Hi, everyone!
So, was it just me or was last night’s episode of Big Brother kinda weird? In just a few weeks time, all of the big personalities have been taken out of the house. With the eviction of both Amanda and Elissa on Thursday, the show lost the two players who have dominated probably about 75% of this season.
Last night was the first episode since the show started that we did NOT have to listen to Amanda in the Diary Room. Now, for me, this is kind of a blessing because, whenever I saw Amanda in the Diary Room with the little smirk on her face and robotically delivering jokes that were obviously fed to her ahead of time, it was like listening to nails on chalk board.
However, now that Amanda is gone, last night’s episode seemed to be dominated by Andy. Seriously, it seemed like every time I looked up at the TV screen, there was that red-faced little rat. I know that, since the show started, Andy has been one of the HGs that most frequently gets called to the Diary Room and I’ve heard him saying, in the past, that he hoped they were using his Diary Room visits for the show.
Well, now, they are and, to be honest, it would probably be better for Andy if they hadn’t. If you didn’t dislike Andy before, just wait until you see him in the Diary Room.
After last night’s show, Rachel Reilly tweeted that she’s never going to watch Big Brother again. Now, I have to say that Rachel says this pretty frequently but I can understand why she was upset after last night’s episode. While Elissa did get on my nerves with her constant plea of “Please don’t vote me out!”, it was impossible not to feel sorry for her as Andy (who apparently has no conscience) continually called her a liar.
Don’t get me wrong. I think Elissa deserved to get voted out because, honestly, she wasn’t that good of a player. I’m just not happy about the way it happened.
(Of course, we also know what the show didn’t tell us — that the remaining HGs spent the rest of the night saying some amazingly vile things about Elissa and throwing her stuff around the house.)
Anyway, as for what’s happening the house right now, GM and McCrae are the nominees but McCrae has won the veto. I believe they’re having the Veto Ceremony today.
When last I checked, Andy and Spencer were trying to convince McCrae to either not use the veto at all or to use the veto on GM. McCrae, however, told them: “If I wouldn’t use the veto save Amanda, why the f*ck would I save GM?”
The plan right now is that once McCrae uses the veto, Judd will go up as the replacement nominee and will be voted out (for a second time) on Wednesday.
As a final note, as much as I would have hated the idea of Amanda winning the game, now I have to prepare myself for the fact that it looks like Andy or Spencer could very well end up winning.
As much criticism as this season has received, we all know that Big Brother will return next season. Alison Grodner may or may not return and they may replace some people involved in casting this season but the show will return.
When it does return, I hope they’ll have an entirely new house. Can you imagine being a houseguest on Big Brother 16 and knowing that you’re in the same room that once housed Spencer and McCrae? I can’t look at either one of them without thinking about bedbugs. What they need to do is build an entirely new house and perhaps have a priest come in and bless it.
Seriously, this season is going to leave some evil spirits that need to be exorcised!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa Marie for a great job and at no pay for keeping us going on this disappointing season of BB. Peace!
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I really do not want Andy to win a thing. He has done nothing in this game. He thinks he is such a “player”. I hate this season and I can’t believe I am wasting my time.
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I don’t want anyone to win the money. They all are losers.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t believe I am saying this but I would take either GM or Spencer winning the cash.
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Great comments Lisa. I agree completely with your view of BB 15 so far. I will be so glad when this season is over. It has totally gotten on my last nerve! We want Elissa to win America’s Favorite for so many reasons. This would give me a little bit of satisfaction seeing the reactions of the HG’ s who totally ripped her apart for no other reason than “darkness cannot stand the light!” Elissa was so much fun to watch. She was fresh and clean in a house of filth and dirt! That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Like I said before: “Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has one. 🙂 Have a good day bloggers. I look forward to your opinions. God bless!
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Thanks LM. Appreciate the insight. As far as Rachel, put on your big girl panties and get over it. So your sister was voted out. Her and a bunch of others. She did NOT play the game smartly at all. Did Rachel honestly think she deserved to be there? I don’t think so. I did not like her whining last night but Andy royally pissed me off with his calling her a liar. She did not deserve that but as we found out, McRae knew it was Andy anyway so his name calling did him no good at all. I think production should have shut the room off and kept everyone away from her stuff. I can’t believe they got away with what everyone said the others did. I don’t get the hatred and vile feelings they had for Elissa. She did not deserve it.
Now, I don’t know why Spencer doesn’t put up Andy next to GM. Oh yeah, I forgot. He and Spencer are b** buddies. YUK. Don’t know what the attraction is there but it does exist. Judd has been loyal to them and deserves to stay. GM is the only reason they exist so they should keep her. Yup, Andy needs to go.
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Thank you Lisa!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did not watch last nights show! Maybe I’ll watch a little later. See you all soon!
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Well, I’m glad to know that I didn’t miss anything. I dvred, but 60 min played for 53 min of the recording 🙁 I hate when CBS does that. Anyway, I’ve lost any luster I may have still had for this season. It sucks.
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All the bashing on BBAD on Elissa is terrible. What did she do so wrong to have them all hate her other than they were jealous of her. If I were production, I would have closed the show when they were acting the way they were with her belongings or at the least stopped them. As much as I do not like Mcrae, I guess at this point I would rather have him win it instead of any of the others. Either way, it will be a bad taste in America’s mouth to see any of them get the money.
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I agree with everything you said LM.. Only difference is that I haven’t watched anything since Thursday and have no intention to watch until finale night.. These people are all pigs.. I have never seen a group like this.. There is not one person I can think of that I would like to win.. Doesn’t matter.. One very dirty person is gonna win.. I will watch finale night because I am hoping Elissa wins fan favorite.. Wouldn’t they all be shocked! SHe is the best of the bunch.. Which is not saying much!! I am also hoping Julie lets them all know what has happened to them in the real world!! I have watched BB from the beginning.. and have said a million times.. “this time I am done”. this is the first year, however, I actually do not watch.. These jackasses really think they are loved by the fans.. It is a joke.. Thanks for putting up with all of this LM.. You are a saint for watching and reporting on all of this stuff!!
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At what point will they show the drama that now has to be filling the JURY house? Can you even imagine the stuff that has to be going in there now? Yikes.
We cancelled Dish Network, or as I like to say, “I broke up with Dish Network this month” and can only watch the episodes online – so I haven’t caught up to last night’s yet and honestly, may not. This season is 50 shades of disapointment and this has always been my favorite reality show. Such a sad statement to make out loud now.
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@LM – I never liked Rachel, but I can’t blame her for being angry. Andy never stops saying horrible things about her, going on and on and on! Good grief Andy, give it a rest!! The other HG’s are no angels either for they have all ragged on Elissa too!
I believe Spencer would have a great shot at winning if he put Andy up in McCrae’s place instead of Judd. Judd has won a few challenges, but he can’t seem to keep his emotions in check, so he is no real threat. If Spencer and Andy are in the final 2 and Andy wins, Spencer will be kicking himself in the butt all the way home.
I hope McCrae wins the next HOH and puts both Spencer and Andy up! Andy would have the ‘big one’ and start kissing McCrae’s butt. If Andy is evicted before the final 2, I believe we will see the biggest breakdown in BB history!!
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Andy is not a rat, he is an exterminator ~ don’t hate the player hate the game
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Melissa, I try to check when 60 Minutes starts to be sure BB will be on time – especially on Sunday nights. I dvr the show following BB just in case it doesn’t’ start on time. Hope this helps. You have another option “Prime Time On Demand.” God bless.
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I have watched every season of BB, and have to say this is the most uninteresting year ever. It seems staged, and apparently BB producers manipulate players far too much. Though I did not care for Amanda or Allisa, look what you have left; 2 floaters, one slug, a rat and a 32 year old going on 16. Casting this year was awful. I find myself asking what is it that makes you watch it every week? Hell, I really do not know. I never thought I would be saying this, but at this point, I guess if GM or Judd won I wouldn’t be heartbroken. Not much of a choice, and very little to look forward to. A pathetic season will soon come to an end, so I guess I have that to look forward to!
