Big Brother 15 — The Unbearable Lightness of Aaryn

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 10, 2013

Hey y’all!

Well, there’s really not much going on in the Big Brother house.  The nominees for eviction are still Helen, Elissa, and Nick.  Up until yesterday, I was pretty certain that Elissa would be going home but then I started to hear some talk that things were starting to look a little bit shaky for Nick.  To be honest, I’m having a hard time keeping track of who is plotting what this season, if just because the collective house seems to have about a 2 minute attention span.

Maybe everything will make a little bit more sense after tonight’s show!  At the very least, we’ll get to see who this former BB favorite is who is returning to the show and what his message for the HGS was.  (However, if his or her message was to watch all the racist and homophobic language, it was a message that apparently went over Aaryn and Gina Marie’s heads because they were at it again, yesterday.)

Also, as HoH, Aaryn had to write a blog that was then posted over at CBS.  HoH8 posted Aaryn’s blog in the comments section of yesterday’s post and I’m going to repost it here, just in case anyone missed it.


POSTED ON JUL 9, 2013 10:55AM

Hey Y’all! It’s your current HOH and BB Bunny, Aaryn! This week has been great for me. I couldn’t have asked for a better time to be in this position. Going into this HOH competition, I knew I had to win in order to secure my safety. Things weren’t looking too good! David leaving was extremely hard for me, and it caused me to question every person in this house. Being around someone 24/7 for even just 13 days creates a bond that is painful to break cold turkey! Thankfully I have been able to see things more clearly now that I have received a wakeup call. I have changed my game completely and am realizing what I need to do that I previously wouldn’t have thought twice about. After all, this is a G.A.M.E, and I need to be reminded of that often. I have a fireball personality and am one of the most up front people you will ever meet, and that is hurting my game. There are pros and cons of every move we make in this house, and the best I can do is what I’m doing. I’ve learned a lot about life in just 19 days, and no matter what happens I will be forever grateful for that (no matter how many times I’m sassy) .

Now, about my nominations… I know the Brenchel fans aren’t happy with me, but I hope you all get to see that I tried more than once to align with Elissa. She has a personal vendetta against me and it is in my best interest to see her walk out the door on Thursday. I hope you all can respect that this game means a lot to me, and not even the sister of someone whom I was a super-fan of is going to come in-between that. I have a lot of respect for Helen, but she is highly responsible (along with Elissa) for David’s eviction. He deserves to be here and I miss him every day. For those of you who don’t know yet, Helen and I now play for the same team (secretly)… so don’t doubt me just yet! I have turned a lot of things around this week thanks to my partner in crime, Jeremy, and I know I wouldn’t be writing this if it weren’t for him. I’m enjoying the HOH luxuries, but the greatest gift in this game is safety. Having one week to relax and get your s*** together is truly priceless. The only thing that would make this HOH better is not having to share a bed with Jerelin (Jeremy and Kaitlin)… AWKWARD! Before I go, I just want to let my family and friends know that I think about them every day and miss them more than words can explain. XOXO


Considering the allegations of cheating and Jeremy’s habit of threatening anyone who he thinks isn’t voting his way, partner in crime is a pretty good description of Ringworm Boy, no?

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie (who, after being reminded that Big Brother is a G.A.M.E., thinks that Aaryn is a M.O.R.O.N.)

franniep2 July 10, 2013 at 8:14 am

😆 @ LM….I agree with you, Aaryn is a BIG moron!

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aggie27 July 10, 2013 at 8:34 am

Great Job Lisa as always, It looked to me it could be Elissa going, it seems Jeremy has been bullying people to vote that way, but your right things very well could change alot of times they do. Have a good one all

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Jane July 10, 2013 at 8:34 am

Who wrote that for her? CBS? We all know she can’t go an hour with out a slam at Elissa, and, racial or homophobic slur. Perhaps CBS didn’t want her HOH letter to be the last nail in the coffin?

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Janice July 10, 2013 at 8:54 am

Tonight hopefully will be interesting.

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cathy July 10, 2013 at 9:01 am

She isnt the brightesf child for sure. Did anyone elze hear what rwb said last night about being in bed with 2 beautiful women? He is disgusting and I hope those girls have men in their families waiting to smack him when he gets evicted. Oh and last night when Nick called Spencer and Howard floaters while secureing their vote omg was prceless. But those 2 just stood there looking like a couple of knuckle heads. I cant stand the way alyssa is being treated, I have never seen Aarian try to talk to her much less try to align with her. Looks like Amanda is going to be the target next go around. But i think after this eviction im thru.

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JoanD July 10, 2013 at 9:07 am

I believe Elissa made a big mistake putting Nick up. I think he still has TMC behind him and Elissa will be evicted.

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Joan July 10, 2013 at 9:09 am

Good morning All. I think Elissa will be evicted which I am sad about. She missed the mark by not putting up Katlin. I will Amanda and hope she can stay around.

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Jason C July 10, 2013 at 9:11 am

Lisa Marie – I love your blogs. Feel like I never miss a beat! Also thanks for being a much better Texas representative than Aaryn!

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 9:42 am

I agree Joan, Elissa should have put up Kaitlin!

Setting aside RWB and “maybe” Aaryn, the rest of the house may have very well voted Kaitlin out because the Moving group are nervous about the duo getting closer each day, and the rest of the HG’s would know it would be better to break that “Bully Group” up as quickly as possible…. well I would hope they would think that way. I’m so confused on who is on that Moving group anyway – but either way I don’t think it is solid… it has many breaks in the seam.

I’m sure we will all be biting our nails tomorrow night “Praying” RWB, Aaryn, and company will not get HOH…….. Funny that Jeremy thinks he will get it every single week…. even if he cheats I don’t think he can pull it off – but too bad guys sometimes get that crazy luck. He Has To Go Next! It will stir up the beauty queens and they will have to play on their own!

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swt July 10, 2013 at 10:01 am

morning yall,
I wrote to CBS yesterday Am and mentioned everything that CBS didn’t want to hear, or just ignoring including how these house guest are mean and Jeremy has been bullying people, how racial slurs going on. As well as I have been a fan every year and, I was not enjoying this season at all. So i know everyone who had wrote a complaint about BB15 thanks, I still think Aaron and Jeremy need to leave tonight or tomorrow, can’t pin point the days just yet, but i’m trying, they are just boring and cattiness kills me.
have a good day yall “-)

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swt July 10, 2013 at 10:01 am

ha i’m winking with one eye !! excuse me yall 🙂

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dg July 10, 2013 at 10:02 am

Elissa is planting seeds which its about time. Andy seems to be getting on bbhg nerves . They can’t stand his stories its plain to see. MC well I don’t think even they know who all is in the alliance anymore. One house that’s confused is this season.

