Just a quick blog to get you a clean comment page. Going to the Pig and Peaches Festival today! See yesterday’s comments for spoilers. Star, we didn’t forget about you. We have something special planned, but it will have to wait until tomorrow π Bloggergal
Big Brother 14 Saturday
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Next post: Big Brother 14…It’s Getting Good!
BloggerGal, The Pig and Peaches festival sounds wonderful!! Too far for me since I’m in SC up near Charlotte.
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Sorry guys, won’t be on here much for the next few days. We live in the Florida Panhandle and we are getting ready for Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac to come visit us on Tuesday!!! I will check in as I can, just mainly to read and catch up.
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Sorry Marsha. Been there done that..then I moved to Nevada.
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@ Marsh…Stay safe! We will all be thinking of you Floridians and hope it doesn’t do much damage.
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Ok, I hezard ian threw the ball pit comp. So I went back and watched it. Sure enough I think he did. After ian found his 1st clover he ran back and was just moving around the top balls. He didn’t even dig to the bottom. He knows they were at the bottom, he watchs bb and knows all. And frank seem to know exactly where to look. Rigged or what.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now I hear ian telling dan and brit the producers asked him if useing the gpov is right for his game…come on…really
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who has won the hoh?? anyone know yet??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if so plz let me know cannot wait till sunday night..lol..love bb house14..
hope shane wins it all..
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bacdoor brit or ian
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Wow, is it just me, or is Dan the biggest floater in the game, how the heck did he win BB before, his game is awful, sick of him and the brain dead Shane, and whats up with Ian, I was watching BB after dark and Ian was in the hammock just swinging back and forth, like a mad man, always twitching, making weird faces, and walks on his toes, this kid has problems, he may have a high IQ, but everything else is screwed up, and did you see Brit in that bright orange 2 pc. MMMMM, tasty treat, i can over look her cockede eye in that outfit….. Go Frank !!!!!!!!!!! prease on the reg….. peace
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Still thinking about the good bye messages for Boogie !!! All time beast good byes in bb history from Brit and Ian!!!! Ian is truly at an all time strange tonight!!!! What the heck?
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Iran seems to have sign of Autism a serious mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to react to and communicate with other people and they rock a lot. Very smart can remember facts and what they read. ADDHD someting keeps on moving. I was thinking the same thing about Frank that clovers were togther or something. It was to easy when he went in the second time hmmm . This year it seems you more about HR have to wonder how much is said.
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Ok, I had to get on board this blog and now I’ll go back and read.
@Tomi, be safe.
Ok, I live out here so where is the Pig & Peaches Festival? Sounds like fun!
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Hi AC! Well it was short anyway.
If Ian threw the POV comp, I just don’t know what to say about the kid.
What, politics in the BB house? π Yes, people like Ashley can vote. π―
@Marsha, be safe. I can’t imagine going through that as often as you guys have to. I said Tomi in my last post but she moved to NV. Yes, I can vote too. lol
As for production encouraging Ian to not use the golden pov, that’s so sickening to me. Stay out of it you morons! Hopefully, he’s smarter than the stupidos behind the scenes.
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good saturday morn all, now down to busiess
@ marsha be safe hurricanes are not to be fooled with, and to get u thru it just keep thinking of all the good juicy updates u will get to read once isaac has left your area and hopeully out to sea. and make notes of things u forget to say on here that should take time lol, all kidding aside be safe
@ Tomi, rigged, rigged bb show rigged lets put it this way show damn rigged even stevie wonder could see it. I heard on my grapevine about bb trying to talk ian out of using it and i also heard on bbad last nite and then they would cut to the bathroom door or the kitchen table, duh do they really think after 14 show we bloogers can not put 2 + 2= 4 come on bb give us some credit some of us maybe seasoned (not senile nor old) have been savy to bb for years hell most of us can say what is going to happen before it does (as our past blogs have shown) tomi i agree with u 110%
@ jeaneette yes ian has an condition that is for sure, he reminds me of the move rainman that dustin hoffman got an oscar for and tom cruise played in it fablous movie it anyone has not seen yet worth the rental fee. after that movie i said if hoffman did not get at least a nomination and or oscar i would moon macys window on thanksgiving day during the parade it was well deserved,
@ Jane danielle is surprised dan would save himself well how rude of him lmao is she serious i think her stuffed nasal passages r stuffed clear up to her brain, she was so bad last nite on bbad i had to put on mute (Gods truth) i was so annoyed could not take it) and she is a nurse duh she of all should have by now what to do to clear it up. how can she even begin to think dan would safe her.
I heard thru my grapevine that prods were putting the pressure on ian not to use the golden veto and also saw it on bbad, Now i have one question why even bother to have game with it if they r not going to be able to use it and how come they did not fix it so frank got it oh wait that would be too obvious (lmas) yeah rite prod throw us fans a bone (ie golden veto)
Mike & JT prayers still going your way, along with mega hugs
ciao till later my darlings
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i have to go and get me new pad ran out of paper lol
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I will admit Boogie was not one of my favorite players, but his exit interview with Julie was a class act. Ian really knows how to confess to his moves against Boogie, play to the ego, nice move Ian.
Mike and JT have you both, and families in my prayers.
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@Bloggergal…..I’m not worried about the gift at all. What I DO want is my comment back from the last page….right before I went OH NOOOOOO On #84 because it didn’t show up!!! And if yopu could keep my future comments from going into spam or cyberspace or whever they go. that woul;d be gift enough!! But if you INISIST on more….. π
@Marsha…..stay safe and come back soon!!!
@Tony….I totally agree about Dan just floating his way thru this year! In fact I think I said that in my post that disappeared!!lol He has done nothing but lay on the couch and throw comps!!!! I guess he did a lil of that in his season but I think he and Memphis were starting to prove to be powers in the house by now!! And I’m sorry if Ian has problems but then he prolly shouldn’t BE in this house!!! I don’t know how many more nights I can watch with his SQUEAKING over in that hammock!! Either make him STOP Or someone OIL the damn thing!!!lol And there aren’t that many HGs left!! Production should be MAKING him talk and socialize..not let him be liek a kid in his own lil playground!!!!
I saw Ian throwing the clover comp too!!! He was fast on tehe draw on the 1st one..way a\ead of eveyone ele! Then he went back and was just bending over, running his hands across the top of the balls! It was SOOOOOO obvious!!!! Suddenly, Frank wins!! TADA!!! I heard Frank say , when Dani said all the clovers were at the bottom, that HIS clovers were on top!!! OOPS!! Didn’t realize his mistake until it was out of his mouth!!! He just thought he was THAT good!!!lol No one seems to WANT the power of HOH this year! They are throwing comps left and right! Could be WHY Frank is winning. Not tht he is so gerat but that no ne else wants to get blood on their hands! Waht a bunch of misfits production picked this year!!
@AC…I said HI and Happy Belated BD on the* post tht got away* so here it is again!!!lol
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Well good news Gage is awake, and they say he should be fine, they want to keep him a while to make sure, so thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.
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it’s a little sad that i am having more fun reading this blog and speculating than watching the show.
i don’t watch BBAD this and din’t much last year….
got sick of Fish or “you are not allowed to talk about production”
Why do they like Frank so much ?
I mean he is ok, they just have been keeping him in when Shane HOH was “annulled” and yes he is strong but he was given a second chance so yeah, that helps a lot.
