Hi, all!
So, yesterday, I ended up having to take the day off from Big Brother and get some rest. Luckily, I didn’t miss anything in the house, did I?
Actually, judging from the comments under the previous post, it looks like I missed a lot.
Julie Chen would probably say that the game has changed once again but actually, it looks like the game is just revealing its true self. Last week, everyone was so focused on getting rid of Jeremy (and, for the record, he was voted out on Thursday by a 9-1 vote — only Kaitlin voted to evict Spencer) that it created a sense of false unity. The only clue that the house wasn’t as unified as Sister Helen wanted us to believe came when Elissa nominated Spencer instead of Howard and Amanda nearly threw an implant at her as a result.
Anyway, Ringworm Boy is out of the house, Sister Helen is out of the HoH room, and Judd Boomhauer is now HoH.
Technically, Judd is a member of the Knock-Outs, which was the alliance that was built around Sister Helen while she was HoH. However, as quickly became obvious while Judd and Jessie were talking in the HoH room, Judd is a bit less dedicated to the Knock-outs as Helen and Amanda may have initially assumed. Amanda, after all, is nearly obsessed with getting Howard out of the house but Judd has said that he personally doesn’t view Howard as a threat.
As far as nominations are concerned, Judd was going to nominate Kaitlin and either Gina Marie or Aaryn. Of course, a huge part of his thinking was that whoever he didn’t nominate could then be nominated by MVP-for-life Elissa. Judd eventually ended up putting Kaitlin and Aaryn up for nomination.
Here’s the big twist however: Elissa is not going to be this week’s MVP! Instead, Alison Gordner has apparently realized that the MVP twist hasn’t really worked out for all the reasons that should have been obvious to her when she first decided to put Elissa on the show and hence, in typical Gordner style, she has abruptly decided to change the rules. This week, the viewers are the MVP and whoever the majority of us vote for will be the third nominee.
(Also, since everyone in the house — Amanda, especially — seemed to assume that the MVP twist only existed to get Howard out of the house, this could have been Gordner’s way of trying to ensure that Howard would at least last longer in the game than racist Aaryn.)
Since just about everyone has assumed that America would chose to nominate Aaryn, the question has now become who is America’s second most disliked houseguest? I always assumed that it would be either Kaitlin, Gina Marie, or maybe even Spencer (I know that I certainly hate Spencer but, unless you get the live feeds or BBAD, you might not know how loathsome he really is) but the fact of the matter is that Aaryn is so universally loathed that second place is kind of up in the air.
I could just as easily see second place going to Elissa or Amanda. Neither one of them is as universally loved as they both seem to assume and the people who dislike them tend to be just as strong about it as those who like them.
(I forget which past HG said this but it went something like this: “When a lot of people love you, that means that a lot of people hate you too.”)
My money is still on Gina Marie being America’s nominee but it’ll still be interesting to see what happens!
Another interesting question is whether or not the HGs are ever going to be told that America voted for the third nominee or are they going to continue to assume that one of them is the MVP. Remember, the MVP is under no obligation to reveal his or her identity.
When last I checked, Elissa was freaking out because she still hadn’t received her envelope and there was a lot of speculation going on in the house about who had won MVP. However, Amanda is already paranoid because Elissa didn’t nominate Howard last week and I can imagine Amanda convincing herself that Elissa actually does have MVP and is just pretending that she doesn’t. Just imagine what will happen if, by some odd twist of fate, Amanda does end up as America’s nominee…
(And I’ll admit right now that I voted for Amanda because she has a tendency to be a bit too impressed with herself. Add to that, I am so over McCrae and her as a couple…)
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Wow I think I’m playing a different game. Still like Amanda, Mcrae, Elissa, Helen, Judd and Andy and even Jesse. I don’t know though what Amanda could see in Mcrae. He seems to have no ambition outside the house. BBAD shows him saying he like to shoot guns at propane tanks to watch them blow up and that he likes to party all the time. A little juevenile but I like him on the show so far. I would like Julie to reveal that America was MVP and see Aaryn’s face when she is told that America put her up first but of course now it will be the second person to get the most votes. I tossed between Aaryn and GM. I ended up choosing Aaryn. You say the show is boring because they got out Jeremy but getting out Amanda would really make it boring. She’s the only one left (other than GM) that has any opinions on the game.
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unfortunately, I wasted my 10 votes on Aaryn, since Judd did me the favor of nominating her!!!
Thanks so much for keeping me informed Lisa Marie….I have company this week and have sort of lost touch on what’s going on in the house!! AD this year is a total waste…9-11BBT…they are all eating or sleeping….the good stuff doesn’t start til much later…..When I sit down to watch feeds, I see either the fish or trivia….lol
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LM – I always enjoy reading your synopsis. As nuch as a lot of you don’t like Amanda, she has the HGs figured out pretty good. I like her even if she is pushy. I like Helen too except for all those tears. Amanda is somebody I would want on my team. She’s smart, strong and has the balls to tell you to lay off because you’re really hurting yoursrlf and looking like an ass.
I feel bad for Elissa snd Candice. Both of them were pre-judged and attacked in different ways but they need to start playing the game better or it will br bye bye.
but tge same goes for Kaitlyn, Gina Marie, Aaryn, Howard, Judd and Jessie. McCrae is also someone with a lot of character.
I hope the final 4 are Helen, Howard, Amanda and McCrae.
Thanks for all the uodates.
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If America is smart they will vote for Elissa to be the third nominee. she is stabbing everyone. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!
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I voted for AMANDA and I hope all E’s Brenchael fans vote for her so she gets backdoored.
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Thank you LM, appreciate your thoughts! First lets see Katlin go, to see Aaryn and GM throw a hissy fit. Back dooring Spencer would be fine, as he has as much loyalty and honesty as a Arkansas lawyer. Elissa should stay as I like to see her prim herself and prance around as a princess to later realize she was carried by others. Amanda is the smart one and playing pizza boy shaking and showing her implants! Well, we’ll see. TTFN.
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If I had a choice I would say reveal it and if Aaryn has the vote let her know how much America has seen and how we feel. that goes for whoever is 2nd or 3rd or however they have to work it out.
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I think making us the MVP was a way for CBS to ensure that politics would not keep Aaryn in the house. They want her out, but they want someone else to do it.
I think it’s unfortunate that she has become the focus of this season.
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Thanks LM. Always appreech the update. Love the reference to Amanda’s implants. Very funny. Don’t know if I can say that I “hate” any of the HGs. We don’t have to mention their names anymore but they are certainly disgusting along with many other adjectives that fit their repulsive selves.
I don’t feel Elissa has ‘back stabbed’ or even really played the game except she didn’t want to put up Howard. Otherwise, she pretty much went along with what Helen thought was best. We’ll see if she has game. However, back stabbing is what you have to do to win BB. Her eyes are much squintier than Rach’s. Means nothing tho. 😆
I too want Julie to let them know WE voted out the MVP’s choice! Now I’ll go back to the previous blog and finish up reading from last night.
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Lisa Thank you for your work on this BB blog! 🙂 Hi Starfish
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all later!…………………
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Refering to last night postings:
11, thanks. I’m glad you’re ok. I would have loved to see your post. “The Angry Buddhist” very funny.
It’s the 11 & JT show. You guys are simply great! Great info and made it funny to boot. If Elissa really picked up that if it was America’s vote, Amanda could be #2, then maybe she’s smarter than it appears. That surprised me.
Hey Bobo, hope you have a glorious day!
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Morning Starfish (H’s 4 G)
Last night on BBAD Elissa seemed to be upset she had not received the MVP this week. This was really the only thing keeping her in the game (other than Helen). I think CBS made a big mistake putting her in the house, as she has no game plan. It is hard to believe she is Rachel’s sister. Once the other HG’s find out she no longer has the MVP power, I wonder how long it will be before she is evicted. I don’t like or dislike her, I just find her a bit annoying at times. This could all change in the next few weeks if she wakes up and starts playing the game.
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A more likely scenario would be that America’s MVP nomination- if it is Aaryn or Kaitlyn- would trump Judd’s and he would be required to select another house guest to nominate to bring the total to three.
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America nominated Elissa??????? …. Sure they did! Show the votes CBS! Enough manipulation is enough. This has become the Allison Grodner “Believe it or not” with the smart money on NOT!
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Not sure if it is just speculation by the HG’s, but I think Joker’s is saying Elissa is the nominee. Didn’t read all of it, as I have to run some errands. Someone please confirm or negate this!
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Elissa is the third nominee! (Of course, a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that Aaryn’s already been nominated.) It’ll be interesting to see how the house treats her now that she no longer has her MVP super powers.
I was, of course, expecting Gina Marie to be the nominee but I can now see where I made my mistake. Most of the people who really want Gina Marie out of the house really want Aaryn out of the house too. And I imagine that when given a choice between voting for one or the other, they probably voted for Aaryn. As a result, even though Gina Marie is disliked by a lot of people, those people were probably busy voting for Aaryn or maybe even Kaitlin. Elissa, meanwhile, does have a lot of fans but there’s also a lot of people — like me — who are annoyed by her. Elissa may very well only be in second place with something like 11% of the vote but, with the way they set up the MVP twist this week, that’s all that was needed for Elissa to go up on the block.
I don’t know if Elissa is going to go home this week but she’s definitely far more vulnerable now.
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Thank Lisa 🙂
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Also, I was going to say that maybe Elissa being nominated would make Amanda a bit less paranoid about her but turns out I was wrong. Amanda thinks Elissa nominated herself. (Amanda also seems to be thinking about voting Elissa out but McCrae is arguing that they still need Elissa around to keep the numbers in their favor.)
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s 😳
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Oh my God, this is hilarious. There are Brenchel fans on twitter who are just now finding out about this week’s MVP twist. Apparently, they went crazy voting for Elissa without realizing that the rules had been changed.
