Hi, everyone!
Yesterday, I asked everyone what they would do to make sure that Big Brother 16 is better than Big Brother 15. Everyone replied with a lot of good ideas and if you haven’t read them under the previous post, go take a look.
Below are some of my thoughts on how to improve Big Brother. Some of these have already been mentioned by other commenters and some of them I haven’t heard before. However, I believe that all of them would help to make Big Brother 16 everything that Big Brother 15 was not.
1) The Big Brother House Should Be Occupied By People Who Want To Be There
Every season, thousands of people try out for Big Brother but you wouldn’t necessarily know that from listening to this season’s cast. While Andy, McCrae, and Judd have all claimed to be superfans who have always wanted to be on the show, quite a few of this season’s houseguests were recruited by the show’s producers, who were obviously more concerned with outer appearance than inner stability. Both Jeremy and Kaitlin claimed to have never even seen the show before entering the house. (Kaitlin, at one point, said that she was recruited while hanging out at a bar.) Aaryn said that she watched one season after she was cast for the show. Elissa was on the show because she was Rachel’s sister. Spencer’s brother is on another reality show. As well, Amanda never made any secret of the fact that she had connections on the production staff. One of the big complaints about this season was that the majority of the houseguests had a sense of entitlement and I think a lot of that was because most of them were specifically recruited for the show. Since they didn’t have to make much of an effort to get into the house and probably viewed the whole experience as a career move, why should they then worry about actually playing the game?
In short, the Big Brother House should be occupied by people who actually want to be there and who have made some sort of effort to get selected to be on the show.
2) Never Underestimate The Importance of Maturity
As a lot of you pointed out yesterday, this season suffered because everyone was around the same age. There literally weren’t any grown-ups in the house. In fact, this is the first season that I can remember when there wasn’t anyone over the age of 40 on the show. Speaking as someone who is around the same age as the majority of this season’s houseguests, I know that I behave differently when I’m surrounded by people older than me than I do when I’m just hanging out with people my own age. Having a voice of maturity on Big Brother 15 (and no, Helen did not count) would have defintely kept the house from turning into a college dorm.
3) Do Away With The Whole Have/Have-Not Thing
A lot of people also suggested this yesterday and I agree. The Have/Have-Not twist has never been as amusing as the Big Brother producers seem to believe and I, for one, am sick of having to listen to people talking about eating slop. Often times, the Have/Have-Not competition itself just feels like a way to pad out the Sunday show.
4) Nominate Three Players For Eviction Instead Of Two
In theory, I like the idea of the players nominated for eviction being able to compete for the power of veto. As well, at first, the whole idea of using the veto to backdoor and blindside another player seemed like a clever and exciting idea. However, it’s happened so much over the past few seasons that it’s grown stale. We now know that the true target will hardly ever be nominated and that, halfway through the week, someone will be backdoored and — as opposed to the original nominees — won’t even have the chance to compete to save himself. It’s not only extremely unfair. It’s also predictable.
So, why not nominate three people every week for eviction? And instead of doing a random draw for names, how about having every single houseguest compete for the veto every week? That way, everyone would have a fair chance to win the veto and potentially save themselves (or someone else) for eviction.
If the veto’s used, the HoH would no longer nominate a replacement. Instead, the vetoed nominee would come off the block and then, on Thursday’s live show, the houseguests would vote for either one of the two remaining nominees.
That would put an end to the whole backdoor thing and it would force all of the houseguests to actually compete and strategize. It would certainly do a lot more to expose floaters than that silly MVP twist did. Speaking of the MVP twist…
5) The MVP Twist Wasn’t Necessarily A Bad Idea
Despite the fact that I’ve spent a lot of time complaining about how the MVP twist was used this year, I don’t think it’s necessarily a lost cause. One of the big complaints this season was that the show seemed to be favoring houseguests — like Amanda — who were pretty much hated by the majority of the people watching. Only when America was made the MVP were the viewers allowed to express their feelings about Amanda. So, I think next season, America should be the MVP every week. The third nominee should always be determined by America. And the houseguests should be told from the beginning that America will be picking the third nominee so that way, they can know that, for whatever reason, the viewing public is not happy with them.
If nothing else, it would give the viewers a chance to vent some frustration.
6) Allow The Outgoing HoH To Compete To Be The New HoH
This is another one that I know has been discussed on this site before. It really is a good idea. If the same houseguest continually wins HoH week-after-week — well, that should only encourage the other houseguests to step up their game. This season, HoH after HoH was terrified to make a big move because they knew that they would extremely vulnerable the next week. This, of course, allowed Amanda and other to get their way simply by being bullies.
Speaking of competing for HoH, what if the winner of the HoH competition was given the option of either becoming HoH herself or naming another player HoH? I don’t know if that would necessarily work or if it would just be more trouble than its worth. But, it would definitely have the potential to make things more interesting.
7) Only The HoH Can Sleep In The HoH Room
I have to admit that I came up with this one mostly because I got tired of constantly seeing Amanda and McCrae in the HoH room.
8) Allow America To Pick The Final HoH
Instead of dragging things out with a three-part HoH competition, why not ask the viewers to vote for the final head of household? If nothing else, this would give the viewers a chance to let the final three know what they think about them and their gameplay.
9) Who Needs a Jury?
As opposed to Survivor juries (who usually manage to put aside their anger and vote for the person who deserves to win, regardless of how much they hate that person), Big Brother juries are usually so bitter that it’s hard to take them seriously when it comes time for them to cast their votes. Consider last season, for instance, when the jury basically spent the whole finale whining about getting outplayed by Dan. The fact of the matter is that Big Brother juries usually ask weak questions that were obviously scripted for them by production and it’s rare that the answers ever make any difference in the way they vote.
In fact, the best thing about the Big Brother jury was getting to see them in the jury house. However, lately, the BB producers haven’t even been showing us the jury house until the final week of the season. So, I think that the producers should either go back to giving us a weekly jury house segment during the Thursday live show or they should just do away with the jury all together.
My idea? Allow the viewers to pick the winner. That way, the houseguests would not only have to strategize to make it all the way to the final two but they would also have to make some sort of effort to keep the viewers on their side, as well.
One of the major issues people have had this season is the feeling that neither the houseguests nor the producers have had much concern about keeping their viewers happy. By doing away with the jury and allowing America to pick the final winner, Big Brother would be letting its loyal viewers know that they do matter.
10) Build An Entirely New House
Because, seriously, who wants to live in a house that was once occupied by Spencer?
As for Big Brother 15, it all ends on Wednesday night. Who will be the final Head of Household and who will win the jury’s vote? We’ll find out tomorrow!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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I love your ideas! Now how to we get The Big Brother producers to do it?
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Very. Nice LM. Lots of great ideas.
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WOW! Just got done reading every last comment on the previous page. Exhausting!!! Looks like we all get a little cranky when there’s nothing new on BB to talk about! Don’t think any of us would do well in the house!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aggie kinda summed it up in #168(I think). Bleh!! lol Cracked me up for some reason. 🙂
Ok..just wanted to comment on that before the new blog.
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Justa few quick thoughts.
I also agree, from last page, tht the H/HNs thing should be done away with. i think it is seriously wrong of the producers to deprive the HGS of a normal bed,warm showers as well as no food!!! I can’t believe some kind of human rights group hasn’t intervened by now! Taking away food is more than enough! Remember back when it used to be PBJ for a week?? They could add the slop for protein an people with peanut allergies, but that is enough of a punishment, IMO.
I don’t agree with making us vote on everything!!! I guess I am lazy cuz I hate doing that!! I have never voted for Idol or DWTS or anything. I want to watch and be entertained! (ya..good luck with that..lol) ALso I want the HGS to truly be in there alone duking it out!!! We should keep out of it!! I don’t mind voting for them to get types of food or for the Most Popular Player thing..and the idea of us voting for the winner seems interesting. There are so many bitter babies left in the jury that the best person usually doesn’t win!!!!
I think the producers have gotten lazy or cheap..or both. Alot of things that used to happen every year don’t anymore. What happend to luxury comps with new clothes??? Fun, gave the HGS something exciting to look forward to and US new clothes to look at ON them!!lol (how sick did we get of Dan’s red Tshirt, Andy’s tank tops or McCrae’s PJ pants?????!!! ) No Pandora’s Box this year. They need ro change up the comps and not just the names they give them! In other words, they need to re-examine the show. See was works and what doesn’t instead of jsut assuming we will take any SLOP the shove down our throats!
I agree with most all of the posts on the last page so I won’t reiterate any of them. I know whatever they do, I will watch anyway. I’ll B*tch and complain, but I get to do it here with all of you guys . And that’s the best part of the summer!!! 🙂
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I like all of your ideas LM, but think your concept of Americas voting the the third nominee really stand out. The problem I see with this is the ability to stuff the ballot box so to say. At the very least there here should be only one vote per person IMO whether it it be via email, text, phone in (for people without text messaging) , twitter, or other media. I don’t know how this can me enforced, but better minds might prevail.
I thank you Lisa for providing me a diversion as I am disabled and pretty much a shut in most of the week. I would also like to thank all the commentators on this blog for keeping me up to speed all summer. I’m glad I found this blog as I have not been able to find Hamspsterdame’s blog “Hampster Watch” for the last couple of years.
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Uh… Hamster
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I have been watching only since the season of the exes (I think that was season 4) but I remember seeing things where it was not slop it was PB & J.
Here are my thoughts (if anyone cares LOL)
I agree with the ideas.
I think if they are doing have/have not – change it week to week and the house guests have no idea from one week to the next.
Personally a NEW house GREAT IDEA – After seeing this season (in my opinion the WORST season EVER) who would want to be in a place where all of these nasty people have been.
I think it should be ONLY PEOPLE who want to be there not drunken bar flops that the poor production staff picks lets admit this has been a horrible season. And really don’t put people in there just because of who they are. Out of all the people I hate Elissa the least even though I can stand her because of her being Rachels sister she was the least nasty in the house.
And what is the point of HOH room if everyone flops there.
I know if I were in the house and fought so hard to get the room. I would not want people having sex in the bed – OR- using my HOH bathroom.
I have been so disappointed in this season that with the 3 left I hate to see any of them get the money. I agree it should be given to charity. I would love to see the reaction of these people to find out most have lost their jobs due to their poor attitudes about people they don’t approve of.
And they need to do some SERIOUS psych evaluations of the people they are putting in the house so there are no more DEMANDAs yes it might make for good tv to some people but her being such a BULLY – just makes it look like it is ok to do things like that.
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Lisa, thanks for giving me (us) something BB related to talk about…. and just when I thought I had nothing else to add to this season. 🙂 Here are my thoughts on your 10 ideas…..
1) Agree 100%. I’m tired of people who don’t respect the opportunity given to them.. and also hate when people want to go home at first sign of trouble in the game.
2) Agree.. they need some older people. I believe season 6 also had no one over 40… but good point still.
3) Agree. I have been tired of have-nots for years. Tired of them wasting Sunday’s show on something that meaningless.
4) Couldn’t agree more!! 😆 …..in fact, here is what I wrote a month ago…
Justaguy (JT) 08.17.13 at 10:12 pm
Random thoughts about how to tweak the game….
I’ve always HATED the backdoor move. I know it’s part of the game… but it really is such a cowardly/wussy move. They used to hand pick veto players. James getting backdoored in season 6 after winning 4 of 4 vetos before that put an end to hand picking players. Season 7 went to random draw.
How about this? Have the HOH put up 3 noms. Then play veto as normal. If someone wins veto and takes themselves off (or takes someone else off)…. no replacement. Thursday’s evictions could have 3 people on block… or 2 people on block… depending on if veto is used.
Then when at 6 people left…. go back to only 2 noms since all play veto at that point anyway.
