When Wednesday’s BB14 television show ended, Danielle was the new HOH. The only ones left in the BB house are in the Quack Pack, so the Quackers are about to break up. On Thursday night’s show, we see Dan tell Danielle what to do (once again). He tells her to put up him and Ian. This is what she wants anyway because she doesn’t want to nominate her boyfriend Shane. Dan is so confident that he won’t be voted off, he doesn’t mind being on the block. Since he has deals with everyone, he feels totally safe.
The POV competition involved solving a puzzle. There were blurbs about house guests and the HG’s had to connect the HG with their blurb. Some of the answers could be more than one HG so it was a bit challenging. Surprising to me is that Ian didn’t do well on this. I’m not sure why, but I thought for sure with his photographic memory he would sail through to the POV win, but no, Danielle pulled off the win. So that means that Danielle has won two of the most crucial competitions at exactly the right time. Who’d a thunk it?
Now once again Danielle has a decision to make. Whichever BB house guest that is not on the block will decide who gets evicted this week. Prior to the POV ceremony, this is Shane. However, Dan once again sprays his “mist” all over Danielle and convinces her to switch the nominations to Shane and Ian giving him the say as to who would go home. Even typing it, I can’t believe anyone could be so gullible and stupid. Even more gullible and stupid is Shane who AGREES to this. Danielle makes Dan swear over and over that he will vote Ian out.
At the POV ceremony, Danielle does what Dan told her to do and takes him off the block and puts up Shane. Ian was in total shock! Dan has played every single player in the BB14 over and over and over. Then the moment that all BB fans were waiting for, Dan votes off Shane. Danielle’s face is priceless!
Shane quickly leaves the BB house. I’m not sure if he did this so he wouldn’t punch out Dan or if he was afraid he’d start crying. You know for sure Danielle would have. In his interview with Julie, she asks him about Dan and he states that “Dan is just a dirty player.” The fans in the live audience cheer. I know it’s just a game, but I really feel Dan has played this game ruthlessly and I don’t think he should win the money.
Back in the BB house, Danielle is confronting Dan. She asks him how he could lie to her time and time again. He hands her a line that he did it for her. That he just insured that she wins $500,000. Really, Dan? Is that why you did it? You could just see the mist swirling around the room and into Danielle’s nostrils!
The ironic thing is that I really wanted to see Ian in the final three and there he sits! I just can’t believe how Dan got him there. Hopefully, all will be well and this ends well.
On to the spoilers. The first part of the HOH competition was held. It was an endurance competition. I haven’t heard the details yet, but I was very surprised to hear that Ian was out first. I hate to even type this part, but here it goes. Danielle and Dan were still competing and Dan talks Danielle into dropping so that he can win this first part of the competition. Now I’m not sure if Danielle was going to drop anyway, but she agrees and drops. Dan wins the first part of the HOH competition giving him a place in the final part of the HOH competition. What that means is that now Ian and Danielle will compete in the second competition. Traditionally this is a question-style competition. Ian and Danielle are pretty evenly matched so it should be interesting. By the way, Dan asked Danielle to drop because he didn’t feel he could beat Ian in the second competition.
The winner of the second competition will play Dan. That winner will be the HOH and chooses who will go to the Final Two. Dan has told both Danielle and Ian that he will take them to the final two. What does this mean? Sadly, I really think that if either Ian or Danielle win, they will take Dan to the final two. If they do, then Dan does deserve to win the $500,000. Hopefully, they will finally realize that they’ve been played time and time again and take each other leaving Dan out in the cold and me cheering. I think if Dan wins the HOH, he will take Danielle to the final two because Ian has a lot of friends in the Jury House. We just never know what’s going on in Dan’s mind, unless of course he looks into the camera and tells us.
Traditionally, Big Brother players vote for the best player and put aside their resentment and revenge. Will this year be the same? I think that Dan played a ruthless game and now I think the BB players should also play ruthlessly. Shaft Dan and give the money to the house guest sitting next to him! Oh and one more thing…wear a gas mask to the Finale!!!
Have a great Friday…TGIF…Bloggergal
Thank you!
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OMG Bloggergal… Oh and one more thing…wear a gas mask to the Finale!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tooooo Funny
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I already kind of commented on last page so I will swing my comments over here besides I want to beat MM i long posts LOL:
Hi Star! Welcome back! I was going to call a secret Blogfia meeting, send out the troops, and make sure you weren’t “swimmin’ with tha fishes”.
Re: Ian Yes he shouldn’t have extreme special priveleges but common.. knowing his condition they could have let him chill in the HOH room and provided him with some OT objects! Shoot they let Frank play Ashleys Have Not Challenge! So why not. I agree with @John it was painful to watch, I felt like I wanted to do something to help him.
Re: Danielle…
Inside the house I don’t feel sorry for her at all. As i said before I was never a Rachel fan, but at least she had a vulnerable side that just yearned for approval but didn’t know how to go about it… so she threw tantrums. Rachel has grown up a lot so maybe there’s hope for Dani. On AR Rachel met her match and there was a chick who out bitched and definitely took her Miss Catty Crown. However Rachel handled the situation suprisingly well. She held her tongue and stook up for herself when necessary. She had a couple oneliners, but the chick had it coming. So maybe there will be hope for Dani. She is really young. That is probably why her parents would never appoved her going on the show. I am sure they know how she is and didn’t want her to embarass herself. Heck if I was in BB house at that age I would have humiliated myself thouroughly. Shoot if there was Social Media for me at that age… I would’ve ruined any chance to be where I am today.
Outside the house…that’s where I will feel sorry for Dani. All though she made her bed now has to lie in it… the backlash she is going to endure is going to be harsh. Social Media has no filter and I too hope she gets therapy. It’s going to be rough.
Although I love Reality T.V. I am more than concerned about it. I hope nobody takes or loses a life. The backlash from BB at such a young age could be too much to handle. The conditions of Survivor can be scary at times, even something so simple as the drastic weight loss.. what does that do to your organs? And have you ever seen The Challenge on MTV… they have Challenges that trained Athletes would find tormenting. I cross my fingers every season over that show. I don’t know what the producers are thinking, definitely not Safety First. One of the kids from MTV’s Real World just commited suicide. He went on the show with an extreme alcohol & drug addiction. The producers and cast knew, they talked about it all season. Yet they placed him in a house with 7 Strangers and unlimited Alcohol. It was a scary season to watch.
Devils Advocate: about the BB Challenge possibly ripping off GH. Could it have been the other way around? Did BB have time to make that Challenge up since it was only a couple weeks ago on GH? Could the person that left BB have taken the idea to GH since I am sure they must create their challenges way in advance and have some in the pocket to pull out when necessary? Just wondering.
Another Devils Advocate: Why do people think Frank should get AF. His gameplay sucked. If Dan is Judas Frank is un-god like. He was a Bully and very mean. If we are going by the idea you don’t have to lose integrity to win then Frank loses in that category as well. Albiet I believe Boogie brought out the worst in him. I don’t think he is mean outside of the house. That few days with Boogie isolating, moping, and smack talking really put into Franks head that he was King and the Peasants are beneath him. If you are a LF watcher you saw some sides of Frank that were very unnattractive. Yes he won POV and got himself of the block… but against who? Floaters & Challenge throwers, and a lil’ help from The Wiz? I’d rather see anyone but Frank get AF.
