Hi everyone:
I don’t know about everyone else but I’m still exhausted from yelling myself hoarse at my TV last night. Seriously, that whole double eviction just left me in such a bad mood that even watching Project Runway couldn’t quite snap me out of it.
But, in the end, all you can say is “Oh well, life goes on.” Judd and Candice are hopefully having a blast at the jury house and inside the Big Brother House, a new HoH has been selected.
Though I doubt it will catch on the way that Ringworm Boy did for Jeremy, my nickname for Andy has always been “This F*cking Guy.” That’s because Andy is one of those people who just always seems to mysteriously pop up whenever two people in the BB house are having a conversation. I always imagine that whenever the HGs suddenly notice that Andy has mysteriously appeared in a corner, they probably think to themselves, “Oh, look at this f*cking guy over here.”
Well, last night, This F*cking Guy won HoH. That’s right, Andy is now technically in charge. I say technically because we all know that Andy being Head of Household is essentially the same thing as either Amanda or Helen being HoH.
Though Amanda should be happy that she is, once again, in charge without actually having to do any of the work herself, she’s not. In fact, she’s pretty mad that Andy didn’t let her win the HoH competition. I can understand that Amanda is homesick and wanted to get a letter from home but seriously, they way she was carrying on about it was just over the top.
Anyway, nominations are today. Helen and Amanda have both told Andy to nominate Jessie and Spencer. Andy’s not really enthusiastic about nominating Spencer and has hinted that he would rather nominate GM but, in the end, I imagine that he’ll go ahead and put Spencer on the block.
Amanda says that the target this week is Jessie because, after all, Jessie sat down next to her man.
Helen says that target is Spencer because she’s playing this game like she’s in elementary school and that means that all the boys have to go.
I wonder if Helen knows that Amanda is saying that she wants to take out Helen after Jessie.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
LOL It is a school yard, isn’t it.
Am I first?
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Wow! I never would have expected that to happen, not even on a day off from the job.
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I have been waiting for Amanda to go after Helen, after all Helen is the only other person in the house who can lead the floaters…
LM — I love name TFG!!! That is a perfect name for Andy….
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I forgot to mention in my earlier comment, arynation was telling someone (who i forget cause they all are a bloody blur) while she was waiting for her gift basket and letter she is wondering why she has NOT received a letter from her mom, she hopes nothing is wrong. Well what could be wrong,your family lives in disgrace? Can your racist remarks, mean girl ways be the problem hhhm lets ponder on that for all of 2 seconds. seems all she got was a letter from her besty and not even another one from her sister, poor poor arynation, yeah rite
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LM txs for great post and new page
I too was yelling and my hubby said “calm down it is only a tv show”the poor man has no idea does he? lol
ciao till later
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I don’t think Amanda can calm down long enough to realize that Helen is running the show. Andy is a worm. I love your name for him. It fits perfectly. On the double eviction, I really felt bad for Judd and Aaryn showed her colors when she admitted she was totally intimidated into nominating him. When is someone going to grow a pair? Spencer manages to keep on keeping on doesn’t he. I’m tired of him for more than just his disgusting behaviors. I want Amanda and Helen GONE. Poor Jessie is getting beat up every time you turn around. I feel bad for her. She wasn’t one of my favorites going in but I think she has at least tried to play. She just can’t get anyone to play with her. Anyway, I guess she will have a chance to win the Veto again. It’s her only saving grace.
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I can’t believe that Amanda was crying that she didn’t win the HOH. Is that woman (I won’t call her a lady because she is no lady) so used to getting everything she wants that she can’t even play a game without being a poor sport?
And I am sick and tired of Grodner using this show in order to advance huge sums of money to her yearly favorites. Grodner needs to go!!! End the corruption that has become the production of BB.
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Thanks LM, great synopsis and TFG fits him but he’s more creepy to me. I know what you mean about being in a grumpy mood; I sure was. My hubby says I get too involved.
MM, you are so right, they don’t have a clue about how we love to watch our BB. 🙂
Geez, from the last post, I said it was a “theory” and that I was “hoping” Spencer might get Andy to make a big move. Doesn’t look like he will. Someone said he’ll be towing the company line and putting up Spencer and Jessie. Dumb ass if he does that.
If they bring someone back, I’m not sure Judd is as good a game player as Candice might be. But the annimosity toward her would most likely hurt her too much. We’ll se,e but I never did like the someone coming back thing. Either one of them coming back should try to change the game and maybe by that time, someone, anyone, will be willing to shake up the game. Candice said many times this game is to win half a million and she even game Amanda props by saying she was a good player. I do agree, Amanda would have bene taken out very early in any other season. This is the season of the Dumb F_cks for sure.
McCrae knows it shouldn’t be everyone on the same team as was pointed out by someone. Why isn’t he doing something? Oh, he hasn’t got time for that cuz he’s too busy being Amanda’s boy toy.
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@Becky, love the “end the corruption that has become BB production”
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I am still angry that they voted Judd out. Those idiots need to put Helen and Amanda on the block and get them out. I really don’t care who wins cause I still think it is rigged for Elissa to win anyway. I am very disappointed with BB this year.
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In my dream world, TFG nominates Amanda and her boytoy, neither one wins POV, the HG’s stop drinking the Queen Amanda Kool-Aid and she finally leaves the house.
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I have a question, why bother with hoh comps??? seems they r playing Hells Kitchen game where they go and debate who the 2 r they want to go home. That is the way it is being played and seems it is always the same 2 (heLLen & demanda) who get to choose, thus it would eliminate all the fuss and muss of doing hoh. Who do they (prod) think they r kidding this puppet show has bee showing the hands attached to the strings of the puppets, like i said earlier even stevie wonder can see this
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I can’t believe TFG could even win anything. He’s such a leech. Let’s see if he can man up and nominate who SHOULD be nominated! Oh, but no! It’s too soon!