That way everyone evicted at least had a shot for veto….. and it would force people to grow a pair and nominate who they want out.
5) Interesting thought. I don’t normally like America being involved so much.. but that might work. I liked it a couple times this year. It would keep HGs in line a bit… and would keep them from floating so much if they knew we were MVP instead of an unknown in the house.
6) I’ve always agreed with that. No need to penalize someone for being a good competitor. If someone keeps winning HOH.. so be it.. and I bet we’d be pulling for that person.. maybe.
7) Agree.. I never thought about it… but make it a rule and be done with it.
8) 1st one I disagree with. I think the game should be determined by HGs winning comps and forming alliances. Leave us out of it. Naming a 3rd nom is one thing… determining the final outcome of final HOH is too much.
9) I disagree here too. The only seasons I think the jury made a poor choice of the final 2 are seasons 3, 9, & 14. I agreed with the jury decision on the rest of the seasons. It’s their game.. and they should decide the winner. I’ve seen just as bitter juries on Survivor…. like Russel Hantz or hate him… he was responsible for every person that was voted off his first season and the jury was bitter about his social game…. sorta like Dan on BB14….. just my opinions.
10) Sure… a new house would be cool… we’ve had this one since BB6
PS… PGA Dok so all I had to do was mention you to get you to show up? Wish I had known that earlier this season! 😉 Good luck on new business.. hope you can be on more next year… with a much improved season.
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I am so glad this season is about over, and also glad that we have a new page. What I am most happy about is that I don’t have to be here at all…Some of us have other places we would rather be…a place we can be ourselves. We don’t have to act fake by trying to be someone we are not.
I think it’s safe to say that most people pray to whatever god they believe in, but don’t put that here on a public blog. It’s one thing to hear someones sad story and tell them they will say a prayer for them, but don’t carry on the whole day blessing everyone one. I have to say that when my kids were growing up, they went to a public school. The kids that went down the street to a Catholic school did just as much as the kids that went to the public schools, but were sneaky about it. Did that make them a better person, hell no! Just because you worship your god, it doesn’t make you the perfect person.
I just wonder if all of you here would feel the same way had you not had, or have something tragic happen in your life. Those are the ones that are fake! The ones that wait for something bad to happen before turning to god. Stop being fake! You know who you are….
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Frannie.. go answer the questions in Aggieland so I can copy you! 😆
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LM, you had me all the way to number 9. Awesome ideas, but no way should the half million dollar decision be placed in the hands of viewers. I mean, heck they voted Elissa MVP how many times just because she was Rachel’s sister… :S
JT was right, I believe jury’s have made the right decisions in the past, with the exception of a couple oddball seasons (ahem, Dan should have won last year!). That and if you do that, you almost revert to Season 1’s rules and you potentially get a “Chicken George’s hometown taking out the most liked player, Brittany” situation. Old school.
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😆 @ JT….on my way, but now you will be late for work if you wait for me.
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Fong, Even though I didn’t like the winner many times… I did feel it was most deserving of the 2 who made it to the end in all but those 3 seasons.
Season 3… Danielle was robbed.. plain & simple (that’s why they started jury sequester)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Season 9.. Ryan was no prize.. but deserved it over “Bawler” Adam 😮
Season 14.. I liked Ian.. but Dan did play a superior game IMO
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Hey great ideas all and in my opinion about freakin time. I like the idea of us the viewers being the jury because the HG would have to earn the right to win each comp and HOH I say we fire the entire production team and get a new one. And, the production team should have nothing to do with picking the players. An independent group should make the decision. Also a varied group of age sex and racial background. Yes, I agree we need pandora s box back or some other luxury comp. there also was no movie premiere this year. Lastly I will say what did this season use a shoestring budget and everyone should look after their own belongings or a penalty of some kind. The room Mccrae and Amanda are in looks like a tornado went through it.
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Lisa Marie…I cannot believe I’m saying this but I AM!! Good article! I can’t say I agree with every one of your ideas but there were some really good ones Your article was well written and thought out and made a lot of sense. . Hopefully someone in production will come across them. I knew you had it in you!! Keep up the good work!! See, even a troll can compliment when warranted
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Tired of the have/have nots, tired of slop (go back to pbj), tired of production having too much control over what is said and done and who the players are. I’ll probably still watch, but if they don’t make some major changes, it won’t last much longer.
LM, love most of your ideas. Maybe you should be the producer.
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I think ,for the most part, these are all ideas CBS should be looking at and m;aybe, on a small scale, attempt to do it w/ a “test game”, jury and all should be as legit as possible – CBS, the money would be a” drop in the hat” when we’re talking about your zillions of budget dollars. After all, BB takes up 3 hrs a week of primetime -1st show to “successfully” do that that I can remember. Spend some money on research to improve it! It can’t get any worse than this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also, all HG’s should have to sign a waiver about gender/ sex affilliation/race issues. Strike one, maybe a warning, strike 2- you’re OUT. For good. Most of these peeps would have been out weeks (if not months ago). The season may have failed, but it wouldn’t happen the next season. They would get quality players, IMO. And definitely get some older players in there. Those players know the game and want to participate. So there you have it, and that’s my plethora of ideas for the a.m.
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Forgot to add, the BB “test game” should be during the “off season” )like next month, hahaha. Just sayin’
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Lisa Marie – great list! And yes, only the HOH should have use of the HOH room bed and bathroom – not the bullies of the house. That was total BS that Amanda & McCrae always assumed it to b e their lovemaking bed. – while the actual HOH slept where??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also Production always intervenes when they comment on anything related to production. How bout they comment when extremely bad language is used?? plus make it a rule right up front that specific words like “F” and “C” etc are forbidden in the house at ALL times – not just when there is a live show since there are viewers the rest of the time too! which these particular houseguests seem to forget.
And yes, definitely they should be choosing hgs from people who applied. Not picking them up in some bar because they like what they look like. Screw that.
And be done with the whole slop thing! they should not be deprived of decent food! and some of them have to go on slop for 2 or 3 weeks which if the slop thing continues I think , as with HOH ,, if you were on slop for a week .. you should be safe the next week. And yes! some older players! I realize production likes to watch bikini clad bodies walking around the house and soaking up the sun but how bout some REAL people TOO? When has there EVER been a female that maybe was a little bit out of shape? or not model material? Amanda at least looked more like an average person. The rest were beauty queen material. And the whole problem with America voting is of course a situation like the Brenchel army thing controlling it.
As much as I liked Elissa because she treated people for the most part with respect – she had the unfair advantage when it came to the MVP thing without fail & came to expect it! which isn’t fair whatsoever. And now time to go to work!
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Let’s go, Leslie Moonves, the ball’s in your court! Give your wife a quality show to showcase. I’m sure she has some great ideas, as well. After all, she’s been the host for all these seasons (and looked embarrassed the longer this one went on). So Julie, come up w/ some creative ideas to “test”, it’d be a great career move, if nothing else.
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I think this year was a disgrace, filthy, derogatory, evil, mean spirited bigots. I can’t believe the station has continued to allow these people to act in this manor. If I were Alyssa I would file a Defamation of character suit against Spenser and Andy, who by the way don’t deserve to win anything. I hope they pick a better and more mature cast of players for next season because this year was a waste.
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love your ideas! i say yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let us vote for the winner and give the money to their favorite charity>
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They need to have a 50 and over BIG BROTHER! That would be a change – I can see it now menopause in full swing, cranky old men, ALOT of Napping. Competitions I’m sure will take longer. It might make for a good comedy! 🙂
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Not to belabor the point, but I don’t want anyone to misunderstand. The waiver I would have HG’s sign, is no gay/lesbian bashing, no racial bashing, no economic background bashing, etc. And maybe one warning, maybe not. Little comments are not what I’m talking about. It’s the Aaryn, etc. stuff. I was incensed by all that and I’m a white female. She made all blonds look bad(& I’m one of them, too).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really didn’t see a bad idea on LM’s post, so thanks Lisa Marie, I’m on board.
Also, give them better arts/crafts for their r&r time and provide PLENTY to go around. These people saw something they liked and grabbed it all for themselves – not fair!
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Damn, just noticed the troll came out from under her bridge. She was actually nice?!?! Must’ve stolen Amandas Adderol.
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AFTER 15 SEASONS OF ANYTHING SOME MAJOR OVERHULING NEEDS TO HAPPEN…just do it…any changes will be a welcome sight over this yrs train wreck…and that includes changing some of the production managers…most humans do not like change…takes you out of your comfort spot…WE NEED CHANGE WITH THIS SHOW…have a great off season…PLEASE SUPRISE US NEXT SUMMER…
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I think they are all great ideas. At least with PBJ you get a meal you can eat…
I have said for years that I wish they would go back to Season 1 and let America have some say in the process. The house guest have to play a double game, one to the house and one to the viewers (in Season 1 the HG’s nominated and America decided the eviction).
I think the MOST important thing is to get a new production staff. This one seems to have run out of ideas as to how to keep the show interesting. If nothing else came out loud and clear, it was the calaber of the friends the producers associate with (birds of a feather thing).
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Hey gang! The only thing I would like to add to LM’s fabulous comments… besides agreeing the viewers shouldn’t pick the winner, is PLEASE no more allstar seasons. PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Someone many weeks ago, suggested perhaps bring back players that got voted off early…(usually the ones with real potential to play the game) If repeats are what CBS wants to do. And it that is the case, bring back only voted early off players, not a mix of them and new people. Unfair advantage. At least we wouldn’t have to revisit the likes of Amanda again. Plus if you won BB, why do you need to try again to win it? I also think it’s more fun to watch inexperienced fans as they try to figure out how to play their game. Again, JMHO.
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@Fran I concur, I will meet you at our other two spots. It is funner there! @Macy see you on Survivor Blog, if that one doesn’t go cray cray.
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OH, one other thing about the MPV. If you let the HGs know that some of the MVPs will be America’s choice, they will never know when, so they may behave a little better to get us on their good side. Maybe.
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Hi, y’all. I don’t know if you’ve already heard (and if you have, please forgive me for the redundancy), but Britney Haynes’ baby has been diagnosed with cancer. There is a Facebook prayer page that was set up a couple of days ago. If you are on Facebook, please go and like the page to show your support and love for Britney and her husband, Ryan and for baby Tilly. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/PrayersforTillyGodwin
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I agree with having PBJ instead of whatever we vote them to eat. I think it was just a ploy to make us think we were important. LOL. Anyway, I think the houseguests need to vote for the winner. They know the others better than we do. If not, then have it go down to that last competition with “winner take all”. If not the jury voting then that should be how it ends. And I agree that the guests should know that America is going to nominate the third person. Might make them think about doing something besides intimidating others. Also, more shots of the jury house like they used to have. I have missed that this year. That’s where so much of the fun happens. I like the idea of everyone playing for veto and not replacing the person removed. Makes sense. The back door process just doesn’t work all the time as we have seen. I like LM’s ideas.
Also, no more all stars gets my vote too. I am sick of seeing returning players. Give some new people who really want to be there a chance to compete. Others already had their chance now move on folks.
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@LM, I agree with everyone of your suggestions, especially #1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Bobo, sorry a person can only take so much!
@Sal, I rarely speak up here anymore but sometimes its too much! You could have just read past my comments (or changed the channel as you said) as you advised me to do, just saying. You aren’t any better when someone BOTHERS you! When you take your own advice maybe others will too!
@Frannie and Jane, see ya in the sweet spot
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What if jury house were allowed to see live feeds. Yeah!!!!
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Also stop bringing back evicted player from jury house. If u must, allow all evicted players to participate
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Good morning! Yay only one more day and life can return to normal. I don’t think the Survivor blog will be as volital and no After Dark! Have a good day. God bless! 🙂
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Have a great day.;)
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I agree with virtually all you say. BUT I say CBS cancel the show and sell it to another network. Some wounds are not easily healed. I pity these BB15 people. A simple example: Your in a grocery store, you see Spencer, someone yes out “hey ar n’t you that pedophile from BB? Get the drift? Sad, very sad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the game though: everybody should have access to the live feed so jury can make an intelligent vote and see who screwed who. JMHO of course.