Also I always crack up at everyone complainging about Joe not washing his hands and then interacting physically or digesting his creations. Did you guys catch how many Audience Members gave him high fives… um fans… have you not been watching. I still think it was foul that nobody brought it to his attention. Someone could have pulled him aside and talked to him. He has a family to support and wants a big time career in catering. Tell the guy! Maybe he didn’t have that home training.
it wasn’t for Dan (assuming coaches are still in play) this season wouldve sucked. I for one would sit on the edge of my seat to see F2 Speeches with Dan and Ian. That would be awesome. I think Ian knows that too and is the type of player that wants to win against the best. Those speeches would be kick ass!
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@Bloggergal, you done well grasshopper
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@Dewey… did you just love the look on Dani’s Face!! HAHAHA!
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Even if dan looks into the cameras and tells us it could still be a lie…I refuse to drink the ‘kool-aid’
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Additional advice for attendees at the finale… Don’t stand close to Dan. Lightning can only discriminate within several feet of the intended target.
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@sylvie @starfish we should all go to a live taping one season!
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I’m hoping for Ian to run over Dan and Dani like a bulldozer!
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Wow what a show! Thanks Bloggergal, as always a great summation. Now I’ll go back and read everything from last night and today.
WellJane, that certainly is a long post. I think you passed mm in the long post contest. Now I’ll go read it. 😀
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Love the great work of Bloggergal! Dan is ruthless and now maybe Ian and Dani will see this and try their hardest to win the part 2 and 3 challenges. Seeing Dani’s face when Dan evicted Shane was priceless! But at same time I felt sorry for her because Dan did not keep his promise. Dan does not deserve to win. Oh and his next motivational book should be about Truth and Promises! Dan does not play well with others.
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Dan may be the worst liar in bb history but this is a game. If the people that are on the show is that dumb and easy to be fooled, then by all means Dan needs to take them for a long ride to the city of dumbness
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I disagree with all of you. Big Brother is a GAME. All the houseguests went with Dan time and time again even after they SAW him screwing over one person after another. They all “drank the kool aid” and let’s be honest, he HAD to play different than last time or he would have been voted out with all the other coaches. The houseguests all remember the Dan from last time and that helped him be more ruthless and get away with it! Had he played any other way he would be long gone sitting in the jury house or at home on the couch with Boogie. I think he hands down deserves the money after he managed to manipulate one person at a time. I think this jury is too stupid to see how brilliant Dan is so I hope Ian goes with him so SOMEONE at least half intelligent with some decent game moves gets the money!
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more naieve person in my life, Danielle takes the cake. Dan has played a masterful game and deserves to be remembered right up there with Chilltown. Ian will win if he makes it to final 2 but, I think Dan and Danni will be the ones at the final.
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Hi Guys,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have never posted before, but always follow you and feel like I know you all.
I wanted to make the point of remembering that this is a game of wining the money. I know you may not agree with the methods, but are some of us upset because Dan was always considered a “good guy” and not an Evel Dick, Boogie, Will? What they did was far worse in my book. The yelling, intimidation, and other bulling tactics just don’t compare. (In my eyes…) I have to say (color me surprised) with Britney. Cooler heads should prevail and remember they all got played. So easy to say since I am not the on ousted, but SHE was there to play and can appreciate the game play. If Boogie wasn’t played by Dan…he may even admit it to himself…maybe not out loud though. lol. I had no clear fav this year…was a strange year. But, I do like the “players” as people…just thinking about them as “PLAYERS” is what road I am taking. I usually root for the underdog and stand up for those who can’t do it for them selves. This year, I cannot deny the game play that Dan has done. (In my eyes) He changed up his MO from his last season and surprised all…maybe even us loyal watchers. I vote for Dan, Ian, then Dani. (Did I say in my eyes? lol) Just don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you for letting me post and keeping us who cannot get the live feeds for many reasons up to date. I appreciate all of your opinions and comments. Stay positive!
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Bloggergal, you mentioned how gullible and stupid Shane was for even agreeing to being put on the block. I agree, but what really surprised me was he didn’t flinch, not even a little flinch. He acted like it was just normal conversation and agreed without any objection. Talk about a follower. I would have, at the very least reacted somehow, maybe like Dani did with mouth wide open. Couldn’t believe him at all.
Loved, loved, loved Dani’s expression and I would also guess she’s going to have a difficult time outside the house. We’re making fun of her gullibility and trustworthiness but she’s in for a rude awakening when this is over. Hopefully her family will be supportive and be there for her. She’s gonna need it. Being gullible and naive isn’t necessarily a stupid trait unless, of course, you’re in the BB house. Then you are labeled and she definitely has a label now.
Wow Jane, quite a philosopher you are and I couldn’t agree more. The HGs were a selfish bunch to the point that it actually hurt their own game. Maybe selfish isn’t the right word but for them to keep the secrets they kept and not spill the beans about Dan was just plain ignorant. I too wondered why no one told Joe about his bad habits. He was one of the ‘good ol’ boys’ from my prospective.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m up for going to a show. That would be fun except I don’t see many Grandmas in the audience. 😀
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@Adrienne, yes this is a game and you’re right about Dan’s game play and why he got away with it this time. I’m pretty sure Brit would agree that he played a masterful game and she’ll prolly vote for him. He did, we can’t take that away from him and he’s given us something to talk about whether we like him or not. That said, if I was his wife and saw that quality was even possible in my husband, I would worry. That’s it from me on the Wizardry of Dan.
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After a very boring Act I, BB has turned into a wildly fascinating Act II. Act III will hopefully end with Ian taking it —– but I dunno. That Dastardly Dan dust is pretty potent.
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Danielle is completely stupid and doesn’t deserve to go to the final two. Hopefully Ian will see what a snake Dan really is to use other people to do his dirty work and will win the rest of the comps. Go Ian, he deserves to win it all.
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Jane – I don’t feel sorry for Danielle either. No doubt she was absolutely shocked when Shane walked out the door, but I don’t believe her tears were entirely about that! I think most of her crying was due to losing her ‘sure thing’ position to be in the final two!! I will give her credit, she is good at the competitions, but her game blew up in her face when she took Dan off the block! A very stupid, stupid move!!
Bloggergal – Loved your write up, but I think Danielle will be okay. There is just something about her that isn’t right. She may not like what she hears in the news media after the show, but she will wallow in the bath of attention, good or bad. She cries when things don’t go her way and she gets so angry if anyone should dare to say anything derogatory about her, which I see as being consistent with a narcissistic personality. Sorry Danielle fans, this is just my opinion.
I know most everyone here hates Dan, but with power of manipulation I think he deserves to win. (Ian second) It certainly has been a very exciting season. Brit may lead the way for Dan to win in the jury house, as she will probably laugh at each of the new house guests coming in and jokingly say “Ha, ha, ha, you too were ‘Danasized’. Go Brit!!!!
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@Adrienne I agree as well!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Starfish I don’t see any black people in the audience so let’s go make a stand LOL!
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@Betty I think Danielle thinks she’s an actress in her own life. So each thing she does is grandiose! Very Betty Davis like.
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my daughter is for Dan and so i argue with her playfully until it comes to swearing on the Bible. I know it’s a game of lying and i accept that. But Dan took it too far. Eventually what goes around will come back to bite him and it may not be where any of us can see but I guess he can just go say some hail mary’s or sumthin’…i’m not catholic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i felt OH NO when dani tol shane to be put up….i wanted shane to say heck no. didn’t they see dan screwing other’s? i guess not. too close to the forest to see the tree’s?
