Hi, everyone!
Here’s a quick update for y’all:
After the Battle of the Block, Frankie is now the sole HoH. Jocasta and Victoria are the nominees. Again.
And, just as before, neither one of them appears to be in any danger of going home. Remember last season when I suggested that maybe the HoH should nominate three players for eviction and then, if the veto is used, instead of having the HoH come up with a replacement nominee, the houseguests would just vote for one of the two nominees left on the block? This is something that I would still like to see happen because the whole strategy of backdooring your actual target has gotten way too predictable. We know that it’s going to happen every week and, even more importantly, so do the houseguests.
If the producers really want to shake up the house, three nominees would actually work a lot better than two HoHs.
But anyway, that’s not going to happen this season and I imagine that Derrick and Frankie will continue to backdoor everyone in the house until eventually they’re the only two players left.
So, in today’s not-really-a-blindside news, they played for the veto earlier today. Among those competing: Frankie, Jocasta, Victoria, Donny, Christine, and Hayden. And the veto was won by….
I have to admit that I really like Hayden. He’s not really much of a player and he really doesn’t seem to be interested in doing much other than flirting with Nicole but no matter. Hayden is just a likable, funny, laid back guy. He may not deserve to win Big Brother but he seems like he’d be fun to hang out with. Seriously, how can you not like someone who smiles that much?
As of right now, it looks like Hayden will use the veto on either Jocasta and Victoria and Frankie is planning to nominate Amber as a replacement. Amber will then be evicted from the house, leaving not a single strong female player in the house. Frankie also say that if Caleb gets angry about his plan then he’ll either nominate Caleb as a replacement or else Caleb will be next week’s target.
Would Caleb get angry? Lately, he’s been making a big deal about how he doesn’t care about Amber anymore. But, of course, he still tries to flirt with her and talks about her to anyone who will listen. He still gets angry whenever he sees her talking to Cody. So, will Caleb be okay with evicting her or will he, once again, volunteer to go up in her place?
Either way, it looks like either Caleb or Amber (most probably Amber) will be sent home this week.
The other big news in the house is that, as I’m sure we’ve all already heard, Derrick’s grandfather passed away yesterday. I know that, regardless of how I may feel about either one of them as players, my heart went out to both Derrick and Frankie and I was happy to see that the other houseguests (or, at least, some of the houseguests) were willing to put the game to the side and just be there for them in their time of pain. I was less happy to hear that TMZ is apparently calling some of the relatives of the other houseguests and asking them if they’re worried that there might be a Big Brother death curse.
Seriously, that’s just so wrong.
Well, that’s it for now. Stay supple!
Lisa Marie
Thank you Lisa! It looks like the rest of our bloggers must be out tonight! 🙂
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Thank you Lisa! & Thanks Jolee for the heads up!
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Nice write up Lisa Marie! I think Frankie will regret not putting Caleb up, as this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of him. The girls are idiots! It is so obvious there is an all guy alliance! Sure Christine is in it, but she will be the first to go when the time comes. I am afraid Caleb might go ballistic seeing Amber sent home instead of to the jury house. It would not surprise me one bit to see him win the next HOH and put up Derrick and Frankie!!! Time will tell!!! I want to see something dramatic happen to liven this house up!!
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Ugh!!! TMZ are the biggest bunch of bottom feeders the tabloid world has ever known. They respect no boundaries or feelings, they’re disgusting.
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On another note, I won’t be sad to see Amber going home, but I’d rather they just evict Jacosta and be done with it and save us all from her misery.
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Hi Betty ♥ ……………………
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Thank you Lisa Marie, I was just trying to figure out who and if they were going to get out when someone comes off the block. Sometimes watching these live feeds makes me crazy because these house guests go back and forth on who they are mad at and frankly I’ve lost track of who is with who…. LOL Thank goodness for your blog and our family of loyal bloggers on your site, or else I’d me a mess trying to figure things out myself. 🙂
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Thank you Lisa Marie for the updates.
I cannot imagine playing this game while grieving. Like you mentioned not sure if it’s a disadvantage or advantage but it is unfortunate for all there especially Frankie and Derrick.
This has to be the worst season of BB.
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Thanks for all the updates on the other page…I need to lay down foe a bit…. see you all soon…..
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If Caleb dosent get backdoored this week they will never get rid of him! He needs to go now…. Frankie needs to make a BIG move now.. he cant wait.. or it will never happen….
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Wow! just got up from a nap. Lots going on. I appreciate all of you that keep us informed. Thanks Sissy. :o) (_)o Coffee time. {{{HUGS}}}
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@Carol totally agree that they need a BIG move NOW. Shake up the house and the rest of the floaters.
