BB11 Jessie Gets Shown The Door!

by BloggerGal on August 14, 2009


It took forever to read all the comments!  I was going to take the weekend off but I can’t resist giving my two cents worth!

I went to listen to “the wake” .  OMG, they are so pathetic.  Kevin should be running in the opposite direction as quickly as he can.  Did anyone ever read the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”  It’s a parable about two mice who are in a maze.  They are very happy in one section with a nice big hunk of cheese and then little by little the cheese starts to disappear.  That’s because they are eating it!  When inevitably all the cheese disappears, the two mice are surprised.  But here’s the thing.  One mouse says well okay my cheese is gone I had better go out into the maze and find more.  The other mouse sits down and starts complaining and asking “Who Moved My Cheese?”.  Instead of doing something about it, he just complains and complains.  See where I’m going with this?  Kevin Eleven provided us with Jeff’s quote where he says pretty much the same thing about Chima/Nat/Lydia.  Grow up and play the game women!

Off topic for a minute or two…”Who Moved My Cheese?” is one of my favorite books because it teaches every one of us that life constantly changes and you have to go with the changes.  Complaining and whining about life not being fair isn’t going to get you anywhere.  Sometimes I have to pull the book down off the shelf and re-read it because it’s easy to feel sorry for yourself and start throwing blame, but in the end you have to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get going!  Something like this is going on in my life now and so I’m probably due to read the book again.  Most likely, something similar is going on in a lot of lives right now due to our economic upheaval.  BTW, the book is really small and only takes about an hour to read.  Also, I’m not related to the author!  LOL.  But, I do highly recommend you read it if you haven’t already.

Okay, back to Big Brother 11.  I’m not sure if I saw this mentioned in the comments, but did everyone notice how when Jessie was put up for eviction he immediately ripped off his first tee-shirt?  Below was a second shirt that said “The Man, The Myth, The Legend” with a picture of himself underneath.  Ewww.  But it does show he knew he was going home last night.  It is plain to see that Jessie has an agenda and appeared on BB for the notoriety and publicity.  Did you hear him tell Julie that he will be a sports announcer?  At least I think that’s what he said–I’m too lazy to double check!

The HOH competition would have been very hard for me.  I can come up with the right answers but in a split second is a whole other story.  I’ve been wishy-washy about Michelle because she seems to turn on a dime, but I’m kinda glad she won.  I’m still a feminist from way back when!

Also, I have to admit I thought Russell looked hot last night.  I like those hats on guys–but they have to be the right guy to wear it.  Did anyone else notice that Chima’s girlfriend also had a very shiny (sweaty) face–just like Chima always has?  What’s up with that?  As mentioned in the comments, Chima’s grandmother was great.  She handled herself well.  She had to be mortified when she heard her granddaughter’s language, as I’m sure Russell’s family was too.  I know my boys probably say stuff like that when they are with their friends, but if they ever did that on national TV, I’d be PO’d!  I hope I raised them better than that.  Of course, I think I raised them not to sell their soul on national TV and appear on a reality show!

I haven’t had a chance to review BBAD yet.  I did read what y’all said and hope that Michelle does what you said and nominates Chima and Natalie.  I did catch the very beginning where Chima and Natalie were in the HOH room talking to Michelle.  I thought that Michelle would probably go against them because Chima was talking like she was still in charge.  If I were Michelle that would send me in the opposite direction.  If both Natalie and Chima end up off the show next week, I wonder if the other HG’s might actually start enjoying their time in the BB house and have some fun?  Wishful thinking on my part?

I see that Jordan slept with Michelle in the HOH room.  That’s a good sign for J/J group.  I do have to say one thing though.  I don’t like Chima or Natalie, but I wonder if Michelle is doing the right thing by getting rid of a female.  For her to win this game, she is going to need to get rid of both Jeff and Russell.  She’ll never beat either of them in an endurance competition.  Is she giving up her chance to do that?  I’m not saying that’s what I want her to do.  I want her to put up Natalie and Chima.  But I’m asking you if you think it will help or hurt HER game in the end?

Also not BB related…My baby (border collie/lab, one and half year old puppy) developed a “hot spot” yesterday and I had to take him to the vet.  The poor thing was all stressed out and sick.  I never thought I’d get so attached to a dog.   Messed up my day and my “pocketbook”.  Also,it  looks like my “cheese is going to move”.   When I know what’s going on, I’m coming to all my new BB blog friends for advice and encouragement!

