Hey y’all!
I won’t be back from my vacation until Saturday evening but I wanted to take a moment to give everyone a new page to comment under and to post a quick update about what’s going on in the house.
So, as we all know, Amanda and McCrae were nominated for eviction and Amanda basically had a meltdown. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see Amanda losing her mind over the nominations, be sure to watch the show on Wednesday because they will definitely show some highlights.
(But will they show Amanda attempting to hit Elissa with the storage room door? That’s what I want to know.)
Anyway, they played for the veto and McCrae won. There was some attempt, on the part of Judd and Amanda herself, to try to trick McCrae into using the veto on Amanda by trying to convince him that Elissa would go up in Amanda’s place and then Elissa would be voted out and both Amanda and McCrae would stay. (Of course, the real plan was to trick McCrae into staying on the block so he could then be voted out of the house.)
I have to be honest — I almost expected that McCrae would end up using the veto on Amanda but instead, he used it on himself. Despite Amanda’s attempts to convince GM to nominate Elissa as a replacement. Instead, GM nominated Spencer.
So, it looked like Amanda was sure to go and even McCrae said he didn’t know whether he would vote for her to stay or not. (Seriously, McCrae is the worst Big Brother Husband in the show’s history…)
But then, earlier today, I heard some news that left me saying, “It doesn’t make sense!”
Apparently, Elissa and Amanda are now in an alliance.
To a certain extent, it could make sense when you consider that Elissa has always said that she wanted to have an all girl’s alliance and you have to suspect that Elissa thinks that she could beat Amanda in a final two situation.
However, to an even larger extent, it makes absolutely no sense. Amanda hates Elissa, her main loyalty is always going to be to McCrae, and, considering how bad Amanda is at competition, it’s not like she’s going to be able to help Elissa by winning HoH or the power of veto.
Elissa is depending on Andy to join her in saving Spencer. However, Andy — as of right now — doesn’t seem likely to do this. So, that would make it appear that — in a worst case scenario (at least, for those of us who want Amanda out of the house), the final vote would be 2 — 2 with GM casting the tie breaker and, presumably, sending Amanda packing.
Then again, if anyone could convince GM to vote to keep Amanda, it would probably be Elissa because GM and Elissa have gotten pretty close this week. However, will Elissa even consider the possibility of a tied vote or will she just assume that Andy will vote to keep Amanda?
For perhaps the first time this season, I can’t predict who will be leaving on Thursday.
And let’s not forget that Thursday is going to be a double eviction episode as well!
Regardless of what happens, it’ll definitely be interesting to watch.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Wow I get first comment? I don’t have anything witty to say lol! The house is boring so far tonight!
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Glad there’s a new post.
I am sickened by the news of Elissa making a deal with the devil. What is she thinking?? I really hope she is just acting nice to keep crazy off of her back. I’m still praying that Amanda is gone this week. That is one chick that should immediately have a psychiatric consultation and be medicated at all times. She reminds me of a teenage girl…crazy with emotions, nothing is ever her fault, & she’s always playing the “poor pitiful me” card. How in the world can McCrae stand her & her blatant meanness to him and others? I just don’t get it. Maybe Amanda has skill in hypnotizing folks?!
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Late Post … Time for Bed …………. +-¿-+
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Wow Thanks LM. Perfect, just perfect. It Doesn’t Make Sense! We knew you’d get it. 🙂
This whole season doesn’t make sense. All we can do is sit back and watch the destruction of a good show.
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Your right Debbie F………
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Goodnight everyone ! ……………………………………..
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it’s rigged…and i won’t change my mind
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Elissa is now more Bat shit crazy than Rachel, and has ugly facial expressions, I guess it is hard to move her face from an overdose of Botox. Production needs to stay the fuck out of it, and let this game play out the way it’s suppose to. OYYYY
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Is it possible that Elissa is just trying to blow howdy’s cover?
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I really believe Elissa is in a false alliance with Amanda so Amanda will leave her alone. Elissa is smart not to trust anyone with her strategy. She knows there will be enough votes with GM breaking the 2 to 2 tie votes. I would really love it if right before the voting Elissa would announce to the house guests that she was voting for Amanda! I can dream can’t I. It helps me get through the next two days without downing my entire bottle of TUMS! Think about it. It would go down in BB history! Nite all. I hope I have given y’all a glimmer of hope. 🙂
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Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble but I’m pretty sure JT is right and E is definitely playing for the other team. Remember tho, she was never on the Exterminators and isn’t even aware they exist. They would have put her out before any of them was their plan.
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Nite Bobo!
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I have been thinking the same thing joleemae. Unless BB blood has gotten to her head. I think E wants some piece and quite. I also would like to hear her make things strength Thur. night. It would be a very big play. What’s going on with Judd? He seems depressed. What is the Ghost remark he keeps making? Hmmmm! God bless. Sleep with the angels.
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If Amamda does not leave on Thursday then the show is absolutely and completely fixed! My opinion! I have friends in town and am trying to figure out how I can see the show that night! No DVR! :(. I guess it is Friday’s reruns? Amanda is so hilarious sobbing all the time. She has become a dust bunny on top of the bed.
Thanks Lisa Marie, with you gone this past week I have been a bit confused as to the going ons on in the house to this week! God Bless and safe travels!
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If crazy ass Amanda remains in that house it will show that Amanda is set up to win this game when she has done shit but one last week pov. With that said that also means the powers that be with the show offered all the remain house guest money to keep Amanda in and vote spencer out, if that happens I think I will be checking out of BB next season, I am so over this show worst season ever.
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Judd really got upset when Elyssa came out of DR and immediately decided to side with Amanda. Production is who he’s referring to when he says the ghost. He told everyone that every time she goes into the DR that she comes out with a different attitude than she went in with. He is now flipping off the cameras when he knows they are on him. He’s fed up with production and thinks they swayed E to switch sides. E and Mc were talking in the BY and she said she couldn’t win the game, not even up against Spencer. So maybe she thinks Amanda is the only one she would stand a chance with. I guess she doesn’t realize they’ll take each other and not her. lol The plan to get Amanda out depends on Andy of all people and who he’s really loyal to. That’s kinda scary cause I’d really like to see Amanda go. I think they should keep Mc for awhile and make them be apart and the next person going to jury should say that GM is taking care of your man for you Amanda. lol
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@Nancy..I didn’t hear about the *ghost* but I DID see Judd flipping off the cameras tonight. He has been upset all day with prodution and complaining that they were trying to rigg the next eviction. He even said tonight tht he was DONE and that unless someone asked him a direct question, he wasn’ talking. WHY did you bother to come back into the game if you weren’t planning on playing??? HE’s not even the one involved in or in any danger because of what is going on!!! I thought I waS HAPPY WHEN HE WAS THE ONE TO COME BACK, BUT OTHER THAN SLEEP, WHAT has he done???(Cap lock. Sorry!!)lol I really thought he and Ellisa wer kind of forming an allaince and then I thot so with GM too. But apparently not.
So being alone, I do see see where Elissa then would feel like she needed someone to play with, especially this late in the game but….why McCranda??!! She even went so far as to give Amanda her engagement ring as insurance that she wasn’t lying about keeping her. What happens if Amanda goes(fingers and toes crossed) and Amanda thinks it’s her fault? Can she actually keep her ring???? I have liked Elissa better as a person since Helen leeft. I always used to say I never saw her. She didn’t mingle. IF she wasn’t talking to Helen, she was in bed or doing yoga in her room. She actually is pretty funny now and nice and seems to laugh eaasily now. BUT…..WTH didn’t she actually TRY to get into an allaince with GM or Judd?? She doesn’t know about the Exterminators. I do think she assumes the only erson she can beat in the F2 is Am. But WHY does she think she will make it that far???
The fly in the ointment…or should I say RAT..is Andy!! He acts like he is on everyone’s side so much so that who knows what he is going to do! HE isn’t really on anyone’s side but his own!!! I think he won’t end up voting for Am and then GM will send her home! In fact, McCrae just said , on LFS to AM, that something was UP with Andy and he didn’t think he wad going to vote for her now!! I can’t believe that it has taken people this long to start to figure this guy out!!!