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Maxie July 10, 2013 at 10:11 am

I’m with you , Jane. Don’t think she could be that “gracious”…. quote,”I have a lot of respect for Helen”….coulda fooled me!!! And, did I miss something? I thought she turned Helen’s offer down to work with her. Thank you, Lisa Marie, for the Ayran blog though. She sounded so nice, wonder if anyone on the planet was fooled.
What did I miss that now there is a chance for Nick to go home? Still can’t decide how I feel about him but think his time to go isn’t now. Twill will be interesting to see how things play out tonight. Off to work. Ta ta.

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 10:12 am

That would be awesome if CBS bans those two for cheating and gives the rest of the racists a severe talking to!

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TxDeeva July 10, 2013 at 10:14 am

I wrote CBS as well and told them no matter if they support what the houseguests are saying or not, at the end of the day it is a bad reflection for CBS and actually makes CBS look horrible.

I wish our comments would truly have an effect, but I’m afraid they just see it as publicity – because even bad publicity means people are talking about the show and the network.

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Dorothy July 10, 2013 at 10:48 am

We need to hit them where it hurts, the sponsers, stop buying the products, boycot the stores, those kind of things. Maybe then CBS would hear the outcry. I will keep up with the show here on the blog but once Elissa is gone, so am I and I know I am not alone. Yea sure I will stop watching, maybe tape it and fast forward.

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SandyO July 10, 2013 at 11:03 am

I too left a complaint with CBS. I stated that CBS had to be aware of the cheating by the way Sunday’s show was edited. I also said that I honestly didn’t care who went home this week – but I did care that the person was leaving unjustly and therefore no one should be evicted this week due to the cheating.

As a parent of grown children, I would be mortified to see my child acting like Aaryn or Jeremy – to the point of going to the CBS lot and yanking them off the show myself. I raised my children to respect themselves and others and am very proud to be their mom.

To the parents of young children, take a close look at your kids. Are you raising them to be someone you and others can be proud of or will your kids grow up to be obnoxious, self-centered jerks? Now is the time to take action if your answer is the latter.

I can only imagine the ridicule the parents of Aaryn and Jeremy are facing. I can’t imagine either would want to venture out into public for fear of having to acknowledge their child’s behavior.

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TxDeeva July 10, 2013 at 11:15 am

Well said, SandyO. I would be horrified and embarassed to be the parent of Aaryn or Jeremy, or any of the other people on there making asses of themselves with their behavior and racial slurs.

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Starfish July 10, 2013 at 11:20 am

Great post Lisa Marie!! I’m looking forward to the show tonight. I vote to evict M.O.R.O.N. as soon as possible so we can all go back to posting about the game instead of Teresa Trash Mouth & Co!

Gotta run to the gym and come back to catch up on all the posts. ciao for now

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Dena July 10, 2013 at 11:26 am

For the first time since BB began I no longer watch everything I can get my hands on. So sad!!!!The show actually sickens me. Perhaps CBS wants the show gone?! I also wrote to CBs and complained big time, to BB15 as well,although did not get response. I will vote for either Andy or Amanda for mvp. I am not impressed with Helens flip flopping but agree that the BBguests are so confused,it makes the whole experience confusing. Like I said it is sad and sickening. Thank you Lisa for the Aaryn blog,I would not have read it otherwise. So sad,too bad!!!

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Dena July 10, 2013 at 11:28 am

Sorry, it is Lisa Marie, and I was trying to convey C -BS as in bull shit. Just saying.

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Bobo July 10, 2013 at 11:39 am

Well thank you all for the info! I don’t have the LF or BBAD So you all have been my eyes for me …. I feel CBS may not do anything about the bad conduct on it’s show, the more people talk about it the people will tune in, just one old mans opinion 🙂
Still I do like hearing you thoughts on the game play… Thank you All !

………………………………. :mrgreen:

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Ellen July 10, 2013 at 12:09 pm

I left a message as well….I don’t usually comment here, but love reading all the comments. I don’t get the LF and sadly now, no BBAD…..thanks LisaMarie for the great updates!

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Princess July 10, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Even in her HoH post, Aryan lies. Or to her, her perception of the truth. In fact she has never attempted to align with Elissa and has distorted everything that Elissa has said and lied about things she has not said. Listening to Aaryn complain to Howard how Candice was making her look bad by insinuating she, Aryan, was a racist and had made racist remarks was priceless. Howard just agreed and nodded.

I have sent emails to three of the CBS sponsors listed suggesting it is not in their best interests to be associated with a show like BB this season as it does not represent family values and has condoned, by it’s lack of action, racial and homophobic slurs, abusive language toward women, and actively promoted and rewarded cheating to win by these very people.

Sponsors don’t like that family hour cannot be watched by families. That why they advertise their products on this show, wholesome image is not what BB is about this season. Join me if you want. Raise the awareness of the corporate sponsors. Contact information is on the previous page and I posted it on the page before that.

Yes, I wish Elissa had put Kaitlin up for eviction but with any luck, Nick will leave. I notice no one is discussing removing Helen. That’s a step in the right direction.

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Kyrogix July 10, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Hi everyone, long time reader of this BB blog, first time poster. Regarding the racist comments by the house guests, some of the posters have written CBS expressing their concerns. One poster commented on boycotting the products of the advertisers. What about writting the advertisers directly. That might make CBS jump into action. Cheers!

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Keith July 10, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Since they’ve moved the dates on the show, is tonight POV night or the eviction?

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macy 1231231 July 10, 2013 at 12:32 pm

@ lisa marie SAY IT LIKE U MEAN IT GIRL!!!! laughing

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Ellen July 10, 2013 at 12:40 pm

@keith POV

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Robin July 10, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Great comments everyone. I really appreciate all the updates and opinions. I am disappointed this season too. Instead of having a favorite for the way they play the game, I find myself looking for the better of two or more evils. I will continue to watch for the time being.

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Keith July 10, 2013 at 2:40 pm

@Ellen thank you!

