Hi y’all:
Well, if you really care about who wins America’s Favorite Player this year, I suggest that you get out there and vote as many times as you can because, about an hour ago, Ariana Grande went onto twitter and ordered all of her little tween fans to go vote for Frankie. That’s right — a bunch of people who probably have never seen an episode of Big Brother are currently being encouraged to vote for America’s Favorite Player.
Joan Grande, Frankie’s mother, has also been on twitter asking people to vote for Frankie and getting pretty snippy about it too. Her tweet read something like: “Yes, we will be tweeting support of Frankie, just like any other HG’s family would! #NOTSORRY.” Of course, the other HGs don’t come from wealthy families and actually need the money.
Normally, I really don’t care who wins America’s Favorite Player. Ever since Frank Eudy won the title at the end of BB14, I’ve understood that America’s Favorite Player is basically another way of saying Grodner’s Favorite Player. But, considering how Frankie was forced on us this season and the show that we love was pretty much pushed aside so CBS could promote the Grandes, I know that I would really love it if Frankie did not win America’s Favorite Player.
So, if you’re really concerned over who wins America’s Favorite, get out and vote and encourage any other Big Brother fans that you know to vote as well. Because, otherwise, it’s going to be decided by a bunch of 12 and 13 year-olds who probably, five years from now, won’t even remember either Ariana or Frankie.
(Seriously, I was recently reading through my old diaries and I was shocked to discover how much I once loved the Backstreet Boys…)
Meanwhile, in the Big Brother house, they held the 2nd part of the HoH competition last night and — probably to the surprise of no one — Derrick beat Victoria. That means that, not only has Derrick managed to make it all the way to the finale without once getting nominated, but Victoria has made it despite only winning on competition.
(And that win, to be honest, was largely due to Caleb.)
Anyway, the third part of the final HoH competition will be between Cody and Derrick and it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. I imagine if Derrick wins the final HoH, he wins the game. If Cody wins the final HoH, it’ll depend on whether or not he’s smart enough to evict Derrick instead of Victoria.
That’s it for now!
Don’t forget — if you really care about who wins America’s Favorite Player — vote!
Lisa Marie
I’ve been voting 20 times every day for Donnie and so far it looks like he is winning. Thanks for update but now I’m gritting my teeth in anger at the Greede, oops I mean Grande family. More to say when I get to my PC. GRrrr!!
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i’m voting for Donny too, he’s seems to be a very nice guy
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Greetings – I did vote for Zack for pure entertainment value, however because of the Grande mission switched my vote to Donny to help as he seemed to be the favorite. I will also encourage my friends to also vote for Donny and included the link http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/
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Just noticed that Frankie is front and center and the CBS link for favorites houseguests. Is that subliminal suggestion?
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Remember, and remind everyone you know that you can vote everyday. So vote tonight, Sunday,—- and Monday is the last day to vote! What time is the deadline on Monday? Hopefully all of our votes will go to Donnie! I would like to vote for Cody, but Donny needs all of our votes to assure that he beats Frunkie!!
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Lisa Marie, thanks for the heads up. I’ve been voting every day and using several email addresses to boot. I sure hope we can get Donny to win since he seems to be the favorite as Dianna said. I’m surprised someone hasn’t posted on Mr. glitter pants sister’s twitter page that Frankie is a creepy, nasty human being.
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Is there no end to us having Frankie Grande shoved down our throats? seriously???? and tonight I came home to a big post on facebook featuring none other than…. of course! Frankie! and a story about his supposed skills that got him so far in the game! can you believe it?? UNREAL. And so now the GreedyGrandes are soliciting votes? BIG surprise .. (not!) And seems the more people complain about having absolutely had it with the promotion of and attention given to Frankie, the more they find ways to still feature him! even though he’s not even on the show anymore!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well although I previously planned to vote for Donnie, I had yesterday decided to to give my 20 votes to Nicole .. but now that I know the Grandes are stepping it up and Donnie is closest to beating him, the rest of my votes will go for Donnie. Not that I think it’ll even matter. I’m sure we’ll be forced to see Frankie act SOOO surprised and thrilled (with all his usual theatrics tossed in) when they tell him he won it by a landslide due to a bunch of teenie boppers who really don’t even know what they’re voting about .. just that Ariana asked them to vote so they will. What the heck is wrong with who is running this show??
I guess they couldn’t care less about us viewers. Only the Grandes matter. Could this POSSIBLY get more nauseating??
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Frankie who????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he had his 15 minutes
now its time for him to go
back under his rock and hibernate
so long shankie
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Swt…I’m looking to relocate and asked on prev post what state you live in… give me your listing number so I can check owners.com.
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Thank you Lisa. I really wanted Nicole to win,but I will be voting for Donny since it seems the majority here are voting for him. I will do anything to prevent Frankie from winning!
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All of my votes for AFP will go to Donny. Will be so glad to have this season over. I will always be a BB fan. Praying BB17 will reinforce our dedication, and the producer’s will take to heart what we viewer’s want. Good night all. God bless. {{{HUGS}}}
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can any body reasure me.our votes are being counted right,i would never questioned this but i found it so hard to beleave that a cop had won. to be part of team america wen we know nothing about derrick except that he was a undercover cop.
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I have voted for Donnie everyday and will continue. I don’t want Frankie to win at all. I got my husband, who is not a big fan like me, but he voted for Donny also and will until Monday morning. Asked my brother to vote also. So hopefully everyone that is a bb fan votes for Donny, maybe we can pull it out. Vote even if you don’t think it is gonna matter, do it anyway, that is the only way we can beat Frankie. Just my opinion.
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I wish you people who seem to hate cops would get over it already. The majority of our cops risk their lives every day and are the good guys. Yes, we have bad no matter where you look and in every profession but the majority are trying to help. He was voted for TA because he seemed like the only real adult who wanted to really play the game. Go whine somewhere else!
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I don’t see how anybody could vote for anyone but DONNY.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like many of the other jury members, but all in all Donny REALLY gave up his job for this chance, because they had to have a groundskeeper, because school started, they had to hire someone else for this school year.
The problem is the ‘tweeners’ are voting for ONE person because that is what they are told to do…and if we split our votes, Frankie will win it. He already has one community and value that will vote for him…and now, his sister is using her sources to do the same.
I hope America send a clear message to Frankie and his family…GO AWAY!
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Ok voted Donny used all my votes
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I looks like Big Brother could call the next episode the ‘Whine section’ (not the kind their drinking).
