Big Brother 16 — Double Eviction ReCap

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 7, 2014

Hi, y’all!

If you haven’t gotten a chance to see the Big Brother double eviction yet or if you’re still waiting for it to be shown in your part of the world because it was preempted by football, stop reading now because everything that follows is going to be a big old spoiler.

So, Thursday’s show started out with us getting a very quick recap of how, last night, the plan shifted from evicting Zach to evicting Jocasta.  And, believe it or not, it appears that it was largely due to Caleb pointing out that the Detonators had the votes to control the house as long as Zach wasn’t voted out.  For once, Caleb truly was the king of the house.  It was interesting (and for me, more than a little annoying) to watch as Christine went from gleefully plotting to vote out Zach to pretending that she was shocked to discover that Zach had been the target.  Anyway, both Derrick and Cody decided to keep Zach in the house and, in typical Derrick style, they managed to convince Frankie that it was all his idea.  

Watching all of this, I realized a few things.

1) Christine is the biggest fake in the house.

2) Frankie is very easy to manipulate.

3) Derrick is as smart as he thinks he is but he also has a tendency to overthink.  His scheme to get rid of Zach was already overly complicated and it could have very easily blown up in his face this week.

4) Cody is very smart to basically just do whatever Derrick wants.  Not only is it going to keep Cody in the house but, if their scheming should ever be discovered by the rest of the house, chances are that everyone will go after Derrick and leave Cody in the house.

5) As far as I’m concerned, Caleb will always be Beat Mode Jackass but he can still occasionally be a strong player.

Anyway, we then moved onto the first eviction.  Zach’s speech was a long poem.  Jocasta’s speech was a typical Jocasta speech.  Everyone voted.  Jocasta was voted out and is now the first member of the jury!  Interestingly enough, Nicole and Hayden were obviously shocked to see Jocasta go but Jocasta was not.  Jocasta knew she was being voted out because Derrick apparently told her earlier today that he didn’t have the votes to “save” her.  (Derrick wants her jury vote.)

We then moved onto the HoH competition, which was won by Caleb.  Watching the HoH Competition, I quickly came to realize that I am totally over Zach.  Yes, he’s funny.  Yes, it’s good to have an instigator to keep things interesting.  Yes, the house would be boring if he was gone.  But seriously, Zach is a jerk and not, as I originally suspected, a likable one either.  His hyperactive clapping and cheering quickly got on my nerves tonight and, quite frankly, it leads me to wonder if Zach has any idea how close he came to getting voted out.

And speaking of being over people, you can include Frankie in that group as well.  Frankie’s desperate need to always be the center of attention is no longer entertaining or charming.  It’s just needy and desperate.  After tonight, I’ve had about enough of listening to Frankie randomly use different accents while speaking.

Continuing to speak of being over people, Beast Mode Jackass won HoH and quickly turned into Beast Mode Condescending Jerk as he announced his nominations.  Hayden and Donny went on the block.  However, Donny then managed to win the POV.  Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I was actually concerned when Donny collapsed after hitting the buzzer.  On twitter, I found myself wondering if Donny was dead.

Well, he wasn’t.  He was exhausted and he had earned the right to be exhausted.  To be honest, Donny regained a little bit of my respect tonight.  He showed that when he has to, he can be a fighter.

After Donny won the POV, the viewers were invited to vote on Team America’s next assignment.  Sorry, I didn’t pay attention to either option because not only am I over Zach and Frankie, but I’m kind of over Team America as well.  Unless one of the options is for one or two of the members of Team America to self-evict, I think I’m finished voting for Team America assignments.

Donny used the veto.  Caleb told Nicole to take a seat with her “little boyfriend up there.”  The studio audience gasped, as if they were apparently previously under the impression that Caleb wasn’t a jerk.