I wonder what flavor the kool-aid is?
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Jane, please don’t compare her to my favorite actress Bette Davis, but I know just what you mean!! 😆
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@Betty she’s one of my favs too! I should have said like Betty Davis’s Characters! That’s what I meant LOL!
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@Betty with a little bit of Kathy Bates a.k.a. Annie Wilkies in Misery
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Jane – Perfect comparison!!! Annie Wilkies!! 😆
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Is it true that Ian threw the first part of the HOH or was the comment about it being an emmy winning pretend fall just a joke? When you are in the final 3 you don’t throw a comp…dani is a moron! I still don’t think Dan has done anything so terrible to be considered the devil…everyone keeps going against their gut and falling for his lies. Frank hated Dan passionately, yelled at him, swore he was gonna get him etc then all of a sudden he trusted him above everyone…that’s just dumb not Dan being the devil. Shane was told by dani that Dan wanted to vote him out before he won the veto and still Shane trusted Dan…again dumb. There are too many examples of dani being dumb to mention and I bet there will be several jury members that will vote for Dan to win…bottom line is everyone made their own choice to fall for dan’s tricks so too bad for them…
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Ok Jane, let’s go. You will be young, black and beautiful and I will be ‘ahem’ older, white and well, not bad. lmao
Betty, I too hope Danielle will be ok but she is young and impressionable as we’ve seen first hand. Love Betty Davis too!
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Well said Cml!! I totally agree.
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I agree that Dan has played ruthlessly, but he is smart, and they ALL fell for it. I think he more than deserves to win if he is in the final two.
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You gals have to come up to Temecula to see me at Reality Rally in April.
Thanks for all the praise! You all do just as good a job as I do!
Jake…Dastardly Dan…I like that one 🙂
Starfish, I agree. I don’t think I would want to have a manipulative DH. Shane doesn’t seem to react much to anything, does he? He will def keep his BP down that way.
Adrienne…I think a lot of us sympathize with Ian and Danielle because we see them as we would see our own children. It’s hard for me to be objective because I see them as young ins!
Cherile…darn, I forgot to mention the books in my blog. Notice how the smarta** threw in that shameless plug.
dewy-Rose…I was thinking that as I was writing. You just can’t trust Dan.
TTYL. Bloggergal
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@cml. very true. And although he swore. on the bible he did not lie on the bible. He said everything he’s going to say after this point is the truth and he told all about the quack pack and Ians double crossinv with boogie. Then he was done swearing.
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well this just from a old drunken hillbilly, I want Ian to win, but if he doesnt he will be just as happy, cause he got to play the game, thats all he wanted to do, I think thats what makes me want him to win more. he as happy as a pig in a mud puddle, I think he would like to go to the end with Dan, win or not.
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Yes I thought that too Jane that his bible swearing just referred to him outing the quack pack dealings NOT swearing that he was standing by frank till the end…frank took it out of context.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If there is a hot stove and you touch it it’s not the stove’s fault if you get burned. If you watch several others touch the stove, get burned and you still decide to touch that stove you are probably named Danielle.
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I want Ian to win too with Dan second
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Again, love him or hate him, Dan is the man. He has played the game and played it ruthlessly. He was in it to win it. He is not there to make friends, he was there to coach and then BB decided to put them in the game (even if it was by a lame vote). I think he deserves to win it if for no other reason than his house mates are completely stupid. lol
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it took the next to the last show to finally get interesting…about time!
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yall I love BB too ~ but
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ Jane what does GH and AF and LF stand for ???
@ Star i Agree 100% if Dan was my husband I’d worry too.
I HOPE IAN wins it all ,even the 25,000 ~ Danielle is really stupid ~ and a nurse ?? ~ I am a nurse and I wonder how the Hell did she pass the State Board Exam for nurses ~ that scares me ~ I don’t feel sorry for her one bit ~ i just don’t know why she followed Dan around like a little puppy ?? Time and Time again.
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ugh, i hate this game… I don’t think the jury will vote for Dan if he is the last two they all have seen what a ruthless player he is. He does not deserve to be there. How can someone be so stupid and gullible hopefully Ian and Danielle will come to their senses and get rid of Dan.
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@swt LF: Live Feeds GH: Glass House and AF America’s Favorite
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@Adrienne – totally with you 100%. Dan shook up his game and will make it to the end. On game play alone, he ran that house. He’s most deserving of the cash.
His final speech will reel in enough votes. He’s a good guy who did what he had to do to get to the end. I loved watching him this year. Not sure it will ever be topped.
Renegade 4 Life!!! 🙂
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Unbelievably I’m rooting for fellow nurse/kindergarten teacher Danielle. If Dan or Ian win Danielle is OUT 🙁
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I just figured out why Dan is constantly reading the Bible. He keeps reading about how Lucifer coached Eve into a one-way trip out of the Garden of Eden. Hey, what worked for Lucifer certainly should work for Dan. Just a different time and place. Just more people sent packing this time…
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Everyone keeps talking about the backlash for Dani. What about the backlash for Dan. I am a parent and I can say without hesitation that I would not want that man coaching my son’s. The example he has set in this house is disgusting. How old is he compared to everyone else who was in the house? He should take no pride in how he played this game. I hope his reputation follows him for a very very long time. I used to really like and respect Dan and how he played the game first time around. He has completely disappointed me and turned me against him this time around. He doesn’t deserve the money, no way, no how! I hope Dani or Ian win hands down. My preference would be that Dani and Ian be in the final 2, but if Dan is sitting there he doesn’t deserve a single vote from the Jury. He not only stabbed people in the back he gave the knife several good twists too. Shame on you Coach! In the education setting you always have to want to set good examples for your students regardless of what the circumstance. For what it is worth that is what I think.
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F3 Having a Celebration Breakfast with Champagne
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Well, I’ve been promising some exciting Survivor news and since you read the comments, you are getting a sneak peek!
Survivor Blog
This is a really rough first draft of the new page, so stay tuned for more. I’m excited. I hope you are too! Bloggergal
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@bloggergal! woooo hoooo!
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I still think Dan should have sent Ian home because I don’t believe he can beat Ian in the end. I think Dan would have beat Shane or Danielle in the end. But it is a crazy game & they should have gotten dan out a long time ago !!!
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@bloggergal, outstanding, stellar job indeed!!! I applaud you!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian needs to stay focused so he can pull this thing off. I find Dani so very nauseating, I think I’d rather see Ian and Dan in F2. You know the jury will definetely vote for Ian hands down. Finger’s crossed!!!! Out of 14 seasons of BB, last night was by far the best episode I’ve ever seen. I was hollering, laughing, like I was at a football game or something. My hubby came in the room and asked if I was ok!!!! I was like OMG I couldn’t be better!!!!!! He doesn’t watch or understand BB!!!!!!!
BTW: if Dani’s dad beat her as a child, along with all the other stuff he supposedly did to her, why does she keep saying, “my dad’s gonna be soooo proud”???? Where’s her mother??? Bet they have already changed their names and relocated themselves, never to be found by Dani again!!!! 🙂
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I agree that Ian will get more jury votes than Dan but Dan has a better chance of getting to the final two with Shane gone…if final 3 was Shane,Dan and dani then there’s a huge chance of Shane and dani taking each other to final two whereas Dan knows Ian will take him to final 2 and Danielle will take him to final two if Ian is her only other choice.
