Big Brother 10 Tuesday night recap

by BBBlogger on August 27, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Once again, I’m your guest blogger, while BBBlogger works on opening up the Blog’s diary room later today.

Tuesday night’s show featured America’s Choice–which houseguest should receive a telephone call from home? I think America made the right choice in choosing Jerry. As we all know, Jerry’s wife Joanne has Parkinson’s disease. I’m sure it was very reassuring for him to speak to her and know how she is doing. I must admit that seeing this part of Jerry made me feel “something” for him, but alas, only for a few moments. While checking out videos this morning, I heard him call Keesha a c*** and that changed my opinion back! I’m not saying that Keesha is or isn’t, I just think he should act his age and not speak like that. I’m old fashioned I guess! Jerry asked his wife Joanne about what she thought of his behavior in the house and she replied, “Well…” I would be so embarrassed if he were my husband.

The POV competition involved puzzle solving along with some physical strength. The contestants had to pull themselves across “space” on a wire carrying a puzzle piece and put the puzzle together. There were two preliminary heats. The winner of each heat played each other in a final heat. The first group to compete was Dan, Keesha and Michelle. Dan, once again, threw the competition. He wanted Keesha to win so he could continue to keep his hands clean. The second heat consisted of Memphis, Renny and Jerry. This was no contest. Memphis’ physical strength zipped him right across and in to the final heat. I don’t know for sure, but I think Keesha let Memphis win so that he could take himself off the block and the group could backdoor Michelle.

So knowing that Memphis would use the POV to save himself, crazy Dan comes up with an idea to play a game at the POV ceremony. He had each houseguest name their own replacement. But, he had this all staged so that each houseguest said a different name. Ollie said Renny. Renny said Ollie. Michelle said Keesha. Keesha said Michelle. At the end of this, he placed Michelle up on the block. I think it was all a bit silly if you ask me. I know his idea was to take the heat off of himself, but I think he actually made himself more of a target—especially with Renny.

At this point, I was eagerly waiting to see how CBS was going to handle Ollie’s outburst. They showed a quick clip of him throwing a lollipop and tipping over the fridge and then the show ended. If you read under yesterday’s comments, Natvtxn has an update from CBS saying to wait until Thursday to see what happens. I guess we have to, don’t we?

CBS is including America in Thursday’s upcoming HOH competition. On the website, are a number of possible future headlines. We get to vote on which houseguest we think the headline would refer to. For example, which houseguest would win the Nobel Peace Prize? One of those houseguests?—the Nobel Peace Prize?—are you serious? But anyway, that’s the idea. I assume this means that the houseguests will have to guess our answers. This puts everyone on a pretty equal footing because all they can do is guess. HOH is definitely up for grabs!

Have a great Wednesday…love bbgal08

mbentley August 27, 2008 at 11:06 am

I was glad Jerry got the phone call too. I don’t like his behavior or how he talks but I think it was good for his wife to hear his voice. It was hard to see the other houseguests that would have loved it too. By the way, it says the poll is closed. I was too late I guess. Should be interesting though. I don’t know if Jerry is just that crass or if he is trying to be like the younger people but it isn’t working in my book. And I did use to like him. Still like Renny though. She’s a real smart cookie and I think she sees through Dan and also through Memphis. Dan’s idea about his game during the POV meeting was stupid I think and it came across as very mean. Renny knew what he was doing. Like I said, she’s pretty smart. Can’t wait to see what happens. I don’t get to see BBAD until I get home after work because I have to get up too early. So I really appreciate the updates. Thanks, guys.

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Tim August 27, 2008 at 11:33 am


What poll is closed? I just finished the one about the headlines takes about 5 minutes to do it, that poll is still open. Can;t wait to see what action CBS is taking on Ollie Thursday night and I wonder have they told him yet or going to do it live also??? Man he might just loose it for sure if they do it live. We just have to wait and see don’t we. Well have a good day all Will be back later for more updates.