I’m not sure but I think yesterday had a record-breaking number of comments.  BBBlogger–is that true?  Let us know what the record is so we can make sure to break it!  Have a great day and stay tuned!  Bloggergal1

catherine August 14, 2009 at 11:46 am

OK SO , i bet last night was a treat .. i can’t wait to hear what happened??!?!?!?!

so nominations tonight??? what is michelle going to do???

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bigbubbabronson August 14, 2009 at 11:51 am

bloggergal1- Jessie said he is going to be a sports entertainer. He wants to be on WWE? WTF? HE is stupid.
I don’t care about Michelle’s game unless it helps Jeff but for conversation sake, I think she would be better for her game as well to get rid of Chima and/or Yappy Lappy. These 2 still think they run the house w/out Jessie, they obviously have some weird alliance that I missed being developed because Chima said early on she didn’t like Yappy Lappy. Those 2 would vote her out in a second because they know she is smart. The second they get a chance to be rid of her she is gone.

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Genie August 14, 2009 at 12:03 pm

I want Michele to put up Natalie and Chima, but I have a feeling that she’s going to put up Russell and Jeff, because of this whole “all-girls alliance” thing. I don’t really know how solid that alliance is though. It’s really hard to figure what she will do, because she really a wildcard and a floater. I don’t think there is any one person she is truly loyal to, unlike Chima, Natalie, and Jessie, and Jeff and Jordan (and Russell?), Lydia and Kevin. It’s weird.

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Genie August 14, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Oh, and I was really confused about that beginning part. What was “the wake”? And thanks for the book recommendation.

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BloggerGal August 14, 2009 at 12:28 pm

The wake was when Chima, Natalie and Lydia (and Kevin) were sitting at the kitchen table crying and complaining over Jessie going home. Bloggergal1

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bbloyal August 14, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Ok, lets face it- Jeff is pretty, just plain yummy to look at; however, I don’t think he is all that smart. Michelle would be better to stick w/ J/J for the simple fact she can out smart them. She has shown she can go for sometime in endurance so the brawn against her is the least of her worries. If she goes w/ Chima or Pnat it will be the demise of her.
Lydiot and Kevin are non factors in the game for now. The focus will be on Chima, Pnat, Jeff, & Russell. Jeff & Russell would be smart to get Kevin by convincing him that he is IN FACT a boy no matter how you look at it and the girls will dump him w/ a quickness if girl power is the route they are taking.
Who knows, the weeks in this house are exhausting and I feel as if we should be down to 3 HG’s at this point.

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Donna August 14, 2009 at 12:38 pm

i have to say i was disappointed that the “big blow-up” with chima didn’t happen or at least CBS chose not to air it, maybe they will save it til sun. nites show… glad to see jessie out. not sure about michelle, but glad she won HOH and not Kevin, he’s now chima’s puppet….michelle will at least do things her way… would love to see her put up chima & Gnat as well………..have a great weekend all. see ya monday.

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bigbubbabronson August 14, 2009 at 1:21 pm

My hubby just called & said he is watching BBAD! He said the disgusting display from Chimapet, Yappy Lappy, Psycho (Lydiot), and Kevin is making him PHYSICALLY ILL. I can’t watch, I told him to just erase it, Jessie was enough to make me puke I’d hope we could move on from that reject AARRGGG

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Erin Maupin August 14, 2009 at 1:29 pm

what the heck was that last night?? absolutely no reaction from Chima..Or did they just edit it?? I knew it she was all talk..that sucked.But it was good that Jessies gone.I could not believe they were all crying last night Lydia doesnt even wanna be there anymore and Chima even made some comments similar to lydias. I actually stayed up and watched all of BBAD last night. I kinda believe Michelle will put up Nat and Chima..but she is so wishy washy i think chima can talk her into something otherwise>i do believe its time to get rid of russell or Jeff if I was Michelle…even tho those two are on the top of my list for final two.I really like Russells game more than Jeffs so far…except last nights move was great of course.But if Jeff cant get a HOH then he doesnt deserve to win.Some of those HOH competions are too easy for sure.
so, i hope Jeff gets his positivity back so he can cuddle more with Jordan and these wimpy crybaby women need to shape up or ship out!

cmon Kevin sounds like he’s “growing a pair”!go with your bad a$$ self!LOL!

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Laura August 14, 2009 at 1:52 pm

In “Who moved my Cheese?” the person freaking out isn’t a mouse but a tiny human. The mice find the new cheese & don’t complain. Just saying!