Both Hayden and Nicole gave their speeches and both of them called out both Frankie and Christine.  And good for them!  Because, even if they seem strong right now, the Detonators are going to start turning on each other eventually and the only way for the house outsiders to survive is for them to plant those seeds of doubt.

And it was time to vote again!

Nicole got two votes.

Hayden got five.

I felt bad seeing Hayden go.  I think the house really benefited from his mellow stoner vibe.  But, at the same time, Hayden seemed to take it well and, at the very least, he came across as more sincere in his exit interview with Julie than Jocasta had.  At the very least, Hayden’s eviction seemed to set Nicole off so maybe now the outsiders will actually start to fight back.

But what good will fighting back do?

As Caleb pointed out last night, they have the numbers.

Anyway, as things stand now, the Detonators are in complete control.  Caleb is currently HoH and he was just on the LFs saying that he hopes that he’ll get a letter from Amber as a result.  Shut up, Caleb.

A new HoH will soon be picked.  And, despite my earlier prediction to the contrary, the double HoH thing is going to continue.  It was suspended for tonight only.

And that was Thursday’s double eviction!  I’ll miss Hayden but not Jocasta.

(Then again, Julie hinted that at least one jury member would be returning to the house, like they did with Judd last season.)

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie

Jeanne August 7, 2014 at 11:24 pm

Just in time to say goodnight everyone. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jolee August 7, 2014 at 11:28 pm

Very disappointed in tonight! Thank you Lisa.

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Janice August 7, 2014 at 11:37 pm

LM good writ up. You sound like I feel…. disappointed in the show and players.

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SharonB August 7, 2014 at 11:42 pm

Thanks Lisa Marie!! I love knowing ahead of time what is going to happen. Football is still on here on the West coast. Great recap!

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Marla Jo August 7, 2014 at 11:57 pm

I hope Nicole wins HOH and puts up Derrick and Cody.

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Grandma Kathy August 8, 2014 at 12:00 am

BB still hasn’t aired here due to football. Glad Donny saved himself, but sad Hayden is gone. Also disgusted by the ego antics of Zach, who I read taunted Nicole to tears, and I’m thoroughly & continually appalled by Caleb’s ego, vanity & condescension to Nicole & women in general. Waiting for the fuse to go out on the Detonators, at least 4/5 of them!

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BCMarie August 8, 2014 at 12:10 am

Good recap LM. I omitted to mention on the previous page that I think my heart was pounding as hard as Donny’s was after his veto win. He literally had to be picked up and carried by two strong young men from the backyard back to the living room!

How pathetic was Victoria in that comp? The audience laughed at her fumbling.

Even though Caleb is HoH, if memory serves me correctly he is still stuck on slop for another week.

Looking forward to other viewer comments and watching BBAD after work tomorrow 😉

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Aggie R August 8, 2014 at 12:21 am

I was sorry to see Hayden go, good for Donny it showed he has alot of fighting spirit, he practically killed himself during the comp, great for an older guy to beat out the younger ones. Donny is definitely a threat in the game he’s smart enough and showed he can win at competitions WTG donny. Nice Job Lisa, I agree Caleb is an asshole, that will never change

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 8, 2014 at 12:33 am

Did everyone spot Ariana sitting out in the audience during the live show? She looked a little bit out-of-it.

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 8, 2014 at 12:33 am

OMG, I think Nicole and Christine won HoH!

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 8, 2014 at 12:35 am

Zach and Frankie are freaking out! Lol. Good times.

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tendr August 8, 2014 at 12:35 am

Lisa Marie I agree with everything you said….the clapping zach was no surprise to me. I am pissed and i feel so bad for nic. I hope she does something crazy. I hope Hayden comes back. there’s no one in that house that i even like except Nic and Donny (and Hayden) so it’s not even fun to see a bunch of ppl you don’t like try to out think each other….i’m like “who cares now?” why even watch???

