It is the night before another Live Eviction in the Big Brother 10 house so once again we are opening the door to the Big Brother 10 Blog Diary Room. Come on in…the room is open for you….our faithful readers….to vote for who you would like to see evicted this week.
Either Jessie (Call him Mr. Vain) or Angie will be leaving the Big Brother house Thursday July 31!
I personally would love to see Jessie gone. I have not been impressed with him or his game play. I think I may throw something at my TV if I see him give the cameras another celebration First Pump. UGH! However, I think Keesha is in control this week and she has made it clear that she wants Angie gone. I think this should be an interesting vote.
So I honestly have no idea who will go….so the door is open….I want you all to comment and tell us who you think should go this week. The floor is yours…
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: I love all of the updates and comments on the last post. Lots of gameplay info and thoughts….keep them coming. Also, per our poll, it looks like Renny will be BB10’s America’s Player. I am curious to see if our poll will actually sync with who America Chooses! 🙂
Lastly, I am giving an iPod away in my Big Brother 10 Vote off game. It is on my other site called Must See TV! So….go here….Big Brother 10 Forums, register (its free) and vote in this week’s public poll. You may win an iPod!
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I hope they send Jesse home – he is such a pain in the neck and is so very fond of himself. I think Angie should stay in the House – the reason for wanting her to go is a little ridiculous – but then Keehsa does want her gone!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keesha is not smart enough to realize what a threat Libra is to her – but she will learn that soon – but will it be soon enough!!! I voted for Renny and think she would be good as America’s Player – if we have to have one – Hope Jerry leaves soon – also Libra and Ollie – as for the others – Let the chips fall where they may!!!!
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Jessie wants to go home
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Keesha is a total ass for not taking Angie off and putting Libra up. She is digging her own grave. However, I really want to see Jessie outta there. Angie is about the only female in there who is not a self-centered snotty B. Keesha deserves to go next week for her stupidity.
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Angie was one of my favorite HGs since day one. But she was an entirely different person when Brian and Steven were in the house.She’s gotten extremely quiet since,which is because she’s not fake and refuses to hang with people she doesn’t like. BUT, as witnessed by her being put up, that’s not how you play this game..or the game of life for that matter…if you want to get along with people in general. And I havent really seen any game play from her, so I am wondering how long for this game she will be anyway even if by some miracle she doesnt go home.
And I do agree with everyone here about all of Jessie’s faults but….if everyone in the house were the SAME… ALL *nice* or all female, as it looks like it’s heading towards… long would you really keep watching???
Anyway…I DO vote for Jessie to go and Angie to stay…..but I think there’s a snowball’s chance in LA that that’s going to happen!!!
PS I did get my wish and house finally got shaken up yesterday….too bad Mother Nature isn’t a HG!! LOL
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Jessie GO HoMe!!Horrible player and no Brains… Buh Bye.. I hope…your boring.
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I can’t stand Jessie I hope the back door him, tired of his lying mouth , can’t stand the creep. Also I think they should put Libra Americas player so she will really let them see how she is, Keesha should not trust her or Michele.
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Send that muscle headed cry baby home. I can’t stand looking at him much more listen to him talk about himself any more. The next person to put a boot in the butt is Libra. She is constantly starting something or causing some sort of drama. She does have a pretty good strategy, be all nice,concerned,and caring in front of everyone and then trashing them later. Jerry really didn’t have the right to call Memphis a womannizer especially after he talked about his past relationship that hurt so much and then how much he cared about who he is with now. Renny would be great for America’s player,she definatly gets my vote!
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Can not take Jessie, Libril, or Jerry much longer ( Jerry a decent guy, but the stories no
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------more please.)
If the rest of them were even a little smart, they would get together and realize Jessie is the threat, and they might not get a better chance to get him out.
On one hand you have the muscles with 2″ between his legs. super mouth with more stupied looks on her face then any 20 people combined, and the ancient one with a story for any occasion, even if he uses them a dozen times over and over.
At least Angie is smart, can carry on a normal conversation, and is cute as all hell !!!!!!
( I think I’m in love)
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send angie home! all she does is sit on the couch and smoke!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------she is so boring and she wants to go home sooner than later?
jessie is a momma’s boy but is very entertaining to see how vain a 22 year old boy can be! just give jessie a full lenght mirror and he’s happy!
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If Keehsa gets her way Angie is gone where as Libra should have been back-doored, she is so fake. Loved Angie sad to see her go but she was not a strong player. Jessie is a joke but has a few strong players on his side. This cast is boring and I do not see anyone picking-up where Brian leftoff after gettingthe boot because he moved too fast, trusted too soon and Ollie was the cause of his demise. Once Angie is gone I will be rooting for Dan at this point in time. Not looking forward to America’s choice being put in play again. Hopefully this time it will be better, but I doubt it.