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BloggerGal August 14, 2009 at 5:09 pm

Laura, Oops! I always remember everything a little “skewed”! Thanks for the correction. Bloggergal1

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Roller August 14, 2009 at 1:59 pm

Last night’s “wake” for jesse (the little “j” is on purpose–I only wish there was a lower-lower case) was the most disgusting thing I ever saw on television–including the stuff they had to eat on “Fear Factor.” I haven’t liked chima since week 1 eviction night. I haven’t like natalie since the first smirk. I sort of liked one side of Lydia but could do without the other. but they all dropped miles in my esteem. That was a horrible display of idiocy.

Anyhow, unless Michelle is playing America for a bunch of chumps, I think the house is moving in the right direction. In a couple of weeks, we will be able to cheer for our favorites without having to be constantly bombarded by the repugnant plotting by “team jesse.” And to think, chima, lydia, and natalie were expressing disdain for the good guys–by projecting their own contemptible faults upon the J/J/R/M group! THAT, my friends, is the height of audacity.

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Roller August 14, 2009 at 2:05 pm

Oh, and I think the producers made a huge mistake. Rumor has it that chima, lydia, and natalie threatened to quit the show if the “wizard power’ was used, and that’s why they got the gift of “beauty” products–as a bribe for not quitting. Damn! Production should have opened the back door to the DR, and said “begone, then.” It would have removed the need for a double-evicition night, which is hokey to begin with, and would have allowed for a couple of non-eviction weeks, in which the play could have been for other prizes. The three announcement could have been something like “faced with not getting their way, the three spoiled brats decided that they no longer wanted to play.” The crowning justice to it would have been if they could have managed to get jesse sitting in the jury house for the next two weeks wondering why no other houseguests were showing up.

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paraphernalia2 August 14, 2009 at 2:21 pm

Roller – You ROCK! (don’t forget, there is sub-case lettering)

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DB August 14, 2009 at 2:36 pm


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Dom August 14, 2009 at 2:36 pm

I think she should put up Natalie and Chima because they boot her out in a heart beat. This game up until now has been very predictable . I think her second choice would be Russell and Jeff with Russell going home if he did not win POV.

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tendr August 14, 2009 at 2:45 pm

For the nutcase girls to threaten BB…..ok, now who’s the terrorists? And why is BB giving in? LET THEM LEAVE if they really want to but I bet you, they’d back down and say “nevermind”…don’t give in to any threats!
please get CHIMA out of there and don’t keep us from watching her make an ass of herself. We need the entertainment. I don’t like the way BB edits stuff out so it looks different in the show than what really happens………..for instance when russell and jesse were fighting and then started laughing………….should have shown them laughing on the show. Let gramma see Chima’s fits and for nat to say the thing about taking a dump on the beds……ga-ross….I can’t even say that outloud. I want nat OUT also. the BBH must drive ppl insane..or maybe it’s the insane that make the show?

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Colleen August 14, 2009 at 2:49 pm

I just watched a couple of the Jessie interviews (one with Ross and one with Julie) and I can’t believe how rude and apathetic he is. For someone who claims to want to be a sports announcer, the guy has no flair!

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cathy August 14, 2009 at 2:54 pm

After Dark was so sickening after putting Jessie(The show is all about Me) out. You would have thought he had passed away. And Lydia, you would have thought she would have been kissing Jeffs feet for taking her off. She is an ungrateful winch. Sorry not liking her more all the time. I hope the double eviction send Chima and Natalie packing to Jessie.

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bluezey60 August 14, 2009 at 3:07 pm

that was funny about the wake not sure about michele other than she is playing the game,she will win comptitions.i like to see people show they are contenders.i hope she puts up nat and kevin and anyone else but chima win the pov,and bd her.she deserves that after all the crap and remarks she has made,that are unforgiveable.someone else stated that when she leaves no one should clap for her.i agree w/that.she is not a true bb player.i think chimas grandmother is a very diplomatic woman and i hope chima apologizes to her family that was really edited. b/c i believe her reaction may have been alot stronger.

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llp August 14, 2009 at 3:46 pm

A beauty kit, really. Well maybe the viewers should have called production and told them that we all are gonna stop watching if they don’t get rid of Chima? Who the h is running the show? Or is that a stupid question? I got sooooo sick of the “wake” that I had to turn it off and go to bed.

