Big Brother 16 — Cody And the Veto

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 25, 2014

Hi, everyone!

Here’s a quick update to let you know what happened today as far as the veto meeting is concerned.

Donny and Nicole are the nominees.  HoH Cody won the veto and, last night, he was actually talking about using the veto to backdoor Frankie.  It’s clear that Cody does not trust Frankie and he probably knows that it would be hard for him to beat Frankie in the final two.  Add to that, apparently a bunch of fans gathered outside the Big Brother house and shouted, “Frankie is the saboteur and Derrick is a cop!” yesterday.  Amazingly, no one understood the part about Derrick but everyone heard what was said about Frankie.

So, really, this week would have been the perfect time to get rid of Frankie, right?

Well, Derrick didn’t think so.  And, as we all know, Cody isn’t going to do anything unless he gets Derrick’s okay.  Derrick told Cody to not use the veto.

So, it’s not surprising that at today’s meeting, Cody kept the nominations the same.

So, come Thursday, either Donny or Nicole will be evicted.  Ever since the nominations were first announced, it has seemed pretty obvious that Donny was the target.  However, Frankie has recently decided that it might be a better idea to evict Nicole before Donny.  So, right now, there is an outside chance that Frankie could convince Derrick and Nicole could go back to the jury house on Thursday.  It’s not much of a chance but it’s there.

One thing’s for certain.

Derrick and Frankie will be the ones to decide who joins that jury this week.

Lisa Marie

Joni From The Block August 25, 2014 at 11:38 pm

What do the houseguests think Derrick does for a living?

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Joni From The Block August 25, 2014 at 11:40 pm

OMG!! Was I actually first!! I’m shocked!! I love Donny but I still would rather Nicole stay and possibly win HOH and have the delightful pleasure of getting Christine out!

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 25, 2014 at 11:40 pm

They think Derrick is a groundskeeper.

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Joni From The Block August 25, 2014 at 11:42 pm

Really!! They think Derrick is a groundskeeper and they are convinced Donny is some brilliant scientist! LOL How ironic!

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Nonna August 25, 2014 at 11:52 pm

Watching BBAD Frankie in tub talking to Derrick and he said that in the DR they hinted at saving Donny and keeping TA going!! Derrick and Frankie talking about if it can be pulled off without too much backlash. Again production stepping in to change ghe game:( I really hope Donny stays, wins HOH and puts up Frankie and Christine.

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Aggie R August 25, 2014 at 11:58 pm

If Donny dodges this bullet it would be awesome

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Aggie R August 25, 2014 at 11:59 pm

if they think Derrick is a groundskeeper they really are idiots, he really seems like a cop to me, so I’m surprised they didn’t think that also

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Holly August 26, 2014 at 12:07 am

Aggie I totally agree! Derrick is completely manipulating this entire game and at this point deserves to win! I like Donny and hope if he stays he gets HOH!

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 12:13 am

I’ll be back in a few! 🙂

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Jeanne August 26, 2014 at 12:13 am

#9 Keeping my place till morning. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jeanne August 26, 2014 at 12:14 am

Whoops Jolee beat me lol #10

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Aggie R August 26, 2014 at 12:18 am

Hi Holly, Yep he deserves to win, but in a way I’m kind of sick of all his control, I would rather see Donny win, but that won’t happen. Too Bad.

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Jani August 26, 2014 at 12:21 am

I don’t think that BB should have let someone on the jury go back into the house in the first place. The others vote out someone and then in a few weeks those jury members can play to get back in the house. THAT IS SO STUPID!! BB get rid of that idea now.

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Robin Realtor August 26, 2014 at 12:22 am

I am not sure if this has been discussed but I thought Julie Chen had said that the returning jury member (Nicole), could not be nominated for eviction the first week of their return. Why even have a jury member return if they can be put right back up on the block within 24 hours. They will always be nominated if they don’t win HOH. I guess I am confused where or why I heard the returning jury member couldn’t be put on the block right away. Was anyone else under thjs impression besides me?

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Jeannette August 26, 2014 at 12:38 am

I like to see a twist so Donny can stay in the house because being on the block week after week he needs a little help maybe team America one more job before the vote something like to see Derrick on the block .