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV players: Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, Helen, McCrae #bb15
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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@Lisa Marie: bUt deM rEWWLz wuR Sooooo cunfUzzzen 😉
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Hey @Kevin11 🙂
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Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
Nope. The grassy knoll folks need to chill out MT @safetchick: don’t you think CBS fucked up
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
Wish they’d show us the percentages though.
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, the anti-Elissa vote all went to her and the rest was split btwn Aaryn, GM, Amanda, whomever. Its easy to understand.
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Good afternoon Bob
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The word from twitter:
@AlthoffJulie says, “@RachelEReilly @ElissaReillyS This has to be production at play. No way did people vote Elissa. I am so mad!!”
@BB14TeddyBear says, “@EvelDick it will probably be a yoga competition so Elissa will have a easy win for the veto”
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Kevin I had a photo of me & my cat for you to see last night 🙂 But I changed it!
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Oh my God, the Brenchel crowd is having like a mass nervous breakdown on twitter. I hope they’ll be okay. Conspiracy theories are flying.
By the way, Aaryn is also convinced that Elissa nominated herself, in order to “frame” Aaryn. Or something like that. Shut up, Aaryn.
In other good news, Sexting in Suburbia is on LMN tonight. That’s one of my favorite Lifetime movies! 🙂
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The word from Rachel Reilly on twitter:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#bb15 WTF who voted elissa the third nominee ????????????? Good job guys 🙁 if elissa gets voted out over Aaryn I’m not watching –
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa got Topaz’d ZING!
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@Bobo: Even our cats would have understood the rules Julie clearly spelled out. Can’t wait until 🙂 gets wind of this. Let the games begin… Such a fun season and we’re still not even near the halfway point.
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D. @WytchyD
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judd – If Aaryn does take herself off the block, I’m gonna BD Elissa. Spencer – Works for me. #bb15 (I bet it does.) 😉
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Back to the pool 🙂 See you all later……………
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Earlier this week(?) Elissa made a very good point. She said she felt like she had been doing all the dirty work, getting blood on her hands for either “the house” or the HoH.
Armada and her bullying ways are beginning to annoy me justas much as Jeremy. Her obsession with Howard is almost sociopathic in it’s level of paranoia. If you want him out, Amanda, stop the sloppy smooching an effing WIN something. Or have hour boy-toy win. McCrae could have had a great summer playing BB. Now he’s just having a great summer playing Amanda and dabbling in BB. The Armada doesn’t have enough ships to pull off what Amanda wants but I can see McManda, and Spoward getting together to get Elissa out if Helen assumes Elissa is safe. Elissa needs to campaign this week to stay. Sadly. I had hoped Aaryn was a guarantee to be out this week. I cannot take much more of her arrogance.
Hello to our new person from yesterday, baby girl. We usually play nicely with everyone so welcome. Hope you enjoy it here.
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@Lisa Marie
Thanks so much and everyone else of course
OK so yes my cats and dogs understood the new rules but i guess the Branchel fans are not so smart.
This is just too funny
@ED yes, a YOGA comp is probably how they’ll keep hr in, production is probably buying yoga mats right now
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The twitter panic continues:
@BrookeMiller22 Why would America give Elissa MVP three weeks in a row then nominate her? #rigged #BB15
@MatthewCrane i just can’t believe that America is that dumb #BB15 did u even listen to @JulieChen
@LuckyShannon Wow really America?! That’s who you chose to nominate?! Or did you think you were voting for MVP… #BB15
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I think America’s second nom. would be Kaitlin then GM. So seeing how Aaryn and Kaitlin are already on the block, I think GM will be up as the third. Amanda is a bully in her own right and was getting very upset with Judd last night for not confirming that he’d back door Howard. They have broken up most of the showmances so why not Amanda and McCrae? And how about Howard and Candance? There are so many this year it’s hard to keep up with all of them. Right? I hope they tell that America’s first nom. was Aaryn so she’ll get a hint as to how bad she’s hated. I thought last night on BBAD was a little boring. Elissa was freaking out about not being MVP and rightfully so because once they don’t need her anymore I think she’ll be gone. I think the producers were very smart to give MVP to America cause they knew we’d put Aaryn up and they have to get her out before Howard. But just because she’s on the block doesn’t mean she’s going home. Last night’s talk sounded like they were more afraid of Kaitlin than Aaryn. Judd said he thought Aaryn would get MVP because she’s liked…NOT! Have a wonderful day everybody.
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Excellent post @p2. Amanda has definitely sucked McCrae’s game (No pun implied. No REALLY, NO PUN IMPLIED. Stop it! Ye of the Filthy Minds.) from him these last three weeks. Vegas odds they marry? 50/1 (Implies you bet $1 to only win $50) Seems she’s addicted to using/manipulating/trying to control people but still like her and pulling for her. Thank god we’re all not on the HATE NAT-A-LIE page we were seasons back…
Congratulations on the new child, gobbki… 😉
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Rachel must be out of her ever lovin’ mind. Grodner is not far behind. I’m sure no one saw this coming. I voted for Spencer because of his disgusting lack of respect for women in general. And Helen and Elissa specifically.
If Helen really believes she ushered in a new era of peace, love and harmony last week she will definitely wake up to the understanding it was just for the week oh her HoH. When, exactly she will wake up is in question but she’s pretty much a guarantee for jury house. A voice of reason, perhaps? Amanda may overplay and allow Howard to sail through to the finals. At this point I don’t really care who wins as long as the three witches leave.
Surprisingly (?) Kaitlin is handling Jeremy’s eviction better than GM, which tells me that GM is not actually grieving for Nick, but for her own fantasy lost. The BB dating game has just about ruined the season along with the racism, homophobia, and disrespect for women. Ugly people, ugly year (for the most part).
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ELISSA nominated by MVP
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Playing in today’s comp will be Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, Helen, and McCrae. Helen & McCrae were drawn as the add-on players. Andy is thrilled to be the host.
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WOW, I was gone a half a day and missed sooo much! I too wanted to see the evil ones face when Julie told her she was America’s nominee!! I hope she still does tell her we had to accept our 2nd choice.
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All I can do is ROTFLMAO ……and re-post what I wrote right after Thursday’s show 😆
Justaguy (JT) 07.18.13 at 9:40 pm
Ok… done voting
I just had a hilarious thought (to me anyway).
What if so many people are confused by the new twist…. and like robots they still vote for Elissa.. and Elissa ends up on the block? 😆
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This is Hilarious! I knew it would happen because everybody was scrambling to vote without thinking it through and voting correctly without letting emotions get into it. Stupid! I voted correctly. I voted Amanda to shake her up but not evict her. t this stage in the game she still has the numbers and is smart enough to secure them, and Aaryn would go. I don’t hate or like Elissa, I just want a chance to see her gameplay and I was not going to see it by her getting a totally undeserved MVP vote. So now that MVP vote blew up in Brenchel Fans face…. Karma for not voting fair. So Elissa… Whatchu gonna do gurl?? Whatchu go an do?!! Show me your skills so I can decide if I respect your game.
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Jokers is pissing me off lately. They are suppose to just text LF info and not put all there opinions in it.
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Sorry for this re-post.. but I don’t think many read an old page when a new one comes up. And this might be important beyond what happens with Elissa & today’s POV.
Alliance Du Jour
No name…. Kaitlin wanted “Young Grasshoppers”.. but Howard said he’s done with names. 😆
1) Howard
2) Judd
3) Kaitlin
4) GinaMarie
5) Spencer
(and possibly pull in Jessie & Candice at some point)
The 5 of them had a long talk in HOH last night/ this morning. I’m not sure if Judd was just playing along.. he has the most to lose. The other 4 have absolutely nothing to lose by banding together.. they were probably the next 4 targets anyway (after Aaryn).
They did all agree that Amanda & McCrae are making deals with everyone.. and getting others to do their dirty work by threatening them. What makes me think Judd could roll with this plan is he has also been threatened…. by Amanda just yesterday in fact. Amanda told Judd that if he didn’t backdoor Howard that he would have their whole alliance after him. Judd is tired of her BS. Judd also knows McCrae lied to him about being MVP.
Not sure how far this group will go.. or when the wheels will fall off. But I did love hearing Howard finally able to talk some serious game out in an open group. He’s always had to have hush hush short meetings before. It was pretty riveting stuff. I was already a Howard fan… but he may have moved to my #1 fave with his logic last night. The only drawback for me is I want a couple of those people out, but Howard doesn’t have many other options… so I can’t fault him there. He’s playing the game to win rather than staying at the bottom of the McManda/Helen/Elissa group.
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I hope for Judd’s sake he doesn’t have to name a replacement after the POV. It’s best for him if everything stays the same.
It would have been pretty easy to put up GM or Spencer as a re-nom if needed, but after the meeting mentioned above, who would he actually put up now? Part of me does actually want to see what he would do.
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It just goes to show the people voting for Elissa to be the MVP are not watching the show. I think it is hysterical that she is on the block. Maybe Candice, Spencer, Howard and possibly Andy will vote her out. Should be a very interesting eviction next week!
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I read that feeds went to trivia about 80 minutes ago… so POV is under way. Not sure I’ll even try to hang this time after last week’s 5 hour outage. I’ll check in from time to time.
I do think it’s funny Elissa ended up on the block, but I wish they could tell her it has more to do with Aaryn already being there.. and Rachel fans being too stupid to pay attention.
I don’t like or dislike Elissa really, but I don’t want her to feel like Rachel fans & America turned on her so sharply. That will be unnecessary & confusing for her.
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Jeff chats with Elissa about today’s events
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I think will make for a better game if the identity of the MVP remains a secret.
It was such a snore when everyone knew it was Elissa, and when they all assumed she would have it every week.
I think it’s hilarious that any player would think Elissa would nominate herself.
If they continue this nonsense next year, they should have a rule that no one player can be MVP twice in a row.
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@JT, Kudos my friend for calling this before CBS could even figure out that they screwed up. I was going to post that you said “wouldn’t it be funny if….” but you did so good for you! Great pix of Jeff & E. Funny.