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 12:36 am

Good recap Lisa,Thank you………… Night! :mrgreen:

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 8, 2014 at 12:37 am

Even better, all the obnoxious tweens on twitter who make up Team Zankie are freaking out as well.

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Sir Rock August 8, 2014 at 12:38 am

It was a good episode, lots of action. Every time I see that ball pit I think of Jeff and those damn clown shoes! haha

Donny looked like he was on deaths door after that comp. The old may pulled one out, barely. I think Caleb was about to return with the Veto thingy. Donny won by a narrow margin….but good for him. He needed it. I don’t know if he would have gone for sure, but better safe than sorry.

As far as the returning house guest thing, that has happened before in previous seasons. Never with a jury member, right? I remember Judd getting bounced but was he in the jury??? Usually its the people before jury are kept separate and sequestered. Anyone who knows for sure, please fill me in. It would be cool if they let the jury all live together and share info with each other AND THEN let one back in. THAT would be a TWIST!

New HOH comp tonight or tomorrow. Nicole and Donny have to win or its bad news for them. I see some twitter stuff about the trust factor not being very good in the Detonators….Frankie/Christine are on the bottom of that pile. I guess we’ll see what happens soon.

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tendr August 8, 2014 at 12:39 am

oh i hope Nic tears Chris a new one

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kimjmj August 8, 2014 at 12:51 am

Hey Bloggade!

Great fun episode tonight. I have to disagree, the right players are being evicted. I do like Hayden and hope (so far) he’s the one who comes back in a couple weeks, but we are down to just one recruit (Caleb) and the rest of the remaining HG’s are fans. Like them or hate them, at least they have watched the show before sequester and I for one am happy for that. Have to give props to Donny.. His social game is weak, but he does compete and have heart.

Now, as for Christine and Nicole as HOH’s.. this could be interesting as it seems they have patched things up somewhat so they may at least pretend to work together. Nicole will probably target Frankie and Zach. I see Christine going for Donny and Victoria. Both would be likely to use Caleb as a backdoor option.

Let the games begin!! So excited to see some real gameplay for a change.


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Sylvie August 8, 2014 at 12:59 am

Thanks LM , too bad football was on

Well Hayden wasn’t doing much so that’s that his vacation continues in jury house .
Jocasta us just cou cou ! She’s just loopy goodbye

Caleb OMG stocker wants a letter from the one he evicted and traumatized

Too funny

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erie-angel August 8, 2014 at 1:06 am

Wouldn’t it be great if Nic managed to stay HOH after the BOTB and then gave the back door to Christine?

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Jolee August 8, 2014 at 1:11 am

erie angel, I like the way you think!! 🙂

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Star August 8, 2014 at 1:27 am

LM……Can I just sign my name along with yours at the nd of your blog because you took the words right out of my mouth!!!lol

I too am OVER Frankie,Zach and TA. I never did like the stupid TA twist, never voted for it and the members themselves don’t seem to really give a rip whether they complete the tasks or not. Just muddies the water which are always muddy enough in this game! Speaking of Zach, I kept saying tonight….he looks like a kid that has had WAY too much sugar!! I really think he’s ADD and very immature. He still lives home, no GF, no job. He just plays golf all day with his lil broski…probably at their private club. He IS jsut a big KID!!!!
I am also over the whole DBL HOH deal. How long can they keep this going?? I figured all of that nonsense would go away tonight after jury and the DE. Only 7 people to get 4 noms from. I guess they technically could do this for 2 more weeks but I seriously hope they DON’T!

I’m confused. I heard that Nic and Chris won HOH too. WHEN did they do all this??? I turned BBAD on about an hr into it and am watching it live instead of starting at the beginning. SO did they play for HOH between the show and BBAD? Just didn’t even expect it. I did hear that Nic was trying to trust Chris again, but the whole time they were talking, Chris was lying right to her face!! She really makes me want to reach out and bitch-slap Nic said she didn’t even want to be in the house anymore if Zach was there. And that Frankie actually scares her when he gets a certain look on his face. She feels like she can’t trust anyone now….which she can’t… she is leaning on Chris’ friendship so she at least has someone. But now they are dueling HOH’s. That can’t help matters any!