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Jessie needs to go. If he was smart he would have laid low this week and let it ride especially after Keesha told him he was not the target. Let’s hope someone talks some sense into Keesha before the vote. Oh, well we shall see.
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I would rather see Angie leaves . Jessie is way more interesting to watch on tv than her she is tooo boring!
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I would love to see Renny as America’s Player. She’s so animated and obnoxious when she lets her guard down. I imagine it would be very entertaining to see her try to explain herself when doing America’s bidding. Jesse needs to go as he is a threat physically. There might not be a better chance to get him gone. Angie is not a physical threat to anyone (or at least hasn’t proven herself yet). If the hgs were smart they would realize you need to get out the bigger threats first when you can. Oh well, being an arm chair quarterback is always easier than being in the thick of it myself. Can’t wait til tonight’s eviction. And, the next head of household. I wonder if Keesha will have a target on her back after all this.
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ok kiddies…if thses knucle heads vote to keep jessie this week they are a bunch of bleep’n fools…do they not realize he is a much better competitor in skilled competition…angie may have him beat in brains but he is a pyhsical threat in competion…HE GOTTA GO NOWSKI…please don’t let keesha make a huge mistake that may come back to bite her in the you know what…JESSIE HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU…have a nice weekend outside the house…BY THE WAY WHERE’S BRETT FAVRE TODAY…he’s not in green bay…
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BETHANY….MORE INTERESTING TO WATCH…please explain that one…better male eye candy i’ll except that…but the guy is a buffoooone…
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I so agree with you Al germann!!! But what a twist if jessie stays and takes out libra!!! I cant handle loud mouth libra,Keesha and Jerry NEEEEDDDS to go home!!! No game, he’s just taking up space! (jerry)
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Jesse has gotsta go… If it were my strategy, I would get rid of the guys who like Angie before sequester, then team up with her and Libra so I could get to the final two one of them. No one would vote for them two.
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Jessie smart two words that do not go together Kat. All Jessie thinks about is Jessie. He thinks everyone in the house like him and he is smart and strong and going to win all the comp. Lets hope that is not going to happen. Yes Jessie should go home this week but dont think that is going to happen. Bye Angie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope Jessie does not win the HOH but if he does it will be another hell week. and Keesha will go up , no big loss. there are a lot of weeks left in the house and a lot could happen. We can only hope it is a lot of game play.
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The most interesting thing this evening will be to see if the HG’s go against Keesha and vote Jessie out. For the life of me I cannot understand why Keesha wants Angie out when she was able to keep Jessie on the block. Why not cut a deal with Angie and get muscle boy out. I know he is vain, but he could get HOH tonight and where would that leave Keesha? All things considered I think Jessie would go after Libra before Keesha, but who knows?!?!
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if they do not get rid of Keesha they are crazy .
I cannot stand the fact no one is pressuring her and telling her this move is crazy – get Angie later . Don’t be so selfish !
So if she gets it in a few weeks she deserves it !
I cannot stand Jessie he make me sick to watch !
I am rooting fo rthem both to go now .
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crazycatchick, Ha Ha you missed the key word IF. but your right in your thinking.
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Oh I am watching the after dark on tivo – has any one noticed that Jesse even looks at himself in the mirror when he eats! He was drinking some drink in the bathroom – staring at himself. Eeeeeeww – lets just hope that Jesse does something stupid today.
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Wow! Lots of comments and differents points of view. Well at first I thought of Dan to be America’s Player.. but changed my mind and picked Renny. I also voted for Jessie to be evicted. He is pathetic. I actually felt embarrassed for him when he was pleading his case to Keesha. Jessie needs to be put down off of his pedestal and the only way to do that is to..EVICT and EVICT NOW!! I did not like the confrontation b/t Memphis and Jerry. No class whatsoever on Memphis’ part, however Jerry is mouthy. You cannot threaten physical violence. Memphis should have been called on it, and called into the Diary Room. I am looking at Keesha as perhaps a Janelle Jr.. what do you guys think? She has to step back, observe, listen, keep Renny and Dan close (all 3 seem to be good at their word) and GO ALL THE WAY!! By the way, question.. did April and Ollie join the game to PLAY the game or play with each other? They should be evicted for the sole purpose of NO BB gameplay.. no strategy.. nothing. hhhmm..
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Another bad thing about Keesha: she has never won anything… She left after 20 minutes in the POV, won because the others miscalculated…. She won HoH because everyone else answered wrong (I don’t think she answered any right, did she?). We will see how well she does if she actually has to try to win.