@Betty, that was my thought too. Her fans are not watching the show. They can’t be that stupid, can they??? 👿 Hs 4 Mags
@Princess, Spencer is disgusting beyond belief.
@LisaMarie, thanks for the twitter panic continues info. This is really hilarious and I can’t believe CBS didn’t see this coming? Branchell’s fans aren’t the only idiots.
@Jane, we are on the same page my dear. Let’s see if Elissa’s got game.
@Kevin, great tweets, thanks! Cats are smarter than some BB fans it appears. 🙂
Hey Bobo!
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CBS grossly under estimated the number of stupid people that can not follow simple instructions. CBS added this twist as a means of getting Aaryn out of the house before she says something stupid and racist again… It will be interesting how this goes down if Elissa (a massive fan and viewer favorite) is voted out of the house… Good job CBS, good job…
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If Elissa does not win the veto or have someone use it on her, I think she might go home. Last night Candice, Howard and Spencer were all talking about getting rid of her and Amanda. This would be a perfect opportunity for them to vote out Elissa. I think Andy might also go along with voting Elissa out. I know GM would vote her out and if Aaryn or Kaitlin win the veto there is another vote to evict Elissa. Just thinking!!
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I hope Elissa wins POV and that Amanda is put up in her place. I voted for Amanda (yes, I can follow directions). Being put on the block may take some of the wind out of Amanda’s sails for a moment or two. As much as some of the other HGs bother me with their homophobia and racist talk; Amanda is disgusting. On BBAD last night, she stuck her hand down the back of her shorts to scratch her butt then touched her face!! And all that cuddling with McCrea? Come on, can’t he see she’s just using him to further herself in the game? I can almost forgive Aaryn her bad behavior, she was probably raised that way and doesn’t know any better. Amanda, however, is supposed to be a sophisticated high end realtor–she should know better. I would expect more from a person of Amanda’s age and professional stature.
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I can’t believe America didn’t read what they were voting for!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seems like they may have sealed Elissa’s fate by not reading
What they were voting for!
I like the way Amanda tells people off that are being bully’s !
That girl shut them all up when it came to Jesse ! I don’t get what
She’s see in Mc Crea!! Their an odd couple for sure!
Why would Elissa vote to put herself on the block! They give her way
more credit then she deserves! It’s crazy!
All the plays are playing in so many alliances I don’t know who is doing
what. They all lie so much I don’t know how they keep up with what they said to whom!!! WTF!!! Ok I’m done I said enough for one day!!!
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Live feeds are back on!!!
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POV winner is:
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**According to jokers******
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
Judd (?) got solitary confinement. #BB15
Big Brother Dish @BigBrotherDish
ELISSA has won the Power of Veto!! #BB15
Here we go, here we go, and I’m not Domino…
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Frannie, Looks like Aaryn is really screwed now. 😆
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So….. now who will go up in Elissa’s place? (GM I would guess?)
I said yesterday I thought they would just go down the voting line.. but who knows?
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That’s what I have been hoping for JT….they can worry about Elissa later. I doubt they will have the MVP thing going after all this anyway. BB doesn’t want her to go just yet. I read somewhere that Elissa had a 4 week contract. Did anyone else hear that?
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OMG, if that isn’t a gotcha, I don’t know what is. I wonder what the comp was. Sounds like a lot of scrambling or is it shuffling going on in the house. Why isn’t Candice in with Helen, et al?
@Betty, I guess Howard, Spencer and Candice will have to rethink their plans.
So, now who puts up the 3rd blockee? Will CBS go for the 2nd in line after Elissa? I hope so.
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Elissa won the POV? Boooooooooo.
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I saw the other HGs speculate that Elissa had a 4 week contract… but haven’t seen that confirmed. IDK
I agree, I think MVP will be done after this week. GOOD! And yes, they can get Elissa out later if they want. BB’s new twist almost backfired on them. 😆
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OK, I just read that it was GM that said that. I guess she was assuming that Elissa had a 4 week contract. Who knows what’s true anymore!
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What makes most sense to me is they will either go down the voting line…. or just let Elissa take herself down and leave that spot empty (and be done with 3 noms).
Judd doing a re-nom wouldn’t make sense to me… he already has his 2 up there.
But why would I try to use logic this season?
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Frannie, yep… GM has all sorts of theories. I did hear her say that about Elissa. Also.. Nick is in love with her. 😆
They still aren’t 100% sure who nominated Elissa (Elissa fans did! 😆 ).. so Amanda will prolly back off Howard thinking he might be MVP.
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Now we get to see Elissa play! So far so good girl.
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McCrae got $5,000
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McCrae will pay for getting $5,000. His relationship with Amanda and his lie about being MVP to Howard-Spencer will be a proverbial albatross around his neck unless I’m using that phrase wrong…few albatrosses in the Mojave Desert.
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Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow, Amanda is in trouble if she does go up. Howard is leading the crusade to vote her out. #BB15
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I sure hope they put up GM. It would be great to see all the mean girls together on the block and have one of them leave!
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Same here @Betty. These next five days would be wonderful seeing them rag at each other and the eviction (likely Aaryn or GM) should be epic.
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@K11, I thought everyone knew by now that Elissa was MVP, not McC or is it that Howard & Spencer actually believed that ridiculously obvious lie?
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Amanda think she will go up
Andy thinks he will go up
Helen thinks she will go up
Kaitlin laughs and says, “Well, I’ll see you there”
Basically, they all think they will go up and are all paranoid. Good fun for us! 😀
Is POV meeting tomorrow or Monday? Seems like they have done both days this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope I’m not stuck at work wondering who the re-nom is! 👿
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I’m with you Jane, lets see what this girl has in her! Whatcha gunna do gurl, whatcha gunna do!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ JT, of course you called it!
My hubby always asks me, do you know more than me? I said but of course on everyday but live eviction and then I prolly (for Ted) still know more cause JT is usually correct!
long live the blogade!
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@Starfish: Nah, Howard and Spencer figured out he was bullshitting days ago. Just cuts into his (McCrae’s) credibility in the House.
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Holly, I’ve been right about a few things this year, but overall, I’m a bit off my game this season with the twists changing.
I do love not knowing wtf will happen sometimes. 😆
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And Judd knows McCrae lied too (and he also knows Helen & Elissa quit talking whenever he comes around).. so maybe he will stick with “The Alliance Du Jour”
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A lot of them are still convinced Elissa put herself on the block (Amanda, Andy, Kaitlin…+) Elissa took punishment of not playing for POV fow 2 weeks? So now they also think maybe Elissa has a coup d etat.
Little green men are looking in my window right now…. I gotta go get my tinfoil hat.
Whatever Elissa is in this game… she’s no Marcellus. 😆
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Judd has 24 hrs solitary confinement. I think they were saying he has to spend it in the storage room? (it’s usually the have-not room)
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What do these stupid Girls think that someone would put themselves Up in this game? 😕
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That’s terrible JT and during his HOH. Yikes.
A bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists in the house.
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Got to go …see you soon…
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ciao Bobo, you always bring a smile to my face with your
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I think it’s effed up that Judd is on 24 he lock down from veto game and BB didn’t lock up his HOH room. People are in and out of there kicking it and strategizing!
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LOL… Judd has solitary confinement…. so I’ll give you all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONE GUESS
who saw the opportunity to take over the HOH room.
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Little green men everywhere it seems…
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@ ……L8r
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@Jane, I totally agree, they should lock up the room. Those 3 witches shouldn’t be in there.
@JT, it is the 3 witches et al, right???
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@Starfish, the paranoia is just beginning. I can’t wait to see how everything plays out.
H’s 4 G
It doesn’t look good for Amanda and McCrae right now. I just wish Amanda hadn’t pushed so hard. She should have known better. Hopefully they will both make it to jury. McCrae needs all the money he can get! 😆
If the Howard alliance is exposed, Elissa, Helen, Amanda and McCrae will have to form their own alliance. I don’t know where Andy fits into all this…any thoughts JT or Kevin11?
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little men at my window:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…………………………..Me: 😯
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Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These people are all paranoid morons. She did not nominate herself and she has no power. #BB15
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Lol @JT!!!!!
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The 3 little witches & McManda are in HOH
But Amanda said she will be sleeping up there tonight (& McCrae of course)
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JT are they saying “Whatchu gonn do Boy???!!!! Whatchu gonna do!!!
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Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
Ugh we have two more days of the insane paranoid ramblings from them. #BB15
😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯
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@JT: She’s getting dumber by the minute. Certainly many will hold that against her (them) and will be conspiring downstairs like Keebler elves making cookies in a hollow tree…
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Swine, the lot of them. oink oink
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@JT…the POV Cerm will be on Mon….the House schedule is back to normal now since CBS went back to Eviction Thurs….and Elissa will not be able to play in POV only for next week, not the next 2 weeks….and the Re-Nom will be the next highest votes but it doesnt matter cause Aaryn for sure will be leaving…. 🙂
as for Amanda…she was so confused on this week’s Twist that she ended up eating McCrae’s “Banana”, lol…check it out…..
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Maybe that’s an insult to the pigs. Sorry pigs. 🙁
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Looks like Judd is in the cockpit room (photo booth room…. sauna room past seasons)
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*McCrae won $5,000
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Judd got Solitary Confinement for 24 hrs…”I just wanna hurry up & get this over with.” -Judd
*Helen has an 8pm BBT curfew
*Aaryn has to dye her hair
*Elissa is sitting out next veto comp
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Question from Judd (looking up at camera)
“How the hell do I flush the toilet?” 😮 😆
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Frannie…. IDK about Aaryn.. she just said she did well in the comp for not having to take any punishments?
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@Frannie – Wow, I wonder what color Aaryn will dye it or will they let her just cover up those long dark roots!
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@fp2, Aaryn dying her hair is the best. Really, she has to do that? Or, just spray paint it with the wash out stuff? Medusa anyone?
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Damn! I was hoping POV meeting would be tomorrow. Can I retire at 47 years old? 😆
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No JT you can’t retire at 47! You must keep supporting Ted and me!