Anyway, this may have been an odd, drugged, disgusting bunch of HGS this year, but so far, I have never been bored! And altho I THOUGHT I knew who would be going home, I was never postive!! And this week, especially with the DE, I have NO clue what is going to go down! Which is what makes it a good show!!! Should be an interesting 2 days and a WILD LIVE show Thurs!!!! Can’t wait!!! 😉
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I am thinking and hoping that Elisa is doing this to get Amanda off her back, she will vote Amanda out. She is giving Amanda hints about Andy,so maybe we will see that rat get his this week,csn’t stand andy. please Elisa vote her out and expose the rat.
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this is one time i don’t care if andy ruins it…..especially for the d.r. i didn’t want judd to come back…i wanted candice or jesse to come back.
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I don’t think out of all BB seasons I haven’t hated a player this much. Amanda is infuriating! I’m sick of her woa is me . And angry outburst. If I have to hear I protected all these people and nobody protects me one more time I’m gonna scream. Amanda who you see when you look in the mirror is not who you are. Stop crying pull up your boot straps and start playing the game for real. I can’t win anything ! if you weren’t crying all the time you could win . If you got out of your bed sometimes you may be able to play a better game. It maybe to late now but good lord if your the definition of a woman I’m embarrassed to be one!
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I’m positively sickened by this. I heard that Alissa was sent to the DR and came out and took Amanda aside and told her she is safe. Can anyone else believe this crap?
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If production got through to Elissa, then I’m pretty sure they will be able to sway Andy back to the McCranda’s side too. I hope I’m wrong, but I have this funny feeling, that by the end of Thursday night, Amanda will still be in the house, Spencer will be gone, and the other one to leave will be GM. At this point, I don’t give a rats ass who goes, and who wins. I can’t stand any of them. What a waste of what could have been a great season, if only production could have given us some decent people to root for. If Amanda wins this, there will be many people that turn off BB forever!
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I think, knowing there is a double eviction this week, and knowing that GM can’t play in it, Elissa realized that there was not a single person who didn’t want her to go on the block and go home, and that’s why she had to switch horses mid stream. “Saving” Amanda will buy her the support of Amanda, McCrae, and she thinks Andy. Spencer would be gone…so she would have a much better chance of not going up, or at least having enough support to not get voted out. That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it 😉
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For the vintage crowd … I remember a show called the $64,000 question where the contestant was in a sound proof booth and asked questions. The show was cancelled when the public learned that some of the contestants who they liked were actually hearing the answer through their microphones. Rigged yes, and now we are getting proof that our favorite summer show is also rigged. Sad sad sad. If this is so, I will not be sad to see all the production staff in the unemployment line. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all the time (or something like that)
Really hope that E is just playing goodie two shoes and will vote out the bully tomorrow night.
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If Amanda is not evicted I will cry.
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Wow #21! First time I commented in the double digits!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the new post LM. Amanda Has To Go!
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For vintage dudes and dudettes … I remember a show called the $64,ooo question in the 50’s. The contestants were in an isolation booth and asked questions doubling their cash award up to the $64,000. It was rigged as some of the more interesting contestants were given the answers and when someone went public with that information the show was cancelled. It would seem to me that this year of BB it is very obvious that the show is rigged and can only hope that it will be found out and production see themselves in the unemployment line soon. Imagine how it would feel to come into the house thinking you had a chance and found out that the winner on day 1 was already determined. Shame shame shame!
I hope that E is just playing her cards to her vest and will vote out A and is in the alliance suggested with Judd and GM. I can dream!
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Hopefully tonight’s DR sessions will give us some insight!
Hi LM! Glad your enjoying your Vacay!!
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Wow. Just wow
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At this point I’d rather watch the Jury house.
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I’ve been following this weeks shenanigans on Jokers and it looks like Elissa is serious about her alliance with Amanda, she gave Amanda her wedding rings to hold as a token to show her intent. I have been a staunch believer that BB was not fixed but I now believe one of two things is going on: Either the show is fixed OR Elissa has had a brain aneurysm and is suffering from amnesia because no one in their right mind would align with Amanda after the way she treated Elissa. And if Elissa thinks Amanda will take her to the F2 and she can win over her, she is wrong. Amanda will take McCrae with her unless he somehow gets evicted between now and then. But a block of 2 votes is a big deal this far into the game, after the first eviction tomorrow night it only takes 2 votes to evict a HG.
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In Lisa’s post, it says,
“Elissa is depending on Andy to join her in saving Spencer.”
A minor thing, but she meant to say Amanda instead of Spencer. Just so no one gets confused. I have put the wrong name in my comments a few times this season too.. it’s easy to do with these crazy people in the house.
Lisa mentioned about a girl’s alliance. And I do believe that played a part in Elissa wanting to save Amanda. She has made comments to Amanda like, “Women shouldn’t fight.. we should support each other”.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, Elissa is being completely real in her intentions of keeping Amanda. I have no doubt about that.
Will Andy flip back to Am & Mc? Unlikely. He has already said he was against them in DR sessions we’ve seen on the episodes. He wants to make the “big move” of going against them at this point. He knows he has little chance if they stay together any longer. But I do give it a small chance… it is Andy after all.
As of now, status quo.
There are 2 votes to evict Amanda, and 2 to evict Spencer. And GM to break the tie and evict Amanda.
I’d feel a lot better if this was Thursday morning though. Prod still has time to make something happen via DR sessions / suggestions. I do love Judd’s attitude of not giving into them. He hasn’t done much, but just him seeing DR for what it is like we all do gives him extra points in my book. He is playing the game.. he’s just not playing productions game. I think a lot of us would do the same if we were in that house.
(If my boss calls you.. tell him I’m only working 8 hrs today) 😆
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This is what I think: We all know how diligently Amanda has been bullying Elissa. I’m. Sure Elissa has voiced her distress over this in the DR…..many times! Could her recent session in the DR have the producers helping her strategies a way to get Amanda off her back? “It makes sense” to me. Think about it. I believe this theory easier than she got drunk and decided to make her bully her friend! That makes no sense! And Elissa, very wisely is keeping it to herself! She knows Amanda will go without her vote – and she may vote to evict her anyway! A big move for Elissa who just happens to be Rachael’ s sister!! 🙂 Think about it! 🙂
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NOW THE SHOW IS STARTING TO HEAT UP…thank god…it has been true bordom this yr…but having Am and El be in an alliance is brillant…neither really needs the money but it could be worth some SUPER tv…let’s wait and see…Does this man that Train Man Spencer is goneville this wek…bye bye big boy
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Jane@ I agree 100%…..let us into the jury house like they let you into the ponderosa on survivor. listening to all the comments, i am pretty confident that BB is scrambling to control the actions of the HGs, so they can control the outcome. I wouldn’t judge Judd too harshly. Why wouldn’t he feel defeated? I would..I do!!!!! (and I’m not playing the game, just watching it!!)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MDF@ I do remember the $64,000 Question “scandel” (so to speak.) I don’t believe the world today has the same standards for television. BB has been manipulating things, it looks like , for quite some time. They think WE won’t watch unless WE are manipulated into it even though the original premis was an experiment so see how HGs would react under trying circumstances. I’m in the boat with Judd…extremely frustrated and over it!! Thanks for the new post with the perfect title, LM!
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Why it does make some sense for Elissa.
Elissa feels like an outsider with Spencer, Judd, Andy.. and even GM now. And even though she doesn’t know those 4 are aligned.. she does feel left out of their plans going forward (and she is).
Even though Amanda tormented Elissa, if you stop and think about pure strategy, Elissa knows Amanda tells the truth to a fault. And she knows Amanda is loyal to people who show loyalty to her. Judd faltered in his loyalty to Amanda by keeping secrets.. he got evicted. Helen faltered in her loyalty to Amanda by trying to flip the house so soon.. she got evicted. Aaryn faltered in her loyalty to Amanda by considering the backdoor plan.. she got evicted.