Victoria is really turning on the water works, sniffles and moooooaning to a point you can see it’s almost uncomfortable for Cody…but Derrick is pretty use to it by now.
I hope the plan is still for the ‘Hit Men’ to make their statement, and not turn on each other…and then Derrick will lower the boom on’ Team America’, minus the original, Joey.
I can see Derrick say, “Will Team America please stand up”, to which I think the most shocking will be Donny to the House guests.
But now for the latest I have heard:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To sum up Victoria day, crying, sniffing and saying, “I can’t do anything.”
Around that you have Cody and Derrick making Mimosa’s, and trying to have a good time.
Both of them have commended Victoria, over and over, for not giving up on the comp.
They’ve been doing a lot of drinking, and decide they want to carve ‘HIT MEN’ on the bathroom stall.
Not really talking game, and I’m not sure about BBAD being live or not. From what I hear their talking about the weight they’ve lost, and Victoria isn’t around so their is a lot of smiling going on while she’s not around. They’re not trying to rub her face in the fact, if they stick to what they are saying in the DR, they will take each other…or will they. Derrick has made a comment to Victoria earlier he hasn’t made up his mind yet, since he hasn’t won the right yet. There could be another shocker yet.
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Derrick thought he was gonna chill these last 4 days but Victoria is holding his feet to the fire and I’m enjoying every minute of reading him squirm. Ever since Cody spilled the beans about the Hit Men it has not sat right with Vic and she’s like a dog on bone…asking Derrick to explain the F2 she has with him and why was she not part of the Hit Men…?…etc. etc. I’ll admit I haven’t read all of today’s updates, just bits and pieces, but it looks as though both Cody and Vic are not all that happy in that neither one of them is certain they are going to be F2. Earlier Cody threatened Derrick that he better tell Victoria that she is not going to F2…if Derrick didn’t tell her then he was going to!!! Sometime after that production threw Derrick and lifeline stating that he cannot tell her and neither can Cody!!!!…..WHAT…????!!!!!!????….all of a sudden BB is gonna enforce the rule of not telling someone that they are being evicted??? I believe the new enforcement came to be after Derrick went to the DR asking to speak to production….Humm. To me this is all very exciting…
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Derrick keeps saying he missed Tenly’s growth and will know later if this was all worth it. STOP sniveling and whining!!!! He should have thought about that a long time ago!!! It’s only been 3 months compared to our brave soldiers who sacrifice much more than that with no monetary reward at the end.
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Starfish… I agree, I am pro-cop. But not pro-Derrick…the two are not connected for me.
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Jokers: 7:04 PM 7:03 DR leak. Woman asks Derr what’s going on, Derr “Hey, can I talk to a producer?”
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I hope you people realize that other than Frankie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------who might be getting voted for AFP by his sisters
fans Zach has the next closest chance to win..any
votes you cast that are not for Zach, the one person
who has the best chance to beat Frankie then you’re
just helping Frankie win. I prefer Zach to win that’s
just my opinion but I wouldn’t care if Nicole or Donny
won either but I don’t think they have a chance of
winning. So vote for zach unless you want Frankie to
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Haven’t been voting but going to start today….all my votes will go to Donnie. Let’s win this!
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Where can we go to find out who’s ahead in AFP?
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Throwing my 20 votes a day to Donny. If he wins there’ll be a collective cheer across American. If not, a collective GROAN.
I really don’t understand how BB has evolved into such a manipulated mess!
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Oops — America, not American!
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WOW! the grande family could care less if they tromp all over the fans to get a win for their play boy toy. Cheaters never lose…in the short run. No wonder Skankie frankie has NO boundaries. They are all a family of narcissists. I don’t see him giving a nickle to any charity. I think his claim that he is playing for charity is as fake as he is. Regardless he will be THRILLED to steal it from the legitimate winner who actually could use the money since real money is just play money to that spoiled brat anyway.
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Victoria has been Whining all though out the season but yesterday today and tonight she has gone way overboard…time for her to drink some knockout wine so she won’t be awake to whine anymore just sleep till the show is over!!!…LOL..Victoria turn out the light’s your party is over buh bye!!!
@BBfanmo…I don’t know where you are getting your information because all the polls I have checked show Donny as the best possibility to beat Skankie in afp vote…I really like Zach & Donny but my votes have all gone to Donny and I will continue to vote that way till voting ends!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Angel Hugs & Blessings to all
Goodnight 🙂 🙂
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My husband, who hates BB, just voted 20 times for Donny! Ha ha
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Junksies, good to know and smart to not have them connected. I wonder why Derrick wanted to talk to the producer. Any news on that?
I feel sorry for the guys having to listen to Vic’s whining and crying. I’m sure they wish they could be just the two of them so they could enjoy themsselves. Hopefully that will be the case soon and they can revel in their accomplishment of F2.
Dewy Rose, I too have seen that Donny is in the lead everywhere.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharon B. Good for your husband. My husband votes too and he only kinda watches (but I vote for him ha ha). Actually I use a couple email addresses to vote. You can have several email addresses and vote on all of them. You just have to log out of CBS and log in again using a different address. We have to do everything we can to stop Frankie from winning and that looks like voting for Donny to win.
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Starfish, I have several email addresses also. I’m going to do that too! By the way, isn’t Frankie going home with some money? He got to do more missions then Donnie and I’m sure he makes good money from his You Tube videos. I want Donnie to win AFP!!
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They are just trying to keep up with the Kardashian clan. Sex tape and leaked photos to follow.
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20 votes a day for Donnie for AFP. 20 votes a day for Frankie for Americas most disliked player.
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Donnie……all the way
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Starfish…. Here is your answer about the producer pasted from Jokers:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09/20/14 07:11 PM Derr & Cody at hammock. Derr tells him he asked to talk to a producer because he wants to tell Vic he’s voting her out but they have told them they can’t. He can’t be more clear than what he’s saying because he’s not allowed. Derr says “it’s driving me f’ing nuts. It’s awkward. It’s supposed to be a celebratory time for me, these 4 days.”
Cody says he’s been giving Derr his space to talk to Vic.
D “i’m not trying to be selfish. It sucks.. I let her know, you can ask Cody – there have been people who have told me that if she gets to the end they’re going to give her the money. You can ask Cody, he was in the room.” He said that would be part of the consideration in his decision on Wednesday.