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 12:47 am

Robin, I watched Sunday night’s show again to see if Julie said the returning jury member had immunity the first week. She didn’t say it! I Don’t know where that came from. I guess most of us assumed that would happen. I believe one of our bloggers mentioned it. I think it would be fair to give them a week free from being nominated.They did fight to get back in the house! IMHO!!

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RhondaP August 26, 2014 at 12:47 am

I am torn about I want to stay wish there was a way they both could stay and one of the others would leave but not possible. So since Donny knows that Derrick is running the game maybe best for him to stay and hopefully win hoh and put Derreck and Frankie up and if one of them come done put up Christine. Would be so great.

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 26, 2014 at 1:31 am

Aggie — I agree — Derrick looks like a cop, talks like a cop, walks like a cop, acts like a cop. If I saw him on the street, I would automatically think, “There’s a cop.” Recently, he was playing around in the house and he actually patted down one of the houseguests (I can’t remember which one — maybe someone else here does) and he did it so quickly and professionally that I was like, “How could that not have given him away?”

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Aggie R August 26, 2014 at 1:40 am

@ Lisa

I don’t see what’s the point of hiding your profession anyway, he should have just said he was a cop, you might as well come clean about it. And if they didn’t get the hint from being padded down, they are really dumb. 🙄

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Craig Long August 26, 2014 at 2:39 am

Ok, Here’s my hope – Derrick and Donny final two.

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Craig Long August 26, 2014 at 2:48 am

The HG think Derrick is a groundskeeper? Oh My! Donny has admitted he (Donny) is a groundskeeper. Cant this bunch of self-centered ego maniacs wonder why BB would have casted TWO groundskeepers?

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tendr August 26, 2014 at 3:18 am

@Lisa Marie, i think it was victoria derrick patted down. i’m with you aggie….donny deserves it. he knows what’s going on and he IS playing the game even if it is going from person to person trying to get them to ‘side’ with him…it’s better than just giving up. he’s quiet but he’s playing. and he knows he’s left out of the other’s talking about him. i’d be so depressed. i hate watching it all to the end just to moan and wish i had that time back….

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Robin Realtor August 26, 2014 at 3:27 am

Just to clarify, I didn’t think Julie said anything about the returning player having immunity during this Sunday or Thursday’s episodes, I thought she said it the week she told us there would be a returning jury member to the game. Without giving them immunity the first week the whole thing seems like a waste of time to me. Why bring them back at all when they are going right back up on the block if they don’t win HOH.

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Annie August 26, 2014 at 4:12 am

Hey Everyone….I’m watching BBAD and Cody is kinda flirting with Nicole…very interesting and I don’t think Christine likes it for one second!!! Last night Christine actually got in the HOH bed with Cody and Nicole but Cody moved closer toward Nicole..LOL

I also noticed that when Christine blows her nose she sounds like a honking goose!!! That girl has got to go…she has a mean streak in her but she tries to hide it!! She actually laughed (cackled) when told that Donny had a tear in his eye. I’d be crying buckets if I was Donny being treated the way he is….it’s so sad…he doesn’t deserve it. I’m glad he was part of TA and earned some extra cash to go with the stipend.

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Annie August 26, 2014 at 4:57 am

Also noticed that Victoria was stroking Derriicks lower leg in the bathroom earlier!! Don’t know what THAT was all about but Derrick didn’t seem to mind! LOL Now they’re in a bedroom and Derrick’s saying that people know they’re in there!! But then Derrick starts stroking her hair with a drumstick(not the chicken kind…LOL) I think maybe he,sees her as,a,sister and knows he can take her to the end and win!!!

As crazy as BB is I don’t think I’ll ever stop watching because we are all individuals and watching the “hamsters” is kinda fun!! LOL

Cody, Derrick, and Caleb are trying to talk game without Christine but she keeps following them everywhere and sticking her big nose into their conversations…..they don’t like that!!
I hope she doesn’t win HOH on Thursday. Cody and Frankie are studying the info on noms, evictions, and comps with dates and numbers!! Better watch those two!! LOL

Well……enough for now…I love this blog and all the live feeders that give us the scoop!!Have a great Tuesday everyone..God bless!!!

