BB11…Chima’s Departure Aftermath

by BloggerGal on August 16, 2009

Happy Sunday everyone!

Shall I summarize?  Chima either quit BB11 or was asked to leave by the producers.  There is an email circulating that (supposedly?) Chima wrote saying that she quit.  You really can’t be 100% sure, but it does look legit.  If she is saying the truth or not is a matter of personal opinion, don’t you think?

After she left, the BB producers decided that they would consider her evicted, although she does not get to go to the Jury House.  Next they held another HOH competition.  Jordan won this competition but from bits and pieces of the “guys” talking, it seems they threw the competition so that she would win.  If true, that’s sweet.

Jordan’s mother is going to lose her house.  Her parents got divorced and Jordan says her father spent all their money.  She if very concerned about her family.  Of course, there will be comments positive and negative about this.  Is she making it up for sympathy votes, etc.  Whatever.  I don’t think that someone should win BB because they need the money.  I think the person who plays the best should win BB11.  You have to play really well to get to the final two, so it usually works out okay.

As documented in the comments, Lydia flipped out last night.  Everyone, but especially Michelle and Jeff were involved in the fight.  Some think she’s trying to get evicted to get some alone time with Jessie in the Jury House.  Maybe.  Natalie is happy to let her go to the Jury House.  Kevin and Natalie and Lydia keep carrying on trying to come up with ideas to destroy the other alliance.  All they are doing is making themselves look more and more like two-year-olds.  Kevin wanted them to join the others to eat, but Natalie and Lydia refused.  I think that’s the famous “cut your nose off to spite your face”.  They told Kevin to go out, but he didn’t.  What a wimp.  He actually said if he wins POV, he’ll take Lydia off.  Well, he said that, but I don’t think he’d do it.  If he does, he’s crazy (too?).

I would expect Jordan to put up Lydia and Natalie.  When she was talking to Jeff, she thinks that Natalie should be evicted because she is the stronger player.  Not sure if she is the stronger player, but she is still thinking logically and strategically.  I agree with Jordan that to get rid of Natalie before Lydia is a good idea.  An even better idea would be to get rid of Kevin because he keeps those two girls a bit in check.  Let them flounder without him.

The only comment I have about Lydia’s hair is that it doesn’t match the unitard.  Once again, I have to say that her behavior in the house really scares me.  Hopefully, she’s “playin” us all and putting this whole big show on for America.  I don’t really see it that way though.

Time to get on with my day.  Can’t brag about my plans because I haven’t decided what I want to do yet!  We’re thinking of going to the Western Finals of the LL World Series in San Bernardino at 5:00 p.m. pst tonight.  I have to do a little school shopping with my college-bound senior.  He’ll be leaving CA to go back to Penn State on Wednesday <sigh>.  Last year though…but then the second one starts college <bigger sigh>.  LOL  Have a great day. I can’t say it enough times that our commenters’ are the best on the Internet!!!! Stay tuned…Bloggergal1

Sandy August 16, 2009 at 10:40 am

Sorry, but pink and red do indeed match. Nice touch Lydia!

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catherine August 16, 2009 at 11:16 am

I don’t mean to be a bother, but since jessie and chima are gone, im extremely bored of big brother … as much as i hate them, it was always nerve wracking and exciting to see when things don’t go our way and now it seems everything is going exactly how we want and its not really that fun to watch any more … oh well

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 11:21 am

Thanks so much for keeping up informed and pointing out your views…
I think you made a very good point.. If they did eliminate Pevin they would be letting these girls go on their own and make even bigger fools of themselves. But the only problem there is that the other guest really believe Pevin is just a passive guy with no balls. I honestly think they don’t realize he is the one keeping them playing in somewhat a neutral manner.. If he had not stopped Lydiot and Gnat they would have made even more foolish moves.
On another subject… I don’t know where I was when Michele told the HGs she was bi sexual. Her and Jordan where talking about it and Jordan asked her if her in-laws knew it and she said no.. Jordan said “Well they do now!”.. Do you think she has an attraction to Jordan? I noticed she volunteered to sleep between Jeff and Jordan if they all three slept in the HOH room.. Jeff told Jordan he would just slum it for the week. He said he would still come and hang out with her but sleep on his own in the pool room.. IDK but for some reason Michele is getting on my nerves these last few days. It has nothing to do with her saying she is bi either.. I feel they should be very very leery of her.. But in best case scenario she can only go to final 3 if Jeff gets rid of Russell and can keep Jordan.. I cannot see Gnat or Lydiot siding with Michele at this point.. but anything is possible as we all have seen this past weeks. Just mulling over this as I type I realize, getting Pevin out at this point might just be the move to make.. Put what if Russell sides with Lydiot and Gnat next week?
Things that make you go HUMMMM!
Ok enough..
I am now copying my text before I hit submit.. I have learned my lesson with the others going to cyber space to never be found…

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nomadron August 16, 2009 at 11:21 am

How can you say that? Other than the CDT show I think tonight’s will be one of the most exciting this season! I wish BB would expand tonight’s show to what has been going on the last 2 days.

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Denise August 16, 2009 at 11:27 am

Great Job on the blog blogger! Pride got in the way for Ms. Diva. As a result, she bailed on her team-mates, fans, the show. I would be upset with Chima if she bailed on me. It should be clear now who the real floaters in the house have been. No wonder the floaters miss Jesse and it would appear Chima missed him the most. Thanks again blogger for such a fun site to visit. Keep up the great work. Denise

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Genie August 16, 2009 at 11:37 am

I agree nomdron! I wish they would do like a 1 hour special or something. And also Catherine, this is the most exciting time in the entire season. Drama, drama, drama. How on earth can you be bored??