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awwww JT, I was so hoping she had to dye her hair.
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@Starfish: “smile”
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And there’s Kaitlin with her hand over her big mouth.
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…or 🙂
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JT, are you sure? I heard that on 2 different sites. See how $hit gets started? Makes you wonder what to believe. I guess I should rely on the numero uno BB fan….JT. 😛
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Helen, Andy, & Jessie giving Judd a pep talk through the door (I think it bothers those 3 more than it bothers Judd).
Judd lost by only 2 points I guess.
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Aaryn does have to dye her hair, she said: I bet my hair will just turn Brown
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No frannie…. I’m not sure. I had read the same… but then Aaryn made that comment. So IDK. Maybe she doesn’t consider dying her hair a “punishment”?
I also heard the speculation was from her getting stuff in her hair during the comp… and trying to wash it out after.
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More conspiracies
Apparently they all had lanes for the competition… Aaryn said she had all 2s, 3s, and 4s….. then went in Elissa’s lane and got 8s & 9s 😕
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Aaryn is now a Burnette……Confirmed……. 🙂
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Of course, they fixed Elissa’s lane??? OMG
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Thanks HoH8, really??
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Helen is working big time against Amanda right now. She’s chatting with Elissa & Jessie about how untrustworthy she is.
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Finally made it through the full complement of BB15 Comments and was so glad that Elissa won the POV so that the HATERS finally had nothing else to say. Wow! They sure sound so very much like Aaryn, Amanda, GM and Kaitlin, Spencer etc etc etc….. I wonder if they read their own comments? But, enough of that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do hope that Elissa starts to really PLAY the game, I hope that Helen stops the water works since by now I am sure that she recognizes that these HG’s are NOT her kids, and I must say that any of the nominees can go home, as long as it is Aaryn, Kaitlin or ?Bully Amanda? and I will be happy as long as SOMEONE starts to play this darn game for real!!!! I must admit that between the Cougar/Boy Toy hook up of McBaby and Amanda and the budding romance between Howard and Candice, the weeping, hystronics of GM and the real ugliness of Spencer…I am ready for a vacation from BB15! I don’t think I am alone either so CBS….Fix it or lose your audience.
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LOL @ HoH8… whoever did that pic… it looks real!
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Wow! That didn’t take long to color it, wash it and dry and style her hair. 😯
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Photoshop did it!
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Sorry CBS…I forgot to say PLEASE!
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Helen to Andy:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“You can’t say anything, if you do I’ll kill you, be careful of Amanda & McCrae.. everyone in the house wants them out”
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Jessie & Candice chatting at Judd through the door again. Judd was trying to eat at the time. He does have a big digital clock in there.. so at least he knows how much time he has left.
If I was in 24 hr solitary confinement in that house… I would pack towels around the door for sound proofing.
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Lets hope J-U-DD comes up with a Master Plan like Dan did last year and Shake Up the House, lol… 🙂
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McCrae warning to Amanda:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“You keep pushing and he’s (Judd) gettin’ sick of it”
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😆 JT Me too, soundproof the door.
@Maggie B, yep you said it all. I want to see if Elissa can play too.
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Sounds good HoH8, but Dan was about to be evicted and had to do something real drastic just to stay.
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It appears McC ain’t so dumb.
HoH8, it would be great if JUdoubleD has the game sense to have a master plan.
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ur right…maybe if he had some Beers with him he could come up with something, lol… 🙂
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LOL… Judd does do his best thinking when slightly “lubricated” 😆
Amanda seems to be on everyone’s lips.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One bedroom.. Candice warning Andy about her
Another bedroom.. Howard & Kaitlin agreeing she’s dangerous.
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How can you take a day off from BB? It’s ok to use a DVR. But took a day off? Really? Really?
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Now GM is laying by the door talking AT Judd. Maybe she’s trying to peek and see if Nick is in there too.
Production! Need more towels in the cockpit room!!
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Next up on the “Manda-go-round”
Elissa telling Howard she wants to flip it and vote out McManda (obviously Howard is all ears.. he was on board for that weeks ago)
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JT you are too funny.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How did Amanda become the target? Please, please, please get rid of Aaryn, Jaitlyn and Gina Marie first.
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LMAO… now it’s Andy’s turn to lay on the floor…. I bet that has to be so damn aggravating for him to not be able to POP his head in there! 😆
They better get Andy away from that locked door.. he might get a concussion… like a bird flying into a closed window.
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I just want Amanda on the Block so u can get Scraed and start keeping her Big mouth closed…im sure America voted Amanda alot like i did so she might be the Nom…but i say for sure Aaryn will be going…. 🙂
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janice, Aaryn is still the target for this week. All the talk about Amanda is for next week.. or later.
Amanda became a target because instead of laying low when not in power.. she always tries to run everyone’s HOH for them. She is way too pushy. She pushes so much that people are finally questioning her motives….. and they are ALL fed up with it.
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here are Pics of J-U-DD room…… 🙂
and i think thats Andy trying to FIT through the Door, lol…. 🙂
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HoH8… would be hilarious if Amanda was the re-nom. I voted for Aaryn at the time because Judd told everyone (including Aaryn) that he wouldn’t put her up.
I have no regrets voting for Aaryn though…. better safe than sorry. I’d really feel foolish if Judd put up K & GM as intended…. and Aaryn escaped the block all together.
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@JT, I believe if Judd puts Amanda up they will vote her out. Howard will certainly try his best to swing votes to evict her.
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Sal…. you’ve got your impression of Bob spot on!
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Betty, I don’t believe Judd will have that option this week. Since ‘we” are MVP this week… then we should get to name the replacement (next highest vote receiver)
And IDK what “we” will do. 😆
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I hope you are right JT. I would love to see Amanda or McCrae get the next HOH!
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If Kaitlin or Aaryn had won POV… then it would be Judd naming the replacement like normal.
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Blogger has the right to take a day off …. commenters have no right to complain
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Wow Sal, are you trying to tell us something? makes me smile for some reason. Must be something from a past life. 😛
@Betty, you would like Amanda as HOH? I’m ok with McC getting it but that would be the same as Amanda getting it. I’m not so sure I like her pushy, bossy, youshoulddoasIsay attitude. Of course, I’m taking everyone’s word for it because I don’t have the LF but they showed a bit of her over-the-top self. 😆 Hs 4 M
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bblover @FatemaGhali
@Catvanzyl according to CBS polls, GM is going up!
Please don’t ask me how she knows this. I’m justa Cyber Carrier Pigeon™.
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Candice to Amanda (speculating about who is MVP and who will be put up.. possibly Howard she thinks)
“Don’t f#ck with us this week… not this week.. this week is personal for me..next week, game on.. but not this week”
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet 24s
Amanda says Candice is attacking/accusing them of targeting Howard. (Amanda totally is.) #BB15 pic.twitter.com/ixW6QKSPuR
“Whatcha gunna do girl?” :laugh:
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@Starfish – I know Amanda is very pushy, but I still like her. I have cringed every time she talks to another HG about Howard. She should have backed off, especially when pushing Judd. At least she has shown some guts in this game, right or wrong. Many of the other HG’s are just sitting with their thumbs up their a$$ and won’t take a stand. They just run and cuddle up to the person in power. Just my opinion.
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@Starfish – almost forgot – H’s 4 G!! 😆
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“You think America put me on the block?”
(no… your Sister’s fans did)
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An alarm just went off in Judd’s room…. he said it’s 7:20 so that’s every 9 minutes (or did he say 90 minutes?)
feeds have no subtitles
***** he did say 9 minutes. That would really suck.. how could you ever sleep with an alarm going off every 9 minutes? Oh wait…. I do that every day!
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Aaryn: (In HOH room)
“I was shocked I went up because we had reached an olive branch (w/Judd)… I’ve been nice the past couple weeks, I don’t know why everyone is against me”
Candice, Amanda, McCrae…. looking at their fingernails. I think I even heard a cricket in the background after Aaryn’s statement.
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Helen’s curfew (8pm) is only for 2 nights.
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JT — Like Helen ever really does anything after 8.
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@Lisa Marie: Right?
I just can’t watch this anymore with that stupid alarm going off. Makes me nervous. Going to go to bed early, ala Helen. Could really use the sleep tonight.
Will wake tomorrow with no more Mercury in Retrograde, @Star. She certainly went out like a bitch. Grueling month here.
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Hey guys!Been gone most of the day and way out of the BB loop!!! I know elissa is on block and won POV adnd that there were like punishments from the POV. But that’s about it. Guess I need to go back and read. Unless somone wasnt to spoon feed me…..:)
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Hey Starshine, did you start the wine without me?
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PRINCESS!!!! Actually, I already had a couple screwdrivers eating and watching the movie…..prolly better get a water for now…lol
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@Kev11…feel your pain babe. Same here!!!! Acrually, it can take a week or so for all tenacles from MW to completely go away, but at least its back on track!!!
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I might to break out my Crown Royal, these fools are driving me crazy!
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JT. Stupid? You are calling me stupid??? You’re really going there with me? WTF? What did I ever do to you?
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F#CK!!! 😯
Judd’s alarm clock just woke me up!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you vote to put Elissa on the block?
Then no… you’re not in the stupid group.
That’s reserved for Brenchel fans who didn’t pay attention and blindly voted for Elissa again. 😆
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@Princess …. did I miss something between you and JT?
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JT, you trying to p off people or is it those crazy HG making you goofy?
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Sal…. all you missed was 4 years of her trying to twist my words and use them against me…. all in good sarcastic fun of course! 😆
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Amanda just does not know when to quit. It must drive her crazy not being able to “close” on this. I have no idea where her intense paranoia of Howard comes from but if she would give it a rest someone might listen to her. When her plans are thwarted she throws tantrums, yells, and threatens. McCrae has done his best to pull her back but she’s a strong-minded, independent woman and just doesn’t see the damage she is doing to herself by pushing her own agenda. Unfortunately, she’s taking Mc down with her.