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Joyce August 26, 2014 at 6:44 am

I think BB will be more interesting after Nic and Donny are gone. I DON’T want them gone but it’s going to happen. When the remaining guests are scheming against each other that’s when Christine will discover she was being played….and the sparks will fly.

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Annie August 26, 2014 at 7:14 am

@Joyce…I wish I could be a fly on the wall when that happens!!LOL We all know it’s coming ….just a matter of time. Hey, a Double Eviction on Thursday would really shake things up…no time to scheme,LOL Now THAT would be “unexpected”!!! Come on CBS give us something to chew on….we are the reason the ratings are so high year after year. PLEASE…with sugar on top!!!

Shout out to LM…you’re always the best!! And Star…please keep us informed with your comments and humor!!!LOL

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Joyce August 26, 2014 at 7:38 am

Annie, can’t wait!! I’m glad you feel the same way about Star. When I first started on this blog a couple of years ago I signed on as Ricscor and made only a few comments. I always enjoyed Star’s comment as I did a few others. I love this blog, thanks to LM

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swt August 26, 2014 at 8:47 am

we are the best blog ~ and we are addicted ~ we love ~ we hate ~ then we all talk about it ~ c’ya later

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Terry Brown August 26, 2014 at 8:52 am

Well, I got two out of my three wishes – Zach is gone and Nic is back in, but not for long. I really wish BB would have given Nic the first week back immunity – it might have shaken a few things up around the house. I have a feeling Donny will be next even though it should have been Frankie. A girl can dream….

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Mary Price August 26, 2014 at 9:28 am

@ Robin Realtor I dvr’d it and have listened to it several times. Julie Chen CLEARLY said “the returning house guest will have 1 week of safety”

So here we are again just like EVERY week – producers doing what they want.
This year is OVERLY predictable. We all see Derrick will be given the money and more then likely they will make Frankie Americas Favorite to give him the $25,ooo.

Nicole should have not been allowed to go up.

I hope if (when) Donny is gone this Team America is over. Frankie as one of them is the most STUPID thing ever.

Frankie talks about them losing out on money because of Donny. I can remember 1 time Frankie refused to do something for TA.
So if can do it and get away with it – Then there is NOTHING WRONG with Donny not wanting to screw up his game.

And clearly the people in the house are MORONS for not knowing Derrick is a cop.
Like others have said he walks talks acts just like a cop.
If I were to walk down the street and see him walking on the other side of the street I would with out a doubt know he is a cop. The HGs need to look at how he is running them like rats in a cage IF any of them had a brain of their own and could think on their own they would CLEARLY see it.

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Joyce August 26, 2014 at 9:31 am

Watching DVR of BBAD and Caleb thinks he is going to be in the final two and also Americas Favorite….lol. he loves himself soooo much

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Sylvie August 26, 2014 at 9:34 am

Derrick said he was a RANGER as in parks and recs
Not a groundskeeper

Anyways he really annoys me w the fake glasses and tfe blend I don’t want to make waves personality

DR messing w the game again , not surprised

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 9:51 am

As far as Derrick easily being recognized as a cop. Maybe not. I work with people who are part of the State Parks and also people who are part of State Wildlife Divisions. They have the same demeanor because many of them are actually “law enforcement” for those programs. Some of the other houseguests may have dealt with those people and know the same type of demeanor. That’s just a guess but I know if I saw some of our employees in street clothes, they would act pretty much the same.

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 10:20 am

Mary Price, I can relate to your comment about Derrick walking like a cop. I was married to a Marine and even 50 year after he left the Marines, he still walked like a Marine! He worked for the Post Office for 15 years and he walked his route like a Marine. One time when the postmaster wanted to send a recruit out to go on Jerry ‘s route, he wondered how he would know which one was Jerry. He said “Look for the one who walks like a Marine!” 🙂
Try keeping up with a Marine walking the battlefields of Gettysburg, Williamsburg, Yorktown .. we saw them All. I would return from vacation with battle fatigue! 🙂 So, I can understand why the HG’s should have figured it out by now. By the way, am I the only one who thinks Derrick looks like one of the Seven Dwarfs in that hat? Doc? 🙂

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MAYELA August 26, 2014 at 10:42 am

Im DONE..I cant watch this srason backbone! I cant believe I have to wait a year to wstch the next BB…disappointed!
Thank you Lisa…I just tead your blog..its wsy more exciting!