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Well it was a strange Thursday night, but it sort of goes along with the first part of this season’s BB. I am awaiting the time when the “easy” targets are gone. I think it is obvious it will be Amanda vs Helen when we get to the end game and it does appear this game is already decided for Amanda.
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There is no one left in the house who I would like to see win. This has been a crappy season!!
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Tx, I’m with you on that, without some power move, this BB is doomed.
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So glad e-mail notifications are working 🙂
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well, i guess helen and ellisa will now bond with aaron over being have-nots together. whatever! spencer and jess will go up – the usual helen/amanda show……………………bleh
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When will y’all believe me? TFG is the buffer for info so that Amanda has all she needs to wine game. BB is probably feeding THG so as to keep ahead of the game! WARNING< WARNING< WARNING!!!! Don't talk to Andy if you want to make a move. With TFG as HOH, Jessie and Spencer go up and out unless the veto takes one off the block, someone better tell GM to hide under a toadstool this week or she will be the next backdoor of the house!
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What is happening in the house this year? It’s a game where the winner is awarded the $$$ and the title of BB15 Champion. The HG are playing the game as a group, not as individuals. Is my way of thinking, toward individual play different from years ago, or the game play by these HG the current way to behave? Am 57 years old, so I’m not that out-of-touch, or am I!? Do know, would never want to be a HG!
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Did anyone notce Amanda’s face last night when Julie announced that the jury would be starting with the next evicted houseguest?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her facial expression, as she was looking at the other houseguests, looked like she already knew this fact…and was wanting to watch their reactions. If you can re-watch last nights episode…let me know if you agree.
I am absolutely convinced that she is privy to production knowledge that no one else is .
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Also, thanks Lisa for the updates!
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prh – definintely agree!! They are playing the game as if the whole house can win. They are playing with no individuality whatsoever. UGH!
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Dough I was watching Amanda when Julie announced that. I read her expression and reaction different though.
I was glad the camera was on her because that’s what I wanted to see. To me, she looked like she was checking other’s reactions to see if that might change their strategy (change how they would vote).
All season, “The 7” have been saying “let’s just get to jury and then fight it out from there”. To them, cutting Amanda before jury would have been a low blow. But since Julie announced jury, that could have potentially changed their votes. And I think Amanda wanted to get a sense of that and cut it off if they were even thinking about it.
That’s my read on it anyway… and I’m not an Amanda fan at all.
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judd was voted out because they thought he was mvp wtf? and candice went out in style! i thought her and GM were going to fight….. but always loving rachel and elissa!
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@prh the houseguests are idiots this year they don’t know how to think for themselves. Whatever the house wants the house gets. I hate this show. Amanda needs to go.
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They all know someone could come back because of what Julie said.
Helen has been running around telling everyone that if someone comes back in the house, we all have to vote them right back out immediately no matter who it is (they pretty much all agree on that).
It would be funny to me if Helen is evicted soon… then wins a comp to get back in the house. Then they all remind her of what she said about getting that person out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nom speech….
“Sorry Helen.. but this was your idea after all!” 😆
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Candice definitely went out in style – I loved her exit speech. Production had a hand in Judd going home. They just annouced that MVP was done with – they should have then said that America was MVP and responsible for Amanda being put up twice in a row. They chose to keep that info to themselves, and that is why Judd left. Dirty rotten scoundrels!!
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JT, that’s my sense too. With Julie’s announcement, I think Amanda was really worried for a minute that she was going to be leaving. Or maybe that was my wishful thinking.
On the last page, somebody brought up Evil Dick and how he bullied and berated a lot of HGs in his season and yet fans just loved him. But they don’t love Amanda for similar tactics. There is a difference. ED was entertaining even when he bullied people and his targets were most often those in the house the viewers also didn’t like. Amanda has targeted players who were popular with viewers–that is what has made more and more people despise her and all of her followers. Amanda is an inconsiderate, obnoxious, selfish, bratty slut who thinks the world owes her something. Most of what ED said and did could be taken with a grain of salt. And I wasn’t even a fan of his.
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Becky, LOL.. I was wishful thinking too! But sadly, I did know Candice would leave 7-0 no matter what… and I also knew Judd would get backdoored unless he or Spencer won HOH.
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Andy is solidly aligned with Amanda & McCrae. As much as I want Amanda out, it makes no sense for Andy to put up his 2 closest allies. It would be like Elissa putting up Helen.
The 3 of them are talking in b/y. Spencer & Jessie will be nominated. The target will be Jessie. If Jessie wins veto, then GM will be replacement…. and GM will become the target.
Helen & co have different ideas of course. They would rather get another boy out. Will be interesting (if only to me) to see the 2 camps clash on which of the “3 expendables” should go this week.
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Personally I think that this season has been a little boring when it comes to nominations & evictions. Everyone is doing what a couple people want and it is getting old quick! The double evictions in my opinion was a complete waste and a personal battle of Amanda’s! Everyone else will wake up but it will be once they are sitting in the jury house while Amanda & macrea/Helen are sitting in the house waiting to collect their money!
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Big difference between Evel Dick and this current group of bullies:
I was never a fan of Evel Dick and I thought he should have been kicked out after he poured that drink on Jen. However, there was still a certain amount of strategy behind the way Dick behaved. He didn’t win the game solely by being a bully, either. He won the occasional competition, he made a few good alliances, and he was smart enough to shut up when he really had to.
These HGs, however, are just bullies because they don’t know how else to deal with the stress of being in the house. There’s no strategy behind the way Amanda treats people — instead, it’s obvious that she’s just paranoid, self-entitled, and scared.
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Did anyone hear Jessie tell Helen the other night that she was doing every thing she could do to keep Judd on their side she said she was even making out with him and that wasn’t working. And when McCrae was crying over Judd leaving on BBAD Amanda was comforting him and kissing him like he was her child it was weird and by their conversation to me it was her belief that he was the MVP that got him out
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A must read!
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GM’s renom speech – “Judd, I hate to do this, but it’s what everyone in the house wants and I don’t want to get evicted net week!”