I find it incredibly amusing that Aaryn thinks she’s been nice this last week (when did nice start? after you flipped Candice’s bed?) and all will be forgotten. That was only Thursday night, wasn’t it – after Nick left the house? So a day or two of Aaryn’s version of nice? And one doesn’t reach an olive branch you dumb racist, one extends an olive branch. Geez! And she’s in college. I know 14 year olds who have a better grasp on, like, language, you know.
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Exactly. Comment 49 you stated Rachel’s fans were stupid. Hmmmm.
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Princess, careful! I do have your Gravatar info and can change that pretty “K” into a pic of Spencer in about 30 seconds. 😯 😆
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And it’s six years!
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I feel like I have suddenly lost a grip on who is alligned with whom! WHY is Spencer being so NICE to Aaryn…giving her brotherly advice??? Does he have a THING for her or a hidden agenda??? Seeing the 2 of them in the hammock is a lil unnerving!! But then so was the pic of MC and Kait in the HOH bed!!lol
Seeing Aaryn on dark brown hair was weird too!! She really looked like a WITCH there!!! 😉
And when did evderyone turn on McManda??? I kinda like them. But then, couples usually do poorly in the BB House.
Love all the Andy jokes!! Oh man..it’s a good thing he didn;t get teh 24hr isolation!! They would have found a red-haired puddle with eyes stivkcing out and a hand on the doornob in the morning..lol
Anyway…I feel like I need to firmly regroup all the HGS by alliances in my head. Or are they in flux andnot sure themselves where they belong right now??? They all sounded NUTS today trying to figure out the deal with the MVP and thinking Elissa put herself up, so maybe they are just all over the place right now!!
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Ok… I’d like to make a change to comment #49
I do think it’s funny Elissa ended up on the block, but I wish they could tell her it has more to do with Aaryn already being there..
and Rachel fans being too stupid to pay attention.…. and Rachel fans who were too stupid to pay attentionBetter?
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Aaaaaaaagggghhhh. You WOULDN’T!!!
I will drive to Mnpls and kick some part of your anatomy you don’t want to have damaged if you do that!!!
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Ok kids..play nice!!!!lol
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@Lisa Marie…I just wanted to tell you I am finally get the blog regularly! WOO HOO! I just have not felt well, but I wanted to let you know that. I have very little idea what is going on in the house for the most part! Try to watch BBAD and the regular show but. Anyone can give me a quick update go for it!
Thanks & lots of LOVE to my BB friends <3
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★, I think Spencer is staying close to Aaryn just in case Amanda goes up… that is who he would want to vote out. And if successful, then have Aaryn on his side. Very unlikely.. but covering bases.
Plus he’s a fat, disgusting pig prolly trying to get his perv on. 😆
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ok! I’m very happy now. That’s much better JT. I no longer have to castigate you for the error of your ways. We can happily agree that Aaryn should leave and Amanda is pushy.
No violence will ensue.
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Whew……. (now I gotta go look up castigate!) 😆
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The dying always stick togetherr!!! So who else is with Spencer?? Howard and Candace? IS Judd with them? Feels like everything has chanfed or everyone is just running for cover. Every HG for themselves!!!!!
You sure seem to love that quote!! Maybe I should be getting royalites on it or something…. 😉
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★: Mercury Retrograde:
1-My body is killing me.
2-Live Feeds shut off, had to register for first time.
3-SEVERE THUNDERSTORM warnings on TV again tonight making TV a StressPit.
4-Just can’t seem to focus clearly and world seems irritable.
Sad you say it takes days to go away. So hope this bad buzz ends. Have stuff to do but so lethargic. FTW.
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His GF, Marilyn, will not like it if he gets to close to the blonde bitch!
Star, I don’t think they are turning on McManda as much as they are Amanda. But she has been a target since the MC was intact. Remember they were pressuring McCrae to make a decision to cut her loose. At first he said he would, but he obviously had no intention of doing so. She’s ruining her own game by pushing too hard and not winning anything. And she’s instructed McCrae not to win so he hasn’t, until today when it came to $$$. So he can win if he has to.
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PRINCESS!!!!?? 😯 …you wouldn’t really do that to me? That would be…………
……oh wait… I was looking at “castrate” …….. nvm. 😳 (turns dictionary page)
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You could never even think such a thing of me, JT! But it was funny!
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K11, you clearly inhaled too much lavender scented laundry soap and it has given you a bad buzz. Fortunately there are cures for that which are organic in nature. The T-storms following that kind of heat will wreak havoc on your body due to the rise and sudden fall of the barometric pressure.
Pet Saki, light an insence stick and stay with us. We will try to take your mind off it all and further muddle it with the laughable qualities of our fav “reality” show!
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Kev11 OMG! I was just saying today that my body was aching allover!!!! Merc doesn;t necesarily cover that but we will balme it anyway!!lol
We had terrible storms last ntie! Trees down all over, power lines down. Don’t know how our power is still on and don’t NEED to know!!! Just grateful it is!!!!lol
Ditto to all the rest too. But…*Ding Dong, the Wretch is dead…the wicked old Wretch….the Wretch is dead* lol
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@p2: It’s horrible out here and was also this time last night. They call it Monsoon Season. I feel like I’m running a temperature and any noise is irritating me (alarms on Feeds, T’Storm warnings on TV last 2 hours, even the TV replay I’m watching.) Did make that pot of coffee but still scuffling, so wish I had some 1234.
Will light another stick and give Saki a Stress Treat. LIGHTNING. Seems like 7:30 pm and yet 1:30 am at the same time. I’ll sleep good tonight.
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Star, have you been able to figure out who is aligned with whom? JT came up with yet another group that includes Kaitlin and Spencer (Gagging) but who do Helen and Elissa think they are aligned with now that Helen is no longer HoH? And what group does Andy belong to after swearing his undying fealty to Helen and Elissa?
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LOCKDOWN!!!! What is this for??? Sunday’s show????
Princess……I forgot about MC wanting Amanda out. Why is she telling MC not to win anything?? I mean I KNOW she can tell or make him DO anything. Just don’t get why? SO he doesn;t have a target on his/their back??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like K11, I have ahd a crappy headeache and bad allergies and been really tired for a couple of days. I think MR or MW has glogged up my powers of deductice BB thinking!!! At least tht is my story and I am sticking to it!! 😆
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Candice is a have-not…. but still, If I was Howard I would take the HOH room from McManda. No one told them they could have it… they just took it.
The reason I would do it is simple. The night that Helen won HOH and Aaryn flipped Candice & Howard’s bed…. what did H & C do? They gave up their bed and slept in the have-not room (nobody was a have-not at that point).
I would tell McManda to go downstairs… this is my room tonight for sleeping as a have-not when I didn’t have to.
Who could honestly argue with that?
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★: So hard to put into words but it’s almost like an electric-vertigo buzz. And k’s right, the barometric pressure is wreaking havoc. At least my spine feels OK. Would normally take an epsom salt bath to chill but my body has been constant warm for 24 hour, likely accumulated heat from the desert and humidity here. It’s almost unbearable and is affecting my thinking…despite being sober and clear-headed. SO WEIRD. It’s like I want to do something to relieve it but it’s an invisible hell…made coffee, changed litter box, did dishes and laundry and should start story but just feeling so BLAH. And I always feel pretty go0od right about this time.
Sweating inside with the A/C on is a clue and I guarantee you I’m not sick, it’s not allergies and I had enough sleep last night. Almost feel like I’ve been slightly electrocuted. The weirdest pain of all, this MR is. And know it ends July 20, but seems really bad tonight, even worse than last night. Does it go out with a bang?
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@Styar: Lockdown from power outage in backyard (via Twitter). Mercury Retrograde-caused. Horrible storms in Phoenix and Vegas so Lalaland must be affected. Think BB Production checking out electricity in backyard. BUT THAT MNOTHERFUCKING ALARM KEEPS BUZZING…TAKE ME NOW GOD…TAKE ME NOW (Lighting outside, she heard me.)
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Exactly what I am wondering?? I do not see alot of cclear lines anymore. There are twosomes, but I don’t see 4 or 5’s.
Spencer does seem to be trying to make an allaince with everybody tho!!!
And I read someplave today about an alliance…..forgot who was in it….but they didn’t have a name cuz one of the guys thot it was stupid!!! How are wwe supposed to keep track if they don;t have names???? lol
Plus I am multi-tasking and not really hearing BBAD so if there is anything going on to clarify…… I just recorded it.
Kev11…got any of that coffee left??? 😉
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“@Styar” 😉 I’m a mess.
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Sorry, Kev, didn’t see your post when I was asking Star… Then I upended a drink all over the coffe table, ivory carpet and me. A tad cranky at the moment cause I was going to take something for MY aches and pains. It must be one of those nights.
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------backyard power failure – big moon up there tonight, but it looks pitch black on feeds.. indoor lockdown now to check it out #bb15
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@p2: Dudette, you have no idea. I have so little flow it’s scary. Began to get coffee cup #2, empty mug sitting in front of me on table here. First time ever. Why leave kitchen with an empty mug? And computer (not the computer itself) locked up and had to close out of everything. IT’S WEIRD OUT THERE. IT’S GOOD TO BE JT AS THE POSITIVE PRINCE VIBES PROTECT HIM IN MINNETONKA (I wish there was a Mr. Purple emoji.)
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And where did JT go? Is he still reading the dictionary? Is Judd’s alarm seriously going off every 9 minutes? Does Grodner really hate BB fans that much?
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Kev11….it CAN go out woth a bang! It doesn;t help that 4 planetswere in retro atthe same time…uranus, pluto, neptune and merc. So that has to have caused some kind of cosmic cocktail! Prolly why you feel BUZZED!!! 😉
BB seriously had a power outtage??? That is weird. Maybe heat related. I have never even seen it rain there in 15 seasons, much less storm!!! And I am sure the barometic pressure is off the charts! My chiro talks about that all the time if I am aching and there is rain coming.It really does effect our bodies!!!