Danielle is not always nasal, only when she is trying to be cute and then forgets . Her real voice is better!
I hope she doesn’t pop a vocal cord.
What a strange bunch we have , kind or reminds me of the HGs 2 seasons ago ?
they kept talking about how famous they were going to be, they all moving to Hollywood, getting acting jobs, bla, bla, bla…..Th kid from Jersey would smack and eat like a child.
I guess it is hard to lock up “normal” fun people so that’s what you get.
But keep blogging that is fun
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I dont know if Ian can use the veto down the line, but if he can I would keep it because they may put him up and he needs it for himself, let their lazy a$$es get up and play for their own veto. Dan says he will throw this POV too, they are counting on Ian to save their butts and if they tell Frank about Ian I dont think it will matter as long as he helps, Brit And Shane has been talking to Frank about being in F3 with him.
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Mike, I am SOOO HAPPY to hear Gage is awake!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how worried I was about the little guy. Had tears in my eyes the last 3 days whenever I saw his pic on your avatar.
I don’t get here much these days… just watching the CBS shows really.. but thought I’d check in quick. I saw you had commented and went straight to those (sorry to anyone else that commented.. maybe I’ll read those later or tomorrow??) But I am just so damn happy to hear about Gage that I will post this and get on with my day….. in a much happier way!! π π
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Im in Naples Florida, so I too wont be seeing the blogs when we loose the electricity, I haven’t seen the latest spoilers so who won POV??? Frank makes me sick… they will never get him out of the house now! Ian is a riot…they are making so many deals with one an other I dont know who is on whos team anymore??? Can someone give me an update? Everyone stay safe wherever you are! xoxo
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i don’t know why but i feel so completely lost after thursday’s show
also did anyone see the glass house on ABC it was horrible so many flaws but then again
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Shoot … dont know why i got cut off but anyway
but then again BB had some flaws early on
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@JT, now we can all put our prayers for your sister and you, and hope maybe she will be better
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Mike, I’m so glad Gage is awake now. That is the best news!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marsha and anyone else in Issac’s path be safe.
I watched the feeds for a bit just now and Frank was talking to Joe about how the others took advantage of Ian. He thinks they pushed him to vote out Boogie and then nominate Frank and Ash.
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i was just watching last night’s bb after dark, and the show was just to slow for me. the chit chat for some hg’s so boring, jenn repeats her stories again and again. and she thinks she has a chance to win the game it made me laugh.
after watching after dark i went to the live feeds and found frank and shane
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------talking about making it to the final three, is frank thinking clearly dies he honestly believe that anyone of the hg’s with take him further in the game
than possibly next week unless pov is truly a fix by production. If that is the case i’m done.
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this season blows!!!! if anyone should win this popcicle game it should be Brit :)) everyone else that was any good at the game is gone… n I am soo sick of stupid Ashley. blonde or not she cant even talk a normal sentence for crying out loud. Ian is smart buttttt he isnt playing this game to win, hes doing what everyone else tells him to do. As for Shane,,, the Pink has got to go. no he doesnt look as good in pink as he thinks… the tatooted freako, is just plain scary to even look at!!! Dan, hes already won, how I dont know. all he does is sit around n read. no game in him at all. soo glad Boogie is gone tho, his arrogance was annoying as heck. Franks Dad was a celebrity when it comes to wrestling sooo production will prolly make it so he wins… sad to admit but the truth. thanx for listening to my opinions. Have a great weekend all *;*
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So glad to hear the good news Mike. I sent you an e-mail, look for it. π
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@Hannah, I agree Jenn has no chance even if she starts playing now.
And Frank , i don’t think can win they keep putting him up. That’s pretty obvious
I noticed Joe is laying low he maybe learning something from the others.
Alliances a joke anyways, they can always say “it’s not personal” …
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I’m so confused about what everyone seem to want Ian to do with that veto. It’s stressing him out and me! The kid is going to have a nervous break down before this is over and I might be right behind him! Watching him on BBAD and reading about him crying in HN room before Boogie left is just getting hard to watch and read about. Production shouldn’t be controlling his game or anyones, it’s gotten to the point where it’s too obvious to the viewers. Does anyone know what the ratings are? I know thur they were probably high but after this weekend they might go down alot.
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Mike, wonderful news! A lot to be said for the power of prayer and modern medicine.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prayers going to JT’s Sis!
Please let BB production stay out of this. Let these guys and gals play the game.
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@hillbilly I feel like a weight has been lifted upon hearing about Gage’s improvement!!! Happy doesn’t even begin to describe it. I figure Gage is at Childrens which is one of the absolute best hospitals so I knew he was in good hands…Gods and theirs. xoxoxox for that sweet little boy.
@Marsha Hope Issac is a non event. Living here in tornado alley I know all about watching the weather people track storms. Please be safe and know we are all thinking of you and praying for your safety.
@stra I hate to think one of your emails has gone astray. What a rob. Happened to me too but I only had a few lines invested when I did whatever it was I did to make it go away. Still miss not being able to read your latest wisdom!
Pigs and Peaches sounds like so much fun. Enjoy and report back!
There have been so many references mentioning production trying to influence Ian not to use the gpv. Honestly. And I didn’t notice the comp being fixed; however, the way production has messed around with the play this year, I’m not one bit surprised. Makes me pretty angry. I hope Frank doesn’t win only because I’m pretty sure Boogie will be there at the final to wrap his arms around his bestie.
I do believe you are right and Ian has some kind of nerveous condition. All that rocking! i thought last night that they might have put some oil on that hammock, but maybe they just shut off the microphones around there. Beyone annoying.
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Mike, doing a happy dance for you, gage & jermeny
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree keri there is power in prayer, and I know you will feel much better soon too.
JTs is still getting prayers and positive thoughts
We are all pretty lucky to have found such a warm caring and yes loving blog to come too, thnaks bbguy & bbgal again for allowing us to have a place to come to, without u guys most of us would not have met. So God does work in mysterioys ways,
ciao for now
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@Mike, WooHoo, that’s the best news ever! I have goose bumps I’m so happy.
JT, still praying for your sister and sending blessings to you all!
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In classical Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth.
Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he didβusing water and Earth.
The gods endowed her with many gifts: Athena clothed her, Aphrodite gave her beauty, and Hermes gave her speech.
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus’ brother.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With her, Pandora was given a beautiful container which she was not to open under any circumstance.
Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened it, and all evil contained therein escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the container, but the whole contents had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was the Spirit of Hope named Elpis.
Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus’ wrath, since she had failed her duty; however, Zeus did not punish Pandora, because he knew this would happen.
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I think BB is helping Frank stay in theta,e. wrong’!!!!!!!!
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@Grandpa Mike Stover……I am SOOOOOOOO totally relieved to hear this news sweetie. Prayers, positive thoughts & MUCH LOVE still coming your way for Gage & the family. He will be fine though. I have faith in that. Doing the happy, happy dance here!!!
@JT….lots of Love & prayers still going out to you & your family & Denise especially. Stay strong babe & do not let her give up hope.
Also saw where AC made an appearance last night. WTG dude. Good to see you are alive & kicking. And hey….would I tell?? You damn skippy.
But only because it was your birthday. π
As for the BBshow….have very little to say today. I am really very confused about who is doing what right now. Not watching BBAD cause I always fall asleep. So I’m still trying to sift through info that will enlighten me in some way or another. π Not a lot of time to do that though.