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I feel like we need to have a memorial service for dead & gone forever BB15. What a total disappointment it’s been this season. I have always looked forward to summer with BB. What a total waste! Spencer picking his nose, hands down his pants. Andy picking his nose, biting his fingernails. Judd mumbles with a mouth full of mush. McCrea a panty waist, gutless wonder. And last but not least, GM. An accident waiting to happen. That’s this 80 year olds option & I’m sticking to it. Joleemae & I are twin sisters, we live together , we look alike we think alike. We love BB. So sad this year. I am optimistic & looking forward to next summer with BB.
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I am in the Elissa camp…I have zero idea why there are so many haters of her on this blog. Compared to most all of the houseguest..if not indeed all…she was Mother Teresa versus the other BBHG. Yes, people have different taste and opinions and unlike the belly button comparison/analogy which wasn’t very good, that’s why Baskin and Robbins has so many flavors because people have different taste.
Concerning Andy and his bug eyes popping out of his funny looking head I am starting to disdain the little peter puffer-Hershey highway loving douche bag as much as Amanda but for different reasons and none of them being the fact his gay…not that there is anything wrong with that and his peter puffing-Hershey highway ways besides being utterly disgusting. And No I am not homophobic as I have gay friends who I have dined with as recently as last week, but I do feel the way I do and it’s gets back to my baskin-robbins analogy and my opinion.
Who do I want to win? Nobody…. but I know that can’t happen. So if push comes to shove I need to give the nod to GM…yea, she can be obnoxious and belligerent. But at the end of the day I do think the girl has a good heart even though I can see why some or many would think my proclamation of her heart size is out of whack.
Oh well. I spoke my mind and to the gay lovers out there while my Andy stuff is kind of harsh I respect gays and once again I am NOT HOMOPHOBIC.
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Actually, I have gay friends and relatives who have said that Andy is giving them all a bad rep.
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the hating on elissa was terrible but i want judd or gm to win the game
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Who went in mc crae’s place? And who is Beside that person lol?
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I agree with you Herbie..Elissa was a lot better than I expected.. sneaky in a weird way, but she certainly didn’t deserve the things that Andy and Amanda said to/about her.. It amazes me that they actually decided to cast all of these slugs.. Not one person you can root for.. although, for some crazy reason.. I would prefer to see GM win than any of the others.. She is trying to play the game.. She has said some bad things, but compare her to the rest? no comparison!!~
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Bernie, while I respect your opinion regarding my “bellybutton” analogy, I have to disagree that your Baskin Robbins analogy is better! The bellybutton analogy is the great, great, great grandfather of yours. Like BR’ s, bellybuttons come in all varieties: inies, outies, big, little, black, white, red, and yellow. Like the kiddie song: “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight….” I love my bellybutton and I love Baskin Robbin’ s Chocolate Almond and Pralines and Cream. What’s your favourite? God bless. 🙂
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Love the 50 shades of disappointment reference – what more can be said. I think Howdy Doody has turned many gay people into straight. I have enjoyed my summer pasttime with BB since I found it by accident about 3 shows into the first season. These HG’s are by far the most ridiculous excuses for a show that I have ever seen – get with it CBS. Almost anyone on the streets of LA would have made a better HG this year. I don’t even watch it but it is on the PVR so skip through it to see if anything, something, is interesting to watch – nothing!
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This is the worst ever! I can’t believe BB would allow the cast to continue to belittle and say nasty things about her. This type of behavior is not neccessary, Elissa is gone out the house so there is nor reason for the terrible insults. I am beginning to think BB are getting there kicks off by listening and seeing all of this foul behavior. Ellisa wasn’t my favorite but with all that bashing of her family and children my vote will be for her to win the 25K. A jail cell should be waiting for Spencer, and the rest of the crew just need to leave in shame. I wish BB would donate the money to help stop exploiting children, domestic violence, and some mental help for GIna Marie, Andy, Jude, and Mcrae. This shows what kind of character BB and their production really have as decent people by allowing this crap to continue.
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Been quiet….cause I dislike the show now .
No comment needed , see you in a few days
LM and bloggers, weel said 🙁
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Even when Elissa wins America’s Favorite the HG haters will say it wasn’t America that loved her, it was the Brenchel Army and no one else ever had a chance. Haters are going to hate…
After the first 7 minutes of BB last night it was all filler – except the pathetic comp. that was aired.
I remember feeling something this distasteful the season Adam won. And we all know how well that turned out. If somehow McCrae does win, the cost of the ring Amsnda will be demanding will suck up his winnings, she will get tired of his lack of ambition, he will get tired of her demanding, whiny ways and she will keep the ring and he will be left with nothing but memories of what could have been in a season of different casting. So Amanda will have won.
It will be over soon. It’s just a game. Survivor starts very soon.
The 500th episode of any series should have been such a celebration. Even CBS knew this was nothing to celebrate with what they had left in the house.
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You are so funny:) I always have a good laugh when I read your blog.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------True on Spencer and McCrae. Too Funny.
Thanks for the fun
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STARFISH – thanks for the carol burnett video – so funny –
does anyone know if mc cray has said anything about knowing andy was the rat to the others?
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Ugh I can’t stand Elissa and I would never vote her a favorite! Why
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------do you people think Andy didnt play the game? He’s still there isn’t he?
And why do you think McCrae and Spencer are so dirty?
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I have thought since the very first episode that all ( with the exception of Elissa and possibly Judd) of these houseguests were not worth tuning in for, but I did anyway so here goes. I agree that Elissa is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise polluted place. She should have won the money over all of them just for being a decent person.
I feel like all the houseguests are too affected by knowing how the game works simply by being fans. They focus so much on the game that they completely dis-regard the other guests as people. There has been no cultivating of friendships or even anyone who really liked each other at all. I don’t even think Mcrae and Amanda like each other very much !!!
The network needs to find a way to have non-fans or rather pe0ple who have never seen the show as houseguests and get back to the true spirit of Big Brother. Despite a horrible season, I still overall love the show, I’ll just hope for better casting next year. This all does however create a very interesting jury decision
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If they vote Judd out, I’ll not watch anymore. The thoughts of Howdy Doody, oops, I mean Andy winning this game makes me totally ill. Only thing which makes me sicker is if Spencer wins it. I wonder now if CBS looks for people that they know we will hate!!! I pray that these are not normal people in my real world.
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The only really good thing about this year’s of BB is you Lisa Marie…..I know i don’t say much but i felt i needed to say this. thanks a lot.
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Spicy @spicypants 1h
#BB15 Live Feeds to go down tomorrow, return after Wednesday’s episode: http://bit.ly/15MtLum
I respect Andy’s game play and have been pulling for him and McC all season but can see why he annoys people. These last two weeks he has been absolutely unbearable. With the above message and Spencer now in the HoH and doing something mysterious (Andy knocked, Production said “STOP THAT”), wondering if Grodner trying to pull a rabbit out of her hat and try to save the season but whatever it is, no way it works. This Blog is a good barometer of the show and most here could tell early on we were in for a boring slog.
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I think the HG are out of control and no one in production gives a shit. Now I know why Elissa wanted to go get her belongings. Her stuff is not part of the game and when they started throwing stuff of hers around it should have been cause for eviction.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These people a fricking assholes!!!! ….. and they show no respect for anyone or anything. I hope the world condemns them for their behavior.
This season has been nothing but a hayride with shit under the hay and stinking up the HG!!!
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Thanks LM for the new page. You’re doing your best to make this year one we can appreciate and the only redeeming thing this year is you! Thanks again.
Happy some of you liked the video on the last page.
As far as anyone asking why we don’t like the F5 or what is it they said that is so disgusting, you are not reading all the posts, watching live feeds or looking anywhere on the Internet except the actual broadcasts of the show. These people are dispicable. I don’t understand why Andy continues to be so vile about Elissa and he keeps bringing her up in the conversation. He may be trying to deflect any conversation about game or himself.
I agree with most of you and will vote Elissa America’s Fav. I was thinking Candice but Elissa seems to have the overwhelming vote because she has been maligned unjustly with such vile words.
Too bad we don’t have one good thing to say about this year! So sad. 😥
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Oh, the one good thing is it’s almost over.