Cody “she’s looking at it like a personal vendetta and I think if you let her know “he was one of my best friends in the house..” it’s not just game, we have a f2, we got brotherly tight”
D is pissed… he had to sit there for an hour and a half and it’s ruining his time here.
Cody agrees it will be a repetitive conversation and it’s annoying!
D said he’s not going to suck Victoria’s ass for 4 days for a vote.
BEFORE that…
09/20/14 05:26 PM Cody telling Derr that Vic was basically saying she should have been part of the hitmen, on the same level as he & Derrick & frankly it’s insulting. Cody thinks Derrick has to let her down easy & set her straight, while Derr thought that was letting her down easy.
Cody doesn’t like that Vic thinks it was “us three.”
Cody says “either you’re going to let her down easy, or i’m going to let her down with the facts”
09/21/14 12:04 AM Meanwhile, Cody outside talking to himself that he should tell her Cody:” I don’t understand why this needs to be sugar coated. It’s unbelievable. He’s f*ing dangling it in front of her face. Just f*ng tell her. This is a joke. The girl doesn’t belong here, we f*ing carried her here, and you’re allowing her to f*ing act like people wouldn’t vote for her. Just f*ing tell her how it is. I’m f*ing tired of this sh*t. I’ts f*ing 20 times worse just dangling it in front of her face than just f*ing telling her how it is and cope with it the way she’s going to cope with it. F*ing joke. Soft as Charmin. He’s playing such a soft game. Joke. It doesn’t have to be this way.”
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Looks like Derrick is finally trying to break it to Victoria that she’s not going to the F2. Cody’s been pissed that Derrick has been coddling her. He wanted him to just bluntly tell her and be done with it. Cody’s very frustrated at how high maintenance Vic is. I guess today Der and Vic had two 90 min conversations about the F2. Cody was feeling awkward about it. I’m sure he was a tad worried that Derrick would change his mind if he wins HOH. Also, that’s a lot of alone time for Cody. Just wandering around the house with nothing to do but practice his F2 speech (which he was) and stew about how Derrick is handling Vic. Sounded like he was ready to pop! He was in the backyard venting to himself about it.
Cody said something to the affect of, “Where I’m from, you just tell people straight up and its over.” The Jersey kid doesn’t seem to get that Vic is STILL a vote and Derrick is in a tough spot (that he created for himself) and needed time to do things his way. Derrick and Cody were alone talking and Derrick said something like, “If it were Caleb, we’d be doing the exact same thing….” and he’s right. You have to tell them, but in such a way as to not make the last few days a total nightmare and to try and secure a vote.
This is were I think Derrick being married, having a kid, and being a bit older works in his favor here. He’s more patient and thinks before acting. Derrick had to play it smart. He’s been doing it all year, so why stop now? Cody is a young guy and when young guys get fired up, they act on things pretty fast….I know I did. There’s an old joke/fable/story that I’m reminded of. I’ll clean it up a little.
An old bull and a young bull are standing on top of the hill looking down at a herd of cows. The young bull says to the older one, “Lets run down there and screw one of those cows!” The old bull turns to the young bull and says, “How about we walk down the hill and screw them all. ” 😀
Sorry, it popped in my head and figured I’d share it. So that’s the deal as of now.
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Here’s the Jokers Twitter feed if anyone is interested. It’s basically the LF’s but someone tweets it out. If there’s a long conversation, there’s a link on the Tweet and it will direct you to the Jokers web page so you can read it all. I used to look at the web page all the time, but Twitter seems to be much faster and easier.
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I’m on graveyard shift and just had to share the following while most of y’all are sleeping. Forgive me if it is a bit too much but I found it funny and interesting….
Pasted from Jokers…
1:16 AM 9/21 bbt
Derrick goes inside “Last 4 days in the BB house and im having more arguments than I had in my entire relationship with my wife
1:25 AM 9/21 bbt
Cody says Derrick shouldn’t coddle Victoria anymore. He wasn’t raised like that, it pisses him off. Cody “She’s bickering with you like your her f’ing high school boyfriend. I just want to be like ‘leave him the f alone'”
1:28 AM 9/21 bbt
Cody tell Derr he’s just irritated. Hour and a half conversations, twice a day? He doesn’t want to deal with the awkwardness.Derrick said this recent conversation was better, that he told her he probably would lose against Victoria.
Cody says that’s just an excuse not to take her. He would tell her that he’s just not taking her, that he wouldn’t have gotten to the end without him, they are like brothers. This whole coddling her, she’s crying, she’s going to come to you every day.
1:42 AM 9/21 bbt
Earlier when Vic went inside and left Cody/Der in the BY. She said to herself “They think im that stupid?”
1:36 AM 9/21 bbt
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derrick tells Cody, “Jesus himself would have to come through those doors and tell me not to take you to F2.” Derrick says that’s the only way he’d consider not taking Cody. He says that whenever they (DR) asks him about taking Victoria he always says, “No. No ***** chance.” Derrick says let’s make a pact to have a great last few days in the house. I’ll be damned if I go home and see the feeds and see you playing pool by yourself while Victoria follows me around and cries.
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Sir Rock… Apparently we are on the very same page this morning, literally….:)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are correct about the young/old bulls…Derrick told Cody that if he was 30 years old he would think differently about Vic, and Cody’s reply was “no I wouldn’t.” Age does have it’s advantages.
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Sir Rock…I don’t do Twitter any longer. 🙁 Tried it for a while but stopped cuz too much filthy stuff came to me, perhaps because I was following Slash and Ozzy Osborne…??? LOL!
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@ EVERYONE – As much as I want Donny to win AFP, I’ve been reading that Skankie’s little sister & mom have been tweeting for all her/their friends to vote for Skankie. BB has done everything in their power to make sure Skankie won. It occurred to me this may be the reason Julie offered Donny a “spot” on the Bold & Beautiful, because CBS counts the votes for AFP, & since Skankie was evicted, CBS feels they have to “reward/acknowledge” him in some way. CBS knows everyone loves Donny & despises Skankie, but since CBS counts the votes, they can give AFP to Skankie & none of us would be the wiser. I truly believe that’s why they offered Donnie a small part on the Bold & Beautiful. He may not net $25,000.00 in his small role on the B & B, but at least Donny will make some money if CBS decides to give AFP to our worst nightmare !!!! Just my 2 cents ! Am I the only one who thinks this ?? 🙂
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Sir Rock… I’m the first to admit that I’m technically challenged and now, mortified…I should have clicked on the link first. Thank you!!!