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If Dan wins final HOH he takes Dani to F2, best case for Dan to win. He can’t honor every F2 promise he swore to.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Dani wins final HOH she takes Dan to F2, Dan wins but by fewer votes than Ian with her at F2.
If Ian wins final HOH he takes Dan to F2, (stupid if he does and IQ should drop substantially) but Ian still wins, just barely. Against Dani, probably 5-2 to win with only Shane and Jenn voting for Dani.
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Still F4 breakfast
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Still F3 Breakfast grrr typos!
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@Jane, very well said, everything!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace & Love!!!!
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I am sorry for Danielle and think Dan took unfair advantage in his role of coach. During the inception of the game, a trusting relationship was established, which gave Danielle some expectation of trust. Dan reinforced this constantly like brainwashing.. Dan in essence abused Danielle by working against her interests while still cloaking himself in his coach role as badly as priests, parents or educators that abdicate their custodial role when they abuse… Dan should not win the game, his play is beyond the pale for acceptable game play IMO.
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Danielle is so stupid I thought she was smart but I guess not. She should have not use the veto on Dan and left it the way it was. He should have been kick out. Oh well u did what Dan told u to do again no brains at all
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Danielle is not an impressionable young child…she’s an adult and Dan is far from an abuser
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LOL PK i agree with you 100%
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are the live feeds up??? I can’t even open it. sum1 please tell me, thanks.
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Cml… At what age exactly, does one cease to be impressionable? Every pollster and pundit in America would like to know, preferably before November…
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I can’t understand why Dani continues to fall for Dan’s BS about being her coach. The moment the game was reset, there were no more coaches, just house guests. Mentally Dani and many others could not reset their brains to match the game. Willy could have lasted longer if he controlled his temper and he could have helped reset their brains at the reset. The coaches continued to dictate their teams with authority over them instead of being players like everyone else.
At this point I would just love to see Ian and Dani as the final 2. Dan needs to feel betrayal and be cast aside at the very end. I think most fans would love to see that happen. Dan has a look of possession in his eyes now. He looks crazed.
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can someone please tell me if the live feeds are up??? i can’t even open it….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🙁 HELP!!! thanks.
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I said dani isn’t a child…maybe she is easily swayed by people but to say she’s being abused by Dan is absurd and to compare Dan to a child molester is uncalled for. At what age do ADULTS take control of their actions during A GAME…it’s a game not children in church or a classroom
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Long time follower/reader, first time responding. I think what the blogger neglects to remember is this show, BB, is just a GAME. And if your rewarding on GAME skills alone, Dan should win hands down. Ian brought it at times, and so did Frank, but DAN brought it over and over and over again and he truly earned the win.
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Cml… What poster compared Dan to a child molester? specifics please…
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Hi Sadie – Thanks for your comment. I agree with you, Dan should win hands down, but unfortunately I think there will be too many cry babies on the jury to give him the big money!!
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I think Dan may have strategized himself into loosing the game if he makes it to the final two. Here’s how I see the upcoming votes. Jenn will vote for Dan, she did, afterall for some strange reason sacrifice herself voluntarily on the block so that Dan could continue to play. Brit may vote for Dan because she feels he’s been playing so well. Now we come to the rest of the fallout from Dan’s backstabbing ways. Frank is pissed and I really don’t think he’ll vote for Dan. Ashley will vote the same with Frank. Shane isn’t going to vote for Dan either after what happened to him and Joe is his loyal lackey and will vote with Shane as well. If Dani is voted out, she’ll vote with Shane as well. If Ian is voted out, he possibly will vote for Dan. But with either Ian or Dani along side Dan in the final two, there are already too many votes against him. I would even think for either Ian or Dani, if either wins, the best bet would be to take Dan with them.
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Betty… Your opinion would not be affected in any way by your desire to see the money coming to Michigan… Right?
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Oh PK you sliver-haired fox, of course I want the money to come to Michigan, after all we have one of the highest unemployment ratings. I understand people’s dislike for Dan, but he sure has great powers of persuasion, almost like Ted’s! 😯
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I think Dan’s final success in this game hinged a lot on Jenn not ratting Dan out to both Ian and Shane for trying to backdoor both of them to save herself from being voted out. I still do not understand that move. It’s not like we were at the beginning of the season. We were at the final five, too close to the half a million dollars to just say, hell with it, I’ll give myself up so someone else can win the money! I hope she made a deal with Dan for some money that we weren’t allowed to see because that was just plain stupid! Winning this game before and an author of three books, Dan is most likely a millionaire already, so he can most likely still pay her if he loses. But ya, that’ll go down as the dumbest move I’ve ever seen. She just had to go to Ian and Shane and bust Dan, then Ian, Shane and Dani would have probably found out all three of them had final two deals with Dan and Dan’s goose would have been cooked!
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Danielle is very trusting she isn’t stupid. if you told your friend something and she believed you does that make her stupid or should she not believe everything??
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Hi Tammy – Danielle lied to Brit and if you look closely at her in the jury house you can still see the knife in her back. Danielle says that she has not lied to anyone, which is not true. She has lied to everyone in the house and has also lied to the viewers. One can’t believe anything that comes out of Danielle’s mouth!!
Mike, wish you were around right now, as I would love to hear you comment on the new zit on Danielle’s chin! Could it be she has another alien inside of her? 😆
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I don’t know why everyone is mad at Dan. The object of the game is to get to the end. You would think after being played more than once, they would wise up. You all are forgetting that Danille lied when she told Dan that she would take him to the final two. She planned on taking her boyfriend, Shane, with her. He just struck first.
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But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned. James 5:12
Not that i’m preaching and some may not even care what the Bible says. I do. And Dan says he does. It’s a game..i get it. so lie. lie lie lie lie, cheat. it’s a game. but swear on nothing. i don’t. i say yes or no or none of your bizness…and if i lie i lie. this is not just a game when u USE the Bible when you actually realize what the Bible is.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok i’m done.
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As a Yankee born and raised in Georgetown, DC, it has taken me quite a while to get a grasp on the ways of woman from the Deep South. They do tend to be Scarlet O’hara like in every size and shape and even color. Danielle is simply doing her best “stand by your man/men” routine that is genetically implanted in her mind and body. I observe the behavior of these “southern belles” every day here in Mobile, Alabama, including my lady who was born and raised here.
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PK do all Southern Belles lock their husbands in the attic? 😆
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@Betty Hahahaha and call them Dirty Bird!
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Betty… Just the ones who watch too many New York and Hollywood soaps and want to try some of that perverted big city action themselves at home.
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Abuse takes many forms, this abuse is misuing and reinforcing a coaching role when it doesn’t exist…
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@Betty and sbe says her sister is her sister but not eeally her sister…. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
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Jane – Ha, Ha, Ha. Maybe they will come out with a new movie “What Ever Happened To Baby Danielle”! 😯 😆
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani should’ve just told Dan….. It’s the swearing, Paul. It has no nobility.WHAT’S THE MATTER? I will tell you “what’s the matter!” I go out of my way for you! I do everything to try and make you happy. I feed you, I clean you, I dress you, and what thanks do I get? “Oh, you bought the wrong paper, Annie, I can’t write on this paper, Annie!” Well, I’ll get your stupid paper but you just better start showing me a little appreciation around here, Mr. MAN!