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I hate Andy. He is such a rat. How could anyone trust or like him. I would rather see GM win than the others. She has had her bad mouthy times….. no , give the money to the homeless and let those suckers all go home. They are Nasty, foul mouth, rude, and just plain mean. They have no respect for anyone or anyone things.
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Poor Judd in HOH room with Andy & Spencer begging for them to give him assurance that he is not going home! He keeps asking where their heads are and they are telling him he has nothing to worry about and that he is safe. Andy said to Judd “I’m on the same page as Spencer” – but Judd just keeps saying that he doesn’t want to be surprised and he wants them to tell him if he is going. Judd says “I don’t want to go to the jury house with all those girls!”
Haven’t been watching LF today and not sure where those two idiots are with this or if they are lying to him. But based on info from my fellow bloggers here, Judd may be going?
Poor Judd has fear in his face. They are all talking crap, but you can tell all Judd can think about is “am I going?” – So Judd and GM on the block!
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Am I in The right placr???? I am using my wife’s I Pad ???? so tell me…. OK
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You Are Bobo
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Well as near as I can tell, the HG’s know about tomorrow’s evictions because GM mentioned that she has to go pack and like I said, Judd is nervous as heck! But he’s driving Andy and Spencer crazy so much that he might be their target if he wasn’t in the first place. Judd is pretty much (with the sound of mashed potatoes in his mouth) constantly harping on where he sits with them and those two dummies tell him a quick answer that he wants to hear and then they change the subject…. but Judd is not satisfied and wants to talk about if he is going or not. This time Andy and Spencer don’t have good game faces – they almost seem a bit cocky and sure of themselves….. uhhhhh, interesting…
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RMM Thank You my friend! I never use this 😆 ……
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Pizza Boy Sleeping (as usual), GM packing, and other three in HOH talking about stupid stuff and the occasional “am I going home?” from Judd.
Nothing much, real boring!!!!!
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I am watching last nights nights show… Right now… 🙄
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This is the WORST BB out of all the seasons. I seriously don’t want to watch if this is the GARBAGE CBS intends to show; looks like they scraped the bottom of the barrel or should I say T R A S H!!!! McDirty/Bearded Slob/Whinny Creepy Andy (who I wish would chew his food with his mouth closed)…..& he’s a TEACHER!!!!!!!OMGOSH!!!!! What a disaster. The reason they hated on Elissa so much was because that Ole Green-Eyed Monster (jealousy) took hold. They hated her from Day #1. How pathetic. I am so disappointed. Of the remaining critters, I would like to see Judd take home the $$$$$$$$. Hope he is able to stick it to them all at the end. None of the others deserve it. JMHO. Is it true that the PoPo went to search the home of Spensor for porn????????Is that something that was “Just thrown out there” or did it really happen?????
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Spencer talking about personal stuff, Judd chimes in with “are you going to tell GM?” – Andy says (sigh) “I don’t know” and once again I think Spencer tries to change the subject but just as he did it went to Fish! It’s almost painful to watch Judd. He keeps saying “Oh My God, I’m scared you guys are not being honest with me and I don’t want to look like a fool” – I imagine they told him GM is going but I think he would believe it if they would talk about it, but they are avoiding it.
Andy gave props to GM for trying her best to get McNasty to use his Veto on her.
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Judging by the actions of the two fruit-loops, Judd may be going.
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I know everyone is never going to watch BB again 😆 But I will because of this Blog!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love all of your comments! great bunch of People! And thank you all! : mrgreen:
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Spenser just got his HOH room……..
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The game did not affect the Andy persona we’ve seen in action on BB15, years and years of practice learning the walk, learning the talk and learning all the dramatic facial gestures did so then he could, on cue, “come out” with his look at me, listen to me, I’m gay, I’m gay, I’m gay over the top fem routine.
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Andy talking to Judd and somehow thinks tomorrow will be a live show? He said to Judd that he can do something tomorrow about 20 minutes before the live show. I wonder if they think it will be live because it is an eviction. But as far as I know – no BB show on Tuesday…. right?
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PK ??????
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Judd packing now too – McStupid still sleeping. GM doesn’t seem worried – not a bit! Guess the smelly trio told her all okay.
How awkward, both are packing in the same room. Judd trying to make small talk, but GM giving short (polite) answers…. guess he’s digging to see what her thoughts are… but so far ‘she aint talkin’ LOL
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No BB show but an eviction on Tuesday to be aired on Wednesday
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Bobo – I agree with you and love our fellow bloggers and all of their opinions. Truly a great group of friends.
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@PK – that’s what I thought but those HG’s are out of the loop!
Ha Ha GM can’t shut her suitcase – guess she’ll have to leave Nick’s hat or her high heels…. ha ha ha
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RMM Yes….. ……
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PK NOT sure what you said?
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PK NOT sure what you said?This I Pad is to small for me….. 😆
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Bobo – on an iPad you and “pinch” the picture bigger or smaller. Do you know what I mean?
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Being gay does not mean going over the top with an ever present effeminate walk, talk and faciac gestures that Andy had mastered from years of practice.
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I mean pinch the screen bigger or smaller so you can read the texts
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facial gestures
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FYI: I just wrote a scathing e-mail to CBS. I hope they listen. I invited them to read our blogs (although I am sure there are). 😉
I think the reason the remaining HG’ s are backstabbing Elissa is to try to prevent us from naming her our favorite ! Little do they know it is having the opposite effect. I really can’t decide who I want evicted ~ GM needs to rest her body and Judd needs to dig the mashed potatoes and peanut butter out of his mouth. May the vilest HG go! I only wish it was Andy ~ he wins the “Biggest ____________ (you fill in the blank) Award.” Have a good evening my fellow bloggers. God bless. 🙂
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going to have dinner now……. see you all later on my Mac!
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LOL – your wife handed you her iPad and didn’t show you that awesome feature??? Did you forget to take out the trash???? Ha Ha Ha
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@Joleemae…… LOL I Agree!
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Got you PK………. Thanks
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Guess Bobo will never know how to zoom in on an iPad screen – but it could have been his wife’s plan all along…. “don’t know how to operate it?, won’t ask to use it again”…. Ha Ha Ha Poor Bobo gave up and went to dinner.
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RMM YES…….. 😆 Later my friend! …….
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Well fellow bloggers. I want to thank you all. I have been watching BB since the first season. I didn’t know about the blogs. It has added an element of fun into an otherwise sad season. My one concern, the BBHGs are using the HATE word so often, now I see the bloggers using it. We don’t need anymore HATE in this world. Love you all. Looking forward to next season. God bless you. Momma Jeanne. P.S. My twin sister joleemae just said Amen.
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I went back a few minutes, I see Spencer & GM talking in the kitchen… Spencer said he didn’t want to go out there because of Judd bugging him and GM acted as if she knew what he meant and that Judd was going. They are still trying to figure out why their suit cases showed up today to pack, but earlier Andy mentioned it to Judd.
GM whispering to Spencer “you are going to keep me right?” and he said yes, she then CUPPED HIS FACE AND KISSED HIS CHEEK! EEEWWWWWWW
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CORRECTION…. she kissed BOTH OF HIS DIRTY CHEEKS! Double ewwwwww
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GM says she doesn’t feel good and that she’s about to pass out…. Spencer comes around the counter and hugs her from the back….. now he’s babying her. She mentions hot flashes and of course (being a man) he mentions “are you going through the change?”… sorry guys, but am I really wrong? Ha Ha Ha
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Spencer to GM “I feel bad for Judd”, GM: “What’s he saying?”, Spencer: “He thinks he’s staying”
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i really want judd or GM to win this season….. who agrees?
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REM i do know how how to zoom in I just can’t See that well :lol; You got to give that to me!!!! Dinner is not ready so I am back….. O my wife just told It’s ready… See you later….. ;mrgreen:
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WOW the feeds really stink! Every other word is F F F Just to much!
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Only one thing could make the conclusion to BB15 eventful and that would be if both the winners’ 500k and 50k checks bounce.
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wonder if it would spice it up if America got to vote rather than HG’s on Wednesday and America to be HOH for the final 4 – that should knock them down a peg – just wondering …. It would make it more interesting to me!