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Thanks LM for dedicating a blog to vote AFP, go Donny, go! Personally I would vote for Nicole, but in the interest of keeping AFP AWAY from Frankenstein, I will be more than happy to have Donny win 😉
Thanks to all those that have been posting updates, most appreciated.
For the one that was looking to relocate, BC is pretty nice, Farmers Almanac is predicting another brutal winter, BC came through last winter unscathed and basking.;-)
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J Renee… Could be but isn’t it also a question of timing…?….from when Donnie and Skankie were voted out and when the AFP voting was opened? Get me?
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Since Derrick has brought Victoria to this point, I would enjoy seeing him turn the tables on Cody and bring Victoria to the final two.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personally I’d like to see this personal suicide, but I suspect any decision between Derrick and Cody or Victoria will find Derrick as the winner he deserves.
#BB16 has been determined, and I am already looking forward to Survivor.
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In response to someone’s question when voting for AFP ends:
Monday Sept 22 at 9:59 am PT
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@ Junksies – I get you, however, by the time Donny was evicted, CBS knew how the general public felt about Skankie-boy. Offering Donny a part on the B & B might’ve been a “back-up” plan to insure Skankie got something in the event he was evicted too. (They knew his family could pull in the votes or “they” could manipulate the votes). I mean WHO is going to challenge the CBS vote count ? If we could REALLY know the truth in all this, CBS wanted Skankie to win BB 16 and/or AFP. 🙂
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BCMarie… That was me…BC meaning British Colombia? That’s one place I haven’t checked out.
Good morning y’all…probably won’t hear from me till Monday as Sunday is my total day of worship. 🙂 Missing you Star…guess you must still be having computer problems…? 🙁
Lisa Marie… A free-wheeling, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants spontaneous vacation sounds oh so fun!! Enjoy and be safe!!
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J Renee’… Ok, can’t resist one more… Who keeps CBS game play honest? Humm…I wonder if there is any accountability?? Back in the day I’m pretty sure there were Standards and Practices that game shows were supposed to follow but who knows about modern day “reality” shows. There was even a movie about a game show that got caught cheating. Sorry, don’t remember the details. Just as there is supposed to be “truth in advertising,” I sure hope there is a Bigger Brother watching Big Brother to keep them honest. Perhaps C’est Moi ici would have some input on this and I say that because of the excellent “follow the money interests” of the Ariana/CBS connection that was investigated a short while back. Moreso, maybe Lisa Marie can shed some light on who keeps BB honest…
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I have four email addresses and will use all to cast 80 votes for Donny today and tomorrow. I prefer Zach to win but if Donny has the best chance to beat that other guy, I’ll throw my votes to Donny. I just want to see that other guy’s face when he is beat by a groundskeeper from Albemarle, NC that America hates according to him. After all, how could Donny possibly win against a media mogul that America loves according to him?
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Who hasn’t had to deal with the situation The Lovin’ Spoonful put to song back in 65.
Now it’s Derrick’s turn to deal with that age old dilemma live and in living color.
Did you ever have to make up your mind?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pick up on one and leave the other one behind
It’s not often easy, and not often kind
Did you ever have to make up your mind?
Did you ever have to finally decide?
Say yes to one and let the other one ride
There’s so many changes, and tears you must hide
Did you ever have to finally decide?
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@junksies – No problem. One thing cool about Twitter, you don’t have to be a user to have access to a page. After I finished my post, I saw all your stuff from Jokers talking about the stuff I posted! I was writing it as you posted….haha!
@Everyone – Is anyone else just completely over the whole AFP voting thing, or is it just me? It feels like its turned into a political campaign, which I HATE! I get it. Frankie is getting an unfair advantage so everyone should unite and vote for the “other guy” so he doesn’t win. OK, cool. Problem is, people have different “other guys” they want to win. Then the campaigning continues. “I liked Zach because of BLAH.” or “Donny ‘deserves’ to win because of BLAH”. It’s supposed to be fun, but its really not. I suppose in the end, CBS wins because they have such a divisive group in the top 3 vying to win. Their site is getting a TON of traffic. It’s just gotten to silly for me to even care about anymore. It is just a reality show, after all. For all you voting, go for it….I’m not trying to convince anyone to not vote. I just couldn’t care less about who wins at this point. I almost hope Frankie wins so he’s even more hated. 🙂
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@ junksies
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Movie was Quiz Show (1994) Produced by Robert Redford.
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Zach is definateky in the running. Yes Donnie is nice- and so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is Zach. Z was just more entertaining though- BIG TIME . It’s close between the two
And I am TeanZach all the way. Biggest problem ?
We are just cancelling out each
others votes . Frankie is crude and has no class. For that
reason and that reason only I pray he does not win. Good luck to Donnie- on my
Way to vote for Zach❤️
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Been voting Donny every day…..
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I just vote for Donny with my 2nd email address and it only let me put in 13 votes before it said that I had used all my votes for the day. Something seems shady here….
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If the producers of BB had a value of not telling those they were voting off, with respect to their ‘friendship’ or being around each other, and sharing more than game, that should be in the rules before they even agree to be on it. To pick and choose who they can and cannot does not sit well with me, and anyone can see that Derrick really cares about Victoria not being hurt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It seems that they want her to be hurt, they want the tears…and if Derrick wants to prepare her, as he has with others, including Nicole and Frankie, that should be his right. Personally I think he should look right at the camera and tell Big Brother, as he sits next to Victoria and Cody, “I won’t hurt someone on purpose, and even though you tell me I can’t tell Victoria, I’m going to.” I think those watching will have more respect for him doing that, even if BB blackout the feed. I think he should do it on BBAD tonight, where more people have a chance to see it, and less chance blacked out.
If ANYONE left is strong enough to do just that, it is Derrick.
This will also send the signal that if Cody wins the final victory, either way the ‘Hit Men’ showdown is set and in motion…and I’m sure the Champagne/wine show…and ‘Whine Show’ will be the result either way.
Derrick has the ultimate respect for the game…but there is no move, in that respect, to allow Victoria to go any further.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not sure how you are able to post from Joker’s site? Last year I used my Dragon Dictate would post as much as I could from the Grape Vine & Joker’s I tried to use my own words but got a E-Mail from the Blogger girl telling me that to stop posting that they don’t allow that! So I did not do any of that this season! Wish I could have 🙁 ………….
