:03 pm

Thx to RALPH and STAR for clearing up confusion – hope cody sticks to his guns – i think he will – oh well – did they ever air iggy the dog?

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sue September 15, 2014 at 5:47 pm

BYE BYE Frankie!

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Sir Rock September 15, 2014 at 6:03 pm

I came to let you guys know what the deal is about the shows, but it looks like its been covered. The blackout is on! Nothing new till after the show on Tuesday. Will check back in to celebrate the Frankie eviction. 🙂

LF’s – off till after the West Coast airing of Tuesday’s recorded eviction.
BBAD – taped this morning, airing tonight. I don’t think they’ll try to pass it off as live. I’m pretty sure I remember this from a previous years and it says, “recorded earlier today” or something like that on the crawl at the bottom of the screen.

Nothing more fun than making tie-dye shirts at 9am! I guess Frankie was talking shit about having to do it, according to spoiler sites on Twitter. Figures. #byebyeFrankie

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 6:03 pm

Jolee, I knew she lived in NC and it was a terrible loss when she passed. I admired her and her work!

Debbie, yes it will!! Would love to see his surprise.

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bobovnvet September 15, 2014 at 6:37 pm

FRANKIE!!! Thanks for all the comments, all up to date….see ya… :mrgreen:

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macy September 15, 2014 at 6:49 pm

crickets – helloooooo

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Macy, maybe we’ll see the dog on Tues. It should be cute but best of all, we should see Frankie take the walk out the door. Caleb doesn’t vote, so it is too late for him to change his mind about anything. Derrick or Cody could change their vote but the odds of that happening are pretty slim but never slim enough. 🙂

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macy September 15, 2014 at 7:03 pm

Starfish – oh my goodness FRANK is really going – the girls dream – ha

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Star September 15, 2014 at 7:09 pm

Hey macy!!! I’m here!! Waiting for hubs to get back with the horseradish I need. He’s been gone WAYY too

Shout out to SF, Bobo,Jolee SR, Ralph and whoever else is bothering to come on tody!!! *waves*

Here’s a link to the add about this upcoming week.

Looks like we all had the same idea about telling what is or WAS going on in the BB house! I forgot about doing the fake BBAD. They do that every year! Sometimes they show them fake talking to all the evicted HGS on teh memory wall too. Or maybe that is next week, after a big brunch with the F3.

OT..DWTS just started. It always makles me feel old as I only knew whoa bout 4 of the people wer on there!!! Max was on Andy Cohen’s talk show last week and told he wasn’t coming back. He said one of the problems was they wer running out of LEGITIMATE stars!! I AGREE!!!! lol Actually, I never relaly thought they had many to begin with!! but I watch anyway…;) As long as Derrick is on, I’m good!!! lol

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Star September 15, 2014 at 7:12 pm

I meant AD as in commercial…. 😳 lol

And I didn’t realize we hadn’t seen Izzy on one of the shows yet. Sometimes it’s hard to separate LFS from TV!

I was watching the LFS last night as I was watching BBAD and woul;d thing…Wait….they got up?? Thought they were in bed…lol And I wasn’t even drinking any WINE!!!!lol

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Debbie September 15, 2014 at 7:33 pm

So I’m curious how they have an eviction on Wednesday? Did they have another HOH today? Is it a fast forward? How does everyone think that’s going to play out? Not understanding! Is the eviction Fridays show? I just don’t really know or see how they’re gonna pull that off! Anyone have an idea about it?

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BEV September 15, 2014 at 7:36 pm


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max September 15, 2014 at 7:42 pm

Utopia is looking better each week. It will do until Survivor starts.

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Star, yep, I remember all the fake nights and little things they give them to do so we think it’s night. Do they think we’re froot loop dingus’? Thanks for the updates you and Ralph gave us. So nice you stay up all night for us. Apprech!

Debbie, eviction on Tuesday night (Frankoutthedoor) and one on Weds night. Caleb can’t play for HOH so either Cody or Der will win and they are talking about sending Caleb out the door. I’m just going to watch to see what happens.