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big brother is awesome and i wanna be on the show some day
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does anyone else who blogs want to be on the show?
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@Hunter – I’m for Judd, but sadly I think he’s going.
GM, Spencer, Andy (of course), and Judd in HOH and talking about McNasty being mad at Judd and not wanting to talk to him so Judd has been avoiding him.
GM going off about Amanda.
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Im a passionate big brother fan and I dont care if none of you guys dont like me…..I have just as much right as you do to blog on this page.
Back to big brother…… Spencer being HOH is the worst part ever of this week. He is dumb.
Amanda leaves the house and now Mcrae is a beast at comps…..well clearly his head is now clear lol
GM needs to go home but ik thats not going to happen
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RMM, they’ve been leaning towards evicting Judd since McCrae won POV… and they made a definite decision to vote out Judd yesterday.
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hunter, who said you couldn’t blog here? I am a big BB fan also… probably the biggest fan I know 😆 I would have liked to have done the show when I was younger.. but now I’m sure I’d get expelled for something.
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Every comment i make is ignored and i dont think thats fair
And ive been strategizing how i would play to do the best.
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@hunter… Noboby on the blog has said they don’t like you, that sentiment is reserved for me for whatever reason. You are apparently young and would love the BB experience and even the possibility to win 500K. Go for it!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes i am young and im waiting for my chance to try to get on the show and play the best game possible….thanks for supporting me!
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Judd to GM….. “Do you know if it’s me or you?” – she replies with I have no F’in idea and then proceeds to describe what she is going to wear…. LOL They all are shameful!
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rachel is my favorite player of all time…..
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hunter, sorry you feel that way. I’ve probably made more comments on here than anyone this season…. and a TON of those get ignored.. or 90% of readers just read the top post and make their comment.
Don’t take it personally. I comment about what interests me as far as what is going on game-wise. If people like it.. fine… if not, I’m ok with that too.
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hunter, how many seasons of BB have you watched? Have you tried out or applied for it yet?
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Been enjoying all your posts this season. It has been the best part of this g/d trainwreck…..
Rooting for Judd, but probably not happening. Maybe an all-stars next year???
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@hunter… I’m 70 and have no doubt I could still beat Andy at any competition any place, any time. He is pathetic!
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It is ashame how Andy,Spencer,Judd are thrashing Alissa.Andy keeps saying he is goinng to tell her to sit down when she ask her question if he makes it to the final.Andy should be bitch slapped so he can fake crying .They all should have to replace all of the belonging of Alissa.I hope her husband grabs Andy by he little neck and shakes the little rat.Spencer is a dirt ball, finally wearing different clothing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and always has his hands down his pants.Judd you can not under stand any thing his says.To be that jealous of some one life is showing that they have none you have a unemplyed conductor, pizza man..who have no room to talk about anyone.
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@JT… You would never be cast on Big Brother. YOU KNOW TOO MUCH!
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@JT – thanks, I’ve been only able to check in a little so I guess I missed that.
@ Hunter – WOW, what happen there? I had to walk away from my computer but not sure how you went from “I want to be on BB” to “you all hate me and don’t want me to blog” – what did I miss?
Hopefully you have been on this blog long enough to see that all of these bloggers are very good supporters and wonderful folks and they respect their fellow bloggers and their opinions. I personally am going back and forth listening to the LF while I work and sneaking in my comments in between working. But most bloggers aren’t even home from work yet so I bet if you ask that in a little while, you may get all kinds of responses.
This blog is filled with all kinds of folks and ages and myself being almost 48 would have loved to be on BB if I was a bit younger, no work responsibilities, hubby and kids could manage without me for 3 months…etc. But you have to have some serious flexibility in your life to do BB, and probably some patience (LOL) – which I’m not sure I would have if the place was filled mostly young folks in Heat and nasty attitudes as we saw this season.
But I’m sorry I didn’t answer you, but I just figured that was for people who would and could be on there to answer you. If one of our fellow Bloggers was fortunate enough to be on BB, absolutely we’d root for them…. most of these kind bloggers (as I can tell) have been blogging a very long time with each other and have developed a nice rapport. I like them and enjoy reading their blogs for a couple of years now.
Fell better?
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@jt i am under the age to try out yet but soon! my whole family watches it and i have been watching it since bb 9
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oooohhhh Andy messed up!!!!
Andy just told Spencer and Judd that DR is calling everyone in there to do GoodBye messages and Judd asked why? So Andy says “In case GinaMarie..(then he corrects himself), I mean when GM goes home” —- Judd didn’t pick that up?????? I know Spencer almost pooped his pants! Andy politely exited the backyard probably thinking OMG, OMG, OMG!
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@ rmm im only 15 and im and mentally and physically preparing my self for the game….
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I got a question for everyone……
ok so of the evicted houseguests who would be your top three that you would of wanted to win?
mine are
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HUNTER – have never seen anyone banned from blogging on this blog – as long as they didnt start trying to cause trouble – alot of us have been here for many years – so we look out for one another. welcome kiddo!
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PK, Knowing too much about BB is exactly what would get me in trouble on that show.. I’d probably over-think things.
RMM, Feeds are boring so it’s easy to miss stuff now. Spencer was the sole hold-out to keep Judd, but last night he finally gave up on his arguments.
hunter, I just hope the show lasts another 6 years for you. You should check out seasons previous to season 9.. there were some good ones. You can see when they started HOH.. when they started Veto.. the game has changed so much over the years. Here’s a link to a youtube site with all 14 previous seasons on there.
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thanks macy1231231!!!!!
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@Hunter – I had a feeling you were a bit young by you thinking everyone hated you. And now I am thinking of all of the language that shows up on this blog from time to time. Not saying you are a baby, but I believe a good majority of us are much older than you and I guess we forgot there are “all ages” on this blog.
For me, even though I try not to use really bad curse words on here, I’m glad you told us that you are too young to try out because it reminds me to be even more careful about how I describe things. BB has had 17 or 18 years olds on there, am I right? So that tells me you are even younger? Not poking at you, just thanking you for reminding me I should be more cautious what I post knowing other young folks have access to this blog. I guess I never thought about it.
But Good For you if you try out and make it one day and I’ll root for you!
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My 3 would be
…… wow, that’s a much tougher question than I thought! 😆
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jt i will look at those now thanks
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RMM, I think Michelle on season 4 was the only one under 21 (she was 19). Now you have to be 21
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LOL Bob… what you laughing about
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hunter ♥
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JT Everything My friend!!!!! ……………………………………………..
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@Hunter – 15????? Wow you are a young’n. Have you been reading these blogs the entire season? I for one am worried about some of my own posts when I “really” describe what is going on in the house straight out of the HG’s mouths. I sure hope you didn’t start until now, because I know this blog site can get very colorful.
Good Lord Hunter, now I know I have to really keep an eye on my 10 year old when she gets your age and nothing against you, but you can be sure she won’t be on any blogs that adults make up 99% of the conversation. LOL
Okay forget about waiting until she is 15, I’m on it now… thank goodness she doesn’t blog anything…. looks like parental control stays on the computer until she’s ummmmm 30? Ha Ha Ha
You are lucky to have parents that let you blog on these sites.
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Got Ya JT – but I had no idea we had young kids on this blog. I guess I thought we were all adults talking.
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JT = how old was gnat
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RMM Right babe!…………….
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When I was 15 it was a very good year
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------first Impala came out in 58, still had a year to wait
but I still got around, ten speeds up and down
but how did I ever get from there to here?
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Hunter — Welcome to the blog and good luck for when you are old enough to try out.
As for the three evicted HGs that I would want to see win:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick would be number one for sure.
and 3rd would be a tie between Howard and Candice
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JT Watching The live feeds 7 can’t stand these guys…going to watch some adult TV….See you soon my friends……….. …………….
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Hunter, I will root for you to be on BB if you will promise to not use the “F” word and keep your hands …. well, you get my point. Good luck! 😉
PK, I am 80 and I think I could beat Andy!! 🙂
God bless you bloggers!
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I would have like to have seen Nick and Jesse as the final 2 if only so Jesse could finally have one night alone with one of the guys.