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Boy did I use “that” Too many times…. 😳
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LM i had originally wanted HAYDEN to win – but i dont think he has a chance – so i gave my votes to DONNIE
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Team Donny! Don’t even want to mention the name of the person most of us love to not like! The whole family is seriously delusional!
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I can’t possibly respond to all the wonderful information but WOW to Junksies, Sir Rock, J Renee & Ralph for giving us up-to-date info. Great stuff from each of you. Oh, the bull joke was great! 😆
Manta Ray, loved the song and it fits perfectly.
BD Marie, good to see you and I agree, it has to be Donny. I too liked Zach and I think he deserves it more but Donny appears to be the front runner so Donny is who I’m voting for.
So good to hear some are using all their email address to vote for Donny. Every little bit helps. Go Derrick and please tell Vic, who is not stupid BTW, that she’s going home. Just do it for sanity for us all. 😛
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I cannot get in to cast any vote..tried thru link early in this blog and also thru cbs.com…keeps saying email already used and also won’t let me click at conditions block..
also the rules say you have to be 18 to vote or have parents consent…wonder if that is working at all.
I am calling WRAL tomorrow and complaining about this…they might pass questions on about
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frankie being favored etc.
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Last night on bbad Vic seemed to acknowledge she is not in final 2…she sat at kitchen table and talked to camera,,,told who in family she wanted to come..was 20 people at least and to bring her shoes and a fall outfit etc…she seemed resigned to it all,,,this was about 1:30 am eastern time.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you already logged in on CBS site? Upper right corner. Try logging out and then logging back in.
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I just read on the Facebook BB group that Ariana’s tweet from yesterday has been retweeted 10,000 times!!!!!
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Okay, here is the latest, minus the boring stuff or gross stuff:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Both Derrick and Cody are in the bathroom during this exchange, and Derrick says, “I like Victoria a lot. Her friendship is not pity. You can tell she’s got a lot of things going on” (Cody keeps pushing on Derrick telling her or he will, regardless of what BB says)
Cody says, ” Donny thought she had something off about her.”
Derrick says, “It’s possible I don’t know. I just have a soft spot for her.. from the beginning after that whole Jewish thing came out.” (Derrick’s wife is Jewish or part Jewish)
Cody says, “In the beginning Victoria would always want to talk. I remember at one point Hayden came out said Victoria, Cody wants to talk to you.. it was about nominations… and the things she would say I was like, MAN ALREADY! Then after she was nominated and the reaction she had at first, I was being nice then it was really repetitive I was like I can’t I cant’ do this!” (Driving him nuts)
Derrick replies, “It was a sign of things to come.”
Cody says, ” She said to me I didn’t even make eye contact with her when we’re all sitting there after the nominations.”
Derrick says, “That was the most awkward point in this house… it got really oh s**t!”
COdy says, ” Yup nominations sh** is goes down it’s not a party.”
Derrick says, “I cannot believe they made it even great players sometimes get “nicked” they played a great game and got a little lucky.”
Cody replies, “Yup.”
(This all went on before they went to bed the other night…They woke up around noon)
…Later on the next day, Derrick and Victoria are talking, and Derrick is worried with his daughters ear infections, it may not be wise for her to come to the finale.
This was went on:
Derrick says, “I won’t be surprised if my daughter isn’t there on Finale night because of her ear problems.” He looks at camera and says, “Please, if their is any risk involved to her, please do not take her…I can survive another week.”
Victoria then says, “What if Julie doesn’t like me?”
Derrick replies, “She will.”
Victoria says, “You sure?”
Derrick says, “Positive.”
Then she talks a little game…
Victoria asks, “How many times was Donny nominated?”
Derick replies, “Seven times. ” (So much for her game)
…Later in the day…They find out the photo booth would be back.
(Eating Panera bread)
Victoria says, “This is the best day in big brother so far.. it’s day 94 i’m going crazy.. can you tell.”
Derrick says, “Ya.”
Victoria says, “We get to do photo booth in a hour together. Big Brother you are so nice.”
Victoria tests to see where Derricks head is at…
Victoria says, “I don’t want to know anything about jury because I am not going to Jury!”
Derrick says, “That’s correct.” (Either he’s gaming or telling the truth)
…Later in the day, Cody and Derrick are by the pool…
Derick tells Cody in the backyard “Knock on wood.. she’s been completely different today”(and quickly Victoria joins them. She’s not as dumb as some may think in being around them).
Derrick and Cody decide they are going to play as many games of Pool as they can for the next 4 days and at the end find out who is the better player.
That’s all I know right now being said.
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Since CBS Rules and Conditions for voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest require parental approval for voters under the age of 18, I wonder how many parents are going to give approval to 12 and 13 year old girls – Ariana Grande’s fan base – to log into the CBS voting site and cast votes for a 31 year old obnoxious Queen who encouraged the gang bang of a virgin on live Big brother feeds. I would hope NONE, regardless how many times Ariana’s tweet gets retweeted.
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4:40 PM feed
Now Vic is ragging on the Hitmen name again.
She isn’t going to give him any positivity about it.
Victoria: “Derrick what do I have to do?? I’ll do anything! I’ll sell my soul”
Derrick: “I don’t want you to do that”
Victoria: “I’ll sell my soul to the devil”
Derrick: “That’s not your character”
I’d say Victoria and Faust may have something in common.
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Football break, so I decided to see if anything has been added…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Victoria and Derrick are in the kitchen. I think Cody has been called to DR:
Victoria starts off with, ” Obviously you are my older protective brother. You should want to take me. I would never expect my protective brother to leave me alone..who would protect me.”
Derrick responds, feeling her game, “Your real brother.”
Victoria says, “He’s not older.”
Derrick (wheel spinning) says, ” I’ll never let something happen to you and I never did.”
Victoria says, “We should walk out the main door together.” (she’s not giving in and pushing in Derrick taking her to final two).
Derrick says, ” I agree.. you mean the red carpet together?” (derrick knows what she is saying, but playing to see what she says).
Victoria corrects Derrick to make him understand, “I means the final 2.”
Derrick responds, “Victoria, Victoria…”
Derrick tells her, “The only for sure vote we have is each other. It doesn’t matter who I’m up against I’m not getting Jocasta’s vote.” (As usual, Derrick is doing the work he can’t do outside of leaving, but maybe Victoria can, since she is close to Jocasta).
Victoria says (for some reason), ” Nicole was a horrible liar.”