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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 11:54 am

I went to the website I saw posted and it said poll closed. Where did you go? Do you have the website? It shounded fun. Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen. That could be scary if they don’t let him know and hit him with something live. Don’t know how that will go. Maybe he learned his lesson the last time and will be calm. Hope so.

Thanks Tim for the info.

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Tim August 27, 2008 at 12:01 pm

Everyone the poll is still open and kinda stupid but hey we get to play this week so get involved.

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Catherine August 27, 2008 at 12:20 pm

last nigts episode was BRILLIANT, i was eager so see how they were going to show ollie freaking out or if they were going to hide some things .. i think dans veto ceremony was amazing .. this whole game he has tried to do what ever will make the other hgs happy, and last night he really showed them that things change, and they change fast .. they are in the point of the game where its about numbers, and whose left … no matter what he des someone is going to be pissed, and last night dan showed some balls and actually didn’t back down about it .. i knew what was happening and it caught me off guard ..

thursdays night double eviction should be interesting, hopefully it doesn’t bite dan in the butt if ollie wins .. but im still on team memphis, dan, keesha and renny <3

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Joetexas August 27, 2008 at 12:56 pm

I have a lot less problem with the way Jerry talks than I do Dan and his inability to keep his word. As a football coach I am sad that he is in this profession. Nice example Danny boy.

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 12:58 pm

Thank you Tim. Don’t know what it was that said it was closed but I appreciate the info. Got in and did my thing. It was definitely different that’s for sure. Anybody got any ideas on how it’s going to go? Can’t wait to see. I wish it was already Thursday. There is so much going on that is uncertain. Does anyone know if there is a POV on double eviction? I seem to remember that they don’t have a POV but I’m not sure. Thanks

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Momdrgfly August 27, 2008 at 1:03 pm

I think Dan’s game was pathetic just as I think he is . I was humiliated for him . Then the way he ordered Michelle on the block ….ughhhh…

I hope Renny can pull the win out this year but I am afraid its not likely.

Cannot stand Keesha , or any of the others .so just like last year will be very disappointing when its finale time if Renny is not the winner .

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tendr August 27, 2008 at 1:11 pm

Ollie should be banned from playing in HOH for his tyraid….if he wins i’m done with BB for good…

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Tim August 27, 2008 at 1:11 pm

yes will be a POV Everything will be done in one hour as we see in a weeks worth of shows. This is called a fast forward. Just saw CBS running ad on TV about Thursday nite show. Show the same as it did when it went off last night about ollie. CBS is going to build this up for the ratings BUT I do hope they don’t let us the FANS down. AT least I hope that they do something to him and he is voted out on Thursday also. WE will have to wait and see BUT CBS be warn if you let the fans down then you might just loose viewers.

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Tim August 27, 2008 at 1:14 pm

TENDR you are so right if CBS lets him play and win then I will also boycott all of the rest of BB10. CBS you got lots of e-mail already on the Ollie thing just think of how much you will get if something is not done about him on Thursday night…….

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jolee August 27, 2008 at 1:15 pm

omg people its a game
and lying and conieving is part of it
so get over the way dan is playing his game and go to church and confess your sins before you convict the prophet

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 1:17 pm

Thanks for the info. That’s a lot to shove into one hour. Oh well, they always seem to manage. They will not lose me as a fan no matter what happens but it will be interesting to see. I’m guessing this HOH competition will not be endurance since the last one was which means Jerry will still have a chance. Wonder what he would do? So many variables and so much going on right now.

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judy August 27, 2008 at 1:18 pm

I hate to see viewers (bad enough when the HG go down this road) get upset or judge a person’s honor when a HG does not keep their word. This is a game. Anything goes and does. Dan did what he needed to in order to be HOH. Ollie was a fool for thinking Dan would stick with it. I guess rather than point a finger at others, the HG need to fend for themselves and win competitions the old fashioned way. Ollie’s temper tantrum and Jerry’s nasty mouth tells me, they need to go not to mention the fact that Jerry is senile, he “promised” that one of the houseguest would win the 500K. What planet is he on?

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jolee August 27, 2008 at 1:19 pm

also i agree ! ollie should be ban from playing
in the hoh competition.