I too was worried about Donnie! I wasn’t sure if he was faking it out of joy or really down! And I kept thinking…he’s the oldest guy in the house. What is WRONG with these people that they can’t outplay him??? He’s 20 years older than most of them. He earned my respect back tonight too. Just when you get to thinking he doesn’t care if he’s there or not, he pulls out another win when he needs it. Maybe he wants it bad enough to win it. Who would expect that??? It would be the perfct plan!! Dan kind of pulled it out the same way. Maybe this is Donnie’s fan version of Dan…lol

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Joyce August 8, 2014 at 1:35 am

Plz target Frankie and Derrick

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Sir Rock August 8, 2014 at 1:41 am

My other post went into the clouds…..oh well. Great recap and an awesome episode tonight. Loved the action! I thought Donny was gonna die. Nice job by the old man but I think Hayden was a goner no matter what. Every time I see those ball pits I think of Jeff tossing out that clown shoe and getting booted on the double eviction.

Praise Jesus….Jocasta is gone. She seemed nice enough and I get trying to get a diverse group of people, but I found her religious stuff quite annoying. To each their own, just keep it to yourself. Same for Frankie and his overtly sexual talking. I support anyone’s lifestyle, just don’t need to hear about it ALL. THE. TIME. To me, that would make a person a target in the BB house.

OK, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall a JURY MEMBER ever returning to the house. I don’t think Judd was in the jury yet. They usually put them in sequester separately till the get like 4 players and then they do a comp. Anyone know for sure? I’m almost positive its never been a jury member before. Anyone…..Bueller…..Bueller?

IF they let the jury mingle, talk game, share secrets, and all that good stuff AND THEN let one back in, THAT would be quite the TWIST for the season. I hope that happens. That could shake up the game pretty good.

I got BBAD on and Zack cant stop talking about himself getting followers on twitter and instagram for saying his “rancypants” name. Frankie says “You got at least 50,ooo followers from that I bet” Zack says, “That’s the only reason I came on this show.” BARF…..come on dude. Automatic eviction just for saying that.

Can’t wait to see who Nicole and Christine nominate.

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Starfish August 8, 2014 at 1:45 am

LM, I always get a chuckle out of your great updates but tonight I lol’d when you told us about Caleb hoping he gets a letter from Amber. Still chuckling. I agree with everything you said about Zach and Frankie and the whole post. No use repeating it.

Star, since you also agree with Lisa and I agree with every word you said, no use repeating that either. You guys said it all. I hope Nic doesn’t trust Chris too much but as you said, she’s all she has.

As for Donny, yes he played hard and I felt badly for him falling down panting and I was happy he won. BUT, he’s sadly too out of shape for his age. There’s no way someone in their 40s should be that bad. It was nice that the guys helped him into the house though.

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Craig Long August 8, 2014 at 1:55 am

Jeeze Lisa Marie – Don’t hold back…tell use how you feel! 🙂

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Jeanne August 8, 2014 at 2:03 am

Lisa, thank you so much for the great recap. I was soooo mad at Caleb tonight. I love Haydens sweet disposition. He is nice to everybody. As far as Nicole. She has been such a delightful young lady. she’s funny and cute. A very good sport. I don’t blame her for being upset. Her world just got rocked. I don’t think she will sit around and cry about it as others may. I think this will be good for her game. She’s not the type to sit in a corner and say “Poor me” Give them H E double toothpicks. I will be in the balcony cheering you on. {{{HUGS}}}

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Joan Dunn August 8, 2014 at 2:24 am

To Nichole: You go girl! I wish I could put a bug in her ear. I read that she doesn’t know who the two people were who voted for her to be evicted tonight, but someone told her Donnie was one of them. I would just love to be able to tell her it was Christine and I think Cody. She needs to be very careful in trusting Christine and Frankie. I really would like to see Derrick on the block with Victoria. That would be a hoot! Victoria would go insane.