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Lisa, that was a great blog! I agree wholeheartedly! I especially liked the part about more mature people being in the house. I agree that most of the HG’ s would look up to them,,… but some would see them as a threat to their having fun! Have a great day everyone. I’m getting out of the house today and visiting one of my shut-in friends. Taking her some of my chicken and noodles and my sissy’ s banana walnut cake. 🙂
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I think it would be interesting if the Jury had access to the live feeds — but not the HG still in the BB house — that would defeat the purpose of the BB ‘experiment’, IMO.
However, I wish CBS would go back to previous juries and ask if they would have changed their votes after watching their season….Now that would be interesting.
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Bella, I for one was thinking only Jury members. It would be even more fun if the HGs still in the house didn’t know they were being seen by the Jury. Imagine their shock when asked a question and they lie and the Jury member lets them know they know the truth.
For myself, I like seeing a houseguest from jury be given the chance to come back. Maybe cause I think some of the better people and players get booted too early. IMO. I think they need to go back to Showtime for after dark too. For one thing, I can’t get it where I am but I could get Showtime. Kinda ticked me off until I heard how much was cut from it because it was not pay TV. The station it was on is not available everywhere and I’m not changing carriers I have had for over 25 years for a few weeks of BB just to watch after dark.
And I can’t go along with giving the money to the house guests favorite charity. If they want to do that fine but I think they should look at people who could really use the money if they win and they will play to win and not to appease everyone else. That’s how I feel anyway. I like the idea of giving someone a chance at a better life with the winnings and they should not have to give it away. Celebrities can afford to do that cause it’s a tax write off and their lifestyle is plenty good but that isn’t the case for the rest of the public.
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I totally disagree with the viewers getting involved except for Americas Favorite player/houseguest. We have tv viewers and live feed viewers. Two totally different concepts/views of what goes on. There are anywhere between 12-16 houseguests vying for 500k let them play their game nom the proposed evictees and vote their own way without outside intereference. If we want to make choices then apply to be on the show. And I truly believe if so called “fans” would quit bashing people they most likely will never know, the game players will fare much better in their real lives after BB.
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thanks LM
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holly #31 Not sure what you meant ? Some great ideas & some not for me! Thanks for all the comments, got to go ….see you soon! …………..
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@Bobo no worries, was responding to your comment on the previous page!
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DewyRose, I don’t think it is the fault of the fans for the way the houseguests are perceived or how they will be treated. They made their choice on how to behave knowing the camera was on them. It’s not fair to blame the fans. As far as the fans having anything to say about what goes on, you need to realize that it is BB that wants to involve the fans so they don’t lose interest and so that they are a part of the show. As a fan, there is no way I could ever be on there. Too old and not healthy enough to be in the competitions but I do enjoy watching and I truly enjoy being able to vote on America’s Favorite player. If they have something going on to include us in, I will join in and get involved but I wouldn’t cry if they didn’t include us. However, some fans would. You just have to accept that. And we have blogs to express our feelings just as you did and I’m sorry if you don’t like what we have to say about some of the house guests. But that’s how it is.
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Some really great ideas for next BB. I have been watching some of the past seasons of BB and I think it would be good to bring back some of the old ways! First, the HOH room used to be small (Season 3). There wasn’t room for everyone to sprawl out all over the room like this season’s HOH room. It is set up to encourage HG’ s to lounge around. The HOH room should be for the HOH and a few invited guests to strategize. Also, on Season 3, the HG’ s chose the first HOH by process of elimination from the living room. I also think “slop” should be eliminated and HG’ s should compete for meals and all should eat the same. No more alcohol induced behaviour! I think of Andy strutting through the house with his bottle of Champaign blasting all of the former HG’s . Alcohol was the dessert of choice throughout BB15. I think it could be used as a reward. My thoughts. Looking forward to more ideas from this amazing group. It’s been fun blogging with all of you. Thank’ s LM for a good start.
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LM, thanks you for all time you have invested in the blogs this season.You have some great ideas. I really like the idea of 3 nominees, and all HGs playing for the Veto. I would love to see older HGs. Do away with slop. Maybe no desserts or treets for a week. I like the idea of America being involved in some way? Have to think that one over a bit. Now off to do my laundry. Yuk!
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I totally agree with all 10 points. Can we create a petition to present these requests to CBS and the powers that be? All of the ideas would definitely make a more interesting season. I truly have no desire to watch Wednesday’s episode other than to see and hear what Dr Will talks to the jury about. As far as a winner is concerned, they’re all disgusting – call it a bust and donate the half million dollars to various charities. Explain at the live exit interview why no one wins this season. Thank them for their civic duty and donations to charitable causes.
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Lisa Marie loved your thoughts and ideas. I do believe you should apply for a job at CBS in the hiring department for all reality shows that they air. One thing I really missed was the jury houses reaction to the video the newest ejected person brought with for them to see. If this was already mention – my bad! Again waiting for this disaster of BB15 to end and for Survivor to begin. To all fellow bloggers have a great rest of the year and looking forward to 2014. May it bring peace, harmony, health and love to each of you. ✌
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Excellent ideas. However, I don’t think that any viewer (“America”) should ever have more than one vote. This silly up to 10 votes skews the outcome ridiculously.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if after this is all over, there isn’t a lawsuit against Andy and Spencer by Elisha for defamation of character. Can’t believe production is allowing all these horrible things being said about a HG that is no longer in the house. Do they not understand that she will be able to see and hear what has been said about her? I wouldn’ t be surprised if her husband hasn’t already contacted an attorney to start looking into it. They have all the proof they need. So if Andy and Spencer come in 1st and 2nd they better not spend all the money!,
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Thank You LISA MARIE !!! your a wonderful blogger, you totally are spot on with your ideas and I to believe you should apply for a job with CBS your really good on here ~ But I know your really really awesome and better than a blogger go for the BIG BRASS RING ` thanks again for every thing you have done ~ and I hope GM wins.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nice seeing the BBbloggers again see ya next season ~ peace and patience to all ~
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hpr 56 I agree we are faithful fans. The fact that we are still here is proof of that. Cindy, re 50yr olds. I have 4 daughter’s in in their 50’s,they are all physical activity and would put these HGs to shame. I think 50 is the new 30. One is a personal trainer, one is a Life skills coach, and one works with Autistic children. Not much laying around there. I will be so glad when tomorrow is over. On to Survivor. See you all there. 😉
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I think next BB should be a “Boomers” show. Everyone over the age of 50 only. Then we can see some real game play, course I am a boomer so I am biased but I tire of these young punks having no game play and just worried about doing what the house wants. No one had any b***S this season.
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I wish there were a way to see the aftermath of the firings of the people who have lost their jobs because of their disgusting behavior and conversation. I miss the Jordans and Brittany’s who made the game so fun to watch- I agree with LM completely
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@LM: Fantastic piece and story idea. Many of us have been chopping stuff like that up for years here. Seems it’s up to Grodner and Meehan but they seem to be lazy thinkers. I, for one, would love to see a Celebrity Big Brother but doubt any pretentious, pampered “stars ” in our country could be in a House for three months, let alone be away from their precious cell phones for 11 minutes. Hope springs eternal, but I will go into next year even more cynical after all of the BS this year…including by Production and the Hype Machine (“A Floater-Free Season”). But like someone on The Twitter said last night, “bad Big brother is better than no Big Brother.”
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@ Miss Long thank you for appreciating LM’s skills
I knew you liked us 🙂
About BB lots of good ideas , let’s see how they implement some of those on BB16
I still think they should force the HGs to watch their own stupidity and suffer and learn, the stuff they have said and done is just crazy insensitive.
Moving on to DWTS not sure i can stomach another Survivor w ex BB winner who floated to the end. Oh and smacked his lips and was annoying. But I love Jeff Probst
I still like you all for being yourselves I do appreciate all our differences and can’t help but wonder about us being all in that house together !!!!!!
Not sure if I would last a week LOL
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I am sick to death of the previous houseguests. Even a celebrity does not appeal to me. No offense Kevin11. I just don’t want to see them again…………………ever. One of the problems is that everyone doesn’t like the same houseguests so some of us are probably not going to like who they choose no matter what. I want new faces and new personalities and people who want, and in a lot of cases have a need, to win the money. Not someone who wants their handsome (they think) or pretty (they think) face and/or body on TV to further themselves or their career. Personal opinion but there ya have it.
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Another idea just popped into my head. Thanks to hpr 56. Having people that are in Social Service helping others as HGs, playing for their charity,and donate half of the winning. They could have comps throughout the season where other HGs could win for their charity. Humm. What a concept.
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Final HOH Competition The Big Brother Final HOH Competition is divided up into 3 parts when there are only 3 house guests remaining in the house. Each of the 3 part HOH competition are played on different days and test each of the types of competition (Quiz, Skill, Endurance). All three remaining house guests compete in part 1 of the 3 part HOH competition. The first competition is an endurance competition and in the past has required the house guests to hold on to their key while enduring extreme weather conditions. The winner of part one is then automatically advanced to Part 3 of the 3 Part HOH competitions. The other two remaining house guests then compete in Part 2 which is the Skill competition. Part 3 of the 3 part HOH competition is then typically played on the Big Brother Finale night where the winner of part 1 and part 2 compete to win the final HOH. This final part 3 of 3 competition is the quiz based competition, where the winner gets to choose who they would like to take to the final two. The house guest that is not chosen is immediately evicted and joins the other jury members to help decide the winner. The winner of the final HOH competition is the most important HOH of the entire big brother game and as such the outgoing HOH is also able to compete to win. The jury members then ask the remaining two house guests a series of questions and then vote to decide who should win the grand prize and be crowned the Big Brother Winner of the season.
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Hi all, just ret’d from an 11 day visit to statne isand and new jersey late last nite had no puter and tv limited was busy with family friends and eating my way thru the week. I have tried to skim blogs and my head is spinning and my eyes feel like they r crossed lol, all I have to add to ideas for a better bb16 is bring the mole back and have America vote what we want the mole to do, it has been done in the past and I got a kick out of it, this show is so stale, and so predictable. while in staten isand I did ask around about gina marie and could not get any info which is strange the island is about 13 miles long and 6 miles wide, but is filled to capacity. and for the record bobo we had nothing to do with the fire that destroyed seaside hts, I swear yes I know we were there when sandy hit, and we were there again when the snow storm of the century showed up it is all a concidence I swear 🙂 my heart aches for them they cannot catch a break.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am so looking forward to finale nite and going to catch up on shows by going to cbs. I am hoping gina marie takes spencer with her she will have a better chance to win in my opinion, it is not who I want but who is lesser of the 3 evils, kind of like do u want to kill yourself by a gun, poison or hanging no good choice
lm great job as always, and txs to frannie for her updates by phone when I was away, ciao till later hugs to all
mama margie
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real person here.. Like the idea to be able to vote on who wins the money…guess if i can’t be myself and mention God or when going through a bad time or like with my father…or praying for someone who mentions a problem then i don’t belong here. been talkin’ to God as far back as i can remember so shame on me. not pushing it down anyone’s throat. if ppl want to talk about other things that’s ok with me too. even if it bores me..that’s my problem….ppl talk about sex and gross things on here but if someone see’s a person with a Bible in the bb house a lot of you go nuts. i don’t get it. this saddens me but i think it’s time for me to leave and just stick to fb where i can say what i want without being shamed. ….anyway i do hope there’s info on Brit’s sweet baby and how she’s doing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My tummy’s been killing me for two days so i won’t blab on anymore. have a great week all….