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Momdrgfly August 27, 2008 at 1:22 pm

yes its a game and we choose who we like and whom we dont like ~

My Dis -like for Dan has nothing to do with his religion etc….I just think he is a little creep .

My opinion , I would only root for Renny .From day one the house guests did not impress me , they love themselves but that makes them all that much more unlikable!

As far as Ollie , who cares if he is punished or not , hes gone next anyway .

And remember its a GAME 🙂 ……

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 1:34 pm

It is a game and I think Dan may be in over his head because of how he played this last part but that’s to be seen. It might work great for him but I would be worried. I wouldn’t trust Memphis to have my back. Not ever. I don’t want to see Ollie out of there but I know I’m in a minority. That’s okay. We all have our own opinions and feelings and that’s mine. I actually thought this big brother was boring but the changing alliances has made it interesting. The way Dan is playing has had a lot to do with it, too. He’s good. I have to say that. If I were in the jury house and had to vote for him or someone else, I would vote for him because he has really “played” the game.

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mortgage dr August 27, 2008 at 1:53 pm

folks…if they didn’t ban ed 2 yrs ago from dumping a drink over jenns head they are not going to ban ollie from ANYTHING…AMERICA’S eating this thing up like a bad buffet line…to have him be banned from the hoh competion would loose viewers…no if he physically hit someone would be a different story but to throw lolly pops and tip over a small refig….no way…he stays…as for DAN…if this bird is not planted by cbs he deserve to win…what an intelegent freak’n wack job this guy is…maybe he should be in politics…did i see a pictue in the hoh room with him on the michigan state side line…under which head coach did he serve…

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Brainnny August 27, 2008 at 1:55 pm

i love jerry but i think he should be careful about what he says !

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 2:07 pm

mortgage dr, I agree with you. This season until this week actually was boring and even though I don’t agree with Ollie’s actions, it is getting people’s attention. Many people will be watching just to see what happens next and who else loses it. A few people from a blog site saying they want him gone is not going to make it happen. I personally believe that is a fact of life. And even though they are telling people to watch on Thursday night to see what the outcome will be from his actions, that doesn’t mean he will be sent home or that he will be banned from any competition. Personally, I would like to see him or Jerry get HOH and really set things off from the other side. Keesha has a horrible temper and she would really lose it.

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eahester August 27, 2008 at 2:09 pm

joetexas: THANK YOU! For once I’m glad there is another person out there who still believes in integrity. All “religion” aside Dan DOES coach young men in football. As a parent I teach my children to be honest and morally withstanding. I believe in my children growing up with a conscience. When is winning about lie, cheat and steal your way to the top? I hate the fact that someone with those kinds of motives could possibly win $500,000. And we wonder what’s wrong with the world today. I don’t know about Ollie’s outburst but I DO know he obviously comes from a place where people keep their word…or he would’t have been so upset

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Nicole August 27, 2008 at 2:59 pm

Everyone should relax because if Dan put up one of his own-that would be the biggest mistake ever! How dumb would it be to put Keesha or Renny up? STUPID! Ollie is a completely different person now that April is gone-we now get to see that he has a violent side and I’m a little afraid for April when he leaves the house! Jerry is the one who is the scum. To call a catholic teacher Judas-simply because he voted out another housemate is the most immature thing I’ve ever seen and I am truly appalled by Jerry. I think he is the one who is Judas in this house. He talks about everyone and swings like a pendulum. Dan has had to make a lot of hard decisions because he has been the swing vote so many times so…give the guy a break! He is playing the game the way he needs to play to win the $. Evil Dick was a jerk playing the game-he played dirty and treated everyone like crap-but who won that season??? Dick! So, don’t judge Dan for saving his own A** because everyone here knows if you were in the house-you may make some decisions you regret. We all do! It’s a game-saying you’ll never watch BB again is ridiculous-if you don’t like the manipulation-sorry hun…watching the wrong show!