What beeping are you talking about??? In Judd’s room??? I haven’t had LFS on and they haven’t shown that at all on BBAD!!
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PrincessCandyEmpire @llvvzz
Twitter: Where a bunch of crazy people tell other crazy people not to worry about being crazy.
Retweeted by Manuel Rétweet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAMN YOU GRODNER I’M LOSING MY BEANS HERE BITCH
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@Star: Yeah the Judd-room 9-minute nightmare alarm. No matter what conversation I seem to hear, it’s there. And I’ve been trying to watch the same show I started (on DVR) and it’s 10:15 here and still can’t get through it.
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Kev, that damn alarm is what woke me up earlier… I had my tv on and BBAD switched to a shot of the clock and loud alarm! 😆
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More Mercury Retrograde, planet-alignment tension release…
NewsBreaker @NewsBreaker now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKING – 6.8 magnitude earthquake centered 20 km east of Seddon, New Zealand, depth of 19km at 5.09pm local time –
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@JT: I made the huge mistake of falling asleep with that CAM on when they were talking in the bathroom. Lost my only bet of the day (-$21), had that on and the storms rolled in here. It was a bad hour. If not for p2’s email, I would have ran for my room.
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@Princess…..Oh crap..what a mess!!!! I hope ot wasn;t red wine!!!! 😉
I am not kidding…I did say just today how I ached all over and dbefore I went out earlier, everything I touched, i dropped!!!!! I am not sure the moon is full, I don;t think it is quite, but it could be adding to the effects!!!!
@K11…..JT doesn’t believe so i tdoesn;t affect him!!! lol I bet he doesn’t clap for Trunkerbell either!!! 😉
You are in the Outer Limits, Dude!!! I meant to tell you that I had to call on the LFS yesterday and talk to CBS techie help. was on the phone for about 45 mins!!! None of my LFs worked! I guess they ahd been hacked, but not everyone had the problem with it. LIke JT….. of course….lol
OMG!! I jsut heard that beeping noise! It is annoyng as HELL!!!! POOR judd if he is being exposed to that all nite!!!!!
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Better give the Queen a stress treat.
Hopefully won’t lose power.
Hopefully will get this 2nd cup of coffee.
Where’s @Bobo when you need him?
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WOW! thtis IS a bad MR!!!! I have a friend in NZ!!! I hope he wasn,t affected!!!
it desn;t make anything go away but , isn;t it kind of good to know ther eis a reason for how you are feling or WHY things are happening???? I always feel better if I know WHY! It’s a control thing. NOt that I have control issues….lol
it is better you are here with us. Maybeit will get your mind off shit. But yes..DO turn your volume off!!!! I meant to tell you that a couple of posts ago!!lol
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Correct… no clapping for Trunkerbell here (whatever that is) 😆
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Star, I just closed all my doors and blinds for the night. Moon looks pretty full to me. Maybe 7/8th if not full. No, not red wine but dark (like rum and coke). Sigh.
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K11…..Bobo is prolly sleeping! I think he naps this time of nite and then gets up later and comes back OL…lol Been known to do that myself!!! 😀 But at least he is oblivious to all the MR and BEEPING going on!!!
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Trunkerbell?????!!!! I can’t beleive I did that!!lol My eyes are so blurry and I have such a headache and that was SO much more than a typo…lol
SO..not a Trunkerbell fan then???? lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i wish I could drink coffee this time of nite….cuz I sure NEED it!!! But I’d never go to sleep if I did!!! Maybe I need a lil wine…… 😉
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Just scraped together the smallest amount of 1234 in the history of mankind and smoked it. Feeling a little better already. Bless you Mary.
The Queen has come from her Bathroom Castle to now inspect the rain (It’s pouring again now.) The dogs next door have their yap on. More thunder. The Queen is now hustling (quick steps, quick steps) back to her Bathroom Palace. The Queen is not fond of the thunder. The Queen wonders why The Sky yells like Mama losing a Vikings bet when it cries.
I’m sorry Queenie. I don’t speak Cat. Let the Stress Treat take you away like Calgon…
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BBAD comes on at midnight here. I have beeping every 9 minutes to look forward to? I think I’ll watch it tomorrow while I’m finishing another load of laundry!
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Amanda is surprisingly delusional.
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I didn’t really know what 1234 was until you just phrased it that way!! Not much of a Mary Jane girl…lol
My schnauzer didn’t like storms eitehr. We used to give her Puppy Prozac. It didn;t always work FOR the storm tho, if no advanced warning, but she slept like a baby after!!!
God I HATE it when they whisper!!!! It’s like the opposite of that beeping!! Straining to hear it is jsut as hard on the ears tho!!!
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@Princess..I haven’t really heard the beeping on BBAD. Just once. K11 is listening to the LFS.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BTW..I THINK there is supposed to be a Full Moon on Mon.
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It’s def working toward a full moon! I guess you didn’t know what “organic” was in one of my earlier posts either, lol!
The whispering is awful because the mica pick up on the surrounding house noises and amplify them more than the actual whispering!!!
@Kevin. “Surprisingly” delusional? Have you been watching this season, sweetie?
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If you ever REALLY want to lose your mind, have (POWER FLICKER) the TV on with the T’STorm warnings, the computer on with the alarms going and the radio on with justanyonetalking. And 1234 is the same as 4321: Weed. Wish there were an emoji for it…. (Mr. Green makes sense. Stop laughing Jeff.)
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As far as Amanda, always a bit delusional but really hitting new heights this week. Now…
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn/Amanda talking. Aaryn telling Amanda that people are calling her and McCrae a power couple. Amanda says it doesn’t make sense. #BB15
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@K11, I just got to #202 and had to let you know that two storms are heading to LV from different dirrections. That’s why you’re having MR hangover and prolly all weekend they’re saying. Just do what Star tells you to do and the lavender will help. 🙂
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Kev11..sounds like my last nite. Power went out twice and then kept flickering!! And clocks and printers beeping as the powere went off and on!!! At least you’v got a cat in da house for company. Even if she is in the BR behind the toilet….lol
Princess….guess I missed that. But no..my radar doesn’t really go there!! Nothing agaisnt it, just rather drink…anything…lol
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Hey SF!!!! I have no words of advice for Kev11!! There are no *fixes* for MR!!! You just gotta wait ‘er out!! He prolly did the best thing for himself a few tokes….err…minutes ago..lol
Lavender can’t hurt…some Valium would better but doesn’t smell as nice…;)
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*checks on cat*
@Star: You’re psychic. Expected fuzzy to be in the bathroom chilling but the thunder is just too much and she was hiding in her little cubby hole in the bedroom. She’s cool until the next couple of claps.
@Starfish: Thanks. We hardly get rain but when we do it’s crazy and it doesn’t absorb into the desert (Star) like it would in the East, Midwest, Southeast. Hard caliche soil and the oils on the roads build up and morons slide into each other. Las Vaginos don’t do rain well.
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Saki stole all my Valium.
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I don’t “do” either. But it’s been mentioned in my orbit long enough for me to be aware.
I did take a Valium. Thought that might protect me against anymore spillage either from drinks or MR.
Kevin, She is just reminding you She is there. After all, this afternoon you said you weren’t sure She existed. Now apologize and ask Her nicely to make the storms go away. Or at least not affect you, sweetie.
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Well, I tried 1234 or 4321 several times and each time I put ketchup on either side of the fridge and ate everything inside! Loved spaghetti and potato chips, etc. Not a fan. Valium works when I can’t sleep.
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@p2: Agnostic Geminis believe in God from 11:11 p.m. to 11:11 a.m. From 11:11 a.m. to p.m. we whine like baby sparrows.
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Ask Saki to give some of it back. Do not be selfish and jump off the second-story balcony without making sure there is adequate food for Saki and someone to pet her and clean her litter box until you heal.
In fact, don’t jump at all. That would make us all happier!
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Well, it’s 11:17pm my time and apparently She’s not happy with your attitude, Gemini or not!
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hebbywebbybb @hebbywebbyBB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People get so offended when you talk badly about their favorite houseguests. Who the fk cares?
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@K11 Agnostic Geminis LMAO.
@Star, yes lavender smells great!
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Me a Gemini – God help me!
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It’s 11:17 here now. The storm has passed. ‘She’ smart.
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I’m not surprised about Aaryn thinking that all should be forgiven because she was “nice” for a couple days. Being nice isn’t in her wheelhouse and she can’t fake being nice for too long. She’s just not nice unless she’s manipulating someone to get something. She may have been raised that way but I put all the blame on her. Someone said their 14 year old knew better. Mine did too.
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Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is this real life? Elissa and Aaryn having a civil conversation? What kind of sorcery is this? #BB15
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Kevin: “She likes you!”
Star and Starfish: I keep lavender oil in my bedroom and burn lavender scented candles to help me relax and sleep.
Alright, everyone. I’m drifting off. The Valium is working, there are no storms here and I didn’t get much sleep last night.
Night all. Catch you tomorrow!
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What’s wrong with these people? Amanda to Mcc about Candince “She just doesn’t want her big black d!ck to go home” and she says Howard and and Candace playing race card. Amanda please stfu!
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Kevin, Elissa is by nature a nice girl. Her biggest downfall in the game to date. Rachel would cut a bitch. Elissa will have tea.
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@princess lol at cut a bitch & tea!
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Thank You Jane…for telling us what Amanda said about Howard’s Big D*ck….she said it a few hrs ago and i been waiting for someone here to mention it cause im a shy girl that would not talk like that, lol….i was starting to think that everyone here was afraid to say it, lol… 🙂
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@Princess 😯 😆
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@HoH8, not our Jane. She’s not afraid of anything. But a “shy girl”, really? 😆
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@SF…yes, i see now Jane is sure not afraid…..i was going to post it if all of u wouldnt have posted it…..who me? shy girl?….hell no, lol…. 🙂
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“cut a bitch & tea!”