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one last comment..i wonder how the players would play if they knew half the money they win would go to a charity for children? (knowing some would be watching)?
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
this is the real #PrayforTilly fund http://gogetfunding.com/project/pray-for-tilly#/project_details … beware of scams #bb15
What up @MM?
Good to see you back.
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Agree with @DewyRose. letting America vote simply makes it a popularity contest and Elissa would have won hands-down because of the Rachel-Brendon fan base, similar to her dominating win in the America’s favorite Vote. They do it on BBUK and CBB and it’s pretty lame and not cool for the viewers.
The simpler BB here is, the better. Too many fucking pretty people all the same age this year. Robin Kass needs to take responsibility for that. All these people want to get on, yet they still cast people like Kaitlin and others who have no idea what’s going on. For me, worst season ever and I don’t even care if Andy wins now. And social media has made this stuff even harder to watch. Everything’s the end of the word when, it reality, it’s really not.
And big respect to @Nonna and @swt for such kind messages. Lisa Marie really hit it out of the park here this summer and we are all so grateful.
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Kevin11: Wow, your comment was no better than their mouths on BB. I agree with a lot of your comment but I think the language wasn’t really necessary.
And there are very few people here who honestly think the fans should vote for the winner although it seems mixed on voting for who gets nominated. However, if they let us vote for something, I will vote. Kind of my right.
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@Kevin, thanks for the donation link for Britney. Always love your views.
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OH MM, so happy you’re back and that you had a great time. See you on the flip side….
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@hpr56: Sorry if you or anyone else is offended, but that is just how I talk, write and think. This is a Blog, not church.
@Starfish: Thanks girl. The first person putting one out was a scam. Nice to live in a world where some fool(s) can try to prey on an infant with cancer. Hope Karma bites them in the ass.
algwiz @algwiz
this young girl is a huge mcrae fan on #BB15 ..very cute..
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tendr, I love your tender heart. God bless you. As a 5 year old, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I have lived for Him all my life. It’s like talking or walking. It really surprises me when people take offense with it. I love my life. I guess I just want everyone to have what I have. Don’t want to keep it to myself. I have been blessed with an amazing family, great grandchildren, and very special friends. For an 80 year old I’m very healthy. The Dr.told me I’m to healthiest cancer patient he’s ever seen. God bless you. 😉
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Kevin 11 Don’t you think the F bomb was used to the extreme.Must we have to read it on the blog also?
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Tendr, I just read your blog. God will bless you for not being ashamed to mention His name! My sissy and I were really shocked that some people were upset when we just closed our blogs with “God bless you !” I have tried to be sensitive to their feeling, but who am I accountable to? So,when I finish my blogs, I just whisper “God bless you……Shhhhhhhh” 🙂
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@Kevin, I agree — America should not vote out a nominee — but it would be cool if America could vote to put people on the block at least one time in the season. If the veto is still around, then the next HG with the highest votes is put up as a replacement — and for loosing the option to nominate, the HOH that week gets a luxury gift and immunity for the week.
There really are a lot of things CBS could do so it is not predictable… they just need to use a little imagination and read our blog!!!! Better yet, as someone else suggested hire LM!!!
Like I said several weeks ago… The only past HGs I would not mind seeing on BB again are those that were voted out first — remember the season a year or two ago, one contestant walked in and then was voted out…. They should get a second chance… not those who have won or made it to the final 4.
And Please no more Rachel or her family members please!!!
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I was more bothered by the word “like” in the house then the F bomb…. If I had a nickle for every time the word “like” was spoken this season, I would have been number 1 on Forbes richest Americans list!!
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Thank you LM for taking the time to write this blog & I agree with most of everything you said. I have a question. With all this talk of old, I can’t seem to remember the first couple shows. I have watched since the first show, & I thought the HG were always in this house.(I read a comment # 9 ) This house has only been around since BB6? Really? Where and what was it, before? I didn’t think the HOH room had gotten any bigger, just furniture placement (for the HG to sit around and bs) I don’t remember BB3 (#49) the HG sitting around the living room and by process of elimination picking the HOH ?not at all. Also I want BBAD on showtime Please.. Everyone is right they really need to spruce up the games and contest… Any help with my memory is greatly appreciated
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If we are really interested in making a change on BB16 we can all do what we did when Aaryn started her disgusting racist and homophobic comments. We can contact CBS directly with out suggestions. Maybe just the few that are the most important. To me that would be HGs that want to be there and have shown an effort by trying out and outgoing HOH has the opportunity to participate in the next HOH. The third would be to openly display the names before they are drawn from the bag. I want to know that there are not six Andy’s, for example, and no Howard’s. Transparency.
There is a comment button on the CBS page. We can use it and perhaps create a BB experience that we will enjoy. At least more than this summer’s fiasco.
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@ Kevin11, I completely fucking understand exactly what you are saying and couldn’t agree more!
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@Kevin, I finally watched that link of the little girl in love with McCrae. That was fucking awesome – fucking hilarious! Thanks again!
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Seriously Holly? That was just plain rude and you know it. Do you enjoy offending other people? Kevin11 didn’t appear to mean to offend anyone but you obviously did. That seemed to be your whole purpose. And Kevin11, I had started to write something explaining that particular word is offensive to me. I know this is not church. Is it that hard to be considerate of others? I don’t go to church but I do try to be a little considerate if something is offensive to someone else. Cussing in general doesn’t bother me and I cuss myself. Then there is your little buddy holly who is trying to piss people off.
Now as far as the actual BB itself. That little girl on the youtube video made me feel sorry for her. Not sure what she saw in him but it was something. Just wonder how she felt about Amanda.
And for the scam artist. What kind of slime ball does it take to steal from a baby? That is pretty despicable to me.
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Yea, seriously hpr56, you don’t care what we think about the constant god blessing so why should anyone care what you think about a simple word like fuck that can be used to express so many different things. Its actually a VERY versatile word!
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I’ve been offended by quite a few of you this season but you people think your way is the only way. Please, feel free to start a sanitized blog and all join together, PLEASE!
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Kerry, BB3 is the season where the HG’ s were all in the living room and picked HOH by process of elimination and the HOH room was right off the living room and was very small. You can search utube BB3. Very different concept from the last few seasons. I really like the current home better, but it will need to be fumigated after this bunch of HG’ s leave. 😉
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Well, I’m glad to see since I simply said that a word bothered me and I didn’t think it was necessary that so many of you that I honestly have gotten along with all this season and respected, seem to think it is so fun to disrespect and be rude to me. I never said anything about God Bless because it was pretty much being beat up already. And I also never said it myself since it obviously bothered others.
I wasn’t rude to Kevin11 in my comment but some of you really seem to enjoy being rude to me because I said I didn’t think it was necessary.
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@Kev11 Come the fuck over to the fucking sweet spot. And leave this shit the fuck alone. Godfucking dammit. I only came the fuck over here because my fucking buds told me you were being fucking picked on. So come to our site. Peace the fuck out!
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You know it’s one thing to talk a certain way which Kevin11 says he does but the rest of you are disgusting. Like I said, Jane, I wasn’t bashing him. Maybe you should try to read before your type your ignorance. I wasn’t picking on anyone but I’m sure glad you think it’s fun to pick on me.
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And I love my god.. but our relationship is nobody elses business, and God has a sick sense of humor and is probably cracking the fuck up at all you sinners trying to preach. I don’t care about this blog enough to deal with this bullshit. I got real life issues and not all this time to argue with people older than dirt. Bye!
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I have been gone week and a half and this blog went to war zone, can’t we all fucking get along???????????????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------simple solution if anyone is being offended by certain bloggers comments and or choice of words then DO NOT READ, skip treat it as if it were a SPOILER like we used to in the good old days, those who did not want to know just skipped it, geez so much turmoil and trouble in this world more important things to get crazy over
I rest my case
k11 i’m with u bro
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@kevin11, looks like you’ve got an invite to the sweet spot, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it’s not up to me though, group consensus to avoid drama like this place!
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MM, I was just going to welcome you back. And then wham. I have not been involved in the fights until they came after me. Would you please read what I wrote to him. And what I said was not wrong. His language was no better than the guests on BB. That was it. End of discussion. Then everyone chose to throw the word around and it was directed at me. Yes, I will read when it is directed at me. I never said anything in the discussions about God. I stayed out of them. There wasn’t that much said by me that it had to turn into a bashing. And the personal attacks were inappropriate. By the way, I am not one of the 80 year old twins and I have not even mentioned church. I was fine with K11 ‘s response and would have just gone from there but then Holly had to attack. Oh and then here came Starfish who I have been friends with for years and then Jane. There was no reason for others to attack me. And I am not older than dirt. I’m not sure why you chose to use the word other than as an in my face. I really don’t deserve it if you will go back to my original post and honestly I have stayed out of all the fights. I was not rude to him. But I will defend myself when attacked.
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Everyone needs to chill out here. Words are words, actions are actions and I in no way attacked hpr56. Everything has a context and I simply used the word as an adjective–not directed at anyone here, I would never, and have never done that–before the word “pretty.” Re-read it. I have two friends, one in Phoenix and one in Seattle, who have both tried for two years to get on the show so it frustrates me that casting picks pretty people out in bars.
As far as any “sweet spot,” I’m already in one. I enjoy my friends here and they get me and have never been offended by anything goofy like a word. I respect everyone’s religion and beliefs but to go off on something out of context seems wrong. And if you think a guy who uses the “F-word” chooses to uses it indiscriminately or for the sake of it, you’re simply wrong. Or that someone who uses any word, deemed a swear word, doesn’t contribute to famine in Africa, put correct links out to help an infant with cancer, feed stray animals or help an 80-year-old neighbor get groceries or to just get by in Life, you better think twice.
Everyone should chill. We all have bigger fish to fry in Life than a word in a silly blog. Think about it.
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Kevin and I never accused you of attacking me and my comment was just a comment. It was not intended to “attack” you either. My comments about being attacked were not about you. You made your response and I was fine with it. I understood what you said and I was fine. I made my dislike known and that was it. You even said you were sorry if I was offended. Not that you were sorry you said it and I didn’t expect that. LOL. I have always enjoyed my friends here and have stayed out of every single controversy. AND, if you look at my post afterward, I thanked you for the link and responded to the person stealing money from the baby. I have no problem with you Kevin. It was the back watchers starting with Holly who said it “in my face.” And then it went on from there.
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@hpr56: Seriously, no disrespect and I have talked like that, and wrote like that for years here. If you’re offended, I am truly sorry but important to know it was aimed at the concept of casting young, pretty people instead of those who really want to be there and have followed the show. Don’t worry, I still love you but don’t freak if I swear again. That’s just my style. I have never aimed anything at anyone ever here and have actually defended people when even my friends here had issues with them. as Star would say, Peace, Love and Light.
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I hope we can be friend Kevin11. I honestly meant no offense. And I was fine with you and what you had said. Just expressed that I disliked something.
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@hpr56: We are still friends. I’ve been through much in Life, as I’m sure you have. We all may just be frustrated at how crappy this season has been. I’ve always enjoyed your comments. 🙂
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I didn’t ever take it as being aimed at me by you. It’s okay and I’m not offended nor will I be offended with what you say. I honestly was not freaking at what you said. We both said our piece. Over done with gone. But when I hear others saying it and it isn’t their style then it was directed AT me.
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Man lately I can’t come into my favorite Blog without some of y’all getting the case of the Ass! So Some of you are into God…Someone wants to drop the F bomb! I don’t talk like that But I went to War when I was just a Kid… Everyone has the right to say what they want! The only thing I will say is if you don’t like what someone says…Just go past It!!!! If you choose to confront what anyone has to say, just be ready to get it back! I love this Blog & most of you! ♥ So this is a crappy BB this year, and the people stink…. this is the place to chat about it! But noooo lets take our frustrations out on each other 😆 Thank you all for all of your comments & Updates… I just skip over everything I don’t care for, If I want to I could get into many fights in here! But that is not cool to me anymore 😎 So keep up the GREAT feedback my friends & try to play nice! ………….