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penny August 27, 2008 at 3:00 pm

I am not sure if I do like this BB as well as the others, I don’t even know at this point who I want to win… I do know that I don’t care for Jerry or Renny. I kind of like Dan, but he is weirding out lately… I don’t like Jerry at all, I don’t like that he is lying and I really think that he is a rat fink!!

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Peggy Warren August 27, 2008 at 3:20 pm

Michelle and Ollie are the ones with the temper.. Michelle has said that BB owed it to her to tell her she was right in guessing that Dan was America’s player. Are you kidding? Even if she was right! Michelle needs to go because of her NASTY mouth! And doesn’t most of you know that CBS did not show Ollie’s destruction fit? Breaking a loolipop and kicking the refig was the small things he did. REad the updates. He did a lot of damage. He was thinking with his tools until he lost April, and then he suddenly starts trying to play the game. Please, CBS, kick him out! He has gone overboard!

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Ronna August 27, 2008 at 3:33 pm

Here’s my thoughts on the next HOH comp. Let me know if you think I’m way off base. Since the house guests are going to have to predict what America thinks of them in the questions we answered, I believe that Memphis or Keesha will take the HOH. I believe Ollie is going to be answers on many of the negitive questions and Dan on many of the positive ones. I don’t think Renny, Jerry or Ollie will let themselves believe that America actually likes Dan the best (or at all) and they will answer incorrectly most of the time. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking…thoughts?

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 4:12 pm

I said I didn’t see the complete tirade but it seems like people keep adding things to what happened and I didn’t see it personally so I don’t know what really happened and what is assumed. Not arguing. I have read the updates but I am just saying I can’t attest or 100% believe anything I don’t see myself. That’s all. The updates keep changing. As far as Michelle’s nasty mouth, they all have nasty mouths. I have heard plenty coming from Keesha, Memphis, Ollie, Michelle and somewhat from Jerry. Dan is not anywhere near bad at all. Renny is just a little but the two younger girls are horrible. Not just Michelle. Keesha usually saves hers for when she drinks or gets angry. That’s the difference.

Ronna, I think you are right about the HOH. Dan is going to know he is the choice for the nice things. I also think you are right about Jerry and Ollie. Renny is pretty smart. She might figure it out right. She’s right about Memphis and has questions about Dan’s behavior so I think she’ll have it figured out.

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Cheryl August 27, 2008 at 4:22 pm

I just tried to get to the poll & it says ‘poll closed’, and I used the website that tim posted.

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Judy August 27, 2008 at 4:50 pm

I actually answered America’s questions this morning, and although was not thinking about it at the time, did answer Dan to positives and Jerry and Ollie to negatives or ones that portray the village “idiot”. I do not see Ollie or Jerry seeing themselves that way at all. Having said that, I would think after Ollie’s tantrum, that at the very least he will be excluded from the next HOH competition putting the odds that the DMKR alliance stays together long enough to get OJ alliance out.

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Millie Koolwick August 27, 2008 at 5:03 pm

Well I believe the trio, Ollie, Michelle, and Jerry are some of the sorest losers I have ever seen on Big Brother and their mouths belong in the trash. As far as Jerry, his mouth is totally uncalled for a man his age. I would never acknowledge him as a father, grandfather or husband. This is a game. Strategy is the name of the game. I dont fault Dan for his strategy. Ollie, shame on him if he thought anyone would fall for such a deal. Geez, this is Big Brother. Wake up and smell the roses. His own “first” girlfriend sat in that HOH and said.. Tell them everything and then do what you want. Think clear houseguests and remember what all others have said in the game and remember all your actions. Like the secret alliance Ollie, Michelle, April, and Jesse had but couldnt carry it out because they got punked first. STrategy dear people strategy. Expect the unexpected.

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Natvtxn August 27, 2008 at 5:16 pm

I haven’t been in attendance here today that much. Have been working on two other blogs and have been able to get more detailed info.

BUT….we just had to get our yard cleaned up and windows boarded. Also had to stock up at the store and charge my laptop. If we have to evacuate, I want to be ready. Sometimes living in Destin can be a bum deal. And we just got our sand trawled up from the bottom of the Gulf to make our beaches! I know New Orleans has started to evacuate.