@ CAROL & MARSHA…..yep I’m in Florida also. But I’m on the East Coast. You ladies be careful & stay safe. We will probably get a ton of rain & lose power but they expect the worst of Isaac to come to you guys. Losing power & stuff is nothing new here. We have been rained on EVERY DAY for the last 2 1/2 months straight. It’s unreal.
Ok I’m out of here for the night. (I think π ) Take care, everyone be safe & stay sweet. Play nice & see you later.
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Yay!! Gage is awake!
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@bt2012 Hahahaha! I’m confused too!
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whats going on they started POV at 3:30, you means the LFs have been down this long, I am glad I am not paying for them, some one should sue CBS for false advertising say watch whats going in on in the house 24/7 I would be POed, you pay to watch and all you see is fish, if you rented a pay per veiw movie and it started and stopped and went to fishes you would be mad . well enough ranting, all you people in the way of the storm, be carefull and stay safe.
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its been a really long time hopefully Ian didn’t have a nervous breakdown
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to be off subject, last year I had LFw for 2 wks., I cant remember if that is where I saw this or not, one of the girls was crying and they ran into the down stairs bathroom and went in the stall and we could look down and seen her get toilet paper and cry and blow her nose and then put it in the stool, I thought what a bunch of pervers. it only lasted about 5or6 sec. did anyone else see it. it was BB, just cant remember what was happening at the time
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Looks like whatever was going on is now over. Dan has to be in solitaire for 24 hours. Brit and Dani have to be shackled together for 24 hours and carrot top (Frank) has to wear a carrot suit. (how appropriate) That’s all I have so far.
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Poor Dan has to have strobe lights and music going. I think they are trying to make him crack. He can’t even talk to anyone. π
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Sorry hillbilly Mike, I don’t recall that.
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********** Spoiler Alert*************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn won POV!!
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@Frannie, it may have not been last year and could have seen it on BBAD, but I remember it cause I thought it was strange, any more would on who won POV
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Just checked in a bit ago to get POV results.. and I saw it was still going on! π
It is finally over.. (or they finally decided to put the feeds back on anyway!)
Frannie.. does it sound like Jenn won??
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Thanks Jane…. will she use it do you think??
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@jane, dont say something like that,my heart wont take it, Jen who
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jenn burned her clothes to win POV. Frank in Carrot costume Dan in Solitary. Brit & Dani tied together
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I hear Dan’s music… but it sounds like the same thing over and over π …I did see Frank’s carrot suit…. what suit does Ian get??
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hi jt! she says she wont.
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Yes JT….Jenn did win and word has it that she will keep noms the same.
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Thanks Frannie & Jane
Didn’t Ian say he gets a suit too?? Or maybe he was just referring to his dog costume he had….
Who else played POV besides Shane, Frank, Jenn, Dan, Dani…. still missing one???
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IDK JT….I can’t stand to listen to the noise Dan has to listen to so I am tuning out. Later JT and Mike
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So what’s this veto Ian has??? Did he get that from the machine?? If so, how??
What can he do with it?? (I got so many questions.. but will start with these 4) π
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nite Frannie, Hi JT thanks for the happy dances on Aggie, loved them
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Hi Mike… and that is truly how we all felt! π …and I am still on cloud 9 after reading that!! ..just wish I could put the happy dances here too!!
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he got it from the machine, they had money to put in it, he can pull someone off the block, but we dont know all of it, he has asked production and they dont know the power,they sure didnt put much thought in it
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Frank can’t play for the next 2 HOHs… he better win 2 POVs then.
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Thanks Mike… I wonder if he names the replacement?? I would think so… like Matt got to in BB12.
That could make things interesting if he wants to save Dan
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and once Ian uses it he cant play in the next POV, he said that production want to make sure if he uses it,they dont think he should and would like him & Brit to play with Frank, they arent suposed to do that
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as far as I know he cant put someone up
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I just heard Ian say he’s not going to use his veto. What does that do to the quack pack??
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I think that is in the past, joe & jen brit & Ian are voting with Frank to take out Dan, but this game changes every other min.
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I got my answer.. Brit was 6th veto player.
Really sounds like Dan is up against it now. Oh well… he already won once.. and didn’t start playing til day 27 anyway.
I guess the coaches got $20,000 just to come back on the show… and now they cut to fishes!! LOL
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@JT, Iam sending you a email, now
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Ok Mike…
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Hey y’all…..ur missing one thing from the Veto…Jenn has to be on Slop for the rest of the summer….Ian’s Veto Ball, he couldnt play in today’s POV…he only can take someone off the block including himself….βΊ…..
so if the Quack Pack wants to stay intact…Jenn could take Dani off and Ian could take Dan off and the QP will live on, lol….but it wont happen….βΊ….
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@Hoh8 who got chum bath? Joe?
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Whew! Thanks to all of you for posting all the updates. Verrry interesting Yes. Jenn who? Is she the one we only found out was in the house 24 hours ago? How in the world did she win a comp? So Pandora’s Box got Frank a carrot suit. If only he would dye his hair green.
@jane Temple Grandlin was in Little Rock for a speech last week. Amazing lady.
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@jane…very interesting…im trying to find out…they are setting it up in the BY right now…..but i heard Frank ask bout the Chun Bath to Brit&Dani…so maybe one of those 3 has to do it…we shall see soon, lol…..βΊ….
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@Pat…yeah Jenn who?…the girl has stepped up her game…watch her go to the Final 2 by winning the right comps…..and the Carrot suit was from the POV comp not the Pandora…the green hair is funny, lol…..βΊ…..
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Holy shit! You leave for a couple of days and so much happens. AC and PGA Dok check in, Stra bangs the 50,000th comments and Gage is awake? Am I dreaming? So pumped up hillbilly words don’t quite cut it. Prayed hard for three people who need it and to hear this reinforces everything I wrote Wednesday night. If enough people get together, then miracles can and do happen. Congratulations and big ups to everyone here who prayed for Gage. That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve heard this year.
So much happened Thursday night. I honestly think that was one of the best episodes in BB history. Between Britney and Ian’s DR sessions to Boogie, Boogie’s reactions (like how he handled it) and so much change in the game. And from Twitter it seems Dan’ s is solitary confinement, Britney and Dani are chained together, someone (Jenn?) is on slop for the rest of the season and I think Frank can’t play for HoH anymore. Will check it all out on BBAD.
So proud of everyone here. A truly unbelievable group. π
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@jane…Joe was the only one not to play in the POV comp…and just found out that its Frank that has to do the Chun Bath…he’s waiting for the DR to call him bout it….βΊ….
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@mike, im so glad to hear gage is awake, that so awesome.
@jt, why dosnt frank get to play in the next 2 hohs?
Thanks for the updates
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Ian didn’t play veto right?? He hosted it.
And I heard them talking like the chum bath was actually an avocado bath/shower… not sure.
Also, Frank can’t play in next 2 HOHs… he couldn’t have played in the next one anyway.. so he really just misses one… but that could be a big one.
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Tomi… this comp was the one where they buzz in for various punishments to earn points… most points wins.
Not playing in HOH was something Frank buzzed in for to get those points.
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Sounds like this was a bit different than in the past.
This time, they could chose to accept the punishment or not after they buzzed in. If they accepted it.. then they got those points and have to do whatever it was.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If they declined… they were out of the competition.