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I’m still trying to decide which of the following two paint the worse image of Michigan lifestyle, Dan or Hardcore Pawn. That’s a tough one! 🙂
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@Kathryn, I can’t believe I’m even about to say this, but, I don’t think your giving Danielle enuff credit. She knew full well how this game goes down when she decided to audition and try out. ABUSE??? Think that’s a little outta context. Anybody who has ever watched BB knows there are cutthroats and backstabbers in every game. Key word, “game”. She has been played and manipulated like many others before her. Everyone has a different strategy, some play it sweet, some play it kind, some play it downright dirty, some play it dumb. If it upsets you this much, why watch it??? Just sayin I disagree with you, but its all good!!! Opinions are what makes this blog so interesting and entertaining. Have a blue sky day. 🙂
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@Kathryn, any contestant should know not to fully trust anyone!!! Some people will stoop to any level when it comes to money.
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You might know that it would take a Maine weirdo to create Annie. Ditto Carrie!
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@PK, LMAO!!!!
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Hi @Tambo I want a rainy day… it’s time for Fall!! it’s suppose to be in the 90’s this weekend and it’s already started heating up.. yuck :/
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PK the worst imagine one could paint of Michigan is Kwame Kilpatrick, the former Major of Detroit. He robbed the City blind over and over and the stupid voters there kept voting him back in!! Thank goodness the Feds caught up with him and his trail is just about to start. The charges are extortion, racketeering and fraud, but given your two choices I will go for the Hardcore Pawn!!
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Hi Guys,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have never posted before, but always follow you and feel like I know you all.
I wanted to make the point of remembering that this is a game of wining the money. I know you may not agree with the methods, but are some of us upset because Dan was always considered a “good guy” and not an Evel Dick, Boogie, Will? What they did was far worse in my book. The yelling, intimidation, and other bulling tactics just don’t compare. (In my eyes…) I have to say (color me surprised) am shocked with Britney. Cooler heads should prevail and remember they all got played. So easy to say since I am not the on ousted, but SHE was there to play and can appreciate the game play. If Boogie wasn’t played by Dan…he may even admit it to himself…maybe not out loud though. lol. I had no clear fav this year…was a strange year. But, I do like the “players” as people…just thinking about them as “PLAYERS” is what road I am taking. I usually root for the underdog and stand up for those who can’t do it for them selves. This year, I cannot deny the game play that Dan has done. (In my eyes) He changed up his MO from his last season and surprised all…maybe even us loyal watchers. I vote for Dan, Ian, then Dani. (Did I say in my eyes? lol) Just don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you for letting me post and keeping us who cannot get the live feeds for many reasons up to date. I appreciate all of your opinions and comments. Stay positive!
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I just approved a number of comments that were in Spam limbo. I’m not sure if they were from this blog or the last blog. I apologize. Bloggergal
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@Jane, Hi sweets!!! LOL I love the rain too, but I have a dog that has an enormous phobia to the rain. She is shepard/mix, 13 yrs old. Her phobias all started after my daughter was killed, Alley (dog) was Lindsey’s dog. She will scratch and dig until her paws bleed, one night she was so freaked out she actually tried hiding in the fireplace with a fire burning. So after many vet visits they finally gave me some doggie sedatives for when it rains. So I really can’t enjoy the rain as I’m building forts thru out my house for her to hide in!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ugggghhhhh….I absolutely hate the heat. Very low tolerance for it. Guess thats what keeps me in the SF Bay Area. Not too hot, no snow to deal with. Just earthquakes!!!!! LOL Matter of fact, just told my husband we are due for a quake, it’s been awhile….scary!!!!!!!! Every little quake we have, we all ask ourselves, “is this THE BIG ONE???”
Take care and chill!!!! I mean that in the nicest way meaning I hope the heat doesnt bother you too bad!!!!
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Gawd I love this blog!!!! Thanks so much bloggergal!!!
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@LindaV the voice of reason! You should post more often. I couldn’t agree more!
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Linda V, great post and welcome! Please comment more often. The bloggers may disagree once in a while and sometimes feelings are hurt unintentionally, but all in all we seem to overcome these tiffs.
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This season is getting good!! Would loooove if Dani won this HOH and knocked out Dan. Will it happen, heck no. Go Dan Go!! True puppetmaster folks.
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Jane, please check your e-mail.
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@Betty ok!
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@ Betty & Jane…thank you for the warm welcome.
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@Delsi – I’m not mad at Dan. He played a good hard strategic game. But if this game were all about strategy and making it to the end, then they’d just have the final two compete and the winner of that competition would win the money and there would be no Jury! So a part of the strategy of this game is to vote the other players out and still have them feel good about it. Dan didn’t do that so you have to admit that his game was flawed and one sided, not multi-dimensional as it needed to be. So if he loses, it’s because of that fact.
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Jane, great scene from Misery (Paul and Annie), sorry it took so long for me to catch on. Very funny!! 🙄
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@LindaV your welcome! Also I am not crazy my post about “Paul” was a scene from the movie misery. LOL!
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@Betty LOL!
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I hope we don’t see another jury like we saw in Survivor that year when they didn’t vote for Russell Hantz to win. I love both BB and Survivor, but the one thing I can’t tolerate are sore losers!!!
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Betty, I agree but this looks like a volatile bunch in the Jury House already. I still agree it is a game and even though I would love to smack the smirk off of Dan’s face, he is playing the game. As far as the AF, I think Frank deserves it because he basically played by himself and was completely responsible for getting as far as he did and I personally think it deserves some type of reward. I couldn’t believe that Dani was dumb enough to follow Dan’s request but maybe she wasn’t as dumb as we think. I don’t know. But the fact is, Shane was really ticked off. Don’t blame him.
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Who won the HOH??? Why isn’t anyone staying in the HOH room??? Did I miss something? LOL
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Oh no! Dan showing his real colors now, give Danielle a little taste of your backstabbing two faced ways, go Ian, Wake up America, Pits off!!!!
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hpr56 I was a Frank fan all the way, but his last few days in the BB House showed a different side of him. Now in the jury house he is acting like a spoiled brat with a me, me, me attitude. Frank it’s over, now show everyone that you know it is only a game and MAN UP! I am truly sorry hp, as I know he was alone in this game from the beginning, but he only has Boogie and himself to blame. They both just rubbed all the other house guests the wrong way. It really was sad.
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Forget the ? I just asked, I re-read posts!!! When will we know who wins HOH, on Sunday? I feel sooooo nervous, u wud think I’m in it!!!
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I thought Part I was so boring – couldn’t keep my eyes open, but when Dan began his journey actively playing the game for himself, it became one of the best Big Brothers in history. I watched him sweep his season by using his best Catholic behavior. He never swore and if I recollect, he still hasn’t; but Dani sure does about Dan.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You have to give Dan the credit for being the master of Big Brother. He played everyone to the point he was actually taken off the block by his competitors knowing full well how he was playing and was saved at least twice. He out-boogied boogie. I think Dan far surpasses Dr. Will and Boogie; but they were hilarious to watch when they were “Chill Town.” Bringing the coaches in was genius play because it would have been almost as boring as GH was. Started to watch that but hated it. Nothing compares to BB.
You go Dan. You deserve to win and Ian deserves second or vice versa. I don’t mind if either of those two win – just not Dani.
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@starfish @jane
Yes.let’s go next year.
It’s in Bur right? I always wonder how people get on that show.
Also I would like to help w the Beast Cancer and Reality stars show and give a little back 🙂
About Dan he’s just using his last set of knives and stabbing the last 2.
No one noticed the dripping blood, so the victims are sticking around the scene.