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Snakebit Sal July 10, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Thursday is eviction night

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Starfish July 10, 2013 at 3:30 pm

There’s not much to say that hasn’t already been said about this bunch. Here’s what I said on the previous post when HoH8 posted Aaryn’s blog.

HoH8, while I was reading that definitely scripted post from Aryan I realized my jaw had dropped open. I was in such shock at the drivel from that narcissistic pig. That’s what she is. The world revolves around her beautiful self donchaknow. *Gag* To try to convince Branchel fans that she’s just playing her game and then lie about everything. Doesn’t she realize she’s on 24/7 and we know she’s lying? There’s not enough negative adjectives to describe this terrible bad seed of a child even in Sal’s dictionary.

I’ve watched since season one and this has been the most horrendous cast of houseguests. I would take Rachelle and Jessie and ED too over these pretentious brats. We didn’t know how good we had it. How about Chima? 😆 That would be great; a BB show of everyone we hated except the idiots on BB15. They can’t seem to cast regular people anymore. Someone said that Kaitlin was simply approached to be on the show. I know she never watched it and I wonder if she even knew it existed. What about all those who applied who are genuine BB fans?

Ok, rant over. Done!

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Star July 10, 2013 at 3:46 pm

If you want it to e a surprise, stop reading!!!! 😉

Tonight’s guest BB is Britney Hayes!!!!!!

I am rather disappointed. It’s like the same old same old around there! Britney was jsut back last season! It’s like they only get vets back that are local or need the money. It’s never REALLY a surprise! Like a million Rachel, Dan and Jessie appearances!

And I too am confused on who is actually going home. I recenlty heard that MCCrae, Amanda, Andy and Candace all agreed to keep Elissa. Don’t know who else she will tho. I think you need 6 voted s this time. Ellisa has no game play at all iand is too timid to make it w/out CBS’s help and they can’t keep this MVP thing going the entire season! I don’t like or dislike her , I just think she is a total floater. Nick would be much more intersting in the longrun, so I guess I hope she goes!

You guys have covered most everything else!!! It is going to be hard from now on between Sunday and Wed…5 days..almost as bad as keep the chatter up!!! Excited for the show, altho I WISH the evivtion was still on Wed!!!

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Starfish July 10, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Hey Star, I agree, disappoined. Nothing is really a surprise.

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Nelle July 10, 2013 at 4:27 pm

I used to watch the Talk until they fired Leah I tried but it just gets on my nerves most of the time, can anyone tell me how the conversation went when they discussed the behavior on BB15? Thanks in advance.

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Nelle July 10, 2013 at 4:30 pm

PS Did Jeremy really have Ringworm? Also I was watching BBAD and RWB wasnt on the screen but I heard him talking in the background about sleeping with two women and if he said what I think he said….I cant even explain my hate toward him.

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Snakebit Sal July 10, 2013 at 4:37 pm

I bought the feeds 8 or 9 days ago thinking this was going to be a good season. These guys seem like a bunch of 14 to 16 year old boys out trying cigarettes and booze. Nothing but cussing and degrading remarks. I never expected the bull shit from such a group of people. We have 3 really obnoxious ones about six that are borderline ignorant of society watching them 24/7. The rest need to speak up and raise hell about the way the nutballs are carrying on. I wish I was in there with Jeremy to see if he can take what he is dishing out. I bet I could get him to take a swing at me!! 😀

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Snakebit Sal July 10, 2013 at 4:43 pm

@Nelle – He probably said it!

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Snakebit Sal July 10, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Courtesy of Dewey

Here is a link to watch Julie and the girls on the Talk discussing the Vile comments made by BB hg’s

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hpr56 July 10, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Personally, if Elissa stays, I think CBS should put a restriction saying that if you are MVP one week, you are excluding from being a choice the next week. I think it is ridiculous. I also am sick of hearing her say Nothing comes between me and my_____. However, as irritating as that is, Aaryn is probably the most rude and racist person I have seen in BB. Maybe I’m wrong but I think it is pathetic how she talks about others and that nobody does anything about it. That is not free speech it is hate speech. There is a big difference. I honestly don’t think she even worries about it because it is probably how she always talks.

As far as what we don’t like on BB, the kissing and necking doesn’t bother me. Seems a whole lot early for that stuff but it doesn’t really bother me. Making alliances is good for the players. It’s just the racism that is driving me crazy as well as the things Spencer says about women. That is not macho talk, that is disgusting talk.

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LisaMarieBowman July 10, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Sal — I seriously think that, at some point, Jeremy will take a swing at someone in the house. And then he’ll get kicked out of the house and Kaitlin will cry and cry.

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 5:29 pm

I agree hpr56 ….

I am also not happy that Elissa is getting MVP either by her sister’s fans (and I am shocked to even thing she has that many) or CBS set all of this up. She’s really not even playing!

Anyway, I wouldn’t have minded simple necking or making out a little, Sadly I cannot erase my visions of seeing RWB & Kaitlin have full on sex in the HOH room and you know those goof ball camera men were zoomed in. I didn’t hang around to watch it but I knew immediately it was the real-deal. No Class knowing your parents or family and friends are watching.

I know I should let that go but geez I can’t erase the vision!

Perhaps in time…. LOL

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Nelle July 10, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Thanks guys for your answers, Did anyone else hear what I thought RWB said about sleeping with two women? (It was so crude ) about putting his finger in one hole on one girl and his Little Ringworm in the other girl.( that was the nicest way I could think of saying it)

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Nelle, I didn’t hear it that time, but a couple of days ago he did mention how much he loved being “sandwiched” between the two girls…. he was bragging…. he truly is a PIG!

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 6:02 pm

The tides in the BB house shift constantly… we all know that. So who is most likely to be evicted as of now? (and this could change by the time I hit “submit”)

It “seems” that Elissa & Judd did a tag-team on Jessie to pull her to their side. Jessie knows she’s bottom of the list in the A/J/K group. They also told Jessie that Nick had suggested her to be the renom.

Amanda had pretty much given in to McCrae’s wishes to evict Elissa. He made her see it was a hopeless battle and would make them bigger targets. But now, this news of Jessie possibly switching, has Amanda back squarly on track to push for Elissa to stay.

