As I open the door to the diary room why is there a line of happy people?

by BBBlogger on August 12, 2010

I just dug out my huge key ring….with a billion keys on it to unlock the diary room door and I notice that there is a long line of happy people standing waiting to cast their vote for eviction this morning. It is almost like I am giving away Apple iPhones or something.

So another week, another shomance will be history. Rachel and Brendon are both on the blog and one of them will go home in a few hours.

So this is your opportunity to cast YOUR VOTE for eviction. Tell the world who needs to LEAVE the Big Brother 12 house and why in the comment area below.

Tomorrow we will hear Natty’s Friday report and then on Saturday I have a special post about Lane from a new guest blogger who gave me a very awesome post in my email so be sure to look for that this weekend!

So tell me…who do you want to see voted out of BB12 tonight?

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: some of the drama has started to really get going in the house. You may still want to try the Big Brother 12 live feeds for free. If you are interested just hit the banner at the top or bottom of this post! Thanks for your support!

PK August 12, 2010 at 9:29 am

Rache,l don’t let the door hit you on the way out….

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PK August 12, 2010 at 9:31 am

I really didn’t need to add that comma I intended to place after the “l,” not before it.

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JEN August 12, 2010 at 9:32 am


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BBBlogger August 12, 2010 at 9:37 am

lol….easy Jen. Happy people in line to evict…Thanks for voting! ๐Ÿ™‚


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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 9:34 am

PK, You love BIG BOOBS, who are you kidding,? you just put a bag over her head and do your business, nuff said. I think you will be CRYING, when ZITS ON HER FACE AND ASS goes home. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Torch111 August 12, 2010 at 9:34 am

i vote to evicteRachel

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Sarge August 12, 2010 at 9:38 am

Personally, I am so tired of the whining!
Please make it STOP! ! ! ! !
How can Brendon say he loves her when he doesn’t know the real person. Being in the house does not give you an accurate picture of a person.

This season has been a bust if you ask me. Bring on Survivor, at least there is some action every week. This show is lacking a lot this season.

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starshockey13 August 12, 2010 at 9:40 am

I happily vote to evict Rachel!!

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JulesT August 12, 2010 at 9:42 am

I (yes, happily) vote to evict……… RACHEL! Buh bye, Red Witch!

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Lynn Ohio August 12, 2010 at 9:43 am

Goodbye, good riddens, Rachel. The only person I know who can cry continuously and never shed a tear. Take some acting lessons when you’re not making martinis or acid in your chem lab.

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jolee August 12, 2010 at 9:43 am

go back to vegas and stay in vegas
your pimp and johns are looking for you

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susan August 12, 2010 at 9:43 am

I vote to evict Rachel.

Did anyone else feel like it was the Rachel and Brendan show last night? I don’t like either one of them. . . and I definitely don’t like seeing their relationship play out. . . .it’s nauseating and embarrassing. Glad the showmance is breaking up. Will be interesting to see what Brendan does on his own, although I think it’s way too late for him to salvage any relationships in the house.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 9:46 am

So long Wretchel….glad to see you go.

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Bruce August 12, 2010 at 9:47 am

I wonder if Rachel will be sobbing to Julie Chen when she is being interviewed at the end of the show.

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PK August 12, 2010 at 9:50 am

JT… Yesterday the clueless comment was about what is and what is not a “bowling ball.” Duck pin bowling in duck pin bowling alleys “small ball about the same size as a bocce ball” was around long before “ten pin” big ball bowling was created, probably in Chicago, where they play softball with what looks like a normal softball stuffed with a musk melon and just about a mushy.

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AILEEN HEISE August 12, 2010 at 9:52 am

so i vot to evect .. don’t be mad or surprised RACHEAL…BUT i JUST KEEP THINKING IT WOULD BE FUN TO SE bRADAN GO AND THEN see Racheal trying to get a new mance done right under brandon’s face because he will be watching in the jury house… or even better she spends a week alone!!!

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LULU August 12, 2010 at 9:53 am

I vote to evict Rachel….I am sick of all the crying and whining about how she has had to fight everyday to stay in the house…so has everyone else…they just do it better! Bye-bye!!!

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Amy August 12, 2010 at 9:53 am

I vote to evict Rachel!!! And to Bruce – of course Rachel will be crying and talking about her man!!!

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PK August 12, 2010 at 9:58 am

Aggie… Not impressed by Rachel’s boobs particularly since I’m sure they are thoroughly manginasized by now. YUK!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 10:00 am

PK, LAura was the same way you liked her, she just had a better body thats all.

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Sandy August 12, 2010 at 10:01 am

Go home Rachel! I’m tired of seeing you look back at your reflection all the time. You dress like a hoe.

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marie August 12, 2010 at 10:02 am

get rachel out cant stand the so called crying and her whinny voice

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Dom August 12, 2010 at 10:04 am

I vote to evict no one, not…later Rachel. But don’t worry, no one will get betwen you and your man Brendan. He will be out the door sooner than you think. Question of the day, do you think when they see how they acted they will feel like fools???

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tweeety August 12, 2010 at 10:06 am

I vote to evict Rachel in hopes that Brendon steps up his game and gets Bitchney and her side kick Regan out of the house..I think their actions are actually worse than brenchel and thats bad.

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Tuna August 12, 2010 at 10:06 am

The whining! The pouting! The shouting in the dairy room! Chasing Kathy around like an obsessed fan! I can’t watch her anymore, she needs to go!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 10:07 am

everytime rachel cries it seems fake, always CROCODILE TEARS, with this SKANKY, ZIT FACED, MANEATER, BRENDON, better get tested when he lives the house for STD’S

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Fiamma August 12, 2010 at 10:07 am

I know BB will be boring without all the drama and “sniff” whining; but I vote to evict Rachael. anyone think Kathy will ever appologize for celebrating her bowling win……I really enjoyed that confrontation.

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Tuna August 12, 2010 at 10:08 am

Dom, I can only hope that when Brenden and Rachel see the footage, they will seriously reconsider their lifestyle choices.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 10:10 am

I hope Julie has a big box of tissues and some ear plugs when Rachelle gets out there.

Also keep the medics on alert for a Big Bird meltdown after Skankapotumus goes out the door. Nail down anything he can throw!

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Marsha August 12, 2010 at 10:19 am

You need help or maybe a therapist. You can see on your face when you’re manipulating Brendon. I’m sure that Rachel’s parents couldn’t be proud of there daughters dress or her behavior!! As far as Brendon he has turned into a whipped pup, not attractive! He mentioned how his parents would not like Rachel, they must be upstanding people that love their son!!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 10:20 am

Correction about the MANEATER comment Above, HALF A MANEATER Is more like it, BRENDON IS ABOUT As UNMANLY as you can Get, even his supposed GIRFRIEND, MAKES FUN OF HIM IN THE DIARY ROOM. I wonder when he sees all that stuff, If he will LOVE HER AT ALL. They pretty much deserve each other, they are both WACK JOBS . ๐Ÿ™„ + ๐Ÿ™„ + ๐Ÿ™„ + ๐Ÿ™„

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Shelley August 12, 2010 at 10:26 am

I vote to evict Roachel and hopefully her guppy (not a typo, just think of the kissing) will quit and we’ll be rid of both of them. In a perfect world…ahhh!!!

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hpr56 August 12, 2010 at 10:29 am

I ecstatically vote to evict RACHEL. That skanky little B—– Ho. I could not believe her running around and ordering Kathy to apologize. Excuse me, Witchell. What the heck should she apologize for? Because you’re getting some of your own back? Her comments about going after the floaters. Her commanding voice of I’m going after you Kristen and Hayden!!! And then her “Bring it on”. Come on Skank and someone is supposed to apologize because “you are at your lowest point in the game”? There were so many things about after dark and the regular show last night that ticked me off.

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KevinOUTwest August 12, 2010 at 10:30 am

How dare she be so insensitive to my weak stomach in MY condition when I am so weak, vulnerable and nauseated by EVERYTHING that has to do with her and HER MAN??????
I vote to shoot, gas, hang, tar, feather, dismember, gut and then evict

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Erin August 12, 2010 at 10:33 am

I think if I was in the house I definately would have to evict Rachel.Even when she was crying it didnt seem real.She is VERY entertaining tho.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 10:33 am


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KevinOUTwest August 12, 2010 at 10:34 am

sorry BBBer
the violence is inappropriate
if I could remove that part I would
please censor edit te violent part
I’m just so vulnerable it just came out that way
remove the violent language but do
make her appologize to me for her season long behavior
she has no right to behave like that on my TV

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ruffus2 August 12, 2010 at 10:42 am

After last night show, I would like to see both of them gone.But the group is still boring, I think Showtime should give us our money back. I am glad I dont have Live Feed . I sure hope it gets better. Take the pool table away, maybe then they will do something.

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justin August 12, 2010 at 10:43 am

rachel let the door hit you on the way out
the vote will be 6– 0 or 3-3
matt will brike the tie

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Kelly August 12, 2010 at 10:44 am


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Vickie August 12, 2010 at 10:45 am


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carol August 12, 2010 at 10:48 am

get rid of Rachel, pleaseeeeeee

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bigbubbabronson August 12, 2010 at 10:56 am


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donna August 12, 2010 at 11:00 am

bye your just desserts if werent so into your self i probably would have been on your team..just like the girls you sent had every chance to win the pov and you didnt…so grab some whine a box of tissues ..and be on your way..brenden will be w/you next week..ewww..

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mrybkr August 12, 2010 at 11:03 am

I vote to evict Rachael and as she’s leaving….run back and grab Brendon to take him with her!!!!!

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Patti August 12, 2010 at 11:06 am


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Miztak August 12, 2010 at 11:13 am

Get Rachel out of there. She can’t even cry and make it believable.

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James August 12, 2010 at 11:17 am

Rachel: Get Out. Now.

Her high pitchy squelchy voice has made my ears bleed.
I hope her ratty extensions get caught in the door on the way out.

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Becky August 12, 2010 at 11:19 am

I too,Gladly vote to evict, Rachel to take her VEGAS BUTT and laugh and hair extensions OUT!!

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macy1231231 August 12, 2010 at 11:19 am

HELP!!!!! THIS IS AN S.O.S. – local coverage isnt showing big brother tonite – friggin cowsboys game! Where can i get the show???

P>S. i vote to evict rachel

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 11:19 am

I vote to evict Roachal, everyone do the happy dance! Don’t feel bad for her, she will be hooked up with the camera man, housekeeper or/and gardner before “her man” or anyone else can get to the jury house.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 11:26 am

I vote to evict Rach’s Vjay-jay… the real Sabateur.

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mrybkr August 12, 2010 at 11:27 am

has anybody heard rumours that NOBODY is going to be evicted tonite….pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee say it isn’t so.

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 11:28 am

Kevinoutwest comment 34 i am rofl had to read it twice was too funny. now that made my day! Come on now Kevin, do not hold back, tell us how you really feel, lol
Hope Julie has some cheese tonite for Rachel as I know there is going to be plenty of whine…
The 2nd best thing to R being exited from the bb house is the good bye messages, if you all think brit was to the point before with good by msg i can hardly wait until tonite.
Now R can pout in the jury house and think of ways to MAKE katht say sorry. Maybe Kathy can tell R now to worry she will take care of her man.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 11:28 am

Macy to watch subscribe to the live feed free 3 day trial then cancel it after 3 days.

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enajyord August 12, 2010 at 11:34 am

Please tell me why they didn’t boot Braindead off the show for throwing the ball and almosting hitting the guest host. Is there not a rule against that type of behavior.

PS: I vote to evict….Ratchel

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Patricia in NC August 12, 2010 at 11:37 am

I vote to evict Rachel. I agree with what Patti wrote a few posts ago. Part of me feels sorry for Rachel..last night there were moments where I thought I saw some sincerity, but maybe not. Is there a chance that Brendon will walk off the show when Rachel is evicted? I can see that happening. I hope Brendon will settle down and think through all that has happened with RAchel…as Patti said, perhaps Enzo will fill him in on what all Rachel said. I feel sorry for Rachel because her actions certainly show a very needy person (little girl) who just is starved for love (and attention). However, yes, there is that horrible mean streak and that is disgusting. so, bye Rachel..and Brendon,calm down and reset your sights on playing the game. I don’t want you to win, but I’d like to see how you operate on your own.

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heidej August 12, 2010 at 11:37 am

I vote to evict……………………………..RACHAEL ;). With a smile! Her kind of drama, we don’t need. She’s discusting and I can’t wait til the fake drama is gone. After the eviction, I’m sure there will be a ton of fake drama to keep the cameras on her. bleh..

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Lisa August 12, 2010 at 11:38 am

Can you imagine what Rachel will be like after a WHOLE week in the jury house by herself. I don’t know how stable she’ll be after having no one to share her painful stories about how being evicted makes her feel. AND-how scary will that be for the next house guest that is evicted?!? I can picture it now with whoever walks in next week to find Rachel on the couch in a trance with a blank stare at an empty wall and finally after 30 minutes of no movement, she quietly turns her face to you and says, “Oh,You’ve arrived…” with a creepy blair witch look on her face… I’d be scared out of my mind knowing I’d be there with her alone all week until someone else shows up evicted. Creepy!

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enajyord August 12, 2010 at 11:40 am

To Patricia in NC, so what you are saying is Ratchel needs psychotherapy.

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cp123 August 12, 2010 at 11:41 am

Bye, Bye, Rachel! You earned my vote. I waiting to see what Ragan does next.

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Patricia in NC August 12, 2010 at 11:42 am

I have to reask this: in a recent TVGuide Julie and Allison are showing off the new BBhouse. Julie said there will be 14 houseguests…but there were only 13. Does anyone know about the 14th person? It was probably a woman. I think someone new is still coming on the show OR it could be the “old childhood friend” they mentioned. Please, anyone..I am really interested in finding out about that 14th person. thanks.

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kristin stratos August 12, 2010 at 11:44 am

I vote to evict Rachel, puhleeze!!! Dear, so sick of her “crying” and will Brendon please grow some balls when she’s gone?? He is nauseating!

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 11:45 am

macy in re to your question u can watch the entire episode on tomorrow, that is what i did during yet another power outage here, i was getting updates on this blog as it happened but still not the same, so do not fret check here for updates then watch tomorrow.
in response to no one being evicted i do not think that is true, if anything we are hoping for a double eviction
Bat this is way too funny lol
(she will be hooked up with the camera man, housekeeper or/and gardner before โ€œher manโ€ or anyone else can get to the jury house.)
toss up so far today who is funnier you or kevin out west


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bigbubbabronson August 12, 2010 at 11:45 am

PK- MANGINASIZED, that is funny LOL

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Betty August 12, 2010 at 11:46 am

I vote to evict Rachel.

She should only be allowed in one room in the jury house, so the other HG’s can enter without fear of catching something.

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kaleki August 12, 2010 at 11:49 am

I vote to evict Rachel ~ Rachel donโ€™t forget to apologize to ME for all the drama I was forced to watch while you were in the BB House
~ I feel like Celebrating ~

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Ellen August 12, 2010 at 11:49 am

I vote to evict RACHEL!! Please send her home before I lose my last nerve!

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Patricia in NC August 12, 2010 at 11:50 am

Well, a little psychotherapy never hurts!!! I saw on yesterday’s page that TED called me his “new BFF” regarding Survivor and I must admit I am thrilled! As a 66 yr old (as of last Tuesday) disabled woman who has been alone for many, many years (with one 19 yr old cat named Pandora) I really enjoy that. I love Survivor and have watched since day 1…as I have with Big Brother. So Ted, where are you? (and what are you wearing?)..oh no, wait…that was not appropriate..sorry! Back in 2 hours after AMC and OLtL…have a good day everyone.

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Ruth Womack August 12, 2010 at 11:52 am

I vote to evict Rachel. But with everyone hating Racehel, the jury would probably not vote for her if she made it to the end. But wouldnt not want her to win the other money either.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 11:52 am

Macy, there used to be an online site where you could watch. Let me look. I don’t believe the live feeds on on during the TV show!

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 11:55 am

Patricia, one person dropped out about one week before the show aired.

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Debbie August 12, 2010 at 11:55 am

I vote to evict Rachel! Will be glad to see her go!!!!

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Patricia in NC August 12, 2010 at 11:56 am

one more little thing…Matt made this next week’s TVGuide in the Letters…someone disliking his saying his wife is sick. so far that and The View two weeks ago…he’s the only talked about that I have noticed.

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BCMarie August 12, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Wednesday night POV show was the most painful show for me to watch in the entire history of BB. Rachel’s histrionics – pouting, sulking, crying, rages – had me cringing with embarrassment, I would have to turn the channel I couldn’t take it.

I have actually enjoyed watching the entire Brachon relationship, so I will be sorry that this duo is being torn apart.

As for who should go … really, Brendon should be booted for being so purse-y whipped, like COME ON GROW A BRAIN BRENDON — however, I strongly suspect it will be Rachel that gets the boot.

Next, get rid of Matt, that smarmy scumbag gets on my nerves lol.

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donna August 12, 2010 at 12:03 pm

hahahah all of you are too funny !!! i cant wait to see brendens face when the vote comes in for him to stay..and racheal left poo on toilet seat..omg!!!..i missed the pool ball thing who shot it…brenden..omg he should get into trouble for that..but thats what he wanted hes for real crazy dangerous..

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kissyq August 12, 2010 at 12:03 pm

I vote to institutionalize and evict RACHEL.

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macy1231231 August 12, 2010 at 12:04 pm

thanks jane – mama – snake

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KCL40 August 12, 2010 at 12:11 pm

I vote to evict Brendon. He is too boring.

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Boston Rob August 12, 2010 at 12:13 pm

I almost would of wanted Rachel to stay just for the sheer entertainment value of it all. I would rather watch paint dry then hang on to Brendan. He is turning out to be really dull, but after Rachels attempt at bribary I think she needs to go.

I don’t ever remember a nominee trying to pay off a veto winner. That is what finally lost what respect I had left for her. WHAAATT !!!!!! Who does that???

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aprilmarie August 12, 2010 at 12:15 pm

i vote to evict rachael I hope brendon does not try to go instead of her!! if he does he is even more pathetic than I thought!!

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macy1231231 August 12, 2010 at 12:20 pm

JANE – ok i signed up for live feeds – now how do i get it to play?