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Hayden could mess up the plan by refusing to use the veto. Then Jocasta goes home (or Vic, wouldn’t matter much) and maybe Donny and Amber start really playing the game.
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I would not be upset if Jocosta left or Victoria they both get on my nerves for different reasons.
My prediction is IF Frankie gets rid of Amber – Caleb will go after Frankie which I would not mind if he went either.
But IF they are going to get rid of Amber or Caleb they should be up together (if possible)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that way if Amber goes Caleb would be thankful to stay.
From what I have watched on CBS Amber CLAIMS she does not like Caleb BUT she sure does not mind using him to her advantage. It is ASHAME that he can not see play back
of how is acting with her & how sappy he looks over her.
It is SERIOUSLY affecting his game. When he first came in I seen him as a threat but he is so love sick over her he is not playing the game.
I mean really he took $5,000.00 gave up the veto just to take her on a cruise its so stupid for a woman who is chasing & using Cody.
And Cody is playing right into her hands these men seem to playing with the wrong part of their bodies.
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I haven’t posted for a couple of years (long uninteresting story), but, trust me, I have read and appreciated every single word on this blog. I finally had a thought…maybe Caleb would be willing to vote Amber out so she doesn’t end up in the jury house with Cody or stay in the house with Cody if he’s (Caleb) not around to run interference. He could fake anger (I swearh I’ll nevah be hongry again!!!!) and vow to win the game for his queen. I don’t know if he is smart enough to carry a plan like that through. I can’t possibly respond to each one of you, but I do want to tell Bobo what a warm heart I have toward you and how much I appreciate your valuable service. I grew up next to the plant where the dioxin was manufactured. Bobo, you’re my hero! Also, I love the pet pics. I have 4 rescue dogs. Now I’ll slink back to my hidey hole.
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I just thought of something. If Amber is the first one to go to Jury Caleb will let them evict him to be alone with her at the Jury house.
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I hope that Caleb goes also, but no they will probably send out Amber
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ELLEN – sooo right on
lets all watch if amber is backdoored – she will be right up calebs bum and he will eat it up – pathetic – so sad
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Isnt it now time for Hayden to use his veto power and ask to be protected from eviction at next round of evictions
You know as in work w Frankie
But maybe he won’t have time since he has to go back to Nicole
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two, I enjoyed your comments. Please don’t go away again! We need everybody’s opinions. I also love rescue dogs. My avatars is Lexie one of our rescue dogs. My twin sister Jeanne’s avatar is our other rescue dog, Maggie. Hope to read more blogs from you. 🙂
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Jolee, you are so sweet! In fact it was all the rescue dog talk from you and your sister previously that made start thinking along the lines of posting again. Jackson, Rachel, Bailey and Violet.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ellen, I like your scenario much better than mine. Actually, I think more BB game is going on outside of the house than inside.
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Thank’s two! Welcome back! I’m happy that my sissy and I helped to get you posting again. Talk to you later and I hope to see more posts from you! 🙂
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Binky my rescue dog says hi !
About tge HGs I suspect more alcohol coming their way soon since they need to step it up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So boring !
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Thank you as always LM. You keep this blog going for sure.
Great posts all and I agree with most. This year’s girls are useless and have no game whatsoever! Where are their brains? Don’t answer that! 😆
Two, thank you for your great comments especially about our Bob. He’s a true hero to all of us! Keep on blogging with us. It’s great that you have four rescues. Good for you and others who have rescues too. I’m a big proponent of rescues and my next dog will be a rescue. The one I have was a present from my daughter after I lost the precious dog I had before. Still very sad about that one. 🙁 I’m not blogging much this year nor am I into it as much as usual but life seems to have other priorities for me this year. Besides, BB is not what it used to be. I agree with whoever said to try all newbies who never heard of BB. That would be a good idea.
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Rescuers are needed so badly. I pet sit and it is so wonderful when I a new client comes on and they have a rescue. I have a little rescue myself. One of many through the years. It’s terrible how some people abuse these little guys.
Great to hear all the rescue stories.
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Starfish, I hope all goes well for you. I love your blogs. I hope you will continue as time permits. I would miss you! 🙂
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Not enjoying this season at all. I hate the predictable evictions. It also pisses me off that there are so many stupid people in the house letting a few boys run everything. I would much rather see a season with intelligent people competing with other smart people. This is just boring. Although I hated most of the house guests last season at least it was not boring.