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Assuming by some miracle that both Amanda and Helen are evicted from the house, “Big Brothers” faces, even in faded shades of gray, will still be ruling from the wall reminding the house rules party that “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.” and surely George Orwell will be somewhere in the distance snickering, “I told you so.”
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@JK … Did you ever see Soylent Green?
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@Sal… I did, but as we all know, Al Gore has provided proof positive it could never happen
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Why did BB decide to stop w/ the MVP twist really? Why stop now, go to the end w/ it. Still say the 2 things that need to chg in BB to make the show INTERESTING again:
1. IF YOU WIN VETO U MUST USE IT, no matter WHO wins, it MUST be used (this wld cause for all kinds of NEW strategies being HOH)
2. Let US vote out the HG’s on Thurs. Night. BB wants to include America, include us, let us decide who stays who goes home, AGAIN new startedies will need to be played, this GROUP play that has happened in the last few yrs will stop.
OR do something ENTIRELY new, each HG’s has an “america player” that of course BB wld decide. Each day/night, the HG wld go to BB Diary room and have 60 sec’s to “talk to” their America HG’s. YES, that wld make intersting huh ? I am America HG and I get to tell my BB HG whatever I want, cld be true, cld be a lie, cld be just juice on what is going on that the BB HG can’t see/hear. Each BB HG wld have a “America HG” but NONE wld know this, all wld think they were the only one. At the end, BB and their America HG wld win the $$$$!
NOW that I would watch!
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Helen is actually trying to talk Andy into backdooring either Amanda or McCrae. Doesn’t she know what Andy’s going to do with that piece of information?
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Andy & Helen talking
Andy: What would you do if you were HOH this week?
Helen: I would put up Amanda & McCrae (then talks about how she feels it’s time to attack.. and they are dangerous.. time is running out.. bla bla bla)
Ummmm… Helen, wasn’t Amanda on the block just YESTERDAY!!? All you had to do was give the “ok” and it could have been done. Y’all could have convinced Judd that Amanda was after him.. that would have been your 4th vote.
But of course I forgot… Judd was a “master mind” and needed to go 🙄
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McCrae: “If I find out Judd wasn’t MVP, I’m gonna feel so bad”
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Thanks for all the updates! What a night I could hear some of you yelling at your TV sets here in NJ 😆 So many of my fellow BB Bloggers will never watch BB again ??? 😕 Come on my friends it’s only a game & I know you will miss venting here with me 🙂 We love to watch this train rack & come on here to tell us all how much we all hate watching it, but WE DO!! Thanks again for all the great comments!
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Will Andy tell McManda about Helen’s wishes? Probably… but then again.. maybe not.
Think about it. Andy has 4 people in the house who he is loyal to… and are loyal to him (Mc, Am, Hel, Ell). Those 4 people are in duos that don’t include him other than as a 3rd wheel.
I wouldn’t think he would want to start a war between the 4 people who have his back…. only to benefit the 4 people who don’t. It wouldn’t make sense for Andy to tell McManda about Helen at this point… but sometimes Andy can’t help being Andy.. so we’ll see.
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Hi Bob… I was rooting for Judd.. but also knew he had little chance of surviving the double eviction. I wasn’t yelling at my tv… I was just depressed that every detail of the show went exactly how I thought it would. It was like watching a rerun for me.. I had already seen it all in my mind.
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From BBSpoilers:
“This morning (9:47AM BBT) on the Live Feed, Aaryn announced she was asked in DR what she would think about an evicted HG getting the chance to compete to return to the game. Fish eventually arrived, but we were able to hear her full statement before that happened. HGs didn’t sound happy about it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this is happening then I’m guessing Big Brother will be keeping all the Jury members isolated from one another to avoid a repeat of Big Brother Canada’s situation. Gary was able to return to the game after having spent time mingling with other evicted HGs in Jury. They were able to share notes and commiserate over their eviction, possibly galvanizing support for one another. I don’t think we’ll see that happen again anywhere.
I think there’s a definite possibility that an evicted HG from Jury (not pre-Jury) will be coming back. No idea if it would be by viewer votes or a competition like we saw when Brendon trumped Lawon’s “special power.” And really I have no idea if this is a sure thing, but the signs point to something like this happening.
What do you think? Should a Big Brother Jury member return to BB15? Vote below.
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HeyJT You are always on the $$$ Good to see you & thanks for E-Mail For this Italic ………………..
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I vote YES Bill……………………………………………………………….
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Amanda (a wanta be Rachel) I don’t understand why the people in the house play follow the leader. I don’t like cruel people. The only thing I can say good about the show is they didn’t bring back any of the has beens!
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Y/W Bob… Ted loves when you do that stuff!
Sal, I do think someone will get the chance to return by comp or vote. And it will be someone starting with Candice since the rest were sent home and given info.
I didn’t watch BB Canada… but did watch the finale on youtube. I watched because of the voting fiasco… it was pretty funny that Gary lost because his “bestie” didn’t understand how to vote. 😆
I don’t like when they bring a player back.. but I think they will this year.
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Everyone is taking turns talking to Ass boy…. Looks like they want to BD Jess, the pretty girl♥ A real bunch of dummies!!!! ……………
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JT I know My friend Ted loves to see me get cool 😎 stuff from you!
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Andy says he would die if his Bear would leave 😆
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Bob, will your wife let you watch feeds when you go to Atlantic City for your birthday?
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Yes!! Bring back Judd!!
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I don’t know if I can get them on her I-Pad But I am going to check it out later 😆
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I do think the Hotel has TVGN!! 🙂
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Lisa Marie
I know This F*cking Guy is the best description of Andy based on his omnipresence in the house, but based on his appearance alone, I see a reincarnated Howdy Doody with Amanda and Helen replacing Buffalo Bob Smith.
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I read some of the comments on the reality blurred site. I was abhorred by the statements being made. Though not a fan of GM’s, I was shocked and irritated when I read people calling her mentally ill and insane. Those are 2 words that really get under my skin. GM is dumb as a rock, has no class and a total lack of tact, but she is not mentally ill as far as I know. And her jealousy of Candice may just be what prompted her to act “insanely”. Those types of words are just as inflammatory as racial comments, anti-homosexual ones and any other hateful comment. They are insulting and demeaning to people who are, in fact mentally ill.