Danielle, why do you look so surprised ? Dan has donr what was “best ” for you since day one.
Ian , little guy gets so frazzeled i feel bad. He can have a reality show about sience, experiments,…..something smart.
Danielle, I hope she goes on Dr Phil, or Dr Drew.
Dan !!!!!!!! What is your wife thinking? I guess the mist is working LOL
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Just a quick note to welcome LindaV.
@Jane, loved Misery! Read the book too! Yes, it’s too hot and I can’t imagine how it is in Long Beach. I did send you an email with my email address and I messaged you on FB too.
I mostly agree with everyone and there’s no telling who will win the HOH. I do hope it’s Ian for my own reasons. But the bottom line is that if Ian or Dani win, they’ll prolly take Dan. Someone said the best blindside would be Dan winning and taking Ian but that’s not likely but we can hope. Dan did make some of the most underhanded blindsides or backdoors we have ever seen. Sneaking in an ad for his books was sleezy IMO. He’s a piece of work. Glad I’m not married to him. He’s scarry good or scarry bad – take your pick. 🙂
After my post 10, everyone’s post is in bold. Is it just me?
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@starfish… Best stated as scary bad… All for the love of money!
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NO STARFISH…..the posts are in bold. And thank God you mentioned it. I noticed it too but since nobody else said anything I didn’t either. I just thought maybe my meds were working overtime. 😀
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I’m still waiting to see when they do part 2 of this comp. Does anybody know?
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I want Ian to nail parts 2 & 3 & take Dani….just to see the look on Dan’s face when he gets shafted by the little fella. 😀
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Probably won’t happen though. He’ll take Dan. I guess. Who knows at this point? And Dani….OMG…..gives the women of the South….well & everywhere….a bad name.
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HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOO!! Is there an echo in here? Where did everybody go??
Oh well…..gotta run anyway. Have to get in the kitchen & do my J-O-B!!! (don’t know how to make a “flip a finger smilie” but insert one here) 😀
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I meant to flip a finger at my J-O-B in the kitchen….not at anybody here. 😀 Justsaying!!! Bye for now.
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@PK, you’re right lol – scary not scarry. The jury is still out as to whether they think he’s scary bad or scary good. We’ll see if he gets in the final two. Hope not.
@Cyn, yes, that would be a blow to have Ian win and take Dani. Dan would have to admire the kid for that just like Boogie did. What an ending to the show that would be.
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whoever wins HOH they have to take Dan IMO to win ~ Dan has may haters ~ I want Ian to win ~
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hi guys has anyone heard from hannah since she got home from hospital i think she did a comment or two but been so many posts going on i might have missed it, hope star and her mom is doing better,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later lots to read
been so busy had no time to go to the grapevine (yet)
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@Bloggergal, just read your Survivor piece. I remember you were blogging and the call went out for anyone wanting to help write the blog. We couldn’t guess who it was for awhile but then, well, we figured it out. You obviously have a natural aptitude for it because you are fabulous. We so appreciate you and BBBlogger.
I don’t remember but welcome aboard LindaV. Great post, I agree!
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Whew! Thanks Cyn, that’s good to know. It started with my 2nd paragraph on my post #10 so I thought my very limited HTML knowledge really screwed things up. lol
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Ian comes to join Dan in the arcade room. Dan brings up how upset Danielle was getting. Dan says it’s a game.(half a million dollar game not much to get upset over or even if u did get her boytoy out of the house nah she should not be upset, give her some more kool aid)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan says that he wants to be the one to cut her. (guess he means stabbing her in the back as opposed to cutting her)
Ian says I am not throwing it to you. (woo hoo ian i see u got a set of mountain oysters growing on you)
Dan says no I am not asking for that. (not asking now maybe after a few whiffs of your mist or sips of your kool aid)
Dan asks Ian what did she tell you. Ian says that she wants your head on a platter. (i would love to see it on the top of a jug of kool aid myself)
Ian says that if she wins the last HOH, then Danielle and I will be tied for HOH’s and POV’s. Ian says that she is a better person than I am though, I can say I founded the Quack Pack though. (and your point is ian???)
Ian says that if Frank votes for Danielle then he will go down as one of the most bitter jurors in history. (ian sounds like u r bitter over frank u r the one who keeps bringing up his name, come on ian this is just a gameeeeee)
Ian says that if I win the final HOH, I will take you, just like if you win it you will take me right? (sure nuff)
Dan says yeah.
Ian says and I would win it, you have scum bagged everyone in the jury. (woo hoo little ian is growing up but is he getting wiser i think not)
Dan says what, say that again? (rite about here dan makes note to him self double the dose of the next batc of kool aid stat(
Ian says you scum bagged everyone in the jury. Dan asks say you win the last HOH and vote out Danielle, do you think I could get her vote? Ian says no. (is dan for real has he been sipping his own kool aid)
Dan says so even if I win and vote her out, I won’t get her vote will I? Ian says no. Dan says so I can’t get her vote either way. Dan says if you win or even if you don’t win the last HOH you are good. Ian starts talking about how set he would be if he won the half a million. He says that he would be pretty set, he could buy a decent house, one that would be all his even if he f**ked up in life. Dan says but you won’t. Ian says yeah I know. Ian says even the $50,000 woudl go a long way to pay off student loans. Ian then leaves to go read his HOH letters. Dan lays in the arcade room staring at the wall. (rite about now is doing calculations on how to super strenght the next batch of kool aid)
hope to have more grapevine soon
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No mm, haven’t heard anything from Hannah since her couple posts right after she came home from the hospital. I hope she or her sister check in soon and let us know how she’s doing.
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<b< WOW My head is sinning! thanks for all you feed back! Still don't know what the hell is going on! I hope Ian is still in the game ❗ See you soon my friends…….
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@* firsh txs i appesch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------how is it going? i will have so much time when bb is over lol will be able to catch up on lots of stuff.
hugs my friend
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OK mm, so Dan is questioning Ian about votes he’ll get from jury house and Ian tells him that Dani won’t vote for him but he (Ian) will. That wasn’t clear. Did Ian say he would vote for Dan if he went to jury? Maybe Dan realizes he won’t get many votes and will take Ian if he wins.
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starfish i was just cheking out grape vine an there is somthing about dan talking out loud who will or will not vote for him let me see if i can locate
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Dan is in the arcade room talking to himself. Dan starts talking about the jury. He says that Ashley, I didn’t really do anything bad to her, I didn’t really talk to her in the game. He says that with Britney I basically stabbed her in the back with the funeral so she’s going to be mad at me. He asks if he has any shot at Britney’s vote? He then says possibly. Dan wonders how he can get Britney’s vote? Dan says that Britney might vote personally. Dan then starts talking about Frank. He says I have lied to Frank’s face twice. Then he says probably more than that and stabbed him in the back. Dan says that Frank might not want to vote for Danielle over me. Dan says that Frank doesn’t want a girl to win. He says that if he stroke Frank’s ego then he may get Ashley’s vote too. Dan then starts talking about Joe not liking him in the game. Dan says that Joe will tell Jenn that Danielle was playing her the whole time and had no intention of taking her to the final two but that Dan did. Dan says that now he has to get Danielle in the final two and wonders how to do it. Dan says that he has got to finish this game off. He says I have come way too far not to make it to the final two.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did dan just tell ian yes final 2 and ian to dan final 2 someone needs to teach these guys how to count
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will they finish the HOH comp on sunday night? anybody know???