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Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
If you missed the Dick at Nite with Dr. Will teaser… here it is, go watch!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EG8jbsPeXo
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LOL.. watching BBAD for a change… (I have maybe seen a total of an hour this year)
Brit & Danielle were just playing an inadvertent game of “one upsmanship”… I’ve been to Italy… me too.. Vatican.. yep.. it was amazing… Did you go to Florence?… LOVED Florence… and on and on.
Then Brit pulled out the trump card and mentioned her wedding.. and 5 month anniversary π …ouch for Danielle. Game over.
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HEY!!! I was listening to Brit give some inside info about some of these shows!! …and you cut away to Joe fumble f’n a cucumber while trying to peel it in the kitchen.. WTF?? πΏ
Guess that’s BBAD’s equivalent of cutting to fish.. which I’m sure happened if I had been watching feeds.
Oyyyyyy…… I’m out
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Hi Kevin….how can u post a youtube link on here?…..a few blogs back, i posted a youtube link and the BBB peeps deleted it and said no youtube links are allowed on the site…????…..do u know?….βΊ….
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@HoH8: I have no idea. I just cut and pasted it from Twitter. If they take it out, fine by me. There wasn’t much to it anyway after I watched it all. All these rules get foggy to me after awhile. I can see if someone is soliciting something but most everyone is here just trading information.
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@Patricia. I love Temple Grandin! I don’t know if you have Facebook but here is a pic of Me with Temple Grandin and one with me and her Mom & Stephen Shore:
Me & Temple: http://on.fb.me/SCCbMC
Me and Temple Grandin’s Mother & Stephen Shore: http://on.fb.me/NoYc0w
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@Patricia… I love Temple Grandin! I donβt know if you have Facebook but here is a pic of Me with Temple Grandin and one with me and her Mom & Stephen Shore:
Me & Temple: http://on.fb.me/SCCbMC
Me and Temple Grandinβs Mother & Stephen Shore: http://on.fb.me/NoYc0w
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@Patricia.. I just posted pics for you of me, Temple Grandin, Eustacia Cutler (Temple Grandin’s Mom) & Stephen Shore. They are awaiting moderation so you may have to come back to this page tomorrow to see them π
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Thanks for the info @Hoh8!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank has chum and avocado bath…he’s in for a long night. I can’t believe Brit is letting Danielle off tge hook…she really gave Rachel hilarious remarks on her seasons DR’s I am disappointed Brit!! Danielle is juat as annoying if not more so than Roach!
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Ok, thanks kevin…i was just surprised that ur Link didnt go into Moderation, like Jane’s pics(above) and my youtube links were….btw, i love ED, i watched all his vids last yr on his site but this yr he wants money so i stopped…..its great ur on Twitter and are always showing us the tweets cause im not on twitter and its nice to see them….βΊ….
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My pleasure @HoH8. Here are some from the last hour…
3m Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
Listen. People telling me that Frank might have gotten a Diamond POV in pandora’s box, not happening. They put another veto into play cont..
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
They put another POV into play that Ian won. They wouldn’t put a 3rd into play for one week… No way. Dream all you want, but no…
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
Houseguests in kitchen hanging out, general chit-chat. Meanwhile, the party still rages on in confinement. http://twitpic.com/anteb7 #BB14
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Frank says the reason they can’t go outside is because there is a party outside with music. (neighbors) #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Crypt Orchid β@Tawny_Leigh
@Tawny_Leigh @Clio_the_Leo And giving up that HoH was a punishment he took for 10 points.
Miss Cleo BB14 β@MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whoa Dan, wake up! You have another visitor! #BB14 http://pic.twitter.com/UCAhJAMU
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@jane Thanks so much> I will be excited to see the pictures. That’s sweet of you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@kevin11 Thanks for the link. I was surprised at how much ED fumbled in his speaking…like someone who has no self-confidence and is very tentative about people looking at him while he is speaking. (Iknow that because I do that too)All that moving around. He wasn’t that skitzie when he was on BB. All was forgiven when he petted the cat. : )
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@Patricia, your welcome. Temple Grandin is awesome, but if you ever get a chance to hear her mother speak…. Amazing!!! What was really cool is after she spoke I went outside to get some air, and sat under a shady tree. She came out and joined me and sat wuth me for 15min and just chit chatted until Stephen came out. Also if you ever get a chance to hear Stephen Shore talk jump on it! He’s an adult witb Aspergers and SPD. I have SPD and my son has it so I found him amazing to listen to. He wrote Aspergers for Dummies.
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My son doesn’t have Aspergers. I cringe at that word. It sounds like a “better” form of Autism. I believe all people on the spectrum are higreh and low functioning jn different areas. Except for severely autistic families. My son is in the middle. He’s still non verbal at 5 1/2 so its hard to tell. But it’s all the same struggles until you figure out how to relate to your kid.
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I don’t think Frank cared about losing two HOH’s because at this point he has production in his pocket. Boogie has taught him to be arrogant and egotistical. He felt he wasn’t losing any momentum on the game because. at this point he felt confident production will save him. And he’s probably right.
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Wow, am i reading these posts right? i went thru it when my girl Rachel dominated her season, with win after win, hoh,s & pov’s, she also had to battle the whole house to win BB, the haters, and band wagon bashers, hey deserve and to it again, my boy Frank, against all odds, and liars and double crossers, has managed to win 3 HoH’S AND 3Pov’s, something that very few has done in 13 seasons, and you still have these bashers that want to degrade and belittle his game play and make up things like production is cheating and helping him win, try something else, you said the same thing with Rachel, and it wasn’t true then, and its not true now, prease on the reg, lol
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@ Tony… I am not a hater. I have live feeds and I know what I see and hear. Including production trying to talk Ian out using POV, Frank pieces are all on top everyone elses at bottom, et. etc. I don’t hate Frank. if he makes it to end who cares I still have bills to pay. I think the word hater is used way to frequently. If I disagree with a situation how does itt make me a hater? Yes certain HG are freaking annoying but hates a bit strong. Live Feeds don’t lie. This season had some serious rigging going on. I think CBS knows tge ratings would be crap without it since this cast is so lame.
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@ JT….love the Heisenberg hat on your avatar. Does that mean the duck will get a cut of the money? LOL
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@ HoH8…re comment 68 (so if the Quack Pack wants to stay intactβ¦Jenn could take Dani off and Ian could take Dan off and the QP will live on, lolβ¦.but it wont happenβ¦.βΊβ¦.) That is not exactly true. Frank can still put up Brittany and Shane as a replacement. I for one would rather see Dan or Dani leave on Thursday. I hope Dan decides to rat out Ian as being the mole. Dan has been carrying that mole on his back long enough.
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@Frannie, good morning. Even if Dan rats out Ian it wont do any good, he done knows that Ian backstabbed him & Boogers and he wont listen to any thing Dan says, he is hell-bent on gettig Dan out, but he screew him self in POV and now cant be HOH for 2wks. it may be his down fall, I dont think he will put up Brit and shane, Because Ian told him if he puts up Brit he will use his power to take her down, Frank is like a pit bull and wont let Dan off.