Victoria says, “I hate the name the Hitmen. I’m not giving you any props for that.” (With a statement like that, she is, in my opinion, if not by now, sealed her fate. Derrick is extremely proud of this alliance).
Victoria then says, ” Derrick what do I have to do I will do anything…” (Is she finally waking up to the reality?…Or still pushing to see where her whining and crying can get her).
…Some time goes by, and now Cody and Derrick are hanging out:
Derrick asks Cody, ” Let me ask you a honest question , Do you have any doubt I wouldn’t take you?”
Cody replies, “No. No, not even close.”
Derrick then tells Cody, “There is nothing that can be done. I’ve told production it’s done, No NO Rose mark it down.” (is this still game?)
…Some time goes by…
Victoria hangs out with the guys for a bit then leaves. Prior to this she made a comment about hoping for a Miracle to happen that lets her get to final 2. Derrick told her, “You can dream.”
After Victoria leaves, Derrick says to Cody, “When she makes comments like that, it pisses me off. We are both trying to be nice and respectful to her…She’s just lost a lot of money…We’re being respectful…and we’re downplaying our excitement for her well being.”
Derrick says, “She thinks there is a glimmer of hope.”
Cody says, ” She knows there is no doubt I’m not taking her.”
…That’s all for now. Back to football
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Guess everyone is ready for this season to end. Only 70 blogs in the last 26 hrs. Come on Survivor. Nite all. {{{HUGS}}}
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OMG… Did they really just do that? Are they so desperately missing skankie that they just had to slip him in were ever they can?? Watching bbad and poor Orwell was defaced…they stuck blond hair with pink tips on his poor little head!!!
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Nichole is my favorite HG
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@ junksies – I saw that too !!!!!! It just never frickin’ ends with their attempts to shove that vile, disgusting, pos down our throats !!!
@ EVERYONE – Just voted 19 times for Donny, one for Joey by mistake. (I hit the wrong photo!) : ( It’s probably hopeless with the Skank’s family doing their dirty work, but Lord knows I tried !! Come on y’all, for those who have NOT voted ttoday (now Monday), PLEASE, please, please vote. You’re allowed 20 votes per day & today is the last day to vote. Here’s the link for voting : http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/
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So, now Victoria is whining, because they broke it to her she isn’t going any further…and whining has become almost a temper-tantrum of trying to find a way for them to just say, “Okay, okay.Shut up and we’ll take you!”…But it has had the effect that Derrick has called her out saying her mom wouldn’t be proud the way she was acting now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her manipulation isn’t working, so now she is talking about how good she did at the comps, especially this last one…and she is trying to divide Cody and Derrick, while they are all three in the living room.
You can tell Derrick is use to this behavior…and Cody is just following Derricks lead…and you can tell he is biting his tongue with some of what he really wants to say to her.
She has her usual smirk, which I think works on the guys she is usually around, probably mostly her daddy.
Well, I’m sure the whining isn’t going to stop…but they are trying to tell her how good she did to make it to the final three, and she had two chances to be where they are.
Now Victoria has been called to the DR, and I’m sure Cody is about to vent so he doesn’t go nuts….Yep, first words as she leaves into the DR, “So frikin awkward!” and Derrick is calming him down…and Victoria is back almost 30 sec later…and Derrick has been called in. Cody looks like he’s hoping Victoria just leaves him alone while Derrick is gone….And Derrick is back thirty seconds later. I think they were told to put on the clothes they wore yesterday for some reason.
Well, I’m calling it a night.
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Thank you everyone who left comments and kept the site updated on Sunday. I was having computer issues so I couldn’t update. Y’all are the best! 🙂
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Thanks Ralph for all the great updates and JRenee for keeping the link to vote up. Don’t forget that you guys can use several email addresses to vote. Just log out of one and log in with a different one.
I feel so sorry for the guys having to deal with Vic and her whining and crying. However, I do believe she’s doing it on purpose and I believe she knows she’s going home but she’s enjoying herself in the meantime by making them uncomfortable. 😆 It probably works for her in her world.
Nite all.
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Ok, something has been bugging me for years of watching BB, and this year it seems to be meaningful. Why does BB and other shows that solicit viewer votes (The Voice, America’s got talent, etc.) allow virtually unlimited votes from a single email address? What purpose does that serve? What ever happened to one person, one vote? Now here is a twist for next year – for each eviction give each houseguest as many votes as they wanted for each person on the block. What would that prove?
I was about to make a comparison with political elections, but just realized that there is not much difference. there is the “popular vote” and then the “electoral vote” that actually determines the winner.
Ok, I’ve officially lost my mind!
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@ Craig Long – Indeed, you absolutely hit the nail on the head !!
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I woke up from some serious heart burn so I took some Tums….sucks! Anyway, I logged into Twitter and you guys won’t believe this. Joan Grande Tweeted that she wanted all of the Frankie fans to vote for ZACH! She said something about loving all 3 of the guys, (Donny, Frankie, and Zach) but the other guys won money from TA so she wanted to have people vote for Zach to win. Ariana retweeted it as well and said the same thing.
My question is why? Why are they doing this now? The Tweets came in very late. I guess the voting ends today at like 10am. It seems like they did this for a PR move of some sort AND they waited until it was only good for everyone to vote for one day….scratch that, less than 10 hrs. I’m very suspicious by this. Seems very contrived to me, but its news so I figured I’d share. I was shocked when I saw it.
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@Sir Rock
That is a possibly a Grande attempt to split the vote and reduce the number of votes for Donny so Frankie has the most votes at the deadline.
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I believe the Grande family have come to realize by now how hated Skankie is and that their get out the vote campaign failed to muster enough votes from the tweens who probably really don’t give two cents about Ariana’s older brother so they have moved on to Plan B PR campaign to appear “fair” when really it’s their last ditch effort to save face “because at the end of the day” (LOL!) they really don’t care who wins AFP beyond Skankie. In the end it’s only what the “title” of AFP would have meant, not the monetary aspect, because it’s always about image and image only. They chose Zach because of Zankie, Skankie’s only friend in the house, to help achieve their goal.
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J Renee’… I’m glad you saw it too!! It appeared only once, that I know of, and without your confirmation I was beginning to think that I was hallucinating!!!
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thanks Dianna for the link to the voting website.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go Team Donny.