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I would like to see Angie stay!! I know she has been quiet but with all 7 against her how can ya blame her, and she has talked to Keesha, but she is dead set on getting Angie out for personal reasons, one of them i think she is jealous. I found it interesting last nite on the feeds Libra talking to Dan saying, “I don’t really want angie out but its not our decision” come on Libra is this a mob mentality, you have a vote come on, even Ollie told Angie she was not his target. These people have no mind of their own, i am waiting to see how Libra takes it when she is on the block and the houseguests tell her its not their decision LOL! Jesse needs to go he knows he has paired up with Michelle for a reason in his words he said she is the badass of this show, wether she is or not he thinks she is he is using her i think. Jesse thinks he is so safe i would love the tide to turn on him. I do find him funny at times though, but want him gone.I get the impression from Jerry that because he is the oldest he deserves respect, i agree but you need to give respect to get respect and Jerry singed up for the show. Memphis did go around and apologize to the other houseguests(except Jerry) for yelling, not saying its right but it is a game where all contestents are on the same playing field they all knew what they were signing up for.IMHO i don’t think Keesha is Janelle Jr. at all. In fact Janelle said Angie was her favorite.Keesha has no game really just playing the personal card and relying on the other houseguests to uphold their word in not putting her on the block or voting her out, it won’t happen they will all turn on
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------each other soon enough. Its a long shot with these sheep but “Go Angie”!!!!!!!!
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If the girls are smart they’ll stick together. They outnumber the males now. It would be nice to see a woman get it this go round. Unfortunately, women don’t have the comrauderie men do.
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Can anyone tell me what the Banner said the other night?
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I think it was a smart move, not to put up Libra. Why would she put up someone in her own alliance, who is already a target by the other side? Keep the target there, which keeps the bullseye off your back. If they really want Libra out, then let them win HOH and take care of it themselves. Which makes Keesha safe for another week at least. Even though she may be put up next to Libra as a pawn. I think Jessie needs to go this week, and maybe Memphis next.
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They had better vote Jessie out, or it might backfire on them like evil dick. They didn’t vote him out when they had the chance and look what happened. PLEASE wake up HG and send him home! Keesha was right not to put Libra up. If they all want L. out, then let someone else do the dirty work. Besides if she Had put her on, then they would not have had this good chance at booting Jesse. Jesse IS the Evil Dick on this show.
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Send Jessie packing, he is soooooo annoying. All muscle, no brains.
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I personally think that Jessie is a Pompious Prink and an arragant Jerk and NEEDS to go TONIGHT!!!!….no dought about it…I’m not really all for Angie either, but get Jessie out thiss week and then go after angie next week….I’m sick of hearing jessies concetted butt and his self centered conccetted attitude. I dont think I could go one more week with his MR. MACHO cry baby ass!…JESSIE MUST GO!!!!
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Al germann, take a cold shower!
Surf girl, yesterday someone commented the “BANNER” said it was a birthday wish to someone in the house, but they did’nt know who! It was’nt about anyone being a liar as someone had commented.
Peggy Warren, how in heavens name can you compare Jesse to Evel Dick? That’s like comparing an “8 Track Tape” to a CD!
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The Banner the Other night said…..Happy Birthday rennelle(renny I think)…We Love you
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The Banner the Other night said…..Happy Birthday rennelle(renny I think)…We Love you
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Tonight; they should definately evict JESSIE !! I’m sick and tired of seeing this kid looking at himself in the mirror any chance he gets….Like “Get a life!” hahaha
Too VAIN !
Thank’s to Keesha —Hopefully he’ll get the Boot tonight !!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So far; I’m enjoying this season of Big Brother; the HG’s are so; so
I’d like to see Dan voted as America’s player
Have fun..watching tonight
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I cannot stand this sh*t…
Leave Jerry alone I wish that everyone treats their GRANDPARENTS/GRANDFATHER MOSTLY
How were these people raised ????
No one anymore has respect for the elderly what is going on here?
Is anyone raising their children to respect elders???
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JERRY’S OUT… and a few minutes later…LIBRA JUMPED!!
THE FEEDS KEEP GOING OUT..Dan keeps on stupidly singing and quoting movie lines so the Feeds keep going to Trivia. I WISH HE WOULD JUST SHUT UP!!!!!
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well, they kept jessie and that is gone to be they worest nightmare. He is gone to be another EVIL DICK. And Dan is America’s Player.
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JERRY, LIBRA, DAN, OLLIE ARE OUT!!! Renny and April against Michelle, Memphis, and Jessie!!
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Any update on the HOH competition?
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Michelle got on my nerves tonight, I hope Dan puts up Michelle and Ollie. First of all Michelle goes on and on about how the other people talk about and yet she’s there yapping her mouth as well and then Ollie says he hopes that Dan does not go back on his word, ummmm hello Ollie you’re the one that backstabbed him by telling other house guests your deal with Dan. I hope Dan finds all of this out and puts u 2 up because I want to see you guys go home. Ollie if anyone backstabbed anyone, you had backstabbed Dan..
Gooooooooo Dan and Keesha!!!
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Jessie GO HoMe!!Horrible player and no Brains… Buh Bye.. I hope…your boring.
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