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Done with this discussion. Have a good night, Kevin11.
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What some refuse to understand is that it’s not personal, it’s common sense. Religion and politics have no place on any blog because they are such controversial subjects as evidenced by what’s happened this year on our blog. We’ve gone through this before. The insensitivty of those who insist on pushing their religious phrases, etc. on the blog isn’t any better than someone wanting to push their political views. It’s a no no, it’s not personal. Don’t you get that!!!!
Many of us have the same belief in God but we don’t push it on anyone else, it’s private! I’m hoping it only has to do with the fact that our fuses are very short right now because of the religiousness continued to be spewed on the blog.
All this was said trying to get the message through one more time and without the use of the “F” word. It’s not personal, it’s common sense. To quote a friend: “This is a blog, not church!”
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Starfish! Hi girl, how you doing ❓
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ooo A note to MM whoops you did it again! 😆
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Hey Bobo, I’m trying sweetheart. Ran off the rails for a minute but back on track. What’s for dinner tonight?
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@hpr: Thanks. You too.
Wil’s latest little spoof:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
Big Brother 15: The Saga – Bloopers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQngbwUerNg … by @WilHeuser #bb15
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bobo good sentiment as I said lots more to get crazy over in these trying times, and just skip over what u do not want to read or see simple as a b c
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lol bobo oops I did it again, I hope u r not referring to seaside hts, feel so bad for those poor people just when they r about to get back on their feet wham they get hit again so sad, but I know I will get the blame for the latest mess on the east coast lol it does seem strange when we r there all kinds of stuff happens and I SWEAR I am innocent I tell u innocent lol
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Bye Jane!!! 🙂
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*fish do u know which eopisode had the jury house in it????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------trying to catch up and k11 txs for latest will link
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I feel the way you do Bobo. I love this blog, don’t always agree with what people say but so what? But…… now I’m starting to feel uncomfortable with some of the comments. This is such a great bunch of bloggers. Frankly I miss the BB talk and the banter between friends. I wish we could go back to being nice to one another. Life is hard enough without getting bombarded on a TV blog site, right???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HPR56@ sorry 4 U….feeling misunderstood and attacked.
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Way to go Kevin!!! And that’s from an 80 year old, older than dirt senior! I respect your attitude and you did not offend, IMHO. I enjoy reading your blogs. But said! 🙂
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Correction: Nuf said!!! 🙂
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Get out the soap Ma the children are going crazy..
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jane, are you telling us about your little dumpster.
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@MM, I think it was last Thursday night which was 9/12. I can’t remember yesterday. That’s a JT question or perhaps K11 knows for sure. Sorry my dear.
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Oh my someone forgot to put the parental lock on Jane’s computer. God
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Sure Marge! 😆 …Stay on track Starfish♥
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Maxie, hi! I agree with you. We came into this blog to express our opinion about BB and was attacked for saying God bless you. Is that more offensive than bad language, especially if it’s purposely used to belittle someone.. not like Kevin’s use. I have for the most part enjoyed being a part of this blog site and have tried to be sensitive to others here. I enjoy your thought. 🙂
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I can not believe how this blog has turned into a war ground, enough already some of you are like a pit bull get something in your jaws and it gets locked up. Why does it have to continue? Let it go! seems like some just lay in wait and r ready to pounce. Remember the toes u step on the way to the top, are attached to the ass u have to kiss on the way down. Geez I am so happy for two reasons bb is almost over and I do not watch survivor seems if that blog goes as this one is going u will need to be a survivor to survive. seems all the fun has been taken away there is more crap going on in here then in the bb house. this is my opinion and please respect it like I respect yours. In closing please let’s act your age not your mentality.
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Starfish,I always looked forward to your blog’s.What happened girl. This season getting to you? This is my first time blogging.I have a lot to learn. Take care. Really enjoyed this. hpr56 & Kevin 11 you rock. Maxie I also love this blog. Will be so happy when tomorrow is over.
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I’m going to say this once and I hope nobody misunderstands or takes it personally or gets upset.
I love writing for this blog and I appreciate all of the comments and I also appreciate all of you. This hasn’t been a great season of Big Brother but I’ve still enjoyed it just because I got to write about it and I got to meet all of you. Thank you for all of the kind comments. I appreciate them more than I can even begin to express in words.
That said, it is extremely stressful to read the comments and come across all of these little fights going on. Please understand — I’m not taking sides, I’m not saying that anyone is right or wrong. I understand that this group has been together for years and that there’s been a lot of water under the bridge and a lot of stuff that I don’t know about.
And, quite frankly, I’m not even telling you guys not to fight. You’re all adults, you all have a right to your own individual opinions, and you’re all fully capable of choosing how to express yourself without needing to have me or anyone else passing judgment. I appreciate each and every one of you regardless of whether I personally agree with you or not. I’m not here to try to preach to anyone or to tell anyone else how to live their lives. I’ll keep writing about Big Brother and I’ll keep reading everyone’s comments and, once I post this, I will do my best to ignore any of the fights that I see going on and instead concentrate on the comments that are actually about the game.
But I do have to say that, for the past few days, it has been extremely stressful to come across so much anger in the comments. It’s stressful for me and I’m not even involved in the fights — I can only imagine how the people who are actually fighting must be feeling. This is my suggestion and you can take it or leave it: try to take everything that you read online with a grain of salt (because, quite frankly, there’s no such thing as nuance when it comes to online comments and, as a result, it’s easy for a reader to imagine that the writer is saying something with a tone that he or she may not have intended) and if you can’t stand someone on this site, IGNORE them.
Again, that’s just my suggestion and you can take it or leave it and yes, I do understand that, when it comes to ignoring people you dislike, its easier said than done. If you ignore what I just said or if you think I’m totally incorrect, I won’t take it personally. And, just to reiterate, my comments are not directed at any specific person or group of people on this blog. They’re just a general comment from someone who is feeling a little stressed by some of the arguing that has been going on. If people still feel that they have no choice but to fight with each other, so be it. I’ll just do my best not to read those comments.
(At the same time, I do hope that everyone understands how frustrating it can be to come onto the blog, see that there are a 100 new comments, and then, while reading them, discover that 60% of those comments are people arguing with each other.)
Again, allow me to say thank you to every single one of you for reading this season. I can’t wait to talk about Survivor with all of you as well. 🙂
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Time to lay this hurting body down….goodnight All!
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Thank you Lisa♥ That’s just what I was going to say! 😆 Goodnight again♥
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Lisa Marie – thank you. Well said.
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Wow. haven’t been on here for awhile and come back and everybody is fighting. This used to be a friendly place. What the heck is wrong with someone saying “God bless you” ..??? I think it’s a rather nice final message & if someone doesn’t then consider it not applying to you then. what’s the big deal? It’s certainly much nicer than coming on to see the F bomb being thrown around in here suddenly which I’ve heard way too much of on BB lately .. along with “like…” Can we just try to be considerate of other people here again? Never in my life have I heard of anyone being attacked just for saying “God bless you”! which is a pretty nice thing for someone to say to you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let’s get back to the subject of BB or has watching the nasties on this season turned everyone here equally nasty now too? Can we please just stop?
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Bobo, nite and take good care my dear!
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jeanne728….maybe it’s ok for some, but not for everyone. The two old coots should take their bible totin’ sermons on the road. This is a BB blog, not a church. If I sneeze, then say bless you, but not after every fuckin’ comment on a blog. I could end all my comments with Fuck shit, but I doubt y’all would like that one.
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Lisa Marie, thank you for your comments. I will take them to heart. I have enjoyed being here because of people like you.
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Chill Out Here
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Year’s ago when I first started going into the chat rooms,someone would come into the room and start spuing dirty language.We found out it was children. This may be what’s happening here. On the most part this has been a blast. God loves you and so do I. This old koot has to go do her 50 pushups before going to bed. Goodnight.
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Fannie2, everything in me says to ignore you, but you are really out of line! If you will check back, you will see that I haven’t used the “GB” ending for over a week because I have been trying to be sensitive to other’s feelings. Please try to be sensitive to us “old coots” who might just be two sweet old ladies. 🙂
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Agree 100% stop arguing like HGs my dear bloggers
About that child in love w Maccrae , why is she allowed to watch BB isn’t she too young ?
can’t wait for it to end, but i’ll miss you all.
Dancing W The Stars 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Sylvie, DWTS last night was soooooo good. The best first night of any season. The format is different, but I think they had to do that because they will only be on one night a week. Have a good evening.
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Years ago when chat rooms were all the rage, you could create private rooms and only let who you wanted in. There were other chat rooms had an actual “ignore” button, when you click it you would not see any of the comments from the person you wanted to ignore!
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Whew! Glad I was just a reader while the fray was unravelling today! Yikes! Anyway, looking forward to 2morrow, just wish BB was on 1st. Then we could bury it and enjoy the Survivor opener. Wonder what changes have been planned that haven’t been leaked to the press already? Sure hope the casting crew did a better job than BB’s this season. What do you guys think? Has anyone heard of any changes?
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©¿©, (that’s the best I can do) 🙂 Those were “The good old days!” I would never ignore you! 🙂
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#¿# ….. I’ve been reading too much today, ~¿~ <— soon!
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what the hell is going on guys! stop! if any of you have something negative to say – go to another forum. this blog has never been this way and it hurts my heart. lets be kind to one another. this has truly been a bad season. lets leave it on a good note – please!
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Bleh 🙄
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#¿# LOL. me too! 🙂
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Macy1231231, good words! Looking forward to tomorrow night. Have a nice evening. 🙂
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JOLEE u can leave off those dang numbers ha
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Planning a celebratory dinner tomorrow night… frozen pizza, veggie nuggets, and of course chicken parm!!! 🙂
Followed by a thorough bleach scrub down, washing of the sheets, and a long hot shower.. that should make this season a distant memory. 😉
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KIM me too!
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well, i wanted to tell all of you – shay had her first cheerleading game tonite – it was bittersweeet – they lost but she did great – so proud of her!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good job on your 10 things BB should change. I think if you win HOH you should be able to compete the next week and keep competing. That makes sense. This will keep the other house guests on their toes. I think their should be one winner just like in survivor. Don’t give out that $50,000. Survivor is more intense and they don’t get a runner up prize.
I do agree about your veto it is a panzy move to backdoor everyone. I am 47 and there are always young, skinny people on this show. Where are the plus size people??
Put some older people in their 40-60’s in this show and mix it up.. I am so tired of the twenty something crowd. They shouldn’t waste there time putting people up in the jury house and spending more money and adding more people to the jury house. Do people get paid to be on BB? How do they pay their bills when they are gone for 3 months. Can the jury and have America Vote.
Lastly, they should have the houseguests sign a waiver if you use racial remarks you will be pulled from the show and a replacement will be ready to go. Heck, they have replacements on Bad Girls Club Miami, Why not BB?
Can’t wait to see who wins and please Spencer quit picking your nose and shave that ugly beard off your face.
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I feel like I want to singing Auld Lang Syne. It’s been fun getting to know you all.Tomorrow it will be a memory. God bless you. #¿# You know who you are.
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The scapping that’s going on this blog is because BB15 is so f-bomb boring.
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I read this blog every year and giggle – this is my first year throwing my two cents – last year I had such a great time reading this blog – I remember LM, Starfish, and JT it helped me smile a lot through Chemo and cancer surgery last summer – as silly as it sounds it helped take my mind off things – lets all put this squabbling in perspective – I enjoy some well placed curse words and who really cares if someone says God bless you – hey, it ain’t cancer – at least after tomorrow we won’t have to watch Spencer play with his balls or pick his nose – I’m a glass half full kind of gal! Peace and love to all!