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 11:38 am

nomadron, i have to agree with you there.. Not sure which BB cathrine is watching but there have been fireworks all week and I am sure will continue through the end till the last week….
Russsell will be scrambling to win, as anyone in the house should be doing. Just wonder how low they will all go..
Game is Game….
Smiling with wonder…

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Donna Rose August 16, 2009 at 11:42 am

I think someone needs to remind the houseguests that the high school “clique twist” has been over for a while now. They no longer need to act like immature, childish teenagers. And never fear, the drama we will witness from Lydia & Nat will make up for the hatefulness that is Chima. I just hope Kevin steers clear of them, unless, of course, he, too, wants to get sent to the Jury room to sleep with the freakish rejected action figure Charlie, I mean, Jessie. =^^=

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Sportnut August 16, 2009 at 12:17 pm

You have to give it up to Jordan. I know the parents of Jordan very well as I went to high school with her and we are friends. Jordans mother always wanted to be one of the cool mom’s and her father travels weekly. Jordan grew up with everything, large house and trips. Her parents are good people but i am surprised Jordan has not mention his name much. He is a fun and playful parent and Jordan was always close to him. Divorce is never good but hopefully she will win. I dont think her mother needs the money as I am sure there is a sugar-daddy out there. Good luck Jordan

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 12:25 pm

I’ve been reading along and keeping up and have been happy to let Augustus, Kim, “Guy on restroom door”, among many others provide the running commentary. However, after reading some of the stuff the last few days I feel the need to chime in. As Bloggergal said it’s America and we our all entitled to our own opinions, but I wonder what show a select few are watching. To say Chima is not racist when she openly admitted during a BBAD telecast that she only tossed in the “terrorizing the house” part to cover herself and has also called Jordan “white trash” among other comments that have flowed from her mouth is crazy. Also the person that stated Jeff went against his alliance….not sure what show you’ve been watching, but most on his side were voted out the first 3 weeks. He was never alligned with the “snooze til you lose” posse. The last couple weeks have riled the house up and made for some entertaining TV. What was BB thinking when they brought Jesse back to begin with. Let’s see he slept thru last season until he was sent packing and he slept thru this season until America helped him out the door again. Good luck with that sports entertainment career. What’s the plan there to sleep your opponents into submitting out of boredom?

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Shelley August 16, 2009 at 12:36 pm

Nat must go next, then Lydia(the amitriptyline queen), and finally the CHEESE will stand alone. Kevin is by no means the wimp ppl. think he is. Kevin is a good guy who really listens and has stuck by Lyd to a point, and he must know those two she-devils would kick, throw,and shove his body under the bus while he sleeps. Russell made the comment on Lydia’s medication and that she shouln’t drink on it. 2 bottles of champagne. He also said she was bi-polar. This is all just my opinion. Anyone agree?

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Marsha August 16, 2009 at 12:45 pm

Maria, those kind of comments are uncalled for here.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2009 at 12:47 pm

Hey, Maria…that is completely unnecessary. She’s a horrible person, but racial slurs are inappropriate.

Shelley, I agree with you! =^^=

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Paul S August 16, 2009 at 12:47 pm

Wow, what a day it was. I spent hours and hours pouring ove r the info that was flooding into the chatroom. Even though most info was not confirmed yet, it was very captivating. It was quite a day to say the least. No doubt the most exciting day in Big Brother history. Ty for your post bloggergal, it was a good overveiw of the days events. Paul S.

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bulwinkle August 16, 2009 at 12:49 pm


Not trying to complain, but one of the reason I like this site is at best it was a soft R rating. that rating seems to bel slipping a bit with some personal attacks on the previous update page, a few F-Boms being dropped, and now the N word… couple of posts up.

Im sot sure what amazing powers you have as Bloggergal1, but I would love to see you use them to keep the streets safe for kids.


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Roger A August 16, 2009 at 12:53 pm



Boot Natalie, and Kevin and Lydia have each other..

Boot Michele, and no one really misses her…

Boot Russell and you cant win comps, and weaklings have skated by in the game…

Boot Kevin, and Natalie and Lydia (once arch enemies, now BFF’s) start at each other again, and pull Michele into the “all-girl” group…

I say… boot Kevin and watch the 3 girls kick each others asses when Russell and Jeff save themselves and throw Jordan under the bus.. either way, if Russ or Jeff save themselves, and Jordan goes home, its only a matter of time before they turn on each other and send one of their own home. YEA!!!

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bulwinkle August 16, 2009 at 12:56 pm

As for the next to go, if its either Gnat or Lydiot, jessie is not going to sleeping alone at night and probablly not doing much sleeping for that matter.

I say send Kevin… Who Knows, Jessie still might get lucky… hehehehe

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have an evil side… why do you ask?

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Cocasweet August 16, 2009 at 1:00 pm

I am really saddened by the words that Maria has chosen to use on this blog. I hope it is not indicative of the bloggers on here
This is unacceptable language!

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ncgal August 16, 2009 at 1:01 pm

I am looking forward to the show tonight, but I probably will be disappointed because they will probably not show us all the excitement going on. Sounds like we need at least 2 hours to get just the juicest parts in. I hate the thought of Russ going over to Nat and L. side. L. had a much better chance of sticking with Jeff’s side. But, being Bi-Polar, they don’t always do the right thing. I know that because my daughter is bipolar. She is doing netter now that they have her medication adjusted. Wonder if L. is taking anything for it. I do hope Nat goes out next anyway.

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I want Spoilers August 16, 2009 at 1:03 pm

WOW Maria your parents must be proud. Racism of any kind just shows your insecurities and immaturity.

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ncgal August 16, 2009 at 1:09 pm

I agree with the language Cocasweet, but it’s not the worst thing in the world. C. herself was using VERY unacceptable language. Calling Russ a terriost for one thing among many other things. Russ could have called her the N word, but he didn’t.

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Tammie August 16, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Maria…… your comment is ugly and not the type of thing we want to see on this blog. I agree withbulwinkle and the others…..I believe Bloggergal can delete these comments and she will when she sees them.