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Becky ♥
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See you all later, got to run for now!
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I would appear that anybody born after 1985 or so has added new meaning to many words and totally abandoned the actual meaning of others.
I’m 70 and when someone said “get f*cked” it was something to get excited about. Now, who knows what it means other than a lack of sufficient vocabulary to say whatever the person actually had on their mind.
Other than the diagnosis from a psychiatrist that one is “mentally ill” it should be construed as the equivalent of “f*ucked up” or several other similar words.
Listen to any young girls (12-18 typically) comment to another when one of them does or says something awkward or dumb and the throw the infamous “R” word around like it is a “funny.”
What we think matters not. It has become “their” language now. 🙁
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That is true of many. For some reason, my kids, born in ’84 and ’86, don’t use language in that manner. I taught them a sufficient vocabulary that they don’t need to do so for one thing. Another is that they know it is hurtful.
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For many kids though, when it comes to moral and academic development, “where are the parents!”
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Lisa Marie — you’re not only a beautiful girl but you’re a beautiful writer too! Keep up the good work!
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I loved Judd….these HGs spread all kind of lies about him…JULIE ..I WANT JUDD BACK !!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Helen is a snake in the grass
2. Gina Marie is the most foul mouthed, mean spirited person in the house, GM you are lucky Candace didn’t insult your crappy hair,,she should have!
3. Amanda is simply a bitch who litterally creamates anyone who acts like her
4. Andy is a pandy, sneaky creep
5. Aaron is so so so racist and crappy
5. Spencer …oh well what can I say
6. McCrae is Amanda’s boy toy or is it that she is his cougar, read Snow’s Informer lyrics,,,yuk that says alot about what he likes
7. Jessie is whiney, but she does try to play in the sand box, no one joins her
…..just my opinions
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Oh my… this BB group is nowhere near the sharp tool shed…. Seriously, Helen is NOW thinking about getting rid of Amanda… WTH. Is this group of 9 sharing even 12 brain cells between them? I don’t think so…
At this point I could care less who wins… I just now want to see everyone’s reactions to their behavior!!! Please CBS have a special 1 hour show devoted to viewing HG reactions…. We deserve it for staying tuned!
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@JT, I don’t think it would benefit Andy to tell Demanda about Helen’s proposal either. I’m just happy she’s suggesting it. That’s at least something.
@Sal, I do not like bringing a jury member back because they are always targeted right off the bat. As someone said, Helen is already telling everyone to vote them out ASAP. Out of the two, Candice or Judd, I think Candice would make the most noise. We wouldn’t be able to hear over her and GM.
The game has become a comedy of itself. Everyone on the same side. Bleh However, I have a feeling that has to change and soon because it will just be “them” (and I do mean ants) and they will have to strategize or go home. I’m still holding out hopelessly that Andy will see the light. The fact that he asked Helen what she would do and hasn’t asked Demanda is something. (no one has said he’s asked Demanda, has he?) But Andy has no spine. UGH
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Now is the time to get Amanda out? Last night was too soon? What is wrong with Helen????
What a difference a day makes.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A comedy of itself? More like a tragedy.
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was watching bbad when my little 4 yr old nephew walked in when andy and mccrae were crying over judd leaving – he says ‘look aunt bendi, they are crying like LITTLE GIRLS……- i had to laugh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what is my sister teachin this boy – ha
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@Becky, yes, tragedy is more like it. It’s a tragedy for us that’s for sure. But it is a game that I like to watch and they’ve ruined it this year for oh so many reasons. Now we can hope to watch the eviction of all the HGs in black hats and watch them melt down when they enter the real world to pay their dues. 👿
Someone said that Aaryn was wondering why her mother didn’t send a letter. Duh, mama is embarrassed and probably horrified that her beautiful, sweet, darling daughter who had so much potential is nothing of the kind.
Hey Bobo!
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Starfish, Andy just met with Amanda and DID NOT TELL about Helen’s wishes.
Andy is not dumb. He may float from duo to duo.. he may give info to each.. he may pop in on EVERY conversation in the house (I even made a graphic making fun of that). But he’s nobody’s fool. He only tells info to others that helps his own game.
Telling Amanda that Helen wants her out this week would set Amanda off. Amanda would want Helen out.. Helen would know Andy was the rat. Andy would become an instant target for a few people in the house.
Makes no sense to tell Amanda when you can keep quiet and remain no one’s target.
So why not go after Amanda? As I said before, Andy is most loyal to Amanda & McCrae. Turning on your 2 strongest allies with 9 people left would be STUPID.
I wish he would though! 😆
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Someone should remind Andy that if his precious Amanda takes him to the final three, he will be out the door with no one to protect him! I think they should back door MaCre , Amanda will have a melt down ( she can’t win anything herself) and maybe someone else will start playing.
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Does Amanda have cloth so dirty always in Pantys yack dirty.
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No official noms yet… but I can say they will be….
Jessie & Spencer…..100% sure
And to prove I know it, I’ll even give the order the keys will be pulled… write it down and see if I’m wrong Wednesday night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) GinaMarie
2) Helen
3) Amanda
4) McCrae
5) Aaryn
6) Elissa
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I love Andy….he is a social butterfly.
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Correction… I guess they will be pulling keys on Sunday’s show.
I’ll be interested to see if they show how upset Amanda was at McCrae for knocking her out of the comp. 😆
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How did McCrae knock Amanda out of the comp? I know she was upset last night, I thought it was her being her poor sport self at not winning.
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Becky, Amanda was being a poor sport about not winning 😆
they did the HOH comp tournament style. 8 people were playing so they all paired off by random choice… the winners move on to next round.. and so on.