Everyone’s doing it.
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i just cant believe what Amanda has been doing up there in the HOH room…eating all of Judd’s food, talking bubble baths and always in the bed with McCrae…and talking Crap bout Howie’s D*ck…..A will become the next Aaryn…im praying that A will be the Re-Nom….Please….just to Scare the Shit out of her, lol… 🙂
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I can’t believe they are taking advantage of the HOH room like that. Well, I guess I can with this entitled bunch of spoiled brats. It just makes me wonder about that generation or is it just that CBS picks them that way? I hope Judd is not happy and let’s them know about it.
Amanda saying that about Howard’s d*ck is just really reprehensible to me. I don’t get it. I’m prolly too old but that’s just plain wrong like two left shoes.
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What’s wrong with these people? Amanda taking advantage of Judd’s food, etc. She’s just plain wrong like two left shoes! I hope he get pissed and let’s her know about it.
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Wow this was a lot to read! I did take a little nap after dinner, but I had to catch up on some of my TV time 😆 So @Kevin I am sorry I was not around to help you! My power was out…. 😕 Thanks for all the updates……………. For Starfish….
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Hey Bobo back at ya! 😆
I can’t believe Amanda taking advantage of Judd’s food and the bed, etc. What a jerk and entitled spoiled brat she is. I hope he gets pissed and let’s her know. She’s just wrong like two left shoes.
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Power outage 🙂 Not really…………..
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Hey Bobo back at ya my friend!
I can’t believe Amanda being so rude and I hope Judd is pissed about her eating his food and using his bed for their games. ewwwww She’s just a spoiled, entitled brat! or bitch!
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Goodnight all… It’s after 3 AM time to go lay down, see you later……… ………
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Nite all…..
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Came back to say goodnite and what before my wondering eyes should appear, but a big *BD* and 8 tiny reindeer??? NO wait….those are HGS……lol
And I think *Cut a bitch and tea* should be BB’s new motto!!! Out with Expect the unexpected* and in with CUBAT!!! 😆
Nite SF,Princess,K11,BOB,HOH8 and Jane!!!!
And remember….MR is GONE….and tomorra is another day!!!!! *Segue to theme from GWTW* lol
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Howdy Amigos 😉
Sorry to see Judd in solitary, that really sucks, nice HOH 🙄 that should not happen, disappointing that Elissa got POV, she is way to damn lucky and she had a very good head start. I am rooting for Amanda and McCrae, Howard, Judd,Andy, Helen in no special order. I’m really gettting sick of looking at Elissa’s Botoxed face, she even smiles weird, her lips look fake also. She also wears like 3 pairs of eyelashes, Damn, I have never seen her without makeup, you think she sleeps in it? OYYYYY, vain to the core, looks like a plastic Barbie Doll. I have a porcelain Barbie Doll it looks more real than her and has less makeup. You would think since she’s having things done, she would have taken care of that Honker she has, It’s worse than Rachel’s. Ok, Amanda, had her boobs done way too big, very unattractive and also an obvious Nose Job, it just looks way to perfect. But she seems to look fine without makeup, and she does her makeup better than Elissa, maybe she should give her tips.
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@hoh8 & @starfish it had to be said! So Amanda is the newest Aaryn throwing out BlCk stereotypes. She’s also dumb, all Black men don’t have Big D’s, nor know how to use them… And that’s all I’ll say about that lol! Amanda is quickly slipping down the I was starting to like you list. Also, why would she be concerned about Howard’s privates? Is she secretly dreaming of him in her bed at night?
I completely agree with it being b.s. that the HOH room has been taken over by non HOH members. How disrespectful! And then for Amanda & McCrae to get under someone else’s sheets and swap bodily fluids!!??? What’s wrong with these people? None of them seem to have any type of home training. I was taught its disrespectful to even sit on someone else’s bed, and I would NEVER climb in another persons bed with my lover!!! Freaking disgusting! Like I said earlier, shame on BB for not locking the HOH rom when Judd is in Solitary Confinement. Shame on one of the Houseguests for not stepping up and locking it themselves or asking it to be locked during DR session.
Grossest cast ever
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Now I might have missed the post, but Elissa is the third person on the block & has won POV. So who will pick the replacement? America, HOH, or even Elissa?
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@rich I think they go down the line on Americas vote
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transitive verb \ˈkas-tə-ˌgāt\
Definition of CASTIGATE
: to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
— cas·ti·ga·tion noun
— cas·ti·ga·tor noun
Examples of CASTIGATE
The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader.
Latin castigatus, past participle of castigare — more at chasten
First Known Use: 1606
Related to CASTIGATE
Synonymsbaste, bawl out, berate, call down, scold, chastise, chew out, dress down, flay, hammer, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste (or lambast), lecture, rag, rail (at or against), rant (at), rate, ream (out), rebuke, reprimand, reproach, score, tongue-lash, upbraidAntonymsexcuse, pardon, spare
Related Wordsadmonish, chide, remonstrate (with), reprove; abuse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, crucify, denounce, dis (also diss) [slang], excoriate, fault, harangue, knock, lace (into), lash, pan, reprehend, revile, scourge, slam, vituperate; belittle, disparage, mock, put down; ridicule, scoff, scornNear Antonymsapprove, endorse (also indorse), sanction; extol (also extoll), laud, praise
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I wanted to share what I read in this weeks TV Guide, interesting äs it was in the CHEERS & JEERS SECTION”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeers to Big Brother (with Julie Chen). A cheap unimaginative production showing human beings in a fish bowl wickedly conspiring against one another?
Shameful. We’re no better than ancient Romans in their coliseum,,,,,,,,,,,,,and we know what happened to Rome
Michael S via facebook
I guess Michael is more upset at the production of the show then what transpires o the show, confused ???? well I sure as hell am.
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Below is the link to the Aaryn Fan page. Similar to the Jodiariasisinnocent,com site where posters must comply with “house” rules – say what they want to hear only.
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comma’s don’t work…
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But remember that only “This is for all of the FANS of Aaryn Gries! The southerners, the girls with backbones, and those that merely support our girl!” are invited to the Team Aaryn page.
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@MM….I think there are many of us that are upset with production. I really think Big Brother is more of a fixed game now, and in the last three or four years than ever before. They fix the comps to fit certain guests, which is so unfair! They change things to HELP with the elimination of certain hg’s, so as to keep the heat off of them. JT says it best….”it has become too predictable”. I wish they would let these people play the game and let it be!
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Is anyone else bothered as much as I am that Big a (Amanda) and digiorno (mc) TOOK over the hoh room? It was like grand central station with the comings and goings of the hgs, eating his food, sleeping in his bed, actually taking over. To me was disrespect big time, and poor Juddddd his ears will be ringing for days so not only talking with marbles in his mouth he will not be able to hear, I feel so sorry for him. But, back to Biga and digiorno what nerve taking over the bed and holding court, she has to go, I would prefer her going after Aryan nation then big a
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Not an Aaryn fan! Now if there is a HATE Aaryn page, I’m sure there would be tons of likes to that page.
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It seems that it’s purpose has been defeated by all the HG’s coming up and making use of it constantly, eating the HOH’s food, using the bathroom, laying in the bed. Since when do HG’s get the privileges that the HOH gets, especially while in confinement? The HG’s should have been told by production to stay out of his room.
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all Black men don’t have Big D’s, nor know how to use them… And that’s all I’ll say about that lol!
I’m no Amanda fan BUT:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda’s comment was about Howard only, not all Black men as interpreted by the poster, an observation/assessment possibly relayed to Amanda via Candice.
Howard exposed his stuff on live feed and it is very big…
“It is what it is.” 🙂
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When you use a stereotype you are type Asti g an entire raise. PK go sign up for the Aryan can page, them yo people!
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*insinuating* early morning typos… I’m out for awhile. I really can’t stand PK and not in the mood for his rants today.
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*race* not raise… Goodbye I’m over the BB blog presently. I may come back in the future but its hard I can’t stand PK
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I couldn’t figure out why Judd was in solitary during HOH whats is going on. it’s not right?
But then again as someone just said the past 3 seaons are not as good as they used to be and it feels like production HELPS their favorites when necessary.
What the point of being HOH if you can’t have your room and Dgiorno and Big A have sex in your bed ???? Yuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
And Howard showing his D@@@ ????
Is there anyone that has any type of basic sense, manners, or basic politness rules in that house?
I seem to enjoy the Blog more than ever this year ?
I think production should show that Candace and Howard are a COUPLE why are they selective? It’s a power couple , he’s very strong and she is a smart girl.
I would fear them, they have an alliance that could go far and he keeps throwing comps so …..It is what it is !
have to go sanitize my hands from reading the disgusting behavior of our BB15 cast
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@Jane ,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------don’t worry about certain people here to upset nice women…….IGNORE !
Have a wonderful day
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I don’t like the way Amanda is trying to push her way on people to try to back door Howard, but we have to remember that when the Moving Company was in effect and still to this day, Howard and Spencer have been throwing Amanda under the bus and trying to get everyone against her. So I understand why Amanda is acting the way she is about trying to get everyone to backdoor Howard, because he is the bigger threat physically then Spencer is.
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@frannie2 I completely agree with your comments. Amanda is just doing whatever she wants! What is the deal with McCray? Is she using him or does she REALLY like him? Odd couple indeed.
Could someone tell me why Judd is in 9 minute H#%l? I missed some chat and don’t understand is situation! Was there s Pandora Box choice or something?
I agree why has Amanda taken over the HOH room ? I have missed do much not feeling well the past 4 days or so! Anyone have answers for me please feel free to inform!
Happy Birthday to me!
Love you all ! Especially Lisa Marie and PK whom have both made sure I am aware of new blogs ! Thank you both for watching out for me!
I like everyone here aswell, on this blog site, really enjoy the ADULT CONVERSATION ! Kind of liked RWB in his last week, but Aaryn still says she has said or done nothing wrong! Really Aaryn, really? Can’t wait for her eviction! I PRAY Julie Chen tells her ALL about the country’s feelings for her. But know BB she will probably land on her feet just fine! 🙁
Maybe Julie should offer her some stick rice when she is evicted!