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Dawn August 16, 2009 at 1:23 pm

I am assuming that “Maria’s” post was deleted, good thing!! This site is for opinions, feelings, but nothing as horrible as that. I still believe that Russell probably has something up his sleeve, in the end, he will make his move when the time is right. I am hoping, since Jeff took him off, he will be loyal to Jeff until the end, I doubt it though. I was saddened to see Jordan crying in the HOH room, but folks, those tears sure looked genuine as she is the only one who for a moment, showed her soft human side and showed she is really missing her family. I think she probably is a really nice person and I am hoping that doesn’t come back to bite her!! Looking forward to this playing out and if CBS is smart, they will show us the demise of CHIMA!!!! Peace!!

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nomadron August 16, 2009 at 1:26 pm

Bloggergal thanks for keeping this a nice place to visit and post!

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aggie August 16, 2009 at 1:28 pm

BULWINKLE, I agree with the KEVIN comment, I have always thought JESSE was GAY. I really dont see anyone taking JORDAN to the end ,If they want to win . JEFF has never said he would take her. HE would definately have a better chance against Russel. WE all know how guys stick together in this game.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 2:11 pm

Ok i missed what Maria said..
Shelley if you are friends with Jordans family then tell me why Jordan is playing up the entire thing about being so poor, homeless and destitute? Just in my opinion like stated earlier.. I like jordan very much but it should not be on pity, sympathy or sorrow that a person wins.. It should be cause she played the game to the fullest..
Looking at Michele right now.. she looks bad.. whats up in the house.. she is sitting outside alone.. anything happen this morning that is worth talking about..

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tj August 16, 2009 at 2:14 pm

where is this letter from Chima? I would love to see what she has written.

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bulwinkle August 16, 2009 at 2:15 pm

Wow, what would Jeff do if it were him, Jordan and Michele in the F3 and he got to choose?

Rock Jeff Hard Place

He tosses Jordan undr the Bus after all this time snuggling with Jordan, then I would vote for Michele.

At this point, he better stick with her or Second Place is the best he can expect…

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 2:18 pm

Oops sorry Shelley it was sportsnut I was talking to about being friends with Jordans family..
My mistake…

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Jim lee August 16, 2009 at 2:24 pm

Chima will be lost because she created fireworks on the show. I hope they show all of her actions. They should also allow her to say her piece. This will make it a true reality show. I hope Jordan and Jeff win and get married.

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tj August 16, 2009 at 2:26 pm

found the email

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Maria Dillon August 16, 2009 at 2:33 pm

I not a racist or have insecurities.

All I said was that the N word is deplorable to me. I would never call Chima that. I have black friends and never used that word ever.

My bad and it was a rant.

I am unwelcome and I will leave.

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BloggerGal August 16, 2009 at 3:49 pm

It is very easy to be misunderstood in writing on the Internet or in emails for that matter. Everyone is welcome here. You are invited to stay. Bloggergal1

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 2:35 pm

Nothing really going on in house right now.. Only exitement, if you call it that, is Jordan accidently let her bikini top slip and flashed her boob.. I am not sure if the camera actually caught the flash. She was asking Michele to toss her her other top to cover her eyes and she is in the pool tanning on a floaty. Sooo you men out there heres your chance.. Flashback to this time and you can see a Jordan Flash..
Russell is cleaning out frig. There must be something rotten in there cause they said it smelled of fish.. Heck I need him to come to my house if he cleans that well.. I have a few task for him.. hee hee hee (Wonder if he does windows?)
I cant see the other HGs. I did hear Jordan refer to the POV compitition. Will it be today or tomorrow? With the schedule so messed up I wonder.. Well off to see a movie.. Will check back from time to time to see if anything interesting is happening..
Kim M.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 2:36 pm

Jim lee,
Fairytales do still happen!
I found mine after 28 yrs of hell…
Kim M

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Sherri August 16, 2009 at 2:52 pm

I wonder how Chima will be after she goes home and gets all this negative attention for being so evil in the house. I know I wouldn’t want to be her… Holy cow she made as s out of herself. lol She is gonna be so hated on, nobody gonna ever like her again!! serves her right! Well let’s see how her Grandmother feels about her little Chimapet now… I think it is so funny that she humiliated herself the way she did. Poor Chima…. NOT Go Jeff I hope he wins this game. After Chima called Russell a terrorist – don’t ya think she is the racist one here??? Yeah you know you are Chima How’s it feel to be sooo mad Chimapet? LOL I LOVE THIS DRAMA. THANKS FOR KEEPING THE BLOG GOING BLOGGERETTE. Great season. Hope next year is as good as this one. Gnat is the one that needs to go next.

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bigbubbabronson August 16, 2009 at 3:12 pm

I’m not sure the email is legit from Chima? However, if it is- GET OVER YOURSELF!!!! I wouldn’t have acted the way she did, however, if I had been tossed from BB I would rather go out like that then to be known as a QUITTER when things didn’t go my way!!!!!!
Secondly, she can’t see past her nose. Had she not been so hypocritical of Brendan’s comments, acted out like SHE had, & tried to cover her own nasty commments (re: Russell), admitting it was in fact a “cover” she wouldn’t be “PORTRAYED” the way she was. Hmmm? Seems to me Chimapet was in fact as shown. She forgets we get BBAD and live feeds that ARE NOT CENSORED or been through EDIT!!!
For crying out loud, I am glad she is gone-don’t speak deary, no one cares what you have to say, you’ve done yourself, your family, & your cause no justice. Sad, sad, sad.
I said it before, it is a game. They all willingly signed up for the show and I am pretty sure they knew the logistics of the game-

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bigbubbabronson August 16, 2009 at 3:14 pm

I didn’t finish my first thought LOL- To go out being kicked out for defiance and your attitude is much more legandary than going out as a QUITTER!!! She is so stupid