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Karen August 14, 2009 at 4:05 pm

I was happy to see jess go. Next I hope is chima then nat or both in the double eviction.The worst part about the double is that the HOH doesnt get any of the perks. All poor Jordan wants is the white slippers lol with her luck she’ll win and only have the power for that episode lol. Heres hoping the 2 shrews get the boot next week, then they can comfort poor jessie. To bad the producers caved in and gave them gifts and bribes to convince them to not walk out.They should have called thier bluff and opened the door for them. If it would have meant u7neven numbers, bring Braden and Casey back lol that would stir the pot.

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Kerry August 14, 2009 at 4:06 pm

I want to know where these rumors come from! Why would BB not let the girls leave (bribing them to stay) That makes no sense, it would be great tv. We have never had anyone walk out the door (on there own, like leaving the show b/c there mad) I think that would be great, so I don’t believe the rumor. Also how do we know Thursdaynights show was taped? It looked live to me. Plus it was right where it was supposed to be when the feeds came on, so I doubt it was taped or edited a head of time. Thats just my observation, also one more thing in past years BB has gotten the hg little gifts for whatever reasons. I can remember paint and something else… anyone else remember that? Thanks for letting me go on and on and on lol

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BloggerGal August 14, 2009 at 5:12 pm

Kerry, We know Thursday night’s show was taped because there were people in the live studio audience who leaked all the information in advance. Bloggergal1

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Hope Mason Coulter August 14, 2009 at 4:32 pm

JRSYGRL38 🙂 IS here with more grammatical mistakes and spelling so beware!! JUZZZZT KIDDIN!!

I am sad today because my daughter who is 13 left last night for a cruise with one of her Best Friends/and her family. But she wanted to wait to watch BB on TVwith me one last time b4 leaving. Jesse leaving was a great going away present for her lol. She watches the TV version and has the same taste as MOMMA 🙂 and she was verry happy to see mr wanna be head out tha door!

So last night in my superpass chatroom that I love Love Love. The women who follow Jesse were being compared to the women in the infamous CHARLES MANSON’S life. And boy doI agree. I CANNOT for the life of me figure out how and or why BIG BROTHER bribed these Crazy Females with beauty products and prizes in future comps to stay in the game when they wanted to go. I agree 150% they should’ve been shown the door. If you are so stupid and have that much self worth to want to quit because FAKE A** WWF wannabe has left the building then BIG BROTHER should have shown them the door as well.

So anyways I see alot of people comment that Jeff is stupid but last night when he was in the BY and talked about the 3 freak shows being GNAT,LYDIA and CHIMA he made more sense then the self proclaimed intellectuals of the BB house. To play this game and think you are all going to band together and basically mentally quit makes no sense whatsoever. Jeff likened them to 6 yr olds and also made ref to being on a football team and catching the winning TD and the other team crying and quitting. Spot on Jeff spot on! Jeff is people smart and made the right move when given the chance. Great gameplay. I love how people refer to the LIARS on this show as great game players ie Dr Will and Boogie. Here is a perfect example of a sincerly good guy given a chance and using a power to make a great and very smart game decision. Jeff had not been given the chance to make any strategic moves besides his deal with Russ and taking himself off the block when he needed to. So IMO Jeff is playing a honest game and playing smart w/o wearing shirts that say stupid quips about lying right to your face. Jeff so far has played this game perfectly and him looking good helps too :). I hope Jeff goes and makes a complaint (like Lydia did about the gatorade) about GNAT drinking wine last night this will almost force BB to tell him that she is over 21 and HER WORD IS HER BOND will no longer hold any validity period.

As far as Lydia and Gnat and Chima go they say they are strong women yet their whole gameplay revolved around a MAN can you say hypocrites?? The wake was stupid, the tears were a joke and the TOAST to the man the myth an the legend was disgusting to say the least. Lydia should have been grateful to Jeff instead she comes to Jordan in the splish/splash room and tells Jordan “I just want you to know that I am not made and I don’t lump the 2 of you together. What he does does not reflect on you.” ???? wait I mean WAIT CAN YOU REPEAT THAT LYDIA YOU STUPID FREAK SHOW. So Ms Jordan (who gets the rap of the dumb blonde) says to her “I think what Jeff does was good cause we were next in line.” and “He did take you off the block (save you DUH) so?” and what does Lydia say? “Well I just wanted you to know I am not MAD at you Jordan.” “And it just sucked that Jesse didn’t get to fight for POV.” waaaaaaawaaaaaaa. Can someone please rewind here or tell me if I am missing something. Lydia is MAD at Jeff for taking her off the block and using a POWER that IF in the same situation she would APPLAUD THE LOVE OF HER LIFE FOR USING?!?! Actually the love of what 5 weeks>? WHAT A JOKE I MEAN REALLY WHAT A JOKE.