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Star August 8, 2014 at 2:24 am

Ok..looks like the girls have decided who to put up.

Nicole….Caleb and Vic.
Christine…Donnie and Zach

Frankie came in to talk to them and told them he had been on the otherr side, explained who they were, but said he was flipping on them and he wants to work with N/C. Nicole doesn’t trust him at all, but Chris does and so she has decided to work wih him. She was surprised again by who the *other side* consisted of. Sometime I think Nic is a smart player and others I am like….you have watched BB before, right??lol

I think Frankie was sent in to talk to Nic by the guys and is a spy. But I’m not 100% as he is a credible actor!! Look like the HGS are finally being foreced to go affter each other and play the game! But I swear, if I hear Derrick say *cannabalise* (sp?) one more time I am going to barf!!!! The other repetitive phrase that gets on my last nerve is Cody’s…My thing is…….* ARGH!!! Your THING??? As in opinion??? Vocab people……lol

Chris, Zankie and Nic talking in LR. Nic is telling Zach how smart he is and maybe she should work with him. Seems like everyone is flirting. FAKE flirting tho. Distrust hangs in the air like stale perfume. Along with alot of pent up hormones…lol And i guess the 4 of them are talking about double dating. Of course, Zach doesn;t know he’s going on the block again yet. That could be a real mood breaker!!! lol

@SF…Hey GF!! We always think alike!! Too many years on here. We are like an old married

@Sir Rock…..I think you are right about the returnees. They are calling it jury but Julie told both of them that they could come back so it’s prolly going to be hotel rooms for now.

I wonder WTH is going on. Watching LFS and they keep showing Jeff stuff. What ??? We can’t even get convo’s on LFS, that we PAY for now???? Fruit Loop Dinguses!!!! 😛

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Joan Dunn August 8, 2014 at 2:37 am

If Caleb and Victoria lose the BOTB – which we know Caleb has thrown before and Vic does not win anything – that means Christine is the HOH and Nichole is right back where she started from and eligible to be nominated by Christine if one of her nominees wins the veto. Am I right? I think Donnie and Zach will fight like crazy to win the BOTB. We shall see.

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Star August 8, 2014 at 2:46 am

Zach is actually calling Nic BABE and acing like she is his GF. And she seems to be letting it slide , for now.

Caleb saying he won’t lose if he is put up and whoever does, he is going after them. Very unveiled threat, Id’ say! He is such a full of SH*T ego-freak it’s unreal. HE was jsut complaining that he didn’t get a REAL HOH basket. Only one pic, no clothes he would wear and no food. Nic old him it’s cuz he’s on slop but he is griping about it anyway. Wah wah wah!!! Grow a pair, BeastMode!!!

Cody thinks he is going up. And really he should be. He and Der and Frankie have never been on the block. I don’t understand why they are shying away from those guys. Big mistake. Huge. He finally realizes that Chris was lying to him all last night. And that she is in Frankies pocket. This is getting GOOD!!! Finally! Cody is confiding in Caleb!!!! Seems like all the usual players are trying to find someone to trust and coming up short!!! Squirm , HGS, squirm!!!! lol

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Craig Long August 8, 2014 at 2:50 am

OK CBS, time for a change. Either retire the “Expect the unexpected” tag line or give it some real meaning. Please re-think the entire game, down to redesigning the entire house rather than just redecorating it. Come up with a completly new game perhaps with something other than having a HOH, VETO, Have Nots, Slop, and all the other “expected” unexpectables.

Anyone out there that might have an idea for a completely new game using the concept of a bunch of individuals confined for three months in a house with no privacy, camaras on them 24/7 that can be viewed over the internet, and awards the winner 500K at the end. And I’m not talking about a Survivor knock off. The voyeur in me still wants to be able to watch whenever I want to and not just what production thinks what I want to see.