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Starfish September 15, 2014 at 7:48 pm

Someone asked about the Survivor blog. Yes there is one and I’m sure the link will be on here soon. It’s a lot different since there’s only one show a week and no 24/7 feeds. The blog isn’t as busy as this one but it’s a lot of the same crowd and lots of fun too!

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Star September 15, 2014 at 7:59 pm’re welcome! I don’t usually watch the LFS all night but it was riveting seeing them trying to go to sleep and being as nervous as cats! It was much beter than BBAD!!!lol
I asked about the blog. i didn’t know if BBBlogger still did one or if LM had her won or what. Also, wonder if there is one for Utopia. I am a bit behind, but I have liked it so far. Is it really going to be on for a whole year??!!!! 😯

@macy…totally agree!!!!!!! lol

Gotta go..BBL

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erie_angel September 15, 2014 at 8:11 pm

Bye bye, Frankie, you sleazebag. You should have been gone week one.

@Star, I believe Utopia is supposed to last a year, but I don’t think Fox will air all of it as they are hurting in the ratings. I think the plan is to air a few weeks of it and hope that people sign up for the feeds. One thing for sure, Red has to go somehow. That ex con (can’t remember his name) seemed to be very reasonable until he got so close to Red, the hillbilly. And Red is the most divisive force on the show. It is certainly an unusual social experiment, developed by the same guy who developed BB.

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Bob September 15, 2014 at 8:19 pm

I think I’m one of a short list of people on this blog that wants frankie to stay l begining to think that CBS has sensor a lot of what frankie is real like i have watched alot of after dark and stil do not see. What majorty of you have seen and feal

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Ralph September 15, 2014 at 8:24 pm

Came across the venting, part of, Derrick had with himself and those watching, after he almost gave away his secret to Victoria.
I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, so I’m splitting the link. You cut and past.
Think this was one of the last live feeds before it went dark: watch?v=4QgwFkmGlhI

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Ralph September 15, 2014 at 8:39 pm

I mentioned that Victoria got drunk and was blowing up her game BIG TIME. I came across this video that shows some of that: watch?v=QQauIEV684Y

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J Renee' September 15, 2014 at 8:50 pm

@ Ralph – The links you provided don’t work. They only take you to YOU TUBE 🙁 🙁

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Ralph September 15, 2014 at 9:11 pm

J Renee’,
You have to connect them. Cut the whole thing, then take the space out to connect the / to the other link that starts with watch.
Try the below new one I just found. Caleb compares Victoria’s dating life to a truck (imagine that): watch?v=3_aVJqJUfYw

Remember, you have to CONNECT the links. For some reason when I post the whole thing, the video picture posts, and I was told not to do that.

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J Renee' September 15, 2014 at 9:56 pm

@ Ralph – Thank you, that worked !!! 🙂 🙂

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ginny September 15, 2014 at 10:04 pm

@star..Frankie’s mom Joan said on twitter she will tweet for Frankie and could care less who doesn’t like it because “family is first”.
Twitter is much different than using a blogs. Your words are limited. It’s a whole different way of communicating.
Looking forward to tomorrow night!

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bobovnvet September 15, 2014 at 10:26 pm

Saving my spot!…………… Hi Star&Fish 😆

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Sir Rock September 15, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Hey everyone, I wasn’t gonna come back till tomorrow since nobody knows anything new due to the BB blackout….but I have something interesting.

The guy who runs the BB Facebook group I get all my good dirt from shared a tweet a guy sent out. It’s a picture of a contract and a tshirt that says “Big Brother Audience” on it. I guess this guy, whoever he is, has a friend who he said was low to middle level in production for the show and he got to go to the eviction tonight!!!!

He didn’t say anything because he signed the contract and he doesn’t want to get him or his friend in trouble and/or screw up his chances to do it again next year. Here’s the link to his picture. Hopefully its cool to post it. I can’t remember the rules about this stuff. I see people splitting up YouTube links and all that jazz. Check it out, its pretty cool!!! I’ll just put a space in it AFTER AND BEFORE his name stevengcpa. Got it! Good. 🙂 Later! stevengcpa/status/511695486743748608/photo/1

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Grandma Kathy September 15, 2014 at 11:19 pm

Just read from another site:

Frankie is gone. Guaranteed. Dont ask who i wont say. Trust me this is official and done. Just got word.