Votes as I see them now (not tomorrow.. or even an hour from now)
To Evict Elissa
1) Jeremy
2) Kaitlin
3) GinaMarie
4) Howard
5) Spencer

To Evict Nick
1) Candice
2) Andy
3) Judd
4) Jessie
5) Amanda

As you see…. it’s 5-5 with McCrae missing. What will he do? He would vote 100% with the MC if he knew he wasn’t the deciding vote. But when he adds it all up, he will realize he needs to decide where his loyalties are. With Amanda? ……or with the MC?

Should be a very interesting vote

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Nelle July 10, 2013 at 6:12 pm

One more question please, Did Spencer really pee in someones shampoo? And did he get caught?

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hpr56 July 10, 2013 at 6:28 pm

RMM, I did not see the full on. I don’t have live feeds cause I heard not great things about them and I don’t have after dark in my area with Comcast. That truly is gross. And the comments about two girls is about as classless as I have heard in a while. I’m too old for this crap. I still think that CBS needs to do some chastising and threatening to pull people out. Too much junk in my mind.

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Mama Margie July 10, 2013 at 6:30 pm

found this on facebook it is a great piece check it out will be heart lifting to say the least

Candice was talking about being on Oprah on the feeds!! AND LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND:

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 6:41 pm

Aaryn is pretty close to jumping ship. I suppose it will depend on who wins next HOH. She is making comments that she is very tired of Kaitlin & Jeremy. Aaryn is also at least smart enough to know Helen will get MVP after Elissa.. and she needs to distant herself from J&K.

If Elissa gets evicted tomorrow… then the MVP lands in Helen’s lap (no doubt). Helen has said she doesn’t want the burden, but when she goes in the DR and picks up the envelope, I think she will change her mind.

Look for Jeremy or Nick to be on the block again next week. Maybe even Spencer since Helen knows she can’t trust him either.

Personally, I don’t like America being involved with this show (MVP, America’s Player, Saboteur, etc). I think it should all be settled completely inside the house. Some think we should actually be able to vote people out. That is what they did in season 1… it didn’t work very well. My fave hardy ever wins, but I would rather watch a show where the contestants decide what happens than a popularity contest. Leave those things for shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent. BB is not a talent show.

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 6:54 pm

LOL… now I’m not sure where Jessie stands with her vote. Her & Nick had a chat and she told him they said he threw her name out for renom. They seemed to squash that as “the other side” making desperate move to save Elissa. Jessie seemed to be ok with that… and had a big smile for Nick at the end.

So WTF do I know? 😆

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Princess July 10, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Any man can own Jessie for a smile. You did say it would change by the time you hit submit, JT.

And now, Howard and Candice are sharing a bed and being all touchy feely. Sigh. This season it’s just a version of the dating game, and a bad one at that. At least the girls are becoming more and more aware that there is a three or four man alliance in the house. McCrae is going to have his nethers in a vice if he doesn’t come clean and confess to Amanda. Their relationship is making the other guys concerned. If Nick goes and Elissa stays it will tip the house and I would like to see what happens then, even if she goes next week.

It seems as if Elissa finally has her head in the game and is strategizing. Too little, too late? I hope not. I’d like to see the MC broken up just to make Jermy squirmy.

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LisaMarieBowman July 10, 2013 at 8:17 pm

Ugh. After watching tonight’s episode, all I can say is that Kaitlin must have like absolutely zero self-esteem. If Ringworm Boy ever tried to talk down to me the way the he talks down to her, I would slap him so hard that his chest tattoo would end up on his shoulder.

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LisaMarieBowman July 10, 2013 at 8:18 pm

And what was up with the second-rate porn music that was playing during their whole little conversation?

Anyway, that’s all I’ll say because I don’t want to spoil the show for all of you west coasters out there. 🙂

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 8:24 pm

Lisa, I’ve been saying the same about Kaitlin all season (right Princess?). He does all these things to other HGs and to her……. and she still wraps herself around him no matter what. Even after learning he may be in another alliance and playing her.

She is there for one reason…. to hang on Jeremy. No game… no strategy… nothing. But how could we expect someone they dragged out of a bar in March to know anything about this show.

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Mama Margie July 10, 2013 at 9:11 pm

For those of you that missed it, chew on this awhile…………………

Amanda: “I want to tell you something that might upset you a little bit. I want to tell you so that you’re mindful of it.” (OK so here we go, good luck with this Amanda)
Amanda: “I think you’re joking every time there’s any sort of like racial thing comes out of your mouth. Like, I do the same thing. But I think it’s, I think the people who are a different race are taking it offensively. Like there was a conversation downstairs with like Howard, Candice and umm Helen and… who else was down there? (oh boy Amanda do u really think aaryan nation is not going to demand u give names) There was a couple other people down there. There was some fish comment made and I don’t think you meant it racist at all, (of course she didn’t, and I have a bridge to sell u in Arizona) but I don’t think they know that. I don’t think they know you’re joking. So umm, just like, and that’s what I said downstairs too, ‘I think she was just joking.’ You know what I mean? I don’t think it was malicious.”(now here is where I want to reach thru the tv and choke the hell out of Amanda, it is like talking to a bobble doll with blond hair and blue eyes)
Aryan: “The fish…” *scoffs*
Amanda: “People look for any sort of excuse to villainize you. Just like, just like, be careful.”(LIKE at this point they do not have enough lol)
Aryan: “Who was down there though?” (here we go with the names)
Amanda: “I don’t know. I like walked in on that conversation. And this is not to like start shit. If you make comments like that, just be mindful that they’re not taking it as a joke.”
Aryan: “I don’t even know what I said that they would think that.”(now here is where I want to beat my head against the nearest wall, but to do so would hurt myself and that ain’t happening)
Amanda: “I don’t know. I wasn’t even here when you said it, but you made some sort of segregated comment about the fish up here or something that like…”
Aryan: “Well, they are.”(she says it so matter of fact LIKE any moron could see that DUH)
Amanda: “Yeah but like you said the black fish should get at the bottom where they belong or something like that.”
Aryan: “No, that’s not what I said. I said the black fish stay on the bottom because they’re camouflaged on the bottom and that’s where they hand out the welfare checks and the white fish stay higher because there’s light and it’s closer to God.”(OMG aaryan nation u should have left it alone now u just made it worse, but then u care NOT)
Amanda: “Just be mindful of it.”
Aryan: “Who started that conversation?”(I WANT NAMES, NAME NAMES, GIVE ME THE NAMES, NOW THE NAMES ETC ETC)
Amanda: “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter who started it. I just want you to know and be more mindful of it. I know you’re not a racist person. This is just from a friend to a friend.”(of course she is not a racist oh golly gee she is sooooooooo far from being a racist goodness gracious what ever r u thinking Amanda)
Aryan: “That is the most annoying obnoxious thing I’ve ever heard. There’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t feel like I need to pull someone up here to say something.”
Amanda: “Just be mindful of it. Candice was saying it had malicious intent.”(ok now u have gone and done it Amanda, you named NAMES)
Aryan: “Candice is the one starting it! And when you said you never heard of the phrase ‘Jewed over’ that immediately put it in my head so now I’m saying it all the time. That’s your fault!”
Amanda: “Uh huh.”
Aryan: “When you’re blonde and blue eyes, people will make a big deal out of everything. Candice is obviously insecure.”
*Aryan stretches*
Aryan: “I just woke up. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. There’s nothing I can do anyways until I get back home and am able to burn crosses in peace. God, this is so annoying!”
and that ladies and gentlemen is aaryan nations denial
what Amanda should have said well if u r not a racist how come your hood & robe was thrown over the shower rod after u got out of the bathroom???