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macy, I think Gnat was 24… but she lied to other HGs and said she was 21.
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Ginger RAT andy what a loser! Just a PeeWee Herman gonna be….. A professor really of what…. Cheese?
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Or maybe Gnat said she was even younger… I remember her pretending like she wasn’t old enough to drink yet.
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Hunter don’t let JT fool you! If he was on BB he would win hands down. He is a master when it comes out to figuring things out, even without the live feeds. Hope you make it on the show, but you must let us know if you do, so we can all root for you.
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If Amanda had been voted out before jury my final two would be Nick and McCrae.
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Betty, thanks, but I really don’t think I’d do well. I am very analytical by nature (Virgo).. but I think that would get in my way more than help me.
However, I would love the chance to drive a truck through some of the arguments made this season by HGs as far as who to evict or why to keep them.
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JT I love all your posts for I can get very confused. I find myself fortunate to have you here to straighten me out and to explain the strategies of the HG’s. Please used your crystal ball. Do you see McCrae winning the next HOH? 😆 (Okay, not a crystal ball, what do you think his chances are?)
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Starfish, I enjoyed the video from previous page. Just wish Harvey had been in that skit.. it was always funny to see him lose it. Tim was funny… then Carol was funny… but the line Vicki said at the end caught me totally off guard!! 😆 …I had just taken a sip of water and was lucky enough to have swallowed it before she said that… or it would have sprayed all over my computer screen. (I still choked a coughed a bit though)
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Welcome, hunter.
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Betty, Seems like final 4 HOH comp is usually one where the 3 competitors answer questions (step forward or back). If so, then I think Andy has a good shot… but he hasn’t done as well on questions so far as I would have thought.
So it could be anyone’s game really. And no telling for sure it will be questions.
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Before I read any further….I am so glad that Judd is worried and asking if he is going home. Kinda reminds you of Elissa, when she was begging Judd not to send her home, and to please use the POV on her. All I can say is YO, KARMA BITCH! (I just love it when Jesse from BrBa says that. Now I say, send his ass to the jury house!
My vote for the $25,000.00 is Elissa. She deserves it, for all the shit everyone gave her.
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JT – I found it funny the other night on BBAD when McCrae, Andy and Spencer were in the HOH room all talking about the possible questions production might ask for the next HOH challenge or veto comp. McCrae seemed to be acting dumb, but then I thought he might be fishing to see what everyone knows, especially Andy. I could be wrong, but seeing as McCrae is such a huge BB fan I think he might do well in that challenge. Just thinking.
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Hunter, I’m sure by now everybody has made you feel welcome. You have, among other things made the bloggers realize they may want to edit their language a bit! Thank you for that.. 🙂
Since you are 15, and this is season 15 of BB, we can look forward to BB21 and Hunter as a HG. 🙂
God bless.
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JT u cant tell me that u wouldnt do good at this game – jerry made it to final 3 and ur way more savvy than him, dude
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macy, I give up… I would win easily 😆 (and Jerry has me by 33 years) 😯
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(are you all caught up on Breaking Bad yet?)
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OMG, so much to read.
@Hunter, welcome aboard. You sound like a real BB fan. Be sure to watch the earlier shows on the link JT provided. So many say they are super fans and then they get on the show and act like idiots and forget what they really know. Like NO showmances which blew McCrae’s game. I think he would have done well without Amanda but he also might have been voted out early like Nick because all those losers wanted to get the strong ones out. Ok, top 3 would be, Nick, Jessie and Candice.
JT, I couldn’t believe that last line either. Glad you liked it. I liked Harvey too. As always love your posts.
BB is pretty awful right now with all the vile bashing going on. We all seem to agree on most things regarding this wretched bunch of hypocrits!
If Andy was your friend, could you ever believe anything he said after this? Would you ever shake hands with Spencer?
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JT, there’s no doubt you would win. Virgo or not 😆 Your deductive reasoning skills are beyond excellent!
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Welcome Hunter, glad you’re a part of our blog family. 🙂
Now, I don’t know what y’all are thinking, but I seem to think differently about the language thing here. I would bet my last paycheck that Hunter could probably teach us a few words. It would probably make some of your jaws drop.
My 3 would be…
But, since they are already gone, I am rooting for McCrae to win, and Elissa to win the $25,000.00.
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I only have 1 to choose from and that is JUDD, but he’s headed out the door! So if I had to pick, and this is just to angry the final stinky boys, I guess that leaves GM and for me it is only for the purpose of them and the Jury Bullies to get soooo mad that they lost to GINAMARIE! They all would feel like fools and I’d love it!
Never been a fan of Rachel and can’t figure out where her followers came from but Elyssa kind of grew a little bit on me, especially when she was being bullied, I felt really bad for her. However, I did think she was not the smartest chip in the bag like most think so here. But I wouldn’t want her to win and sadly it has nothing to do with game play but the fact I don’t want those sisters to keep winning this show. I nearly needed therapy when I watched Rachel win – took me days to calm down… LOL
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Ha Ha Ha Andy to Spencer – “I didn’t hold my tongue every day to make it only to third place”…. what? Andy kept secrets? Kept quiet? Didn’t rat out everyone? HUH? OMG that boy has issues with lying – it comes so natural!
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Spencer to Andy – “you played a phenomenal game dude and that’s why you deserve to win” Ha Ha Ha such crap…oooops I mean POOP Spencer!
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I want Judd to win BB. Can’t understand why Spencer would want to keep an alliance with Andy the RAT at this point. Very interesting how McCrae is winning everything now that the snake is gone! If Judd doesn’t win then I guess I’m for GM.
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JT – i figured i d getcha with the age gap – he he he – watching 9-1-13 episode tonite – have cheerleading practice at my house tomorrow – prolly catch up by wed
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Frannie, IDK who will win $500k.. but I DO KNOW Elissa will win the $25k….. absolutely no doubt about that. Landslide. Even if half of all people voting for her decided not to vote.. I think she would still win easily. She is that far ahead. I expect Julie to use the same line she used when Jeff won fave the first time…. “Not even close” (I just hope Julie tells us the percentage she got… 70%?)
Does she deserve it? Yep. It’s called “America’s Favorite” and she is that no doubt. If it was called “Best Player” then I would say she doesn’t deserve it IMO.
Halftime on MNF 🙂
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Watching…Eagles are winning! 🙂
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Welcome Hunter.
Don’t be surprised if there is a sometimes a lag between a post and a reply, especially if you are posting to a particular person; we all get busy sometimes. I even find myself stepping away from the PC for hours at a time in the middle of a conversation.
Of the evicted HGs, my final 3 would be (in no particular order)
Nick (?) Maybe
I’ve often thought about sending in an application to join the BB house. I think I might do it this year, and I’m 50!!
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I vote GM winner of BB15. Her one redeeming quality, she is a care giver. She has looked out for others before herself many times. Very generous with her basket of luxury items. Hunter don’t feel bad, I’ve been blogging since the beginning. No one has ever committed on my blogs either. I vote Elissa MVP.
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@fp2, I had to laugh about what you said that Hunter could probably teach us a few words. I would agree with that. Today’s 15 year olds have been exposed to foul language for half their lives already. Right Hunter? 🙂
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Oh yes Jeanne, I have commented on both you and your sister’s posts at times. I even welcomed you and told you it was nice that you have a sister to be with.
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Can someone, anyone, my best friend JT alert me to America’s vote….so I can vote for someone whom I feel deserves to win something or anything! To those whom wonder why people don’t care for McCrae, or Spenser, or Andy…… Well there are several reasons: Spenser and McCrae rarely bathe, Spenser enjoys joking about child pornogralhy, I believe he is a NAMBLA member, McCrae may have been a good player if he didn’t fall under the spell of DeAmanda, Andy is just a child in “Big Boy Pants”, GM is a bit mislead/confused by the laws of physics or simple addition or subtraction. Judd appears a tiny bit lost in life, can’t really say too much as about him. Did I forget anyone?
Yes I too have a belly button! 😉
Love you all and can’t imagine I will be able to stand watching the last few episodes.