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This year is VERY boring. Darn, was looking forward all year to this. This blog is NOT boring as long as you are talking about something that is dear to my heart. “Rescue Dogs” God bless all of you with the same heart for them. We say we rescue them, BUT I think they rescue us. I remember the day my sissy and I went to the shelter. We walked in the door and there was this long hall. On both sides of the hall behind glass windows were the dogs for us to view. But way down at the very end were 4 cages 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. On the top left side we saw this puppy wagging its tail and wiggling its body just becking us to come to her. It was LOVE at first sight. We didn’t have to look any futher. There was our BABY! Lexie. That was 5 years ago and she is such a love. We are 81 years old and they say laughter is the best medicine. She surely keeps us laughing with her antics. God bless. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hey – rescue dogs are the best! I have two a brother and sister – I couldn’t break them up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB is boring – “I don’t want to get any blood on my hands” boo freakin hoo – they do understand that they don’t have to actually kill anybody, right? You’re kicking them out of the house not sentencing them to life in prison – the boys aren’t playing the game either, they’re just playing it better than the girls (which isn’t saying much) – how long are they going to wait to make some serious moves? – back door Caleb because if he gets his head straight – he could become dangerous!
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For someone who only intended to post once and then go away again, I sure am posting a lot!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starfish, part of our heart goes missing when a beloved pet dies. I lost my 215 (two, get it?) after 19 years. It was agonizing, and I didn’t think I could go through another loss like that again. So told God (my God…doesn’t have to be yours) if He meant for me to have another dog He was going to have to have him come up on my porch and ring my doorbell. Two days later my doorbell rang. A guy was looking to find a home for a poor pitiful creature he had found. That was Jackson, my first.
LM, you are so bright and talented. I love reading every recap and idea and opinion you have.
In other BB news…. Well, there isn’t any.
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Hey Everyone….I have a rescue also!! Her name is Karma and she’s about 9 mos.old!! She’s a chihuahua and dachshund mix…we think!!LOL I don’t know what I’d do without her!! And because my doctor wrote a note saying owning a pet would be beneficial for my emotional and physical health I didn’t have to pay a pet deposit!!
Watched BBAD…..Victoria told Cody that three years ago she lost all her hair!! So she’s real sensitive about her extensions.
Caleb is walking around telling anyone who’ll listen that he’s over Amber…but it’s all a lie!!
He told Frankie to put her up because it wiIl SCARE HER AND SHE WILL GO RUNNING TO HIM FOR PROTECTION!!! UGH…..won’t he be surprised when they really DO vote her out!!! He’s going to FREAK OUT!!
Then maybe something interesting will happen…LOL
Jo’s latest malady is a sore throat I think….it’s so hard to keep up with all of them. Poor girl needs a good doctor!!LOL!!
Well enough for now. Thanks Lisa Marie for all of the time you commit to us just to keep us entertained. You’re the BEST!!!
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WTG Hayden, I hope they get out Caleb rather than amber though
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This is a fantastic update.
I try to keep up with all BB sites, well yeah, I try but I do rely on here!
Thank you Lisa Marie!
This season brings me back to 2001 when BB revealed the attacks and updates.
Thank God this is not as bad, but from experience, I feel this pain.
I could not even imagine how to seperate RL from the game in the house, and I applauded these folks for even trying!
So back to game play.
While the ole back door is the comfortable tool, I’d still like to see Caleb be shown his exit this week.
Then I think we could see some interesting moves from some of the apparently timid houseguests.
Amber would find herself surrounded by game changing folks who could pigeon hole her into a different path.
Zak, this boy is just 3 steps away from cocky into douche bagginess.
Reserving future comments till next week.
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Bye Amber….
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Caleb is so stupid and playing right into Frankie’s hands. This guy is delusional if he thinks Amber will run into his arms once she finds herself on the block and possibly backdoored. To stay safe, she might use Caleb, but no way is she going to change her opinion about him. In fact, when she is evicted, she will blame him and the ‘friendship’ will turn into HATE!! I believe Frankie and Derrick will work on the votes and Amber will be evicted 5 to 4, with Hayden, Donny, Nicole, Christine and Victoria voting out Amber and Derrick, Caleb, Cody and Zach voting out Jocosta. Frankie will give us an Academy Award performance when he pretends to be shocked, as will Derrick, Cody and Zach. With Amber gone, Caleb will be out for blood and I am sure he will go after Christine and Hayden first for sending his queen home, that is, if he doesn’t self-evict after the vote. Should be a very interesting show on Thursday!
Things could change, as they always do in the BB house, but this is how I see it. If the guys were smart, they would get rid of Caleb first!!