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bulwinkle August 16, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Kim Mitchell

I think Jordan likes the attention when hes “accidentially” flashes her boobs, there are several picts of her caught on BB camera where various naughty bits are displayed… not that Im complaining 🙂

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 3:56 pm

I hope they show what happen to ChimaPet. I read they booted her because she broke a $5,000 mic and wanted into the DR and when they would let her in she tried to tear down the door. I wouldn’t put it past her….she’s CRAZY. Whoever rased her did a terrible job. Spoiled her too much so now she thinks she’s entitle to everything. She’ll be puzzled when she reads these blogs and wonder why america doesn’t like her. And to think she was on the brains team…she stupid.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2009 at 3:59 pm

You’re kidding; right? How do you “misunderstand” the “n” word? It’s not like she “accidentally” typed it! It’s 2009 – who even says that anymore? And now for her to act like a victim when she started the firestorm? It must be Chima pretending to be Maria. Give me a break. =^^=

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 4:11 pm

I just read that ChimaPet (you know she’s gonna hate that nick name) that she quit…either way she’s a LOOSER!

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 4:14 pm

ChimaPet will be single for the rest of her life…I feel sorry for her. NOT!

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 4:35 pm

bulwinkle, thanks for keeping my power on last night. You did your part, so I did mine….. I went to the 10AM services. However, if I’d know BB/AD was going to be like that I probably would have went into the garage and cut the power myself(LOL). It was nice to see Jordan in her HOH room though. I knew the fireworks would be over by BB/AD! Don’t get me wrong…. I liked “The Godfather” for the story, but a “horse’s head in the bed” every once in a while doesn’t hurt! Gettin’ caught up on comments and you people crack me up too. And Erin, last time I checked….. let me take a quick peek “downstairs”… nope! I’m not a “she”(LOL) …. honest mistake… I’m just teasin’ you Erin:) I really enjoyed reading Chima’s e-mail. It sounds exactly like what I expected. The game didn’t go her way, she didn’t want to wear her mike and destroyed it, then they said she had to pay for it and she quit. And yet everybody else is at fault….. ok Chima.

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Tammie August 16, 2009 at 4:49 pm

I just started watching live feeds last night (it is addicting). It seems that Jeff and Jordan are keeping a safe distance between each other. Unless Jordan is acting, she may be one of the nicest HGs in BB history. Open door policy to her HOH room, willing to share everthing she received with the other HGs. I think a lot of American’s can relate to her story of financial problems (I am assuming it is true, if not she is one heck of an actress). It probably would not be in anyone’s best interest to take Jordan to the final two, but having said that….if Jeff tosses her under the bus for anyone else he will lose my vote. Yes, I know it is a game, but shouldn’t a person be able to win with their integrity intake? Or does it take cut throat every man/woman for him/herself to win?

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Gracie August 16, 2009 at 5:12 pm

why did they have another HOH competition???

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Marilyn August 16, 2009 at 5:21 pm

I am still confused as to why they changed HOH. Did I miss something here or is it one of those things they will possibly let us know later.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 5:30 pm

Gracie, I’m assuming for tv/production purposes? With Chima cut out of production, they need some material for tonight and Tuesday’s shows (Nominations, veto comp & ceremony.. etc). They had planned a double eviction, and even w/ Chima leaving they still could have made Thurs’ show work as the first eviction is very early. Basically, I think they needed “filler” for Sun & Tue. For my part, they could have used all the fireworks for those 2 shows.

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 5:37 pm

Since it’s a double eviction week, Chima “quitting” is considered the first eviction. However, to keep the on air schedule the same have/have not, veto, and eviction they spread out what would have all been compressed into Thursday night. So the second eviction basically plays out over the week instead of the first and then the second being compressed into one night.

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Georgeanne August 16, 2009 at 5:52 pm

SPORTNUT….. you [must be] the girlfriend/new wife of Jordan’s father to be saying what you said above, to try to discredit Jordans character! Back off please? Jordan is a wonderful sweet young girl & I believe her like sooooo many do!

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Im glad you agree w/me PGA Dok, I figured that is what they were up to… still wanna so some fireworks though!!

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 6:07 pm

So has Jordan announced her nominations? Is that not announced tonight? I am so confused

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 6:22 pm

From what I could tell when Natalie and Kevin were creating the big lie to attempt to save the N/K/L threesome on BBAD they said they had until Monday. I would gather from that she will make her nominations Monday and Tuesdays show will be a combo nomination/veto comp/veto ceremony.

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tendr August 16, 2009 at 6:26 pm

Unfortunately alot of ppl still use the N word……

ok, I just hope out of the rest that either Jeff, Jordan or Michelle win. The rest can leave. In a way i’d like to have L & N be alone with Jesse….but then i’d want a camera on it becuz it’d be a little civil war, don’t you think? Or we’d see Jesse at the end coming out of the jury house with missing limbs…..ha.

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macy1231231 August 16, 2009 at 6:26 pm

I have been out of town all weekend. TOTALLY CONFUSED. what about michelle’s hoh room and nominations??? pleeeeze someone take off my blindfold! he he

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 6:35 pm

As long as we’re on questions, I have one. It may be “obsolete” (as Jessie would say), but I’m still curious as to why Chima couldn’t vote but could play in HOH. I know that’s the rules, but I need you guys to throw some logic in. Julie said, “Chima, as the dethroned HOH, you are safe this week and you will not be voting.” WTF? If she was no longer HOH and could compete for it, why didn’t she get to vote?…… I guess it’s all water under the bridge, but it didn’t seem to make sense. All it would have done was made it 4-2 vs 3-2, but I was just wondering.

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ncgal August 16, 2009 at 6:37 pm

Yes, Maria stay. I found no harm at all in anything you wrote. And I agreed with you.