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The Power of Veto Players are Frank, Danielle, Dan, Jenn, Shane & Britney
The POV host is Ian…
You won the POV by getting the most points
Frank got an Avocado Bath for 2 pts
Dan needs to eat nasty stuff for 6 pts
Jenn had to burn her clothes that she was wearing for 4 pts
Britney had to choose a HG (she chose danielle) to be shackled to for 24 hrs (not sure how many points)
Frank has to take a chum shower in the backyard for 7 pts
Frank has to wear a carrot suit for a week for 3 pts
Danielle got paint thrown at her for 2 minutes for 6 pts
Frank canβt play in the next 2 HOHβs for 10 pts
Dan needs to stay in solitary confinement for 24 hours (in the have/not room) for 8 pts
Jenn eats slop for the rest of the season for 12 pts
Not sure if Shane won a punishment
I heard Frank was disqualified from the competition because he looked over at Britney (she was having trouble buzzing in) and he said something out-loud and he was disqualified. Frank said he did say it and deserved to be disqualified and apologized to big brother. IMO, Frank should be disqualified from the whole BB game for all the cheating production has done to keep him in the house. π
Iβm sure Dan will use his power of persuasion to try and convince Jenn or Ian to use it on him. If that doesnβt work Iβm sure Dan will blackmail Ian. I know I would. Wouldnβt you?
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@ Hillbilly….If Ian took down Dani or Dan, he would be back dooring Brit and he would not be able to take her down because he already used the golden power. I don’t think he could use it more than once, unless you have heard something I have not. We all know that anything can happen in BB house.
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Dan & Frank are both doing it to him they both say if they get to jury they will taint the jury and not vote for him, If I was sitting in the F2, I know I would at least go home with 50,000.
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Also, Frank doesn’t know that Ian was the mole. That could make a difference if the whole quack pack backed up what Dan is saying. I’m grasping! π
How rude of me….morning Mike. π
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I sure hope Ian doesn’t make it to F2. I have lost all respect for him. I did like him at first, but not anymore.
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no I dont think he can use it but once, he asked production what he could do with it and they didnt even know, seems like they are making it up as they go along, Ian said they didnt want him to use it and him & Brit should play with Frank, we dont even know if Frank got a power also, even if Dan does rat him out he can take him self off the block, and what I heard they are going to try to back door Frank next week, they cant do it if he wins POV, I dont know how that is going to work, because there isnt enough player so everyone has to play for POV after this week, so who know what will happen, since BB doent know what going on either.
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I still like Ian. Maybe its just the Special needs Mom in me. LOL.
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Oh well, I guess we will have to wait to see what happens. We all know that anything can happen, especially if production wants it. π
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you are so right on that one, going to turn computer off for awhile, be back later
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Mike, Gage is living proof of the Power of Prayer.
Tks to all for all the info, I get it, or not, I’m so confused with all the info.
Watching the show tonight will only add to the confusion as I know they only
show what they want to manipulate the way I think.
I like Ian, He is a silly kid playing with the older kids in the neighborhood.
Oops I didn’t mention Dani or Joe, well if they do something worth mentioning I’ll give this another try.
I also like Frank, he has had most of the house agains him from the beginning and has won when he needed to, with or without outside help??? I still like him.
Brit, has floated to this point in the game, whinning about being thrown under the bus, or getting Shane to do her bidding. No blood on her hands, who are you kidding, Brit, Shane hasn’t had an original though through the entire season.
Jenn has floated her way to this point and has to step it up and become an interesting player or production is going to cut her loose.
Dan, oh Dan, I did so like you in your season, but it is obviously over, you needed a new game this time, throwing comps is so over rated. Stand up and go forward, do something, stop hiding behing everyone. You took the heat for Ian because he is just a kid and learning what game play is all about, and taking the heat, well at least that is something.
Thursdays show was so good, I am looking forward to tonight, I want it to be as good as the last.
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Mike so happy that little Gage is okay. I can now stop holding my breath!
There seems to be a lot going on in the house. I love reading all the comments. Jenn won the POV so why wouldn’t she take her BFF Danielle off the block? I heard her tell Dan that she would watch over her on BBAD the other night. It would have been hysterical if BB had fixed it so Danielle and Joe were chained up together. That would have been worth watching!! π
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@Dorce pretty spot on comments fir someone not watching live feeds. I also think that although Brits not very good at this game id like her to remain a DR commenter! She just cracks me up.
Good morning Dorce, Mike, and Betty also anyone else I forgot! I hope Marsha is safe
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@Mike..so glad Gage is awake and on the road to recovery!!!! Love the closeness of this blog and that we all united in prayer for someone and were heard!!! The power of prayer..and the Blogade!!! π
And JT…..if we can do that for Gage, we can do it for your sister too!!!!! I hope she is holding strong and not in too much pain!!! And sorry I missed you again but know I am thinking about you and miss our chats!
@Dorce…love your name,BTW…..Sign my name to your post too as we are of one mind!!!lol GMTA!!! Tonight;s show should be awesome as it will show the Veto comp and Pandora’s box . Will be alot to show in an hour!!!
Miss jane, Betty, Partricai, HoH8,Kev11 and everyone else on before me…which is everybody…lol…..will be back later tonight to dish about the show!!!
Peace OUT!
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wow – just back from a lil vaca -STOVER happy for yall! – missed alot i guess – read all of above posts – poor dan – saw on the feeds – he is being tormented – keeping his cooll though –
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@ Star Mom named me after by Dad, just changed one letter of his name, which is Doyce.
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Hi everyone! I have been away for this past Birthday week, Was in AC & had such a great time that they gave me another free night Just got home late last night β Wow my head is spinning trying to catch up on all the events in the Big Brother House. I just watched the two shows & now reading all your comments, Thanks….. Still a little in the dark, going to watch BBAD in a few.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope that tonight’s show will clear up a few of my questions!
So glad to hear all went well for you Mike & JT we are still praying for you & your sister! Thank you all for all the up dates! π
Time to go watch some TV, see you all later……….
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Welcome back, bobo! ‘Splain AC. Where is that???
@jane How wonderful that must have been to have personal time with temple’s mom and Stephen. God in His ways!!!!
@hey, star Nice to see your name in the posting order! : )
Deep, deep appreciation to all of you who update this blog so well. You are so faithful about posting and keep the rest of us on top of the proceedings. I love hearing everyone’s views whatever they are. The make a nice BB brew! I agree with some and disagree with others, but respect them all. I’d miss anyone if they stopped posting because of a disagreement or for any other reason. I want to hear what you have to say!
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Happy Birthday Bobo
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Patricia ….. AC I s Atlantic City NJ …… Boardwalk & lots of Gambling!
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Great fun
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Thank you Jane & Friends π
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Dan out of Solitary Confinement
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dan out of solitary acting all weepy and effected – all r worried for him – joe called for a medic to have his vitals checked – meanwhile – dan goes into storage room – looks at the camera and smiles – then mouths ‘i;m fine’ to the camera – classic dan….
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yeah Macy he is giving a show!!! um how does him faking sick save him? sympathy?
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JANE – he had 24 hrs to figure out his new plan – hes going for sympathy – and prolly gonna act loopy – trust that he has a plan – the house he talking nothing but about him – these poor duppas
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I’m just tryna figure out if it’s a good plan lol! And of course Danielle is making it all about her…. I’m such a bad person waaaaah waaaah… I did this too him waaaah waaah waaah! Mememememe!
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JANE – i know – that girl irks me so bad – i hate being negative -but i use to have a roomate (long time ago) that was all – I I I -ME ME ME -so danielle – ha
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Frank is frickin awesome! I love it! I want him and Ian to be final two.
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@Macy. I have a sister like that and she drives me crazy!!! Omg are you watching this still? He is definitely up to his ShaDanigans!!!
