Wow…just to think that this was just 3 years ago this domain and website did not even exists!
…and now I am even getting pictures from Big Brother fans in China! Crazy stuff.
Today with our countdown at 18 days until Big Brother 9 I have 2 new submitters to our little picture countdown experiment.
First is one that I have to admit took me by surprise. I received an email from Ruud Kin that read this….
“I am a ultra fans of BB in China,Shanghai. ^ – ^
So excited that BB is coming!!!
I’d like to share some countdown pictures of day 18.
One of them is the kit of my favorite soccer player,Paul Scholes,from Manchester United.
The image of “???” is “18” in Chinese. Cool? I guess it can decorate you sort of chinese culture.
Big wish from China!
So a HUGE thanks to Ruud Kin and all of our fans from China!! Whoo hooo!
A little more close to home, Matt the BB Fanatic sent the following pics and descriptions in…
![]() ![]() ![]() |
So keep the pics coming. I promise to give you credit and a shout out from the most popular Big Brother Blog on the internet. Just email me at realitytvchat (at) gmail (dot) com and hook me up. We are still in need of #’s 1 through 16 (I do have a couple 17’s all ready!)
Speaking of popular Big Brother Blog’s on the net….I am in love with one of the BB9 Dish Chicks! (Shomance does not describe all that I am feeling….especially with Valentine’s Day fast approaching!) Somehow they worked their magic and got an interview with Daniele Donato. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you thought.
Also be sure to let Carolyn (my shomance) know that she can stop over here anytime!
Also…I finally found the date of the Julie Chen on Letterman date. (I still cannot believe I messed that one up!) She will be on Jan. 28! Set your Tivo’s….again, I will have a recap the day after! I am hoping she will give us a little info to get us very excited for BB9!
Until tomorrow….hope you have a great evening!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: We are still accepting comments on the Big Brother 9 Live Feeds for Free post. Please comment that blog post and you could WIN! Good luck!
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First of all I need to appologize to everyone who may have gotten 4 emails today with this post. I am sorry to say that it was because of some updates I was making and it was a accident. I have made sure it will not happen again.
**fingers crossed**
I promise to NOT spam and I will do all I can to make sure it does not happen again.
Peace, BBBlogger
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Just waiting for Big Brother 9.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just made a Gravatar, and want to see if it appears.
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Dear BB I am not understanding the steps to add my gravatar.
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If you set up thr gravatar correcly ….. just be sure the e-mail you use is the same there as it is here
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Hey,dude,it’s me—-RuudKin.
I’m so glad that my pictures and letter can be posted on the most popular BBblog.
I’d like to make friends with all of you guys.
Talk to me!! +
I am also looking forwards to the Super Bowl!!!Surprise?!
Giants vs Patriots
Unbelievable that Patriots made the 16-in-row win!
My favorite team is Milwaukee Bucks(not for Yi,I like Redd!) and Detroit Red Wings.
haha……^ ^
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when does the cast get revealed
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