BB9 House = Love Shack

by BBBlogger on February 17, 2008

So 3 days after Valentine’s Day and it seems that the producers of Big Brother 9 are getting EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED! LOVE!!

Well, maybe not exactly love…but a lot of hugging, touching, sexual tension and well…even undercover fun and bathroom hookups.

From what I can see, some of the connections are starting to work. You have Alex and Amanda finally sharing a first kiss, even Joshuha and Neil shared a kiss but for some reason (rumor is a death in the family but I honestly do not know) Neil left the show allowing evicted Sharon to come back into the Big Brother 9 house. Matt and Nat playing under the covers without really worring about having a relationship. Things are starting but no one seems to be officially a couple except Jen and Ryan who were a couple before the BB9 house.

As a friend of mine from BB9DISH said after watching the feeds, “I feel like I am transcribing porn!” which is a little sad but very true. So for all my feed watchers who “like to watch”, then this is the season you have been waiting for. Please click the banner above and sign up for the 14 day free trial…it is worth it if you are looking for people running around half naked all the time. DANG!

In my opinion this season is either going to be the best season of all or the worst. It is setup to go either way….I guess it depends on what you like.

Personally, I initially was very excited and had high hopes but after watching the feeds over the past 3 days, I know that I am finding this season much different than all the seasons previous. This year with all the HG single and younger (sorry Sheila) and paired off into couples, it seems too much focus on relationships. In Big Brothers previous they focused more on the game and creating friendships…not so much dating and sex and the whole COUPLE aspect. Should be interesting to see what happens next…

So what are your thoughts…does this season compare better or worse than others? Is it satisfing your NEED for Big Brother or is it a different show completly due to the new rules and focus. I look forwad to hearing your thougths…

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: the show is on tonight at 7:00pm CST…don’t forget to watch with us…

Lisa February 17, 2008 at 3:13 pm

This season is awful. I feel like I’m watching MTV’s real world. They are all too occupied in trying to overtalk each other – and I fine them boring. They are all seeking attention. I don’t know if I’ll continue to watch. Showtime after hours is disgusting. all they did is talk about sex.

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Wendy February 17, 2008 at 3:24 pm

If someone doesn’t start backstabbing and spreading nasty rumors about others soon, I’m going to freaking flip out.

The love is all good and nice but after a while, it gets BORING.

Someone better get to being an asshole. And soon. S’all I’m saying.

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crazycatchick February 17, 2008 at 3:28 pm

I feel the same a you lisa. are we watching a show on MTV whats up with that.
I love BB but do fine it very Boring. hoping for some change .

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dixielee February 17, 2008 at 4:19 pm

I am not enjoying BB this year at all…
Also, I signed up for the 14 day free trial early, and before the second show aired my credit card was billed the $14.99!!!!!
The powers that be said the two weeks free started the day I signed up, not two weeks after BB started!!! I am fighting that withdrawal..

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Bonnie February 17, 2008 at 4:19 pm

This is the worst BB so far that I’ve seen, I’ve never had ANY INTEREST in watching porn nor have I ever watched any porn, now I’m watching it on CBS/Showtime, I can’t believe I’m paying for this crap, all of these HG’s including Sheila are so immature and act like high school kids, I will continue to watch it only because I’ve already paid for it, and never in any BB I’ve watched have I heard the “F” word used so often as this group uses.
I hope BB gets older, more mature HG’s in the future, more my age, and I’m a senior citizen and not ashamed to say it, so 40’s/50’s age group would be fine with me, make the show better than just about sex, nudity, & fowl language, but I don’t see that happening, I guess as they say……SEX SELLS!

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Star February 17, 2008 at 4:22 pm

Is Natalie bugging the S*** out of anyone else, or is it just me??!! Listen closely…well, real close isnt even necesary, and all you hear in ANY conversation is HER voice! Non-stop! And its a very annoying voice at that. And it.s ALL about HER! And if shes not TALKING about herself, she is SHOWING you herself…aka the NAKED thing in the hottub! UGH! She’s not alone tho, like Lisa said. They are pretty much all attention starved narcissists. As to whether this will be the best or worst season, so far its the WORST IMHO! I can’t believe I paid for Showtime for this! All we can hope for is it does last only 56 days and that it doesn’t permanently scar us for the NEXT BB!!!!