DANG!! Is MICHELLE Ever going to stope crying. MEMPHIS was right last nite when he predicted her tears. LOVED seeing MEMPHIS’ pic that DAN took w/ his HOH camera of MEMPHIS w/ the “Taken” t-shirt. I’m sure that will fuel MICHELLE’s paranoia.

By the way, you didn’t even see a third of JERRY’s convo w/ his wife. There was tons more. And I’m getting so…….tired of his gloating about being 75!!! Just like Shelia did with the “single mom” thing. That “pretty good for a 75 yr old” will definitley be on the clips at the Wrap Party.

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 5:31 pm

Interesting. I felt bad for his wife though. She didn’t look or sound too good. Was it sad? Parkinson’s is a horrible disease. It does get tiresome listening to the references to age or single mother. Where do you live anyway? We may lose your contact if the power goes out. You are a great source of info.

I’m not surprised Michelle cried. She seems to do that quite frequently anyway. It’s kind of that or cuss. The girls in this house really do have bad mouths.

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Bev August 27, 2008 at 5:38 pm

Everybody is pleased that Jerry got the phone call because his wife has Parkinson’s – well, how about this? The nasty old bastard never should have left a wife with Parkison’s to play a game with a bunch of kids.

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Jenna August 27, 2008 at 5:38 pm

It was nice that Jerry got the phone call – but if he is really so concerned about his wife – he should be home looking after her – I think Dan is showing himself to be much less than the person he pretended to be – lying – deceit back stabbing are part of this game – but sometimes someone goes too far – in my humble opiinion dan has done that. Renny is the only one that I think deserves to win – at least she is not saying “my word is all I’ve got – and you can trust it”. Memphis is pretty sneaky but that is okay – Keesha is the same. Ollie is way out of line but Punishing him may not be the best way to go, – Michelle is just Michelle!!

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Irish Mistral August 27, 2008 at 5:46 pm

Mortgagedr ,
Evel Dick poured a drink over jens head, she LAUGHED
Ollie did a bit more than throw a lollipop and tip over a refrigerator.
The guy went nuts, check out “youtube” archives
He broke Dans photo, threw all the keys out smashed outside lights and so on and so on…
The abuse and names he threw at Memphis was another story all together.
Michelle was off the wall also,
She Effed BB out warning about no cameras on her
How she knew what they were doing,
WOW!!! total paranoia
I’m no prude but the language this season is terrible,
What foul mouthed women….!!!!
As for losing viewers if he does not get to play in HOH,
I think you are wrong on that….
I’ve seen many comments in here about how he SHOULD be expelled from the game…so I think the majority are not backing Ollies outburst
I know if this goes unpunished I will not watch another season.
Anyway lets see what happens thursday…
It should be interesting one way or the other.
I too hope cbs values the loyal BB fanbase and takes heed of our complaints.

I hope all is going well down your way and you are spared too much damage

Slán Leát

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Tina August 27, 2008 at 6:16 pm

What is with that ghetto talk from Michelle. Every other f$%#@ sentence is a f$#@%$ swear word….. lol And what is “kona” that she keeps repeating? I can’t wait for the house to be rid of her. On BBAD she was telling Ollie that she hopes to at least get the centerfold in Playboy out of this. The preachers son asked her what her parents would think, her reply was how encouraging her mom is about stuff like that…..ok

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mbentley August 27, 2008 at 6:17 pm

Irish Mstral,

I guess I can just say to each his own and do what you must. I don’t think he should be thrown out but that’s my opinion. They will do whatever they want and I will still continue to watch whether I agree or not because I always do. The person I want to see win doesn’t always make it but I still watch. That’s my choice. Just as it will be your choice if you don’t watch if they don’t throw him out.
Hope all is going well for you Natvtxn. Best wishes for you and your family.