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Craig Long… I sure do agree with you about multiple votes, which makes no sense whatsoever, and political elections. I was going to jump on my soap box but then better judgment got the best of me…thank goodness!! This is not the forum for that and I don’t want to make any enemies!!!
bobovnvet… I just tried to copy and paste and it worked and I haven’t gotten into any hot water so I guess it’s okay. 🙂
Quite a while back someone made the comment that they suspected the possibly of Lisa Marie and Star being the same person. Star is having computer problems and I really really miss her bubbly commentary. 🙁 Lisa Marie is also having computer problems but slips in a short comment here and there, probably from her boyfriend’s computer as she has mentioned. I just LOVE a good conspiracy theory… does anybody want to join me in my speculation that, just maybe, they are in fact the same person…??!! LOL…:) I’m new to this blog and perhaps some of the vets know this is an absolute impossibility and I hope nobody will be offended by my playful conjecture, especially the two ladies…. 🙂
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@ junksies
With Star in Michigan and Lisa Marie in Texas that would be a new record for a split personality.
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What is the latest stunt the Grande family is trying to pull???
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C’est Moi ici… Too funny!! 🙂
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junksies, good conspiracy theory, but nope, Star and Lisa Marie aren’t the same person. Star will tell us when the stars aren’t aligned and that’s what’s causing the computer problems. I think she says the moon is in retrograde and it screws up the tides and everything else too. lol 😆
As for the Grande family asking their tweens to vote for Zach, my conspiracy theory is that they know the fans hate their precious vile family member and that most are voting for Donny, so, just to spite “the fans”, they are trying to change the vote to Zach. Frankly I think Zach deserves it but I was voting Donny just so “the vile one” didn’t win.
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Decided to see if Victoria is still trying to pull the whining and crying card, where she left off…and I called it a night last night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody and Derrick were playing pool, and this is where I left off:
Derrick says, “Victoria has no idea how intricate the game we played. Day 12 when people were learning names we were making plans.”
Then Derrick switches to Victoria…
Derrick says, “Victoria is a good person she’s never maliciously attacked anybody…but I don’t think we will be friends after the show if I sends her out.”
…later on Derrick and Victoria are in the Hammock…
Cody is sleeping
Victoria says, “You enjoying these days?”
Derrick says, “Not really i’m trying to take it all in what I haven’t took in these last 94 days.. every blade of grass you know.. kinda sad to know we have no more compos.” Victoria agrees points out he still has one comp left.
Victoria says, “You are going to win.. I know that.”
Derrick asks her what’s the percentage if he’s going against Cody
Victoria says, ” 99%”
Victoria says, “The one vote against you will be Jocasta.”
Derrick says, ” Meeting you was definitely Cool.. I didn’t think I would meet someone that I’ll be friends with outside the house.” (I this game? He has said, when no one was around how much he really likes her as a friend…and he almost gave away his secret, being a cop, to her.
Victoria says she feels the same way. “A real friendship is harder to find than romance.”
Derrick teases her about her lust for a boyfriend says maybe there will be a spin off show like the bachelor but they are all jewish late 20 early 30’s .
Victoria thinks 15 guys fighting for a date with her is weird
Derrick says she’s lying she would love it
Victoria laughs agrees.
Victoria says she hopes her business booms from being on the show.
Derrick thinks it will big time.
They talk about Frankie…
Derrick mentions how Frankie told them all he’s a millionaire before he left.
Derrick doesn’t think Frankie will talk to them much after the show.
…Time goes by…
Cody and Derrick are in the backyard…
Derrick talking about getting a propane generator for his house. “It wasn’t cheap but we needed it for heat in the event that the power goes out. This year I plan on getting a snow blower. (Production tells them sleeping only allowed in the bedroom. It’s direct to Victoria who is on the hammock) Victoria heads inside).
Derrick says the conversation he had with Victoria was so f****g bland.
Cody talks about entering the real world again from being on Big Brother all summer.
Cody talks about working for Total Entertainment (totalentertainment.com). says he’s a MC, hoist and a dancer. People hire him
“You call my company total entertainment you get everything.. you are getting me you get a MC, DJ, 4 or 5 dancers.”
Derrick asks, “Dancers?…Girls? Guys?”
Cody replies, “Both.”
Cody says they party with the adults but with kids they teach them how to dance.
Cody says he started working for the company wanting to host but everyone has to start as a dancer.
Cody says he’s the dancer and he interacts with the people. He says the MC;s make the most money. “MC’s make 800 a night plus tip, One MC got a $800 tip”
The lead MC brought Cody in and said “Dude you remind me of me” Cody has been working towards being a MC.
Cody says, ” Dancers starts off at 200 dollars to party..”
Derrick says Cody will make Bank in the entertainment business now that he’s been on Big Brother.
Cody doesn’t think so because they can’t use Big Brother in promoting themselves (as per the contract they signed before entering the house)
Cody says, ” I don’t know the party we do are like hedge fund owners..”
Cody says he got tired of how much of a**holes the husbands are. “They’re all rich d1cks and their wive’s are smoking hot.”
Cody says, “One guy came up to me to said hey get away from my wife. I was like get out of my way or i’ll knock your teeth down your throat. “(Just like when he called Donny out this season all the times he said he would)
Derrick doesn’t understand why he would come up to him
Cody says he was dancing around in a group near his wife. “All of us talk about it cause the other guys I work with are super good looking.”
Derrick says the last thing he wants to do is “Crack:” a guy that has a lot of money. Cody knows says he would never do that he would be DONE.
Cody says these men are the biggest losers he’s ever seen “The good looking guys are the coolest ones.. the loser ones the wives are just with them because they have money”
Cody loves the job though hates not having weekends though.
Derrick realizes it is now Monday, and says, ” It’s Monday officially have one more down day to go after this one.”
…Time goes by…
Derrick goes inside for a moment gives Victoria a hug says he’s going to bed soon.
Derrick goes back to the backyard with Cody they talk about the hitmen’s game for about a hour.
…Time goes by…
In the bedroom, Derrick and Victoria are talking.
Victoria asks if she was funny to watch. Derrick says she was.
Derrick says, ” All you have to know regardless of what happens I care about you and you will be my friend for a long time.. forever.” (I think he really means it…but living as far apart as they do, that will be a video chat friendship mostly…and when she finds out he’s a cop, maybe even less per his time he has to work.
They are both happy/sad that the summer is coming to an end.
Victoria says, ” I never thought I would have met someone like you it’s so weird.”
Victoria says, ” Derrick, thanks for being there for me”
Derrick says, “I’ve enjoyed these last 2 days because we will never be in this house again together.”