It was Amanda vs McCrae in semi-finals (the winner to face Andy for HOH). Amanda wanted McCrae to throw that round to her.. but he didn’t 😯 And Andy beat McCrae in the final round.
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Thanks JT. So once again Amanda proves that she felt something (in this case, the HOH) was simply owed to her.
You know, if McCrae had thrown their round to her, Amanda would have expected Andy to throw the comp to her as well.
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Yes… she would have wanted Andy to throw it too since those 3 are closely aligned.
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Hi Starfish ……………..
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JT I tried my wife’s I-Pad but had to do too much stuff to it to make it run right! I guess I’ll just go cold turkey when we go away … No biggie …..
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Thanks JT. However, I wonder if you have an inside track somehow inside the BB house. 😆 Do you polish your crystal ball every day? You’re just amazing. If the keys come out in the order your mention above, it will be amazing. Good for you. You are batting a thousand right now.
So, Andy is waiting for someone else to do the dirty work and if Helen gets HOH next time, will he run to Amanda and McCrae and tell them she is gunning for them? He’s not stupid, I agree, but somewhere along the line, he’s going to have to take a position and since what you say is always the case, it will be against Helen.
I too wish he would grow a pair! 😛
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Time for the last two nights of TV 🙂 see you all soon, bye for now…
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Here’s my post from the last page… too busy to read all the sob stories and didn’t see LM’s new page… and thanks for the pages Lisa Marie!!!
tedstrutz 08.09.13 at 10:37 am
Oh Boo Hoo… Judd got the boot! This is Big Brother, people… Expect the Unexpected!!!
Great episode! I liked Judd, but apparently he was perceived as to dangerous, distrustful, disloyal or that the Bear Shirt sucked… which it did.
Oh by the way… giving props where they are due… got it right with his prediction of Judd being evicted the other day.
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Sean Sasser, “Real World” star, dies at 44
any of u familiar with him??
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Incidentally LM… Fuck is spelled with a ‘u’ not a ‘*’. I’ve never figured out why people think it makes it okay to use profanity if they put an asterisk or a $ instead of the letter. I myself never use profanity.
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OH NO! I see PK is using *’s to spell ‘fuck’!!! LisaMarie… do not emulate PK and follow his lead on anything!
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How do we watch bb canada??
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@JT, per your post #76, the hubby would like you to pick his next lottery numbers please!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Starfsh!
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JT Breaking bad fans – is this going to be season 6 – i just strted watching it on netflix – up to sesaon 3 ep 4 – if i finish that season will i be caught up to the marathon reruns (2011-2012 eps)
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2nd half of the final season(5) of Breaking Bad starts Sun
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I don’t know how far back they are replaying the rest, but I bet JT does! lol
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thx holls
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Are you kidding me? JT knows everything there is to know about Breaking Bad. That’s his favorite show!
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FRANNIE thats what i was thinking – ha
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I totally agree with emarie post 44
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@Holly, so glad you gave Ted your greeting. I know he would feel neglected if you missed your loving greeting. He loves it! 🙂
@swt, you mean post #66 for emarie?
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@maci, no problem, I don’t have JT extensive knowledge but I do LOVE that show!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Starfish, I don’t want our friend to feel unloved!
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On the block: Jessie & Spencer
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@holly thanks for the heads up about Breaking Bad. I don’t think I’ve missed a single episode. That and Walking Dead are 2 of my favorite shows, but I seldom remember everything about them for long. I’m terrible with names–which was a consternation for my professors while an English major in College. I had trouble remembering who wrote what and the titles, but no problems with giving reports on what I’d been reading.
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Some BB talk! (Breaking Bad) 😀 Macy, you are just getting to the GOOD STUFF if you are at season 3 ep 4.
Amanda says Helen needs to go next week. Helen says McManda needs to be split up next week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like we might finally get some good action …………. next week.
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Do they know what each other is saying? Too bad next week is 2 weeks too late. Should be interesting.
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Ok @JT answer my question please. Why is Spencer always sticking his hands down his pants? And did anyone hear the Fruiterer yogurt/ice cream commercial I swear it sounded like Amanda?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@cmarie: Love the sandbox analogy
And why does Mcrae let Demanda belittle him in front of everyone like the other night when she asked him if he put deodorant on and he said I took a shower and she said go put on some deodorant and he got up to go (they were all in the HOH ) and GM said you can use mine its for men and he said: I wouldn’t want it to get hairy besides I only wear women s”..I also heard AArrynn and GM say they wear men deodorant..am I missing something here? I’m not that old.
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No, they don’t know what each other is saying. But Andy does! 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM & Aaryn could have had 3 of the big 4 out if they weren’t going with “the house”.
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@Nelle I can explain who is working with who. I can say who will be on the block.. who will be the replacement.. what the vote will be… even that Judd was going to be blindsided.
BUT, I cannot explain any of Spencer’s gross behaviors or words! 😆 (nor do I even want to try).
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Me either, I was hoping you guys would just tell me he is shifting or something Because he shifts alot…lol Thanks JT
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I see my dear friend holly made an appearance… now you know why they call Chicago the “Windy City”… certainly not because of the weather.
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So glad Amanda survived another vote. Would love to see her and Helen final two, but it would be fun to see them scramble if McCrea and Amanda were on the block together. The sooner Jessie, Spencer and Elissa go, the better… I think all the house guests really like Spencer, so I don’t know about him… I think he tries to be funny in a gross and shocking way to see how the HG’s react. I do have a soft spot for GinaMarie, though… and love to watch Aaron.
Glad to see Andy to get HOH… will be fun to see what happens… nice my gal is in control.
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hardy, har, har Tedster
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@Becky. I love both the those shows! Plus Dexter and too many to mention!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and of course dirty old man Ted would like to watch sweet, young blonde Aaryn who really isn’t sweet at all!
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New alliance in the house! Andy, Aary, Amanda, and McCrae have formed an alliance and they’re calling themselves 3 A.M. BLEH!