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paraphernalia2 August 27, 2008 at 7:04 pm

what about an automatic nomination for Ollie, the way they do if you eat when on slop? my preference would be an automatic eviction for his behavior – and that’s based only on some of the clips i was able to see.

michelle’s ranting about the game being rigged and dan being a plant is SO tiresome. i will feel true joy when she is evicted from the house, hopefully on thursday. she’s getting paid a stipend to live in this house and “play” the game. if she doesn’t like the game, she can voluntarily leave – it isn’t prison.

i know there have been complaints about keesha’s voice; however, michelle’s accent and mispronunciation tops any irritation i may feel about keesha’s voice. if michelle could walk around the next BBAD with duct tape on her mouth i would be a happier woman (all in the spirit of the game, of course).

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celina15812 August 27, 2008 at 7:09 pm


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Tim August 27, 2008 at 7:38 pm

Does anyone know how much the HG get paid per week in the house?? I have never seen the amount told. Also nothing new on the feeds anyone?

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FRANKS August 27, 2008 at 8:19 pm

Tim, the answer to your question if my memory serves me correctly is it comes out to about $100 a day. I remember a conversation on BB9 among some of the houseguests and they said they would receive about $3000 if they stayed for a month. I may be wrong, but I think that is what they said.

I remember thinking at the time that it averaged out to about a little over $4 an hour.

Natvtxn, God bless!!

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Tim August 27, 2008 at 8:22 pm

Thank you Franks. Has anyone seen anything on the feeds today or this evening? Please update us if they are in lockdown or fighting today.

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Starfish August 27, 2008 at 8:33 pm

Hey Natvtxn, I hope you are warm and safe and that your electricity doesn’t go out. If you have to evacuate, be sure to go, don’t wait around.

As for BB, yes, the majority of you want to see Ollie reprimanded in some way on Thursday night. I agree and can’t wait to see what they do. I feel he’s basically a lot of talk but no action but his talk is horrific. He kept telling Memphis to “S__k my d–k” over and over and over and calling him a faggot which has the gay community in an uproar and CBS is hearing about that too. Sorry about that but I had to let you all know. If you didn’t see my post describing all the things he did, it’s in one of the prior emails from BBBlogger. He physically damaged the house with so much more than they showed on TV. If you have to see it to believe it, then go to you tube to find out because everything on these posts so far is true.

I think Dan has played a smart game, at least he’s done something. Think about what the show would be like without his games. Yea, the POV ceremony was a bit hinky but it gives us something to talk about. I don’t know if he’ll win but he’s played the best game so far. Do you think Keesha is really playing a game or foul mouthed Michelle for that matter? Can’t stand Michelle. Memphis is coasting along but I don’t think he has a volatile personality and seems to be pretty laid back. At least I haven’t seen him yell and scream nor has Dan. Renny, gotta love her! She’s a hoot and I hope she wins but she’ll have to be the last HOH. If not, anyone who chooses her will lose because I think the house will vote for her. There’s one big possibility and that is, if it’s Dan, they just might give it to him for his good game playing. At the end of BB the hatred dissipates somewhat and they usually vote for the best game player.

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Catherine August 27, 2008 at 9:04 pm

lmao i love dan, and this whole season he has been quiet and pleasing everyone, the only way to win this game is to fend for yourself, lie, and do what in the end will be best .. if he did keep his word to ollie he would be dumb and all of you would be dissing him anyways? he is the only person in this game who is actually playing!!!

memphis has been playing through others and so has keesha .. ollie has been riding off of april, and since shes gone hes on a panick attack, RENNY only plays when shes in power and goes through a power trip and there is no response to jerry hes just dumb.

dan is the only player in this WHOLE HOUSE who has been playing and minipulating people the WHOLE time .. he is what the rules are about ; to lie, minipulate and win the money …

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PT August 27, 2008 at 9:14 pm

I think Dan is doing a great job, I can’t stand Michelle and Ollie they belong with April and I hope they go soon, what a mouth on Michelle is she a truck driver, she is pissed because someone really knows how to play this game Dan the man I hope Dan and keesha go all the way.