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BloggerGal August 16, 2009 at 7:03 pm

If the comments are personal attacks on other bloggers/commenters or contain blatant curses or racial insults, I will delete them. If negative comments continue, BBBlogger will block you from our site. Once again, I must say…Big Brother is a GAME. We are here to enjoy each other’s company and talk about the game and how it’s played. Let’s get back to that, shall we? Bloggergal1 (getting a little annoyed at having to say stuff like this)

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Marsha August 16, 2009 at 6:51 pm

macy1231231, here is what happened in a nutshell…..Michelle won HOH and nominated Chima and Nat. Chima got into it with production and either quit or was asked to leave. Since this was to be a double eviction week anyway, aparently this counted as one so another HOH comp was held and Jordan won. Lydia had a big fight with everyone in the house except Kevin and Nat. No one is sure what CBS will air tonight!!

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 6:53 pm

Luckily for you ncgal, bloggergal already deleted the offensive post and fairly quickly at that so not everyone had to see it. It wasn’t a misunderstanding it was quite clear what she was saying and since noone else has posted anything even close to what she did her attempting to backtrack out of it is much like some of the houseguests trying to wiggle out of the lies they’ve told.

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macy1231231 August 16, 2009 at 7:14 pm

Thanks marsha! ah ha – wow

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aggie August 16, 2009 at 7:18 pm

From what she said on BB after dark It seems that JORDAN Will NOMINATE , LYDIA AND NATALIE . JOrdaN should be careful what she tells MICHELE I dont know I f you Can really trust her too much, well , IM going to watch tonights show , hopefully iy will be interesting, with all the fire works going on recently.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 7:32 pm

Watching BB….. sorry west-coasters for “spoiler”, but the opening is great. Great conversation on the couches during “live show”. The hypocrisy is way too funny. At least Jessie “get’s it”. It is a game and any of them would have done the same. Good show so far…. back to it. Quote from Chima, “I bebieve in kharma”……. really?

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 7:35 pm

You know I meant “believe”

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Augustus Cole August 16, 2009 at 7:49 pm

OMG…. LMAO. This sh!t is too funny. I know y’all already blogged about it, but this is crackin me up watchin these pathetic women carryin on and cryin about Jesse. And Kevin expressions and comments is killin me. 😀

Oh oh… it’s back on. BBL.

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 7:56 pm

Jeff “You don’t control anything Chima just so you know” LMAO She can’t believe someone had the balls to stand up to her

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 7:58 pm

Commercial, 40 mins in and not a word about Chima leaving. Where’s my fireworks?!! I also LOVED Kevin’s DR comments about the “wake”.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 8:10 pm

Lydia, with your “Dae Yum Yum” and all your delusions about Jessie…. an old song from when I was just a kid comes to mind… “Runnin’ around as you do, with your head up in the clouds..” (ONJ)

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 8:13 pm

Watching this wake thing again is even more sickening the second time around. Hello Lydia he didn’t give a flip about you. You were a tool to further him in the game, and to abuse. I’m with you “guy on bathroom door” Kevin is CRACKING me up. Thank bulwinkle for dvr so i can keep rewinding and laugh some more.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 8:16 pm

WTF??…. Nothing about Chima? Oh well, it will be fun to watch Tuesday. Still enjoyed the show.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 8:27 pm

Now we know where the booger stuff on everyones clothing came from. I could not figure it out when they were talking on live feed but now I know.. Jordan said several times that it was like Gak and you saw it in the big bowls. It was in her bra and all she was saying.
Soooo no one actually put boogers in her bra..
I also loved Kevins comments.. it was so funny.. It really adds to what we are seeing live when they add the dr sessions.. roflmao
Now we have to wait till Tuesday to see the blow out.. If you were watching right at the end of the show Chiapet and Gnat both ran to the DR.. What whiners..
Well I hope there is fun tonight in the BBH

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 8:37 pm

Hey you all.. i am watching live feed and i was looking at the twitter comments from friday.. OMG there is this one with a link to a short video what they are calling Chima being removed.. IT IS SO FRICKIN FUNNY..
I would put the link here but I am sure it is not legal.. if you want to see if just email me..
I will save the link and email it out..

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 8:38 pm

PGA Dok, I thought watching the “wake” a 2nd time was great too! It’s funny the way production adds music and DR cuts. They do a good job of jamming all those hours into 43 mins. New respect for Kevin. He said exactly what we were all thinking and writing.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 8:43 pm

Are they draggin’ her out by her weave?(LOL)

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 8:45 pm

Yes Kim PLEASE send me the link. I just emailed you. I would love to see the PET get yank by the weave.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 8:47 pm

OMG it is to funny.. it is very short but you will die laughing.. it is so fitting.. hee hee hee hee .ROFLMAO

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 8:49 pm

thanks Kim!

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Oh i forgot to tell you it was Braden that made the short clip on Youtube..

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Nat August 16, 2009 at 8:52 pm

That was GREAT! LOL

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aggie August 16, 2009 at 8:55 pm

the women of JESSES group aretotally BRAINWASHED , HE never treated them all that well and you would think these women were at a wake.they dont think logically, KEVIN is the only one who seems normal in their group. He never liked JESSE.I can only hope Jeffs side does make it to the end and none of these other nut cases do.

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FRANKS August 16, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Justaguy, they mentioned at the end of the show this evening that on Tuesday they were going to announce that one of the houseguests had been forced to leave the house. I don’t remember his exact words, but that was the gest of it.

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catherine August 16, 2009 at 9:20 pm

OK OK i bite my tongue, you guys are right *sigh*, tonights episode was very entertaining lol actually i found myself laughing out loud the whole time , im excited to see how they show tuesdays nights events…

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Augustus Cole August 16, 2009 at 9:24 pm

LMAO @ “Chima Getting removed from BB 11 house”…. Hannibal Lecter style. 😀

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 9:29 pm

FRANKS, Yeah, I heard that too, but they didn’t even mention her name.