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JANIE – i know! this guy is smooth! they r gonna kick themselves in the keester when they watch this – ha
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if it works….
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Pretty good episode tonight. That makes it two straight in my book. Although a longshot, still pulling for a Frank-Shane F2 and hoping Shane-Britney sack the Quack Pack and team up with Frank down the stretch. Hoping Dan goes next. His true character (faking sickness from isolation, lying about getting the golden PoV ball when he know someone would go in and see he didn’t and then bust him) is starting to show now. Pretty basic stuff. He’s playing same exact season as the season he won. Has anyone played two seasons and faced easier competition than him? Also wouldn’t hate a Britney-Shane or Britney-Frank F2 at this point.
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Good thoughts Kevin11. I’d actually like a Frank/Shane final two. They have done the most actually competing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think the coaches missed the instructions to join in the competitions and not coach them.
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Dan ready to give a big speech to the House according to Twitter. Will he spill the beans on Ian and the Quack Pack to try to save his butt? #youregodamnright
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Big Brother Network β@bigbrothernet
Whoa! Dan just said to Danielle: “In this game you’re dead to me. You know what you did.” Danielle is stunned mouth gaping. #BB14
Crypt Orchid β@Tawny_Leigh
More emotional on Ian because he wants to guilt him into using that ball. This is classic. #BB14
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
Is this Dan moment going to go down as the phoniest moment in BB history??
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
Dan is getting everyone to cry! He’s saying nice things about everyone. http://twitpic.com/ao50f6 #BB14
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Danielle and Britney already crying. Dan: Not a typical funeral, I want to say nice things about all of you instead of you saying…#BBLF
Big Brother Network β@bigbrothernet
Dan holding his “Big Brother funeral” right now in the big room. Turn on your Feeds & watch. He planned this. #BB14 http://pic.twitter.com/lRnXX0MU
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan tells the group he wants to have a meeting in the living room to say his final goodbyes. he wants to enj… (http://bit.ly/Tgkhv1) #bb14
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Obviously Dan’s speech is a ploy to somehow get Ian to use that golden ball PoV on him. I’m not buying it. He thought this all out last night in solitary confinement.
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Mikian Sellem β@MikianSellem
WOW Dan is going out GUNS A BLAZING!!! He & Frank up in HOH laying all the cards on the table! QUACK PACK DONE! #BB14 #BBLF
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Wow.. musta been a hell of a speech. Danielle is crying her eyes out.. and now they are all upset at Dan. Guess he really sealed his fate this time… I gotta try to watch on flashback
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Kev old friend…. nice to be here at the same time for a change!!
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@Kev11 he’s on Fire! Turned on Danielle. Cut throat style!!
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Dan is up in HOH talking to Frank… Dan still thinks he has a shot. I don’t see it really. After today, I really don’t think any slim chance Dan had is still there. He would need Jenn or Ian to pull him off… and they both seem pissed at him (along with the rest of the house) Even if he talks Frank onto his side.. Frank doesn’t have a vote… nor anyone who will push his agenda.
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Danielle is still crying her eyes out. If she cries this much over a damn game I pray for her sake nothing “real” ever happens in her life… she will crumble for sure.
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JT. she’s soooooo annoying!
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Hi Jane, I was having flashbacks of Waaamber for a while there π― I haven’t seen what Dan had to say yet.. still watching live. I’m sure it wasn’t nice.. prolly downright ugly??
But for cryin’ out loud (no pun) ……put on your big girl pants and play the game!! (yes… I said GAME!!)
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@JT, @Jane: what’s up guys? Seems the Live feeds are blowing up right now. Dan trying to side with Frank (talking in HoH) in a last-ditch effort to crate an Ian-Frank-Dan alliance in which Ian uses PoV to save Dan? Britney told him not to use it and he said he won’t. Sounds like gripping stuff, wish I had the LFs.
Breaking Bad was phenomenal as usual JT. Was that the last episode of this season until the final 8 next calendar year? Seems Walter is slowly losing his mind…and I’m loving it.
Saw this on Twitter justnow. Funny how most imprtant conversation maybe of season is directed toward this guy… π π π
hamsterwatch β@hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a gentle reminder, all this serious gametalk & history is taking place with A CARROT *falls down laughing* #bb14 http://twitpic.com/ao5k4i
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One more episode next Sunday Kev….. do you like the Heisenberg hat on my duck?? π π
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Hey Everyone, just watched the show. The big surprise was how Dan lost his cool completely and turned into a jerk. From what you all have said now, he’s spilled the beans to Frank and everyone is now mad at him, deservedly so it seems to me.
Just want to add that I wonder if Ian being so “nervous acting” so often is really real. In the DR, he’s controlled, when talking to Joe before noms he was very in charge and his good bye message especially to Boogie was downright sane. So, I have my doubts about him. Afterall, you guys said his glasses aren’t real, maybe his whole act is only partially real. I do think he has some issues but maybe they aren’t as pronounced as he makes them. I wonder.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to everyone keeping us all informed by the minute. It’s appreciated more than I can say. THANK YOU!!!
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@JT “Waaamber” LOL
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Now switched to BBAD… bigger screen π
Dan is gonna try to patch things up with Danielle now… should be interesting.
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@K11, thanks for that carrot pic. Hilarious and matches his hair too. π
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Whoo…thanks for the updates everyone. You’ve saved me from having to endure Danielle’s cry-a-thon. She’s whiney enough when she’s happy. I have completely lost all respect for Dan. Not that there was that much to begin with. He showed his true colors during the golden veto comp. when he lied about getting the GPV like Kevin11 said and he actually snarled at Ian saying I’ll rat you out in an instant. Which he apparently did. He’s been so cool and laid back. I thought he was unflappable. I’m so niave.
@macy and jane Danielle acts like it’s all about her, but she’s so wrong. It’s all about ME. Patricia. : ) She needs to know this. : )
@bobo…sorry forgot to wish you happy birthday! Here in the mid section of the country our only casinoes are in Mississippi and some Indian ones in OK. Gambling is illegal in Arkansas however we have the horseracing, gaming at the track, and dog racing. Yeah. No gambling allowed in the state.
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@JT: Thanks brother. I thought so. Too many morons on Twitter spousing nonsense. Yeah I saw that after someone pointed it out. You have some AC in you Poster Formerly Known As The Man On The Restroom Door. π π
Weird how the Live Feeds and Twitter are more informative than the prime time Sunday show. A weird feeling. Seems many with LFs hate them 80% of the time (trivia, fish, key conversations blocked out, fishes when someone sings even a fake song) but love them when the shit hits the fan. Here’s a story I justsawabout Danielle’s berating from Dan. She’s too dumb to figure out it’s justsdesparate gameplay. Maybe someone smart in there will tell her. This could all have me pulling for a Jenn-Britney F2. I have changed in the last 90 minutes and reserve the right to do so. Hope all is well in JTville. Hang tough brother. It’s all we got sometimes….
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Wow.. don’t think Dan is gonna talk his way out this time.. Danielle is really hurt… but is she buying this shit after all??? Give me a warning next time she said?? Oyyyyyyy….
She is actually listening to what he has to say? (He says it was an act to make it seem like they weren’t working together)
Maybe she aint going for it.. she said “You are dead to me” …yet she is still listening to him… and even smiling at times… even laughing???