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KevInDenver September 15, 2014 at 11:55 pm

I can’t stand HGs who are lazy loser floaters in competitions.
Victoria is by far the most whiney voiced annoying person in the hizzy. Dislike selfabsorbed Frankie but Victoria should go. Weird & weak women this season. Casting sucks!

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 12:19 am

Sir Rock, thank you. That was very interesting. It has been said that Frankie is gone! I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s show to know for sure! 🙂

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 12:20 am

I will take a lazy floater over a pervert any day!!

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Mary Price September 16, 2014 at 12:25 am

I vote to evict Frankie (since the first eviction)
Dont let the door hit you where the good lord split you .
You fruit loop dingus, marshmellow fluff, grade A 1 asshole, low life piece of crap, scumbag.
I dont even want to see your ugnly nasty face on Finale night.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 12:33 am

Ralph is that what is on the live feeds?

I couldn’t understand much of what Vic was saying and after a short time Der kept repeating himself.

OT: Anyone watch Jimmy Fallon tonight and see Barbara Streisand? She still has her voice. Not as powerful as it once was but still so beautiful.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 12:35 am

Interesting that 9 people on our blog would rather see Vic leave than Frankie.

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tendr September 16, 2014 at 1:36 am

@jolee #99…^5

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 1:41 am

95% of voters want Frankie gone! I can’t believe there could be even 9% who want him to stay! I for one, will enjoy these last few days of BB so much better with Frankie gone!! My finger was getting tired of fast forwarding my remote whenever Frankie came on! I really have a hard time looking at him without thinking about his actions in the BB house. I feel bad feeling that way about Frankie, but his actions make me cringe!!! Bye,bye Frankie. I hope you get some real help when you go home. I really mean it. He definitely needs help. I wonder what happened in his childhood that caused him to be so self absorbed and cruel? My sissy and I have been praying for him! He needs it! He must be in shock leaving the BB house tonight. Well, that’s all folks! I’ve had my say and I am off to bed! Busy day tomorrow! Nite BBBloggers sleep well! Thank all of you who kept us so well informed tonight. I was busy watching 2 hour Master Chef and 2 hour Dancing With the Stars! So good!!
Nite Starfish, Star, C’est Bob,Jeanne, and all !!:)

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Jeanne September 16, 2014 at 2:04 am

Goodnight all you faithful bloggers. I have not done much in last few days. My Sissy Jolee has been so good at it. Really hope what they say is true. Bye bye Frankie. {{{HUGS}}}

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erie_angel September 16, 2014 at 7:11 am

Did I read it right? Frankie is gone? What a way to end a tiring shift at work. I was supposed to off at 7 am, but 10 minutes before 7, the fire alarm went off and I didn’t get out of there until 7:20; had to help the 1st shift staff get everybody out of bed (those who weren’t already up) bundled up against the cold and outside, then had to get them back inside and remind some that they still had to shower even though they were already dressed. It was hectic. And I’m ready for bed.

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Maxie September 16, 2014 at 8:34 am

Just found a you tube video of Stanky being his usual gross Again, disrespecting women and visually beoing obscene. If you care to see it, it’s Frankie’s sex ed class. Soooo glad he’s gone. By the way, this was early in the show. It was the day before hefound out his grandfather died. Amber was still in the house. I guess some find.his.nasrt humor funny. Most in this blog seem to agree that it is not accrptable when it demeans someone.

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Maxie September 16, 2014 at 8:35 am

Sorry about all the typeos. This phone drives me nuts. Teemy tiny key pad.

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Starfish September 16, 2014 at 10:25 am

ginny, I’m not surprised that Frankie’s mom would “tweet” for him. She’s his son and as a mother, I might say a thing or two about the character of my son as I know him. It’s seems to me, his family didn’t really know him. They’ll believe him that this was all an act to be comedic, theatric and whateer other words that dingbat can come up with, he’ll apologize for the things they didn’t like but they’ll believe him, in the end 😉 , because he’s their baby. They love him – period. I would be so embarrased if he were my son but mom’s still love their babies no matter what.