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Ralph August 26, 2014 at 11:18 am

Interesting comments, especially about the returning house-guest having immunity.
If that is the case, and BB stays quiet, if Nicole is nominated, will this weeks nominations, since not followed properly, be null and void?…That is, if Donny escapes?
It looks like, for now, both Derrick and Frankie are going to tell Donny they are gonna vote for him to stay, meaning they have to convince Victoria and or Caleb to evict Nicole…but the tie would go to Cody, if they can’t convince both of them.
I still would love to see BB start a ‘Saboteur’ twist, making ‘America’ the deciders. It would put doubt in every one of those remaining. All it would take, is placing a black rose on the kitchen table, along with a business card with the letter ‘S’ on it. I don’t even think you’d have to do anything else, the way they speculate and make things up on their own.

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Randall August 26, 2014 at 12:15 pm

@Mary Price Thanks so much for clarifying that I am not going crazy. Because I could have sworn that I heard Julie say that and then I had already deleted that episode from DVR and couldn’t go back to check. Whew! Now what Nicole gets to pick a sit in. Can you say ‘Big Move’ Derrick! And Derrick gets the hook and Donnie and Nicole are still there! I guess a guy can dream! Keep us informed Mary Please! Don’t let this drop! We all know CBS reads Lisa Marie’s Blog

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macy August 26, 2014 at 12:20 pm

SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A MOVE – you know the ole saying about paint drying……………………………………

havent been on here much so appreeesh the updates

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Jeanne August 26, 2014 at 1:17 pm

Food for thought. Julie always says “Expect the unexpected” So on elimination night she can say, Nicole should of had immunity, so Cody you have to pick another player. Zing! That would be excited. {{{HUGS}}}

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Oh Jeanne, I love that potential twist. That could really be exciting.

But comes the question, will they realize they said it and admit it that way? Now you have my hopes up, Jeanne. Can you just see all the faces? And Nicole can just tell them, I warned you. LOL

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C'est Moi ici August 26, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Expect the unexpected to be exactly what everyone expected from the ever so predictable Big Brother Producers. That is a twist!

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Sylvie August 26, 2014 at 2:44 pm

I think there’s not twist , just the expected

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Maybe we can dream????

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Keith August 26, 2014 at 3:10 pm

I won’t be watching Thursday’s episode as a 2 hour episode of The Quest is on, so I’m hoping the unexpected doesn’t happen this week. On a brighter note, Survivor starts in just 4 more weeks!! Yaaay!!!

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Sir Rock August 26, 2014 at 3:14 pm

@LM – Derrick frisked Victoria during that neighborhood watch TA challenge. I thought he did kind of a half assed job of it, actually. He even said something like, “I gotta be careful or I’ll get in trouble”, a male cop searching a woman suspect.

As far as Nicole and immunity goes, from – “Nicole won the right to re-enter the Big Brother house, however her re-entry came with a sign around her neck which read, “Evict Me” because Nicole was not given immunity for her first week back. It all amounts to a waste of time, all it did was make the detonator’s future nominations obvious and predictable.”

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Sylvie August 26, 2014 at 3:47 pm

@ Starfish

I think Frankie will be the most upset when he gets evicted and finds out he’s not America’s favorite
But then dido for Caleb, Victoria, Crustine, Cody and Derrick

They are so full of themselves…sickening

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Jeanne August 26, 2014 at 3:56 pm

OT – hpr56, Terry, jolee, we all are dreamers. It’s in our DNA. We ladies all have a little Pollyanna in us. It’s how we survive. This world can often be a cruel place. I love my life. Meet so many wonderful friends on this blog. {{{HUGS}}}

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 4:27 pm

@ Sir Rock: This was a post by Mary Price earlier today:

Mary Price 08.26.14 at 9:28 am
@ Robin Realtor I dvr’d it and have listened to it several times. Julie Chen CLEARLY said “the returning house guest will have 1 week of safety”

So I do believe there is a conflict going on whether or not she was supposed to have immunity. Mary Price says she dvr’d it and has listened to it several times and tvgrapevine says otherwise. I have a tendency to believe my own ears but honestly, I didn’t dvr it and I haven’t listened so I can’t swear either way.