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tony August 12, 2010 at 12:20 pm

wow i vote to evict both brendan and racheal, i was enbarrassed and ashamed at how they have handled this whole season, they both knew the game and all the different ways to play it, you do what you can to win 500,000 dollars, they acted like a couple of kids, when things were noy going there way, and britney is no better, she disgusts me just as much, with her acid serpent tongue, and have you noticed how see eats at her fimgers and hands, and always picking at sores and zits on her body, i only pray that she goes right after those 2 so all three can enjoy each others company, im outty…..

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nykole August 12, 2010 at 12:36 pm

I’m new to this blog, so Hi to everyone!! I have really enjoyed reading this blog!!!
I vote to evict Rachael!!!!!
I’m with Tony on the Britney thing…her and Ragan are horrible so catty. Kathy really isn’t any better. They talk about Brendon’s toe nails being nasty, from what I understand, could be wrong but Matt’s must not be any better with no toe nails AT ALL!!!!!

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carmen rodriguez-slates August 12, 2010 at 12:37 pm

OMG!!!! People…..stop being so VICIOUS;its only a game!!! Are you forgetting that????? BB12 would be boooorrrring if it weren’t for RachBren. I have been a fan of theirs from the start. They BOTH are good players; but, as much as I would like both to continue in the game, I vote to evict Rachael & I do this with hopes that some CIVILITY will return to the house. Brandon will stay & will win the next POV or HOH. Matt better hang onto his golden POV, he’s going to need it. The remaining gals will be picked off like flies. Just you wait & see.

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KevinOUTwest August 12, 2010 at 12:38 pm

I am in Europe and this is where I have been watching the episodes:

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 12:44 pm

warm welcome nykole
glad to hear you are enjoying the blog. we can get really crazy at times, which adds to the fun of it. nice to have a newbie so we can get yet another opinion

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PK August 12, 2010 at 12:45 pm

carmen rodriguez-slates… WWII would have been boring without Hitler and Stalin too, but American’s still couldn’t wait to see them both gone… Your point?

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 12:47 pm

have you been to england yet? If not when and if you do get to go there, will you try to find an answer for me regarding the queens purse.
what the heck does she have in it. what does she need that a servant can not give her at a seconds notice? she always seems to have a purse hanging from her arm but it looks empty. just curious minds wanting to know….

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Vonn89 August 12, 2010 at 12:51 pm

I agree Rachael needs to go as she has become so hard to watch. Only I’m afraid I’ve come to dislike all of the others. Brendon is seriously close to a breakdown if you watched him talking to himself the other night. I think he may have been bullied growing up and I’m feeling sorry for him. I know he said some things he shouldn’t of but he is certainly not thinking clearly. Brittney is showing that she has years of experience in being the the one doing the bullying. The only one that shows even a small hint of compassion is Enzo. I’m truly disappointed in all of them.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 12:56 pm

With regards to those who think we bash Rachelle, I’ll take boring over disgusting any day.
After she’s gone lets see is the HG’s can leave her out of their “Just The Tip” show and make fun of each other because Rachelle is no longer a current event!

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 12:58 pm

Brenden wasn’t actually talking to himself …. he was talking to the camera while he waited for R to come out of the DR. He was talking to BB about why he was pissed!!

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macy1231231 August 12, 2010 at 12:59 pm

Kevin – thanks – but i signed p for live feeds – just cant get it to play – somebodyHELP

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 1:07 pm

macy…I’m guessing you have already signed in and you are at the screen where it says superpass. There are 3 boxes at the very top…bring your cursor to the middle pic and click on the arrow.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 1:07 pm

macy go to this site
you login and go to live feeds

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 1:08 pm

If they don’t work well, let me know and there is free software you can download that works a little better.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 1:11 pm

Now we get to have some fun watching Wretchel giving Brendo a haircut on the live feeds. ALL 4 CAMERAS!!! ERRRR!!!!

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Frankie August 12, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Awe, come on, they have to evict Brendan because then the show will be a tad boring, NO? Brendoom is a tad blah. Not that I like Rachel, but oh Lord, it would be entertaining to hear her bitch about him leaving.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 1:14 pm

frannie, get back to work ๐Ÿ˜€

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Vonn89 August 12, 2010 at 1:15 pm

Yes, I know he was looking at the camera and talking but I do seriously feel he is on the edge and it worries me. If Rachael is the one voted out he will have no one but the cameras. I can just imagine the total stress situation being in that house is for each and every one of them. I wouldn’t want to be there.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I am working Sal….working on keeping up with BB. ๐Ÿ˜†

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 1:20 pm

Vonn, I agree …. I believe he will have a meltdown. Not sure if he’ll just go wimper in a corner somewhere or turn violent, it’s an issue I hope BB is aware of!

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Zep August 12, 2010 at 1:26 pm

Oh please evict Rachel. Watching Brendon lose whatever manhood he brought with him to the house on a daily basis is like watching slow torture in a prisoner of war camp. Maybe if Rachel leaves, Brendon can salvage a little of his XX chromosonal manliness. Hopefully enough for him to not have to walk in shame for the rest of his life over his display of namby pamby, p-whipped wussiness.

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nomadron August 12, 2010 at 1:27 pm

I vote to evict Brendon!

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macy1231231 August 12, 2010 at 1:28 pm

snakesal – thanks – i had it up for a few minutes – then had to leave – now where do i go to pull it up again – youf ‘click this site’ wont last forever – ha

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Elizabeth August 12, 2010 at 1:30 pm

If I have to, I vote to evict Rachel, only because I’d prefer to see a sexy handsome guy on BB than a female. If I had my choice I’d like to have a Big Brother season with strictly hot guys!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Zep August 12, 2010 at 1:34 pm

So funny when Rachel and Brendon threaten the others that whoever stays will be coming after the rest. Huh? The one left and who else? Whichever one is left will be ALONE since they have no other friends in the house, never mind allies. They have played a completely unstrategic game. No effort made by either to bond with another guest. The luckiest thing to happen to Hayden since the start of the game was having Kristen go home before he did anymore damage to his own game.

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KimoRosen August 12, 2010 at 1:38 pm

I vote to evict brendon, another week of the drama queen is good TV!

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 1:42 pm

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 1:43 pm

macy…open it again and add it to your favorites

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kaleki August 12, 2010 at 1:45 pm

What if Brandon/Rachel (whoever stays) wins HOH ~ OhMyGaw~ that would be the best ever ~

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Christina B August 12, 2010 at 1:47 pm

I vote to evict SKANKY PANTS R A C H E L, BYE BYE
Brendan will do better without her in bb house.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 1:48 pm

BBBlogger……great to have you stop by! I think you need to do that more often otherwise it’s kind of like the teacher leaving the room and the kids go crazy!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ We NEED you here!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sal…just wanted to thank you for the BBLite site. It works MUCH better than Superpass and has alot more options. Muchas gracias!

I vote to evict…….Rachel. Not out of hate but cuz I think she is the stronger of the pair and will be able to take it…AND so I can quit hearing all the HATERS talk about her!!! My stress level can’t take it anymore!! Also, I want Brendon to stay and win HOH, even tho I’m NOT a fan , but just to shake things up and put Brit and Ragan on the block..totally agree with Tweety(24) on this! He can go home anytime after that and then the brigade needs to step up and start playing!! How sad would it be if they all make it to F4 by floating?????(exceptMatt, OBI!!)lol

KOW….you get the POL vote for todauy…Power of Laughter!! LMAO!!

mama margie……I was thinking of your granddaughter(?) from last year…thanx for explaination!

Hope everyone is going to be Tivoing will be one for the BB books!!!

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jajablonde August 12, 2010 at 1:57 pm

It was so fun seeing Jeff and Jordon last night. I was embarrassed for Brenden and Rachael and the way they behaved during their visit. Jeff always was a gentleman while on the show and I’m really excited that they are together and Jordon gave him a kiss. I think her holding him off is what made the season so good last year. Rachael and Brenden jumped bones too quickly and brenden declared his love for her way too quick. He seems a little needy and she is pretty mean behind his back. Can’t wait for tonight’s show.

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Julie Jones August 12, 2010 at 2:07 pm

I vote to evict Brendon. Rachel deserves to be in the house. She is playing the game well. Her only mistake was getting involved with her beau….

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john August 12, 2010 at 2:19 pm

i vote to evict rachel what a baby she can dish stuff but can’t take it back boo hoo i’m glad kathy did’nt apologize and brendon next what a poor sport throwing the bowling ball at jeff and jordan get real the brigade all the way meow meow rules

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 2:20 pm

Sorry Macy I just got back home. it seems like your question was answered!!

PK finally we agree! Until Survivor that is hahaha!

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 2:29 pm

R & B are hanging out in the HOH bathroom kissing & talking and kissing and talking, really staying busy

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PK August 12, 2010 at 2:33 pm

Her (Rachel’s) only mistake was getting involved with her beauโ€ฆ.

You are kidding right or is that reverse psychology or possibly dyslexia?

Shouldn’t that have been his (Brendon’s) first mistake was ever getting involved with the Vegas Ho?

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Julie Jones August 12, 2010 at 2:39 pm

No. I said what I meant. I have no issues with Brendon but from a game perspective she shouldn’t have gotten involved in a showmance. Like her or hate her- She has played well. She has won 2 HOH’s! If she wasn’t in her little showmance, she may have been able to make a girl alliance with Kristin, Monet, Kathy and Brittney but she blew it. And I am totally a Brittney hater. She is rude and condescending.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 2:40 pm

Such a sad moment on the LF’s right now. R & B are packing!! NOT HAHAHAHAHAHA ….

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 2:43 pm

The only thing better than to see Wretchel leave tonight is to have a double eviction and seeing them both head off to the jury house. They need some alone time…don’t y’all agree? ๐Ÿ™„

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PK August 12, 2010 at 2:48 pm

Julie… I suspect that Rachel only “connects” with one or more men at a time, never women. Forget a possible girl alliance, with or without her man.

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SnakeBit Sal August 12, 2010 at 2:52 pm

LF’s are killing me, nothing but R & B most of the day

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Dawn August 12, 2010 at 2:56 pm

There you are Mama Margie!!! I was beginning to wonder where you were and why we didn’t hear from you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I happily vote to evict RACHEL!!! Take your skid mark toilet ass, hair extensions, SHORT DRESSES, FAKE EVERYTHING to the jury house where you can ponder how America loves you and be THOROUGHLY surprised when you find out the truth!! God I hope after Brenden watches everything he grows some balls!!!!

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Donna Rose =^^= August 12, 2010 at 2:59 pm

Either one will do as long as Britney is the next to go. =^^=

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Laurie August 12, 2010 at 2:59 pm

I vote to evict……the skank Rachel. Finally something will come between her and “her man”……the door. See ya Rachel!!!

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Tina W. August 12, 2010 at 2:59 pm

Rachel, so sorry to see and Brendon broken up after tonight. I bet he goes first, then she will go next week. They both make for good TV but are truly annoying and poor sports.

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Laurie August 12, 2010 at 3:01 pm

Wow Dawn!! LMAO. Totally agree with you!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 3:04 pm

Julie Jones I do agree that was the wrong move for Roach to get in a showmance. Although I cant stand her she would have been an excellent player if she could have stuck with the girls, kept her emotions is check and her vjay jay in her pants. Like Brit said too bad she ran out of meds.

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Bobbie August 12, 2010 at 3:12 pm


I live in the DFW area and almost had a panic attack when I read that the Cowboy’s were playing tonight and I was going to miss BB. I have Direct TV and BB is on channel 21 at 7pm or if you happen to have Charter, it is on channel 12. : )

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Patty August 12, 2010 at 3:14 pm

I am amazed that Rachel can not see her own actions clearly…or is she drinking so much that she has no memory of her actions…I have no idea…I try to see her in a good way but the fake crying and the bullying and her cruel personality make that almost impossible. And why the hair extensions…why…why…why…oh…I vote to evict Rachel…quickly and cleanly…

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dido18 August 12, 2010 at 3:16 pm

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain of red hair extensions…….
Let the house fall on the Red Witch! Maybe then we can actually see the cameras on all the HGs. Of course the camermen will be lonely, after all she was constantly looking their way.

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Deb August 12, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Will be so nice to see Rachel go tonight. Her days are numbered either way. She has being quized all last night by Bren on any “House” facts they could think of. Too little too late Rach – Bye Bye

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Mendi August 12, 2010 at 3:27 pm

Heeeeyyyyyyy!!! Go back to VeeeeeGaaaaaSSSSS Rachel!!! I am so sick of the Rachel and Brendon Crybaby Hour…TV time would have been better showing BB Tips w/Regan, Hayden & Britney. lol

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DonnaP August 12, 2010 at 3:30 pm

I vote to evict Skankchel with your bitch-boy to follow.

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TaraCB August 12, 2010 at 3:34 pm

I wish BB would send them both packing along with a few other HG, but if anyone should go it would have to be Brendan because he’s dead from the neck up and dumb as dirty dish water, at least Rachel although a walking wig is pplaying the game!

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trekadam30 August 12, 2010 at 3:37 pm

First of all, I vote to evict Rachel. I think if she leaves, Brendon will throw a “Chima” & get kicked out of the house. If that happens, they probably won’t have a double eviction this year.

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PK August 12, 2010 at 3:40 pm

Rachel got her 15 minutes plus way too many more of national exposure- literally. Now she can justify raising her Vegas rates from $10 to $20 a night plus $5 extra for each additional person.

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JulesT August 12, 2010 at 3:46 pm

PK: LMAO at that last comment! Great stuff!!!!!

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ncgal August 12, 2010 at 3:49 pm

Rachel, you’re gone! Of all the MANY MANY things R. has said, one of them was that she would do anything to help keep Brendon in the house over her. Things change, don’t they? Now she would do anything to get him out instead of her. A book could be written about all of her shenanaguns. But I think she has lost it for Brendon, which most of us knew that would happen anyway. It’s going to be interesting to watch him next week. Hope he doesn’t win HOH.
Good for you Kathy for beating her and for not apologizing. Rachel needs help bad.

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miriam August 12, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Wow! – have never heard such name bashing!! She was picked for the show for a reason. Bb does know what they are doing even if we don’t agree. It is time for this stuff to happen regardless. At least this year I have watched more of BBAD. Good night watching all!!!!!

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eagle August 12, 2010 at 3:54 pm

I happily vote to evict Rachel. It’s way past time for the “Mama of Drama” to be long gone. I am concerned that Brendon may win HOH next week (if he doesn’t have a breakdown first) and that could be really bad.

Question: With Matt having the super secret veto power and having the final say of who gets off the block AND who goes up as a replacement, if Brendon did win HOH for next week would he still be safe and not be able to be put up by Matt?

Obviously I want to see Brendon go out next as he has some mental issues like his flame Rachel. Let’s just hope that these two don’t breed and give this world offspring. There’s enough crazy people here already. LOL

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PK August 12, 2010 at 3:56 pm

Unless tonight’s HOH competition centers around knowing the exact number of zits Rachel has on or in the general vicinity of her vjay jay, Brendon might as well start packing for his exit next Thursday….

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kelz August 12, 2010 at 3:58 pm

ok guys show some strategy plz! im find with rach but strategy wise u need too keep her think about it. no matter how long rach stays she doesnt hav enough allies to continue the game much farther so get brendon out first so he doesnt get all allied up

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Ami August 12, 2010 at 4:14 pm

I vote to evict BB12…It’s been an awful nasty, mean spirited, gross show this season…

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susan August 12, 2010 at 4:18 pm

I hope they keep Rachel because Brendon can’t seem to win a competition. I’d love to see a twist and have both of them stay just because the other houseguests are being such hypocrites, especially Britney and Ragan. And please, Ragan, get those teeth fixed. I can barely stand to watch close ups of you talking. It’s gross.

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Vickie August 12, 2010 at 4:27 pm

tonite we get rid of nasty,next week we get rid of Brainless

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Tammy August 12, 2010 at 4:35 pm


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Lynn B August 12, 2010 at 4:36 pm

I vote to evict Rachel.

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loveblossom71 August 12, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Hello BB Bloggers. I vote to evict…..of course skanky Rachel…. She’s prolly gonna have a major breakdown when she walks out the door. hurry up 8:00 ….the waiting is driving me crazy…. So wish that I had LF. to all that do thanx for all the spoilers, much appreciated. Nice to see DonnaRose back on here too…Hello Mama Margie =)

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TG August 12, 2010 at 4:54 pm

I tried, I swear I really, really tried to like this girl…. I didn’t even mind their annoying showmance…….. However, her constant whining and calling people out is becoming ridiculous. She must forget what she goes through when she is HOH, and to call out Kathy for something so childish, PULEASE!!!!
Her looks, her voice and her attitude have become extremely unattractive, therefore I vote to EVICT RACHEL!!!
Perhaps Brendon will become the true eye candy he was obviously supposed be….. For real, do you think the producers selected him based on game play and brains? I realize there is no comparison, but if he had played his cards correctly he certainly could have been this years “Jeff”…. (just sayin)

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ev August 12, 2010 at 4:58 pm


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Vickie August 12, 2010 at 5:03 pm

I hate it when that thing (Rachel) laughs. She drives me up the friggin wall

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Betty August 12, 2010 at 5:06 pm

Are all you LF bloggers sure that Rachel is oblivious to tonights vote?

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tendr August 12, 2010 at 5:08 pm

rachel then next week brendon (then matt)

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Betty August 12, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Tendr – from your lips to God’s ears.

I’ll join you in that joint after tonight’s eviction! LOL

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Arlene August 12, 2010 at 5:19 pm

I vote to evict; Rachel ……I hope Brandon wins the HOH —
Was nice seeing Jeff & Jordon for the POV

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 5:58 pm

Of course I voted to evict Rachel……… same as I did on BB12 premiere night! Watching her was not interesting to me in the least…. just the opposite in fact.

I agree that the “talk show” is not funny anymore. It was pretty funny the first time when it was spur of the moment. It was sort of funny the 2nd night. 3rd night??…….. ehhhh. Last night I didn’t even bother with it. They are trying too hard to be funny… and they’re not.

I wonder if the backyard sock puppet show from BB10 would have gotten old so fast? …….now THAT was funny!

Rachel will be voted out 6-0 still….. right? Unless someone pulls a “Gnat” or Saboteur II votes the other way. I seriously doubt it though.

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Marsha (KustardPie from Previous Seasons) August 12, 2010 at 5:59 pm

How many votes do I get for ***RACHEL***? Because how ever many I get they all go to evict her. Good riddance.

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Karla August 12, 2010 at 6:13 pm

I vote to evict both of them they both need to go they are both horrible and I hope they are embarressed at what poor sports they are!