Thank you so much Lisa Marie and BigBrotherBlogger!
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I just wanted to pop in and thank you all for making one of the worst BB bareable and fun from your blog. Please tell me you follow Surviour for I will miss you all and LM you rock. I am a football freak and that has helped to over come this bad season of BB even if it is the end but tonights game with Wash/Philly is lame Washington forgot to suit up let alone show up and play. Again the GIANT and I thank you for the laughs and info. You all have been the best of this season.
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Just saw a commercial and Andy was on it, then the BB voice came on and said eviction day one day earlier ?? so it’s going to be Wednesday, they never said any reason. Ummmm now I want to know why and what so bad !!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hunter welcome and beware at times ~~~ no just kidding ~ best blog ~
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Right Star. The sorry. it’s been awhile.
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Its supposed to Say thanks
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SG I agree. Andy the CANDY is worthless. Why do I waste my time on that program especially on this Big Brother Blog.
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Madisonchris, you’ll know when voting is open for America’s fave.. it will be announced on the show. And I’m sure someone will post a link here soon after.
swt, Eviction is tomorrow (Judd).. then we will see it on TV Wednesday. They seem to do it like this most years. We get towards the end and we have “Special eviction episodes”.
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bbigbbob, RG3 sure doesn’t seem to be fully recovered from his injury.
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I think they should just skip the jury house and have America vote who should win the money. They should not have a runner up, this might make us feel better. I had no idea they took Alyssa’s items and threw them everywhere. You guys are right this is the worse season ever!! I wonder if Julie is going to bring that up on the finale show that GM and Aaryn got fired from their jobs. I am surprised that Amanda still has a job. Even if McCrae wins, his parents and friends might straighten him up and tell him what an awful person Amanda really is and he will not give any of the money to her, they are not married and this relationship was created because they were bored in the house and had nothing better to do. Once you get out in the real world you will meet new people and I give them under 6 months to last. He will not share the money with her, if he is smart.
As for nasty, boooger pickin Spencer, Every time he eats he gets food in that nasty beard, I don’t know what Marilyn see’s in him but gross. Please Shave that nasty thing off your face. She must like the paycheck from the railroad company. She was a pretty girl from the picture when he showed the BB room. Andy is a DORK with his big ears, pasty white skin and is BOZO the clown, please chew with your mouth closed. GM says it like it is. If she references Jersey/NY and being Italian I am going to barf. Do you really think Nick is waiting on the outside for her? I highly doubt it!! Carry his hat all you want sister, he doesn’t care about you! He probably found a younger girl by now. Keep tanning, you look old. How did Judd make it past the interview process for CBS?? The guy can’t even talk get the #$@%^ out of your mouth and see a speech therapist!! I really am disappointed this season. I don’t want anyone to win. I felt bad for Alyssa the way she was treated. I liked to watch what she ate, being that she was a nutritionist and so skinny. CBS needs to clean up their act for next season. What a disappointment!!
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Welcome back LM, welcome aboard Hunter!
Hunter, I watch bb with my eight year old daughter. She’s more into the comps then “the boring talking parts” 😉 But when she sees some of the poor behavior choices we talk about them and how best to handle things like bullying and liars. It’s great you are into developing strategies, just remember it also has to do with the mix of people cast together in a particular season. I don’t think Aryan or Amanda would have lasted a week up against some great players like Jenelle, ED, Rachel, Dr Will, the list goes on.. not to mention most of the final five.
Back in July my final three picks were Judd, Andy, Helen… at this point I’m rooting for GM with the caveat that she learn from this and do some charitable works with a good portion of the money.
I’m ok with Andy too. He has gone off the deep end with the Elisa bashing, but if the name of the game is deceit he has definitely done the best job.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong. 😉
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OMG Maddisonchris – jt is MY besty! haha ha joking!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------feeds are a joke – yadda yadda
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Jeanne, I’m starfish and star is star. 😆
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I want to thank all of you for making BB better with your post. It’s been fun reading your post and keeping up with what is going on in the house.Going to miss you all and your sence of humor.Herbie I am a Saints fan too born and raised in New Orleans.I really hope Andy does not win.Lets hope that next year will be better,because this year sucked big time.
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StarFISH my. 2nd and final apology for the night. I am 80 years old and at times forgetful. I love reading your blog’s. God bless you. Mamma Jeanne.
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I didn’t understand last night at all. Elissa has seemed, all along, to be the “reluctant HG.” Then once eviction loomed, she was the only one who just openly begged to stay – to each HG individually – without even trying to manufacture a good reason why it would be to the HG’s benefit to keep her. I thought she didn’t want to be there, was debating, for a variety of reasons, going home early, and didn’t have even a remote need for the money. Her behavior was a surprise.
As for Rachel, I doubt BB gives a hoot whether she watches or not. BB didn’t boot Elissa out anyway, the HG’s did – and they for sure don’t give a hoot whether Rachel watches or not – except perhaps Andy who seems to relish any kind of attention. My sense is that it’s basically unfair – or something close to it – to bring on someone totally based on the relationship he or she has with a prior HG. BB digging up reluctant relatives is totally unnecessary.
BB should have been prepared for what those classless losers would do to Elissa’s things. It should have been prevented.
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FYI~ her name is Elissa not Alyssa! I know how frustrating it is to have your name misspelled and mispronounced. My maiden name is Needels … but most people spelled it Needles ~ like a needle for sewing. The correct pronunciation is “knee dels”
God bless and goodnight my new family of bloggers! 🙂
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joleemae, funny story about Elissa. She had her name misspelled at birth. I guess they just assumed it was supposed to be “Elyssa” …so that is how they spelled it in the hospital and on her birth certificate.
Her Mother never bothered changing it legally. Then when Elissa went to get her driver’s license (age 16?), she couldn’t get them to put “Elissa” on it…. so that is when it was finally legally changed to Elissa.
….. and that’s the rest of the story. Good day! 😆
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When are Andy and Spencer getting married? Something is going on between them and I shutter to think what it might be.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy gets my vote for being the all-time sleazeball, lying,piece of shit.
Kudos to McCrae for telling Spencer he will not use the the veto on GM. Andy and Spencer do not need to win.
worse show in big brother history.
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Well Joeleemay, I was hoping Alyssa would make it. I’m really glad you set us straight on the pronunciation of your maiden name.
Below is a list of those left:
guud nite sis
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@frannie I agree about Judds whining. Lol! He and McCrae so stupid they cld have sided wth Elissa to get the other 3 disgusting Hgs out the door! That may absolutely be their downfall in the game bc they were on the bottom of the chopping blk and they cld have made final 3 wth Elissa. I will be voting for Elissa for MVP as well!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My choice for final 3 wld have been:
Nick Elissa (mc crae before he got wth Amanda) then helen
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Sherry, Andy is the homo not Spencer
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Judd is still nervous, he’s asking Spencer again… just asked McCrae outside. I don’t think he realizes that being that nervous only hurts him. Even if they were considering keeping him (they aren’t).. being that nervous all the time could make them want him out even more.
I hated when he was backdoored the first time, but I do see why other HGs didn’t want to deal with him being on the block for a whole week. He’s only been on the block 2 days.. and is driving me nuts just watching the little I have (very little last 2 days).
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Correction… he hasn’t been on the block 2 days.. he just went up today 😆 But he did pretty much know he would be the replacement when McCrae won POV Saturday. And has been a nervous wreck since.
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Welcome Hunter!
I wouldn’t take the lack of response personally – most folks barely have time enough to watch the show, watch the feeds, read the comments, respond to comments about the show, – then add responding to commentators and blogging becomes a major time user. Also, many of the bloggers have been blogging here for years, so a sense of comaraderie has been created.
Of those who have been evicted, I would choose Candice, Howard, and/or Jessie.
A few cuss words never hurt anyone and I suspect that any highschooler could teach us plenty of new ones. What I worry about – for any age group – is the exposure to insensitive, ignorant, unethical, etc. etc. etc. behavior wearing away the natural resistance most decent beings have acquired to such behaviors by the age of 12.
If, when you’re of age, you’re selected for BB, I’ll be rooting for you!