Jeff — <3
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How do you make a heart? I always thought that if you typed “<3," it would make a little heart symbol appear. Well, anyway — that should have been a big red heart in response to #65. 🙂
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The 4 of them have been a final 4 alliance since they decided to dump Judd…. but Aaryn wanted an official name 😆
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I like to refer to Andy “sitcom neighbor guy” as he always pops in at any (every) given moment. Like Mr. Roper or Kramer or….you get the point. Annoying. At least Kramer was funny.
I too, was disgusted with last night’s show. Everything from everyone bowing down to Amanda’s wishes (and her cry babying over never winning), Helen’s joyous eviction vote for Judd and Ginamarie’s low class interruption during Candice’s speech (Julie should have shut her up much sooner) and her horrible departing words to Candice—–“At least MY mother liked ME”. Isn’t that about 3rd grade maturity level?
This is the worst cast I have ever watched since I became a diehard fan (Seas. 8). The whole rest of the show is already pretty much cast in stone. Everyone was has been spineless bucking up to Amanda and now it’s all but handed over to her or her betrothed McStupid.
Jessie will be gone this week (or if she’s really doomed, next week) and she’s the last hope to stand up—but stand up to what? Everybody in there is Amanda Zombies.
Ginamarie is totally immature so dumb I doubt she’s ever even seen Big Brother except for a tape of Season 12(?) with Enzo, who in her opinion was the star of it all.
She swears as often as she breathes making BBAD very hard to watch.
And Andy is so proud of himself for the role he’s been playing–top drone for the almighty Queen Amanda. Id like to pat him on the back (real hard.)
Sorry for the long rant but waiting all year for this show to come back on and this is all we got……………ggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶¶¶´
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JT — Thank you! 🙂
April — I agree with you 100%. I’ve basically been watching this show since it first began and this has got to be the worst collection of houseguests ever!
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This is worst than than the winter season of big brother and all of those gross people they had. As disgusting as I found that season, this season tops even that. Grodner has reached new heights of going for the lowest common denominator.
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♥♥♥♥♥ Lisa It’s easy Just do what I do…….. Cut & Past 😆
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Now back to my regular programing ❗ ……………
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Lisa Marie… Jeff deserves a nice ♥ for his comment. <3 is for facebook. If you want to do a Big Red One, then you might use Bob's suggestion and 'copy and paste'… or maybe Bob can paint one for you… he is an artist.
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I just wanted to make sure that heart worked. There is a WordPress code and it is… & hearts ; … but to make it work, do not put in spaces. If I had not put in spaces I would have got this… ♥
Keep up the good work, because you sure have won all the ❤’s on this blog with your writing…
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@ Ted, way to be a show off and suck up at the same time! 50 shades of Harry?
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&hearts Very good Ted. Very impressed with your prowess on the puter!
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Your explanation is as clear as mud. Is there a space or not? & hearts
How did you get that other cute heart?
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how many Hearts do u need?…… ALT+ 3….. the 3 from the right key pad
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If you want to see a suckup and showoff, holly… go no further than comment #119. I only wanted to help LisaMarie with her request, to pay back in some small way, for all she has done for BBB. I only hope Bob and my humble efforts will brighten her day and give her the tools she desires to illustrate her comments.
Starfish… probably the only thing more pathetic than your not being able to follow directions, is your continued use of the term ‘puter’. Did you or did you not read this… but to make it work, do not put in spaces??? And you got the code wrong anyway. If you were not so busy slaughtering the English language… like your friends in Chicago… you may have noticed the ‘;’ in the code. Once more… & hearts ; … Do Not Put In The Spaces, and you will get this… ♥ !
Or, you can always ask 🙂 … maybe he has worn his finger out typing to impress LM.
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There’s another way… but, that doesn’t work on my Mac, HoH8… maybe it will on Starfish’s puter.
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Oh put a sock in it Ted 😛
Comment #119 was not sucking up. It was a graphic that I COPIED & PASTED… no worn out fingers. Not showing off… anyone can C&P… and anyone can Google “alt code graphics”.
Sucking up would be if I added words similar to comment #125 😆
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lol @Ted, go ahead suck up all you want! Way to throw JT under the bus BB style 😉 but don’t pick on Starfish, that’s not cute!
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Ted, Helen is pushing hard to get your girl Amanda out. Helen describes her own gameplay as “guns blazin’ ”
Luckily for you and other Amanda fans.. those guns were firmly holstered last night.
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I’m going to bed, place nice kids!
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Nite Holly, Ted & I always play nice. A few good-natured jabs makes a boring BB week all the more fun 🙂
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Zolly made me go here
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Jessie talked to Aaryn in the have-not room. She was pushing for Aaryn to talk to Andy about making a “big move” (break up McManda).
Now she is in the by/y with Amanda & McCrae telling them that she is greatful to still be there and would have their backs if she stays.
She is trying at least.. so give her that, but little does she know that Aaryn is in a final 4 with McManda (& Andy)…. and has been for over a week now.
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Got to spell it right the first time but i just work up from a deep zzzzzzzz
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It’s almost 5:30 AM here in NJ,,,what am I sleep typing? ♥………….
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Got to be plural … go figure ♥
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Something to read to take everyones mind off ♥’s for a while. 🙂
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Interesting article, frannie. However, the agent moving Amanda’s to inactive isn’t proof of anything; though it should be true. How could she sell houses to wealthy minorities if she hates them so much? Puerto Ricans smell, according to her, so she wouldn’t want to sell a mansion to one.
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Thanks Frannie, interesting read true or not.
Like many of you, I have watched BB since season 1, day 1. The first 8 seasons I only watched on CBS. I never went to read on blogs or anything back then. What happened was always a surprise to me. I saw all the episodes… but haven’t seen any of them since and have forgotten a lot of what happened.
I decided to go to quirkydude’s youtube channel and start watching season 6 from the beginning. This season is at a slow point until Thursday (no matter who wins POV today)… so I’ll watch a season that I remember enjoying again. I’ve watched the first 2 episodes. Season 6 was the first season in this house.