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RhondaP August 8, 2014 at 2:53 am

I hope that Nicole remains as hoh. Hope she wins the veto and then puts up Christine. Now that would be so cool.

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Star August 8, 2014 at 2:53 am

Joan…if Nic’s people lose, she stays HOH. That is why she is choosing Vic,hoping she loses it for Caleb. Altho they did win last time they played together. I know it’s confusing. That’s why I was hoping the DBL HOH was OVER! But ya…she needs to stay HOH just to be safe this week. SO I hope she gets it!!!

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bbfanmo August 8, 2014 at 5:25 am

Caleb is an idiot but last night he didn’t annoy me.
I don’t like Christine she does annoy me. I’d rather have
seen Nicole leave over Hayden..poor boy stuck in jury
with Jocasta! Julie Chen needs to be replaced.
I’m over Frankie. For the first time in many years I’m
actually not pulling for the underdog to win BB!

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Watchdoog August 8, 2014 at 6:35 am

I have been over Frankie for awhile as I see him there to only further his career. All his little dancing and leaping all over. I do hope Nicole let’s it out of the bag that Cody and Derrick were working with her and Hayden and had a name for their alliance. Being on a jury would be fun…still enjoying the good life without the daily drama. Just time to relax and enjoy life. Still hope Derrick DOES NOT WIN THIS! Just a little too cocky for me.

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KevInDenver August 8, 2014 at 6:49 am

Everyone wants to be in a final two with Victoria but won’t say it. I hope Christine gets bus-crushed back-door slammed next. I’ve thought she is skanky from minute 1. Everyone evicted so far has played bad game.
Donnie works his azz of in challenges.
The paranoia is getting to be really entertaining. The back stabbing really begins now and the fates will depend largely on the challenge winners.

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Sylvie August 8, 2014 at 8:23 am


@Bfanmo Julie is married to the head if CBS so she’s staying but as u said before Jeff or a younger person would be much better

Caleb , at this point I strongly suspect him to be on steroids
The hints , are red face , activity late at night and simply his craziness

I don’t think that’s Jacosta the cryer and Hayden tge smiler are in the jury house yet. It has to be a hotel, please don’t let Jacista return !

Donny, I am shocked that he’s only 40 .
He acts and looks like at least 50 and an old 50
Or a smoker, I was so worried about him

Ok , let’s watch the game begin.

@LM restes souple

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Cookie August 8, 2014 at 8:28 am

Stupid football kept me from seeing this episode so thx Lisa for the recap. I want to see Christine and Frankie go bye bye and Zach as well. am rootin for Donny and Nicole!!!

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Jan August 8, 2014 at 8:34 am

I am also over Zach, and wish he would come out of the closet so he and Frankie can have a good relationship without wondering. Good up date LM. saw the love show last nite CBS didn’t have game on here in upstate NY.

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Keith August 8, 2014 at 8:41 am

I think the best thing Nicole can do if she remains HOH is to start putting seeds of doubt in peoples ears and turning the Detonators on each other. It sounds like that is already starting to happen though with some of the posts. I’d be concerned about voting out Caleb even though he’s an enormous douche since he’d stand the best chance of coming back into the game. I’m sure Donny at least knows that one person will probably reenter the game.

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C'est Moi ici August 8, 2014 at 9:37 am

Nicole and Christine would be wise to work together, if only temporarily, to orchestrate a plan the bite the head off the snake aka Derrick while they have the chance and send him out the front or back door. Get rid of Derrick and every mouse in the house will be looking for a new hole to hide behind and it becomes new game on.