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Augustus Cole August 16, 2009 at 9:30 pm

How did that “Proposal” thing come up? I missed that part. Damn weather alert kept interupting the show, even though the storm is nowhere near here.

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FRANKS August 16, 2009 at 9:35 pm

Augustus Cole, I think she would scare ‘Hannibal’. Well maybe not!!!

It is “food” for thought.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 9:38 pm

Lydia’s quote from the “wake”… “To the man, the myth, the legend, Jessie we only got a taste of you…” …. From the “rumors” I’ve heard, she’s right!!:)

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 9:41 pm

Ok you all.. I am watching Russsell as I type.. He is all the sudden going around the Crazy Group. He went and asked Lydiot how to play solitair then went and asked Jeff to cover his tracks.. But he has parked his arse in the kitchen with the nuts. I personally think he is one, guarding the HOH door so no one goes and talks to Jordan and two feeling out his place with the other group.. I feel a sneaky snake working his way around the group…
These are just my gut feelings.. I have been watching him for days now and I think I am calling it right.. I think he is looking to find a few that will side with him if he decides to jump ship or Jeff and them dump him.
What do you all think?

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FRANKS August 16, 2009 at 9:41 pm

Justaguy, that would have killed the “SUPRISE”. I know, we already know who it is, but some people aren’t into this whole BB thing as some of us “Diehards”.

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Augustus Cole August 16, 2009 at 9:42 pm

Haha “food” huh? I think Hannibal would chew her up, but spit her out. Then we wouldn’t hear that annoying laugh anymore.

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 9:44 pm

As best I can recall, Julie said something along the lines of, “Tune in on Tuesday to see who gets the Power of Veto and find out how one of the houseguests self-destructed and had to be removed from the game.”

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 9:54 pm

I know, I’m just sayin’ that we all expected it to be addressed tonight. Half way thru the show you could tell that they weren’t going to. I get that they have to put the big “teaser” out there.

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 9:58 pm

Kim I think Jeff knows not to entirely trust Russell. Us Chicago guys are smart like that lol. He had to make the move he did or he was going to be one of the next two out the door. Sometimes you have to roll the dice and Russell can be taken care of once they drop the N/L/K side down to two.

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 9:59 pm

well, Kim, I think Russell is right to be concerned about the group’s loyalty. Michell and Jordon have spent a lot of time discussing whether to take out Russell or Kevin after Natalie. They have pretty much made up their mind that they probably want to take Lydia to the final 4, since that will punish her more, and since she will be no competiton.

Of course, I’m not sure Michelle totally buys into the idea of a final three with Jeff and Jordon, since she know that she would be the odd one out–my guess is that she’ll try to get Kevin into the final 5, try to help him get into the HOH, then maneuver him nominate Jeff/Jordon, then vote to send Jordan packing–she’ll have Jeff thinking that she wants him in the final 2, so that will explain to Jeff why she dumped on Jordon. She’ll get Kevin to break the tie in favor of Jeff by convincing Kevin that they made a mistake by not targeting Russell, and now they’ll need Jeff to help them get rid of Russell. I think she really wants to go to the F4 with Russell, since Jeff might get a respect vote from Jesse, and Jesse will influence Nat and Lydia. Plus, she’d get Jordon and Jeff’s vote against Russ, since she could have kept her tracks hidden in all this.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 9:59 pm

Kim, you’re right and it was to be expected of Russell. He’s done that since day 1. He’s always tryin’ to cover his ass… just in case.

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 10:01 pm

I meant that to say:”…I think she really wants to go to the F2 with Russell…”.

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Augustus Cole August 16, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Quote from Natalie “It just sucks because, the ugly and the bad get rewarded in this game, and the good just seem to go down in burning flames even when they do everything right.” LMAO…. huh?!? smh

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 10:11 pm

Upon further review…
Looks like in the past hour J/J have decided to backdoor Russell next week.

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Agustus, that is exacly why I found “Team Jesse” so repugnant. The constantly talked about how they deserved everything, and the oothers were behaving badly–when all the time, “team jesse” were the ones doing the most despicable acts. The whole group (jesse, natalie, chima, ronne, and lydia) are totally delusional about how reprehensible their behaviour is. They totally consider themselves to be saints who can only lose by unfariness.

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FRANKS August 16, 2009 at 10:16 pm

Maybe we need “DEXTER” in the house . But no one in there would be allowed to know who he was!

For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, ShowTime has a show about a “serial killer”, but the catch is he only goes after ‘bad people’ or the scum of the earth! It is an excellent show!

OK, don’t tell me no one in the house are ‘scum’!

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 10:22 pm

Agreed Roller they are all oblivious (or Natalie would probably say it like Mike Tyson: Bolivia) to the way they have acted since day one in the game. People wouldn’t have been so against them winning every week had they handled it with a little class. All the threats and the holier than thou attitude while accusing someone of doing what you’ve actually been doing really gets on my nerves.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 10:23 pm

Well new info.. Jeff just told Kevin everything and kevin has promised, as he planned to with the “girls”, that he would not tell them.. He is lying through his teeth to him.. AND jeff told him that Jordan and him wanted to take Kevin to the f4. OMG this is a big mistake. Now Jeff is saying that he is thinking that Russell will go this week and not one of the girls… I only hope he is just feeding this to Kevin to throw him off. Please Jeff and Jordan get rid of one more of them then Russell..

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 10:32 pm

Right, Kim. If they dump Russ this week, it will be Jeff against the the entire house next week! (Jordon can’t compete).

The other flaw is that if they dump nat this week and Russ next week (that’s predicated on Jeff getting the HoH), then it will be Jordon against the entire house the following week!

If J/J get blood on their hands when Russell goes, Michelle will bolt to the other side.

It’s best to steer Kevin into HoH, and let him do the Russ evicition.