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jajablonde August 12, 2010 at 6:19 pm

PK – you should TRY to remember that Rachael is someone’s daughter, misbehaving to be sure, but still someone’s daughter, sister, I think your remark about her fees was way out of line. I vote to evict do nothing Lane. What has he done? Except thin his hair last nigh? that was hysterical.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 6:26 pm

JT…I immediately thought of the sock puppet show too the 1st nite they did the talk show. I was like*Alright!! Now we’re talkin!!* but all good things must come to an end…even puppets……and the TS wasn’t THAT good!! Like I said, hopefully with Roachel…and their *fuel* gone……the TS will follow and we weill be on to bigger,better….I’d settle for DIFFERENT things at this point!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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dlm August 12, 2010 at 6:28 pm

I vote to evict…………..RACHEL (no surprise I’m sure!!)

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 6:32 pm

now we have to deal with FLOPPY BUTT CHEEKS on the JURY, I wish she was GONE SOONER. ๐Ÿ™„

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Dubsdoll August 12, 2010 at 6:38 pm

I want Roaches to leave. Both of them.

Mama Margie, My husbands Aunt once worked in the employment of the Queen. She was a hand maiden from 1940 -to – 1946. I asked her your question about the purse and her answer was. “The Queen will never leave her home without being fully dressed. “This is a sign of being a lady and not just a commonor”, “and mostly you will find calling cards, notes and a lace hankie in the purse.”

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northern_lass August 12, 2010 at 6:46 pm

i wish i could vote but as i live in uk i can’t but rachael’s whining is really getting on my nerves she wouldn’t last 1 wk in the uk bb house is there ever any real tears when she cry ( acts )

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:03 pm

Get your Tivos ready….this will be a show to remember. ๐Ÿ˜†

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BFLOSABRES28 August 12, 2010 at 7:06 pm


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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:09 pm

Brendon, giving up a half million dollars for someone you love doesn’t make you an idiot… I’d do the same.

Thinking you are in love with someone you just met and have spent NO TIME in the real world with is what makes you an idiot.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:14 pm

hey guys, I’m here, fireworks

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:16 pm

It better be her thats all I’m saying

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:18 pm

Brendon’s former fiancee…….. that could be interesting! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 7:20 pm

***Spoiler Alert***
Betty to answer your question:
LF: Stupid Enzo told Brendon and so it looks as if the Roach may know. Enzo gunning for Britt and Ragan and keeping Brendon around til there gone. IDK if Enzo is that dumb or that smart. It’s smart that he’s thinking of the jury votes but its dumb because, hes just… dumb period. He’s not funny and he tries way to hard. IDK if Brit goes but I really want her to get an HOH on her way out to stir things up.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:20 pm

I would love to see what she looks like….prolly better than Wretch

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 7:21 pm

oops i mean IDC (i dont care) if Britt goes just want her to have an HOH first. But Roach def tonight.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:21 pm

pretty funny, GOOOOOOOOOOOOO ragan

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:27 pm

yeah the fiance was smart

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:31 pm

WHOA, what a loser

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:32 pm

Candice said, “He tried to change who I was”

…..and THAT will be the biggest problem for R&B. Imagine when R is free of the BB house and back in Vegas….. and the booze is unlimited.

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:35 pm

Rachel cut Brendons hair today and I think she screwed it up on the left side behind his ear. ๐Ÿ˜†

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:35 pm

fran, she was pretty nice looking

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:36 pm

Whoo hoo

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Aggie…do you mean his ex? She is better looking than Rachel for sure.

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Augustus Cole August 12, 2010 at 7:38 pm

100x better looking!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:39 pm

I wonder what type of HOH comp it will be? The brigade and Kathy will all be safe no matter who wins.

Ragan, Brit, or Brendon will be next to leave.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:40 pm

AC LIVES!!!! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 7:41 pm

lol @ Spoiler Alert ya’ll east coasters already watching it. Ag what else did his fiance say?

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:44 pm

@AC…at least the ex doesn’t look fake.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:46 pm

“This may not be the last you’ve seen of the BB house”

WTF!!?? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ……say it ain’t so!

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:47 pm

I don’t know about y’all but I could handle only the bologna sandwiches…anything else and I would drink only tea (if that’s allowed)

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 7:49 pm

JT What??? what does that mean? who’d they say that too? Darn WC time!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:53 pm

Frannie would be singing…

Oh I love to eat it everyday
and if you ask me why, I’ll saaaaay…
’cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:54 pm

Julie said the to Rachel in the interview after she was evicted

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Augustus Cole August 12, 2010 at 7:54 pm

I think this comp favors Hayden or Brendon…..

Gooooo Hayden. 8)

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:54 pm

yeah fran, of course the ex is better looking, and has some class

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:54 pm

Yep….I really like it fried. That’s not a punishment to me.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:56 pm


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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Go Hayden, Enzo, Brittany…oh hell, anyone but Brendon

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 7:57 pm

Oh no!!!! Hopefully she meant you’ll see them at Jury! How did Rach and Bren react when votes read????

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:58 pm

LF time….gotta see who wins it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:58 pm

The HOH comp is still going.. it’s the one where they have to untangle the rope attached to themselves. Looks like a pretty close race… it is about 1/4 done when the show ends.

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Augustus Cole August 12, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Damn, they got a long way to go. I thought this would end before the show went off.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 7:59 pm

onto the feeds, should be good

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 7:59 pm

Right after trivia that is… ๐Ÿ™„

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 7:59 pm

Jane, they weren’t that surprised. Rachel talked with Brendon a bit and that was all.

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BBBlogger August 12, 2010 at 8:01 pm

if you want to watch the HOH comp live…get the feeds! 3 day free trial at

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Thanks JT… jeez you can’t even count on the drama queen for drama when you finally do want it.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:02 pm

now they are giving friggin trivia, what are we paying for

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 8:04 pm

ok all you people out there with live feed let us know what is going on . Please don’t let Brenden win, he looked pretty even with Hayden and some others, ever Britney seemed like she was doing well. We need “Spoiler Alerts” don’t think I can waid ’til BBAD!!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:04 pm


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Marie August 12, 2010 at 8:05 pm

Out, Rachel, OUT OUT OUT.

Take your fakeup, hair dye and phony whine with you!
Boo hoo hoo.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:05 pm

whats even more annoying they ask the same trivia questions

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:05 pm

๐Ÿ˜† @ Aggie

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 8:06 pm

WHAT!!! What are you paying for it you can’t get the good stuff!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:07 pm


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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:07 pm

Bat, I don’t know how the HOH comp is going..

……but I do know that Marcellas & Lori were the first 2 nominated in BB3!! ๐Ÿ˜† (DAMN TRIVIA SCREEN!!) ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:08 pm

I Think I”m talking to myself also

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:09 pm

When Aggie speaks we all listen…

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:10 pm

Here we go….

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:10 pm

Enzo just fell

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:10 pm


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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:11 pm

I see all the boys and Kathy

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:11 pm

Looks like Brendon is way out in front…. hard to tell.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:11 pm

There’s Brit… they are all still in it. What do they have to do to win?

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:12 pm

Jane… they have to untangle their rope and get to the end of the course

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zep August 12, 2010 at 8:12 pm


Britany is a little witch who talks about everyone. Lane and Enzo are meat heads. Hayden doesn’t quite have enough meat to be a meat head but he’s in training. Matt is a short little worm whose i.q. is bigger than his body. He might have some book smarts but that rarely translates to street smarts or even common sense. Brendon is obviously a geek who has probably never been laid, at least not good. He sniffs after Rachel and grovels at her like a whipped pup. The fact that Rachel has been to college is unimpressive. They’ll let anybody in there! If she has a degree in chemistry, you’d think she could at least come up with a hair dye that resembles something found in nature. She should do time for excessive use of the word “like.” Ragan is the only well-rounded savvy person of the group.

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 8:13 pm

Thanks (JT) that question has been haunting me for years!!

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm

Brendon sounds like he’s about to pass out because he’s out of breath. Either that or have a heart attack. He’s ahead though.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm

I bet the smaller guy has the edge again

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm

Is Brendon in front or behind you cant really tell.

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Dubsdoll August 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm

refresh refresh refresh. thanks for updates!!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:16 pm

Well Brendon got the Endurance challenge he wanted lets see what he does.

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donna August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm

yes plz let us know who wins ..what did julie mean when she said racheal may not be her last time seeing the house..omg i knew brenden was sphyco !!!!lol i spelled it wrong..his girlfriend basicly confirmed it..

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm

BRENDON is an OAF do you rally think he can do it?

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm

k i think Brendon is ahead.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm

i just got the feeds back..who’s ahead? can anyone tell?? Looks kinda Like brendy…….

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm

matt looks worried

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:18 pm

Brendon is an oaf….. but he is way ahead.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:19 pm

Gee…ragan and brit are tied..for laast place!!! Imagine THAT!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:19 pm

lol bless kathy’s heart. she looks like she’s rolling up her yarn to knit and wants to make sure all the kinks are out, not trying to get through as fast as possible.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:19 pm

Looks like Lane and Hayden are catching Brendon

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:20 pm

It looks like Lane is moving in on Brendon

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:20 pm

yup Brendon’s ahead

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Lane looks like he’s catching up, but Brendon is in a Rhythm that looks hard to beat.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Looks like Brendon is over 3/4 done… he still has a decent lead

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Jane…LOL Knit one, purl two……boohoo!!

Looks like Meo Meow, Hayden are pretty close but brendy is still ahead!!
He’s got a Vegas fire under his butt tho…gonna be hard to catch!!!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Enzo’s obviously throwing it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Brendon is in 1st
Hayden and Lane are close for 2nd and 3rd
Brit is 4th
Enzo, Kathy and Ragan are all far back

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

OH BOY, they are DYING out there, ABB

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

oh star thats Enzo… i must be blind i thought lane was catching up. I really wanna help Kathy she’s so sincere and just doesn’t want to hurt the ropes feelings.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:24 pm

Oh wait…maybe that’s Lane not Enzo……

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:25 pm

JT thats what I thought… and Enzo is throwing the comp obviously.

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zep August 12, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Lane and Enzo are meat heads while Hayden doesn’t have enough meat to be one, but he’s training for it. Britany is a little witch who talks about everybody like I haven’t heard since jr.high! Matt is a worm whose IQ is bigger than his body. He is mistaking book smarts for street smarts and common sense. Brendon is a sad little groveling puppy. Unimpressed that Rachel has been to college. Why doesn’t she use that chemistry degree to come up with a hair dye that is a color found in nature. Ragan is the only one with any smarts or savvy or real personality.

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:25 pm

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, say it isn’t so

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zep August 12, 2010 at 8:26 pm

??? Two posts and neither have appeared. Hmmmmm

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Brendon is going up and back again…must be having problems. FINGERS CROSSED FOR PROBLEMS!!!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Its definitely so Aggie!!! Unless he trips over love (and thats gone) he’s got it.

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Judi Bee August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Dear God, Plese don’t let Brenden win; he’s going to turn into Rachel if he does. I can’t stand that thought.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

The brigade should all throw the comp if you think about it.

Brendon wins HOH and either Brit or Ragan leave….. then Brendon can’t play next time.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Jane…..ya i was wastching a smaller feed when I said that.
Too funny about kathy! She beat rach out in one small part of one contest..I think she’d pretty much exhausted herself for the rest of the

I hope Brendon DOES win!!! Talk about DRAMA!!!!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Lane would catch up if he’d stop doing that weird backtracking thing.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Brendon is VERY close now

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 8:29 pm

you know Brenden will put Brit, Matt and Reagan in have not.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:29 pm

Brendon wins HOH

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:29 pm


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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:30 pm

DID someone win I saw BRendon standing there

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:30 pm

LMAO Star!!! I kinda hope Brendon wins to the drama will be great. I think it will turn into a K/B thing where Kristin wouldn’t go up to HOH room and Rach bullied her, except this time it will be a Ragan/Brandon thing. Lane will fight to keep Brit and nobody will evict Matt and even if they do he has Platinum POV.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:30 pm

bat..I hope he does! They have been nasty as SH*T!!! Now they can eat it for a

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Why did they cut away…. Brendon started yelling at them… I wanted to hear what he said!

Ragan or Brit will be evicted

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Bat August 12, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Well who says the house will be boring without Rachel, bring on the fire works! Rac is going to be soooooo proud of “HER MAN”

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Dubsdoll August 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm

Let the Drama begin. Matt will definitly use the diamond P.O.V. so he safe and so is the brigade. One more week for Roach Coach to be seperated from Brandy.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm

Matt will be on the block…. then out comes the diamond POV! Brendon is REALLY gonna hate that!

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aggie27 August 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, IT doesn’t matter MATT has the diamond power of veto

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:33 pm

IDK why they cut away! I want my money back from my free trial lol

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 8:34 pm

I like your thinking JT…then next week for sure Brendon will be on the block. He will go unless he wins the pov.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:34 pm

JT..he said:
Brendon: That’s what happens when you evict somebody… (bubbles – they’ll be back soon. Ragan & Brit, good luck this week.)

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 8:35 pm

a million thanks to you and your hubbys aunt.
she answered my questione which i have been asking for years.
makes sense to me.
all i know is when i carry my purse and use it to lean on i am called
Sophia (as in the golden girls series, lol)
now back to refresh and see if there is a winner yet. if brendon there will be fireworks for sure.
anyone have any idea what julie meant when she said to rachel this may not be the last tme you are seeing the bb house???

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:36 pm

I’m just glad she’s gone. Now I wanna see how Brendon really is. Matt is going to be furious when the boys hang out with Brendon all day in POV… he will prob do it to just to “keep in eye on things”.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:36 pm

What if he doesnt put Matt up?? ANd I don’t think he will. Will Matt out himself to save a NON BROgade member?? Even Ragan??? IDTS!! So the DPoV may not get used this season!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:36 pm

It was just gettin’ good!! I wanted to hear the drama!!

LOL@Jane…. “money back from free trial” ๐Ÿ˜†

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Judi Bee August 12, 2010 at 8:37 pm

Did Brendon win HOH? Please say it ain’t so.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:38 pm

I’m betting they will bring R back in…..she won’t last long..they never DO!! But since their season has been kinda F*ed up this year, no matter what they do, BB may try it for SHOCK value!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Star, i am pretty sure the only way Matt will use the D-POV is if there are 2 brigade members on the block on Thursday. Otherwise they have the votes to cover anything else. Matt knows Ragan has to go soon.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:39 pm

JudiBee… be true!!!

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Betty August 12, 2010 at 8:39 pm

If Brendon wins I think he will put up Matt and Brit. Matt will be safe and hopefully Brit will win POV. Then it will be between Ragan and Cathy? I can’t see Brendon putting up Enzo, Hayden or Lane.

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skellygirl August 12, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I’m happy to see Brendon win…can’t wait for the drama! I would love to have seen what kind of game he could have played without Rachel (just typing her name makes me throw up a little in my mouth)…I think he would have done well!!
Did you notice how Enzo waited ’til everyone was out of the kitchen area then talked to Brendon. Enzo is playing a smart game, never thought I would say that!
Britney is funny, but she needs to bring it down a notch. Making fun of people and being a smart-ass doesn’t get you votes in the end.
Just some thoughts….bring on the drama………love it!!!!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:41 pm

Judi its so! Its not a bad thing though. He won’t make it to the end unless new alliances are formed. Its gonna be a funny week. I really think unless Matt is in danger of going home, he is gonna save his Platinum POV Bling for the next week. I think he knows Enzo is wishy washy.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:41 pm

I totally agree JT..or he would have a HUGE target on his back!!! And matt is a floater, even tho is he supposedly part od the borgade…cuz if he had been getting ahead moe with Ragan and Brit he would ahve dropped the BG in a New York minute!!! I thoink the other 3 guys are loyal tho.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:42 pm

I can’t wait to see Matt squirm. He’s just as nauseating as Roach was. He has little mans complex.

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donna August 12, 2010 at 8:43 pm

i read that brenden won hoh omg…if he did can matt use his diamond veto to put brenden up anyways…ooohhhh i hope so, i thought for sure a smaller person would get it..

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mama margie August 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm

i take it brendon won, all i can say is houseguests better run for the boots and rain slickers, the sh** is going to hit the fan big time.
i would imagine on the block will be ragan & brit, if so i wonder if matt will use it to save one of them,
have to say this will be a very interesting week……
txs fellow bloggers for all the updates, you all did good

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm

Skellygirl.. good to see you again.

I wish I could have seen both R&B play the game separate. Brendon was a target before they ever got together… so who knows if he could have lasted? But maybe they both could have aligned with others and done well.

They made themselves together TOO BIG of a target.

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PK August 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm

The last HOH competition was inspired by a true story where big foot escapes a band of albino pygmies through a maze of tangled ropes. Finally something Brendon can wrap his early man mentality around successfully.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm

Dubsdoll…that was cool to hear about your aunt-inlaw!! when I was a lil girl, I was taught to always carry a purse and wear white gloves when I went out. And had a hanky and a comb and a rosary in my She’s justa bit behinds the times, righto, eh Queenie??lol

SKELLY!!! Where ya been girl!!!! See..back one sec and already we agree!!! We miss you…..come play more often..and bringyour wine glass….;)

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm

Your right PK it was TOEtally Big Foot! <— sorry couldn't resist!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:49 pm

I take it Ragan, Brit, and Matt are havenots? They must be, nothing else would make sense.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:50 pm

Ragan in have not room Brit consoling him while still talking shit lol

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:51 pm

From what his Ex GF said, Brendon sounds like a bit of a freak! But, in this game, I’m glad he finally got HOH and has a chance to redeem his gameplay that…I agree JT….got screwed up by his alliance/showmance. And I am positive he will target brit and ragan and that makaes me VERY happy!!!! what comes around goes around, kiddies!!! remember Brit…..jeaqlousy is a disease..get wekl soon!!!! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Matt comes in and says whichever of us wins veto (brit him or Rag) the other one has to take themselves off. Enzo with Hayden talking about you wanna send em home send em home wtf are we doing here. <— no clue what he's talking about.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Did ya’ll know that Lane has never been a have not??? He and enzo were laughing about tht last night on BBAD.. I can’t figure if he is playing a fantastic game or just the biggest floater BB has ever seen! Opinions????

and why bubbles again???? This is frustrating!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:54 pm

Brendon : “Who wants to see my HOH room?”