KinDen, maybe they should have an all testosterone season. Now that would be interesting. It seems to me you might be young, or you wouldn’t be so hard on Victoria, who is definitely immature and just trying to make it through the game and be a personality that she has no clue how to go about it. She’s just young.

Amen to Jolee, “I’ll take a floater over a pervert any day” Absolutely, any day!!
Ralph, thanks for the links.

So happy to hear Frankie is gone. Thanks everyone for that one! Can’t wait to see it tonight.

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Susan G September 16, 2014 at 1:36 pm

I’m going to put on my dancing shoes for the viewing of bye bye Frankie – I agree with Jolee and Starfish – I will take a floater over a perv any day –

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hpr56 September 16, 2014 at 2:01 pm

Pretty quiet since there’s nothing new going on in the house today. Thanks for all the information Starfish. I also agree with Jolee about floaters over perverts. I can’t wait until tonight. Can’t wait to see his face and listen to his rants. I hope they show him when he goes to Jury. He and Crustine cane buddy up.

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erie_angel September 16, 2014 at 2:18 pm

What is with this hatred of floaters. Floating can be a very viable strategy for some HGs, it certainly appears to have been one for Victoria. I’ll take a floater who sits back watches and connects with a power player late in the game over somebody who attaches him/herself to a group early on and rides coattails all season any day, as Caleb has done. I say Caleb because that boy isn’t even capable of making his own decisions, thought all season he was a part of a powerful alliance but that alliance broke up after a week and was afraid right up to this week to make a power move.

Dr. Will never won a comp season 2; Evil Dick and others won only when they needed to. Floating is definitely a viable strategy.

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C'est Moi ici September 16, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Derrick is new HOH after Frankie’s long overdue departure.

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Sir Rock September 16, 2014 at 2:51 pm

C’est – you beat me too it! I just saw on a BB spoiler page that there was a “LF’s leak”….huh? How does that happen? Anyway, they showed a pic of Derrick in the HOH room with all his goodies in the background. One of the goodies that can clearly be seen was a license plate that said “#1 DAD” on it. So that’s good enough for me.

Derrick is HOH and in the F3!!! Gonna be interesting how this plays out. Do Cody/Caleb stay true to each other or does one of them cut the others throat and drag Victoria to the F3. The nice thing to do would be to vote out Vic and the boys honor their deal. The smart thing would be to keep her and insure a spot in the F2 for whoever does the dirty work of kicking out one of their alliance. I kinda hope they drag Vic along. That’s what I’d do.

Sorry, but I’m going with the assumption that Victoria has absolutely ZERO chance in winning a single comp ever. (I don’t count the Veto she “won” because Caleb handed it to her so he could win $5k).

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Sir Rock September 16, 2014 at 2:59 pm

Also – just remembered I saw a Tweet from Dani Reyes, the kinda feisty black lady from BB3. I loved her, her DR sessions were EPIC! She came in second place that year and was invited back for Allstars. Anyway, her tweet is below.

“I love Derrick’s game.Just 2 be clear,I was never nominated.I made it 2 the final 2 and a HG never said,” I nominate Danielle”

So for many of us who thought Derrick was the only one to make it to the end of the game without feeling the heat of being a Nom….I guess it’s happened at least once before.

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hpr56 September 16, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Thanks for the info Sir Rock. Whew. I’m so glad it worked out that way. And I am so glad to see Frankie gone. Now I can REALLY look forward to tonight.

I think Derrick will have a hard time nominating Victoria. Just my thought. And in the final 3, maybe whoever is left will have a hard time taking Derrick. The plot thickens.

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SnakeBit Sal September 16, 2014 at 3:56 pm

If I was Frankie’s Dad, I’d slap the hell out of the boy for being such an asshole and in public for the world to see!

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hpr56 September 16, 2014 at 3:58 pm

I agree SnakeBit. It’s one thing to be a Mom and support your kid to the world but it’s another to be a Dad and watch your son make such ignorant and rotten moves.

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Sylvie September 16, 2014 at 4:08 pm


Signed for BB audience and just got invited to DWTS instead ????