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HoH8 July 10, 2013 at 9:13 pm

Lisa…thank u for the Heads-Up in ur Blog…im always trying to help in my own small way… 🙂

starfishi was so happy when i read ur post….the first 20+ posts were all thanking Lisa for putting up Aaryn’s Blog but even after reading that Lisa got it from me, they still didnt thank me….so this is for u my Dear…♥Thank You♥

StraThanks for posting the Spoiler…but bringing Britney wasnt news for no one….we have known she’s been pregnant all year…she’s due soon as well as Janelle thats due in Aug…alot of BB babies this year…BB9 Nat also gave birth…. 🙂

RMMi think what u saw last nite in the HOH bed in the dark was when they were making out on top of the covers and we got to see their bodies…BUT…they had their clothes on and it sure looked like they were having sex but they werent, believe me, i was following them to see how far they were gonna go but they didnt go “all the way”…and it was sick to watch it but i had nothing else to do, lol… 🙂 ….

JTHey…where u been?….we missed u last nite…glad ur back with ur great posts….where’s ur pal Kev11?..he disappeared after u forced him to buy the Feeds, he hasnt come back, guess he’s glued to them, lol……yeah, ur right…the vote tomorrow will be 6-5 but which way, thats what CBS wants…people not knowing = Big ratings…

mama margiewow, thanks for posting that Video on Candice, it was a real tearjerker….its funny, i was going to post it last nite but everyone was posting only on the bad things in the house, i thought it wasnt a good time… 🙁 …

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 9:31 pm

HoH8, I’ve been checking in and reading when I can.. and throw my 3 cents in. I leave for work at 6am… and get home at 6pm… so BB gets a bit neglected by me during the week. I am glad they moved eviction to Thursday though because I can stay up late that night and see the fallout of eviction and HOH! 😀

Kev11 either got swallowed up by the feeds… or just decided to avoid all the negativity. Maybe I’ll drop him a line and see what’s up.

Feel free to post anything good at any time. With all the downers this season, anything positive is more than welcome by me at any time. We need it here this year more than ever.

Not that I care… but Kaitlin & Jeremy did go “all the way” in the HOH room. No doubt. They even finally admitted it.

…and thanks for Aaryn’s blog. It’s also funny to watch some of the preseason interviews again. She said there was no way she would do anything to embarrass her parents. 😕

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LisaMarieBowman July 10, 2013 at 10:01 pm

A tweet from Dan Gheesling:

Fact: @britney_haynes’s baby has a better social game than Jeremy. #BB15

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 10:05 pm

😆 Baby Haynes for MVP!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 10:24 pm

Elissa is sabotaging her own game.. and her side’s game. She is convincing Helen that the fight (spat / fallout) between Kaitlin & Aaryn is all made up and they are pretending (so they can get info).

Truth is, Aaryn is sick of Kaitlin and wants her out soon. And Kaitlin isn’t thrilled with Aaryn anymore either.

Any thoughts Helen had of making a big move and pulling more girls together just got delayed by Elissa’s “intuition”.

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Justaguy (JT) July 10, 2013 at 10:39 pm

This game is supposed to be easy to predict this early. I remember season 11, I predicted every person’s vote right every week on here……. except for 2. I think I was 56 of 58 votes correct that season. The last few season’s have been fairly obvious too.

But this season is a clusterf#ck already! 😆 IDK what these people are really thinking because everyone is lying to everyone… and everyone has a “deal” with everyone.

The 2 votes this week I am unsure of are Jessie & McCrae. Amanda too for that matter. McCrae might talk Amanda back into voting against Elissa.. or Amanda might unknowingly talk McCrae into ditching the MC and voting out Nick.

Jessie… seems like she wants to take another run at being a “cool kid”. Maybe she was just pretending to go along with Elissa and Judd.

If I had to bet right now (and luckily I don’t). I would guess McCrae & Jessie vote to evict Elissa…. and Amanda votes to evict Nick.

And if Judd & Andy get nervous.. they could switch too. 🙄

I’m at 7-4 to evict Elissa.

Time for bed… nite all. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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tendr July 10, 2013 at 10:43 pm

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HoH8 July 10, 2013 at 10:47 pm

Open ADL letter to Les Moonves…the National Director of the ADL sent Mr. Moonves a very convincing letter…just maybe we are starting to put a dent into this big mess on BB…. 🙂 ….

JT…thank u for a post only for me…ur a doll…♥….

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 10:51 pm


No not last night, it was a few days ago when I clicked on a midnight feed and I posted the time and camera. I’ll find it again….trust me when I tell you the I know the difference…. You will be completely shocked…. I’ll look for it now

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RMM July 10, 2013 at 10:58 pm

HOH8…. Here is my original blog…it was Mon 12:00 am at midnight….for better proof be sure to have your volume up:

13 RMM 07.08.13 at 11:38 am
Uuuuggghhh, When I got up this morning I decided to go back and watch some feeds that started at midnight (last night) while I had my coffee…. and there was Jeremy and Kaitlin “having sex” right there in the HOH room! A few times she kept saying (loudly for the viewers to hear) that they were only making-out and she was pointing out to Jeremy that America might see, but he said it was too late to worry about it now since they already…. (well you know). I can’t imagine how much was shown, I only could stand it for a minute or two and HAD to click on to other people in the house. They are clearly CRAZY for thinking that is okay…. Wonder if Aaryn knows all that is going on her bed… mmmmmmm It was a matter of time before those two hooked up.