As for Gnat she is lost and useless now. She was drinking last night and saying that her stomach hurt yet SHE downed the chinese food when it came. ANOTHER STROKE FROM BB FOR THE UNHAPPY MANSON I MEAN GODDERD (IDK HOW TO SPELL HIS LAST NAME AND I FRANKLY DONT GIVE A RATS A**) GIRLS. Gnats game is gone and she tried to bully Mich by saying what she said in the hoh last night with Chima but… Mich said that sealed her fate saying she was coming aftr her friends in the game J+J. And I tend to believe Mich on this because J+J always talked with Mich and were her friends waay before HOH or any power. Gnat is just an after thought too me any way she wins nothing and brings nothing to the game.

Chima Chima! Big Brother the lengths you go to for this one. I don’t know why but you do. PRE-TAPING THE SHOW? Not letting us see what we wanted her reaction from her HOH meaning nothing? WRONG MOVE BB. And you still kiss her a** she threatens about production this production that! LET HER LEAVE, LET HER GO America will be pleased this girl has been b*tching since day one! Then she goes and throws racist remarks around still about Russ and Lydia chiming in last night about paper airplanes into buildings. (not sure the exact quote or if Lydia said it but it was one of the 3 godderd girls) That is just shameful and wrong and if roles were reversed you can bet your income that there would be more THREATS to production and BB in general. I am so over her and I think alot of people feel the same.

Why BB is putting up with these 3 who knows. When the others left the house besides Ronnie there were no PITY PARTIES or WAKE’s J+J sucked it up and moved on but I guess these 3 have a dffrnt set of rules.

Jesse I was suprised said WELL PLAYED to Jeff and while I don’t agree it was the first and best move Jeff has made I have to respect that he said that to Jeff. That being said his “production” on the way out and with Julie was immature and just plain DUMB. No entertainment value whatsoever!

So here is to Mich who barely got to enjoy her first night in HOH with Chima Gnat and Lydia doing there best to throw a damper on things. One good thing is they showed her their cards and that GIRL POWER really meant nothing to them. Go Michele do your thing hun. And your letter from your husband was GREAT!

Enough ranting I am going to enjoy the sunny weather and the free time no child for 7 days what to do, what to do!! 🙂

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jambalaya August 14, 2009 at 5:16 pm

Is it me or does that bi-atch Chima look like a platypus???????

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bigbubbabronson August 14, 2009 at 5:25 pm

I am sure it is true the BB producers are giving in to the little fits of the HG’s. I have said it 100 x’s and so has everyone else, when did BB producers lose control of their own show? When did BB give in to the HG’s and their demands? When did BB allow the HG”s to determine what twists happen and do not?

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bulwinkle August 14, 2009 at 5:32 pm

when did BB producers lose control of their own show?

When they brought Chima on board

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jambalaya August 14, 2009 at 5:41 pm

chima over inflated those platypus lips

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Peggy August 14, 2009 at 6:05 pm

What was SUPPOSED to be the BEST eviction EVER…NEVER HAPPENED! I am SO disgusted with CBS and their antics…bribing people to stay…bribing them to BE GOOD, giving a heads up to Chima that things MIGHT NOT go her way, caving in to her idle threats…TAPING what was supposed to be a LIVE show everyone agreed would be the HIGHLIGHT of this season! CBS truly showed WHO was in control of this season…and it was NOT CBS!
I’m done…if they wouldn’t show us the most anticipated eviction show ever and keep their fingers OUT OF IT…I don’t have much hope that the rest of this season will be any different.
I’m DONE watching this season because CBS will orchastrate the rest of it anyway!

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Cherie August 14, 2009 at 6:31 pm

I saw the show and BBAD last night. The chima crap with her directing kevin during the HOH and thinking she was still in charge of everyone, wow, is she full of herself. The pity party with the crying over jessie was disgusting. What the hell are they thinking?