Really it’s 104 today no thanks i’ll pass standing on a sidewalk in West Hollywood in the sun without shade and traffic.
For BB I would do it

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Ralph September 16, 2014 at 4:12 pm

I found this info on what is going on, to agree with the leak, another hear said. Derrick won the new HOH after Frankie was eliminated in the last vote.
Here is what they said:
During the live feed blackout there is a leak where the live feeds are turned on showing the house guests moving around the house. The leak reveals that DERRICK WON the HOH competition last night after FRANKIE was evicted from the house. The house guests are dressed to play in the veto but have NOT yet played!

Up in the HOH room – Derrick is putting on a back brace under his red veto shirt. In the HOH basket there is a licence plate that reads #1 DAD. Derrick then heads downstairs to the living room.

In the living room – Cody, Victoria and Caleb are talking. They are all wearing coloured shirts with a veto badge on them. Derrick joins them. He asks if they’re wearing snap backs for the veto comp. Caleb says I would hate for them to wake us up and then have us not play till the end of the day. Cody agrees and says today is going to be a scorcher. Caleb says I wish we were getting wet mic’s. Cody says yeah getting dirty! Caleb says I’ve gotten so small in this house. When Devin was here we were working out everyday.
…Some time goes by…
Derrick and Victoria are talking in the bathroom. Victoria wishes Derrick good luck in the veto. Derrick wishes her good luck and tells her to go have fun with it.. we’re on big brother! Victoria says there’s no fun in 500K and losing it. Derrick says, “You’re not going to lose. We’re all winners. We’re in the final part of the show. If you look at it that way you don’t put that pressure on yourself and you’ll perform better. You said something to me last night that really stuck with me … money’s not everything.” Victoria says, “Its nothing.” Derrick says, “Don’t play for the money.. play for yourself. Play because you want to win because you want to prove to yourself that you’re a competitor. That you’ve come so close in so many comps that its just a matter of time before you won one and this is the one you’re going to win.” Victoria says, what else, “Yeah.” Derrick says, “That’s why you win ..not for the money. You know I need the money for my family but I win for me. You know!?” Victoria nods. Derrick says, “And my family is going to love me either way.” Victoria says, “I can do it.” Derrick says, “You can, you’re absolutely capable of it. Maybe today’s that day.” He’s doing a good job pumping her up. Victoria says, “I’m nervous.” (surprise) Derrick says, ” Can I tell you a secret? I’m nervous right now but its a good nervous.” Victoria says, “But you don’t really need to be”…
It seems like they are minutes away from the Veto Comp, but no talk of who was nominated by Derrick. I imagine it is Victoria and Caleb…but that’s just a guess.

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Sylvie September 16, 2014 at 4:19 pm

Wow! Thanks

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 4:36 pm

@ Ralph, great info. Derrick really cares for Vic and that is very sweet.

I’m actually looking forward to tonight. So excited to see Frankie leave.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 4:45 pm

Vote for your favorite HG:

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 4:48 pm

According to this, it looks like the Grandes are all the same:

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macy September 16, 2014 at 4:58 pm

thx RALPH you da man

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Sir Rock September 16, 2014 at 5:51 pm

Cool info Ralph. Derrick gave Vic quite a pep talk. Not think it will make much difference, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. Jordan was a terrible competitor, rode Jeff’s coattails to nearly the end, won a couple comps, was a nice person, and got the jury votes to win the game. Anything is possible! But she HAS to win. I am curious how Derrick chose his Noms…and who they are. It really doesn’t matter much since the Veto holds all the power this week, but I cant wait to see how this plays out.

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bobovnvet September 16, 2014 at 6:06 pm

Anything Is possible 😆 ……………… My spot 🙂 ……………………… :mrgreen:

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bobovnvet September 16, 2014 at 6:10 pm

You all ready for tonight’s show???? 😕 …………….. :mrgreen:

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Randall September 16, 2014 at 6:21 pm

BB16 FACEBOOK is saying that Cody had won the ‘Veto’ Competition! But with all the fighting they are doing over there and with all the kids and many many people who do not watch religiously like we do do not know The ins and outs of what goes on like what we get from Lisa Marie and other Live Feeders. But that’s what us being said.