Anyway, I so wish Elissa could use her sense and put Kaitlin up because Jeremy is going to use that veto on himself and she doesn’t have anyone to save her. Her going would start the ball rolling to seperate that little “group in heat” and give the others a better chance to play. Bullies always take over and scare the (excuse the phrase) “under-dogs” but if they stick together, they can take control of the house…. minus the back and forth floaters that can’t pick a side of course.

Great job everyone and Lisa Marie always updating us and giving us your opinion! Have a great day

HOH8 you will see lights out and … Well you know. Sorry but I had to let you know that I do know the difference LOL, 28 years of marriage, two children… I know LOL

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HoH8 July 10, 2013 at 11:36 pm

MM…Oh, u was talking bout 7/8….i was talking bout last nite 7/9…..ahhh, i missed the one ur talking bout…i going to try to use the flashback to check it out myself, my FB option doesnt work too well on my Feeds, but im going to try…thanks for taking the time in finding it, u Rock…. 🙂 ….

wow, married 28 yrs…thats good….i was married 21 yrs before my divorce but i been loving the last 17 yrs as a single woman….having the best time of my life….not comminting to no long term relationships….my 3 kids all gone and married….Loving my summers with BB…..but between Sept to June….i date alot, lol…. 🙂 …

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 1:31 am

Love you all, the show this year…… not so much!

I think Elissa did NOT but Kaitlin up on the block because if evicted RWN will go ballistic! He would possible try to hurt Elissa because she put her up!!

I want Aaryn and RWB gone ASAP. If they evict Nick out I
think the MC might implode! I honestly think if the girls seriously think about the game and not the cute guy down the hall they have a chance of playing a longer game!

But I must insist that Aaryn, then Jeremy out in that order! I have too written CBS with no answer, did not expect one! Just figured it can’t hurt!
As evil as Dr. Will and Evil Dick were they never cheated to my knowledge. I daily post how offended I am to that fact.

I don’t think ELISSA’S game play is all that but she tried to be nice and everyone just hated her, in the house, from the beginning.

As JT stated I usually have an idea of whom will be sent home; although I have a sinking feeling it will be Elissa. Guilt by association? I guess so!

Bless you Lisa Marie and thank you for this blog more and more everyday. I just can’t listen to the M.O.R.O.N.S. on a regular basis!

<3. <3. <3

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 1:34 am

Oops, thank you NOT my famous spellcheck!
RWN=RWB! (Obviously)!

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HoH8 July 11, 2013 at 2:32 am

*********Spoiler Alert**********

first of all i want to say Im Sorry Lisa…but ur Eye Candy is going home tomorrow… 🙁 ….

its midnight in the BB House right now and it seems that McCrae has Split from the MC….and he will Vote OUT Nick….so JT get ur votes now in order….the HG’s now voting Nick Out are….McCrae, Amanda, Candice, Andy, Judd, Jessie…yes i said Jessie…they have the 6 votes for Elissa to stay……

it looks like the MC is slowly Moving Out….Jerkney is in the Hot seat now ….tomorrow’s eviction is going to be Explosive !!!!!!!…cant wait to see Worm Face when Nick is evicted, LOL….its going to be FUN…lets see what happens… 🙂 ….

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Kevin11 July 11, 2013 at 2:41 am

@HoH8: Now that I have the feeds I’m looking at all the other stuff differently. It gets boring at times but easy to over-analyze ever little move the HGs make. As you noted above, seems McCrae ready to make a big move which will certainly kill his game. seems DR-Grodner may be behind it as they’re saying on Twitter he just came out of a LONG DR session.

Still loving the season but seems like 25 days have passed. LF is a whole different experience. Tomorrow will surprise everyone.

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HoH8 July 11, 2013 at 2:52 am

Kev11…hey nice to see u back…im happy ur enjoying the Feeds…i have always told evryone who didnt have them all these years that BB is 2 different shows …the TV show and the Feeds show….and on the Feeds we know the truth on whats going on….

yeah i was asking JT bout u…we thought u got glued to the screen and couldnt get ur face off the Feeds, lol….cause they are addicted for sure…the Pizza Boy is coming through again, first he wins the 1st HOH then now he made the first BIG move of the game…..i dont see this will Kill his game…..its going to make it better……Im happy when everyone wakes up tomorrow they will see this Great news…. 🙂 …

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HoH8 July 11, 2013 at 2:57 am

The Live Feeds Fish Kissing

and they are Not racist…the Black one is kissing the White one, lol….so Funny… 🙂 …
check it out:

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 3:03 am

I’ve been out tonight and haven’t watched the show yet but had to read the blog.

MM, great find on Candice. That was a heart warming clip.
JT “someone they dragged ot of a bar” perfect. I knew I heard that somewhere. 🙂 Do you mean that she will self evict when you say Aaryn will jump ship? I sure hope she does.
Sal: I agree with Lisa Marie, Jeremy will punch someone sooner or later. He has no self control.
HoH8 thanks for the spoiler and you are very welcome! 🙂
Good to see you K11. Thought we lost you to the LFs.

Great news about the vote, we can only hope. It’s way past my bedtime. nite all

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 3:33 am

I know Jeremy will get his butt kicked off the show especially if a MC member is voted out! He has made threats against other houseguests, to cute their throats or remove their male parts! He will explode sooner than later in my opinion! I have been saying that the past few days! When/if Nick leaves Thursday night it is going to get UGLE very fast! But I so hope it happen! <3

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 4:27 am

Mornin’ all

HoH8, I woke up this morning wondering what may have changed while I was sleeping. I read a bunch of stuff about McCrae… so I fired up the flashback to see it in context. The biggest tell-tale was the look on McCrae’s face and his sudden upbeat attitude towards Amanda. People lie to each other all the time, but body language and attitude are a good giveaway. McCrae had that “Let’s do this” attitude which he hasn’t had since week 1.