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Big-Brother February 17, 2008 at 4:41 pm

Hey dixielee…I had a similar issue with with the feeds for last year. They are tough to deal with but I was able to get things changed by having the bank reverse the charge. Good luck!

Let me know if you need anything…I would love to help you out if you need.

realitytvchat (at) gmail (dot) com

Bonnie, Star…I am glad you guys are on the same page as me. I am just not feeling this season. I was so excited initially and now I am feeling like it is a complete disaster. I look forward to BB10 and hope they can go back to a known and proven formula!

Peace, BBBlogger

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babra February 17, 2008 at 4:44 pm

I do not like this season . I will not be watching the show again. I will wait for BB10 and see what happens. I never watched porn and this is not a nice show . I like the back stabbing and making a friend and then turning that friend to foe. I have watched the last of BB9. Maybe next one will be back on course.

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Jenna February 17, 2008 at 4:46 pm

The show is a disappointment this time, can’t feel any of the excitement that usually comes with watching it. Even the conversations are boring, I think couples were a bad idea – Looking forward to the summer when Big Brother 10 comes on.

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Greta February 17, 2008 at 6:11 pm

terrible season— I watched every BB– but this one i cannot get into.

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Jen February 17, 2008 at 6:12 pm

what happened with the other gay guy, why did he leave? I missed that…

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Eye Data February 17, 2008 at 6:42 pm

Boring ………… it’s like watching a bunch of kindergarten kids!!!

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Leslie February 17, 2008 at 8:37 pm

BIG BROTHER was my favorite reality show t’ill now, the casting was amazing for all the previous seasons they must have called it quits because this season is just a joke. Cancel it and save the BIG BROTHER reputation.

A truly disapointed fan.

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Jim February 17, 2008 at 9:18 pm

BB9 is terrible so far! On Shotime, all they do is sit around and talk about how bored they are. Then when they get a few beers in them I feel like I’m at a kids party that I can’t wait to leave. Can’t wait until B10 because this is some bad TV.

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Karen February 17, 2008 at 9:27 pm

I’m having a hard time following everything that has happened. Disappointed so far, but not giving up yet. They should’ve put Jen & Ryan together, not apart. Some of it is ridiculous, especially when Parker woke everyone up because “someone” called him a snake! Get over it!

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flora February 17, 2008 at 10:24 pm

I realy am not liking the coupling. I am disappointed. I love this show and have watched every season which I include the live feeds and house call show too! BUT this year, I do not like the coupling, I do hope they will come to separate them soon.

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katie February 18, 2008 at 1:15 am

Joshuha looks like he is over it too! Man booooorrrrrriiiiiing

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Alissia February 18, 2008 at 1:22 am

OMG I love Alex, he is soooo handsome, I would whish I could meet him!!
Him & Amanda do make a cute couple, but a lasting couple I doubt it!
I really like this season!

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Gracie February 18, 2008 at 2:25 am

yes they should put Jen and Ryan together, but that is one of the twist to the game. Jen talk to much because she went in to win the money, so why tell Parker about she and Ryan because Parker is talking about sending him and Allison home, try to talk him out of it but don’t tell the secret. And Allison is sooooooo upset because she really throught that she Ryan could really have a thing together. But I think if both couple get evited they will bring Parker and Allison back in the house as a couple.