...cue the crickets …chirp chirp…. chirp chirp.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:55 pm

I think so JT they must be have nots. Which is good for Ragan and Brit because Matt is the only one that can save them. This is gonna be a good week. See… there can still be good drama with out her.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 8:55 pm

Has Hayden been a havenot? (other than the 24 hr thing)

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bigbubbabronson August 12, 2010 at 8:55 pm

I cant stand Brendan but the drama will be nice because I’m afraid it would be more dull than usual if not. Britney’s goodbye message was one of the best EVER!!!! Too funny! As long as Lane and Ragan stay I can care less who leaves this week. I wish didn’t have the diamond veto so I didn’t have to see those stupid pj’s anymore

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 8:56 pm

JT Enzo will trip over himself running to kiss butt with Brendon. It may even be the new shomance. We may hear Enzo say No one can come between “Me and my Man!”

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PK August 12, 2010 at 8:58 pm

I get it Julie… Rachel comes back into the house in several connect the zits pics of her in Brendon’s HOH room. Gag!!!!

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donna August 12, 2010 at 9:00 pm

could someone plz answer my 2 questions…what did julie mean by telling racheal that it might not be her last time seeing the bb house..can mat put hoh up on block w/diamond veto..

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:01 pm

LOL now Enzo talkin’ smack about Ragan and Brit and saying what do you expect you sent his girlfriend home. But didn’t last week in HOH Enzo say about Bren “He outta be embarrassed he just met this chick, she aint nobody to him”… now he’s his girlfriend… yes!! the drama and 2 faceness begins!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:02 pm

Donna i don’t think anyone knows the answer. But I do think PK is right she can come back in the house in a picture in the HOH room.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:04 pm

Anyone seen Brendon?? IS he in the DR???

and JT….not sure about Hayden….let me know if u find out!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:04 pm

I don’t think Matt can put Brendon up…. just as Jeff couldn’t put Chima up (not that he would have).

Don’t know exactly what Julie meant… she never said. All I could do is quote what she said.

Sorry…. not much help from me.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:06 pm

donna……Matt cannot put an HOH up!! All he can do is use the DPOV to save himself or soemone else and he gets to pick renoms.

And raxh could very easliy come back into the house. Remember James??? Kaysar??? Allison can do whatever the F*** she wants! She OWNS these people!!lol

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donna August 12, 2010 at 9:07 pm

oh ok ty tho jane..i guess im hoping that he can do that..i just hope they dont send raheal back a box like they did jesse…

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:07 pm

LOL Star…. I was counting on your memory! ๐Ÿ˜†

I don’t remember Hayden being a havenot. He and Lane are the only 2 left.

Lane, Ragan, and Enzo haven’t been on the block yet. That will prolly change for Ragan tomorrow.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:07 pm

Star Brendon was in that food room talking to Lane about how he thought he was getting closer, then he went in DR

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Barbara August 12, 2010 at 9:07 pm


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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:09 pm

This just in:

“Have Nots: Britney, Ragan and Matt.

Enzo, Lane and Hayden are already whispering around the house. As far as Enzo and Lane are concerned, their plan for the week was to send Ragan or Britney packing anyway. Lane wasn’t quite on the same page. He may have to be now, unless Matt chooses to reveal his lie about Pandora’s Box to his fellow Brigade members, thereby potentially losing their trust.”

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Star he’s out of the DR with Brogade in shower room. Kinda wandering aimlessly.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:11 pm

I think it would have still been a bad decision to keep Rachael. She’s much better at the game. I think most people don’t care Brendon got HOH we are actually waiting to see his game play.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:12 pm

What would have been gross would be to see him get HOH and have a Roach in his room.

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Tammy August 12, 2010 at 9:12 pm

Who won HOH?

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:13 pm

Thanks Jane:)

JT……Hmmm……both our mems have failed?? ARRGH!! lol I don’t actually think Haydenhas been a have not. But thot I was picturing him in there with Kristen..maybe he was just

And Barbara…you GO girl!!! Like a woman with opinions…lol

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Barbara August 12, 2010 at 9:13 pm

Yes Star I think Lane is the biggest floater ever. No one can figure that out. How slow can these people be? Enzo is also a big two faced kiss up along with Brit and Ragan. Go Cathy and Brendon! They should pair up and kick butt!

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:13 pm

tammy…Brendy did!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Matt can’t tell the brigade or anyone about his power… if he tells, he loses the power.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:17 pm

I still think Enzo has a secret alliance with Brendon. Even though I didn’t see it play out thouroughly on the Live Feed… somethings fishy.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:19 pm

Right..but he’s going to lose it anyway cuz unlessone of the BG is put up, he won’t use it So maybe it’s best to come clean and restore the trust tht he has been slowly losing with his BG members????
And he could tell them about Pandoraa’s box …just not specifically about the DPoV.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:20 pm

Star Brendon in kitchen eating chit chatting with Hayden. He says I can’t wait until they all start throwing each other under the bus. Hayden says its gonna happen. They whisper something inaudible about “later tonight”. He asks if Hayden seen the looks on their face when he won. He’s not really being Cocky like he would if their was a Roach in the house. I think his game play will be better now. I think the outburst after HOH was just a reaction like Kathy had. He’s still talking to Hayden.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:22 pm

That would be the smart thing to do Star. He may once he sees Enzo and Hayden speaking more with Bren. Brendon just thanked Hayden for warning him Roach was getting evicted ahead of time… bubbles.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:23 pm

LMFAO if Brendon takes Brit and Haydens place on the talk show. I still like Brit but I like drama more.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:24 pm

Jane..I don;t think enzo does yet but I wouldnt be surprised to see him make one in the coming week! ANYTHING but win a comp! Thats just TOO exhausting…….and scary!!lol MEOW MEOW my ass!! ๐Ÿ™„

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:24 pm

oops i meant Brit and Ragans place on Talk show

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:24 pm

Jane, The brigade is playing the whole house… but not each other. I’ve seen many brigade meetings where they discuss this. They all want Lane to stay close to Brit, Matt with Ragan, Enzo and Hayden with Brendon.

That way if someone puts one of them up, they will put up their fake alliance.(Like with Hayden and Kristen). Matt and the brigade are fine with Matt going up against Ragan… or Lane with Brit… or Enzo with Brendon. They are just trying to avoid being put up together. All the side alliances are an act… and all the brigade know about them.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Star Enzo has really been annoying me. Roach Matt & Enzo are my least favorites anyone else could win. The only reason I don’t want to see Brendon win is he’s dumb enough to give it to the Roach. If he was smarter I wouldn’t even care about that.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:27 pm

Hayden and enzo have both been covering their A$$es with Breandon all along…..good groundwork, nowit seems, eh??

Is anyone else’s LF screwing up soindwise??? My screen is a 4 way split and getting voiceovers from 2 rooms. Im getting a HEADACHE!!lol

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:30 pm

JT but why did Enzo go against Brigade and tell Brendon about vote.. did i miss something… did he talk to Brigade before doing it. I know he said something later and Matt was pissed.

I can’t stand watching Enzo in comps. It’s ridiculous.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:31 pm

LOL @ Kathy in kitchen telling Brendon “that was absolutely awesome”.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:32 pm

JT…OHhhh…ok……well..that makes sense!! Very loyal for HGs but…..we’re open to new

Jane….brendon was thinking with his *little head* until now. Don’t think he’s my cup of tea in RL but he may turn into a stands up guy in the house now tht he’s FREE!!!!! And he’s relatiely intelligent,so…will be fun to see how it allplays out!!!

Is it just us 3?? Where does everyone go??? The HOHis over and BOOM…all the reats leae the ship???? Guess we know who here would do well in Endurance comps……:lol:


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donna August 12, 2010 at 9:32 pm

thats why the brigade is ruling the house for the most part ..i just wish they would win a compatition besides matt..matt is keeping them afloat..i think reagen will be evicted this week tho..or brenden will try to back door matt..

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:33 pm

Oh gawd Ragans crying I can’t take it. I will talk to y’all later. I’m so sick of people crying when they know they are going up. Roachel, Brit, now Ragan… its absolutely ridiculous.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:34 pm

Star.. this may be a dumb question on my part… do you have it on quadcam? Then you do get multiple sound. Just pick which cam you want to watch and hear.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:34 pm

Ok…in last post that order..relativly…….rats and leave…… Stra strikes again!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:34 pm

LMAO @ Endurance comps. Okay i’m still here gotta smoke a cig though i cant watch a grown man cry brb.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:38 pm

I love it when Stra strikes!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:41 pm

Ragan needs to stop crying and start Sabateuring! Did Julie tell Roach about Brogade? If she didn’t maybe its going to be because shes in jury or she’s writing Brendons letter <—– please no!

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:41 pm

Jane..ya, saw Ragan crying..UGH!! Bad enuf when he girls do it!!!

I do wish Rachel could know what was going on tho..heheheh

JT…my superpass works like crap! Often only one of the quads works. right now , I have nothing along the side but one blank square..then the blue quad underneath. sals BBlite has been working better for me but tonight it wouldnt load…prolly on OVER load! Isit my comp or hav u had probs like this?? I have ATT and vista…not like Im running on Win 3.o dial-up!!! lol

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:44 pm

God bless you JT…….cuz Stra’s working on OT tonight!! ๐Ÿ˜† This is what happens when you mix long nails with a quick mind and no spell check…..lmao!

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:44 pm

I was getting a camera blacking out earlier on BBLite too. It keeps freezing too.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:45 pm

Stra, I haven’t had many problems… just a couple times when I had to re-load. Must either be your computer or internet connection…. or internet speed. IDK??

My biggest problem is that they constantly cut the feeds. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:45 pm

Enzo laughing in kitchen eating it up and adjusting into his new position as the latest backstabbing buttkissing mean girl.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:48 pm

Spell check…… is that the same for everyone? On mine, it underlines it in red if I misspell something in the comment box.

(“WTF” always gets underlined in red! ๐Ÿ˜† )

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donna August 12, 2010 at 9:49 pm

ty star… i was really hoping that he could use it to backfire on brenden and put him up though… but i guess that would really not be fair ..thats funny yes racheal did say ( this is my house )…

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 9:51 pm

JT i just noticed spell check lol

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 9:56 pm

๐Ÿ˜ฏ Where is spell check? I looked but I don’t see it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Is this correct?

They will have a regular veto comp and ceremony. Then Matt can choose to change one nomination on Thursday’s eviction show. Matt can replace one nominee with anyone except HOH….. or veto winner?

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Star August 12, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Do you have spellcheck on the blog?? I don’t!

I think the BLOG is the whole problem. Cuz when I pull it up and refresh it I think it messes with my LFs. It also messes with my ablity to listen to the blogs OR watch TV! Probably why everyone else


Jane….I’m not happy tht enzo is sinking that low but….it somehow doesnt surprise me!! He tried being a floater/ non-comp-winner….now he’s just gonna get bitter, I think!! Who says if the BG is the F4 that they will have all the *girls* out of the house!!?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 9:59 pm

Spell something wrong Frannie… see if it gets underlined in red in the comment box.

I hate it when I try 5 variations and they ALL get underlined……. then I just say “F -it” and hit “submit”! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Star August 12, 2010 at 10:00 pm

I didn’t think veto winners came into play there, JT! But..what do i know???lol

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franniep2 August 12, 2010 at 10:03 pm

coment…..nope (no red line)


Night all…the only problem I’m having is my slow ass refresh button. I don’t have the patience for this. I have SYTYCD taped so I’ll go watch it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 10:06 pm

I don’t know for sure either. This is a bit different than last year’s coup, but last year they had a veto comp and ceremony as usual. Kevin won the veto and left Lydia and Russell on the block……. then Jeff used the coup on Thursday.

Prolly don’t matter. It is very doubtful Matt will even have to use it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 12, 2010 at 10:08 pm

360some comments…… and time for me to get off my a$$! ๐Ÿ˜†

L8R all!!

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zep August 12, 2010 at 10:09 pm

Britany is such a TOOL! Literally AND figuratively

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Star August 12, 2010 at 10:13 pm

JT..just reading back and ragan was complaining how SH*TTY it was of Brendon to put them as have-Nots when there are 2 others tht have never been. So we must have been right about Hayden and lane!

Also being a whiney poor sport, brit says hpw she wanted brendy to be miserable, yada yada…..but hopes at least that R was the sabo and they got her out! SORRY babe!!! WRONG again! Life’s a B*tch but so are you! Ever hear of Karma,hun????hehehehe

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 10:18 pm

LMAO Star about no girls in the house. Zep they are pretty much all tools. It’s just whose turn is it to be the biggest tool.

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Jane August 12, 2010 at 10:20 pm

Ted where ru? They are dividing Survivor tribes in to youngest and oldest this year.

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Star August 12, 2010 at 10:34 pm

OMG!! Brendens taling about the Beatles and said something about Yoko Ono and Hayden says…..who’s yoko Ono???!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Should these kids be UP this late??LOL

And this after Hayden has said his college had a class devoted to the Beatles. OBVI he hasn’t taken it

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Betty August 12, 2010 at 10:34 pm

I am worried about Julie’s comment to Rachel about her maybe returning to the house . I though it was funny that she did not tell her that Ragan was the saboteur. Oh PLEASE CBS don’t bring THE WICKED WITCH OF BB BACK!

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loveblossom71 August 12, 2010 at 10:38 pm

well there we have it Brendon wins HOH n everybody knows hes gonna put brit up for sure…. no brainer… I think Enzo should be a little worried as well his game is so lame…he throws all the comps…

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zep August 12, 2010 at 10:41 pm

Oh-so excited! I hear somebody’s gonna make Britany cry!!

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tendr August 12, 2010 at 10:48 pm

I’m thinking.
I wonder if Brendon ovulates?

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PGA Dok August 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm

Just got back in and caught up on all the reading and the eviction show. What a surprise to find out AG apparently wants to leave the door open to bringing back someone that the majority of viewers doesn’t like (full sarcasm intended for those not so adept at picking up on these things). She shoved Jessie down our throats several times. He gets voted out, “Hey let’s give him a chance to go back in in a box”. That plan failed miserably, “Hey let’s give him a chance to get back in for the new season”. That was such a great plan that viewers gave Jeff the coup to bounce him out for a third time. The brigade looks pretty good moving forward, as Matt is the only one with a true enemy at this point, and he has a get out of jail free card this week. As “guy on restroom door” said, they have created pseudo alliances to help keep themselves out of the line of fire. As long as they keep two of them from being on the block at the same time they control the votes. Good to see Mr. Personality win HOH. As I said last night this will keep things fired up for the week, and should provide for some good viewing for us. I for one am curious to see things unfold the next couple of days.

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zep August 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm

Ha Tendr! They better get rid of Britany then before she and Brendon sync up and go on the rag at the same time! I loved Hayden’s goodbye to Rachel-he’s not as stupid as he looks. He knows she is going on the jury so he took the final opportunity to brown nose. Unlike stupide Britany-she had Rachel believing the were quasi friends and Britany blew it with that snarky nasty good-bye. Luckily for her, Rachel will have very little influence on the other jurors.

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PGA Dok August 12, 2010 at 11:26 pm

Rug burn on your unit ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

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starfish August 13, 2010 at 12:41 am

Hey SkellyGirl, good to see you back. Hop in more often.

I’ve just read up to 374 so we’ll see where this comes in after I hit submit.

Brendon will shake things up for sure. He was determined since his game is of the revenge and vindication sort now. As we’ve all mentioned before, he should show some game now.

Tks for the update. I couldn’t wait to log on after the show cuz all your easterners would have the answers. JT, you rock!!! Stra, well what can I say my friend. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ciao till tomorrow.

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starfish August 13, 2010 at 12:42 am

Well I guess you’ve all gone to bed since I’m 375. ๐Ÿ˜€ nite nite

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Ted August 13, 2010 at 1:01 am

Well, poor Rachel is gone… but certainly not forgotten. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE… Thanks to Allison G., Rachel will be back!!! Great News… Very sorry to see that Brendon won HOH… Talk about Cocky, now we’ll see Cocky… expect to see Brit and Ragan on the block. Cannot stand the thought of seeing Brendon’s mug another 2+ weeks.

That was hilarious when they had on Brendon’s ex… he must have dumped her for her to be so bitter… and mom too! That was great!

No, no Spell Check on the blog that I’m aware of… however, I do believe they still make dictionaries… and most computers have built ones…

Saw the Survivor clip, Jane. Getting excited and there was Coach Jimmy front and center!!!

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Ted August 13, 2010 at 1:05 am

MISS T!!!… Do I have to give you a ‘smokin’ is bad for you girl’ lecture???

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Kevin August 13, 2010 at 1:07 am

I found it weird how Julie said Rachel might not be gone yet, unless she was just saying that because that’s what Saboteur Ragan said. However, maybe if Matt uses his secret wizard power, Rachel will be back in the house. That would be horrible. Rachel and Brendon piss me off so much. Sure they are strong in the competitions, but they whine about everything when things don’t go their way, and when they do go their way, they act like royalty and that everyone should kiss their rings.

Rachel’s interview with Julie at the end showed how self-centered she really is. She just kept repeating “they were all threatened by how strong of a competitor I am.” No, they got rid of you because of all the drama you cause and how you treat everyone horribly. When Brendon lost the H.O.H. comp and they realized how screwed they were, Rachel told Brendon everything was fine only to say in the diary room that “Brendon doesn’t realize everything’s not about him.” Once again, she fails to see the big picture and how everyone else views her, including the person that she was closest with!! She always says how hard her and Brendon fight to stay alive in this game while no one else tries in the competitions, but she doesn’t realize that any target that was on her back was put on by herself and how she acts. I’m glad to see her go. I’m okay with Brendon, but I don’t want to see Ragan or Britney go. Hopefully Kathy will, but getting rid of someone this week will be difficult since all of the houseguests seem to like each other except Brendon, who apparently can single-handedly take down everyone.

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Lynn August 13, 2010 at 1:41 am

Did everyone catch the comment that Julie made to Rachel….”you might not have seen the last of the BB House?” CBS needs some drama or else it is going to be the brigade picking off house guests one by one….how boring will that be? At least Rachel and Brendon will probably be reunited next week in the jury house. Then who will “sweet” little Britney target?

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Justaguy (JT) August 13, 2010 at 6:58 am

Yes Lynn, we did catch that… scary thought! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Brendon did get a picture of Rachel for his HOH room so hopefully that will be the extent of her in the house. I doubt that’s what Julie meant though…. Julie said that before Brendon won HOH.

I hope the next time Rachel sees the BB house is when she is sitting in a jury chair on finale night.