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does anyone have a link to shane’s eviction? can’t find it on flashback, thanks much. 🙂
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@Starfish, Thank you so much! I’m feeling the love. lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@bloggergal Thank you for allowing my post. I appreciate it. You da Best!
@MM Thank you for the update. I miss not having BBAD this year. Your posts are always as clear as if I was watching myself. :o)
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@Star its 95* of pure sun and pollution… I’m losing it!! I will Email you tomorrow!
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@ tambo i have not seen it yet maybe still too early try cbs.com it might be there
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ lindav please forgive an old lady i do not have a good memory and that is putting it lightly lol i think u r fairly new right? if so warm welcome we are a really great bunch (but we do have our moments just like any family lol) so glad to see u on board the more the merrier txs for the nice compliment i appesch also there r a few buzz words we reg’s like to use so if in doubt just ask what r we trying to say ie appesch is appreciate this started with either jt or kev11 i forget which one (see what i mean about memory) lol
@ macy less all the numbers come on girlfriend tell us how u reallllllllllly feel
i like to use SERENITY NOW lol
going to check the grapevine speaking of which were is hillbilly guess being a weekend business must be booming at his still 🙂
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Ian says it feel like eons ago when Frank left. When looking back at that veto he won it’s “Scary Sh!t” (Oh boy again with frank, poor ian he can’t stop talkig about frank)
Danielle wonders if what Dan did last night brought in a lot of ratings. (not sure about ratings but sure brought in lots of comments the blogs was a buzzing that is for sure)
Ian thinks a lot of people watched it. He thinks it will affect how viewers like Dan but it won’t affect the ratings. (like or dislike is more like it re dan, after the eviction ceremoney it was rated right off the charts that is so true u guys have no idea)
Ian: “You want him gone don’t ya”(lmao ian that is like asking is the pope catholic)
Danielle: “you have no idea”(from the look on your face dani we have a pretty good idea)
Ian: “Holy Sh!T”or sure ian and it hit the fan big time)
Danielle: “You have no idea… you (Dan) just took out my best friend.. my romance.. whatever.. and it wasn’t that you took him out it’s how you took him out”(yeah dan she never even got her pity poke and looks like she never will, but to be honest i agree it was the way he did it, but dani u have no one to blame but yourself what dan has been doing is no secrt duh)
Ian: “What did he swear on”(OMG rofl at ian even he knows dans MO, what did he swear on??????????????)
Danielle: “Nothing.. he just swore he would keep Shane safe”(well dani to be honest he did keep him safe rite out the door into the nice safe jury house, after all he did not say how or where he would keep him safe)
Ian: “Cold Blooded”(you think so, he is not done yet people trust me on this one r u two bozos going to compare notes and do something or r u just going to be led to the slaughter) oy vey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well darlings how about them apples or should i say grapes????\
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ok – doing the hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yoga thing = alright im going to try to calm down now – I HOPE IAN WINS – danielle is totally out of it and dan is no one i would want any of my loved ones to encounter – all of you ian fans – i was never one until now
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Are you ready for this, from the grapevine Danielle: ‘What makes me the maddest about Dan is I carried him most of the way.(LOL). Because I was so close to SHane and Shane didn’t want to hurt me so he kept Dan in the game”( now heres the part to make you laugh) Danielle: “I carried him this entire game.. and I just saved his ass” Britney always told me He was going to cut me in the end.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(INSANITY OMFG I love it.. )
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@ hillbilly i am rofl she is a piece of work what can i say
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but the sad part she will do nothig to get dan out of the game sad i tell u sad
txs for update how was the still today much business lol?
chat with u later i will be off and on
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@Mike, hilarious. I worry about those “youngins”.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hopefully comparing notes will enlighten them to the point where they make some sort of deal to take each other to the end. Do you think Dani would beat Ian? I just don’t know. The Jury sometimes votes on great game play and other times on the social game. I think Ian is feeling guilty about Frank but for some reason he doesn’t feel guilty about Boogie. He knows Boogie was a feather in his cap but prolly feels he wasn’t fair to Frank. Well whatever, I can’t even begin to understand what goes on in their minds after how they’ve both been under Dan’s mist. There’s no explanation for that kind of blind faith even after they’ve been blind sided over and over.
@mm, thank you my dear for all your updates. Luv them!
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Dani is playing Ian, Dan wants her to get Ian to throw HOH, so she is telling him all this crap that she wants Dan out in hopes that he will she isnt going to take Ian to the end. I hope he doesnt do it.
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Really Mike (hillbilly)???? She’s still under Dan’s spell and trying to dupe Ian? Why would Ian even think to thro the HOH for anyone. Did he really drop on the first leg of the comp for Dan? Uneffingbelievable! Please tell me he’s not falling for it.
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WOW, alot of post to read….I got thru 1/2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Im still rooting for Ian. Dan did play a game. Good? Not in my eyes. But better than the rest. Dani was so gullible that she dropped and gave the 1st HOH to dan. She isn’t for real..no way..
If ian can beat dani in the 2nd round and battle dan. He could win. And then take dani to the end..ian could win. If either of them take dan, the best for them will be 2nd place.
@tambo my dachsund shakes and is terrified of the rain.
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F2: Dan has a better chance of winning with Dani than with Ian. But Ian has to give up his Frank hate if he wants to win. Dan’s plea to the Jury will be part truth and part lie. Nothing hides a lie better than when it’s sandwiched between two truths. Dani, if you go up with Dan, you’ll have Shane’s and his lackey, Joe’s vote. Other than that, I just don’t know. Dan definitely has Jenn’s vote (wow, all that ink must have poluted her brain to sacrifice herself at the final 5 to boost Dan ahead). This show has been totally strange with the lost, not enough life experience and just totally stupid juxtaposed with Dan’s devious deceitful game.
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I’m sorry, I’m still just totally blown away by Jenn not exposing Dan to Ian and Shane to save herself from going home when she was in the final 5. That just makes absolutely no sense to me at at at all! Jenn: “Here, Dan, you won a half a mill in another season, you’ve written 3 books and are obviously pretty wealthy – so I give up to you and you so you can win again and win more money!” Dan makes people feel sorry for him, but those people don’t listen to him or they’d know he really doesn’t need the money more than they do. It’s sad really!
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“Oh what a tangled web Dan did weave”! Dan’s talking to hiself er himself is funny hope he doesn’t interupt himself! @ Mamaargie Who’s on first? I don’t know! Nope he’s on third! You are right it is more confusing with less people in the house, who has Dan NOT stabbed in the back Willie comes to mind as does Jodie, he should have kept a journal so he could keep the facts straight.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle I would hate to have her as a nurse, I was a nurse for over 30 years and she does not have an ounce of common sense, that makes her dangerous!
Glad Ian got to live his litte boy dream and had the chance to play BB, at least one person got to live their dream. I am now at the point where I hope Ian wins this game and Not Dan.
Guess we will find out next Wednesday. Keep the updates coming
Thanks for everyone that watches LF and shares with those of us that don’t have the LF. Am looking forward to the Survivor and the blogs.
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Dan is playing a game, to win this game sometimes you got to get down and low, If you trust anyone in this game SUCCKKA!!! Some are playing the game , some are playing with eachother. Ha Ha! It’s just strategy , don’t be a sore loser….