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Catherine August 27, 2008 at 9:17 pm

FINALLY , thank you PT, someone who actually agrees

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PT August 27, 2008 at 9:17 pm

Catherine you said it all, I agree with everything you said. Ride on girlfriend

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Starfish August 27, 2008 at 10:11 pm

Amen Catherine!! Couldn’t agree with you more! You stated perfectly that if he kept his word, we would be dissing him for being stupid. Perfectly stated in my humble opinion.

I just heard that Michelle is doing her thing again and trying to get Keesha and Renny to vote for her and that they would be safe, she promises! 🙂 She tells them that if Memphis gets HOH, he’s going to put Renny up for sure but she and Ollie will protect them. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like they are buying it. The D,R,K,M team seem to be hanging together. We never know though do we? 😉 Can’t wait for Thurs.

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mattmac August 27, 2008 at 11:29 pm

If CBS kicks Ollie off the show (they should) and Michelle is voted out (hope so) that sure will freeze out ol’ Jerry.Who will he badmouth and to who. Natvtxn, hope all is well,I sure miss your updates.

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Irish Mistral August 27, 2008 at 11:52 pm

I second, third, or fourth what Catherine, PT and Starfish say.
Dan has played a very clever game.
I would like Renny with him at the end but that would jeopardise his chances.
So Dan & Keesha would be the best scenario.

Don’t be sorry for telling it like it is.
Ollie was way off course and could not be compared to other HG’s of the past in his behaviour.
What was shown on our screens was not how it really was.
For the most part, The fab 4 were locked in the HOH room while he wrecked.
Except while Renny was running round trying to pick up after him.

Boy can you believe that Michelle, so shocked that people lie to her but can lie without blinking an eye….

I’m thinking a SWEAR JAR would be a necessary piece of equipment for the house.
HG’s got to sign up to put money in for every swear word caught on camera….
End of the season find a good charity to donate it to
Any thoughts on that?

I think he should be thrown out because of the message BB is sending out to America about what is acceptable behaviour by todays standards.
I would be a hypocrite if I continued to watch when it goes against my standards of behaviour.
I would not tolerate that behaviour from my children, how could I watch it or allow them to watch it.
(My children are now young adults)
But I guess not all people today see that behaviour as unusual.
As you say to each their own beliefs.

To all you people in the storms path, best wishes to you and yours
Please be safe.
Let us know when it clears for you
We gotta look out for our own bunch here
Slán Leát

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Star August 28, 2008 at 2:15 am

I don’t have anything new to add but i just wanted to say that I also agree with about the last 10 comments here…starting with Catherine’s that kind of summed everything up nicely. 🙂 Seems as if most of us are all of one mind here….but how can you not be? J,O,M are all such annoying.petty and vulger HATERS they make it pretty difficult to like or root for them.

And does anyone know where Natvtxn is from?? I don’t know where Destin is. I am assuming now it’s in Florida but because of her name I always thought she was from TEXAS!! DUH!!! But I also hope she and her family and anyone else in our *little family*, as Irish Mistral has dubbed us, batten down tight or get out of Dodge…whatever they need to do to be SAFE!!! Our prayers are with them….even if our thoughts right now are on Thurs. nite!!! 😉

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Star August 28, 2008 at 2:25 am

One more little observation from watching BBAD tonite……..O&M have been relentlessly *working it* all day from every angle and havent let up tinite. They are obviously targeting R&K and methinks they might be getting to them a tad as I see alot of doubt and can feel little cracks starting to form in their alliance. M was even suggesting they vote Jerry off this week(and why wouldnt she?)

But how STUPID woud they be to fall for any of this?? You dont change or quit an alliance that’s WORKING at this point in the game!! They are being too *female* right now and letting their emotions rule. I am not as sure as I was even a day ago what the vote is going to be now Thurs nite. I guess that’s why we all watch,eh?? Cuz ya never know on this show!