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Star February 18, 2008 at 4:16 am

You’re all probably gonna get sick of hearing me RANT, but as much as I can’t STAND these people , they sure get me riled up!! (which I’m sure is exactly what CBS likes to hear!) I don’t know if many of you get BB/AD, but it is,by turns, either really BORING or horribly TRAUMATIC! Tonite, Chelsia called Amanda out on something stupid, but like a bunch of rabid dogs thet smelled blood, as long as she was weakened, they all attacked her with a cruelty and total disregard that she may have any human feelings at all that just dumbfounded me.
Last year, BB cut in when Dick and Jen were fighting because supposedly it got too down and dirty for the viewing audience…..and did dole out some punishments. Well, let me tell you….that was NOTHING compared to tonite! Josh called Amanda the *C* word, several times….told her she had a horse face, to go back to her stall and that everybody HATED her! He also made some reference to her father’s suicide and told her to go hang herself like her father did! Yet another WTF moment!! How cruel a person do you have to be to say something like that?? I honestly couldnt believe everyone was ganging up on her and NO one came to her rescue! Not her so-called *friends* in the game or Big Brother!!! She took it all well considering , but when she finally got into the house she really broke dwon. And I hate to admit, I was crying with/for her! I have never seen anyone(Josh) or anything so brutal on reality TV! And I said to myself..WHY am I watching this again?? Instead of being a fun, challenging show to watch it has become like a bad accident you can’t pull your eyes off of!!!
Did anyone else SEE this?? I just had to get this off my chest…I am still in a bit of shock! Thanks for listening…lol

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Cinful February 18, 2008 at 6:18 am

Star, I saw it too and I am still in shock over what I saw.
I’m telling you, my mouth was hanging open when all that happened. I could not believe my ears!!!!!

I couldn’t understand why Chelsia and Natalie were so upset to begin with…yeah I heard what they accused Amanda of saying but then why did Joshuah go off like he did??!! It was awful! The only one who acted halfway human was Allison and then later on Sheila tried to smooth things out a bit too.

That was a low blow when Chelsia said give her a noose and Joshuah said yeah to hang herself just like her father did. I never knew until tonight that Amanda’s father had committed suicide. Did y’all know that? I hate hate hate when a person calls a woman the *C* word and Joshuah called Amanda that several times. I thought he was going to hit her too. I think he would have if Allison had not pulled him away when she did.
Talk about drama! I thought this was way worse than anything Evel Dick ever did!

When Evel Dick would go off on one of his mean rants, everyone else would clam up but these people were all like pit bull dogs out for blood. I have never cared much for Amanda but nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

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Marla Jo February 18, 2008 at 8:24 am

I am not watching live feeds so I’m totally out of the loop. What did Chelsia and Natalie accuse Amanda of saying?

I was so bummed when Jen opened her big mouth and told Parker about her and Ryan. My gosh, not even a week had gone by. I was so excited about seeing how that would play out, but no, she had to ruin it.

I’ll still watch, but I also agree that we need a more mature house for at least one BB season.

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colleen February 18, 2008 at 8:27 am

so very dissapointed, the worst yet. I watch with my daughter and I do not want her watching this year. There is nothing good at all.

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bluuuumer February 18, 2008 at 8:29 am

is it my immagination or does this cast of characters copmpared to other years seem alot more immature…or am i dreaming this…is this a younger group…

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KPrice February 18, 2008 at 9:51 am

I totally agree with Lisa, I was watching the show last night and felt like I was watching Real World off of MTV. Come on Big Brother, You are better than that. I am actually getting really really bored with it, I hope they come up with something interesting or I am going to have to find something else to watch. I really do not like the playing as couples thing. Too Complicated…. Let them make their own alliances. It would have been much more interesting to let them find their soul mates and then see if the show had matched them correctly. Please do something interesting, I am begging….

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Kay February 18, 2008 at 11:53 pm


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WildDaddy February 19, 2008 at 5:25 am

Gee Louise! Thank Goodness, there was other TV program that came conflict with the time slot with the BB9. I opted to watch the other TV shows than this Jenna Jameson and Tito Oritz’s children (Jenna is porn star, Tito got an attiude LOL)

Am looking forward to BB10 in June, rumors flying around that there will be some semi movie stars in it along with Rob and Amber Mariano (known from Survivor and Amazing Race) I’ll see how the BB10 goes, if it sucked! I’ll shut the BB out of my face and watching “My Dad is better than Your Dad! or “Biggest Loser”. Mark Burnett ROCKS!!

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