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May be “awaiting moderation” but worth a shot…
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Dan: It may not work, but it’s on the table. Danielle: What did you do? Dan: I think I just made an alliance for us. Danielle: With? #BBLF
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Danielle: Can you at least give me fore~warning next time? Dan: No because I wanted you to cry. #BBLF
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
Danielle throws a pillow at Dan. Danielle: “You broke my heart! You humiliated me!” http://twitpic.com/ao5o9y #BB14
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Dan: You have to stay mad at me, but here is the thing. Danielle sobbing: You broke my heart. Dan smiling. #BBLF
Reader’s note: These are always in reverse order of how they post on Twitter (bottom is oldest, top newest) —-Saki’s Mama
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Hi starfish! π
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Evidentally I caught what Star had yesterday. I submitted a post and it disappeared. Sigh.
@bobo sorry forgot to wish you a hb! I hope those $$$ represent money you brought back from AC!!!
Dan has lost my respect. For good.
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Reminds me of BB11 when I see me, JT and starfish shooting the shit here… π
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Well… looks like “Plan Ian” is out the window… Ian just said it’s 300,000% that he WILL NOT use the veto on Dan. (isn’t 100% the max on something like that??)
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@starfish I said the same thing after watching Ians DR. But tonight I caught him walking from BY into his house on Tippy toes. I know that zounds silly but its another sign of Autism/Aspegers. Someone else on the blog pointed out another thing… he isn’t socially awkward because ot in
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@Patricia: I’m with you girl. Such a contrived speech (a funeral?) and then he’s up in the HoH like the others wouldn’t figure it out? Hope Ian, Jenn and Joe stick together and send him packing. And although I was pulling for Frank, if he falls for this I’m off his jockstrap. I lost respect for him when he didn’t kick Boogie to the curb after he chose to play for the $10,000 and not HoH, exposing them both to elimination. Frank’s a beast, but need to branch out some and not be brainwashed by and put all his BB eggs in the Boogie basket. And has anyone had to wear two more ridiculous costumes than him?
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*not in a social setting
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Time Out!!
A mosquito just flew by my laptop screen… and I can’t rest until that sucker is dead!! No way am I gonna wake up on a Monday morning for work and be all bit to shit while I was sleeping!!
….now where did that little #@%# go?! πΏ
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@K11, yep, those were some good times!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Jane, I know you don’t like the term aspegers but I agree with you. He does show “high functioning autism” signs. I remember you pointed it out before I just forgot it was you. lol
@JT, I agree but to Ian everything is bigger than it really is IMO.
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Kev11 Has anyone ever even had to wear 2 costumes in one season?? π
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Go all Walter White on him JT! No mercy for that bloodsucking scum.
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OH, and Happy BD Bobo. Hope you had a great time!
Thanks Patricia for reminding me!
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@JT: I really don’t think so. That must have been the “supersize ” hype they tried to sell us—two costumes in one season, wow, pinch me, that’s SO unbelievable. Seems some in production have run out of creative ideas. Still wondering when OTEV and the Face Smash competitions are coming. All intelligent people I read wish the show would return to a simple, non-repeat HG format. We’ve been saying that for years but I’m sure no one at CBS is listening. Keep it simple.
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Nope, I’m pretty sure no one has had to wear two costumes in one season but who better than Frank. It’s not that I don’t like him but I agree with you K11, he should have dumped Boogs for not going for HOH.
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I bet Bloggergal is working on a new page as we speak.
I only saw a little of Dani crying and really girl, get a grip, this is a game you’re playing.
Any dead mosquitos yet JT?
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Dan seems to have Danielle back on his side… for now.
But others know what’s up…. even Joe
(you know... LOUD GUY.. just there to get a cooking gig.. hasn't done a damn thing as far as BB is concerned?.. yeah.. that guy!!)
figured it out before Dan came down from HOH room.. they will tell Dani what’s what.Either way.. Dan is toast this week. I don’t see him getting a single vote to stay. Game over.
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@starfish: Apparently she’s (Dani) laughing with Dan now. No off-switch on crazy.
@JT: Get ’em JT, get ’em. π
BB Addicted Jamie β@BBaddictedJamie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My gawd, whatta night on the feeds! House meeting, Dan/Frank final 2 deal, new target this week is Brit. F will try to get Jenn to use veto.
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Starfish… that mosquito went the way of Gustavo Fring (Kev11 can splain!!.. dead!)
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Kev11.. it’s almost September.. so OTEV & Face Smash can’t be far behind… as predictable as Labor Day.
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π π Gotta love a Gustavo Fring reference. Way to break him off something proper. I really worried for your safety. Was ready to let Saki’ run to Minnetonka and help you. She eat mosquitoes for breakfast.
IMO, that scene (with Gustavo) was the best scene in television history. And loved the old lady waving at WW on the window sill. Classic. And the “WW” stands for Walt Whitman, Bubba… π
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@JT, love your heisenberg hat and I’ll look up Gustavo Fring. π
It’s really weird how the posts come to email in a completely different order than they do on the blog. Kinda confusing but then that’s not very hard to do for me.
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Oh, I don’t watch Breaking Bad so that takes care of that! π
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Hey, was fun to actually be here.. and while others were here at the same time!
But I better get to sleep… Monday morning doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about BB ..or live feeds.
(And wanted to say thanks for well wishes. Denise/Sis is doing rather well all things considered)
Nite all…….
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Well nite all. Tomorrow is another day…..
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One more thing… when Hank was guessing what the WW stood for he came up with Willy Wonka!! π
…….ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz…… slap!! (takes out another mosquito…… zzzzzzzzzzzz
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@JT, so happy to hear your sister is hanging in there. You have all our prayers, lots and lots of them. nite again
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Night guys. Cool to chop it up like the old days. So glad to here Denise is doing a bit better. Talked outloud to God (and I’m agnostic) on Thursday night about her, Gage and my sister’s husband. We justdon’tknow what we don’t know. Much respect Big Guy. We need you now.
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
Ian is much tighter with Britney than Dan. Come on. Ian just gave Dan dbl middle fingers after winning the VETO BALL. Come on, stop already
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
If this works, bravo from me first. But not happening
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
of course he had to do something. But that was so fake and phoney. They all saw through it. Ian is in NO WAY using his veto and Jenn same
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Dan is telling Dani that she is far more loyal to Dan than Memphis was in their season. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I told you all that it was the phoniest thing ever… so those of you saying he was sincere, shut the fuck up…
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mosquitoes………….0 Final
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Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Dan tells Dani if his plan works that Britney will go up against Dani. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani to Dan “So you’re now asking me to turn on Britney and Shane?” (http://bit.ly/OEbvao) #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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Wow! I actually think Jenn justbought it. Gotta give it to Dan and say ED not the Know-It-All he thinks he is sometimes if Jenn goes through with it. Look out Britney and Ian…
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Jenn to Frank: “I’m ready to do it.” #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
Jenn: “I’m ready to do this!” Jenn just bought it! http://twitpic.com/ao6284 #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt β@DianaWatt
Jenn is ready to do it, she just needs to know Danielle is down with it #BB14
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn: Frank I just need your word. Frank: You’ve got anything you need from me. #BB14 This is going to happen people. Dan just saved himself
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Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Jenn to Frank: “I’m ready to do it.” #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
Jenn: “I’m ready to do this!” Jenn just bought it! http://twitpic.com/ao6284 #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt β@DianaWatt
Jenn is ready to do it, she just needs to know Danielle is down with it #BB14
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Jenn: Frank I just need your word. Frank: You’ve got anything you need from me. #BB14 This is going to happen people. Dan just saved himself
>Re-posting. Last one (same as this) now en route to Venus.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>Happy birthday Bobo. Way to bang ’em in AC brother.