Victoria agrees “No more game talk”
They start talking about this skiing trip they have planned.
Victoria says, ” Derrick we’ve been together since day one..”
Derrick replies, “Yup and you said you never thought you would be here..”
They hug and then go to sleep..
That is all I know, and it seems she realizes she is going to be the final jury member.
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I guess I don’t understand why everyone seems to think that Derrick being a cop is an automatic end to friendships. That seems kind of weird to me. I have friends who are LEO. She doesn’t seem like she is the criminal type who would be afraid of him. Can someone explain to me why it is an automatic negative and friendship breaker?
I saw someone write that Donny was barely ahead in the polls. Can anyone tell me where you find the info on the voting.
When it comes to the Grande family, I feel like it is kind of an unfair advantage for Frankie but I don’t know that if it was my son that I wouldn’t do the same thing. I just hope it doesn’t work.
And as far as Derrick getting voted into Team America, I voted for him and so did a lot of people I know. I voted for Donny and Frankie too. That was before I knew what a skank Frankie was. I thought he was funny. I thought Donny was just a nice guy. And I thought Derrick was a really smart guy and would be a good player. I don’t know why anyone would question it if you look at the time frame for when that voting was. They made the biggest impact at the time. IMO.
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The voting is over I think, so it will be what it will be but I still hope it’s not Frankie!! Regarding the Grande family, are they trying to be the new Kartrashians? Oops I meant Kardasians, no I really meant what I said the first time. I hope I don’t offend any Kardasian fans but I am surely hoping they are not trying to get a “reality” show! Of course it wouldn’t really matter to me because I would not watch it if someone tried to pay me!
If Frankie wins the AVP( I sure hope he does not) I hope he is booed double since he couldn’t be booed when he was evicted. If he doesn’t win AVP, I hope he is booed when he is introduced as a jury member. Just want to hear some boos somewhere in the show for him!
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Starfish, can I blame Star for our computer crashing?? Luckily Jeanne and I have our Kindle Fires! 🙂
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gosh RALPH if u dont have a steno machine over there – u have quite the memory!
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Ralph is pretty amazing with his info isn’t he? WOW
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Thanks, but I can’t take credit for all I post. I watch, dvr to be exact, and I go to other sources that DO spend more time actually watching (guess that’s why they get the big bucks). I try to combine them to make it more interesting, and leave the boring (to an extent) out. I figured I’d do it the last couple of days, just when we got to the final two…and now that has been set, I believe, regardless of who wins, it has been more about showing the contestants as people, away from the gaming…or mixed as Victoria just keeps trying to, with mental telepathy, change someones mind.
There are others here that do way more than I do. Cut and paste, with changing a word, changing a direction and adding my two cents. That’s all I did.
I hope enough was done to get Donny to be AFM…and if he isn’t, I hope there is a loud BOO! FIXED! HISSING! If Frankie gets it. I don’t think he will, but BB had a thing for Frankie, that much has been established.
Unless something big breaks (Pandora?), I have a feeling we will be finding out more about what they want to share about their real life.
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Thanks for all your comments everyone! ……………………
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t get me wrong about cops, the job they do is the most under-appreciated responsibility, and as in any occupation, the bad ones make the good ones look all bad.
I just think that some won’t know how to ‘relate’ to the persona he used. Will that mean they don’t want to hang out with him? No, I think many will be impressed in him able to keep that hidden, especially Cody…but others their have said bad things about cops, in passing. It even happened the other day by Victoria and Cody…and Derrick just let it go, mostly.
If Derrick does win, what I would like is, in one of the rooms someone with his dress uniform coming out, and Derrick, behind his back hides his dress cap, as Julie says, “Is there anything else you want to reveal?”…or something like that. Somehow, he is gonna say it, without words, he’s really a cop, which I think would be extremely cool, and the final ‘SHOCK/TWIST’ to this years Big Brother. I’d really love to see him somehow come out in his full uniform, to tell you the truth. Talk about a ‘Final Statement’!
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I didn’t think you were bashing them. I have just heard posters state that they believe the others will not want anything to do with him when they find out he is a cop. I honestly don’t see that. I think they will still be friends if they were going to be anyway. My comment wasn’t directed at anyone in particular or any one post. I have seen it several times this season. Even at that, I don’t think it was intended as cop bashing just more that they don’t want to hang out with policemen. And I agree that there are good and bad……………as in everything.
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How sad that Victoria is so in love with Derrick and he surely realizes it and seems to encourage her. for weeks on bbad I have noticed him going out of his way to hug her and he lets her pet him and his hair…I know it is mostly game but I wonder how his wife feels about it?
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I really wonder what the
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well..a mess up. I wonder how the jury will feel when the Team America is revealed…they won a lot of money…and now Derrick will get another 50K…no one mentions that Caleb and Vic won 5K and Zach the trip to Germany…but
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------derrick definitely will get the most…happy for him…I liked he and D
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@Ralph……you are AWESOME!!!! LOVE the comments and really appreciate the work you do for us. Please don’t stop…I love the personal interactions and you relay that so well!! We only have two more days and then it’ll be over!! So sad…hope next year won’t have a favorite like Frankie!! LOL! It’s just NOT FAIR!! JMHO!!
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Just found out that Derrick was so preparing for what the game would bring, he brought cigarettes to interact with other house-guests…but never used them, because no one smoked.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as game, believe it or not, Victoria is still trying to convince Derrick, to the point Production has to mention her name in the warnings…and she really doesn’t care at this point.
I’m not sure if BBAD will be a part of live tonight. I thought by now it would be a lot of tape and fishbowls.
There packing their bags, and getting ready for the BIG FINISH.
Both Derrick and Victoria are in the Fire Room (did the alarms ever go off in that room? Is there THAT final action coming? Just wondering).
Victoria mentions something about Production looking for her reaction after they told her something…and Derrick responds, ” I love you. You are so gullible.”
Victoria responds, “That is why people like to mess with me it’s so annoying.”
Derrick says, “It’s what makes you you.”
Victoria responds, “Gullible? That’s not a good thing.”
Derrick tells her, “That isn’t a bad thing…It just means you take what people say.”
Derrick tells her, “In my real life I don’t take bulls**t from people.” (Careful Derrick!)
Cody is outside jogging..or “Crushing it”, which seems to be the term for everything today…at least in the BB House.
That’s all (not much) for now. It seems to be winding down even more than yesterday.
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