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Hi everyone! Is everyone as excited about tonight’s show as I am?? 🙂
I am soooooooooooo excited! This has got to be the best night of BB16!!!
I am, however feeling very sad when I think of this blog being over for another year! I am really going to miss all of my BB Blogger family! I’ll be like Scarlett, “I won’t think about it today, I will think about it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day!” 🙁
Love you all!! Well, almost all! 🙂 🙂

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Starfish September 16, 2014 at 7:18 pm

Ralph & Randal thanks for the great updates. If Caleb really won veto, that will be very interesting.
Janice, thanks for the links. Looks like ms. grande is a spoiled brat.

Sal, I hate to think what my father would do to Frankie if he was his son. My dad would be so horrified that I’m sure there would be a dressing down to that little twerp until he was crawling and begging for forgiveness. He wouldn’t punch him but he would come close enough to scare the sh*t out of him.

I know I’m going to catch a lot of grief for this. Donny is one of the sweetest guys ever! But, he didn’t play the game. He realized what was happening half way through and then had little whispering chats with people never taking a leadership position or trying to form an alliance to change the game. He just rode on the TA coattails. He liked the comps but didn’t want to be HOH so he didn’t have to put anyone up. He didn’t actually play the game in order to win. That said, Devin threw him under the bus in the beginning but Donny’s social skills were so weak, he didn’t have a clue how to remedy it. So, I am not voting for him as America’s Player. He really doesn’t deserve it just because he’s the sweetest guy ever! IMHO of course! If he wins, then, I’ll be happy for him. I really will because I’m sure he can use the money but so can many of the others.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 7:31 pm

@Starfish, I’m sure people are going to vote for their favorite for a lot of different reasons. As a player he lacked but for whatever reason everyone thought he was this diabolical genius and wanted him gone. I felt so bad for him. Because of that he wasn’t able to get an aligned with anybody. He could have aligned with the girls, but even they weren’t willing to get an alignment going. So sad it was such a lousy group on HGs. I think Donny’s integrity and sweetness will win him a lot of votes.

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macy September 16, 2014 at 7:39 pm

i really liked donny too – but his playing dumb was over for me when he did that impression of devin he knows what time it is..- also – he has shown he is totally bitter in the jury house – dont blame him thooooooo

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Randall September 16, 2014 at 7:44 pm

@Starfish So glad I let a Female jump out in front of that truck first cause I feel the exact same way. Donny is just not made for this game! You have to be a little dishonest, pause (watching this Fool for the last time), and be a social person and not a coffee drinker @ 6:00 am when everyone else is going to sleep. This is so BS with CBS employees cheering him. So wrong on so many levels. I don’t even want to say anything else. Watch now they will switch to the Jury House with Him.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 7:48 pm

As if I was disgusted enough this season……Julie was so enamored with Frankie. Cheering, nice messages from the HGs, Julie never bringing up one vile thing about Frankie????? Disgusting!

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deb September 16, 2014 at 8:04 pm

WTF! “He didn’t compromise his values.” If that is how Frankie feels, his values must be really, really low. I’m glad he is gone but I would have preferred a “real” eviction with real fans in the audience booing and the goodbye messages the HGs really wanted to leave.

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Randall September 16, 2014 at 8:21 pm

DingDong the Warlock is Gone! The Funeral wasn’t nearly long enough! They really needed the video of his life and how he has spiralled down so low to have to bounce around to get in front of cameras as they pan away. Please don’t cast him on any other of our favorite shows. We want be so nice next time. This was painful on Lisa Marie but I know she’s dancing on the table tonight! Jeanne & Jolee not too much wine for you Gals either!

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Debbie September 16, 2014 at 8:37 pm

So was he surprised he got evicted or did he know already?

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bobovnvet September 16, 2014 at 8:38 pm

Safe………….. 🙂

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Jeanne September 16, 2014 at 8:39 pm

I am sooooo disgusted, mad, angry, disappointed and frustrated at how they protected Frankie. CBS, that was so unfair to the HG’s that went before and were boo’d. I guess Frankie will get his comeuppance either in jury or if not there it will be in real life. So so unfair. BB producers and CBS shame on you. This is the first season that I have been so very let down at the end of the show.

