Banner Pilot Told To ‘Cease-And-Desist’

by soonerryan on August 6, 2007

It’s probably too late, but according to, the pilot who flew banners above the Big Brother house last week — all but giving away Eric’s position — has been ordered to stop.

According to the article, the pilot was actually on the ins with the BB producers, but his position is merely that he was paid to do a job. Nevertheless, I’m glad Big Brother realizes just how damaging this is to this year’s game. Look, you can hate Dick, love Dick, whatever. You can hate Eric, love Eric, whatever.

But half the fun in having a twist is protecting the integrity of the twist insomuch that it should never be given away. Furthermore, the beauty of the Big Brother house is that these folks are basically trapped away from civilization. If somebody can fly a banner above the house giving away parts of the game, then why shouldn’t the rest of us try to make communications somehow.

Honestly, an element that gets America involved at a more functional level could be interesting in future seasons, supposing there are future seasons. What we know is this: Big Brother is pissed about the banners, but Eric (America’s Player) is likely done because of it. And while Dick’s rantings have been a source of enjoyment for many, Big Brother hopefully has something else up its sleeve for this season.

My suggestion: Big Brother should give Eric a one-week reprieve from eviction, spilling the beans to the rest of the house about the twist. Everybody will have a good laugh, and then Eric can compete on his own. Some of the houseguests won’t care, strategically, but it’s probably the right thing to do.

Second suggestion: Force evel Dick to be America’s Player upon eviction. I almost like this one better.

Do YOU have any suggestions? Post ’em!

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry August 6, 2007 at 4:19 pm

I like your suggestion of BB outing Eric to the house and giving him immunity for a period of time.

I just hate that he’s in the house but not allowed to play his own game. He didn’t sign up to be America’s Player, did he? They just stuck him with that assignment when he got there, right?

Or…and here’s a real twist. Out Eric and give him immunity, per your suggestion, and THEN ALSO make Dick be America’s Player. Yeah, baby!

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Marie Braden August 6, 2007 at 7:52 pm

Lori’s suggestion is the best. Somehow, though, I can’t see Dick goin’ along with it.

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amadis August 6, 2007 at 8:53 pm

I agree that there should be a new America’s Player upon Eric’s eviction. bb producers never gave Eric the opportunity to play at his own accord

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