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kaleki August 13, 2010 at 7:39 am

Okay Matt now is the time to use your golden power of veto ~ don’t mess it up genius

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kelly August 13, 2010 at 9:00 am

My wife and I laughed our asses off when Brenvagina’s x fiance and mother said they were so glad that they didnt get married! Yea, honey you dodged a HUGE bullet.

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Ted August 13, 2010 at 9:18 am

I wanted Rachel to stay, just so we could see her without Brendon. Great news that she will be back… I will have send Allison and Julie a thank you note! Could not believe Brendon won HOH! Looks like he will be creating some drama… CORECTION… Already Has! So, was he playing for his life or so he could exact revenge? The HGs were in shock. And poor Ragan… hiding under a blanket sobbing and then saying “if you are watching on the live feeds watching me cry…”, lost all respect for him there as a player. Missed why he was crying… because he was a ‘have-not’ or because he knew he would be on the block? And, the whole Saboteur thing is ridiculous… he hasn’t done anything.
Thought that was funny when Kathy said that it was a Survivor type challenge. Really enjoyed the bowling match. Well edited, and Rachel and Brendon didn’t disappoint. I can’t believe what a poor sport he is… I think the casting is excellent on this show for the most part… when CBS, and I guess Allison, interviewed some of these people they must have peed their pants with delight.

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bigbubbabronson August 13, 2010 at 9:24 am

Good heavens BB DO NOT BRING ROACHEL BACK! NOONE FOR THAT MATTER!!!! It’s been done, I am so over BB not coming up w/ something new and then calling it something diff, it is still the same. I HATE IT when they let people back in that have been voted out, that sucks! Maybe Julie just meant she may be back in an allstar season or something? God let’s hope so then she will have to be stuck in the house w/ all the past BB HG’s that the lil witch talked about, LOL!

I’m not sure why Ragan, Brit and Matt are surprised they are have nots? We knew he would seek revenge for his nasty ho bag.

Still, it’s too bad the lil troll Matt and his PJ’s can’t be out this week. I just hope it’s not Ragan. If Brendan does somehow fall to the final 2, it’s good for any other HG, no one will give him the $ due to his Vegas sweethart!

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bigbubbabronson August 13, 2010 at 9:25 am

Oh & Ted, I totally agree w/ Ragan’s sabateour rein, he has done nothing. He wimps out each week w/ the lame video, this way he can go undetected and not get caught in the act, he thinks America is so dumb!!!

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Tina August 13, 2010 at 9:36 am

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooo happy Brendon won HOH…………………. that was the best show ever and like a “in your face moment” no one deserved it more than him………….SOOOO glad Rachel is gone so now Brendon can focus on the game!!!!

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aggie27 August 13, 2010 at 9:41 am

I like Ragan, he can be alot of fun, don’t like matt to much, i’m not to thrilled he has the diamond power of veto, all the power has certainly gone to that guys head for sure, he needs to be taken down a peg or two. It is a shame that britt or ragan didn’t have that power. the only thing I’m happy about is matt might be screwing up brendon’s nominations, he will be truly pissed about that. ๐Ÿ™„

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 9:59 am

Aggie I find it funny how Brenchel have both said numerous times we can’t wait to see who kisses our butt after we when POV.. they will be voted out first. Yet they never do that.

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PK August 13, 2010 at 10:07 am

With Rachel leaving last night, that leaves only three (3) women left in the house…

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 10:16 am

oops i mean HOH

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bigbubbabronson August 13, 2010 at 11:04 am

Does anyone else find it hysterical what Brendans ex and mother had to say about him? WOW!!!! I bet he is more than a lil “controlling” Anyone else agree?

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Fiamma August 13, 2010 at 11:07 am

Since I am not actually in the BB House I would love to see them bring back the Vegas witch just to irritate the rest of them. I think it would make for some real drama, I love the fighting and the whining….lol

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 11:17 am

I def. agree BigBubba. LF last night the Brigade is already imploding. Matt told Enzo if he wins POV he may take Brit or Ragan off the block. Enzo Hayden says he’s already turning against them and he is shady. Enzo says he may start a new alliance with Brenon Hayden and Enzo and call it the Bri, Bra or Bro and leave Matt. Enzo says Brigade hasnt had a real meeting in a long time and all Matt is doing is hanging out in the have not room.

Matt is a have not though so Enzo shouldn’t be surprized about that. Also Enzo has been the first to sway and Matt although super annoying is smart and I’m sure sees this.

Its gonna get good!

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Bat August 13, 2010 at 11:56 am

usually when your on the block the show interviews with your family and friends, notice they had neither one of those from Rachels side not even her Vegas friends and no family or friends from Brendon. I think any family or friends of theirs are ashamed to claim they ever knew them. They better not bring Rachel back in the house or I’m done with the show.(big threat I know CBS) if they do that then they should have brought Kristen, back, and Andrew, and Monet, just not evict anyone, let them all live together until they multiply or kill each other!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 12:36 pm

LF: Hayden and Brendon alone in HOH room talking about these past few weeks. Without Roach in the house Brendon is actually a good guy. He hasn’t been cocky and seems to be more genuine. I like this side of him.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 12:45 pm

*oops i mean Ragan* Brendon is apologizing for all the stuff he said to Ragan and how he bullied him. He feels bad for making him feel the way he did. He also said if Brittany comes up he will apologize to her too. He says thats not him he was trying to protect Rachaels safety in the house. He is being sincere. I like this new Brendon.

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Star August 13, 2010 at 12:57 pm

Jane..I totally agree. I thought this would happen,just had a gut feeling, which is why I wanted him ot sty and win HOH and not Rachel. I wasn’t hating on her as much as others on here but the girl is definetly out for #1 and would have turned on Brendon, or ANYBODY who got in her way!
I just got OL and see ragan is up tehre BSing/grovveling. You mentioned Hayden was too……are they the 1st to go to HOH that u know of??

Bat…I don’t think either of the Brenchels are close to their fams! Maybe tht is why they clung to each other so tightly! Brendon actually said on BBAD that he could totally live without hearing from his fam in HOH , getting pics or letter. He said he loved them but they weren’t close. I wonder if he moved to LA for school or work and his family lives in another state? Or maybe they just gave up on him too like his almost in-law family!! He did say he wished Enzo would get HOH so that he would get communication from his family….seemed genuine about that. But just wasn’t important to him. According to JT,he got a pic of rachel. Wonder if that’sm all??

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Star August 13, 2010 at 1:01 pm

I hope Brendy doesnt put Matt up..cuz then he will use his DPOV and I was hoping he would LOSE it, the rat! Also, I’d like it to be Brit and Ragan noms stay the same….altho he does sound like he is leaning towards Matt and Ragan.

GOD……I am eating lunch and its hard to get down with Ragan saying how much he LOVES and adores (fill in any HGs name) every other breath! Who does he see himself ass..Mother faggin

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:06 pm

LOL Star!! I like Ragan. I honestly do. I think he just got caught up in the cattyness. I like Brit to I wish she would have won an HOH before she left. I’m pretty sure she’s the one going. I really am getting sick of Enzo. He doesn’t even try. He is playing a good social game but he’s a snake.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:07 pm

It was a typo it was just Ragan in HOH I always mix up their names

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kaleki August 13, 2010 at 1:07 pm

At this point of the game ~ I don’t care who wins BB ~ what I hope happens is that the other HG realize that keeping Brendon till the end is a sure win for them ~ the only vote Brendon will get is Rachels ~ plus I don’t want to see anymore of Brendon and Rachel kissing and hugging each other all over each other ~

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 1:08 pm

Jane – Thanks again for all the LF info. I am now really having a hard time picking out a favorite HG. I did like Enzo, but it seems most of the bloggers are against him. I can’t stand LANE, as I am an animal activist and have seen my share of bruts like him. They shoot at anything in the dark that has eyes and never check on the animal to see if it is dead, thus usually leaving the animal to suffer for hours. It just isn’t right to shoot something for fun.

I still like Ragan, despite his crying. He is a very emotional person. Hayden is okay, but a little on the DAH-side.

Maybe you, Ted or PK can help me make up my mind. My only defense for Enzo is that I think he is playing everyone and wants to make sure anyone going to the jury house likes him. I think his game-play is right on!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:18 pm

Your welcome Betty. Yes Enzo’s mental game is dead on. It’s his breathy chuckle and arrogance that reminds me of a male version of Roach that annoys me.

I love Ragan he’s just had a tortured past and defends himself with cattiness.

kaleki: thats what Enzo’s doing now. He’s got Hayden to agree to keep and work on deal with Brendon and they take Brendon Kathy to final four then backdoor Brendon. I think if they do that Brendon will win. He’s way smarter than that clique. Enzo’s a meathead and Hayden is a dummy if he sticks to this. Because surely Enzo’s real plan is to take Brendon to F2 and win the game.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:19 pm

LF: Brigade (minus matt) in kitchen making small talk
Brittany on hammock talking to someone (kathy i think?)

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KevinOUTwest August 13, 2010 at 1:22 pm

Why O Why are we all posting about NEW issues at the end of an OLD blog day??????
Brendon has won HOH and almost a full day has gone by. Sorry but this site is lame. PLEASE step it up and start a new page already.
Sorry I am NOT interested in your โ€œmutual admiration societyโ€!!!
To be honest I canโ€™t stand any Gnat-alie who ever played this game and some people are NOT worth the energy it takes to be nice to. When the winner of an HOH is known can we PUH-LEASE have a new post????
Sorry but this is R-E-A-L-I-T-Y TV people!
I hate having to wait for 666billion old posts to load to read all your lame arsed comments…
Ya hate me dontcha???
evel Kev NOT out easterly

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:24 pm

Betty… if their was No Roachel I would want Brendon to take it all and see the look on everyones faces. I would like to see Kathy or Ragan win. I really cant stand anyone else. I do like Brit she makes me laugh and I love her quick wit want to see her win HOH and get to F4 but I don’t want her to win over Kathy and Ragan. I think they are the only ones that actually deserve the money and wouldn’t blow it off.

Brendon and Matt on LF talking. Brendon apologizing to Matt and talking about deals.

Enzo who is “the new mean girl” is gossiping like a girl about Brittany.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:25 pm

Now Enzo in the BY talking to Brit about other people.

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KevinOUTwest August 13, 2010 at 1:28 pm

I think Julie was just feeding in to the sabboteur’s claim that no one was really leaving. But expected the un expected this is REALITY tv

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 1:31 pm

Jane – When are the nominations? I guess I am a softy when it comes to the gay guys, probably because they think like women. I do like Ragan, but I absolutely adored Marcel. I wish they would bring him back.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 1:40 pm

KevinOutwest I think you are right about Julie feeding Rachel the saboteur’s claim, maybe just to get her hoped up; and don’t be silly, I like reading your comments, agree or disagree it’s fun to read what others think!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:42 pm

I’m the same way. The houseguests are on Lockdown outside. They think its have not food. Kathy off to the side smoking. Brendon took her upstairs before the lockdown and told her he use to not understand her and who she’d talk to. But now he realizes that she is nice to the person in the house when they most need it. He respects her for that and is not nominating her at all (the way he said it i think he even means Pov replacement nominee).

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 1:42 pm

By the way Jane. I have been meaning to ask you. There are no live-feeds on survivor are there?

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Star August 13, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Betty noms yet. Brendon is still doing his talk circuit in HOH. Sometime this afternnon tho.

Jane.. a gree with you with everything except about Kathy.. Nithing against her but I would just hate to see a toal, no game floater win! Wouldnt mind seeing brendon do it tho. And I didnt like Enzo then did and am on the fence again. I think he is getting bitter becasue he is upset & frustrated with himself cuz he hasnt won anything. But an unhappy HG is a BITCHY HG!!!lol

And Kevin………we don’t hate you…your RUDE comments are as welcome here as anyone elses. But we are a differnt kind of blog..we are friendly, *folksy* even and enjoy over-the-backyard-or-watercooler chats about BB. If it ain’t *cutting edge* enough for you…don’t let the door hit ya in the A$$! But we won’t EVICT are free to stay or go.

PS BBBlogger may evict ya tho…..and he will start a new blog soon as noms are in. It’s usually only like this after eviction and HOH ….cuz we all enjoy each others company….you possibly being the exception. Not that you care, I’m sure!!!

Peace OUT!!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 1:58 pm

LF: i noticed Kathy was the only we he said “we” with. everyone else it was when “i” decide. I think nominations are tomorrow and shown Sunday? am i right?

Star I think I told someone I voted to evict them from BBB yesterday, lol. Kevin i think your right about Roach not coming back.

I’m glad Brendon isn’t isolating himself, and I hope he doesnt go to Jury house to soon so he gets more time away from her.

LOL Brendon just joked “Well if Rachel is the Sabateur we got her out of the house”. Maybe he’s confused with what we means?

Ragan telling nasty pee stories. Thats where I tend to detach from him. I don’t want to hear those stories from him either. I don’t wanna hear the sex stories and rauchiness, it has nothing to do with being gay.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 2:05 pm

Star I agree with you about Kathy (Cathy). I do not want to see her win. Jane seems to have the same opinion as you about liking Brendon. Believe me, live-feed or not, Brendon is a rat and is upping his game plan. After watching his ex last night I know just the type of man he is, as I was married to one for a very short time. He does not like women, he just wants to control them. Beware of that bad boy.

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Star August 13, 2010 at 2:05 pm

oh are right! I have my days mixed up…noms are always on Sat.!! DUH!! I am getting way too wrapped up in BB now. Even had a dream about it last nite!!lol Always happens this time of year but the LFs are multiplying the effect!!!

Gotta go …..bbl!!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 2:15 pm

Betty its funny you say that. During his relationship with Rachael I was wondering if he was the type of man to become physically and mentally abusive in a relationship. He just reminded me of someone I once knew very well that had the same pattern.

Idk I guess we will just have to wait and see who this new “Brendon” guy is.

No live feeds for Survivor. ๐Ÿ™ at least that i know of.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 2:25 pm

Jane – I don’t believe Brendon is physically abusive, but I am sure he is mentally abusive.

I hope I can join in the blogs for survivor, but I don’t know my way around the Internet that well. If I just type in Survivorblog, do you think I can find it when the time comes?

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 2:32 pm

The Survivor Blog is fun. Since it is on as often as BB we end up talking about all kinds of stuff in between shows. here’s the link:

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 2:37 pm

oops since its not on as often as BB! I am always missing words or typing wrong names!

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 2:42 pm

Jane – Will the survivor blog begin at the onset of the first TV show or will it be open before that?

Don’t worry about your typing – I am a medical transcriptionist and still have trouble! lol

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 2:47 pm

lol… good i feel better. I think it starts a week or so before. One of the other bloggers could tell you better. When Russell first played the game was when I was on it. Ted sucked me in. I think he read my blog about Russell and told me about the SB. We both were huge Russell fans. I came on a bit during S20 but mostly was on during Russells first go at it. My blog name was Liz though, short for my middle name Jane. Thats why Holly teases me about who I really am.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 2:50 pm

LF: they are off Lockdown and see the new table. It is now smaller for less HG’s.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Jane – Funny, my name is really Elizabeth, just go by Betty for short. I was so disappointed in the first survivor Russell was on. He should have won hands down! There were an awful lot of sore losers on that show!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:07 pm

Oh you should’ve seen the haters on the Blog…. Roachel was treated like a queen compared to the bashing Russel got. Which is why I don’t see why people take it so personal and get upset over Rachael bashing. Its a Reality show for jeez sake!!! This is a Reality Show Blog, duh! It always cracks me up when people come on and say “I am no longer going to support this Blog… You guys are mean and immature… be nice.. talk about this, or that..” …. so lame. I know if I don’t like something, I stay away from it. I don’t take the time to comment on why I am staying away from it. Lets face it, this is the internet… nobody cares! My first thought to these people is if you want Maturity don’t watch Reality TV. It’s like getting mad that a teenage mom is on Maury, lol!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:09 pm

LF: Brendon in HOH apologizing to Brittany for the things he said and how he attacked her so personally.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Jane – Brendon seems to be doing a lot of apologizing. I smell a rat!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:27 pm

I think he knows since Roach is gone he has to make amends and to get further in the game. He just asked Brit if he kept her safe would she keep him safe and she said she can’t make that promise!! Why wouldn’t she then backdoor him???? She may have just sealed her fate like Kristin did.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:28 pm

Now Brits leaving and its Lanes turn. He’s upset because Brendon is telling people he is the Sabateur.

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PK August 13, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Jane aka Liz…

You said it, Ted sucked you in to Survivor.

Just like I’ve been saying all along, TED SUCKS! ๐Ÿ™‚

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 3:30 pm

He needs to apologize so he can make a alliance of some kind to stay in the game

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starfish August 13, 2010 at 3:31 pm

Star, great explanation to KevinOutWest. He’s on board now and welcome Kevin!! However, when you start dreaming BB……. ๐Ÿ˜›

Jane tks for the LF updates.

I agree with those who wish Matt didn’t have the diamond POV. I would like to see him gone. As for Brendon, that’s the hardest I’ve ever seen him work in a comp. He even looked coordinated once he got in his stride. The first few minutes he was flopping around like a fish out of water.

It will be interesting to see whose strategy works best. I like Ragan but he’s getting a bit too weepy for me. I still like Brit but, whoever said it above, she blew it with R in her arrogant goodbye. She’s funny mean but now she’s just feeling too bold.

@Sal, I’m from a small town called Aliquippa, No of Pittsburgh and I think you told me a year or so ago that you’re from the boarder townh of Beaver Falls. Right? Yes, I’m still a Steelers fan even though I’ve been in CA 50 years.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 3:34 pm

Has Brendon apologized to Matt? I think Brendon will put up Brit and Matt.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Your welcome Starfish.
LF: Lane upstairs throwing Brit and Ragan under the bus. Possible making a deal with Brendon to stay another week. (possibly a fake deal, but a deal nonetheless).


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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 3:47 pm

yep, I graduated from BFHS in 1970

I hope Matt gets nominated and has to use the D-POV so everyone knows he lied about the Pandora’s Box

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Me 2 Sal and I hope he chooses Enzo as his replacement. That will really shake sh** up. Enzo is a paranoid rat anyways so to watch him on the block would be entertaining.

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 4:02 pm

I know exactly where Aliquippa is. Lived in the valley almost 30 yrs before leaving for Texas.

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tendr August 13, 2010 at 4:14 pm

I am still a Kathy fan. One reason is because there’s no one I’m really impressed with and she’s the one everyone seems to pick on.

Brendon is the kind of guy that could turn “stalker”. He seems to be very immature and unstable. I’m not impressed with the ‘brigade’ and if Kathy is a floater then what do you think the Brigade are? A bunch of guys in life jackets just sunning in the water.