Elissa is smart enough to know she actually has a better chance of showing loyalty to Amanda and being kept safe in return. The only thing she failed to realize is that Andy has flipped the other way, partly out of disgust for the way Am has been acting.
From Elissa’s view, she will be knocking out Spencer (one less guy). She will be teamed with Am, Mc, & Andy to get Judd & Gm out (and GM can’t play next HOH.. and is injured when she can again). So it looks to her like final 4 is a pretty easy path. And she also knows Amanda will be more loyal to her than to Andy.. because it was Elissa who gave Amanda new life in the game. (Amanda confirmed to McCrae that she would take Elissa to final 3 over Andy because of this move)
So Am & Mc are ready to toss Andy away in favor of Elissa now…. but what they don’t know is Andy is a step ahead of them.. he jumped ship before they could throw him over.
I’m not saying this is a good move for Elissa… but it does make some sense from her view of things (she doesn’t know what we know).
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LOL! It sounds like they let Jane into ponderosa. my last post! Not on all my cylinder’s yet today. Loved your post JT. I hope DR doesn’t somehow get to GM. That would put me over the edge because I really want Amanda out of there. After that I don’t really care although..I’m starting to lean towards Judd. I feel the way you do about him, JT. I think I would like MCR better if he didn’t have the blood sucking leech attatched to him. He does though, so it’s hard to tell right now.
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I agree with you JT, about Elissa’s game move. I just don’t think..at all…that she came up with this great move. Whatever way they are doing it, I hate the DR’s influence on the players. Hate!
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Maybe DR gave elissa a set of wedding rings that arnt real just for the purpose of getting amanda to calm down by thinking she still had a chance to stay in game. Then by her telling andy the snitch she knew he would go and tell everyone. Then at the ceremony she votes to out amanda and hopes andy will vote to out spencer, thereby exposing him for the rat he is and he wd be next in line for eviction. Just saying.
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BB has been ruined. This is the goofyest season EVER!! REALLY!!
I was also thinking about the $64,000 game show incident. I would love to see CBS investigated for some kind of fraud regarding BB.
Bring back the Dr. Will’s & Boogie’s types, this group is a bunch of duds. I can’t wait until they all get out of house and talk about how things were swayed by production.
I don’t know if you remember but at the biginning of the season Amanda said she didn’t believe McCra was a Pizza Boy, but a young millionar geek. Anyone hear her talk about that lately?
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You know, Terry, nothing would surprise me at this point. The thing that makes me think the rings are not real is the emphasis that Amanda had on “I know my jewelry”. It would be funny.
I honestly think it could be either way with Elissa’s possible flip. JT, I disagree that Amanda is honest to a fault. She has said a lot of things that are lies. And she has said them to peoples’ faces. I think Helen waited too long to try to get Amanda out and not the other way around. And I have often wondered if she is being fed information and game play by Rachel when she is in the DR. Wouldn’t surprise me. Actually, nothing would surprise me right now. AND, I do not want to see Amanda there after Thursday. Please, please please!
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As much as I dislike Amanda it does make sense that E. would try to keep her now. But I don’t trust Am. for that matter I don’t trust anyone left on the show. That’s the nature of the game, lol. However my biggest dislike in this whole game is the Ginger Howdy Dowdy. He needs to go right behind Am. if she goes; or right behind the disgusting pig that would be Spencer. GM is probably the more likable of the whole bunch or Judd; however neither of them are fantastic. McSleazy may turn into a better player once his parasite is removed. So for now as much as I dislike the horrible Am. I really don’t care which stayed,,,,,, pig boy is just as disgusting as she is. And plus he has the addacity to volunteer to go up on the block because he is so friggin sure he is safe. NO body should feel safe in BB. In the double eviction I really hope Andy is voted out. PLEASE PLEASE let that be the case.
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I “try” to watch the show, but there is SO MUCH SWEARING, I really don’t get to hear what’s going on.
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it’s howdy doodee’s time
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I never liked Elissa, as I didn’t like her game play; however, now she is playing hard and I see her reasoning for wanting to save Amanda. I believe Production told her about the alliance between GM, Andy, Spencer and Judd. What would you do if you were in that position? She wants to stay in the game, so she is going over all her options, as much as she may dislike them. I think she has a real shot at winning if she takes Amanda or McCrae to the end. Good for her! Let’s just hope GM, Andy or Judd will fall for this plan and Spencer is sent to jury followed by Andy. If Elissa was smart she would go up to Andy with McCrae in hand and tell him if he did not save Amanda that he would be the second one evicted on Thursday. All you have to do to Andy is threaten him and he folds like a lawn chair!! JMO
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Thanks again LM for the new post.
@JT, I have to agree 100% with your assessment of Judd and I too give him credit. He’s the only one who noticed the changes in Elissa when she returned from DR. His powers of observation are spot on and giving the one finger salute to the cameras and thereby giving it to production is great IMO. Good for him. We all knew he wasn’t good at comps and still wanted him back in. I did think Jessie or Candice would have changed things up a lot!
I’m really looking forward to an exciting Thursday with some of them being in total shock for one thing or another. I’m sick of Andy’s squirmy, smarmy self. He makes my skin crawl. He’s playing the game though but I still don’t like his icky self!! 😕
Now back to reading.
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I don’t blame Judd for being disgusted with production, aren’t we all? When asked a question regarding production, he says he’s not allowed to say so I’m pretty sure they had a word with him about his attitude towards them. He’s still my favorite and would like to see him win. He started calling production the ghost last night, unseen but affects things. He will probably be the next evicted after Amanda because he’s not being a “team player” right now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is “not” honest to a fault. She has lied about things throughout the game and you can tell when she’s lying so she’s not even good at that.
When everyone else is talking bad about Mcmanda, Andy doesn’t say much. It looks like it bothers him when they’re talking trash. That’s why I don’t trust him about Thurs. vote.
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It seems we’re all trying think of all the options and the whys as to E’s reasoning. She has a better shot at it this way but she doesn’t know the smarmy dudedette isn’t on her team. I too wondered if it was a ploy to out Andy so he would be the only vote to keep Amanda if E votes her out. Doubt it. That’s why Andy is so paranoid thinking she’s setting him up. Why Amanda hasn’t asked Andy why E would do that to him is beyond me. At least E keeps planting the seed saying do you think Andy said something and hopefully McC is now wondering about Andy’s loyalty. It will take a bitch slap for Amanda to get it. 😆
Thanks JT for clarifying the name correction. I hope most got it but you never know. 😆
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I agree with Miss T & Maxie… Let’s have a BB Ponderosa. That would be interesting… at least to show clips of when they arrive and some of the conversations.
Barbara Robert… you are so right… I tuned into BBAD last night and watched (not listened) GinaMarie, Andy, Spencer and Judd in the HOH talking. They were bleeped almost the whole time.
Always appreciate the expert analysis from 🙂 . Elissa knows where here bread is now buttered and is sucking it up and siding with Amanda… and Amanda knows Elissa is her only life preserver.
Kim … I’ve always suspected the Pizza Delivery Boy persona was a scam from the introduction on the first night.
Good comparison Andy/Lawn Chair, Betty! Elissa should come out swinging, like Amanda used to do… as soon as Andy said something she called Spencer right over and confronted him. He was smart and denied it and it went no where.
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I’m not a lawyer, I’ll leave that to my friend PK… Where the Hell is he when we need him?… but as far as the $64,000 Game Show Thing goes, I think production can do anything they want in the diary room… they just can’t interfere with the outcome of the competitions. I think it’s pretty underhanded to tell a house guest the other’s strategies and secrets, though. Interesting that Judd figured that out. I did see him talking about ‘the ghosts’. And as for Judd… he hasn’t done anything… he’s a nice enough guy, but I’m ready to see him go.
My vote as of the moment for final two… Spencer and GinaMarie.