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two, I love your heart. Please keep posting! Your thoughts and opinions are needed here. God bless your day and kiss Jackson on the nose for me! 🙂
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Annie, like my sissy (Jeanne) said yesterday, we think we rescue our dogs, but they actually rescue us! I really believe that. Karma seems like a sweet puppy. I have a mini dachshund, Maggie. Have a great day and keep on posting! You too Starfish! Bless your day. 🙂
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It’s only once we rescue these sweet, sweet babies do we realize how they rescued us.
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Two, yes there’s a hole in our heart when we lose a pet. Loved your story about Jackson. Good one for sure.
Betty, I agree, I doubt Caleb will be over Amber, he’s totally hooked. It’s ruined both their games and she should know how to put him off. Doing that though could be worse for their games. He’s unpredictable. I would like to see him leave too. He’s a queasy kinda guy who gives me the creeps. Loved the Frankie giving academy award performance bit. Perfect!
Annie, that’s an interesting tidbit about Vic’s hair. How did that happen?
This year is a big fat YAWN, at least so far. Donny needs to up his game but I just don’t think the boy has any. He knows how to play this game and he appears to be smart but he hasn’t shown anything so far. He could get some of those kids together and do something about the Detonators. Alas, it’s probably too late and his pickens are very slim. He should know the testosterone gets together and makes a baby quickly in this game. 😯
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Janice, truer words were never spoken! 🙂 Right now, Lexie is curled up at my feet and Maggie is snuggling with Jeanne. So sweet and so peaceful. 🙂
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@Starfish – I will hate missing Thursday’s show and seeing the fireworks. Another scenario I have rambling around in my head is the Detonators might tell Caleb that Zach voted Amber out, thus killing two birds with one stone leaving and no blood on their hands. The guys all know Zach is unstable and could mess up all their plans. Can’t wait to return to catch up on everything.
As for Victoria’s hair, she was talking to Cody about her extensions and the loss of her hair last night on BBAD, but she didn’t tell him the caused this, as far as I could hear. It is so hard to understand her when she whispers (it drives me crazy), so I could have missed something. All I heard her say was she didn’t want to talk about it.
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Betty, it is frustrating when you can’t hear what the hg’s are saying. Sometimes if you put your speaker on mute, it will scroll the conversation across the bottom. Don’t know if this will work on BBAD.
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Caleb is acting crazy, telling Frankie to put up Amber to “scare her and let her know her place in the house” is ridiculous. I hope they vote her out just to see his face. Then him next. As for rescue pets we have 3 cats, Polly 13, Peppermint 6 and Pinky 3 love them all.
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caleb thinks thst its HIS idea to backdoor amber – frankie could hardly contain himself! they were saying something outrageous was said to jacosta – what was it???
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Paula, I love your cat’s names! God bless you. I have had some amazing cats.
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two….Thank you for such kind words to me ♥♥♥♥….. & my good friend Starfish ♥♥ ! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am all caught up! Thanks for all your comments 🙂 Not much to say about the game because you all said it for me…. Hope the show is good tonight! See you later My fellow Vets & all the new Bloggers …. Bye for now ! ….. …………………
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Jodee, Polly was named because as a kitten she sat on shoulders, Peppermint my daughter named and when we got Pinky we wanted to stick with the p and she has a pink nose. Love them all to death.
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Meant Jolee sorry a hot correct
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Paula, that is so sweet. My favorite cats were my two white cats, Tinkerbell and Mandy. They were so beautiful and both had pink noses. I also had a beautiful Siamese cat named Tanya and a gorgeous big black and white cat named Pete. He showed up on our doorstep almost starving. They are all in kitty heaven now. We decided no more cats, mainly because of our age and kitty litter! 🙂
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……………………………. Just saving my place in line…………….
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Almost show time 🙂
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O MY GOSH! the boys are up in hoh room talking about what they are going to say in their speech to amber – they are sooo cruel — she is going to be crushed – of course this is to create a fight (team america challenge)
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Going down to my Cave to watch some TV……………………
see you all later 🙂
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I am so upset. I missed BB tonight. My dvr messed up. Anything exciting happen?
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Joyce —
I wrote about tonight’s episode in my
latest post
As far as what happened, Caleb and Amber went on an awkward date in the back yard, that ended as soon as Cody came outside and started to play pool. Zach got upset because Christine refused to throw the Battle of the Block competition and gave a long speech at the nominating ceremony where he insulted Nicole and Christine. At Battle of the Block, Zach got really hyper and Frankie is getting paranoid that Zach might be a liability in the future.
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