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Lost two straight posts. Seems Jenn onboard and Dan may be saved if she uses PoV on him. Look out Britney and Ian…
Happy birthday Bobo. Way to bang ’em in AC brother. π
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OMG… I was on my way to bed really… brushing teeth.. washing up…
Then I saw things got interesting on BBAD!! Jenn is up talking to Frank. Frank is laying out the whole plan.. told her about the quack pack (Dan told Frank earlier). Told Jenn her only shot is to work with him, Dan, & Danielle (which is true.. the others will drop her quick)
And Jenn seems to be on board for taking Dan off the block!! She said she would get up early and talk to Frank again.. and also make sure Danielle was on board (she is now)… and she would be up for using the veto!
Make sure you watch BBAD Kev.. and everyone else… keep us posted on this development!! IDK if Jenn is just humoring Frank.. or she will actually go with the plan.
Now Frank talking to Dani.. (about going forward with plan) “I’m down” said Dani (she is on board with Dan, Frank, & Jenn)
Now Brit walked in… end of scheme for now (Brit could even be the replacement if they pull this off)
NOW… before anything else interesting happens.. I really gotta sleep!!
REALLY!!!! I MEAN IT THIS TIME!! (shuts down comp and turns off tv)
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Nite, guys! L*O*V*E*D all the latest posts. So many good lines I will steal and pass off locally as my own. Like no off switch on crazy. heehee Actually when all you guys are on it’s like watching another show. Informative and entertaining. Hey! that might be a good idea for another show…a group of people sit around watching a bunch of other people and critiquing their actions and personalities. I’d watch that!
Off to la la land xoxoxox
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Yup, seems it’s bye-bye Brit for now. And Ian can’t use his PoV on her. Gotta give it to Dan, he really pulled a rabbit out of his hat on this one. Once again, funny how much changes so quickly. Even though I hate the Coaches Twist and fake vote and will always loathe this season from a production point-of-view, I must admit this is really getting good.
Will watch BBAD and update the latest but it seems Brit’s talking with Ian-Frank out in the open got to Dan and forced his hand. Safe to say the Quack Pack done been blown up for good tonight… π
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Wow….u guys really like to talk and talk and talk, lol…i been reading like forever…wanting to update u while i was reading…then i see someone updated u….then i see something else i want to update u…then i read someone else updated u again…..and by the time i finished all the comments…u were all asleep, lol……
but yeah…Dan pulled a MIRACLE…..he got to Frank…and Jenn is gonna pull Dan off and Frank is putting up Britney and voted out…WOW….so everyone with the Feeds…click on that LINK that Kevin provided above (#144) and go to the Flashback and watch that Famous speech that Dan gave…βΊ….
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Well now that boogie is gone frank will play dans game.
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@HoH8: I think we’ve all been there (posting and then you see there’s been like three posts since you went to reply to the one you thought was the last…)
I like the way this Tweeter thinks:
BB All Summer Long β@BBAllSummerLong
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Think this is epic? What if Ian/Shane/Joe vote to evict Danielle? They’ll know the other 4 obviously have a deal. That will be epic! #BB14
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Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
IF Dan pulls this off, this will be one of the greatest plays ever… And I will be the first to give him a call and tell him so.
Janelle Pierzina β@JanellePierzina
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. #BBLF #BB14
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I have so much to but every time. I get excited for my fav player to win they get voted out. so I will wait until after pov to count my chickens!!!
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BB14LIVEupdates β@BB14LIVEupdates
For those asking: It is my understanding that Ian will only be able to use Veto on an Original nom. So he will NOT be able to save Brit.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I hope this doesn’t work, don’t save dan please, let svengolie go to jury.
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Dan is a crafty MF, when will these people learn
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why am i getting comment awaiting moderation π
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Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone~ π
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OMG!!!! is Dan the greatest ever or is everyone just so easy?
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and now i gotta go to bed i got class in the morning
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“It ain’t over until the tattooed lady uses her PoV.”—-Abraham Lincoln
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Hi Guys, what a night, great BB, and Trueblood and Breaking bad
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Mornin all… Hi Aggie (WTG BTW) π
I was also thinking that even if part 1 of this plan works… and Jenn does pull Dan off the block.. and Brit goes up. Would Danielle have the votes to stay. Like Kev11 posted… Ian, Shane, & Joe control who goes to jury.
It is a long time til Thursday.. and if the sense something is up, they just might send Danielle packing.
Brit already was acting like she smelled something fishy about the whole thing… she was giving Danielle some odd looks and reinforcing how dumb she would be to trust Dan.
Should be an interesting week
I’m a bit tired this morning… but time to go to work anyway.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L8r all……..
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What a piece of work that Dan is… π Got to give props to Frank, takes a licking but keeps on ticking! π I think I caught up most of everything thanks to all off you! Stayed up till around 4 AM got up around 6:300 could not sleep! Too much Pain, Mike I took my happy piles & the pain is a bit better but it won’t let me sleep! So I am here nice and early… π Can’t wait to here what some of you thought of BBAD! Kevin I did bang βem in AC brother. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ π See you all later,bye for now my Friends…………….. π ………………………………
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WTG Dan….I am hoping that Frank gets Dan off and next week Frank is sent to jury. Hopefully Frank’s guard will be down and doesn’t even see it coming. You know Dan has more up his sleeve. He had 24 hours to scheme. Can’t wait to see what happens when they have the POV ceremony.
@ Aggie….Kudos my friend. We knew you could do it. π
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Tried to post this last night but my phone died and I was to lazy to get on my computer. Conversation between me and my son during BBAD, I kept shushing him so it was a bit longer but this is what I remember…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iz: Isn’t Big Brother over yet???
Me: No Baby, it’s just getting good!
Iz: What? You just said the other day you can’t stand this season!
Me: I say that every year! If you don’t like it don’t listen.
Iz: It’s on all the time mom. I hate this show. These men on here act like girls. Gossiping, crying, and talking about each other!
Me: So are your video games… shhh! I can’t hear!! (BBAD is on)
Iz: They sound like creeps. Why are they whispering on T.V.??
Me: What do you want??
Iz: can I have a few bucks and go to the Beach tomorrow??
Me: Take what’s is in my backpack and leave me alone!
(about 10-15 min. later)
Me: Hey your on punishment! how much was in my bag??
Iz: it was 20 and thats how to do a blindside mom!
Me: Touche’
Iz: I was going to say what Ian said to that boogie guy but I didn’t want to get slapped.
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Jeez I forget that kid has got to know BB better than me. He’s been listening to it in the background most of his life.
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Please correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Dani say Shane would vote for her to stay if Brit was put up? What is this girl thinking!?
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Marsha, please keep yourself safe. Sorry I haven’t been on here this weekend. It’s been pretty hectic.
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@ Fellow Amigos FP And JT
Thanks for the continued support you guys are the Best, yes it was an interesting BB Night last night, I really hope they are not dumb enough to keep Dan around, He has to go, Please β₯
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Still getting moderation, Come on somebody fix this π
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Thanks guys for the continued support, I so appreesh, you guys are the best
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Good Morning Aggie!
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I want the noms to stay the same. Dan needs to go next. He won his season and that’s enough!!!
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