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Randall August 8, 2014 at 9:43 am

@Star & @ Joan # y’all have me all twisted up on Caleb and Victoria. If they are Nicole’s nominations and lose that means that puts Nicole back into the mix, she doesn’t get to stay HOH I don’t believe! Please correct me if I’m wrong. And why is Nicole,if Christine & Frankie are wanting to get in her good graces going to let Christine put up anyone but those that are in the big ‘BAD’ alliance of Cody,Caleb,Derrick, and talking Christine into using Frankie as a Pawn and getting him to throw it so to speak and say she wants to backdoor Zach. But in reality that would show Nicole if they are really ready to flip or not. This putting up so called safe weak players that are ‘alliance insignificant ‘in Donny and Victoria ‘ and then throwing in Caleb and Zach, for what? To leave the Big Bad Boys possible intact? Nicole, Zach(brains/physical), Chrisine (Brains,knows game), Donny (knowns game, veto threat), and Victoria( a silent number and spy) and that’s 5 and tell all the weaker players that’s the only way to get to the end and then hopefully, maybe but not count on it have Hayden who hasn’t really been a knife in your back player could reinforce them in case of losing one along the way. Otherwise, Derrick, the Puppet master is going to slowly cut everyones throat. IMHO. Last night HOH with Christine and Nicole totally caught me offguard. But the front part of the snake has to go not the tail!

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Jolee August 8, 2014 at 9:49 am

As far as Frankie and Zach’s relationship goes, “inquiring minds do not want to know!!!”

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Tuna August 8, 2014 at 10:06 am

I feel a glimmer of hope that Donny may turn out to be a good game player after all. And I’m starting to like Nic, a little.

I too think certain things need to be retired: slop, America’s Player/Team, and I never want to see BOB again. HOH and VETO are cornerstones of the game and need to stay, I think.

Chen isn’t going anywhere, but maybe they could give her a co-host?

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DewyRose August 8, 2014 at 10:12 am

Randall which ever Hoh’s noms win BOB they come off the block…since That HOH wasn’t successful in keeping her noms she is dethroned.

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Latreice August 8, 2014 at 11:39 am

I was so disappointed to see Hayden and Nic up for eviction. I am in the minority but I feel kinda sorry for Caleb. He has such a distorted view of reality. He was Ds puppet last night and it was pitiful. And I don’t know why I can’t stand Christine, I mean she is playing the game and only does what’s best for HER game. She doesn’t allow herself to be pressured into doing anything she doesn’t want to do…with all that said, she rubs me the wrong way and I just don’t like her. I’m not passionate about anyone winning right now except maybe Nic and if I have to see Frankie do another twirl I just might scream!

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Susan G August 8, 2014 at 11:42 am

I don’t think Donny is that out of shape, he won. As you age, it is much harder for a forty year old to beat someone in their 20s in something involving speed, endurance would probably be different story. Hey, it wasn’t pretty, but he got the job done. I know although in my normal life (the non-cancerous, non-surgery one) I love to run, I’m not very fast, but I could run all day I’m 53 – younger people may lap me, but they usually wear out (or maybe lose interest) before I do! You keep going Donny!!!

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Janice August 8, 2014 at 11:51 am

Everyone who was in the veto competition was winded. Well maybe not Victoria, but everyone else. As many on this blog can attest to, the older you get the easier you get winded. All these guys are sitting around and then they have a physical comp. It’s going to get to even the ones in shape.

This year is such a bummer and I still can’t stop watching or reading about it. Hayden is a joy to watch. That smile doesn’t stop. Nic’s voice might irritate some but I like her. I’m curious why Nic and Hayden never got close with Donny. Those are the three I like.

Derrick and Christine are good at playing every side. Can’t fault them there but I do not want them to go far. In fact, I would love to see them ousted real soon…..Thursday would be good. But……I would rather see Frankie leave first then Derrick.