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When i first came to this blog, it was a totally different vibe and feel, I like the regulars on here who have been here since the Beginning.
It really sucks that some Holy Rollers on here have to be messing it up for us.
If you are a Bible Thumper, I doubt a reality show or this blog is the right fit for you. This blog is not going to be censored or sanitized to suit you. You either accept people for how they are or take a hike, It’s that simple.
I have always spoke my mind and If I want to say FUCK or whatever else, I intend on doing so. This has been another pretty miserable season of BB, as you can see, I have been hardly ever on here. I do Hope GM wins though, she is the most deserving. And I sure Hope Elissa doesn’t win America’s Choice. And the Bleh which i have said twice was for the Holy Rollers especially, you know who you are. Goodnight to The Regulars on here.
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Susan G, I can relate. My twin sister had cancer, went through chemo and radiation treatments. You are one of the “good guys” on this blog. I had to turn off BBAD tonight because it was beyond civil. I don’t understand why production lets them get away with it. They can’t sing,but they can spew garbage out of their mouths. I hope you are on your way to complete recovery. Peace and love to you too! 🙂
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Aggie 27…..?? Strange!!!!
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@Susan G <up for the positive for you. But sugar the DAMN best part of this BB15 has been THIS BLOG, all of these peeps have been FRIGGIN AWESOME. Eeveryone has a thought and idea but is it right? LM has rocked this sight with awesome blogs and LM,Starfish, BoBo and so many more has made this season WONDERFUL and I have to say thank you LOUDY ………………HUGS TO SAID XOXOXXO
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We try to go to Italy every couple of years to visit my husband’s relatives – the relatives are all great cooks – never once in our thirty years of marriage have any of them made “chicken parm” – what’s with the chicken parm every minute?
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@Amazonia – I will go you one – the best thing about BB was definitely this blog – it was much better than the show – I will miss the blog and the people, not these house guests – they should let whoever casts survivor cast BB –
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Susan, it is so important to have people to talk to that will stand with you. When I had my cancer journey I was playing Bingo on line. I couldn’t sleep, I’d be up all night. I have made friends with so many of them, Some are now FB friends. A lots of us were going through the same. Thats been 10 years ago and I still play Bingo with a lot of them still. If you have AOL, you can go to Games.com/Bingo. You’ll see me there most everynight. Usually after 1 am. Take care and stay sweet.
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Anggie27, Don’t hold back girl, tell us how you really feel. I wouldn’t want you to have any stored up emotions. I’ts a free country, we have freedom of speech. Now don’t you let anyone tell you and differant. Let it out. (God bless you)
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@Susan G (I hope you are cancer free) & Amazonia, thank you so much for your shout out! It’s really appreciated, probably more than you know. I really enjoyed blogging here for many years and it’s something to know I was helpful getting someone through a terrible time with hopefully a few chuckles along the way. Cancer is the great equalizer for sure. Again, thank you!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite all
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Isn’t this some fucking shit???? 4:08 in the morning and my fucking ass is up already! DWTS was fucking awesome Monday night, AGT was also something fucking wonderful to watch but I did miss one of my favorite shows, Sons of Anarchy. That’s because all the fucking good shows have to be on tv at the same fucking time. What the fuck is up with that? Now I need to fucking watch that so we can talk about how fucking good it was at work and how fucking HOTT Jax is, with that nice tight ass of his.
Hey Aggie….I love all the fucking shit you had to say. You rock gf! Well, anyway, I will see you and all the rest of my blogfia family in a much happier and fun place. Oh, and by the way…thanks for all you do for us at Aggieland and the many other places we call home.
I’m off to watch Jax with that nice ass of his to see if he actually did fuck that chick from last week. What a fucking stupid place to end the show last week. Then off to work….Peace, love and fuck all that other shit in between!
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@Thanks FP
You Rock the room as well, yep all those shows Are Fucking Awesome, I hate to see them Fucking End. I think I will fucking watch them all again. OH MY, Are The Holy Rollers, Going to Bless me Now 🙄
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Hey Aggie, I sure the fuck hope not!
What a fucking pisser! SOA isn’t on OnDemand yet. Damn them cock suckers! I need my Jax fix! I would love me some of that! I can’t wait until he plays Christian in ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’. Now that’s a book I will be carrying around for a while. I haven’t read it yet, but I have it and have to read it before the movie comes out. I forgot it in my car, or I would have started it now since there is nothing to watch at the crack of Dawns ass.
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Me too, What a great fucking season for TV, I just fucking love it, and When Breaking Bad ends, I will Probably fucking watch it all over again, Oh My, someone Bless me please, I think I’m Possessed 🙄
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I’ll fucking bless you Aggie, for what it’s worth!
Going out tonight for happy hour. Oh dear, I can’t wait till I have a few drinks in me before I get here. Imagine how fucking crazy I will be then. I’ll have to fucking tape the shows and watch later….but all is fucking good….I’m off work tomorrow.
I was playing Words with Ted…I refuse to let him beat my fucking ass again. That will give him such a big fucking head.
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Thanks FP
You can’t let Ted, get even more of a Fucking Big Head, So beat his Fucking ass already 😆
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Go get him, and let some of the air out of his Fucking Head 😆
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Gotta love this!
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@ FP
Damn Straight 😆
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This is even better!
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@ FP
I so Fucking Agree 😆
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Aggie, I think we should have been fucking sisters! I love ya girl!
Gotta go….see ya on the flip side (a much better place where we can be US!)
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Love ya back and I agree, we are on the same wavelength alot 😆
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I’m new to your blog , just spent 15 mins looking at everyons responses since Monday, very interesting. I view a blog as a door that is open to someones mind and thought processes, once you make the choice to cross that threshold you might not like what they have to say or the venacular in which they put it but it is their opinion if you can’t deal with it than don’t enter the door. Personally I think humor is the best medicine and anger is a waste of prescious time and life is too short to get that upset with anyting. BB was a big disappointment this year and I enjoyed a lot of the suggestions made to change the show and make it more interesting and enjoyable- the way it use to be. I will be watching tonight, don’t feel any of the 3 remaining deserve to win but one will and finally the end to a messy season.
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I, too enjoy using the f-word – I do realize that y’all are trying to make a point – however it’s coming out like perhaps you might have an extremely limited vocabulary – in short, some of these posts are sounding like Andy’s rants – “fuckin Elissa I fuckin hate her – fuckin stupid fuckin bitch – fuckin Botox – thinks she’s fuckin better than fuckin everyone – it’s like our collective reasoning abilities and IQ’s are dropping to match the remaining house guests – Help!!!
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Lisa – these are all good suggestions and I really enjoy your blog. I read this season’s blog more than I watched the show as it often made me cringe.
The fact remains that how can they improve the contestants when the have to choose from a pool of unemployed or very young applicants. How can anyone with a good career and some maturity take that much time to be on the show?
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I understand the “random” draw for veto because I seem to remember people picking the same ones all the time. Here is a tweek if you want to call it that I call it a great idea.
I never have understood why just because you play for veto and IF you win it – and take some one down WHY can’t that person be put on the block?
For example lets say (just random names)
Lets say HOH Was Devin two noms were Jessica and Jamie lets say player Elizabeth played the game and won the veto and took Jamie down so why cant Elizabeth go up as a replacement?
I do not get why JUST because you win if you use it then you can’t be a replacement would make it more interesting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like when DEMANDA won and took McNasty off the block WHY could she not be his replacement.
To me that’s better to watch then NASTY PEDOPHILE Spencer get put up.
As much as I hate him and he makes me sick to my stomach to be honest he has been “up on the block” so many times and not voted out – I think that should say something for him to win the grand prize even though he will probably spend it on child porn. I just HATE the idea of and ANDY “RAT BOY” winning a penny.
At this point in time I would rather see RINGWORM boy win it then whats left.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
I think that they need new people to pick for casting and a new producer because they made this season SUCK with all the losers they picked. NOT ONE of them deserve the money or should get it.
I would love to see the reaction of these people when they see how they were in the house and how much America thinks of them and the looks on their faces when they find out they are out of jobs. That would be PRICELESS and make this miserable season worth something.
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I agree Mary Price. There are so many changes they could make if they will just think about it. I like LM’s list and there have been a lot of good suggestions on here by some others too.
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HELP!!! I watched BBAD last night and I heard GM and Andy talking about talking each other to the final 2. PLEASE someone tell me this isn’t true!!! I don’t want Andy to win another dime, let him go home with only the $94.83 in his pocket or whatever that amount was!!
If GM wins the final HOH and takes Andy I believe she will take second place, as I bet Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa will all vote for Andy and give him kudos for his strategy. They have all had enough time to get over their anger. Candice would be another vote for Andy, as I can’t see her voting for GM! Where is JT when I need him? JT why didn’t you take today off work? I need some help sorting this out!!
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I understand this has been a horrible season of house guests. since I have been watching this is the worst season but I love the show and enjoy reading what you all think. thank you LM for the comments and keeping us all up to date on the live feeds and all especially since I don’t subscribe to them. I did years ago and found it a waste. even though I wish I had at times this year I had being able to watch crazy Amanda (she needs some serious help) I am glad the show will be back next year even though I am shocked after the way producers made it so horrible this year. IN MY OPINION maybe they should not take people from bars and put them together they should have a better screening process for these people.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TY everyone who kept me (and the rest of us up to date)
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I can’t get BBAD so I haven’t seen any of that stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did that. Slimy little roach that he is, I agree that he doesn’t deserve it. I figured if Andy got F2, he would take Spencer because of the talk he and Spencer had about how dangerous it would be to take GM and how they thought she would win.
You are right, where is JT. He seems to read them better.
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Oh my goodness. Someone get the hose. Someone’s going to have a nasty headache this morning. 😉
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@hpr56 – You are probably lucky you don’t get BBAD, as it has been horrible this year and especially now with the last three HGs. I only watch it to hear about any possible strategic moves, although it is hard to get much information with all the bleeps. Last night, as I mentioned above, GM and Andy talked about taking each other to the final 2 and in my opinion, if GM was lying to him, she should become an actress for I am sure she wouldn’t have any trouble winning an Academy Award! She was very believable and I just hope all her talk was a bunch of lies. Andy would freak if GM won the final HOH and didn’t take him to the final 2 and that would be worth watching!!
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Betty, I agree with you 100%… I think GM is just playing the game because when Andy is not in the room she dances around with Spencer and whispers her strategy to take him with her. Who knows what she really wants. I do not want Andy to win anything. I believe the HG’ s are paid $1,000 a week just for participating. I think I read that somewhere. Have a good day everyone! Looking forward to tonight’s last episode.
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@Mary P, if someone could be put up for using the veto, then no one would play to win veto. It’s bad enough some strategies are not to win like Andy did mostly all summer. It can be a good strategy but floating isn’t supposed to be the name of this game.
Hey Betty, I agree with you, I don’t think GM is lying either. I believe that if either Andy or GM win HOH, they will both take Spencer.
Yep, you bet, I did 50 push ups last night too right before bed and I have some ocean front property in AZ that I want to sell you or how about a bridge to nowhere? 😛 Now that’s funny. On your feet I hope.
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Betty, I heard that BBAD was not that good. I also didn’t like the way everyone talked about Amanda’s bullying that was even worse after dark than on regular TV. I hate bullies. I watched GM when she was lying to others and she would not really look them in the eye. Academy Award doesn’t sound reasonable. LOL.
Joellmae: I think you and Betty are both spot on. GM is probably just schmoozing them both to make sure she ends up in the final 2. Not book smart but she seems to have street smarts.
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@ *fish, totally agree with you on the whole veto thing. Nobody would want to use it!