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tendr August 13, 2010 at 4:16 pm

and btw i am not and never was a russ fan. I cheered when he lost.
to lie and cheat is ok but the way he talked about women made me not like him at all.
and HE was the sore loser.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 5:32 pm

OMG! I just watched over 14 minutes of Rachel on – Rachel shocked at being evicted. She compares herself to Janelle and thinks Janelle would be proud of her. I must warn you Rac-ho laughs every thirty seconds making the video very hard to watch.

So my BB blogger friends it is up to you whether or not you watch it, but remember I warned you…might not want to see on a full stomach. LOL!

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 5:34 pm (forgot s) sorry

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Judi Bee August 13, 2010 at 5:42 pm

Does anyone out there (w/live feeds) know who Brendon put on the block? I sure would love to know if Matt went up and will be foreced to use the DPOV; then the Brogade will know for sure what a rat he is.

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dido18 August 13, 2010 at 5:49 pm

Wasn’t it strange that they spoke to Brendon’s ex last night but neither of their families were seen. When the last showmance was on the block, both families were represented. I get a laugh at the Brigade. What have they actually done? Matt won HOH twice but the first time didn’t so what the Brigade had planned. This time he only went along because he knew he’d be in trouble if he didn’t. When will Lane, Hayden and Enzo realise that the Brigade is a joke! They sit in the DR and brag at how they are running the house but 3/4 of the Brigade have yet to do anything. Being the first HOH doesn’t give Hayden any creds.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 6:37 pm

Dido – I do agree it was strange not talking with their families or friends.

One good thing I got out of the Early Morning interview with Rachel. Julie said Rachel was going to the jury house, so I hope that means she will not be back!

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Thanks Betty i’m going to check it out! Tendr I totally remember your views on Russ and you had some good points. Judi Bee this is whats going on right now re: nominations:

LF: Brendon and Matt talking in HOH room. Brendon asking Matt if he doesnt put him up and he doesnt back door Matt can Matt promise not to put him up next week. Brendon seems to think Matt has agreed but I’ve never heard Matt say yes. He just keeps smiling and thanking Brendon but hasnt agreed. Brendon said he is putting up Lane and Brit.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 6:59 pm

Betty I can’t get to that interview. do you have a direct link i can click?

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Laurie August 13, 2010 at 7:12 pm

Hey SnakebitSal and Starfish.. I too am from north of Pittsburgh in Zelienople if you have heard of it. I have been reading your BBblog forthe last two years and finally got up the nerve to comment when I saw there were other bloggers from PA. I too like the Steeler but I LOVE Penguin hockey.
I dont’ get the live feeds to I really appreciate everyones input. One thing I don’t understand is why would Brendon put up Lane? Cuz he is a sort of a floater? I thought for sure he would put up Matt & Brit. Thanks for keeping me posted!!

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:13 pm

LF..trivia is being played. I noticed that on the large screen, it showed NOMINATIONS TODAY. Maybe that’s what’s going on right now.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 7:20 pm

Laurie I think Brendon is putting up Lane because he thinks hes Sabateur, or he knows the guys won’t vote for Lane and he can get Brit out, and he said he trusts Brit the least. She tried to make a deal with him in HOH and he said I cant because I cant 100% trust you.

Hi Frannie I think it is noms, for some reason i thought that was tomorrow but i saw the sign too.

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Judi Bee August 13, 2010 at 7:23 pm

Anyone out there know who Brenden put on block?

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Laurie August 13, 2010 at 7:23 pm

Thanks for the update Jane. That makes sense. I like Brit though. She has become quite the character.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 7:26 pm

Jane I just went to my web page and entered cbsnews/rachel shocked and it brought a page reading at the top “‘Rachel shocked”, Click that, it should take to right to it. I tried to copy the hptt www or whatever and tested it, but this did not take me to the video. Sorry – I am so computer illiterate.

I am sure you will find it and if you don’t maybe Ted or PK can help, as I am useless! I can’t wait to hear PK and Teddy bears comments about it. Everyone should see it, but not if you have a bad stomach. lol

(You have been so good to me. I am sorry that I can’t be more helpful to you.)

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 7:31 pm

awww no worries Betty you gave me enough info! I appreciate it. Did you hear Brendon told Brit and Matt that he is putting Brit and Lane up on the block.

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:37 pm


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Judi Bee August 13, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Thanks, Jane, for response and info on what’s going on in house. It sounds like Matt cut a deal with Brenden (or so Brenden thinks so); so Matt won’t be going up. Looks like maybe Brittany and Lane are the not-so-lucky nominees to go up.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 7:38 pm

Jane – I couldn’t be happier for Lane going on the block and if he ends up there I hope CBS darkens the set and all we see are his eyes and then poof he is GONE!

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:38 pm


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Betty August 13, 2010 at 7:43 pm

Thank you so much Franniep2 for giving the link. Everyone should click on it and see Rac-ho comparing herself to Janelle.

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:45 pm

She makes me want to vomit…. ๐Ÿ™„

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:47 pm

yw Betty….I wasn’t sure if this was the one you were talking about. Make it easy on yourself….call me Fran

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 7:50 pm

Hey are you guys reading this blog weekly. It’s hilarious!! Here’s this weeks link:

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 7:51 pm

Fran that was it exactly. I could barely get through the 14 minutes…I almost slit my wrists. LOL

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PK August 13, 2010 at 7:55 pm

As you requested Ted, BB12 nude scenes…

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 7:56 pm

There has to be a better way of going back and forth to this web page. I always have to go back to my email and then enter again. Why can’t the blogs just appear when you have this website up? I have a very old computer and when I enter “As I open the door’ it takes forever to download all the comments. Any suggestions?

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PK August 13, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Betty… what browser are you using?

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 7:59 pm

๐Ÿ˜† @ Betty. I know exactly what you mean.

Jane….I just opened your link. Loved the pics and the words put to each one.

I am having a terrible time on here. It’s taking forever with all these comments. Submit…wait, wait, wait….I could take a nap. ๐Ÿ˜† Anyone else having any probs.?

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 8:04 pm

It’s not taking that long for me to refresh the page. Frannie if you go through and look at the past weeks you will laugh even harder. I like the Monet one and Brendon asking everyone for hugs.

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Judi Bee August 13, 2010 at 8:06 pm

franniep2 I am having same problems here; it’s so frustating. I just want to know who (for sure) Brendon put on block. Does anyone out there know yet?

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 8:09 pm

I think it is still going on Judi Bee. They have trivia up on the screens.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 8:10 pm

LF: words on screen…. Big Brother Contestants are playing a game that is secret until the next episode

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 8:12 pm

Jane…I’ll probably save that for a slow day at work. I’m always looking for things to keep me busy. ๐Ÿ˜† I will save it to my favs so I can go right to it without looking here for it each time.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 8:14 pm

My kids are home. Gotta go! Be back after their bedtime. TTYL… nice chatting with you Betty, still lol how BB needs to turn down the lights when Lane gets put on block, give him a taste of his own deer caught in headlights feeling?

Bye for now!

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 8:15 pm

ahhh dang!!! I thought maybe we would find out who was on the block tonight. I have it up in the background and I’m listening to that lame music they play during trivia or breaks. ๐Ÿ™„ At least they can play something decent.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 8:15 pm

Good idea Frannie!! Talk to you later too.. i love your emails! Bye!

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 8:17 pm

PK – I am so computer illiterate I have no idea what a browser is. Windows Internet Explorer I think.

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PK August 13, 2010 at 8:21 pm

OK Betty… Explorer is a good browser… Do you have high speed or dial-up internet service?

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starfish August 13, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Betty, there is no way I want to see the R or hear her laugh (is that a laugh?) ever again!! It’s okay if you’re 4 but geez she & B are both smarmy.

Hey Laurie, welcome. Sorry, never heard of Zelienople maybe Sal has since he was there longer. Never got into hockey but you can’t take the Steelers away from me. Some idiot in a bar one time was asking people geography questions and thought he was a hot shot and he came to me and said “I bet you don’t know the 3 rivers near 3Rivers Stadium in PA.” Boy did he ask the wrong person. Shut the boy right down. It was really funny.

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 8:46 pm

PK – I have the Internet though a cable company – Wowway, but every time I open my mail they ask me to click “here” if I am dial up, which I am not.

Starfish – Sorry you don’t want to watch the video of the Early Morning Show with Rachel. I must admit it was really nauseating, but I could not resist tempation (that’s the little devil inside me). It was worth it though, as Julie said R would be going to the jury house!

PK – did you see that video?

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PK August 13, 2010 at 9:03 pm

Betty… I saw the video on the CBS Early Show this morning…

In explorer using windows XP you should be able to click the minimize button when you want to go to another window so that you can bring the blog back up whenever you want it. Assuming you have high speed internet access, the only thing that should slow down “reload” is a shortage of memory that can usually be fixed by deleting computer cache.

Go to start:

Click on control panel

click on internet options, general category, click on delete below browser history

check preserve favorite website data and temporary internet files

at the bottom of that window click delete

that clears the cache and should speed up reloading the blog

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Betty August 13, 2010 at 9:17 pm

Thank you sooooo much PK. The speed is a lot better.

Good night everyone.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 9:23 pm

Just jumped on to let you know Ragan/Lane up for eviction. Watching live feed with kids during dinner, lol! With my 12 yr old that made the comment about Matts pajama’s. Have a nice nite.

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Jane August 13, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Aggie i will hit you up on FB later tonight so you can fill me in. If they start getting foul i have to close feed in front of the tween.

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tendr August 13, 2010 at 10:40 pm

hi. Thanks Jane n frannie for telling us what’s going on in LF.
my doggie’s been throwing up all day so i’m about to puke myself so with it being 105 degrees here……..watching rachel is the last thing i want to do. i’m about to hurl as it is.

you know if Brendon puts up brit and anyone else, the house would prob vote out brit except maybe not regan and Kathy.
I’m not really ready for her to go home (or to the jury house) yet.
the guys are pretty boring and i’m so ready for Matt to leave.
maybe he’ll keep his necklace and pretend he’s ghetto.

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tendr August 13, 2010 at 10:41 pm

as in gangsta’

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 11:16 pm


Hell ya, I knoz (don’t tell me i spelled it wrong cuz thats the way i wanted it) were Zeilie is. I used to bowl at Zielie Lanes when I went to CCBC. Always got on the freeway headed north to Erie in Zielie. Been to and thru there many many times
And if your a true Steeler fan you know what “Yinz” is!!!!

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jajablonde August 13, 2010 at 11:18 pm

What is up with Ragan’s sob fest? What a baby….can hand it out but can’t take it. they got her out now why aren’t they happy?

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Cynthia August 13, 2010 at 11:26 pm

Sorry for the bold letters. Having eye trouble. NO not because of Bitchel, but for real, eye problems. However, I just want to say, WHOEVER gets put up on the block…..TRUST JT’s predictions. He’s been right 40 out of 40 votes this year. So I’m waiting to see what he says about who is going home. ๐Ÿ˜‰ OH CHIT I’m busted. I’m on my brother’s computer & he caught me. hehehehehe See you guys later. AND I’M THRILLED Bitchel is gone. I hate that Brendy won HOH. Too bad he couldn’t do it to save his “hoe.” My bad. ๐Ÿ˜ณ NOT!! Later all. :mrgreen:

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Cynthia August 13, 2010 at 11:29 pm

Oh Meow Meow!! :mrgreen:

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 11:31 pm

Ragan is just feeling his feminine side.

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 11:36 pm

Is anyone else with LF’s having trouble getting the main camera with sound? I only show the 4 small cameras and the main one that says The Stream in unavailable. ๐Ÿ™„

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starfish August 13, 2010 at 11:38 pm

Ok Sal, do you mean Younz? I’ll have to ask my cousin what Yinz is. I’ve been away too long.

Thanks Jane for the Ragan & Lane on the block info.

Betty, thanks for the link but, like Tendr, it’s the last thing I want to do. Besides, it takes forever to catch up on the blogs. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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franniep2 August 13, 2010 at 11:42 pm

NVM…I signed out and back in again and it’s working. ๐Ÿ™„

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 11:43 pm

The boys in the Brigade sure are getting cocky that there in control of the game. They don’t have the numbers to be completely safe yet.
ALSO, if they find out about the D-POV will they get pissed at Matt?

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SnakeBit Sal August 13, 2010 at 11:45 pm

starfish ……………. STDS!!

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Star August 13, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Hey all..Just to reiterate and confirm, since there seems to be alot of speculation going around……..

****************SLIGHTLY SPOILED SPOILER ALERT**********
Nominations: Ragan & Lane
I was honestly shocked ๐Ÿ˜ฏ for the 1st time this season at the noms. I was expectring Ragan but….Lane??? WTF?? From what I heard, B told Brit that he was going to put her up against Ragan, and then BB *spanked* him in the DR and when he made them officially , it was Lane instead. Hmmmmmmm……I am wondering if BB wants one of the Brogade up there so that Matt will be forced to use the DPOV. they want that just to cause Drama?? Or does it still have something to do with the pandora’s box thing and Rachel coming back in!! Don’t do it Matt…save us ALL!!!lol

tendr……lol @the DPOV necklace…… ๐Ÿ˜†

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Star August 13, 2010 at 11:58 pm

***********ACTUAL SPOILER ALERT*************************

PoV Players

NO idea why they did the picking tonite, but there it is!!!! This HOH is going weird!!!! But then again, look who it is……

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Star August 14, 2010 at 12:26 am

I guess they are thinking it might be a midnight POV since they are also on a lock in. If you are up and have LF, keep em going after BBAD!!! I can’t believe I am saying this about BB12 but,things are actually getting kind of exciting!! Who KNEW!!! lol

I also think I am talking to myself but then again so is Ragan!! At least I’m not BAWLING!!! I’m getting really tired of that!! ๐Ÿ™„ He suddenly reminds me of Dustin from S8. Like he turned into the shrewish gossipy gay. And as soon as that happened….Dusty was history!!! And i think Ragan best stop his pity party and start packing…….

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starfish August 14, 2010 at 12:26 am

Tks Star, good to know. Doesn’t make sense that they picked players tonight. Maybe they’ll wake them up in the middle of the night to drink champagne out of a huge glass with R sitting in the middle and then they’ll play for POV. ๐Ÿ˜›

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 12:38 am

Almost 500 comments! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Been gone all day and expected to see Natty’s Friday deal……. where is it? Oh well.

Brendon had a talk with Hayden earlier today. He trusts Hayden (mostly) and laid out his plans/options. I thought for sure (as did everyone) that the noms would be a combination of Brit, Ragan, and Matt.

Lane got into the mix for a few reasons. 1) He is very close to Brit and seen as her “pair” (fools!) 2) R&B believed that Matt/Ragan + Brit/Lane were an alliance 3) Lane has not been competing well, hasn’t been a havenot, hasn’t been on the block. Brendon wanted to give him a dose of reality. 4) Brendon is “sure” that Lane is the saboteur 5) Brendon thinks Lane is the one running around telling everyone what he said and causing drama (they are ALL telling what Brendon says!)

It really sounded like Brendon was going to put up Lane & Brit. He wanted to either put up those or Matt/Ragan so he would break a “pair” without pi$$ing off others.

Thanks for the spoilers Star!! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ll have to go back and check, but from what I read in your post, here is what may have happened…..

HOH is NOT allowed to tell directly who they are putting up. I’ve heard many times in past seasons HOH making reference to, “I’m not supposed to say”. Maybe Brendon could tell say “probably” to Brit. Either way, I don’t think he was supposed to tell her who else was going up. DR probably tode him that he wasn’t supposed to say. I have no idea… and haven’t even caught up on comments (other than the last couple from Star).

I like conspiracies as much as the next person. I do think production tries to sway things a bit. I’m sure they play devil’s advocate A LOT!!….. “Are you really SURE you want to put THAT person on the block?”……… “Is THAT the best move for YOUR game?”
Stuff like that.
But CBS would be in a world of $hit for outright telling someone what they can and can’t do. If Brendon really wanted to put up Brit.. he would have.
I did hear Brendon tell Enzo by the pool that he had no problem backdooring Matt. He also seemed to have no problem using Brit as a replacement despite telling her that he would give her a chance for the veto.
Ok….. off to read comment and catch up on flashback. L8R

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 12:42 am

starfish, I HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT!! ๐Ÿ˜† I hope that is the only way Rachel sees inside the house again.

Rachel has already dubbed the All-Star season as “Brenchel” vs “Jeff and Jordan” …Ego?? ๐Ÿ˜† (I really doubt JJ would do the show again)

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starfish August 14, 2010 at 12:51 am

JT, I was waiting for Star to get to 500. She and I were posting back and forth ages ago to get to 150 or 200. Thought we’d do it again.

500 posts, WoHoo

I agree, I don’t think they can dictate who anyone puts up. They have discussed with others throughout all the BBs who they are going to put up so I agree, if he wanted Brit, Brit it would have been.

It would be interesting if he backdoored Matt and then Matt would have to use to POV and he would be in a world of hurt with his Brogade. Then, who would they put up instead of Matt? I agree with Star, it’s getting interesting.

Ciao til tomorrow.

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:02 am

starfish…YW lady!! I had nothing else to do but poke around since there was no one here to play with….lol
Thanks for your earlier pat on the back @ my post to KevinOutWest. I was actually pretty ticked off when I was writing it so glad it came out at least civil.
Alot of weird SH*T going on today!
**Where is BBBlogger and Nat with her blog??
**WHY did Brendy put up Lane?? Altho I thought JT had lots of good reasons and I think his #3 is very valid..about making lane get IN the game and actually compete!! But I was also thinking it might be a revenge thing on B’s part. If Ragan wins POV and takes himself off, it’s Lane vs. Brit. If Lane wins POV then it would be Ragan vs Matt. I think since the house brooke up B and his *partner*(I’m being NICE here)he wants one of those 2 pairs to feel the same *loss* he did. Justa theory!
**Why were noms tonight?? That’s definitely a 1st! Altjo there have been midnight comps in the past. it’s halfway point people. time to STEP IT UP!!!