I came to the same conclusion as you.. so I know we both can’t be wrong.. right? 😆 Certainly looks like McCrae has ditched the MC and Elissa will stay by a 6-5 vote. And no need for “spoiler alert” here… we all want spoilers! …and is it a spoiler if it hasn’t happened yet? 😉 😆

If anyone isn’t sure who’s voting for who…. here’s a link to my earlier post. Just plug McCrae into the group to evict Nick.
Voting predictions

Starfish, That would be nice if Aaryn jumped ship from the show…. but I meant she was about to jump ship from the J/K/A alliance. She is sick of it. I’m sure she’ll play it as it comes though.

One thing I don’t like about the MVP twist is all the suspense is gone for next week too now. It’s a whole week till the next eviction… no one is the new HOH yet…. no MVP nom… not veto comp. But I can say with 95% certainty that 1 of 5 people will leave next week. Jeremy, Spencer, Howard, Aaryn, or Kaitlin.

Someone, anyone, tell me how anyone else leaving is even a possibility? No matter who wins HOH… MVP (Elissa) puts up one of those 5… if veto is used… she puts up another… then they all vote that person out. I really see it being that way until the MVP thing ends. Lather, rinse, & repeat.

I want certain people out.. many from the above list, but I also want the suspense. That is basically gone with America (MVP) voting people out. Oh well….. still fun to watch 😀

Spoiler Alert …just kidding. 😛
Looks like HOH comp will be who remembers what was said when they were awaken by a horn from sleep last night. IDK what the various messages were… but memory test is the HOH comp. (or veto maybe?) With that in mind, I see 3 of the 5 names I mentioned being on the block next week. I think Helen or Andy will be HOH.. or at least someone in their group. Doesn’t really matter who is HOH I guess.. MVP is the entire game now. HOH importance has been taken from the game.

Gotta get ready for work… I hate when that happens and gets in the way of watching our hamsters! 👿

(PS, …….. I vote to evict Clownie!!)

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 5:53 am

Ready for work. Throw Candice into the hat as 3rd choice for next HOH. I guess she has a photographic memory. Part of this comp must be visual as well.

L8r all

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Joyce July 11, 2013 at 9:05 am

CBS…please please come up with this twist. Aaryn and Jeremy’s nominations are null and void due to them cheating. No one gets voted out. Also why should they get away with racist remarks when the Mighty Paula Dean is paying her dues for supposedly the same thing???

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hpr56 July 11, 2013 at 9:20 am

Oh Mama Margie: That post on the conversation literally made me sick. That little witch, Aaryan, needs to be put in a pig pond. No, that would be too clean for her. I guess I just don’t know any horribly racist people. I have never heard anybody talk like that and have that kind of attitude. I remember waaayyyyy back when I was in high school, we had a wealthy blond girl who moved from the South (now remember this was early 60’s) and she made comments about the pickaninnies and how those “blacks” would steal you blind. I argued with her because all the different races of people I knew were really nice people. She stated we had never lived with the ones like she did in the South but she was not racist at all according to what I’m seeing now. At least the girl at my school admitted she was racist. Aaryn didn’t. She just doesn’t get it. I can’t stand people like that.

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macy 1231231 July 11, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Man – these hg are flakier than tony the tiger – gotta love it!

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Thanks for the update JT. I sure hope dizzy Jessie will vote Nick out, as I really don’t know where her head is and either does she for that matter! 😆

Jeremy will explode if Nick is evicted. Hopefully the explosion will be so severe that the force will send him flying right out of the house passing go (Julie) and straight to HE-double hockey sticks! 😆

I also want to thank everyone else for their updates!

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deb July 11, 2013 at 12:30 pm

@Betty: I’m hoping for the same thing. I want Nick voted off and then for Jeremy to go ballistic and get evicted too. After all, he has pretty much threatened everyone that the vote is for Elyssa.

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Well once again I have nothing to add 😆 Just to thank all of you for the links and comments! JT you said a mouth full Thanks MM & well everyone 🙂 If I ever catch with you guys I may have something to add but I kind of doubt it…. Keep it coming …

Rest In Peace My Friend Hill Billy♥ :sad:…………

See you all soon………………… :mrgreen:

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 1:00 pm

@deb, it would be great, but I am afraid of Jessie’s vote, she is so wishy-washy. If Nick is voted out it will be interesting to see how Spencer and Howard start to grovel, even as close as Spencer seems to be to Jeremy, I am sure he will jump ship too! He wants the money. Jeremy would be all alone, with the exception of the leech (Kaitlin) that can stop clinging to his body! 😆

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Thanks again Betty! Glad someone heard me ♥ …………. :mrgreen:

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PK July 11, 2013 at 1:03 pm

To Howard… Being like Judas, though a famous name in the Bible he clings to continually, is not cool, unless of course, hypocrisy is as well. Many just like him between here in Mobile, AL, and Hattiesburg, MS, just a short drive up the Bible Beltway, Highway 98, from here.

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Hey PK Were have you been? …………….. :mrgreen:

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 1:09 pm

Hi Bobo, I do agree that CBS is feeding off all this despicable behavior for ratings!

Nice to see you hear PK!

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 1:16 pm

here!! Can’t believe I typed hear!! OMG I am as dizzy at Jessie!

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PK July 11, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Bobo and Betty… I’m always close by observing and occasionally commenting. I just had all of Howard the Hypocrite this morning than I could tolerate so I commented accordingly.

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 1:34 pm

JT, I’m counting on your prophesies because you are usually right on target. Thanks for watching for us. 🙂

Hey Betty, good to see you and I’m on the same page as you and Deb and prolly so many others that if Nick is evicted, Jeremy will lose what little he has of his mind. Hopefully he doesn’t really hurt anyone tho. That would be terrible. Hear or here, we knew what you meant. 😆 Have you read Star’s posts? Now that is a brain twister. Keeps our mature minds working. No offense Star, you know that. 😉

Hey Bobo, hope all is well with you and I’m with you, just keeping up is tough with this bunch in the house. But thankfully we have our JTs, Princesses, HoH8s, Stars and K11s along with Lisa Marie to keep us as current as we can get.

RIP Mike our hillbilly in the hands of angels now.

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Hey Starfish, I’m glad to hear you and I are in the same boat! :mrgreen:

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:43 pm

PK Not sure who Howard is ? 😕

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Mama Margie July 11, 2013 at 1:48 pm

My heart is sad today, a good friend and fellow member of bbblog passed away last nite, I am richer for having know him

Mike aka Hillbilly Rest in peace my friend
The grapevine will never be the same
Rest in the arms of angels you will be missed

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Me too Margie, I’ll miss talking to him 🙁

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Mama Margie July 11, 2013 at 1:52 pm

I know bob u two were pretty close, now u need to take care of yourself
chat with u soon

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PK July 11, 2013 at 1:59 pm

@Bobo… Howard on BB15, the Bible toter from Hattiesburg, MS.