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macy August 26, 2014 at 4:48 pm

unless they get derrick out – it will be EXPECT the EXPECTED

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Sir Rock August 26, 2014 at 5:06 pm

@hpr56 – the first part of my post concerning Derrick frisking someone was directed to LM, the rest was for everyone else. I watch ever minute of every show and I don’t recall hearing anything about immunity for Nicole. I’m not saying anyone is lying about it, I too usually only trust my own eyes and ears.

I’ve been Goggling the shit out of it since Nicole returned and the very little info I do find on the subject all says she doesn’t have immunity. I find it hard to believe that if the HG’s knew she was immune, they would have put her up. Perhaps, if she does in fact have immunity, the HG’s were never told and it’s some weird production “expect the unexpected” thing, but I feel like that’s a stretch, even for BB production.

I’m gonna keep digging. If anyone finds any info – a link or a video saying Nicole has immunity – please share it with us. Stuff like this drives me crazy. I’m the type of person that NEEDS to know things. If there’s conflicting info, I dig deep to find the truth. Time to grab my shovel and start digging!

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Randall August 26, 2014 at 5:13 pm

@ Silvie Do you really think Frankie will not get America’s Fan Favorite? With all of Ariana’s social network going nuts right now and she literally has millions of followers which I personally think makes it a loaded competition as I stated when Frankie Came Out! Did I Say That? I hope He doesn’t But I feel like he would . My vote goes to Chrusty just kidding, it really goes to The Original Fruit Loop Gingus! Zachery! And the twist needs to happen after the evicted Nicole is about to walk out and she gets to change places with whoever she wants to and they have to talk a walk to visit Julie Chen! And the Jury!

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm

hpr 56, , Sir Rock, Do you know which show Mary Price was talking about? I watched last Sunday’s show twice and I did not here Julie say that. Did she mention it on the preceding show when she first made the announcement to Nicole? Very confusing. I think Nicole should have had immunity for the first week since she fought her way back to the BB house. As much as I hate to see Donny go, I think Nicole could do more damage if she could win HOH again. Agree?? 🙂

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Randall August 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm

@Sir Rock #Driving me Crazy# immunity safety Me also, I have looked everywhere they will let you look at this time or access. The only one is the kne that Mary Price has and I swear I also heard it and like her it was earlier in the season not right in the last couple of weeks when it was said by Julie Chen. But still, should be followed! I wish Mary could play it on her TV and record it with her phone and send it to you to watch. Maybe so?

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:23 pm

Correction! She didn’t make the announcement to Nicole,but mentioned it at the end of the show -I think!! 🙂 Confusion reigns!!

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 5:26 pm

This had nothing to do with your first part and I never said it did. I was telling you what you appeared to be totally opposite of what Mary Price said she had heard. Had nothing to do with the first part of your post.

Wow, Sir Rock. Your comment said it was never said. Mary Price said she had listened to it several times. I, too, have looked since, as I said, I do not have it recorded. I have been trying to find an audio. I am not saying anything other than you were stating something as fact that was opposite of what Mary Price was very adamant that she has heard from her recording. I was simply trying to help you out with where her information came from. How about you don’t attack the messenger.

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:27 pm

Sir Rock, you rock! I’m the same way ….. like a dog with a bone …. never give up! 🙂

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Randall August 26, 2014 at 5:32 pm

Can’t believe I just tortured myself by watching the episode of Frankie getting chewed out and busted by Zach in the LR and then Derrick comes in and tells them 5 to take it to the Fire Room and Frankie tells he is Mogul and they are all glassy eyed and then Frankie is scissor jumping around waiting to tell the 3 girls. Frankie buys himself a couple of 3 or 4 weeks with that. Unreal . And what Caleb did imitating a Tyron from the Hood was uncalled for and a little on the racist side. Stabbing in the neck, WTF is wrong with his head. There is a long list of lies that Caleb has said he was or has done that I read on here somewhere and it continues to grow. If he would have been just a normal guy probably would have been a favorite with Donnie or Zach maybe. The whole season was loaded from getgo with meatheads that knew they could get to the end and cannibalize the rest along the way.