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Randall, LOL …. 🙂 My cocktail of choice is cranberry juice and 7-up!!
Now, to tonight’s debacle! What a cheat CBS did by not allowing the fans to express their real feelings about Frankie! They put Frankie in a good light, I’m sure the HG’s were prompted to say only nice things about Frankie! Julie’s attitude toward Frankie made me sick and I no longer respect her as a host of BB. I feel we were cheated out of what should have been a live eviction just because CBS didn’t want to hurt little Frankie’s feelings. Gag me with a spoon! The only good thing about tonight’s show is we didn’t have to see Frankie do his little Tinkerbell dance around the backyard. I hope whoever said they would be showing more of the jury house now that Frankie is there is wrong! Please let us have a rest from Frankie until the finale! PLEASE!!! Well, I have had my say ….. blog on my fellow bloggers! 🙂

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macy September 16, 2014 at 8:53 pm

oh my goodness pinch me really hard – is FRANK really outa the game

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ginny September 16, 2014 at 9:09 pm

Guess money can buy cheers!
Unreal..So disappointed but happy he is gone.

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Alyia September 16, 2014 at 9:28 pm

Yes BB After dark will be on till Wed the 24th don’t see why they should shut it down.
So glad Frankie is gone, but he deserved to get BOOOOOOOOOOB B DD JUST LIKE CRISTENE DID.
So glad Derrick won HOH hope and pray he wins it all.
Frankie should be treated like a lepior in the jury house just like he treated the women in the house this year
Hope they have good players next year.

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Alyia September 16, 2014 at 9:29 pm

I typed a note didn’t go through what did I do wrong?????

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tendr September 16, 2014 at 9:42 pm

do you think derrick would be winning if he had evil dick and dr will in there with him? he’s winning because he’s a puppet master to a bunch of guys too dumb to know they’re being used. donny knew but couldn’t force anyone to align with him. he tried but hanging out with the nasty kids while they stayed up all night would have been soooooooooo boring. as well as disgusting. donny has class and that alone makes him deserving of the money of best liked IMO. derrick is winning and nic may still be in there if she had started playing hard earlier just like joey started playing hard too soon. derrick is pretending not to be aggressive by letting other’s play for him…not much different than donny and derrick didn’t want donny to stay becuz he knows donny knew he was being used. caleb is as dumb as a doorknob and cody though i like him, isn’t much smarter so vic…knows she’s being used and has accepted it. i’d love it though if she ended up with the money…..i really would.

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Maxie September 16, 2014 at 9:50 pm

Guess nobody wanted to check out the you tube video I found called, Frankie’s sex ed class. Comment # . I thought at least one person would have a comment. Hmmmm.

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Maxie September 16, 2014 at 9:52 pm

Comment #107.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 9:54 pm

@tendr, I agree with you 1000%. I have no doubt that Derrick is a good player, just hard to say up against this bunch. I would love to see Derrick play with Evil Dick, Dr. Will, Dan, etc. What a show that would be. Maybe BB could put together a show like that.

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Janice September 16, 2014 at 9:55 pm

@Maxie, I did go to it and I couldn’t watch it. I find it very difficult to watch Frankie any more than necessary.

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erie_angel September 16, 2014 at 10:09 pm

@Janice, thanks for the links. That was very interesting about Ariana. The Grande kids are spoiled, entitled brats to say a few “nice” things about them.

@Tendr, I agree. It would be great if Vic won it all. She may not have won a single comp (I’m not counting POV win because Caleb gave it to her) but she played smart and stayed under the radar the entire time. It would be a blast to see her in the F2.

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Maxie September 16, 2014 at 10:13 pm

I understand Janice. It just shows that he was incredibly inappropriate early on. For someone wjo didn’t SEE his comments about Victoria, I figured it would help them see why he is so hated….but I agree with you, I’m glad we don’t have to see him anymore.

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Jolee September 16, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Maxine, while I appreciate your attempt to share Frankie’s video with us, why would we want to see Frankie being disgusting again! I barely was able to stomach him on the regular scheduled shows. The less I see of Frankie, the better. I am soooooooo glad he is gone!!

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