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Oh, I just saw Betty Boop’s comment above… Frannie, if Amanda wins, NO ONE HERE will stop watching BB… or the Live Feeds. How many times have we seen people say they will Never Watch BB Again or be on BBB… they’re still here.
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tonites show should be good – see the things we missed on lf s –
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I don’t think Spencer deserves a darn thing. He is disgusting to the max. I still would rather see Judd sitting there at the end. I will not watch BB with the same belief and trust that I had before. I have questioned the honesty in the whole thing for years and I sure don’t want to see Amanda win, but I know I will be back watching again. I will continue to scream at the television and rant and rave about what makes me mad. But I am addicted and I will still watch and hope that maybe the next year it won’t be fixed. Ted is right about that. I honestly don’t believe I will be the only one still watching either.
Now with that being said, I’m not sure if I will finish watching this season if Amanda does not go home Thursday. I will probably read the blog but not sure about watching. I will let you know if it comes to that.
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You will watch, hpr56… I hate the direction Survivor has taken lately and scream at Jeff P, but I would not think of not watching. My dear friend in Chicago Holly told me that TVGN has the Survivor introduction show on tonight, if anyone is a Survivor fan, it’s fun to watch. Hayden from BB (whatever #) is going to be on… that will be really fun to see.
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Say… who here is a Survivor Fan? That’s how I got here… years ago, BBBlogger started a Survivor Blog to keep everyone together… they didn’t care a damn about Survivor, except Sal and Jane, and Aggie, Fran, PK… they all hated me… now they are my BFF’s. 🙂 Boy (who else) infected me with the BB curse.
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I heard some gals here wanted to know how to start a blog… click on my name and check out mine. I haven’t had time to write much lately, but hope to start up again as soon as the season is over here on the island. Let me know if you want some pointers.
WordPress is the best blogging platform, in my opinion.
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On BBAD, did Judd tell GM about Elissa? GM seemed so mad, but kept talking about Amanda. I wish they would broadcast DR sessions on BBAD. Andy is such a sneaky snake! I wish someone would go off on him.
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Ted, I am a huge Survivor fan. I remember when that all happened but hmmmmm, you forgot all about me. And you are right, I will watch. Like it or not.
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Oh, hpr56 I beg forgiveness. I tried to remember who was on that blog…not as many, like here. I knew I was missing some… I mostly remember you from BB over the years. A few of the gang meet on AggieLand… Aggie’s blog… click on her name and come for a visit. You will see some familiar faces.
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Hey… everyone do my dear friend Betty a solid and go vote for her sweet little dog Maggie in this Dog Beauty Contest…
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Thanks Ted. I will check it out.
Voted for Maggie. What a cutie and also shared on my FB page. Hope she wins.
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Ted and hpr56 how sweet of you to vote for my Maggie. She isn’t doing very well in the polls, so every vote counts. I am not on FB, and I thank you hpr56 for putting her on your page. I would love to send her in the BB House, as I am sure she would win hands down. 😆 She knows I don’t like Amanda and now every time I am watching the show or BBAD if I mention her name she growls! She is very intuitive. She absolutely hated (don’t like using that word) Jeremy. If I mention his name she would lunge at the TV barking her head off!! I guess my baby loves BB too!
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Hi, all. Just popping in to say that I agree with Ted — if you want to start a blog, Wordpress is the best platform. (It’s free, too.) Every site that I write for uses wordpress, including this one!
Those other sites, by the way, include:
And then there’s my old personal blog that I haven’t updated in a while: http://moonprismpowermakeup.wordpress.com/
(I’m going to start up a new personal blog, probably next month. I’ll probably call it Lisa Uncensored or something like that.)
But anyway, if you want to start a blog and you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at LisaMarieBowman@live.com. Or you can contact me on twitter at http://twitter.com/LisaMarieBowman or you can track me down on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lisa.m.bowman.399.
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I am still convinced that Elissa has been coached by production to appease Amanda so she will stop bullying her. Since the HG’ s are not allowed to discuss their DR conversations with the other HG’ s, she can’t tell anyone! Makes sense to me ~ tune in Thursday night to see if that’s the case or if I am delusional! Hey, it helps me get through the day! 🙂
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IF the DR concockded this farse about fake rings the show should be cancelled come on…the women (EL) is worthless…she can’t talk and chew gum at the same time…they give her the fake rings to keep Am off her back…let EVIL DICVK into the house…the others would run out the front door…what Amanda did was nothing more and nothing less what Evil dICK (DICK DONADO) did during his yr…but Amanda is a women and it looks bad…what is that crap all about…she’s playing the gtame…and she is a female puppet master…yes a little ruthless and vulgar at times but she playing the game…this is not the family channel and not for the goody two shoes of the world…wake up people…i hope she stays…she playing a heck of a game and deserves the applause…let’s start a keep Amanda petition….KEEEEEEP AMANDA…
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RE: Ted trying to teach people how to start a blog…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m going to go get some Chocolate Milk.
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@Maxie it’s okay I’d rather be at Ponderosa too!! Lol!
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We’re asked to “expect the unexpected,” not to “expect the unacceptible.” Amanda staying one more day in that house is beyond unacceptible – way beyond. For her victim, Elissa (I can never remember how she spells it), to be the instument of her continued stay creates wild fantasy out of reality. To be surprised by the unexpected is a far cry from being sickened by the unacceptible. The former makes the watching experience enjoyable; the latter makes it excruciating. Amanda is the nastiest (and/or sickest)player I’ve ever seen. She just makes my skin crawl. The thought of her continuing to ooze her infection over the game is just revolting! I don’t know what is wrong with Elissa – surely yoga has a spiritual component that would urge her to occupy a higher plane than one with Amanda also on it.
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Caprice2000…EVIL DICK was wose…but Amanda is a women so it looks worse…Amanda is a pussy cat compared to the meanest player that this game hqas ever seen…AND PLEASE REMEBER IT IS A GAME…
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Amanda deserves to walk thru that door on thursday but so does alot of people in the house…….
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Hi all
Well I read and I think her ring is a zirconium! Girls do u or would u let go of a diamond engagement ring as a collateral ? NEVER!!!!! also because of sentimental value.
She hasn’t neen married long and keeps saying how she misses her family, so no I don’t think it’s real. She may have brought a fake but “pretty” replica for the show.
I could be wrong of course but that’s what I would do, especially w all the physical comps.
The eating got to me last night and I had to stop watching Miss Amanda needs to go back to her happy place or meds and stop eating 24/7 that alone will make me crazy.
Could Elyssa have changed her mind ? it seems so sudden and wierd that I do believe the DR influenced her. So not happy about that.
Why can’t Judd speak ? He mumbles and does nothing.
Same for Maccreepy (the actor) and Spencer.
The girls have the opposite problem and yes that includes Andy.they talk too much and have no idea on how offensive that is , but that’s ok. I hope they watch “their” season.
Don’t care who wins and mean it
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The worse scenario is that GM has the deciding vote and Amanda will be out the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------door. If McCrae wants any chance of winning this game and to redeem himself somewhat,’ he would be smart to also vote Amanda out. Double eviction if all goes well McCrae or Elissa will be following her into the jury house none of the “Exterminators” (Judd, Spencer, Andy,GM) care which one goes first.
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i really hope judd wins it all!
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i think mcrea still has a chance of winning this game. He needs to get away from amanda she is destroying his game. I still think Elissa is tricking Amanda as payback…..maybe a fake ring is something rachel taught her how to do, i dont know i still dont think she would just be bipolar and do that. Everyone in the house knows that amanda is extremely devoted to her and mcrae no one else……well i guess will see tonight…
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Honestly, my bet is that Elissa went into the house with fake rings. I would if I were her or anyone else. I would not wear expensive jewelry there anymore than I would Survivor. I would bet that BB discourages it.The comps and things that they have to do would not necessarily be good on jewelry. Think about the gooey stuff and the mud and things that they have to wallow in sometimes. It truly is NOT good.
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I like Judd, but I wish CBS would used closed captions when he talks. Trying to understand him is soooo frustrating!!!