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:39 pm

OK, I hope this helps. Last Sunday’s live show plus additional shows can be found at:

This was episode 26, live show on 8-22-14′.

Good luck hunting! 🙂

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:46 pm

Correction: Here we go again. Hope this works!

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 5:48 pm

I had no clue what show. I wasn’t stating from personal knowledge. I simply was letting him know that when he said nothing was ever said that it was contradicting Mary Price’s comment and I thought maybe he had not seen it. I have no actual knowledge of any of it as I stated.

It shouldn’t matter if she said it to Nicole or not. IF she said that then it should be followed. That’s all I’m saying on the subject because I don’t have it taped. I vaguely remembered something like that but I never knew it for fact.

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junksies August 26, 2014 at 5:49 pm

What prompted this boring season is that there are more players looking for fame rather than money. In their minds they have already won by merely walking in the house. They endlessly fantasize about the hereafter of their social media following and the after parties yada yada yada instead of strategic game moves to win 500k. It’s not just Victoria who doesn’t realize that she should be in the library with the rope. Frankie is perpetually auditioning for his next job. His ego motivates him but not to win the money. Derrick has his head in the game and is good but not brilliant as some may think. I mean, look at the stock he is leading around…?…how hard can it be? BB should learn that people who are hungry for money over fame makes better TV.

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Sir Rock August 26, 2014 at 5:52 pm

@hpr56 – Whoa…I wasn’t “attacking” you. For the record, I’ve never attacked anyone in this blog ever and I never will. Let’s just chalk it up to a misunderstanding. If I offended you, I apologize. I just want to find out the truth about immunity.

Currently, I’m re-watching the Live eviction/Jury comp episode. All the episodes are on and youtube….FYI.

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:54 pm

Third time is a charm! I hope! Don’t kill me!

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 5:58 pm

I tried! Sorry! I can get there from what I posted, but it changes when I try to get there from what I posted here. Maybe if you just google YouTube BB16 episode 26. Sorry I took up so much space! 🙁

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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 6:09 pm

Thanks Jolee. I used your link and then searched for it. It was not on that episode.

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Starfish August 26, 2014 at 6:48 pm

Thanks everyone for trying to find that mysterious show where Julie may or may not have said the returning HG gets one week immunity. Thanks for the Link Jolee. Sometimes the links have a mind of their own.

Seems nothing else is going on besides Derrick doing a pat down. What’s really amazing is how CBS has warped our show and they don’t even portray the HGs truthfully. I hope Nic stays but the chances of anything unexpected happening, basesd on this year’s show so far, is nil. Bleh

I’m still a fan and will be back next year. Hopefully Grodner will be at the Antarctic Circle with Caleb and Frankie.

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two August 26, 2014 at 6:57 pm

LM – Thanks always!
I too have a nagging memory of Julie saying a houseguest will have a chance to return to the house and have a week of safety. I may have misheard, but I remember clearly thinking -Well, good. The returning HG won’t be sent packing at the next eviction like usually happens. Best I can recall, Julie said this in the first week of this season. Unfortunately I, too, am like a dog with a bone. I bury it and leave it for someone else to dig up. : ) Besides, we all need shovels to dig through all this production BS.
Here’s the most exciting part of the LF…the biggest fish swam in a clockwise direction while the third littlest swam counterclockwise. Then the second biggest fist went to the top of the aquarium and broke the water tension with his little fish lips.