BB production must have done lots of editing before we saw the show, but I did catch chima bitching again that she needed to go into the house before she started cussing on what she thought was live TV. She also mentioned that she was going to speak with BB production about the so called unfairness. Who does this big mouth fool think she is? AND she said last night that she plans on spitting in Russlle’s face. BB production you need to keep that from happening or take her sorry a$$ out of the house. Anyone spit on my face & I would go after them with both hands around the neck. That is an ultimate insult in my book. (I am female & 63 yr’s old).

I did also see that they dumped Jeff’s clothes out and took all the blankets out of the have not room. Lydia, has hair rinse that was meant for Michelle and plans on keeping it. I say kick out the liars & thieves that disrespect other people’s property. There are 3 bitches in the house that need to go ASAP. Bye bye to chima, gnat & Lydia.

I feel sorry for chima’s grandmother because she must be embarrassed to death by this behavior.

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Kerry August 14, 2009 at 6:47 pm

Thanks Bloggergal, but how did the feeds match up? And what about the girls,someone saying they were gonna leave, and then supposedly bribing the girls to stay. Any real info on that?
Thank you again

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aggie August 14, 2009 at 7:09 pm

I really hope Michele does th e right thing and nominates those BITCHES , NATALIE AND CHIMA, Their already in a bad mood , I can just see the drama. Bring it on , it will make the show alot more exciting.

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Star August 14, 2009 at 9:44 pm

*********Nominations Spoiler**************
Michelle did nominate Chimapet and Gnat!!! yeah!!! You go girl!!

I know it’s what we all wanted, as BloggerGal1 said, but she does have a point. If Michelle was thinking end game, she would try to get the guys out. But I think she is so happy just to finally have people around her that actually seem to WANT her in their alliance, that she is scrambling to do their bidding. Kinda like a faithful loving puppy does!! Besides, there is always the Veto and since this week is a double eviction anything could happen!! Can’t beleive this year is FINALLY getting , dare I say……exciting??lol

BTW BloggerGal1 I am interested in the book you were talking about. Do you know the author? Otherwise, there probably aren’t alot of other books out there with the same name…;) Thanks in advance.

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BloggerGal August 14, 2009 at 10:34 pm

Star, Spencer Johnson wrote “Who Moved My Cheese”. I evidently didn’t get the whole story quite right, but it really is worth reading. In my house if we see that someone is about to get fired or laid off or something else, we always say “Uh-oh their cheese is moving!” Let me know what you think of it when you get to read it! Bloggergal1

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Star August 14, 2009 at 11:25 pm

Thanks BloggerGal1!! I REALLY don’t do change well….usually go into it kicking and screaming. But I know i NEED it and love it’s just getting there. SO it piqued my interest me and seemed like something I could benefit from.
I am glad you checked back here. I posted the spoiler before I realized there was yet another post for today! I did that last Sat too for the Veto! I have GOT to start keeping an eye out for those days awhen you and BBlogger get BUSY on And it seems once a new blog is posted the other one is as forgotten about as teh 1st HG out of the BB house….hehehe

I will let you know if/when I get ahold of a copy of the book. Thanks again!


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aggie August 15, 2009 at 2:45 am

IT seems like CHIAPET AND NATALIE were nominated for eviction, Things couldnt be going better MICHELE did the right thing ,YEAH.HOPEFULLY None of them will be able to get the POV. They seem to want to send home CHIAPET first. which is smart , things will be so much better without her around. It seems like the NOMINEES are being rather vengeful they were messing around with the people on Jeffs sides Clothes. JEFF said ,they better KNock it off or He will put their stuff on fire. Chiapets group said JEFF has no chance of winning the money if he makes it to the end. CHIAPET said if it were RUSSEL AND JEFF in the end she would rather give it to RUSSEL.

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shookup August 15, 2009 at 6:28 am

Why is BB so afraid of Chimpa?? She is NOTHING in comparison to Evil Dick!! I don’t recall them having to bribe Dick!!

I can’t believe those chic’s were bought out for some stupid BEAUTY KITS!!!
GEEZ…Those girls are dumber than I thought…They should have at least held out for some of the gifts, that they give in the competitions, since BB was playing “Let’s Make a Deal”…What moron’s!!!

Too bad they didn’t walk, then this show might have resurected it’s self from being the “Most Lame BB Season Ever”…

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Genie August 15, 2009 at 2:55 pm

Yes, I saw that now. Unbelievable.

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BloggerGal December 8, 2009 at 9:38 am

The wake was when Chima, Natalie and Lydia (and Kevin) were sitting at the kitchen table crying and complaining over Jessie going home. Bloggergal1

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