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you get the money if you play the GAME to the end and the jury votes you , not cause you deserve it…period
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I’m with you Khan regarding Jenn. There are so many things that blow me away about these HGs being so oblivious to what’s really happening around them. Jenn just blindly walked out of fighting for final 4 like she was hypnotised or something and she seemed so mad at him but when she spoke to him it was like, oh Dan, ok Dan, how do you want me to fall on my sword for you. Makes me crazy.
I guess it’s getting late but I’ll check back in awhile to see if anything happens like Dani and Ian holding hands, skipping out of the house and just giving the whole thing to Dan.
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@Khan, @SF…..we were all mad that Jenn didnt expose Dan to Ian and Shane….. BUT…..if u watch the Jeff interview with Jenn….she exactly did it, she said she went to Ian and TOLD him everything and they didnt do anything…so IDK…according to Jenn, she did what we all wanted her to do… 🙂
@tambo….its too bad everytime u ask a bb question im never around….then i feel even worse when u keep asking the same question and u get no answer but i hope u read all the comments to see if u find a answer……when u asked bout the HOH comp…..thats a 3 part Comp….Part 1 we all saw and Dan won it…..the next one is Part 2 to be played tomorrow(Sat)…..on Sun tv show we will see Part 1 & 2…..then on Wed Finale nite we will see Part 3 which is a quick Q&A comp….i hope u feel better now, lol….. 🙂
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All caught up thanks everyone.
Ah Dan, can’t wait for u to come out and see how we feel about your ways.
I guess you are playing the game, just one problem. No friends left, just people mad at you.
How does he expect to win, he’s a sociopath.
And now he wants Ian to throw a comp? The audacity
Serenity now for sure!!!!!
@tomi @Tambo I also have a Daschund mix, she hates the rain, water, puddles, anything that looks like water when she is walking.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She goes around puddles like they are deep lakes.
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OK, I hope I can remember everything I had written in the blog before my laptop skipped back to the last post and erased my comments!
I will probably get jumped on for this but here goes!
I’m not the most religious person but I do believe the Lord is a forgiving man! We must remember this is a “game” and the rules say nothing about lying and most players do it. Dan pushed the envelope and kept himself in the game with a little help with the aid of some unbelievably naïve people.
Dan has played a game in the format of another villain, Russell Hantz, and will more than likely suffer the same fate because of his social game. They both played the best “game” but pissed off the other players!
We (including myself) also have seemed to prejudged these people we don’t know personally by the way they behaved in a locked up house with the amenities we all take for granted every day! The metal aspect of being locked up is unimaginable and takes a toll on the mind. Trust in these games should be thin and a preserve your own ass first be the way to play. Dan did preserve his ass by playing on other peoples trust in a game for ½ million bucks. Much can be said for the naivety of these people, however, I do believe we have free will and are able to make our own judgments
All that aside, we must admit that this has finally captured the attention of its viewing audience, and the amazing amount of comments this year.
So, whether you hate the way Dan is playing, you must admit he has entertained us this season and will be remembered the game he played!!!
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Nobody can make it to the end by themself, Dan would not have made it to the end if it were not For Danielle. she has proven to be able to do endurance and Mental challenges, and she could have won this last one if she wasn’t stupid enough to give it to Dan.
I don’t know why she would be so shocked he would vote out Shane, he has said he would before. I think in the end it will be very close in the voting, I’m not sure Dan could win this game, and If Ian stays in the Game, he for sure won’t win.
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@HoH8 – If Jenn did go to Ian to tell him and the others about Dan and they ignored her, I kind of find it hard to believe that BB would not show that because it’s just major information.
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@Bloggergal.. …good job,as usual!;)
@Jane..it’s nice to be miseed and loved your epic post!!!!lol
Sal….liked and agreed with your last post and also that this year has been alot better than recents, if you judge by the amont of posts and new posters here!!(Altho I think it took like half the season to get to that point!!!) I keep coming on late/last and have been trying to read everything but have to admit I am skimming at best!! But one thing is for sure…Dan IS going to the F2 and he IS the only person that actualy deserves to win! No matter who you LIKE!!
Watched BBAD tonight and tho not riveting, it isn’t as boring s most F3’s have been! And tht is all because of DAN! He loves the mental challenge of living in this house, outsmarting and outwitting everyone, thinking 3 steps ahead at all times…..his mind…and those eyes..never STOP!!!! If not for him, Dani and Ian would sit silently and stare into space!!!! Dan was playing Q&A games with them all night and grinning the whole time! I’m not sure, but I think those square cards that the HGs made into playing cards, actually had the q’s on them.. If so..why is HELL weren’t they playing this game a long timeago????DUH!! When that got boring, dan ran around the hpuse causing trouble and BB ketp going..DAN!! STOP THAT!!!!lol He is so enjoying himself while the other 2, and alot of HGs before them, are simply enduring this and trying to get thu it. Dan is THRIVING on it!!! And that is WHY he will….and should….win!!! For all you Dan haters and bible thumpers(I’m Christian, calm down!!!)if you are blogging here…it is supposedly because you LOVE BB!!! And if you do, then you should love the HG that loves it way more than you ever could….spending 2 summers in the BB House winning one..so far..and enjoying thr heck out of evvery minute of it!! WHO ELSE could you want to win this?????
As far as AF..I vote for Brit. She was loved enough to get asked back, left her new hubby to be there and was the only REAL enterainment on the whole show!!!!!;) Plus I feel like she got shaftedd both seasons nd deserves a little sumthin sumthin…lol
Ok..my measly 2 cents worth!!!
Peace,light and G’nite!!!!!!
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Bi Stra. I think Brit got it her season.’
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I think Sunday they will show their F3 Breakfast. I’m so excited for that, I don’t think we get enough of listening to them chew on BBAD. Thanks BB……*rolls eyes*
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@ Star, Dan was telling everyone to vote for Ian as AF, I know you said Bri and I like her and she did get it in her season, but I dont think any coach should get it , Like I have said before, The coached got 20,000.00 to walk threw the door, The coaches get 2,000.00 a wk and all the HGs get is 750.00 a wk. so the Brit and Dan has all ready made 2 place moneyof 50,000.00 or more, so why not give it to someone that needs it more
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Looks like this whole page is in bold type…
I’ll see if I can fix that…..
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nope.. that didn't work... guess we need an editor to fix it!
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Why aren’t they playing part 2 of final HOH on the finale show like they did the past few seasons… I liked that… it made it more exciting not knowing.
I think BB11 was the first time they played parts 2 & 3 of final HOH on finale night… and also had the last eviction that night. It worked so well for them IDK why they would change that.
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Good morning JT
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Mornin’ Mike, ….or is it night???
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well its still dark out there, you just getting home
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Yep… just got home a bit ago.. and this is earlier than usual. I’ll prolly go to bed in an hour or so.
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me too, wouldnt be up but my dogs wake me up stsrting at 4am , wont get to rest till the time change, they have times to eat and go out and pee, I dont need a alarm clock, but I do throw a shoe once in a while
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LOL @ Shoe!
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New Page is up. Bloggergal
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How can there be so many Dan supporters, I’m reading, it’s just a game, he did what he had to do to get to the end, it only shows the decline of morals in our society, its not ok to swear on a bible, something holy and sacred, and Dan should really be aware of this fact since he is a coach that works at a catholic school, even if he has the morals of a gutter rat, out of respect for the catholic school he works for, he should use better judgement, hopefully ST. MARY’S School board officials will reprimand if not dismiss this gutter rat for his actions, I’m just a saying… Wake up America, Pits off !!!!!
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