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Wow Ted, you have come alive and are so helpful too. That’s really nice of you and I do mean that. I don’t think you’ve posted this much all year. Now, I’m going to join Jane and have some chocolate milk.
LM, thanks for all the links. It’s great they want to start a blog to keep in touch.
I love Survivor now and was also one of the ones who wasn’t crazy about the Tedster in the beginning. He’s the one who got many of us started on Survivor. Looking forward to Blood vs Water. Should be interesting. I wonder if they are going to pit the partners against each other in opposite teams.
OK, back to BB. Bleh, no posts of anything new going on so I have nothing right now. Still don’t get what E is doing but it must be something she is keeping totally to herself. Whatever, Amanda will go this week probably and unless E wins HOH, she’ll be next and then we get to watch the rest of the repulsive ones including the repulsive dudette.
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i really dont care who wins either…………….it certainly wont be the cbs audience………………………..
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Starfish: from what I understand, they will spend the first night together believing they will be together on the teams and then they will split them. Partner against partner. I think it looks and sounds like a good one.
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I just can’t wait to see AMANDA walk out the door !!
and for the double eviction – I’d like to see McCrae get the boot !!
Amanda – is so sickening with her foul mouth
I definately – want JUDD to WIN this years season of BB !!
also – just can’t wait to see Andy the floater to get the boot too !! lol
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@Mike, its also a social experiment. And this time, they picked the dumbest, meanest, nastiest, craziest group of people for the experiment they could find. I’m not even sure I’m going to watch past this week until finale night. Not if we end up with only The Exterminators in the house–those people are all boring as hell. I can’t stand them bashing others another minute. At least when McCranda and Elissa rise from their beds they manage to have conversations sometimes, game related and otherwise; though Elissa needed to stop talking about how wealthy her husband is a long time ago.
As for the wedding band “collateral” Elissa gave to Amanda–I certainly hope it isn’t the real deal. Not her real wedding band, I mean. Personally, I wouldn’t even want to go into that house any real jewelry, if I were there, ever piece would be fake, easily replaceable and the real stuff or the stuff that meant a lot to me (like my mother’s turquoise ring) would be at home in my jewelry box.
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Ô¿Ô 09.03.13 at 11:24 pm
I posted this one last night
@Macy and anyone else: When the BB Blog gets long and windy
Free to blog w/reply’s allowed
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Donald Trump credits Omarosa for making his Apprentice show the big hit it became because of Omarosa’s despicable antics. You may recall that Omarosa is considered one of the most hated women in television. BB is at the top of the ratings this season and why? I can’t help thinking that BB deliberately “cast” Amanda to play act as this obnoxious person. I even wonder if Elissa had already been clued in to Amanda’s acting a role when Amanda was harassing her to a point when most people would have demanded that a stop be put to it. I actually hope that I am wrong, but this week’s evictions will prove it one way or the other. Remember the most important thing to the Networks is high ratings….they are probably loving it when all the bloggers talk about what a horrible person Amanda is.
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I have nothing to say except I’m joining *fish and Jane for some chocolate milk.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Really Ted? WTFC????
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WTFC , Just saying,hummmmmm,Yay, cruch crucnh, eyelash bat, smooch …..
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Sorry that why I can’t have sound on After Dark
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Betty, I agree. I think that I really like Judd but I’m not positively sure because I haven’t understood a dozen sentences he’s mumbled since BB began.
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Elissa has made some really bad moves while Helen was jerking folks around, but, I really hope that this one is a joke on Amanda. I do not understand the rings though! Does she NOT realize that she just lost her WEDDING RINGS! I think Amanda is DISHONEST, A BULLY, A TOTALLY LAZY AND FILTHY DISGUSTING SLUT!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take that to the bank BB production fools! I was not a BB Fan and am just about totally sure that once this fiasco is done may not ever be.
I really don’t watch BB most of the time and get the update data from this Blog so, jf for any reason this Blog goes away, so will I. I just cannot watch Amanda and her Boy get away with the lies they spread all the time and keep myself from getting angry or see how BB seems to egg the Dirty Duo on letting them be seen doing their sick creepy brand of sexual activities! Besides Amanda and the Bullying make me wish I could make her sit still while I flush her mouth out with bad tasting soap! Would not know how to flush out her sick brain though or stop her fake crying episodes. I guess you all figured out that I Vote for Amanda AND McCray to go to the jury House Thursday! Carry on Judd….to the final 2 please!!
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Okay… I don’t know what this “Chocolate Milk” reference is that Jane started… I would imagine a put down of sorts, especially knowing the three involved… however since it’s Me you are talking about, it must be Good!
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I was planning a long post, but JT said all I had to say!! 🙂
The only thing that stinks about Thursday is being on the west coast I have to stay off all media for about four hours. It’s the only time in the week I can watch bb with the family and not be two steps ahead of them! 😉
I did say last week that if Elisa manages to stay at this point someone has to start looking at her as final two material, no way she takes first since she already has money. Will be interesting to see if she and McCrea team up if they both survive..
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I’m not sure what I’m feeling about what I’ve been seeing and reading the past couple of days. I guess I’ll know more after tonight episode and what is revealed in the DR clips.
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‘re/The Mortgage Dr. I personally think that A is a disgrace to Womanhood. She definitely has some moral issues. After watching BBAD I feel like taking a shower. I am a Mother, Grandmother & proud to say “A goody two shoes” I have watched BB from the beginning. Loved every season. This one will go down in history as CBS’s biggest embarrassment. Pray this is lesson learned. God bless. <3
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It is so obvious that production is behind Elissa wanting to keep Amanda.
Oh I forgot ” you are not allowed to talk about production”. Cant even watch the feeds anymore what a waste of my effing summer.
Bring on Survivor please.
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I would laugh hysterically if we find out after the show that Elissa and Amanda are good friends and this entire season has been a set up. CBS wanted a villain and Amanda came though for them. I don’t think Amanda is dumb, so I find it hard that she cannot see how she is coming across on the show and her not understanding that couples are the first to go. Even if you watched just one season, you would know that it is not a good idea to be in a showmance . I don’t understand any of this! I don’t want Amanda to win, but I think CBS has taken things too far and to me, things are really becoming unbelievable! – i.e. Elissa wanting to save Amanda. JMO This entire season has been crazy. Something stinks at CBS!!
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@Donna, that one is just as controlled by production. We just don’t see it because it is all edited months before it is aired.
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@Teddy – I would just drink you up!! 😆
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I would like to see Amanda quickly followed by Andy (double A’s or Little Lulu and Howdy Doody) go on Thursday. Hey I can dream can’t I that the bad guys reallly don’t end up on top! That said for the life of me can’t figure out who the good guys are t his season.
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I think that Am is an embarrassment to womanhood. I look forward to BB every season. This season will go down in history as CBS’S biggest failure. I feel like I lost a good friend. This season has been nasty, mean, & boring. If Am doesn’t leave Thursday, I’m done with the show. Signed, a faithful ex-fan? Let’s see what happens.
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Judd can you please change your batteries…your micophone hasn’t been working since the start of thw show…mumbling….there may be a chance that he has something importasnt to say…nah
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The only reason the A & M showmance lasted is because “Raggedy Andy” ratted everyone out to Amanda. within a minute of Andy telling her she was off to bully the person or persons trying to come after her!
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Does anyone remember the old Dick Tracy cartoons and the one bad guy “Mumbles”?
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Yes I remember Mumbles. Maybe Am watched it also. Humm
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Yep. I remember Mumbles. Wasn’t even a fan of the Dick Tracy cartoons.
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i may be alone on this but i never did like evil dick
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Yes, absolutely, chocolate milk is good.
I simply give up! I have no idea what’s going on in the BB house and I seriously wonder if anyone in the house does either. The redeeming thing is that Thursday will be wonderful because we don’t know exactly what will happen 100% this time. Thursday please hurry up.
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OMG, something I don’t remember. WooHoo Have no idea who Mumbles is.