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 7:19 pm

Starfish, I love the way you think! Funny!! 🙂

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Jolee August 26, 2014 at 7:29 pm

two, your “fish” story reminds me of a song our mother used to sing to us …. it’s about three little fishies in an eddy biddy pool! Memories! I still think Nicole should have been given immunity for the first week !!!! And I am sticking to it!! Arfff ! 🙂

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C'est Moi ici August 26, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Nicole was nominated for eviction so whatever Julie or anybody else did or didn’t say about the returning house guest having or not having safety from the block for a week is moot at this point. I know Julie does say repeatedly, “expect the unexpected,” and I’m still waiting…

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Craig Long August 26, 2014 at 9:02 pm


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Ralph August 26, 2014 at 9:31 pm

Okay, I watched the main part of sharing the twist and what would happen to the person returning to the game…and I didn’t hear ANYTHING about immunity.
Will they start off the live evictions with the fact, in shows past, they did have immunity? (did they?). Could they start the whole show off realizing they have to inform them that Nicole was safe, and now Cody has to put up a vote that will take away someone who would vote for Donny to stay? Say like Christine?
Both Derrick and Frankie seem to want to keep Donny…and if Derrick has the pull over Victoria he seems to have, this could be the biggest ‘shocker’ so far. Derrick, Frankie, Nicole…It would only take three, then Donny would know ‘Team America’ actually, for the first time, helped keep one of their own safe.

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Ralph August 26, 2014 at 9:32 pm

‘Stay’…Should be leave…sorry.

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swt August 26, 2014 at 9:35 pm

it’s getting close to the time when they break out & drink the cool aid get them a KEG

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Ralph August 26, 2014 at 11:44 pm

Julie said, “This is the most twisted summer”…yet, compared to most BB’s, it has been the tamest…So, I wonder if all the players are who we think they are. I just don’t get Victoria. She just seems so out of place, compared to all the rest…and the fact she has been able to establish ‘pains’ to get her out…Is there a ‘twist’ on us? I’m just trying to make things interesting, because it has been sooo boring.
She hasn’t made any waves…but she has lost, to the point of many really stupid ‘mistakes’…or are they. She plays like such a ditz…but is she the ‘twist’? She’s sneaky, and has been the ‘informer’ to the main group. She’s talked all kinds of smack on Donny…yet I’ve never seen them really talk, one on one…and it seems when she says he said something, no one else is around. He’s never, from what I’ve seen, been disrespectful, as she claims he was to her.
Okay, back to what is going on…It seems Nicole thinks she is going. Anybody know if she has been told, like last time, she is?
Fast forwarding…
Now Derrick is telling Cody that Donny is going home, and that Christine is playing both sides…which is funny coming from him.
Derrick seems to have picked his real final two. Him and Cody.
They both say they’ve got Caleb’s number, Victoria too. Their target for next week is Christine and Frankie, as a backdoor…and Nicole as a third choice. ‘Team America’ is dead….And now, Christine is in bed with Cody (go figure).
Nicole is confiding to Donny, they have told her she’s safe…but she doesn’t believe it. Seems she wanted to know if she was going back to jury, and asked them for the same respect they gave her last time. Seems she is trying to give Donny that same respect right now.
I wonder if Donny will spill the beans on ‘Team America’.
Fast forward…
Seems BB16 contestants that are left did the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’
Okay, back to boring again, but live, so I can’t fast forward.
Cody and Christine snuggling…and Nicole and Frankie snuggling…okay, that’s enough for tonight.

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Malcolm August 27, 2014 at 7:52 pm

Lisa, Thank’s for the update. Great reading ! I think BB this season sucks big time!!!! I don’t just a hoot who wins this lame season! Just saying!!!!!!!!!!!

Mac out

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Randall August 27, 2014 at 9:02 pm

Why would I have just already seen a commercial with Donny competing in it? They haven’t even shown the eviction on TV yet. Is there a twist coming up? Something not right.

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Randall August 27, 2014 at 9:04 pm

It was on at about 8:50 CST during EXTANT!

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Leonard Williams August 27, 2014 at 11:20 pm

will anybody make a big move, the only one who has was Frankie. Why is everyone afraid to win this game, at least Devon tried. Man this is getting old, soon the top 4 will turn on themselves, they are all talk and no bit. Derrick needs to win because he has manipulated everyone, he is the smartest of the bunch, Caleb is the biggest tool, because he doesn’t know he is a tool. I just wish someone will make a big move and stop messing with the weak players, making safe noms

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