I have no idea what these knuckleheads are going to do? Where is JT? I would hope that GM and creepy Spencer are smart enough NOT to take Andy the ghost but who the heck knows with these ppl?!?!
*fish, check your messages, I have a ?? for you!
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@Holly, can’t find a message anywhere in any of the places. 😀
I’m pretty sure those of you wanting JT’s opinion that if you go back and look at his previous posts, he’s given what he feels will happen with this glorious F3 we have. Andy and GM will take Spencer is what he said, I’m pretty sure but he gave such great reasons.
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We the winer of part III of HOH comp. will take Spencer to F2, which guarantees them the win! If they take each other, the vote could go either way! ♣¿♣
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I still think that Julie should snatch the check back and say, “Except the unexpected Boy’s & Girls. This money is going to charity” Then she makes a phone call to Brittney and says, “You’ll never guess what I have for you” God bless Tilly.
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The spell check on this blog is change happy. If you don’t watch it, it changes your well meant words!
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So you weren’t referring to the “winer”? My phone does that stuff to me all the time. I have a granddaughter named Kiara and if I don’t watch it, it comes out Liars.
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WTF is going on up in here, up in here.
Chillax peeps.
Do give a shirt who wins BB this season..Final 3 sucks.
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Morning Starfish,
I am so glad to hear that GM will take Spencer if she wins the final HOH, as she was so believable talking to Andy last night, promising to take him to the final 2. I was so upset when she said this that I screamed at the TV saying NOOOOO, which scared my poor Maggie so much, she jumped off the bed and ran out of the room! H for G.
Cute story about Maggie that I should have mentioned before. Every time Candice would talk, Maggie, my dog, would start to whine. It was so funny. I am sure it had something to do with the pitch of her voice.
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Is there a Survivor Blog this season?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pls do tell. Thanks
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@Sal & hpr, does the spellcheck only happen when you use your phone? I’ve never used my phone only my Ipad and mostly on the computer so I’ve never seen it happen to me. I’m sure granddaughters wouldn’t like to be called Liars. 😆
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@Betty, this year has been so out there that we can only guess to a bit of a certainty what will happen. Gus is still jumping in hubby’s lap when the Marines from Camp Pendleton do their practice war games off the coast. It’s so loud and it rattles the air and scares the dog. This is an 85 pound dog who comes running and it doesn’t matter what you have in your lap, he bounds and you are pinned. It’s really funny.
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LIVE feeds are officially over – onthe screen it says – thanks for watching live feed – yada yada – we can continue to watch video archives and recurring charges end oct 20th –
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Starfish: I’ve never had it happen except on my phone. Not saying it’s that way for everyone. But my computer and IPad don’t do it. It may be the way they are set up if it does.
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@Starfish – Poor Gus! Hopefully the maneuvers will stop soon.
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Donna P: there is a Survivor Blog. http://www.survivorblog.com/
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Sal I haven’t noticed the spell check correcting our spelling. When I post and spell a work incorrectly, a red line appears under the word, so I can correct it. I sometimes have a hard time spelling normal English, but give me a medical word and I can zip it right out with no errors!! Go Figure!!
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Starfish: I had a 120 pound lab that did that when there was thunder and lightning. Sure he would do that with maneuvers too. He passed a year ago in July and now his little 65 pound buddy will only do that with certain people. I don’t think he’s scared though. I think it is an excuse for him. 85 lbs pretty much keeps you in place I would guess, though.
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Wow, 120 lb lab, that’s a big lab. We do love our dogs and pets. I know how difficult it is to lose a pet. Sorry about that. 🙁 Go to rainbowbridge.com if you haven’t already. A great site. Look at the poem.
Ok, now I have to get dressed. I have company coming for two days in a couple hours. I’ll miss finale and premier of survivor. Be out of touch.
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I have a niece named Cappie. If I don’t watch it comes out Crappie! 🙂
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Hi everyone! Tonight’s the night! Big Brother 15 finally comes to an end and I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about.
On the one hand, I’m happy to have this season over with because, hopefully, it means that I’ll never have to see Spencer scratching himself again.
But, and this is what sucks — I’m going to miss writing about the show and I’m going to miss all of you guys. I’ll be back later to write up a recap of the finale but I just wanted to take this chance to say “Thank You” to all of y’all. You all have made me feel very at home at this blog and I’m glad that most of you seemed to enjoy reading my take on this season. Thank you to everyone for reading and thank you for commenting! 🙂
As for my final prediction — I still think GM will end up winning and Spencer will come in second. Elissa will win America’s Favorite Player and, shockingly enough, I’m happy about that. When this season started, I disliked Elissa and I liked Amanda. Wow, it’s amazing how much your opinions can change over just the course of three months. 🙂
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Have fun Starfish.
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Starfish, you make me homesick! Although I live in NC now, I lived in San Clemente where I met my Marine, was married and he took me South. California will always be home to me. We have family in Vista, Encinitas, Oceanside and San Diego. Say hello to the ocean for me. I really miss those long drives down 101. 🙂
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Starfish, where do you live? I lived in Encinitas since 1964, all my children still live there. One in San Diego, 2 in Vista, one in Olivenhine. I have 14 grandchildren that also live in that area. Small world. My dog also went ballistic when Camp Pendleton did their maneuvers. Stay sweet. 😉
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I would like to thank everyone who writes in this blog and especially Lisa Marie. It never lets me down as the show does. I have penned this the season of the bletchers, do they turn the mikes up just for the effect or do these people really bletch that loud and that often. Of the 3 left I hope that GM wins (lessor of the 3 evils) and Andy gets to steppin out last to win nothing. While it was on and off again with me with Elissa I think she will win, if just because she didn’t sink to the low level of others. Too bad for this season though – BB has been a show I have enjoyed since it started and only experienced another season as bad as this. Hope they take your suggetions Lisa Marie – it would improve the game. I also liked when BBCanada had the have nots give the haves manicures, pedicures and back massages – it was hilarious. They handed out lots of punishments but for the ultimate entertainment of the viewers.
Take care all, love to read your blogs next year.
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Starfish, what a beautiful site. I have lost many precious dogs and cats. I have had the same vet for over 25 years. When one of my pets died (all from old age) they sent us flowers and a framed poem much like the one on the rainbow site. Thank you for sharing that for all of us dog lovers. 🙂
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Yep, tonite’s the nite. I just finished watching the final BBAD (thank God!) GinaMarie is by far my favorite (like I a had a choice)?! The other two are completely full of themselves and actually feel they are so superior, they’re ENTITLED to the $500k, and seem to think they’ll get more $$ with producers waiting outside the house in droves to hand them their own tv shows or something.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s would be hilarious if they weren’t both such gross, obnoxious,scum of the earth, totally unlikeable individuals. Hope reality kicks them in the ass tomorrow.
@Jane, thnx so much for the hookup to Debby(the Hankie person, she’s very sweet)
Anyway, Lisa Marie, thank you so very much. You do an awesome job and are,I think, absolutely irreplaceable. Looking forward to following your blog w/ appreciation!
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@HPR56: winer, winner, weiner what the hey!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The spell check here and on my phone do it automatically and red line.
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Survivor alumni invited to a “Survivor social” Survivor Addicts, this is a must read!
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OOps, do I have a typo? I’ve been avoiding addressing you, “(0?0)”, see wht? Don’t have a clue how to do your name on my laptop! Wanna teach me?
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ok, it’s all using the “alt” key
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use the 10 key pad for the #’s
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ô is done with alt press & hold then type 147 and let go
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and the nose ¿ is 168
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Lisa Marie, we will all miss you too. I enjoyed reading everyone one of your write ups and your posts. Hopefully the BB blog Gods will agree with your prediction! If Ginamarie does win the final HOH and takes Spencer to the final 2 that will almost make up for this terrible season. Oh how wonderful it would be to see Andy have the biggest breakdown in BB history!
I will keep an eye out for you on the Survivor blog.
Thanks for everything and don’t forget to keep us posted on any information you find out about the HG’s after they leave the show!!
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ô¿ô: I hope you knew I was just messing with ya. Oh and thanks for teach how to do your name. Just curious how YOU figured it out. I would have never thought to try that on my own.
Some days I could be redlined over half of my posts.
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Lizzy, he accepts: ©¿© or #¿# 🙂 He might even like +?+ 😉
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LOL …… remember what I said about chat rooms, I was using the internet before there were graphics
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Ohh, Joleemae, LOL
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@Betty, thank you for loving our pets and remembering Gus.
@thanks hpr, I plan on having a wonderful time. Just waiting for her to arrive.
@LisaMarie, you’ve been wonderful for us! Will you be back next season or do you know yet? Looking forward to your posts as a civilian 🙂 on the Survivor Blog. I like Survivor but don’t comment as much since it’s only once a week.
Jeanne & Joleemae, I don’t remember who said what but I’m happy you liked the rainbow bridge site. I love pets and help out when I can. My daughter is big into pet rescues and is always asking me if I can take a puppy for a couple days. I live in Dana Point and have been in CA since 1957 and in Dana Point since 1979. The 5 fwy continues north but you can jump on the 101 in LA and it goes up the coast north toward Santa Barbara. It’s a beautiful drive but you must be referring to hwy 1 as that’s the pacific coast hwy all along the coast.
It’s easiest just to copy and paste Sal’s name as a lot of those commands don’t work on all computers.
I got nothing about BB except hoping that GM wins and takes Spencer. God awful bunch as an excuse for BB this year.
Ok, I’ll see you all on Fri looking forward to LM’s wrap up of the finale unless I can peak in once in awhile.
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Thanks Lisa, Great job! & a Thank you to Amazonia! ♥ So Survivor is starting tonight & BB will be Over 🙂 I hope you all have a good day, see you later Bye for now!……………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Starfish
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Have a good time with your friend Starfish. I do love all animals, especially dogs and the truest words I ever heard were ‘There is no such thing as a vicious dog, only vicious owners’.
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hpr56 and ©¿© I love the atmosphere of BBB today. Funny stuff! 🙂
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Betty: True words. I like that.
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Starfish, We have two rescue dogs, a mini doxie named Maggie and a sheltie named Lexie. I think they know they have been rescued and are thankful and so lovable, always wanting to be on our laps and cuddle. I meant Hwy I. When our family flew us to CA for two weeks in June, my niece kidnapped me for two days and we drove down the coast to all of the places I used to go. San Clemente where I lived when I married and then to all of the beaches we went for family vacations, Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Balboa (where we spent the night and ate at Nicks). Most of our vacations were at Balboa. Happy memories!! 🙂
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Me too. Ô¿Ô cracks me up. Tonight will end BB and I will come back for the wrap up. Usually hate to see it end but I really am tired of it this year. I will be back to watch next year and see if it is better and even if it isn’t, I will be watching anyway. I will also be on the Survivor Blog and I will be on this one next year. Hope to see you both places.
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Starfish, my sister and I are little old ladies from Pasadena. I moved to Encinitas in 1963. My Uncle Ken Needels, lived in San Clemente, his son lived Ken Jr lived in Dana Point. Small world. Stay sweet. 😉
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Hope everyone enjoys the BB final tonight i’ll have to wait until tomorrow when it goes on-line. As Kevin11 said you do not want the American viewers to vote for the h/g that is evicted from the house each week that’s the format we in UKBB have & as we don’t get l/f at all we only see 1hr each evening of what the producers want us to see, also all the good h/g’s are evicted early.
I will say I am in total shock that the h/g’s in BBUSA have gotten away with the homophobic & racist comments also the bullying that has gone on this season if this was to happen in UKBB they would have been escorted from the house immediately NEVER to be heard of again & if it was actually broadcast there would have been hell to pay
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Love your ideas and hi guys!!! cant wait for tonight
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I’ve only been in Ca. twice ….. boot camp in San Diego and Port Hueneme for builders school SeaBee’s
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©¿©, were you in the Seabee’ s? One of my favourite movies was about the Seabee. “The Sullivan Brothers.”