Anyway…..with all of the above and prolly more….did anyone remember that today was Fri the 13th??? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ lol

JT…YW I’m just glad I beat ya to it…lol JK!!! ๐Ÿ˜›
I enjoyed all your Lane theories, glad you TODE us.(I really miss saying that!!)lol When and WHY did Brendy start thinking that Lane was the sabo?? WTH?? I guess I missed that. And what is he telling ppl?? Just whatever B says to him?? Not smart if he is. But then again, we are talking Hoss Cartwright here….Yee Haw!!

and as to CBS, it really disappoints and kinda angers me to think they might be and might HAVE been that contolling. I think there is a rule about telling an HG directly, but the solution to that isnt like dethromong the HOH?? They just let him choose someone else?? That seems a lil lane….errr…LAME…..hehe

Well, nuff said. See if you are back yet….altho you must be a speed reader if you are!!!

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:10 am

errrr…that’d DETRHONING

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:16 am

That was bizarre!! Before I could edit or write more, I got a message saying it looked like I was sending a duplicate message…yet it sent it. I give up!!

starfish..looks like I just missed ya. And yaa…what does JT think he’s DOING taking my 500 spot??? He just SAILS in here at the end of the day and snatches away all our hard earned glory!!! lol Justa curious…what is your new pic?? I can see water but…what is in front?? It’s too small for my nearsightesd eyes to make out!!

Ok JT..if you aren’t back next time I refresh, I’m out. It’s a ghost town around here tonite!!!

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SnakeBit Sal August 14, 2010 at 1:24 am

who yo calling a ghost?

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:41 am

Hey…SnakeBoo Sal!! ๐Ÿ˜€
Didn’t know anyone else was here but me and the crickets!
Sooooo….wassup?? lol
Why do you think they picked veto players tonite? Or maybe you aren’t in a chatty mood….

BBAD’s almost over so I’ll be gone soon anyway……..

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 1:59 am

Star and starfish (I’ll play along even though I know y’all are the same person! ๐Ÿ˜† ), sorry for sailing in and grabbing “500” (not really..LOL). I do remember last year when FRANKS would lurk in the corners and jump in with a “milestone post”…… Poachers!! ๐Ÿ˜† (Where are ya FRANKS??) I think the most comments on a page for BB blog is over 700 so if we ever get close to 800, I’ll let y’all have it! ๐Ÿ˜€

Frannie, Thanks for the link to Rachel’s interview! Painful… but I HAD to watch! ๐Ÿ˜‰

As far as the season being just fine w/o Rachel. THAT has been my position all along. It has also been my position that this season doesn’t suck. But then again, if I felt the season sucked THAT BAD , y’all would never know…… because I sure as hell wouldn’t waste my time blogging about a show/season that I didn’t like!!

Of course this isn’t the greatest season… no where near. But it is BB…and I do LOVE BB…… and I do my best to get into EVERY season. Most seasons have started with “worst ever” comments…… and NO DOUBT, BB13 will be the “worst ever” to some. ๐Ÿ™„

……..back to catching up on today’s feeds.

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tendr August 14, 2010 at 4:36 am

I’m so sleepy i can barely think…but I kinda don’t think Matt will use his dpov unless it’s on himself. don’t you? i’d kinda be afraid to use it unless i had to and then of course he can say he’d lose it if he talked about it. That anyone else in his shoes would have done the same thing. if he takes off regan he’ll prob put a target on his back (but I still want him out)
it’s four thirty a.m.

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 6:35 am


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donna August 14, 2010 at 9:24 am

i dont think matt is able to tell the brigade about the dpov…so if he has to use it to savve lane or hayden..or enzo…they will be happy he did..i think brenden might be back dooring still po’d at the house though..7ppl against brenden to win hoh and he gets it..what the hell…somethings wrong w/this picture..i only watched a lil bit of bbad last night ..but from what i seen they better get rid of brenden next week..or he will win b/c obviously they arent pulling in on comps except this point i dont care who wins except brenden he has to true aura shows thru the screen and its not nice..then it will be 1 stumbling block after another..too many lazy ppl in the bb house..

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tony August 14, 2010 at 9:50 am

WOW Donna you couldn’t be more wrong, other than matt, your right he cant tell anyone about the dpov or he loses it, Brendan has his faults as do all of us, but if you take into account that thru out this game the whole house has been out to get either him or racheal out of the house, they have been stabbed in the back by everyone in the house, they could have quit along time ago and allowed it to happen but instead they chose to fight the fight, against the whole, and yet brendan not only still in the house, but now running it by winning a extremely hard and physical competition, i cant understand all the b/r bashing, when the real bad guys are the rest of the house, wake up and smell the coffee, open up your eyes, they are the real fighters in this game, like em or hate em, that’s the facts… im outty, peace

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 10:19 am

Patricia, Look out for TED, he is quite the LADIES MAN. ๐Ÿ™„

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starfish August 14, 2010 at 11:56 am

@Star the picture is of rock art. I guess that’s what you call it. Someone made that at the beach and there are daisies between the rocks. I just took a picture cuz I liked it!

@JT, even though they discuss who they are going to put up with other housemates, they can’t tell anyone who their final choice is? Right?

I agree with Donna because however the house behaved toward B & R it was exactly the way they were treated. B & R brought on the animosity themselves right from day one but R was the leader of that “showmance/alliance”. She was arrogant from the get go and let everyone know she was the mother superior. B just followed her lead. Now it looks like he’s beginning to play. I still wonder about that boy’s personality though. He’s all over the place. Throws a bowling ball during a comp, very mature. ๐Ÿ™„

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 12:26 pm

starfish, I do believe that is correct. It is hard to tell at times because we hear so much discussion about who is going on the block. They can “suggest” ….. they can “imply”… they can “hint”. It is a pretty fine line what they can and can’t say. Either way, if Brendon wanted to put Brit on the block… Brit would be on the block. (I’m sure he wanted to put all 7 people up!!) ๐Ÿ˜†

I want to find Brendon’s conversation after he was called to the DR about this. If anybody knows the time…. let me know!! I want to see/hear the context of what he said.

I remember last year when Kevin mentioned a few times how the DR was trying to get him not to put Jeff on the block. Yet, when the nominations were revealed, Jeff was on the block!

I hate when HGs talk about the DR because we only hear one side of the conversation…… and we all know how that goes. There have been dozens of times this year when I have actually watched a conversation…… then heard it re-told to others by each party…. and BOTH people put their own spin on it so much that it sounds like 2 separate events. But at least I had the privilege of seeing the truth! That doesn’t happen with DR sessions.

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 1:02 pm

they are playing pov now

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tony August 14, 2010 at 1:39 pm

lets hope that lane wins the pov and brendan puts matt up, matt has to use the dpov to save himself, and he puts up cathy,and i hope that the house still evicts ragan just to rub salt in his wounds send him to the jury house knowing the house kept cathy over his sorry crying self centered, saboteur, i think not, my 2 year old could have caused more trouble in the house, just shut down ragan, revenge is so sweet, sometimes you really do get what you deserve, ragan your a floater and a suck up, and the biggest cry baby in big brother history, you disgust me, have fun and witty conversations with racheal in the jury house, i hope she has plenty to drink, im outty… peace

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:43 pm

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo PO’d. I just wrote a HUGE ass blog and sent it but it didnt take it cuz my name and addy arent on here like they should be! This has happened to me at least three times lately!! anyone else haing this prob???? Our info is always jsut there and I take that for granted. WHAT is causing it to keep disappearing??? this used to only happen during Thur nite talk fests!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Aggie’s right(don’t get used to hearing that!!)..where IS BBBlogger????? BLOG overload here ,BBB!!!! We need you!!!

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Star August 14, 2010 at 1:56 pm

Well, before I stomp off I just wanted to tell JT that last night Enzo and Hayden were talking and one of them said that he was tode in the DR tht they(BB) had tode Brendon to throw the bowling ball the way he did and have a hissy fit. I was surprised that the big BB voice didn’t say*You are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions* what is the deal with BB interference this yer? This is supposed to be a *reality* show…not a scripted drama!!!

I gotta go..busy day ahead. I hope anybody but Ragan wins the POV!!

Peace OUT!

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tony August 14, 2010 at 1:58 pm

i have to say something about crazy eyed britney, she has to be full after all the flesh she has gobbeled down in the last 40 days while in the house, from nawing on her fingers and hands, and any sore or bump she can find on her not so perfect body, another spoiled brat, self centered, think she deserves it all, trouble maker, hope you enjoy your time in the jury house with racheal, step into the twilight zone, im outty… peace

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I was liking Tony’s comments regarding Ragan and thinking this guy is right on… then he trashed Britney so, in true BBB style, I think he sucks!

Star… Thanks for posting the latest news on happenings in the house and keeping us up to date on Noms & POVs… used to rely on JT, but seems he may have a life away from BB. Or, maybe since Rachel was evicted he has lost interest.

PK… thanks so much for posting Nude on BB12… however, I don’t remember requesting it… And Like Everyone Else Here, I of course had to look. Just don’t get turning your tits into tennis balls… or in Rachel’s case… Bowling Balls! Not attractive for me… I thought Kristen had the best figure of the gals…. in clothes… but the topless pic is just not a turn on… not a natural look. Everyone will notice that there are no pics of Brit… but her’s are suspect too.

Miss T… I finally saw the talk show… very funny… Brit and Ragan are very quick and clever… Hayden tried to keep up and did have a few good ones… interesting that Matt was wary of participating it seemed to me.

As far as BB influencing things and directing people to do certain things… isn’t that illegal since there is a cash award to be given? I do not think that Brendon was told to throw the bowling ball by BB, that was a spur of the moment childish action. Is it even right that they would spread misinformation directly to HGs… rather than have the saboteur do it?

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Thanks Star!! I will have to watch that, what time was it? The DR tode Brendon to throw the ball and be pissed??… yet they tode him this BEFORE the comp even took place? That is pretty good if they knew ahead of time that he would only bowl a 3 and that R&B wouldn’t win. ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 2:21 pm

LOL TED!! No, I haven’t lost interest! It is a pleasure to watch feeds and BBAD without having to worry when they will cut to her! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 2:44 pm

********SPOILER ALERT********

Ragan Won POV!!

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 2:45 pm

What do you mean “when they will cut to her”… they were always on her with at least 2 cameras if not 3!

Frannie… thank you so much for the link to Rachel’s interview with Julie… It was so nice to hear her laugh again… maybe for the last time, I hope not.

Betty… so sorry to not have been there for you earlier, but my assistant filled in admirably! All that time in the Nerd Herd at Best Buy before he got too old to work really paid off!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 2:50 pm

That is REAL BAD NEWS for Brit!

Looks like Brit will be joining Rachel in the jury house. I wonder if there will be any more bubble baths in their future? ๐Ÿ˜†

Bye bye Brit… you gave us some good laughs. But if you want to talk smack.. you need to be able to take it as well.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 2:51 pm

Wow… JT is finally back!!! Thanks for the news… that will really shake things up… of course he will use it for himself… I bet there’s no tears under the blanket now… who will Brendon put up? Matt or Britney??? Then what will Matt do??? I think his ego won’t let him not display the DPOV. Could he then put Ragan back on the block??? That would be choice… I think Ragan would get so sick he would throw up and then the big tears would flow…

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 2:53 pm

Why do you think Britney over Matt… doesn’t Brendon hate them equally? And Matt is the bigger threat for winning HOH.

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Betty August 14, 2010 at 2:57 pm

Teddy Bear thanks for your concern. The only computer support I have is from the old days “trial and error”. LOL

JT thanks for the spoiler alert. I know everyone on the blog is against Ragan now, but I am glad he won. The gay’s on BB never make it to the end, so I am happy that at least he has won 20 grand. I will probably join all your views about him when I see further episodes of BB.

I think Brendon will put Matt up, that would be great, as I want Lane to go home.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 2:58 pm

Maybe Brendon will put Matt up as replacement. Then Matt will use DPOV. Then what? Matt would have to put up Brit or Kathy….. but the brigade want to keep Kathy for final 5.

Brit does have a slim chance to stay…… I’d give her about a 5% chance. It all depends on how much pity Matt and the brigade have for her (I don’t think they have much). They like hanging out with her… but they also know she needs to go whether it’s sooner or later. I’d bet on sooner.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 3:03 pm

Ted, I don’t know who Brendon will put up as replacement (Brit or Matt). If he puts up Matt…. Matt uses DPOV. If he puts up Brit…. Matt doesn’t use DPOV and they just vote Brit out.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 3:07 pm

I would rather see Kathy go before Brit and Ragan (and I know I am incurring the wrath of tendr) as they are far more entertaining… when happy. I think Matt now has to tell the Brigade about the DPOV, so they can come up with a joint plan to further their ends, thus not turning them against him for having it.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Matt can’t tell anyone about the DPOV. If he tells, he loses the power.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 3:11 pm

Oh, then that’s easy for him… he just uses it and tells the Brigade he was saving it to protect them, because they sure can’t have two Brigaders on the block.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 3:16 pm

Yep…. and if he does play the DPOV, that clears him from suspicion about getting money from Pandora’s Box. They all think he got money… this way he will have a valid explanation and proof to back it up. He can tell them if he doesn’t use it, but then he will have no proof and they will still be suspicious.

I hope they get rid of Kathy too….. but that is unlikely.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 3:17 pm

Thanks again for the news JT… got to go to work and it’s 84f here now… almost unheard of for the San Juan Islands… maybe 90 on mon! Think I will check live feed real quick to see Ragan’s mood… he has to be flying high about now…. hope he does some real sabotage now.

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Betty August 14, 2010 at 3:18 pm

I agree with you Ted, put cathy up. She is just a little too goody-goody for me.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 3:25 pm

LF: (I learned that from Jane/Liz ๐Ÿ˜† ) Hayden (talking to Lane) seems to think that Brendon will put Matt up from a conversation they had. Brendon did give Britney his word that he would let her fight for POV if he planned on targeting her. I don’t care for Brendon… but I would take his word over anybody else in the house. But maybe Brendon has learned this is BB…… not real life! Maybe he has learned that this isn’t the place to keep your word.

Brendon putting up Matt is the best for viewers. Then we get to see some drama on Thursday when Matt uses the DPOV. Then Matt is in a tough spot… he has to turn on Brit. At least he has the excuse that Brit said she wanted Matt out (I am sure the brigade has told him about that). That gives Matt every reason to put Brit up…. and she can’t even whine about it…. but she will.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 3:30 pm

See ya later Ted! half way across the country and it is 84 deg here too!

I do find it funny all the HGs from every season always wrapped in blankets when outside at night. We haven’t had a single night since May that I would have worn more than a t-shirt and shorts outside at night…….. and I live in freakin’ Minnesota! ๐Ÿ˜†

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franniep2 August 14, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Ted is complaining about 84 degress… ๐Ÿ™„ It was 105 here yesterday and that was without the heat index, which was around 110-112. Today is pretty much like yesterday. It’s been like this for weeks now. I think Monday we will see a brief cool down. Maybe 90 for a high. That will feel like a cold snap ๐Ÿ˜†

I’m glad Ragan won the POV because I want to see everyones faces when Matt uses the DPOV. Getting rid of Brittany is a smart move because she’s more of a competion when it comes to playing in hoh and pov comps than Kathy.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 4:16 pm

Don’t give me the ๐Ÿ™„ Frances… I like hot weather and it’s fine in Sacramento where it is supposed to be 100… but here… no! No one has air conditioning here. Nice in the 70’s which is the usual high on occasion… but not fun over 80. Remember those hot humid days, and nights, in the Midwest.

I think they wrap up in blankets because the whole set (house) is air conditioned… even the ‘outside’. Isn’t there a dome or cover over it sometimes?

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 4:38 pm

No Ted, the outside is open…. high walls.. no roof. The house is in Studio City. You can go to Google Earth and see the backyard! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜€

HELP!! I need info on the diamond POV…..

1) If Matt uses it, can he still vote? Do they treat the voting like a regular veto… or like a special power? (coup d’ etat). Jeff could not vote last year after using the coup.

2) If Matt uses the DPOV, does that give Brendon the right to play in the HOH comp? Last year, Chima could play in HOH because Jeff used the power.

I can’t find any info on all the “fine print” details of the DPOV. I know the basics… but all I have found on the rest is speculation.

I ask because it could affect who leaves. If Matt can vote.. Brit leaves. If Matt can’t vote… Lane could find himself in a 2-2 tie. Then would Brendon decide?? ……or Matt??

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:03 pm

rachaels back!!!!!!!!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:03 pm

๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


WTF????? Make it go away!! She is arguing with RAGAN!!

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:04 pm

the bubbles stopped and showed rachaels back fighting with Ragan!!!!!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:05 pm

Why is she there?? She is back for 24 hours?? I think?

Just to raise hell…or what? Why oh why CBS?

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:06 pm

LF she just said shes back for twenty four hours no site of brendon yet… does he know?

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:06 pm

omg i dont think thats fair JT!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:07 pm

Where is Brendon?

Rachel gets to stay for 24 hours to ask questions. Why? This has NEVER been done before. No jury member got to come back just to ask questions.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:11 pm

cue the theme from Jaws...... Baaaa.. dumm.... dummm........ dum dum dum dum dum....

This summer…… just when you thought it was safe to start watching live feeds again… ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 5:11 pm

Thanks For the Info JT, I’m glad Ragan won, will be sad to see britt go, OMG STILL ON THE SAME PAGE ,YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:14 pm

Too funny….. now they think Brendon opened Pandora’s Box and is locked in that room til Rachel leaves. ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:17 pm

LOL Aggie…. yep, same page. It takes about 3 to 5 whole seconds for me to refresh!! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜†

Help us out Donna Rose… give us a new page to play on. ๐Ÿ˜€ Do you have total admin rights?

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:21 pm

omg i got so excited i shut off my puter instead of hitting volume control lol! brendon nowhere to be found… i think maybe he cant come back until rachael leaves? she is still kinda being bitchy. but trying to act like she’s being nice. everyone kissing her ass but Ragan.

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:23 pm

LF Rachael doing her whiny screaming I wanna open Pandoras Box… knocking on HOH room yelling Brendon, Brendon.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:24 pm

LF: Rachel is knocking on the door to Pandora’s Box and yelling…. they can’t hear any reply.

Now they think he was removed from the house til she is gone. They seem pretty sure he is not in the DR???

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:24 pm

LF: Roach says she didn’t know Bren even won HOH. says she can’t say much because of production.

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:26 pm

JT don’t know if they checked DR but Brit said on LF: “they edited her goodbye message to make it sound mean”


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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Brendon must have received something VERY GOOD…… because he sure unleashed HELL on the rest of the house!! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:28 pm

Yeah…. I’ll have to watch Brit’s goodbye message again. It didn’t seem spliced together to me! ๐Ÿ˜† It was pretty seamless if it was!