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bbigbbob, lol!!! I loved your response…I love this blog site. I hope my sissy (Jeanne) and I will become a welcomed part of BBBloggers!
Goodnight and God bless.
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@joleemae, you have a good sense of humor. Good for you!!
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Hi Hunter,
Be nice and don’t swear but play the game.
I’ll root for you when you get on the show.
Remember we see everything you do and say , so don’t be like Andy, Spencer, Aaryn , Macray , Judd…. when you enter the BB House and WIN!
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joleemae, you and sis are welcomed here. I, for one, love the posts by both of you.
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Starfish & Becky. My Sissy & I love being bloggers this season. We need to know when Survivor starts blogging. Do you both blog Survivor?
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Thank’ s Starfish and Becky! Jeanne and I have enjoyed being a part of this blog. I hope we can continue on here after BB is over! Will we be notified when this site continues?
Night an God bless!
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Andy=Spencer mini me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i wanted mccray (yes i know i rarely type in caps) until he thought and played ‘so to speak’ with the wrong head.
i would still rather see him win than the other’s there….i never wanted judd to come back..
hi HUNTER…………..i get ignored all the time and have been here years but i don’t say much so i don’t know as many as most do.
my fav was and is Howard. oh well.
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Hey tendr, I hope things have calmed down for you a bit and that you are able to get some sibling help.
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Wil’s latest:
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We should have just watched Wil this season. Much more entertaining.
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Goodnight All ! …………………………………………………………
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I’m sure someone has already mentioned this, but GM just found out SF was in California? The late night just came on – how can anyone be that stupid? Learning geography from the rice-a-roni box? There they go with the bashing of Elissa so annoying – don’t they have anything else to talk about? Off goes my TV –
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Okay – so I turn off the tv in the family room and go back to my bedroom where the hgs are talking – they are telling old, old jokes from like when I was a kid, but because they’re so “brilliant” they can’t even get those right – gm pretends to call Andy who says hello who is it and she says “Seymour Butts” – the joke is under the grandstand by Seymour butts – she only says the punch line without the setup and they all laugh – it’s so sad that all of them are so ignorant – I think maybe Andy’s a professor for dressup for Halloween, not in real life – there is no reputable school who would have him, besides his vocabulary is awfully limited for an educator – my daughter and her teenage girlfriends gossip sessions look like a Mensa meeting compared to these – wackadoos – not a real word, but I feel it works – peace to all
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@Starfish, thanks for thinking of me. I’m actually helping less than my siblings..i’m the oldest and have my own problems so of course i’m the black sheep of the stay all night with dad and wrestle him so he’ll stay in bed, club.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but i’m doing the best i can….
he’s in a nursing home but the part where they give physical therapy…but not much..he honestly was more spaced out in the hospital than here where he is now but now there’s not comfy place for more one person to spend the night and i’m an insomniac and stay up all night, go to bed about when hubby goes to work so neither of us want to drive there twice in one 12-24hr period…my siblings don’t seem to understand i don’t have the money they have for gas and i am the most aggressive about my dad’s health when i AM there…he’s having eye infections and now teeth will have to be pulled..he was taken off that crazy drug i bitched about (you’d have to be in my fb to know about that)…anyway sorry everyone…we’re still worried..he has heart failure, pacemaker, infections, and we are trying to get him strong enough to stand up and eventually walk…it’s slow and scary and i feel pretty darn worthless. it can really cause tension between family members……
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excuse my mess ups..it’s five a.m.
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Tendr, I hope your dad starts doing better. Do what you can, he knows in his heart that you are doing your best. Hang in there gf, and you know I always think about you. ♥
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Like I said before
The comps should be about Geography, Spelling and Math
Would be fun for us to watch
For Have Not week, no swearing or saying Like, It is what it is , you know , Yay
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BB15 winner….
No one!
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Bbigbbob best response ever to joelee…. Ur great. My thoughts exacrly. Qyit correcting the spelling people.
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Tendr, I hope your dad gets better soon. Don’t worry about the siblings; just let it pass and it will. I know, I went through it when my mom was dying. My oldest sister didn’t seem to understand why I wasn’t sitting in the nursing with her to watch her die (I was going to work, I needed to go work during that time and went to the nursing home before and after work).
Starfish, thanks for the link to Wil’s latest. I loved where he made fun of McCrae’s wasted HOH with Elissa’s eviction. That was one of the biggest HOH wastes of the season; especially if he knew Andy was the rat–GM and Andy should have gone up. It would have revealed the alliance once Judd won the POV.
Sylvie, can you imagine a puzzle comp where they have to put together a portion of the US map? Or Europe? That would be hilarious. Or how about a questions like “name a Native American tribe that has a lake and a PA city and county named after it”. That BTW, was a Jeopardy question years ago which was totally flubbed up. The tribe is the Eriez Indians, the show accepted the Erie Indians. On BB make it multiple choice–would still be fun to watch their guesses.
I haven’t watched BBAD yet, went to bed relatively early last night. I have another week of FMLA leave, but I’m sleeping better finally. With any luck I won’t have to go in for that sleep study. I drove my car for the first time yesterday in two weeks though and didn’t zone out. No micro sleeping, yay!!
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Years ago, long before the current bozos on BB15 were even born, kids in the New York City metro area were asked to draw a map of the United States. The map they drew included two large blocks for New York City and several miles of New Jersey just west of the Hudson River. The rest of the country was incorporated into an area about the size of Delaware with no state names.
Ignorance within many US school systems is nothing new.
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@Becky and my dear bloggers
Not raised here at all and still know my US Geography , one because I care and two not too LOL because well traveling is fun and I like to know where I am going or what the “locals” are like.
Also about spelling since they can’t spell check well, that’s what happens.
The winner is !!!!!! None of them , sorry !
Recast ! oh no it’s over I forgot
I am not watching After Dark either , I hope the HGs are forced to watch before THEY GET THEIR PAYCHECK from their SUMMER JOB at BB15
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Ive been doing this blog since the middle of the season…..and no one needs to worry about there lang. i dont care just as long as we are all talking bout big brother right!!!!!!!!!
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@sylvie… Are you Canadian?
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when i play big brother im not going to be playing for the money i wanna play for the experience and if i win thats just a plus!!! boy do i hope i get a chance to play!…………..was watching some old big brother yesterday it has changed so much!!!!!
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showmances ruin everyones game
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@hunter… the next season of Big Brother may be very different from any before, possibly without Allison Grodner at the helm and a new casting crew.
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do you know what the casting crew is going to be like?
they need to get ratings up though thtas for sure
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doing my bio honors hw but cant stop thinking bout big brother………
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I hate shomances too, but if Judd is evicted from the house today (he will be) and if McRae wins the next HOH and nominates GM and Andy, I can’t wait to see the shomance Andy tries to get going with Spencer to get his assurance that he is safe. And we thought Amanda and McRae in bed were disgusting!
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hahahahahahahahahahah i cant stop laughing lets hope spencer wins veto and cant use it if that happens
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@Frannie – loved the picture (post 175) too funny!!! 😆
@Starfish – The video of Wil was hysterical. Sal is right, he is more entertaining than anyone in the BB House.
@Susan G – I caught that too – How could GM not know San Francisco was in California. What planet is she from? It would be interesting to ask her where she thought it was! Then again, Judd asked who was President before George Washington!! I don’t think either one of them know how to read or write and is just goes to show that if you want to be on BB you have to be illiterate!
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its so quiet today…………….
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GM is the biggest airhead lollololololollololololo
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After this dismal season, a spin-off of the upcoming Survivor might be the way to go to save the show. Instead of Blood vs Water it could be Bloods vs Crips or Hells Angels vs Biker Babes where in both scenarios the last two still alive after three months in the house share the prize money and the stipends for all of the dead losers.
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Has there been any leek on a new twist or show……….i want another all stars!
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@Sylvie, funny thing about geography, was when the 1st Gulf War in the ’90’s, a lot of people in the US didn’t even know where Iraq or Kuwait were, they had only a vague notion of where Saudi Arabia was. I know of some people who weren’t even aware that Egypt was in Africa. So much for American exceptionalism. A show like BB really has a chance to reveal some of the failures of American society. But would people watch? I think they would, if it were presented in a funny yet intelligent manner.