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Starfish, I was in Dana Point in July for my niece’s wedding, who lives in Dana Point. They were married at Cannon’s at sunset. It was beautiful out on their deck. My husband remembers the Dana Point surf when it was Killer Dana before the breakwater was built. He’s from Hermosa Beach.
I’ll have to look for the Rainbow Bridge site you all were talking about. I love the Rainbow Bridge concept. . .we have quite a few dogs and kitties who are there happily laying, healthy and whole again. We have two little pups now, Oliver and Gracie, both strays that were out wandering around with no id – irresponsible pet owners drive me crazy by not id’ing their pets. My husband says they were out on the street looking for their real family, and they found us.
Lisa Marie, thank you so much for the outstanding blogs. Your insights and humor, and all the comments, have made this season bearable. I’ll look for you on Survivor. I don’t normally keep up on the Survivor blog the way I do with BB, but I’ll check in to see if you’ve written anything.
And Tonight’s the final. Who will win? Who cares? Such a disapointing season. This blog has been a ray of sunshine. 🙂
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A quick P.S. . . I do care who doesn’t win. . . really do want GM and Spencer to be final 2. So hope Andy isn’t sitting there in F2.
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this is it folks! im hoping tonites ep will make up for all the bad tv as of late…. looking forward to see dr. wil – hope there is alot of jury!
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Yes, I was in the USN Seabee’s. My favorite movie is “The Fighting Seabee’s” with John Wayne
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©¿©, that’s the movie I was trying to remember! One of my cousin’s was a good friend of John Wayne’s. He has a large oil painting in his living room of John Wayne and it is signed by him. The Fighting Seabee’ s is one of my favourite movies. I am proud of you my ¿ friend!! My husband was a proud Marine. He worked for the Post Office for over 15 years. He passed away 10 years ago this month. Have a good evening!! 🙂
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@ Susan: The Rainbow Bridge is so beautiful. Still makes me cry. I’m just a baby when it comes to my pets.
Macy: I agree. I have missed seeing the jury and I bet these guests are very volatile. And I hope Dr. Will tells them what idiots they are. But then I will bet they are just pointing their fingers at everyone but themselves. LOL
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hpr56 – will be interesting to see if amanda os still mad at andy
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you have so many time zones in USA how long before BB starts it’s 11-45pm here in UK so how long do I have to wait ???
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northern_lass, BB won’t start for another 2 1/2 hours on the East Coast. I think you are about 5 hours ahead of us, so about 2:30 am your time. 9:30 p.m. USA time.
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northern lass, I am on Eastern time. When it was 11:45 your time, it was 6:45 our time. So, you are 5 hours ahead of Eastern time, 4 hrs ahead of Central and 3 hrs ahead of Pacific. Hope that helps. (A North Carolina lass!) 🙂
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Oooops! I didn’t see you Betty! 🙂
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Thank you Betty & joleemae I thing I may have to wait & watch online tomorrow lol because that would mean staying awake until 4-00am to watch the whole show on kevin11’s link so I’ll read all you’re comments on the show after I watch & thank you both again x
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Joleemae: You forgot Mountain Time. LOL
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lol @ hpr56 I know were 5hrs ahead of New York 8hrs California but it baffles me were also 5hrs ahead of Florida it confuses me lol
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ps i’m watching Mob Wives atm now they are serious s**t wouldn’t like to argue with any of those ladies haha
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Good Evening all. I just came across this site. And have been reading the comments. I love them. I have to agree it makes no sense that just because you win and take a person off the block you cant go up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone else said that then no one would play well its random draw so they don’t have a choice.
Now if they went back to the beginning where the player picked who to play with them that would make more sense.
But if it is random Can they refuse to play?
I am just glad to see this season come to an end seeing as how nasty and vile these people are.
I have to say though I think production OR casting who ever picks them should go to ONLY people who WANT to be there not random people from bars and such.
I am not saying bad things about people that do drink as I enjoy a drink now and then BUT picking people out of bars seems to be what this season was about after all the people who “did not know the game”.
I wish I had came across this sight sooner. Good luck to all of you. Hope to find you next season. I will check back after the show tonight to see peoples thoughts and view.
Thank You for this sight 😉
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northern lass, just a point of interest did you know mob wives is filed on staten island home of gina marie and my home also. I was there for 7 days last week before I went to new jersey to visit bills family, but while in staten island I was unable to find anything on gina marie. so when u said
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now they are serious s**t wouldn’t like to argue with any of those ladies haha
now you have a better idea of gina maries background lol,
am waiting for show to begin under an hour and live feeds were cut this morning
ciao for now
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Northern_lass: it confuses me too.
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@ MM omg no wonder she’s 1 tough (jobless haha ) biatch but still I hope she wins the $$ because I can’t bare the thought of the other 2 taking it as I said in my earlier post #237 I am in shock at what these h/g’s have been able to get away with. As a matter of interest what yr did BBUSA 1st start our in UK started in 2000 x
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Thank u LM I have very much enjoyed your take on things I hope to see u next yr! I really like coming here and venting and talking with everyone! See everyone next yr!
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northern lass think this will answer your question
The first season of Big Brother premiered on July 5, 2000. The premiere was filmed on July 4, 2000.
I have a site I can email you with all facts of bb in all countries let me know
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@MM I go on quirkydudes site & watch we have a couple of USBB seasons in the UK the season with the couples & the season when the writers strike was on
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northern lass this site gives stats from day 1 very interesting I will have to check out quirkydudes
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hpr 56, oooops again!! 🙂
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it’s the next morning when I can watch the show but he cuts out the adverts so a 1hr show is cut to 35-40 mins just goes to show how long the actual show is lol ps I would like to see the site you have though
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Below is interview with demanda I hoped she did it in pencil there are a few comments that will need updating
Name: Amanda Zuckerman
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Age: 28
Hometown: Long Island, N.Y.
Lives: Boynton Beach, Fla.
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Confident, sexy and funny!
Favorite Activities: Horseback riding, hiking, shopping and going to movies.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Being away from my friends, family, my dog and my job, but they will be there when I get back.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: My strategy is to find common ground with everyone and share individual time- and secrets to earn their trust. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? Most – I love Britney! She’s hilarious, real and played an awesome game. Least – Jen from Big Brother 8 because she was fake, annoying and conceited.
What are you afraid of? Sharks!
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’m proud of where I have brought myself to in my career.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Wherever you go, there you are. Which means to me, you choose where you want to be in life. The only person to get in your way is yourself. You are your own means to success.
What would you take into the house and why? My dog, my cellphone and my laptop.
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would use my fame to further my real estate career and ride the five minute fame wave.
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northern lass ok I believe I still have your email will send has some really interesting facts, bbl for the show
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Haha does she still even have a career she is 1 horrible person if she had been in UK BB & did what she did to ellise she would have been out right away I can’t understand why BB ejected Chime from the house for what I thought was trivial compared to what Amanda,Aaron,Gina & Spencer said & did with no actions taken
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@MM e-mail received thank you x
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How disappointing was Will with the Jury? I was so hoping for more…..
Did you notice Amanda’s reaction to McCrae saying he was going to vote her out when the time came? If looks could kill he would be dead… but she recovered nicely — “it was all planned” —
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Spencer had 9 lives…. 9 times in the eviction seat.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…now he’s used them all up 😆
Andy would have had an easy win vs Spencer
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I’ve been watching and writing a recap of the episode at the same time. I know that I’ve been saying for the longest time that I thought GM was going to win but, after hearing what each juror said when they cast their votes, I now think that Andy’s going to win 8-1.
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Sounds like it’s still an easy win. 🙄
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On another finale note
Looks like Andy has the votes pretty easy… but I bet it would be a bit different if GM had won final HOH
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Hey guys! I am thinking that Andy has this, based on what everyone is saying. I was surprised that Spencer wasnt more PO’ed at him when he didn;t take him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM’s answers weren’t nearly as good as ASndy’s I don’t think. even tho I didn’t like him, he did play the better game!!! IMO!!
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LM…GMTA!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey JT and AC!!!!
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Sup Stra? 😎
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I’m back to my non-BB avatar… till next Summer 😎
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GM and speeches just don’t vibe too well. The girl can argue with the best of them. But putting together a meaningful speech… train wreck.
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Glad GM got the 50k over Spencer
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Elissa will win Am’s fave… is there even a question about that? Nope.
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AC..not much!!! And that caused GM the win!!! CANNOT believe he won this game. Well..yes I can…lol Unfortunatley, even tho I didn’t like him, he was playing thru the entire game and most of the HGS weren’t. Not excited tho. 😛
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Well love him or hate him…. you have to admit of all the HG Andy did play the best game…. not a fan of his game play but he did– got to give him props….
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Yup. Glad Spencer got SQUAT!!! I loved it when he looked at Julie and asked her if HE had been one of the problems people wer talking about and she siad ..We don’t have enough time for that right now*…paraphrasing…
And Elissa jsut won AM. Fave. And ..we’re done….lol
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IMO… Andy did play the best game of the 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He always knew what was going on (except week 4)… and he was a big reason all were evicted. Am & Mc were powerful…. until Andy left them.
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Ok..it’s either sports or YES in Japanese..lol What are u YELLING JT????? ❓
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I kind of wish Judd or Howard would have won…. What were your thoughts on the Jury’s reactions to what Howard and Julie said about statements in the house…..
Spencer really does not get his ‘humor’ was not appreciated….
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I think GM is happy with her prize….. Nick. 😆
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JT — you are so right. I had not thought of it that way — they were only powerful when Andy was with them…. good observation. How did I miss that???
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Star… my fave act of AGT won (Kenichi Ibana) 😎
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He was amazing with his dance moves. Very fun to watch.
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Yeh we’ll Andy promised to die if Elissa won America’s favorite and spencer promised to poop on stage so I am waiting to see the footage on it.
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ooops… Ebina… not Ibana 😆
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@ Dellaree — I forgot about that!!!! HaHa
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JT….Ohhh……I have never watvhed that so now I don;t feel so stupid asking..lol
AC..I was busy typing when GM 1st got over to Nick. I saw his arm aroundher and he was smiling..not running. was he being cool for the cameras or did he look sincere???
Bella….Spencer thinks he’s perfect. HE will be shocked to hear how his mouth has earned him much scorn during hte game. So will all the others. CLueless!!!
Dellaree…..LOL As usual, they were all talk!!! 😆
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Bella, most of Am & Mc’s power came from info provided by Andy… they were too busy laying in bed to get that info on their own.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Amanda went nuts on Elissa.. Andy said screw that.. and jumped ship.
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well the fat lady has sang, another bb put to bed and laid to rest
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa Marie much thanks for all your great blogs, you were spot on, I did enjoy it very much and I thank you, it is not an easy job, but you did it with grace, wit and lots of style, you rock.
I am a bit disappointed as I thought gina marie played a better game, I think and this is my opinion a lot of the jury voted personal, but who knows how they think for the most part they all had a screw loose from day one, Now I am waiting for the feedback when they return to the real world, Hugs to my peeps, good job u were on it, JT, K11 what can I say I think you both deserve some sort of award for the blow by blow action, along with Lisa Marie no one can say this blog was boring that is for sure, so in closing as the lites go out in the bb house, Happy trails to you, till we meet again ((((GROUP HUGS)))))
and to my possee will see u all later
ain’t nobody got time for double M
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Didn’t watch AGT this year but just googled Kenichi Ebina. That dude is amazing. 😎
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Yep… dude could do more than dance.. has moves I’ve never seen… and very creative with his show.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I see you lost your BB avatar too 😎
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CBS’ shameful, no-longer-fun Big Brother ends ironically with its first gay winner
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