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I am having a bad day Hope to see you all later………
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here’s Julie’s interview on the Letterman’s show last nite…. demanda, GM, Spencer continue getting the “Clean Edit” from CBS… Julie doesnt even mentions their names regarding racist remarks… 🙁
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tendr, you’re not alone regarding ED. So many don’t like him but I think Amanda surpasses anything he’s done.
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Well, at least the controversy continues to get coverage. Too bad it is a 22 year old who continues to be the scapegoat in the whole matter. What of Kaitlin, Amanda, GM and Spencer? They all said some appalling things. In fact, I think as young and immature as Aaryn is, she was just trying to be liked and “go with the crowd”, to make friends, when her racist-talking friends, except for GM were evicted, she cleaned up her act fairly well.
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@Hoh8, thanks for that. I don’t think I would classify it as the others getting a good edit because Dave only referred to Aaryn and she’s the only one who’s been evicted with such a nasty mouth. The others will get theirs, don’t worry about that.
Loved David’s last line, “The great thing about Freedom of Speech, it takes care of dumb people.” Good line.
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Julie made a point in that there are no “buts” in an apology!
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Hey guys-I had a thought. Expect the unexpected! Are we being punked and did they hire an actress to play Amanda and cause drama? That could be why they are pulling for her to not be evicted. Comes down to final 3 and she will reveal herself. Guess I’m just hoping there can’t be someone so nasty.
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Sal, those three are spot on. Thanks for the links.
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#117 – Change that to “Gravel Dirty”
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Thanks Sal, loved it even tho I’m so young I don’t remember them. 😆 I knew about Dick Tracy but never paid much attention. My brothers wanted some kind of ring I think I remember.
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@ *fish….I never heard of mumbles either. Isn’t it nice to be young! 😉
Hey *fish, is there room for another chat pal to have a glass of chocolate milk?
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You bet Frannie, chocolate milk coming right up.
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*fish….check your email
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Looks like I was a bit vague this morning with my “Amanda is truthful to a fault” line.
(And this is NOT sticking up for Amanda.. I dislike her as much as anyone)
Yes, Amanda lies as much as the rest of them do. They all lie.. probably Andy the most. Sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I didn’t think Amanda lied as much as the rest.
What I meant was she also tells the truth a lot. Think about all the evictions.. and how almost everyone in the house lied to them all week and said they were safe. Amanda told Helen flat out, “I’m not voting for you”. There are also many times when Amanda has received information that might be best kept on the down-low… but she can’t seem to just let something be. Amanda goes and confronts people about things and often spills many truths in the process.
Does Amanda lie a lot?.. absolutely. Does she also tell the truth a lot.. yes?. She often lets people know where they stand with her… even if it would be best kept to herself.
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IDK how she could see this… or even how much truth there is to it.. but..
Amanda said she could tell the ring was real by the “imprints” on it. And she also said there was a tiny speck of carbon in the diamond.. which real diamonds have… and fake ones don’t. IDK how legit Amanda is with her observations though.
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Amanda is busy packing.. McCrae pacing by her. They are both talking about how dumb GM & the rest are… and how huge this eviction will be… and how they wont see it coming.
This is one time where there just isn’t enough time in the episodes to show everything that’s been going on. The editors really have their work cut out this time. there have been so many key conversations that show true intentions of each HG. I hope they show as much as they possibly can… no need for any “filler” in the next 2 episodes.
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here’s the East Coast Stream LINK for those that dont want to wait… 🙂
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So how does everyone think this is going to play out? If AM gets evicted is she going to assume Elissa lied and didn’t vote for her because she is so confident that she has Andy’s vote!?? She really thinks she is staying and can’t wait to see the look on GMs face. Little does she know she is walking out the door and I can’t wait to see the look on her face! Elissa is also gonna sh-t her pants when Amanda tells her she’s a liar and she’s not giving her ring back !!! Thursday is gonna be a night to remember for sure!
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Watch the feeds closely. Andy or Gina Marie will have to have a D.R. session. After they come out, If they change their votes then it is certain that production tells them who to vote for.
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They better have a security team ready when Elissa asks for her ring back!
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Pretty good with the Dick Tracy comparisons, Mr. Ô¿Ô … but I think you disrespected Gravel Gertie! I used to read those comics in the morning paper every day before school. Thanks for the stroll down Memory Lane.
Linda… that’s a funny thought about Amanda being an actress. She’s a damn good one if she is… they did hire Annie that one season, then she got voted out first!
Okay… this ‘chocolate milk’ thing is starting to piss me off! Now Franniep2 is jumping on the band wagon. I’m going to just talk to my pals hpr56 & DonnaP about Survivor. Hey Donna… what happened to your avatar? Jane’s is AWPL too…
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‘re: Justaguy- Did Amanda bring her jewelers eye piece with her? If she actually saw a piece of carbon with her naked eye, it must have been a very bad quality diamond.
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Did that really happen, joleemae??? If she could see a flaw that easily, it would be a glitzy big stone of poor quality, and not a Cubic Z, as has been supposed by some. I think Elissa’s the type to come into the house fully jeweled. I didn’t see 🙂 ‘s comment, but he is the all important voice of all things BB, and resident go to guy.
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joleemae, IDK… I’m just reporting what Amanda said to McCrae. IDK how she could tell with her naked eye….. but right or wrong, she is convinced it’s real.
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that was a tough comp
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@Starfish & @Holly Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
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Ok Jane, you got us and Frannie too. That’s our little secret. 😆 LMAO
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PeeWee aka a n dy is a loser dork barf what a bunch of losers I have given up on BB bye audios…. thank god football is back!
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AWPL, Ted? Go get some chocolate milk!
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😆 at the pack!
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One good thing about all this…… GM changed her mind about giving Am & Mc her room for the night.
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GM may as well let them have it and funk up the place. She may not last a couple of weeks without getting any.
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I hope Amanda is all packed for her long awaited exit tomorrow lol
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Tammy…did you add an 11 to your name?
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The Exterminators seem more united than ever before. If Elissa hadn’t done this, GM may have worked with her on the side… Judd may have worked with her… same with Andy. And sometimes side alliances become real depending what happens.
But now they all know exactly what they have to do. Vote out Amanda and win HOH… and stick together!
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im not sure if this posted yesterday on the Blog….
this is when GM called Eliisa’s 8 yr old son a “fucking spanish puerto rican dirt fucker”….. Oh Dear… i have NO WORDS… 🙁
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With the edit the McNasties got tonight, I can see CBS is desperate for something to happen to keep Amanda in the house. And they were setting it up to get America on their side, “oh poor Amanda and McCrae, they love each other so much, they shouldn’t have to be parted…boo hoo…” The audience will just cheer when Spencer is sent packing instead of Amanda.
*Well, she does have her fans, though I’m not one of them.
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Miss Aarynation makes TMZ again and not in a good way as expected
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It’s funny how we blasted Andy for being the sneaky, creepy squirrel telling Amanda all the secrets and now we want Amanda out. He’s doing his darndest to get her out and we still don’t like him one bit. He’s such a stealthy character who changed alliances and I wouldn’t trust him but he’s so convincing that they do. He looks to me like he really wants McCranda OUT and I believe him but don’t like him one bit! Go figure.
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Andy does want Am & Mc out… or he wouldn’t be telling all their secrets (he used to tell them other’s secrets)
Elissa has more perception now than Amanda does. Elissa keeps asking if Andy is 100%… and keeps wondering if Andy told the others about the plane because they are acting weird. (He did tell the Exterminators).
But Amanda keeps reassuring Elissa that Andy is 100% (He is 100%….. 100% going to vote Amanda out!) 😆
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Aaryn “we are the world” Gries…… who knew?
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So Amanda is a reality whore, who knew? 😳
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I can see McCranda on Amazing Race, McCrae will quit within 3 episodes
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They’re both too lazy to accomplish much on Amazing Race.