Spoiler Alert… Rachel won 1st HOH of BB6.. and has nominated Ashlea & Kaysar… ohhh the suspense! 😆
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…..oh, and one other thing that I thought was hilarious (mildly amusing?).
Since this was a new house, no one was familiar with the lay out. Watching each group of HGs that entered run up the spiral staircase to find a bedroom was funny… they kept doing it over and over as the groups entered. 😆
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Good Morning All!…………….
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JT, now that you mention, I remember that; have forgotten all about it. Kaysar, I remember, too though I couldn’t remember his name. Why did everybody see him as such a threat, in both his seasons? Personally, I always thought it was some unaddressed bias against his religion.
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BTW, JT, can you give me the URL for that youtube channel?
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yes I can… I happen to be watching right now 🙂
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Gee Ted, how so very sweet of you to explain those things to me in such a kind way. We figured out awhile ago that since Star and I are on aol, that the wordpress codes don’t work but if I sign in on IE, then they do. I saw what you did and thought “oh my, isn’t Ted clever, a new way to make a heart while on aol”. So I didn’t see the ‘;’, and you were not demeaning at all when you explained it to me. Thank you Ted. Also, when you learn the difference between to, two and too, then you can talk to me about slaughtering the English language. & heart ; If that doesn’t work this time, then it’s aol again.
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& hearts ; Crap forgot the s 😆 😆 😆
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♥ Bleh!!
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@Frannie, great article about Amanda. I would bet it’s true because companies don’t want their front sales people to be obnoxious, skanky & racist. It’s not good for business. 😀
@Holly, thanks my dear for having my back. So nice to know. & hearts ; It was me, not aol 🙄 and Ted must be laughing his head off.
@JT, thanks for the quirkydudes link. Loved Kaysar until he came back and we realized he really didn’t have game or was it guts. So happy to hear there’s some good seeds being planted to get DeManda out. Who knows, it could be a back door situation. Yep, hoping, hoping, hoping.
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some news re time warner and the black out, seems it all comes down to $$$$$
Both CBS and Time Warner appear to be hunkered down for the long haul. Their fight is over how much Time Warner Cable pays for CBS programming and how much of the network’s content it can use online. Since the two sides couldn’t agree, about 3 million cable subscribers in New York, Los Angeles and Dallas have been without CBS programming since Aug. 2.
Although both companies say negotiations are ongoing, top representatives for both companies were away on Friday and weren’t expected back for the remainder of the weekend. Time Warner Cable sent out a news release Thursday detailing how consumers could find sports and other CBS programming in other ways.
In New York, the cable operator has recommended signing up for a month-long free trial of Aereo, which transmits CBS signals to laptops, mobile devices and computers for $8 a month. People with a relatively unobstructed view of a TV tower can buy and hook up a digital antenna to catch free over-the-air broadcasts on their own.
Fans of CBS show “Under the Dome” can watch new episodes online four days after their original air date by signing up for Amazon.com’s $79-a-year Prime shipping and video service. Amazon Prime video is watchable on computers, mobile devices and through the TV using connected gadgets such as Roku devices or Xbox game consoles.
Other CBS shows such as “Big Brother” are available for free on the CBS mobile app and CBS.com the day after airing, as long as customers are not using an Internet connection provided by Time Warner Cable, because CBS has blocked video to those using an IP address from the cable operator. Live golf coverage will be available on CBSSports.com with the same restriction
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Wow MM, what a mess. Both sides behaving like junior high. It’s always about the money. CBS doesn’t want to pay what Time Warner wants and they can’t meet in the middle. Just like politics. 🙂
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HEY YALL! how do yall get back on the blog so quick – i have been exiting – going back to ‘read more’ – – -go ahead call me a dummy – ha kidding
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Oh Starfish I would never laugh my head off at one of my dear friends… you must know that.
I agree about Amanda and her job, as well as the others who have lost theirs. BB has definitely changed things up in the reality world this time, not only for themselves but for other shows as well. Of course it would be different without the scrutiny of the live feeds, TMZ , Twitter, facebook and all the bloggers. It will be interesting to see what changes they make for next year’s show, if there is one. Will they change the focus of their casting? I wonder. Who wants to watch boring people? So they will continue to cast people who will act out, and encourage bizarre behavior. I’m sure there will be some sensitivity training involved next time. But after a week in the house, true colors will come out.
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Oh, one other thought regarding Amanda and her job status… it all depends on how well she sells houses, and how much money she brings in to her company. That is the deciding factor. If she does lose her job… maybe she can open a pizza stand.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit F5 to refresh
that should do it
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Love her or Hate her…..Rachel is so funny…here she talks so much bout BB and her sister’s moves in BB….and with Jeff, they talk so good with each other….it seems that Jeff cant do his weekly talks with the Evicted HG cause they go straight to Jury so he will interview different guests every week… 🙂
BTW, in case ur wondering, Rachel is wearing shorts and not a skirt, lol… 🙂
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here’s a very Funny 2 minute Recap of this week… 🙂
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Besides Franandomanda, Andy is a pimp. Sorry for that word but he is like oil dropping into a pot of boiling water.
My poor dog has hurt her leg and limping and I have to watch the stupid antics of this boy. My dog watches the show too. Like Lisa said, he appears out of nowhere and if Helen is an idiot to put trust in this loser she deserves what she gets.
Julie Chen needs to end this BB show for good. She is not poor and has a husband who is an executive producer of one of the prime time stations. Maybe it’s CBS, I don’t care, but the whole program is getting boring after all this time.
Can’t the producers who interview these head cases want some intelligence to arouse our interests. It’s always a teenager and and elder.
Well I am not going to watch Sundays program, but will wait for wed. and then thurs.
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Amanda is Jewish. You’d think she’d be aware of racism but then, education or money or a good job has nothing to do with wisdom.
