Just a quick update. CBS has just grayed out two more HG’s from returning to the Big Brother 14 house. So far we know that Dr. Will, Evel Dick, Natalie, Howie, Kaysar and Danielle will NOT be returning to the BB14 house this season. Everyone seems to think that the four returning HG’s are Janelle, Dan, Britney and Mike Boogie, but who are these “everyone” and how come they think they know more than the rest of us? Those who are still in the running besides the four mentioned above are Rachel, Enzo, Jeff, Jesse, Ragan and Renny. Anyway, not much longer to wait now..just two more days until BB14 premieres! Don’t forget the sneak peak at the BB14 house on The View earlier in the day on Thursday.
Speaking of Ragan, just a quick aside. I asked him in the spring if he would be attending Reality Rally in Temecula California and he replied to me that there is more to life than Reality TV. Since Reality Rally is a breast cancer resource center fundraiser, I was hurt by his reply. If he ends up back on BB, he’ll be hearing from ME that’s for sure!
Getting excited…Bloggergal
So no Dr Will..too bad cuz he is the greatest IMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 more sleeps.
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Mike Boogie…come on folks…who in the world has a last name of BOOGIE…
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JANELLE, Jeff, Ragan and RACHEL are my picks…tho I’m not so sure ppl are ready for her a 3rd year in a row.
Disappointed Kayser & Howie aren’t in the running anymore.
Either way….its Big Brother, and it’s only 2 days away! Weeeeee!!!!
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Glad ur blog is back it is so much summer fun. I am sooooo excited BB14 is about to start, I think we all think it is the worst cast when it starts, but soon we are all invested in certain cast members whether we think they are great or the worst. I would love to see Brittany back, her DR alone is worth watching , what a kick. Hope we all have fun this summer, venting, laughing, and planning what should happen and who should win.
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i voted for Mike and Will to be on together 🙁
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Where it the button gone to click to recieve updates to this blog?
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Bummer about Dr. Wil, but not surprising. Please no Rachel. Looking forward to the premiere and thanks for the updates!
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I am looking forward to a summer filled with BB14 at night! Can’t wait to see who is coming back, and to get to know all the new people !
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I’m sooo excited..I was hoping to see Evil Dick..but guess not was very disappointed when he had to leave.last season..I believe the game would have played out differently..plz don’t be Racheal and Doof or Jessie.. ..I can’t remember those creepsters names that were on with Jessie last time..I believe that was the worse show ever..that year..I watched b/c I;m loyal to Big Brother..So cheers..to another season..of a emotional roller coaster !!!
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There is no way I can stand Rachel again. Saw her twice on BB and then on the Amazing Race and I’m sure I will puke if I have to see her again.
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I wish it was all new meat they all had there turn let new people try to win
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hpr56 not to worry i am sure it will be a puke fest if she returns you will be in good company. i still see no reason for any former hgs to return, even if they are playing a “separate” game. the newbies will try to hook up with them and or ride their coat tails doing their bidding. Have seen it before and it will happen again.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I for one as many of you are counting the minutes till the bb house is open, I see Jojo is from Staten Island, NY my home town. So already I am rooting for her since she is a home girl, lol
Again bbbgal txs for a place for us to come to hoot and holler
just 1 day and a wake up woo hoo
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Just a quickie question
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------does anyone know if showtime will carry bbad again this year??
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Renny is the only one I think would be fun but I’d rather no “oldies”. Just sick of them all.
MM, “puke fest” pretty much covers it if Rachel is on again. From the looks of it, only time will tell. I may not be participating as much this year. It depends on a lot of things here at home.
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Bloggergal… those are the 4 names I keep seeing too. And the cast photo at CBS has the newbies.. then 4 people hidden behind a towel with their legs showing… 2 girls and 2 guys. I’d say those 4 names are right.. after all, they have been in the house a few days now.. so the “secret” is out.
A. Grodner did say that there weren’t any from last season (TV Guide interview) So that rules out Rachel & Jeff.
MM Showtime 2 will have BBAD again this year… the first night it starts at midnight (CST.. Mo Time 😆 ) …then it goes back to 11pm after that.
Tammy The box to receive updates is in the upper right of the page… under the facebook box with all the avatars in it.
Even though 4 are coming back.. and that’s 4 more than I’d like… at least they are NOT competing for the 500k prize… that will go to a newbie. What exactly their role is or their prize.. I guess we will find out soon enough.
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Yes Mama Margie. Big Brother After Dark is in the line up for showtime. It starts Friday nite on my Central Time.
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say what ????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i just saw on facebook CHIMA will return
however i doubt this as she was shown the door and i doubt she will be asked me i donot think the prods r that desperate (or are they)?????
time will tell
jt txs for the update glad i did not cancel showtime
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txs dubs doll i appesch the info, this is the place to be for any and all answers this blog rocks
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MM, Not sure… but that sounds like someone on Facebook starting rumors. 😆 ….like the wiseass that got a fake twitter account and started a rumor that JoJo had already left the game…. some people! 🙄
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i was so bummed to hear jojo had left,
why pick on her, yes i agree SOME PEOPLE LOL
just few days and we will know the scoop
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Rather not have any returning guests at all personally.
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Still wondering how it’s all going to go together and whether or not it will work. Read that “Mike” (think that was his name bailed already). Who knows? Seems they don’t have enough HGs in some strange way in the “supersize” season. Hope there are twists and turns to make it interesting.
Mike Boogie, Janelle, Dan and Britney all but confirmed as Mentors on Twitter. 48 hours 51 minute away now…
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Kev11, I believe Mike bailed before they entered the house…. and Joe Arvin (The Chef) replaced him.
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hey MM…I was just kidding about Chima returning! LOL I was bored and wanted to me silly. Thanks for believing in everything I say. I am BBBlogger after all!
PS: I have some ocean front property in Minnesota for sale…LOL! 🙂
Love you all! Thanks JT for answering everyone’s questions! You are an admin in training! 🙂
less than 2 days! WHOO HOO!
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Hi Guys, pretty cool it will be starting soon, Allison didn’t rule out about having this show twice a year also, But she likes the Idea of a summer show the best, she says alot of people look forward to that every year. I look forward to thursday
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i personally would love to see Keesha and Reny back in the BB house…. i defintly would want to see Britney and Janielle back….. Racheal??? NO WAY!!! Jesse??? NO NO NO!!! 2 days left and can hardly wait.
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Hi Guys, Please no Rachael. I have been a BB fan since the beginning but f they bring Rachael back I can’t promise. Also please no Jesse, that would be almost as bad as Rachael. Sorry to hear no Evil Dick and Dr. Will. I would love to see that pair together. I heard a whie back that BB was thinking of a reunion show, has anyone heard that rumor?
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BBB… not nice to throw poor Mama into a tizzy like that! Wish I’d thought of it…
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You are in charge of my next prank Ted! 🙂
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Srsly, I was secretly hoping upon hope that we would all see Chicken George. He was an awsome guy who played with heart. You do not have to win to be a favorite and truly his outlook made him a winner and someone I would love to see again. Whoever comes back love to hate them or hate to love them I can’t wait.
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