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Roller August 16, 2009 at 10:32 pm

Oh, and Thx for the link, Kim.

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justaguy August 16, 2009 at 11:04 pm

Hey bulwinkle, I’m watching BB/AD. Correct me if I’m wrong… but isn’t that your partner “Rocky the flyin’ squirrel” on tv?

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PGA Dok August 16, 2009 at 11:08 pm

Thank bulwinkle they weren’t done with Nat’s “do”. I thought she was going for a BOLD statement with the braids and bird nest look at first.

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Kim Mitchell August 16, 2009 at 11:49 pm

OMG I cannot believe that Lydiot did not block out Gnats hair better.. Justaguy you called it so right!!!
Ok the nomination is in the morning..
I am scared for Jeff and Jordan.
If they dont get rid of at least one of the crazies then they will be to even. And Jeff better be prepared to win the HOH.. That is the only sure way to secure his spot for another week.
Ok where the hell is the rosery.. oops I am picking up the HGs rules of pray and religion.. hee hee hee hee

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justaguy August 17, 2009 at 12:53 am

It’s still up in the air who the “target” will be. “Rocky/squirrel” & Nat will be nominated tomorrow. Then it’s either take out Nat or backdoor Russell. They seem to be about 50-50 on it. J/J are making a mistake if they think Kevin will come to their side. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. It’s simple, Jeff has to win HOH or they could be screwed.

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anthony0222 August 17, 2009 at 1:58 am

can’t wait to see the lie blow up in their faces. Esp Kevin he’s worse than any of the girls and will break bfore any of them. Good luck Ms. Kevin I think you will be falling very sooon

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SG August 17, 2009 at 2:05 am

I am still cracking up about those girls crying over Jessie’s demise…..they are so pathetic!! That has to be one of the funniest moments in BB history.

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Gracie August 17, 2009 at 2:40 am

yes, jordan is trusting michele 2 much, she is talking 2 much. michele will get jordan or jeff out because she know they will not carry her with them 2 the f2. jeff need 2 tell her 2 stop talking so much. but he is just as bad talking 2 kelvin like he do.

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aggie August 17, 2009 at 2:48 am

I dont know why JEFF and JORDAN are listening to KEVIN he will never be on their side he tells the crazies everything the say. J AND J were saying , If NATALIE OR LYDIA gets the POV THEIR considering putting RUSSEL UP as A replacement. They found out when they used the COUP on JESSE that RUSSEL DIDNT VOTE JESSE OUT . HE VOTED NATALIE> JEFF WAS PISSED BECAUSE HE TOOK RUSSEL OFFTHE BLOCK. HES calling him a SCUMBAG. Now he wants to get rid of him before he does it to him. I hope it works out for him , I wouldnt want the other side to have any advantage.

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hpr56 August 17, 2009 at 8:40 am

Sportsnut, you may know Jordan’s family and she may have grown up with money, but my nephew lives by her mother now. They don’t have money. Her father did spend it all and her mother has a boyfriend now but to call him a sugar daddy is kind of inappropriate. The Dad was playing around. It’s not easy to go from having things to having nothing. My nephew doesn’t know what they used to have, he only knows now. Not trying to fight with you, but Jordan is genuine. Her tears were real and she tried hard to fight them back. Every time someone would say something else, she would pull herself out of it. That’s not the actions of a person who is using it for sympathy. She is a nice girl who works hard. She doesn’t mention her father because of the hard divorce. She is close to her mother and it is in respect to her that she refers to him but not much. You would have to be a child of a divorce or a husband or wife in a divorce to understand how it can devestate one of both sides of the family. Financially and emotionally.

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Chris August 17, 2009 at 8:50 am

All I’ m gonna say is if Jordan and Jeff don’t do something about Russell he’ll win it all. But at least they can finally do it in the jury house. Oh and bloggergal, I go to Penn State too.

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Dom August 17, 2009 at 8:50 am

Chima is no Diva, she is a spoiled brat, a child, one who when they don’t get their way throws a temper tantrum like a two year old (AKA – Terrible Two). She is a rude, nasty sore loser who will not go far in life with that attitude. I am sure her family is embarrassed for her. Chima earned the title “ Drama Queen” not the title “Diva” as that is for women like Cher, Tina Turner, Ja Lo, and Barbara Streisand to name a few, class act women who earned the title. Russell did terrorize the house, especially the women but I must say Russell has turned into a better person after reading a letter from his dad which made him a better player and even likeable. Remember it is just a game and Russell got carried away as have other past and present. Jeff played the game right and is now in a very good position to win it all. I was not surprised the Michelle put up Natalie and Chima. It will be interesting to see how BB handles the Chima situation. I think it would be great move by BB to have the audience be the 7th vote. As they want to keep trying new-ways to keep-up their ratings. I don’t think they will bring back Jessie. However, they could bring back an evicted house guest or another person from a former BB season. The last scenario is having Chima out of the house and just put her in place for the staged POV comp. Then remove her once again until the evict night were it is one again staged as she is evicted. As for the final four, if the chips fall as it appears right now Russell will team-up with Michelle and pit themselves against Jeff and Jordon. Glad to her Jordan won HOA as this keep Jeff’s good karma going and keeps the J&J team going strong. Best move is to put-up Natalie and Lydia, he needs Russell and it would be a bad move to back-door him right now as it may just cost him the game. Jordan being sweet to Michelle may help the J&J team to make the final three.

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Cherile Berrio August 17, 2009 at 8:51 am

I can’t believe I friggin fell asleep before BB11 came on! I am so pissed at myself. BYE BYE CHIMA! OMG – I can’t believe she left and I was sleeping. I can’t stand it!…I probably missed one of the best BB…..Thank you Bloggergirl for keeping me updated.