Notice the CBS disclaimer at the beginning of each show? I don ‘t believe they have ever had to make that statement in any if the past 14 BBseasons, have they?
Maybe if Aaryn would smile once in awhile she may be liked better?
What happened to her and Kaitlin ‘s friendship? Is Kaitlin to beautiful to hang with Aaryn or did she finally see her true racist colors ?
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As an ardent supporter of Angela Davis back in the days of national turmoil, a Howard University music department benefactor and very close friend to many of the graduates of that program, close friends with many of my black neighbors here in Mobile, Alabama, and perhaps one of the few white Democrat Mormons who voted for Obama in both elections, I consider you to be the one with racial issues you need to address. Sooner than later, hopefully!
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Great PK has black friends lol!! To bad you know nothing about the black community, thats one of the biggest jokes the black friend phrase that immediately cones out after hints of racism. Lol your an idiot and I need to uncheck the box on email so i dont get your racist arrogant ass. Bye Blogger friends I will catch you guys on FB.
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FB it is Jane! Sad to see you leaving the group because of such ugly remarks, but I’m sure all of your friends will understand.
Now that that’s out of the way…you’re up on ‘Words With Friends’. 🙂
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さようなら (Sayōnara)
I’m off to put a roast in the oven.
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I was born and raised in Washington, DC in a multi-racial neighborhood. Color is only on the outside, it is only what is inside that matters. Mom taught me that early on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nothing wrong with having black friends, not now and not ever, with or without your approval. I never insulted you so why do you have to make unwarranted racial slurs about me? This is blog, not yours or others invitation to attack me and/or others who’s comments do not meet with your approval.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whose ugly remarks? Not you too?
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Lisa Marie
Hard to stay supple under the present circumstances, but I always look forward to your reporting the latest BB news. Keep up the excellent work.
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While watching BBAD last night I could not believe Andy spilled the beans to Amanda about Helen and Elissa wanting her out! I think Helen will be very surprised when she learns Candice has broken the alliance with her and is now siding with Howard, Spencer, Judd, GM and maybe even Jesse (not sure about the latter). It is so hard to keep up with everything that is going on for in the blink of an eye, up pops another alliance! Spencer is being so gushy nice to everyone now in the hopes to get Amanda out. Hope it all blows up in his ugly face!!
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No telling what alliance will emerge today. Judd seems to just go with the flow and Spencer is utilizing his best “all aboard” routine to lure anybody on his train. I, personally, do not find anything about Spencer to like so I too hope his plans to form an alliance with him included fail.
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Ok, I don’t think I missed reading a post, so now I will comment
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ellise was nominated not cause her fans voted for her but they voted for Aaryn or Katlin. There are just as many Ellise haters as fans out there and she probably came in third on the votes and since Aaryn and Katlin were already nominated, it was Ellise that went up. I don’t think her fans were that stupid. And I voted for Howard, that makes me stupid..lol
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Wow !! All caught up… Thank you all! 🙂 Sorry to see you go Jane I think this Blog is great! PK Has the right to say what ever he feels, If you don’t like it just don’t respond! But just don’t leave because you dislike someone, I wish you would reconsider your choice 🙂 …. On a different subject, Time Warner is pulling the plug on CBS & Showtime …… I think that they have BB fans in their Management & are mad that they can’t get BBAD! 😆 Just trying to lighten things up!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! See you later………………..
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Time Warmer, Comcast, Mediacom, Direct TV and Dish Network all seem to take turns threatening to drop the major networks. But always at the 11th hour, a deal is struck and we go back to the same old, same old TV unchanged from whomever we get the signal.
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OMG yes PK, her too! There are a LOT of us who are quite sick of your comments and corrections to our posts. You like to talk about yourself and your better than everybody attitude is nauseating. We don’t care about what you say because it’s generally to pick on others or give your version to other ppl. Be careful Madisonchris, he is NOT the nice guy he seems and sooner or later you will say something he disagrees with and you will be his next victim. I HATE BULLIES!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We will miss you Jane!
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PK I know what you are saying, I just wanted to lighten things up 😆 You & I have had our differences in the past! I call you a jerk & at times you have been nice!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are you going to do? 😕 I just don’t care for fighting with other in this BB Blog that’s all I saying about that! ……………
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Others 😳
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Another unwarranted blog assault. No surprise. I state my opinions, not yours, whatever they may be, and I am not required to agree with you or you with me and NEVER claimed otherwise. I did not correct Jane, but instead pointed out what may well have been a racial generalization she attributed to Amanda does not appear to be supported by what Amanda actually said on the live feeds. Do your own checking and make your own decision.
I hate bullies too, particularly when there are five or more of them in one blog simply rubber stamping the others just because they can.
I really am a nice guy Madisonchris. You’ll see. 🙂
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What differences other that I believe you tend to be politically conservative and I am a very liberal democrat. What else? We are both close to the end of checking off our respective bucket lists and there is no debating that…
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what are we doing ?
Can we go back to BB15 please and stay supple ?
I really enjoy that a lot.
Going to have a fun day now.
Later !
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@Jane, I knew as soon as I saw the responding arrogant correction to your comment that you were going to respond. Noooooo Jane, when certain people (whom are disliked by oh so many due to their arrogant, preaching, insulting, better-than-thou attitude) comment about anything, just ignore and don’t respond. It’s unfortunate that some who haven’t yet been attacked by this non-entity and choose to respond but you should not as it gets on your last nerve and it likes to do that and start a word war. Which it has been done in the past for several days. Argumentative is who it is and loves to do it while demeaning others. It gets off on that as oh so many of us have seen in the past. It doesn’t know how to have fun. That’s why only a few who don’t know about it’s pompous behavior and that it is in our midst will continue to respond until one day, they are nastily reproached. Those of you who don’t know this yet, you will soon. And I know I’m going to be oh so sorry for writing this for you but it just had to be said. Oh yes, there are many of us who feel this way! So Jane, stay with us, we don’t want you to go.
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Hey gang, I was on the road most off yesterday and am finally caught up on all my reading. Did any live feeders catch any of Elissas antics last night between 12a-4a? Apparently she was drunk and went off on Amanda (some kind dominatrix d dance she did for McCrea for his b-day in front of everyone in the hoh), production, and the Dr? Heard she was naming names of production, made Amanda cry, etc. Fyi, I get the impression everyone agreed mcmanda could sleep in hoh last night because it is his b-day today. Going to be some interesting fallout from her behavior if it played out like it sounded.
ciao for now!
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Starfish How you doing? Ready for the show tonight? I put my two cents worth you know, but I know! So this is fore you to :)…………………….. ♥♥
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Thank you Bobo, you are a prince. Yes, I’m absolutely ready for the show tonight. I wonder if what kimjmj #307 said about Elissa will be shown tonight? That surprised me because she seems so controlled about her behavior. It will be fun to watch. This season has been fun mainly because the HGs don’t have a clue what they are doing which makes us not have a clue either. 😆 Takes care my dear and have a good day!!! {{{Hugs}}}
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Starfish#307 Read about it on Joker’s… Sound like Elissa went off on A & started naming names of production in her DR that made Amanda start to cry!…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just watch Jeff interview with Jeremy, Wow back peddling about races remarks 😕
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Another hot day on the Jersey Shore 😎 Almost as hot as this Blog 😆
I think I will go for my swim, work out some of this body pain, better than having to take Medication! See you all later……..
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Sounds like Elisa is backpedaling this morning claiming she wasn’t drunk and just joking around. Either horrible game play or the. true Reilly mean girl attitude finally coming out. Amanda and her incessant desire to get Howard out (by someone else’s hand) have her new on everyone’s radar. I think she is a strong candidate for America’s 4th least liked (after Aryan, Kaitlin, and Elisa) . It would certainly be awesome to watch her scramble and explode if on the block (even though she’s been one of my favs). But production wants one of the three witches out, so I’m assuming GM will be the replacement, and with no release of voting stats it’s hard to argue she wasn’t there to begin with.
Ciao for now!
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Thanks kimjmj, great update. Not an Amanda fan at the moment either but still don’t have an absolute favorite. This game moves around like the ocean floor so it’s hard because we like someone one day and they behave like an idiot the next day, etc. etc. Now, off to walk my dog.
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New Post Has Been Posted:
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It was actually my stated objection to Jane’s generalization not supported by the live feeds, not an arrogant, preaching, insulting, better-than-thou attitude comment as you assert. But that makes no difference does it? PK said it so it must me whatever you want to make it.
I have had many conversations with Jane over the years, all mutually beneficial and sometimes entertaining or so it seemed at the time, and have no idea why because when I commented that a racial generalization she attributed to Amanda was not supported by the feeds, led to me, the liberal democrat, color blind advocate all human rights being accused by Jane of being a racist as her response to my comment. Now that was as far from the truth as one or all can get.
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Starfish your two left shoes posted 3 or 4 times.
I don’t get the LF but someone said Howard expised himself. So now Ananda commented on it.
I know these are the worst HGs ever but we’re all still watching it. I guess we all want to see the exit of a few.
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@Janice, I still don’t see them. This is the previous blog and I know I tried about 3 times and they never posted. Then I tried on the new blog and it still won’t post for me that I can see. So, this is really bizaar.
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Starfish – I don’t get emails of what I post but I can see it on the blog site.
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Yep Janice, I see them above. But they didn’t post when I hit submit so must have shown up later. Still very weird. Thanks for letting me know.
Amanda is as wrong as two left shoes. still. 😆
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Thanks Janice for letting me know. I see them above now but it’s still weird that they didn’t post right away. So now when I type the following just like it is only normally without the spacing, it will not post for me, I just tried it so I’m doing it this way now:
A m a n d a is as w r o n g as t w o l e f t s h o e s
We can let this go now but it’s just weird to me.
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