Keepin’ fingers crosssed(and toes and legs and eyes….) for team DMRK!!! (they really need to get an official name….)LOL

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Tina August 28, 2008 at 5:11 am

I don’t think Ollie should be ousted. I think Evil Dick was ten time worse and it was a continuous things every week, and he won. I know it’s just a game but the way dan handled the POV was cowardly. He could have just made his decision like a man instead of trying to pawn it off on the other players. Renny’s pretty smart. I don’t think anyone’s going to sucker her into playing thier game. I have to respect her for that. I know it’s a game but Dan being the weeny that he is gave Ollie all those options and then couldn’t live up to them. How can he look his football team in the eye. Under the circumstances I think Dan had a responsibility to handle that just a tad bit more responsibly. Go Renny! Now that’s a grown up.

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maia August 28, 2008 at 6:12 am


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Pat August 28, 2008 at 7:42 am

There’s a stupid sporting event on tonight when BB is supposed to air. AGAIN. I’ll see what happens when I get home from work tomorrow morning and watch the after dark show from showtime. I’ll have to go to to watch the episode tomorrow. CRAP

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donna August 28, 2008 at 9:08 am





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maria August 28, 2008 at 9:12 am

Tina ollie needs out of there i wasn’t a big fan of ed but ollie has destroyed the house. And as far as renny you say she’s smart taht she wont play thier game well she did for dan

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Irish Mistral August 28, 2008 at 9:36 am

I missed one episode because of a late start and my Tivo got me screwed up
I went to mininova the next morning and D/L the full episode from bitlord and watched it on the pc.
Just a tip for when you miss it

Destin, is in Northwest Florida,
They are showing clear /sunny 83 today.
So hopefully all is well for them
I thought Nat was Texas too
shows what I know….lol
(I’m not a geographical nerd, I googled it, hehehehe 🙂 )

I hope I’m not wrong about the final 4 though
I think Dan is playing a great game
Sheesh will it ever be evening so I can see what the heck is gonna happen…
Better run
gotta sit on some kids
Slán Leát

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mbentley August 28, 2008 at 11:15 am

Tina, it seems we are alone in our thoughts and beliefs but that’s okay. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and feelings. Personally, I hope Renny makes it. She’s the only one who seems to think about what she says and does. I think Dan is a jerk. I liked him for a while but not anymore. As far as the damage done to the house, it wasn’t the way it has been said sometimes. Look at all the youtube videos. And anyone who said they saw more than that is not being totally honest. I still don’t condone what was done but it has been blown up worse than it was. Don’t agree with me, people, if you don’t want but I won’t change my opinion. And I don’t expect you to change yours. I wouldn’t want my kids to watch Dan and the way he has behaved if they were young. They would feel like lying to get what you want is okay. I don’t like the way he is when he goes to the DR. He is WAY arrogant and is trying to stir up trouble. He likes it. I wouldn’t want them to watch Keesha or Michelle because they would think it is okay to talk the way they do. I wouldn’t want them to watch Memphis because they would think it is okay for you to cuss and threaten people personally. And I wouldn’t want them to expect their grandfather to talk the way Jerry does. I guess if they were young I wouldn’t let them watch but I wouldn’t have let them watch BB9 either. So be it.

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Tina August 28, 2008 at 3:28 pm

Thanks mbentley I’m not alone.

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Irish Mistral August 28, 2008 at 3:49 pm

I guess I am the one not being accused of not being honest here??????
I’m sorry but youtube DOES show more than the lollipop and fridge.
I am not making it up, neither are the others who saw it
Did you watch the Ollie V Memphis tirade with his foul mouth?
Did you have your sound on ?
The name of the game in BB is to lie and decieve others to get to the final 2
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a FOOL.
Dan is only doing what the game calls for.
I have yet to hear him swear or throw things
He has yet to slander other HG’s
So please don’t give me that attitude that because he is a Catholic that he should be the one not allowed to lie….

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Tim August 28, 2008 at 6:01 pm

Ok I thought after all the exchanges yesterday we were not going to comment on other peoples opitions BUT all of what Ollie did is on you tube ok so find it like we did and not state that others are not being honest. BTW I have not called any names here but look at yourself before you state someone is not being honest. CBS has stated something will be done tonight for us to watch the show. Oh just my thoughts on being honest.

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tendr December 8, 2009 at 9:35 am

Ollie should be banned from playing in HOH for his tyraid….if he wins i'm done with BB for good…

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