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Hi Starfish, yes, I read everyone’s comments. JT, Star, Princess, MM, HOH8, Kevin11 and a few others all keep us up to date. Sorry if I missed anyone. (of course, Lisa Marie too).

PK, nice to know that the Shadow is still around after leaving the radio! 😆

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Betty July 11, 2013 at 2:20 pm

@Sal, (re: comment 37). I wish I had a key to the BB House to give to you. I don’t think it would take much for Jeremy to lose his cool and come out swinging. We might even see this tonight!!

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Jane July 11, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Oh no!!!! R.I.P. Mike!! I didn’t even know he was a sick. My heart is very heavy from this news :'(

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Kevin11 July 11, 2013 at 3:50 pm

R.I.P. Mike. We all love you brother and know you are in a better place now. Glad your suffering is over and so proud to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. You will never be forgotten hillbilly.

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Well I just watched last night’s show and the one thing that’s truly obvious is how naive and stupid these girls are. The guys are playing them for the dummies they are. Watching Jeremy and Kaitlin while he soothed her little mind and showed such loyalty was sickening. Wait until she finds out what he said about her before. Then he goes and virtually orders the other MC members to vote Elissa out no matter what because he thinks Kaitlin will be put up in his place. I love the fact that his MC members didn’t like his bully tactic. Good show.

Kaitlin saying that the pawn usually goes home in BB sounds like the BB staff behind the DR are coaching her unless she watched all 14 episodes before she came into the house. Doubtful. I do feel that there is a lot of prompting behind the scenes and they think we don’t see it or they simply don’t give a gosh darn. 🙂 Call me irritated.

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 4:47 pm

Okay PK Got ya 🙂

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 4:48 pm

Thank you MM my Friend ♥

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Snakebit Sal July 11, 2013 at 5:05 pm

A little Hillbilly Heaven for Mike!

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PK July 11, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Sal… Eternal rustic cabin with a pool in the back yard. Don’t get no better than that. Will miss you Mike.

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Bobo July 11, 2013 at 5:39 pm

Nice Sal………. 🙂

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 7:04 pm

Great Picture Sal, I guess his still is in the back. We’ll miss ya Mike.

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TheKhanKubla July 11, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Since CBS failed to take action on Jeremy and Aaryn’s cheating and because their cheating totally changed how players played the game causing them to change tactics and tip their hands one way or another. Every player now has a cause to sue CBS – and I hope they do!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Looks about right Sal. Nice job.

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 8:36 pm

Have not read the blog yet, BUT OMG!!!!!!!!

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 8:54 pm

OMG is right. No more pouting for me, back to my starfish! I hope the saying “what goes around comes around” happens while we’re watching. 😆

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 9:13 pm

So sorry to miss a beloved BB FAN! God Bless his friends and family! I sorry for the loss of a dear friend. <3

@TheKlanKablua I agree, since cheating has been approved by CBS everyone else should be allowed to do it!

Thank you all super BB fans and of course Lusa Marie for keeping us all abreast of the going ons' in the house while the live feeds are running! I still strongly believe Aaryn and Jeremy should be disqualified for cheating! Apparently CBS doesn't care!

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Starfish July 11, 2013 at 9:38 pm

Regarding the cheating — Is anyone aware that anyone in the house is aware that they cheated? Someone said they admitted it but they said it in private, right? I would think that if anyone knew, they would complain big time.

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 9:50 pm

LOL… I was looking for where this comment was… and here it is on the old page.

Starfish, I was making that very point the other day at Aggie’s. We did see the cheating.. we know there was some ruling while the feeds were fish…. but I haven’t heard a single HG complain about it…. or even try to talk in code about it (because of production)… not even a sly look.

The other HGs must be satisfied that it was fair…. or something would have been said somewhere.

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Next page link

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 11:47 pm

I don’t think any if the other houseguests realized they cheated. They were all working hard to win HOH! They did NOT start off cheating it was maybe 1/4 it 1/3 of the way through the competition. I think if Helen, Howard or anyone else saw or knew about the cheating it would have been dealt with. Right???

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Justaguy (JT) July 11, 2013 at 11:51 pm

Madisonchris…. I agree, they were all trying too hard to win to notice. But someone said (not sure who) that while the fish were on the feeds after that comp… production was making a ruling on the comp.

But maybe not??? If production called attention to it and made a ruling…. then someone would have been upset and said something by now.

So maybe the only thing production did while I was watching fish was to have Aaryn choose the have-nots for the week.

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Madisonchris July 11, 2013 at 11:57 pm

@JT we made enough of a stink about the racist stuff you would think to the listen to us bout the cheating thing? If Aaryn and or Jeremy don’t leave next week I am done with the show! I will continue checking in on the blog…. But pretty sure I will stop watching the show! I am pissed!

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Justaguy (JT) July 12, 2013 at 12:01 am

Madisonchris, One of them will likely be leaving… or Kaitlin.

As long as MVP twist is in play, they are screwed. No matter who wins HOH… Elissa gets to put one of them up… and have them voted out. Just like this week.

But I hear ya! 😆

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Madisonchris July 12, 2013 at 12:05 am

I just have a bad taste in my mouth from all this. 🙁

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Janice July 12, 2013 at 12:06 am

JT you are so right. Lather, rinse, repeat – too funny.

Jeremy has to go next. Problem is he is a strong player and gets pov. Unless they can back door him, he’s going to stay. If they can’t get Jeremy out they should go for Kaitlin. That would be the next best thing to leave Jeremy alone.

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Justaguy (JT) July 12, 2013 at 12:08 am

I know Madisonchris… a lot of people have a bad taste this season. I do too… but will try to make the most of it.

I see you haven’t commented on the new page yet? Did you know there was one?
If not…. click this link

If so… nevermind 😆

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Madisonchris July 12, 2013 at 1:09 am

@JT I seriously don’t know to think about this! It has always been a personal game and people whom can lie well do well in this game! I just think the cast is too close in age to each other! It just sucks! I love this show. ?????? Don’t think I can handle this season!

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nNlGfDHn4 August 7, 2013 at 11:56 am

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