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I think it is probably time to replace Alison Grodner. I would hate to see the show cancelled when all it needs is new management.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selecting the worst cast ever is the biggest problem. Not just one bad apple but so many h.g.’s. Don’t they ask applicants how they would play the game if selected? If most all of your houseguest pool says they want to play with the whole house on their side then doesn’t that clue you in things could get mighty boring? You don’t ask the hg’s in the DR how they would feel about a hg returning. Who’s cares how they’d feel?—you’ve just shown your cards again, giving them time to make a pact to immediately evict the returnee again.
If you are going to drop the MVP couldn’t you at least reveal that America made the nomination? We were denied the pleasure of Amanda’s reaction. Want good tv?–that’s great tv. We got nothing out of our MVP position due to this crop of spineless hg’s–it would have made that pill less bitter to watch Amanda’ reaction. Judd got ousted mostly on the belief that he was the MVP. Thanks, Grodner–he was the most “likeable” of the choices we had.
If Amanda does win in the end I will start believing the Grodner/Zuckerman rumors.
I think Ms. Grodner is probably getting tired of her job. Tired or complacent. CBS should her guide her in a new direction. Bringing in new blood with new ideas would be refreshing.
I agree with bigbubbajohnson, post 39—it’s worth a try.
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I hope there’s a next year but I hope they have new producer and new everything so the show can get back on track. I would assume they will change the contract to include something about consequences while on the show the they may incur if they behave in a way that’s detrimental to their job. ha ha ha
I mean really, as examples to the young girls in pageants, Aaryn and GM couldn’t be any worse. I’m glad they lost their job and Aaryn won’t get any modeling jobs for awhile unless it’s with full face make-up for a horror show.
I don’t know Ted, I laughed at myself because that was funny. But it’s ok to laugh at yourself. ♥
Thanks HOH8 for the links. Very funny.
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@SF…ur welcome…happy u enjoyed them, lol… 🙂
the POV Players are Helen, Elissa, demanda, HOH & Noms…..
so since demanda has already given ORDERS to Evict Jessie this week…we can only hope the Jessie comes up with a POV win today or else…. 🙁
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To be honest Hoh8, I only made it half way through the Rach interview. I’ll go back later, maybe. At least she knows they should have taken Amanda OUT!
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@SF..ur so funny….hey half way is enough to take Rachel’s voice, lol…. i just enjoyed the way she talked with Jeff…goofing off all the time…they know each other so well, their talk was fun for me, lol…. 🙂
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@Sal, Steelers in 2 hours.
@Hoh8 I didn’t stop because of anything other than I had to get to something else. Rachel’s voice can be annoying but I was enjoying the interview. Too bad she didn’t really say what she was thinking. She was being diplomatic with her words. Not like when she was on BB. 😯
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Hey guys! Haven’t been around in a couple days but I have been keeping up with BB and just wanted to check in and say HI!! I also had an accident with one of my fingers so typing is difficult.
HoH8..I just went to both of the links you shared. The weekly one was hysterical and I even liked listening to Rachel and Jeff(even tho he does stumble over his words ALOT and R’s laugh is still grating!!). I only got thru half of it but I will finish it later. I love that R thinks E is FLOATING!!!! ***Insert Rachel laugh*** lol Having played the game twice and been involved in others, she dooes have a good take on people in the house. I’d almost like to see her in there for a while to shake things UP!!! And I never thought I’d hear myself say that!!! 😉
I wish all the good stuff didn’t happen om the weekends. We can’t be the only people that are busy then! We were out of town all day yesterday..at a casino when the noms happened but we got an alert on our cells!!lol And going to go get ready to go out now. The weekdays are so long and boring, I wish some of this stuff could be moved to then! But…..BB pretty much does everything @ssbackwards so we’re used to it by now. 😉
Gotta go….will try to catch up later!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace, love and light!!!!
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New post! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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Ok..I just posted a long post and the cybergods ate it!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Will try to catch up and come back later! No time and too P-offed to write more now! I KNEW I should have copied it!! 🙁
Altho…HoH8…thanks for the links. Enjoyed both and talked about in last post. *sigh*
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Don’t worry, Star, the cybergoddess found your post and made sure it got posted. 🙂
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@JT I to remember the good ole days of Dr Will and forget about others and wonder why they don’t seem to compare and wonder why I am so obsessed with this TV show and wonder if we would like it better if we would all go back to just watching the TV show without live feed or BBAD but I confess I can not go cold turkey and die every year for this show to start (remember when we had 2 seasons). What do you think of a having a house of super fans? I hate every year when I hear people who have never seen the show are on and for once would like to see a season of super fans. Thanks for the you tube info thats a great ideal. (PS for some reason I agree with your opinion on all your post so keep them coming)
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Star, Sorry about your finger, but I have noticed it has forced you to slow down… I have always been r e a l s l o w with typing.. never had any training in it at all.. but it’s a lot easier to get things right when I’m so damn slow! 😆
Nelle I think a house full of super fans would be interesting. Watching 12 or 13 people come out of the gates like Ronnie did would be entertaining I think.
It always frustrates me how little the HGs know about the show. Even some of the self proclaimed super fans this season really don’t know a lot.
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Not sure anyone will see this down here but thanks for thr repost,LM!! You truly are a cybergoddess!!! ♥ (trying my hand at the heart.)
@JT…thanks for thr sympathy and the compliment(?) lol But ya know, I think you are right. (Don’t get a swelled head now!!)lol I type like I talk….FAST!!!! Never thot of slowing down as a solution to my typo-ing! I never took any typing classes either and taught myself when I got my first *puter*(fot Ted!). Prolly with alot of ingrained bad habits! SO thanks for turning a negative into a positive, Scarecrow! 🙂 They need to make Oz smilies for us…..lol
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Have any one seen this If you are a fan of NICK UHAS look at this DATES FROM HELL video he appeared in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmvivBVzL20 it Nick recreating live scenes from the show Dates from Hell. The girl on the show got farther with Nick than Gina Marie Did
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And here is McCrae:
Play video
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See what happens when Mistletoe Man brings his own luck to the holiday party.
Added on 11/16/11
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did that wrong, try this one!! Watch for McCrae
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