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Chris August 17, 2009 at 8:57 am

I can only assume most of you are women, because you are all wanting them to stuff on personal feelings. Listen to me now, Jeff will win HOH if Russell is gone, they need to get rid of Russell, if he wins HOH Jeff is the only person Russell will need to get rid of to ensure a run to the end. Jordan and Jeff are dumb if they keep Russell you can’t trust him.

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Chris August 17, 2009 at 9:02 am

I’m done reading these things you all live in lala land. J&J is just weird, they’re 9 years apart. I guess I’ll go find me a 12 year old girlfriend and we’ll see how cute it is. They’ve done nothing but get lucky and help from “America”. Well now there’s no reason to watch this game because BB11 wants it to be a soap opera not a game, but I guess that’ll keep you middle aged women watching. But the competition is stupid, Jessie, the only reason worth watching got booted and he shouldn’t have. He was playing right, and his eviction was bs. He had no control and was in a good position. But BB makes sure all of you are happy, not that the best player wins.

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Marilyn August 17, 2009 at 9:11 am

This morning Julie was talking about the Chima situation and said this is only the third time in 11 bigbrothers that they have had to remove someone. I really cannot remember any other time and I have watched every season. Maybe it was not as dramatic as this one. Does anyone remember them?

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kinogirl August 17, 2009 at 9:55 am

How do you get your avatar on this site?

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Brian August 17, 2009 at 11:53 am

This is how I see it: If theyre in the Final Two, who wins? (assuming America is the tie-breaker)

Jeff vs anyone – Jeff
Jordan vs anyone (but Jeff) – Jordan
Michelle vs anyone (but Jeff and Jordan) – Michelle
Russell vs Kevin – Kevin
Russell vs Nat – Russell
Russell vs Lydia – Russell
Kevin vs Nat or Lydia – Kevin
Nat vs Lydia – Nat

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Brian August 17, 2009 at 11:55 am

Marilyn, I recall one time a guy was threatening someone with a knife and it was unclear if he was for real

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where'sthelove August 17, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Chima, was of course very witty and smart..she seemed to be very personable and fun loving..sure there were some lines crossed..she did not lie on Braeden..and I heard jordan use the F work in regard to gays(she’s not that I will let that pass)..I am not hating on any of them..chima was dynamic for the all time high..then she got the boot.o well..maybe w/some therapy she will be fine.seems she comes from a great background (her family) seem to be intelligent ppl..they will surely help her thru these times..good luck chima..u made BB11

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Marsha August 17, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Brian that happened in Season 2

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racinred August 17, 2009 at 8:20 pm

Just a quick note (forgive me if it was posted already)….but this is the quote from regarding Chima’s departure.

“Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”

I think Chima was a complete nutcase and was out of control. She flipped out and had a breakdown (her words) when she was put on the block the first time as well as when her team lost the food challenge. I’m glad Big Brother got her out of the house. Anytime something went someone else’s way, she through a tantrum. Can you say “two year old”? She would never have made it to the final two anyway. This way the other houseguests might be able to sleep with both eyes closed.

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nomadron August 17, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Chris I am not middle aged. Nor am I a woman.

I am glad Jessie is gone. His pompous ego could suck the life out of a room. Chima is so spoiled she will never believe she brought this on herself. I am happy both are gone! I also think the viewers should cast a vote to be used in case of a tie by the jury.

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Deon August 18, 2009 at 9:51 pm

Chima is gone — Whoo Hoo, LETS PARTY!
She is so ill-tempered that I bet when she was a baby, her parents had to feed her using a slingshot ;-).
Congratulations to Jordan for winning HOH!
Jessie sure brought everlasting joy to the BB house when he left it. HA HA
Thank you for your tidbits Bloggergal!

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Rambutski August 19, 2009 at 3:38 am

Just found the Early Show on YouTube about Chimapet. Julie Chen confirms that they indeed had to kick her out. Boo hoo, the princess didn’t get her way. She was a self indulged spoiled brat. The name of the game if everone has forgot is “Expect the Unexpected”

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Rambutski August 19, 2009 at 3:42 am

PS, I hope we get America’s Vote to bring back a jury member. Who would it be? I would have to vote for Casey.

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Chris August 19, 2009 at 9:25 am

Casey’s not on the jury, I say we bring Jessie back because his eviction was bs.

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David Kenny August 19, 2009 at 10:27 am

Don’t believe anything that Prima donna says she broke tomany rules and destroyed the mic so they dumped her ass good riddens just get rid of russ

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David Kenny August 19, 2009 at 10:28 am

I think they will bring Ronnie in the jury. As for Jessie He was voted out fair and square 3 to 2

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Chris August 19, 2009 at 10:41 am

Yeah, the week his ally was HOH!

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Mac August 19, 2009 at 10:56 am

If Russell had called Chima the N word and then talked about how big her lips and feet were everyone would be outraged. Calling people of middle eastern desent terrorists is horrible. Chima deserved to be kicked out, but the show is less interesting without her.

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Mac August 19, 2009 at 11:02 am

I don’t think they will bring a past HG to the jury house, because they haven’t been sequestered. They have to do something though or they could have a tie.

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Lisa Hayes August 19, 2009 at 7:54 pm

How can they bring back anyone from “the outside” to vote for a winner? They have too much info if they are watching. Aren’t house guests sequestered for a reason? Chima’s Twitter page says she has over 5,200 followers! Is it just me or does this reinforce her belief she did nothing wrong and people love her? Beware, if you check her page out, she has her photo, almost life-sized, on the left side of the page. Ugh!!

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Denise December 8, 2009 at 9:39 am

Great Job on the blog blogger! Pride got in the way for Ms. Diva. As a result, she bailed on her team-mates, fans, the show. I would be upset with Chima if she bailed on me. It should be clear now who the real floaters in the house have been. No wonder the floaters miss Jesse and it would appear Chima missed him the most. Thanks again blogger for such a fun site to visit. Keep up the great work. Denise

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