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macy August 8, 2014 at 12:20 pm

this fake flirting is getting on my nerves
nic is an idiot for not putting up frankie
if she thinks christine is her alli – gimme a break

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 12:26 pm

Thanks for all the comments, see you later :mrgreen:

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Joan Dunn August 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Thanks, Star. I had that completely backwards. I got to thinking about it last night (this morning) after I went to bed and was reading Joker’s updates and figured out I was looking at it all wrong.

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Randall August 8, 2014 at 3:04 pm

This BB16 has got me drunk! First Caleb stays up all night long jacked up because he is getting put up on block with Frankie and can’t wait to just sit down and say ‘Now that’s for Amber Frankie and throw the comp’ so they stay on block and if by chance Frankie wins Veto, Christine is taking a seat! I have been reading so many different blogs since 5:30 this morning and it’s after 3:00 now. If only I worked this hard! What am I to do when it’s over? LISA MARIE FOR SURVIVOR BLOG!

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PRHinNC August 8, 2014 at 3:45 pm

Well, Nic knows what a ———- Chris is. And Nic doesn’t want her around. If I were Chris, I wouldn’t want Nic as an enemy!

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Star August 8, 2014 at 3:55 pm

Ok…for those confused….
Nicole put Frankie and Caleb on the block. She was going to put up Caleb adn Vic but she decided Vic needed a break and Frankie tried to work with she and Chris last night but Nic jsut doesn’t trust him. Smart girl!

Chris put up Zack and Donny. Pretty safe.

Nic is now working with Zack. he’s come clean with her about his alliance with Cody and Derrick and said that is all he had. Nic said last nite to Chris that strangely, the only guy in the house she likes or trusts is Zack. So amybe she is giving him a chance to prove himself!
Caleb is PO’ed at Frankie and said he is going to throw the comp so they lose and go on the block. They are going to vote Frankie out unless the POV gets used. If it does, then they are thinking about putting Chris up! I think the girl has finaly burned to many bridges and put herself in a corner!!!
I guess Chris is crying over a leter from Tim. She should be..out of GUILT!! They didn’t show HOH rooms last night. Don’t know if they will tonight on BBAD or saving it for Sun.

No comp yet. Hope their plan works!!!

Joan…you’re welcome. That dumb dbl HOH confuses the whole game. I wish they would STOP it already!!lol

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 4:03 pm

Star Cool 😎 Thanks my friend! ………………… :mrgreen:

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tendr August 8, 2014 at 4:07 pm

i’m so confused

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 4:08 pm

tender You are not alone……………… 😆

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macy August 8, 2014 at 4:13 pm

STAR – thx for the report – been gone today – so proud of nic! talk about getting blood on her hands – but – yippie! as much as frankie entertains us – he needs to go sit with julie – risky move sided with zach tho….

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Nonna August 8, 2014 at 4:13 pm

How much will production interfer if Caleb really does try and sabotage the competition and sits down during it so Frankie and him lose.

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C'est Moi ici August 8, 2014 at 4:23 pm


Why should production interfere should Caleb sit down and throw the BOB comp when Julie keeps confirming that it’s Big Brother so always “expect the unexpected”.

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Joyce August 8, 2014 at 4:30 pm

Finally Frankie is getting a taste of his own medicine

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Craig Long August 8, 2014 at 5:30 pm

So where did the idea of replacing Julie come from? I like her. I’m sure she has no official say in production matters, and she is easy on the eyes.

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Joyce not sure what you are saying? 😕

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bobovnvet August 8, 2014 at 6:04 pm

Man this crew is so boring! got to lay down for a bit….. If you all get any new Info…I’ll be back!………. :mrgreen:

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swt August 8, 2014 at 8:05 pm

Derrick will win this game with no blood on his hands ~ Cody will be sitting right next to him ~

tender #15 agree with you 100%

Donny is awesome he can win vito’s

erie-angel #18 I agree with you 100%

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KeriJ August 9, 2014 at 9:41 am

So Christine stays HOH and Donny and Zach stay on the block!


Have a great Saturday y’all!

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