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Andy did a darn good job of staying true to Amanda and she doesn’t suspect a thing. McC started to think maybe wouldn’t vote to keep Amanda but seems like he’s back to Andy is 100% on their side. Elissa is the only one who is questioning andy’s loyalty and she’s right! It’s too bad that these HGs can’t carry on a conversation without bashing someone personally.
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Starfish, right, if they kept it on a game level rather than taking things personal all the time, maybe, just maybe more people would see Andy’s lying ways (not to mention some of the other backstabbing that has been going on).
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Macranda on the Amazing Race ????
Can’t wait, i have only seen then in bed. Can’t wait for her to yell at the locals and whip him when he doesn’t carry her fast enough LOL
She has amazing eye, she can see without and eyepiece unlike all diamond apparisers and the turns out it’s a cheap one since it’s flawed LOL.
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No way could those 2 idiots go on Amazing race… they were both puking after twirling around 15 times. 🙄
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well – i have to give it to them – they have gotten amanda to stop the alligator tears – short lived – i project she will cry – non-stop the 1st day and a half in jury – till she realizes – she has to taint the other jurors – agaisnt gm – surely not the weasel
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Strange episode tonight.
Obviously, they couldn’t spend 20 minutes showing Amanda’s total meltdown but it seemed like it was edited to favor Amanda. Say what you will about GM as a person, she defended herself pretty well when Amanda went confronted her and it definitely felt like the editors did GM a disservice as far as that was concerned. GM’s argument that everyone in the game was on their own except for Amanda and McCrae (and that’s why they had to be broken up) was totally cut out.
At the same time, they did show Amanda throwing open the storage room door but I don’t know if they really made it clear that her intention was to hit Elissa with the door.
Also, I notice that we didn’t get to see any of the times that Amanda hinted that McCrae should use the veto on her.
Tonight’s show felt like it was designed to try to get us to feel sorry for McCrae and Amanda. It was, as if after spending the last few episodes showing us the Amanda that everyone knows from the live feeds, the editors suddenly decided to start giving her the hero edit again.
It’s hard not to be paranoid about this season of Big Brother.
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OMG.. now GM is giving the gruesome twosome her HOH bed because she’s afraid she wont get her “Nick bed” back? 🙄
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Weasel gave her a $20 shirt. Elissa gave her an expensive ring (or so even Amanda claims). When Amanda is evicted, she’ll blame it on Elissa.
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Big Brother Showmances always seem to be showing up on the Amazing Race. Jeff and Jordan, Brenchel, even season 3’s Alison and her boyfriend. My dislike of Rachel and Brendon is more due to the way they acted on the Amazing Race than anything they did on Big Brother.
McCranda would be …. interesting on the Amazing Race. I imagine they would get eliminated early and I personally would love to see Phil arch his eyebrow whenever Amanda started crying on the mat.
I remember reading once that Dr. Will wanted to get on the Amazing Race with Mike Boogie. That would have been fun.
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If production wants to keep Amanda, they certainly did her no favors by having a knock-out veto comp where she would have to compete in every round to win.
Hopefully Amanda will walk out the door tomorrow… then people can scramble to find new conspiracies… or just make them up.
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Summary of my opinions.. and I feel very strong about them after watching the feeds.
1) Elissa is 100% on team Amanda.. at least until Friday. I doubt seriously the ring was a ploy to get back at Amanda… and I doubt she brought it to BB as a pre-planned tactic. Production didn’t give her the ring either.
2) Elissa does feel sticking with Amanda is her best option in the near future. She believes Andy just enough to have made that move. It would make sense for her if Andy was still with “2AM” (but he isn’t).
3) Andy wants Am & Mc gone. He was with them 100% at the beginning, but is also disgusted at their behavior lately (some would say he is no better.. but I’m looking at it from his view)
4) Judd will vote out Amanda. Is there any doubt about that?
5) GM…. seems more determined now than ever to get Amanda out.. and would have worked with Elissa if Elissa hadn’t flipped. Now she might actually want Elissa out more than Amanda… but Elissa isn’t on the block.
6) I still see a 2-2 tie with GM sending Amanda out.
7) DR will still try to work on either Andy or GM before tomorrow’s vote… if only for clips to add for dramatic effect for CBS only viewers.
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JT, yes Judd will vote Amanda, especially if he thinks production wants Amanda in the house. However, I’m not so sure he’s tight with the exterminators. He seems to be a little disgusted by them as much as by production at this point. It’s almost like the entire process of being on the game has turned him off of even being a fan of the game.
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Judd may not be all rah rah about the Exterminators… but he has no other options really. He hates McCrae now… and Elissa even more.
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Did anyone else see on 9/3/ when Elissa was the only one up after being called to DR, production said, “Thank you, Elissa” while she was washing a bowl. I thought that was very odd… I hope that Andy gets revealed and E wins HOH… and sends him packing along with Amanda. I think she is scared and needs someone to talk to that is of the feminine gender. Both of the females, besides E are very crass and it is difficult for her to find a spot on either of them to find any comfort.
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@ Judy, they said thank you because she cleaned the window by the sink
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I’ve heard production thank people for various things… cleaning mirrors.. raising and lowering awnings in the b/y.. etc.
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Seems like Elissa is always cleaning and is just about the only doing it, too. Sure some people will pitch in a help her now and again, but she’s doing it all the time. I’d hate to see how that place would look without Elissa in it to play “merry maid”.
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She is also the first one out of bed every morning
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Yes, I’ve heard that mentioned many times.
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OMG. Gina Marie and Amanda are really going at it!! Getting really PERSONAL!
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GM and Amanda going at it on BBAD. They almost butted chests a few minutes ago. The guys are just sitting around the table listening. I don’t know where Elissa is. I think it all started when GM told Amanda she was not going to let her sleep in the HOH room tonight.
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Amanda can dish it put but she can’t take it!!! Joan Elissa went to bed already.
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Sorry spell check!! Amanda can dish it out but she can’t take it!
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I am glad Elissa is not there, as GM would probably try to bring her into it too. The look on MacRae’s face is hilarious. Wonder what he is thinking. Honestly, I have been waiting for this. I knew that Amanda was no match for GM. 🙂
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Production must have told them to stop. I think Amanda is finally figuring that Andy is not on her side any longer. Amanda is laying into MacRae now, accusing him of not taking up for her. Really pissing MacRae off (you can see it all over his face).
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Who pissed off Amanda?
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Great fight, started between 9:15 – 9:30
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there was a small chest bump
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Yep that was the worst fight in the house to date! I wouldn’t have wanted to stay in the room while it went on, (except while watching it on the live feeds lol)I would have gone on the other room! GM said some really nasty things it was worse then anything Amanda had said!
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I agree Debbie. GM was on a rant for sure. She has been saying mean things about Elissa too. I know she’s upset that E is aligning with Amanda. She said that E talks too slow and said it was like she had downs syndrome or was dyslectic or something. After hearing how fast GM can talk, I can understand why she called E slow. She hardly let Amanda get a word in. Now Amanda spilling to E, telling her what happened and that MacRae didn’t take up for her.
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Oh no Amanda’s eating again and she’s awkward at holding her utensils
@JT I didn’t say Elsyssa planned on bringing a fake ring as a ploy, but rather brought a fake ring so she wouldn’t damage real engagement ring or loss it in a comp
I have worn s fake ring on trips sk I would show that I was married but no tusk of losing it in the ocean in Hawaii
Lots of women do it
Anyways these HGs exhaust me w their lack of loyalty and ever changing or fleeting alliances . Hard to enjoy the game they are attempting to play or not play .
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I was ready for bed, then this shit starts
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Wow, I haven’t watched BBAD yet. My son is watching TV on the big screen.
Don’t know why Amanda would feel the need for McCrae to stand up for her, that girl can hold her own–unless she’s not the one doing the attacking evidently.
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the feeds tomorrow should be good!!!
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GM was taking it to her
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What a bunch of crazies this year. I’ve never seen anything like it. GM has a vicious mouth and she beats Amanda who is horrible. What happens if someone just decides to walk out? I know I would have been kicked out or walked out by now. Has anyone ever just opened the DR door and said I’m done and wouldn’t go back in? I don’t think so. I know a couple were escorted out but to self-evict, I don’t think anyone has.