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They should add so0me sort of spin off challenge with academic ties…..
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Judd probably got his American Presidents (United States (post war of independence) or the Continental Congresses) confused. I only wish that was the answer. It isn’t.
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@PK, don’t try to justify “who was president before Washington?” the question was quite clear. Judd got nothing mixed up except his own lack of intelligence.
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Many people here in the deep South not only do not know where Saudi Arabia is, they have renamed it Saudia to save a syllable for the next short story they intend to make long.
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@Hunter – are you home-schooled?
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@Becky… It was sarcasm. “It isn’t” pretty much summed it up.
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Funny PK, however, it is sad to see the lack of intelligence in our society.
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PK, I realized that later. Sorry.
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@Betty… Lack of intelligence is subjective, however. The guy most likely to never graduate from my high school (he did eventually) became the first big success story when he sold the company he set up in his basement to IBM for over 6 mil back in the mid 60’s. Not so dumb after all. Intelligence comes in many flavors.
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@RMM no i am not home schooled i am right now because i have some issues im taking care of
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corecction….im absent in school for two days due to family issues
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I think the next BB should be all those voted out 1st, before they really had a chance to play….
No more all stars please!!!
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@PK – I know there are a some people that become successful without having graduated from high school, but most of them can read and write, with the exception of a handful of professional athletes. Our education system leaves a lot to be desired and I feel that if a student is not college material, then they should be taught a trade before they leave high school.
@Hunter – Hope the family issues will resolve soon. Have a great day!
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PK… I know it’s hell getting old, but the show is on tomorrow night not today. Judd will leave tomorrow, but I still think Andy is going to vote out GM.
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Speaking of Today! Is the Birthday Boy in the BBB House??? Happy Birthday, Bill!
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That was a cool graphic @196, Frannie!
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Must be a strong wind blowing in off Puget Sound, Ted just flew by. Judd gets evicted today, Tuesday, but todays “live” eviction will be aired pseudo live on Wednesday. get with it old man!
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@Ted… I warned you about FocusFactor? Now you know! It is just a modern version of bogus snake oil.
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@Frannie, loved your graphic. That’s what it should be. Don’t have much new to add to the horrible year of BB. So lame. I just don’t want Andy to win as for anyone else, it’s a toss up. Gruesome bunch.
@Betty, we’ve talked about having a show with all first outs or second outs. I think that might be fun to watch. I too am sick of all stars because they’ll bring back the same ones over and over and I’m over that!
Yes, our education system is abysmal in many parts of our country, not all. There are teachers who work so hard but how can they teach when the teacher before that kid passed that kid who is two years behind? Teachers are pushed to pass kids and keep them movin along. They graduate high school and can barely read forget knowing who was the first president or where Saudi Arabia is. And yes, I agree Betty, lets get the trades back in schools. Trade school is another story though. We’ll need to train them how to program robots. Good grief, enough of that!
Happy Birthday BBBlogger!
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Terry, my intentiion was not to correct the spelling of my fellow bloggers – I find my blogs filled with misspelled words (even though I worked in word processing for over 15 years). I was only addressing the misspelling of Elissa’s name – using an example from my past and how frustrated I was with my name being constantly misspelled. In addition to my last name being misspelled, my first name “Joanne” was often spelled JoAnn, Joan, Joann….etc… so I changed it to “Jo” when I was 16. 🙂
I sincerely apilogize if I offended anyone and by the way, I loved bbigbbob’ s comments. Point taken! God bless your day.
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Terry, see I misspelled “intention” … and not on purpose! I usually proofread my comments before submitting them. 🙁 No one is perfect!
God bless!
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New Post
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I think the next season should have older people that are in Social Service jobs. Now that would be interesting. I have 5 daughter’s in their 50’s that are physically fit & could win any of the comps. They all work with the public. I would love to see a group of businessmen & Women that don’t use LIKE or the F bomb every other word, don’t pick their nose, bite their fingernails, & keep their hands out of their pants. Oh well a girl can dream can’t she.
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KUDOS to all for all the enjoyable comments I just read here. These comments, for the most part, were better than watching BB15/BBAD. Hilarious!!!!!! Well, I’m glad to it to all finally be over. Unfortunately, the houseguests I would have loved to see go to the end have already been sent packing. What’s left is “scraping the bottom of the barrel” JMHO. I hope Judd gets to stay; he seems like an OK kind of guy (would help if he could enunciate better ’cause half the time I didn’t understand what the f###****!!!! he was saying no matter how many times I pressed replay. Elissa deserves “most favored player”…….what she had to contend with from all the others…..no one should have to put up with that. They started the BS from the minute they got into the house. This to me was not entertaining. It was bullying!!!!!! …..think about it!!!!!! GM is your typical Staten Island/Brooklyn kind of girl. Note: typical accent (I should know ’cause I was born & raised in NYC, Manhattan. hahaha)……GM is in for a big surprise when she gets out of the house. Same for Aaryn/Nasty Amanda/McDirty/Slimmy BigCaboose/Creepy Andy. YUCK!!!!
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@Betty, schools don’t teach trades any more, shop class is a thing of the past. Home economics is going the way of the dodo bird. I went to a technical high school and took nursing assistance–was never employed in that field from my high school education. My sister went to the same school, jumped around from printing to auto body (they had out dated printing equipment) and never worked in either field, though she can do her own car body work.
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I thnk “education” has changed. We recognized forms of “intelligence” such as mathematical, musical, social, analytical, artistic etc. It’s pretty difficult to educate for all forms of intelligence. I would think that there would be some “basic” facts that should be shared by an educated community – like America’s first president, SF being a part of CA etc. but we’d never find agreement on what those facts should be. I would consider a person to be uneducated if they couldn’t quickly use one of their many devices to learn (by reading) that SF is in CA and Geo W. was first president. etc.
This blog is making me feel terrible uneducated and making me realize how much I’ve come to rely on spellcheck – I’ve gotten out of the habit of keeping a dictionary near the computer and too lazy to go dig one up
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@ JT ty
@ franniep2 love them shoes
@ hunter i get ignored too
ALL agree this was the WORST BB in history
I can’t stand Andy he’s a stinking lying piece of shit
ALL my picks were Jessie and Judd the for the 3rd place was Howard because he helped and worked with the program for big brothers and big sisters for children.
@ wingnut ~ Amanda did loose her realestate ( spelled wrong maybe ) in 3 states, Florida, Alabama, Georgia.
@ ALL on Nick he kinda creeped me out, when GM and him were lying on a blanket outside and GM was talking about a kiss that they would share, Nick looked like he was going to vomit ~ strange look on his face, Nick was not interested in GM at all.
@ babsw ~ the SAINTS !! NEW ORLEANS !! ugggggggg they both make me sick and no arguments please, i was born and raised there my whole life and i am 50 years old. Finally left after Hurricane Katrina. Yep, Katrina threw me a life line, Thank God ! So happy no more family drama. And NO i do not miss the food, my husband is a gourmet chef, he can make anything and everything we had there in New Orleans
@ Tendr ~ Hope your dad gets better soon, family can make you crazy, I know we are 9 siblings from 1 mother. I am the last and 50 yrs old and they all still try to tell me what to do.
OK that was a lot for me to share, have a great night yall.
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@ bbigbbob – Re post 173. The polite term is “gay”. I have a lot of gay friends that would take serious offence at the one you used.
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FRAN ok im gonna bite – what does *fish mean girl!?
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people should ask questions about the season so far for people to answer…….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When you watched the premiere who did you think had no chance at winning automattically?
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My answer is
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hunter, I picked David to be the first evicted guy from watching preseason interviews… so that would be my answer to this.
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JT, Gnat told people she was 18
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JT or anyone else, do we know for sure Candy is a “Professor”? If so, and my kid attended that college, I’d be big time lobbying for his ousting! If he wasn’t let go, I’d yank my my kid outta that place faster than Andy could do his eye- roll!!! If I was a “colleague, I’d also be lobbying the Admin. He’s an embarrassment to all educators in the country.
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