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Glad to watch the episode tonight, Elisa DRs have good insight as to her recent change of heart. We often forget they don’t have the benefits of live feeds and blogs to know what is going on. With the exterminators not including her and seeing a very convincing Andy look so tight with McCranda I can see now why she thinks this is her best move.
I didn’t see this as a great hero McCranda edit. I laughed out loud at McCrea crying in the DR. I saw it as being their comupense.
I was waiting all afternoon for the GM/Amanda blow out. Love that they were both smirking thinking how blown away the other is going to be tomorrow when they are blindsided. Poor Amanda is freaking her toy is more boy than man. And the boys laughing because they know who is really in the for the shocker!!
Amanda, why do you think the rest won’t pick up on you and your new bff? Hello captains obvious!
And there’s Elisa, mapping thru the whole thing.
Oh good, GM for her hair dye, before she pisses Elisa off!!
Would love for this spat between the McCrandas prompt McCrea to flip his vote?? That would be beautiful!!
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Oh, and Amanda realizes half way thru crying to Elisa that she may not be the one to cry to.. “Oh my God, I feel do bad that this is what I did to you”
Nice recovery.. NOT!
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ROTFLMAO!! Rewatched the fight on BBAD with hubby … GM said “and scene big brother” and it cuts to commercial!! I know they are on a timed schedule for breaks, but that was awesome!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That was awesome! Thanks Tomi for in icing me to turn it on….. *End Scene Big Brother*
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Now this is where I miss Showtime…. Eff You CBS!!!
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Oops I meant thank you Tomi for inboxing me not icing lol!
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Does anyone watch New Jersey Housewives? I imagine Elissa sleeping during the fight like Jaqueline “slept” through the housewives fight… One eye open and mentally dinging the rounds.
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Hey gang! Was there a new blog post Wednesday? I did not get it again! If anyone can send me the link I would be grateful!
JT, Starfish, Star, Bobo????? Anyone! I need to rag on Demanda and her “oh poor me, I have ALWAYS been so nice to everyone”. B. S.
Much love gang!!!!
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bookmark at 70. Darn, I just don’t have enough time to read all your great comments. Amanda is falling apart on BBAD right now after a verbal sparing match with GM with everyone one but Elissa in attendance. (funny thing is GM and Andy were playing Genga (sp?). I was so afraid AM was going to swat the tower down. That really would have ignited GM. After the initial encounter MC and AM retreated to the have not room and she berated him for not coming to her defense. MC said nothing but looked like he would rather be anywhere else.
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Sylvie (comment #188), Not sure why you think my opinions in comment #168 were aimed at you in any way… but if so, they weren’t. And sorry if you thought so. I was just addressing general beliefs / theories that I read or heard some HGs say.
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Chest bump?
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Don’t you just hate that smug look on Amanda’s face? GM looks small up against Amazon girl, but she is mighty! And looks at the chicken shit McCrea….not even watching his woman (and I use that term lightly) in the biggest fight to date. What a flippin’ idiot….they deserve each other.
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Thanks for the heads up on the fight y’all.
That was really dumb on bot Amanda & GM’s part. Amanda has definitely been real cocky since Elissa flipped sides. She was supposed to do the “smart” thing and act like she was leaving. But nope, Amanda can’t keep something that big a secret for long. Even if she doesn’t mean to tell, her actions often give her away. Does she really think she can be BFFs with Elissa now and make snarky remarks to everyone without them catching on? (even though they already know).
GM said some horrible things. Every time I want to root for her, she does things like this. I had already withdrawn my vote for America’s fave for her after what she said about Elissa’s son… and then this on top of it all. And the sad part is the look GM gets on her face after she says those things.. like she is so damn proud of herself. She still thinks her line to Candice as she walked out the door was one of the all time greats. She seems more naive about the affects of those type of comments than anyone… yet she basks in her remarks long after she says them.
Amanda was playing victim again. But she really brought it on herself. She knew the bed situation was a real sore spot with GM… so to smirk about it is asking for a fight. I don’t feel sorry for Amanda at all. She says GM attacked her for no reason.. that’s not true. You can only blame others so many times….. Who has Amanda fought with this year?
…am I missing any? If you fight with everyone, you need to look in the mirror for the problem.
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Frannie, I didn’t see a chest bump at all. Amanda came over to the table… GM got up.. they stepped closer…. and closer.. they got chest to chest, but never bumped.. just walked up to each other really.
This was a big fight, but still wish they had shown the one in the backyard between Amanda & Jessie.. that one lasted a LONG time.. and was really bad according to HG comments. But we didn’t see any of it.. and heard very little.
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I guess the most obvious one I missed in my list of people Amanda has fought with is McCrae… but that’s been so often it almost goes unnoticed any more.
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@JT….maybe it wasn’t exactly a chest bump, but it sure looks like a boob touch. But then again, Amanda doesn’t have to get very close to someone for that to happen. They enter a room long before she does. 😆
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Take a look…
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This one shows the ‘bump’ @ 9 minutes. This one had me LOL.
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Yes,she pulled a Jacqueline for sure
Was just answering since I had posted about Elyssa’s bling 🙂
Anyways missed the chest bump but saw Amanad eating and chewing
Must catch up !
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I just watched the youtube video of GM describing E. son horribly. She is lower than a snake for that comment alone. She just lost my vote for fav. HG. I will be saveing my vote up until the end when I have to make a true vote. Unfortunately it is going to be hard to vote for anyone of these losers. FOR sure will not be Howdy, GM, Spencer. Judd is threading on thin ice with me also; is there a video of him calling E. a MF or a C**t on Youtube? I hate to penalize anyone unless I see the offense myself. I hate to vote for E. b/c she just doesn’t need the money. McCrazy is looking alright for now, but he better start doing something.
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I would be surprised if anyone brought real expensive jewelry to a reality show. I know you can have the stones replaced with zirconia or you can actually have another one made that looks like it. People do it all the time. Someplace like BB would be too easy to damage or lose a stone or something. I would NEVER wear or take my “prize” jewelry in there. I love my rings and jewelry but the only “real” jewelry I would ever wear on BB or Survivor or Amazing Race would be my gold earrings that don’t have any stones in them. They would be pretty hard to destroy. Anything with a stone would be easy to ruin. Just sayin’.
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I would love to see Candice win America’s favorite. Not only is she one of the few this season not to be offensive but it would totally tick off the others!!
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No, Elissa will be carried on Rachel’s fame to win America’s Favorite, but that would be nice. Candice is the only one who may benefit from being on BB. She is attractive, funny and a natural actress, I think.
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New post, new post, new post.
So go there now!
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Yes Macrae , stop eating your fingers!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What a baby
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Really… GM saying things about Ellisa’s son. Wasn’t she just dogging Amanda for doing the same thing… saying that was the lowest of lows?
What is it with the word “hate” being used so much. Everyone “hates” everyone else…. That is such a strong word, I just don’t get it. There are people I dislike, but no one I hate…but then again the emotions in that house are crazy…
Judd has started to act like a jerk… so I am now officially hoping the Fish win this season!!!!
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The fight between GM and Amanda last night was disgusting! GM was in a good position and a lot of people on this blog were beginning to like her. Surprise! She showed us just who she is, an ignorant, uneducated and downright ugly person. She is just as bad as Amanda in my book and far worse than Aaryn! Then to see all the men sitting around the table and not saying one word or trying to defuse the situation made me sick! They are all a bunch of sissies, especially McCrae!
Now behind the reasoning for all of this. Elissa was conveniently sleeping though all this or at least that is what Production wanted you to believe. This little piece of editing have us all seeing Elissa in a better light. The darling of CBS will become everyone’s favorite. Now do any of you have any doubts about BB being rigged?
I vote to evict everyone and give both prizes to charity!!
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Just went to trivia @3:10 PST
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Craig, here’s a link to new page in case you didn’t get it.
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