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:30 pm

WTF Bubbles… ridic what is going on with my, why is it still free and I have the nerve to complain, trial???

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jajablonde August 14, 2010 at 5:30 pm

they may be cold outdoors at night because of the marine layer that often rolls in of an evening in So. CA. It can be very cool here in the evenings.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:30 pm

Rachel’s words upon re-entering the house……

“I’m back bitches!!! ๐Ÿ™„

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:31 pm

JT I think just giving Roach a chance to come back even if its for a little bit is good enough for goober B.

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:32 pm

JT how do you and Aggie make your eyes roll?? I wanna do that. It would just be my post every 5 secs. nothing else lol!

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:34 pm

just before the bubbles she said something about questions?? IDK when she talks all I hear is “Vegas, My Man, Vegas” in other words, blah blah blah. But i think this is a fun twist. As we say in the hood she’s tha ***** ya luv to hate.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:37 pm

jajablonde, My parents lived all over California for many years til they retired. They lived in Huntington Beach and up to Pleasant Hill (SF area). I used to go visit them in the summer. I don’t remember it being very cold even in the Bay area. I guess it could just be what a person is used to… after January and February in Minnesota…. anything above 45 is balmy to me! ๐Ÿ˜†

I do have to admit that mornings in Truckee (Lake Tahoe area) are cold!.. even for Minnesotans! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:40 pm

Jane….. type the word “roll” in all lowercase. Put a colon on both sides. Be sure to leave a space in front and back of the whole thing. Like this….

Leave a space ;roll; space.. and use colons instead.

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:44 pm

;roll; teehee

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Star August 14, 2010 at 5:45 pm

OMFG!!!! I cannot believe this !!! I can’t stsay but got to read all your comments. Gotta go out again so keep em coming guys!!!!!
WTF????? :SHOCK:

Where is BRENDON??????


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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Jane use colons : instead of semi-colons ;

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 5:46 pm

didnt work HG going out side with the Roach my sound is messing up gonna reboot.

duh i did semi colon ๐Ÿ™„ or : roll :

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:52 pm

No sign of Brendon still. They were on a lockdown and the backyard just re-opened….. no Brendon there either! ๐Ÿ˜†

Enzo is in HOH with just Rachel….. splainin’ why the vote flipped.. and telling her that he, Brendon, and Hayden are an alliance. ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Jane, be sure to use smileys as much as possible. Ted LOVES them!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 5:59 pm

Here are some codes…. but you HAVE TO use lowercase letters.
:ROLL: = ๐Ÿ™„
:LOL: = ๐Ÿ˜†
:OOPS: = ๐Ÿ˜ณ
:EVIL: = ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
:GRIN: = ๐Ÿ˜€
:EEK: = ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
:COOL: = ๐Ÿ˜Ž
:MRGREEN: = :mrgreen:

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 6:22 pm

They are cutting the feeds WAY too often. People keep talking about goodbye messages (production). We already saw the messages on CBS! WTF?

I’ll check back in later….. not much happening. Rachel still chatting with Enzo in HOH…. Enzo still feeding her heaps of BS! ๐Ÿ˜† The rest are just scattered around the house and chatting.

L8R all………

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 6:47 pm

I dont know what i did JT but i had to reboot my whole system. Freakin’ Roachel prob sabatoaged my puter, lol. got the faces down now…. i remember Ted crying about them during Survivor. JT we first met on Survivor blog but i was going by my middle name Liz.

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tendr August 14, 2010 at 6:57 pm


go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy

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tendr August 14, 2010 at 6:59 pm

Why is Rachel getting special treatment from BB that doesn’t involve Thorazine?
I’m starting to think the whole thing is scripted. Wonder if Allison has picked the winner?

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 7:12 pm

go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy
go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy, go kathy , go kathy

……..To the jury house!! ๐Ÿ˜† (sorry tendr.. I had to!)

Jane, I know who you are! ๐Ÿ˜† Did you think I didn’t remember? Jane/Liz…….. Ms Tipton if you want! ๐Ÿ˜†

Still not much happening……. Matt & Rachel are talking now.

It’s official, Rachel is the most “regarded” HG in BB history! (whatever she meant by that). And Rachel will be back for all stars…. that is a no-brainer (just ask her). If Rachel could play the game again… she said she wouldn’t have held back so much what she wanted to say! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜† She would have been bolder!

Still no sign of Brendon…. he must have got a 24 hr trip outside the house?

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 7:19 pm

JT, I did email BBB, hopefully new page tommorrow, Will check out rachel stuff later, check my email please, Tendr, Kathy is so lame she really doesn’t deserve to be there, Later ALl

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Jane August 14, 2010 at 7:55 pm

LMAO JT you do rememeber lil ole me. Thank gawd me and Tendr are on the same side of the “hatorade” <— didn't Rachael say that was her word? I could of sworn my 12 yr old said it like 3 yrs ago, but whatevs if it makes ya feel good Roach you can claim it. Hi Tendr hey JT and whaddup Aggie?!!!

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PK August 14, 2010 at 8:06 pm

Just when we thought we could go back in the house.

Bass clef: below staff, eighth notes, e f e f e f e f

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starfish August 14, 2010 at 8:33 pm

NOOOOOOOOO, she’s baaaaaaaack! Good God, could they do anything more stupid? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ I guess it makes for good TV since they’ve got B stowed away someplace. Has anyone found him?

JT, I have a question too. If B puts up Matt in place of Ragan, can Matt put Ragan back on the block? Someone asked that question and I didn’t see an answer. I don’t know the answers to any of your questions either. ๐Ÿ™ I remember Chima being able to play but forget the specifics so I’m no help at all. As for Rachel, she’s regarded as just about zero in the minds of most except in her own mind. What a case she is.

Ragan isn’t the biggest cry baby ever, it was Waaamber, IMO. He can come in second. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 8:54 pm

FANTASTIC NEWS!!! RACHEL’S BACK!!! Now you all have something to whine and bitch about again! Didn’t think it would be that quick.

Miss T… please do not substitute mindless emoticons for words… like you tell your toddler “use your words”!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 9:04 pm

starfish, I’m not sure (and someone that knows correct me)…… but here is my uneducated guess.

I think the DPOV will work just like a regular (golden) POV……. except Matt gets to name the replacement instead of Brendon.

I think the POV holder is safe (Ragan)… and HOH is safe (Brendon). I also think Matt will be able to vote. He is not taking over HOH as in the coup…. that should also mean that Brendon doesn’t get to compete for next HOH.

Anybody else think different?………..

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ncgal August 14, 2010 at 9:08 pm

Talk about a cryer, remember Bunky from BB2?
Why is R. in the house?
I think Thursday after thePOV’s are used we will see Brit and Kathy on the block. It needs to be Lane and Enzo. They have done nothing but sit back and brag about how they are running the house. Well, they have stayed off the block and have not tried to do anything. At least Kathy has tried to win some.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 9:12 pm

LF flashback fights between Ragan and Rachel

2:57pm (BB house time) ….. Quadcam (wait through 45 secs of bubbles to catch the beginning.

6:14pm …… camera 1 (This one gets real ugly)

…….Rachel went to the DR for a while… now she is out and her and Ragan are talking it out. It is actually nice to see them both being adults.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 9:20 pm

JT… your guesses are never uneducated! I am a student of the game… sitting at your feet like a sponge, absorbing BB rules, lore and gameplay. That Scenario sounds about right. Is the BB Rule Book available online for public consumption?

What was the exact time of Rachel’s triumphant entry into the Big Brother House?

She probably threatened to OD on Botox, so they gave her a conjugal visit!

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 9:32 pm

Ted…… flattery will get you nowhere! ๐Ÿ˜† …..but you already knew that.

I don’t know the exact time Rachel came back. The time I posted above (2:57pm) is when the feeds first came back after being out for a long time. We didn’t get to see Rachel actually enter the house.

When the feeds came on the first thing I heard was Rachel’s voice ๐Ÿ˜ฏ I almost had a heart attack! I thought I was stuck on flashback! ๐Ÿ˜†

Still no sign of Brendon….. doubt we will see him til she is gone.

I really wish I could have sat in on Rachel’s DR!! Whatever they said must have been AMAZING!! She went and apologized to Ragan and they are still hugging it out.

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tendr August 14, 2010 at 9:34 pm

Why is Kathy anymore lame than enzo or lane or anyone else that hasn’t done anything but sit back and lose challenges when you know they can win? It seems when it’s the guys, it’s strategy but a forty yr old woman , lame.
if i were in there i’d play by laying as low and sneaky as possible. play mommy or something.
(_x_) <–JT and Aggie take turns……lol

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Star August 14, 2010 at 9:43 pm

JT..I think you are pretty right on about the DPOV.

I do have NEWS tho..from my secret source……
Apparently. Brendon is locked in the Pandora’s Box room! And Rachel is back for 24 hrs to get ANWSERS to whiney questions like,why don’t you guys like me??

Those are the so-called facts. But..I am surmising from that, based on the last 6 weeksof watching that Rachel was having an emotional breakdown after she got evicted. And since the season has been so-so, BB talked to Brendon and he NATUALLY sacrificed himself for his true love. LIKE whatever Rachel needs, ya know????
She is having this detailed heart-to-heart with Ragan and now Brit but,..WHY does it really matter??? She’s only been gone 2 days and she doesnt need to get along with these people anymore so….it’s so unprecedentes and I dont understand WHY!
She and Brit are talking about her goodbye message..and apparentl it was hacked/edited all to H*LL!! I am getting so disillusioned hearing how much control production has over what we see, hear and actually experience….not to mention the general direction ….of this show. There must be bazillions of feed users…they didn’t think this would come up when they sent R back in and alot of people would be a bit disgruntled at the show??? Mind boggling.

and what is going on with Jane and lis and Miss T??I’m confused!!! โ“

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 9:45 pm

I’m with you tendr… + she’s a hell of a lot better looking than those two bozos…

That’s too bad JT, would like to see her entry and the HGs faces… would have to loved to have seen your face when you heard her voice!

What do you think the initials on Lane’s hat are? Looks kind of like a T C… and it does look kind of like the hat someone in Minnesota would wear while fellin’ a tree…

Thanks for the 6:14 time… that was pretty funny…

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bigbubbabronson August 14, 2010 at 9:46 pm

ok, please say I am reading this wrong? Roachel is back? For good? If this is so, I’m out. Seriously, I’m not watching anymore. I hate when they bring people back especially yuck girl! If she is back for good and Ragan won veto, then please say someone has sense and Matt uses his diamond veto and they 0ut her skanky ass back out again. Good grief, I really am out, UGH! BB get some NEW IDEAS ALREADY

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 9:48 pm

Ok tendr….. I’ll give you that one! That was funny! ๐Ÿ˜† But then I have told you many times you are funny (Survivor blog) …… and finally after all these months you addressed me! ๐Ÿ˜€ ….even if only to tell me where to stick it! ๐Ÿ˜† Too funny.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 9:55 pm

Bigbubba… I guess I’ll save you the reading of all these posts. Rachel is back for 24 hours. Brendon is gone from the house for 24 hours.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 10:14 pm

Ted, Lane wears a TT hat. He played football for Texas Tech.

Here is a shot of Brit’s face when Rachel entered the house. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Brit’s Face

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 10:20 pm

Damn… it’s 86f here and 90 inside my house! I guess I’ll watch ‘Ice Road Truckers’ to cool off…

I’ve checked out some of the chat rooms on LF and there’s universal disdain re: the Skank’s Return.

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Ted August 14, 2010 at 10:23 pm

Thanks JT… would love to see, but it didn’t work…

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donna August 14, 2010 at 10:35 pm

ok so r is in for 24 hrs..b/c she wants answers on why the hg dont like her…hahah..i cannot wait to see bbad tonight..she is so clueless she will need more than 24 hrs to understand why ..if she would have won the pov ..- in her house – she would be counting down the next females demise..

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 10:42 pm

JT, I think a Diamond power of veto will carry more weight than a regular veto, Matt just might be able to put up Ragan again, I don’t know if he would but the others want him out. TEd, If you came to chicago I would spank you, rachel will only be hear 24 hrs. thank god. Tendr, Kathy is a nice woman but horrible at the game she really should not be there at this point. ๐Ÿ™„

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 10:43 pm


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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 11:33 pm

1/2 hr into BBAD and it has been all Rachel. I know CBS/Showtime is trying to torture me but the joke is on them!! Rachel by herself doesn’t bother me that much. It is actually interesting listening to her talks with the HGs… and she is sober! ๐Ÿ˜†

I really wish Brendon and Rachel would have been on separate seasons. They are both much more tolerable when not together.

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 11:45 pm

JT, is this the rachel show? yes she is more tolerable not drunk and just talking. Is Hayden really in with them or just playing along with her? would he really take brendon off the block if he had too?

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PGA Dok August 14, 2010 at 11:46 pm

I prefer to look at the good side of the alcoholic stripper coming back in the house for 24 hours. Unless AG wants to entirely kill BB, there is no way she can actually be placed back in the game after this. Although AG would probably force her on us again for an All Star season, she, nor anyone else this year has done anything to warrant such an invite. If mensa boy wasn’t so scared of everyone she would have been gone week two and would have been long forgotten.

It would be nice if they could explain a little about the DPOV to the viewers. We had a pretty good idea of the Coup last year. There were some fine details we didn’t know. Such as “Don’t bother sitting down, you’re going out this way” being allowed to play in the next HOH. It would be pretty damn funny if he could put Ragan back up. From total despair, to saving himself by winning POV, and then a blindside DPOV to put him back on the block. Now that would have some entertainment value.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 11:52 pm

Aggie… Hayden is just playing along with Rachel. He’s doing a good job if he is fooling viewers. ๐Ÿ˜† Enzo did the same earlier.

Matt is actually the only one that has been truthful with R&B…. other than he didn’t tell them about the brigade.

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Justaguy (JT) August 14, 2010 at 11:55 pm

PGA…. I think โ€œDonโ€™t bother sitting down, youโ€™re going out this wayโ€ has beat the record for longest nickname formerly held by “Guy on restroom door”

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aggie27 August 14, 2010 at 11:59 pm

JT< I can't stand matt I think because of the lie about his wife, i would not mind him gone, he is a little to cocky, I will be sorry to see Britt go she was a comic relief for not the greatest season, I wouls watch BB no matter what, But alot of people including former houseguests don't like this season, Hopefully new page tomorrow, this really bugs me

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PGA Dok August 15, 2010 at 12:09 am

I tode you last year that was the only way I would ever refer to her. No name recognition for someone like that. If the alcoholic stripper had more conversations like this when she was in the house, instead of acting like she was better than everyone, she would have had a good shot at taking down the cash. I agree, when she’s not all liquored up and shooting her mouth off, she’s tolerable. The laugh and the like, you know, by the same token, etc are still annoying though.

I’m curious to see Mr. Personality and his Pandora’s Box offer. “Would you like to bring Rachel back in the house?” He probably couldn’t get the door open fast enough and then it locked up like a vault behind him ๐Ÿ˜† She’s there and he doesn’t get to see her.

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 12:11 am

But Aggie, if we had a new page you would not have had the privilege of being the 600th comment! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:16 am

JT, The man needs to stop going on vacation, it seems like he is always on vacation, you know we need a new page, it is 3 days old now

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PGA Dok August 15, 2010 at 12:17 am

What’s with TripB going AWOL and letting the blog get bogged down. Has anyone placed him on a milk carton yet? We didn’t even get Battie Nattie on Friday.

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 12:17 am

PGA, It sounds like Blandon went into the DR quite a while before Rachel entered the house. He must have used the “Donโ€™t bother sitting down, youโ€™re going out this wayโ€ exit. He must have opened the box… then went to the DR…… according to Hayden. (they never saw him come back out of DR)

Hmmmmmm…. I don’t recall you never wanting to type “her” name again. I guess I can’t remember everything. Should I feel bad that you refuse to type my name as well?? ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:18 am

DOK, love the chicago mentality, how long did you live in chicago, I have lived here all my life, can do without the winters though.

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 12:26 am

I say that even if we get a new page tomorrow, Ted and I will set up shop here and bring this page over the 800 mark!! ๐Ÿ˜†

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franniep2 August 15, 2010 at 12:32 am

Well….let’s see if I can help!! ๐Ÿ˜†

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:32 am

TIGER EYE, I doubt ted would stick around that long that man is about as antsy as they come, besides the show comes on later for him, i think because of the feeds i sometimes have computer issues. so i need the new page. PLEASE!!!!!

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:34 am

hey miss fran, you know ted doesn’t hang around very long

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PGA Dok August 15, 2010 at 12:36 am

It’s what I’ve always called you and it confuses the people that weren’t around to know what I’m talking about. Just thru school aggie, and since then I’ve been all over the place. When I go back to visit it’s hard to leave.

If that’s how it went down then he got to escape the house (the good) and these other poor fools get subjected to her for 24 hours (the really bad). ๐Ÿ˜†

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franniep2 August 15, 2010 at 12:39 am

I am having alot of troubles with this page. It takes forevcer for me to post so I’ve just been reading. ๐Ÿ™„

Hi Aggie and JT

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:40 am

Gotcha Dok, Chicago has always been my kind of place

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franniep2 August 15, 2010 at 12:41 am

Sorry Doc…didn’t mean to leave you out. HELLO

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:42 am


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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 12:44 am


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franniep2 August 15, 2010 at 12:53 am

Night all…too much work for me here. Have fun y’all

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PGA Dok August 15, 2010 at 12:58 am

No problem frannie. Appreesh the hello, right back at you. R just said she couldn’t wait to get on the internet and see what people think of her. She hopes people don’t hate her ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 12:59 am

Hi Frannie!…..and I guess bye too?

No Aggie, it’s not that disagree about a new page…… sure, bring it on! But it doesn’t bother me either way. I can post here just as easy.

Now I would be screaming bloody murder if I was on my webtv!! This many comments would never load… so for the sake of others.. yes, a new page is needed.

OMFG…… are y’all watching Kathy with Rachel! They are all lying to her… but Kathy really goes over the top! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 1:06 am

The Tiger Eye is tired…… time for big smiley to take over!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 1:13 am

Like the smiley JT, tiger is cooler though, fran had to bail it is to slow with all the comments, by the way what kind of computer do you have, I have toshiba, and this is screwing it up, it takes forever. ๐Ÿ™„

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 1:15 am

I have a Gateway laptop with windows 7…. bought it a few months ago and got hi-speed wireless.

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 1:21 am

lucky you thats a great computer, I really want a mac like ted, but no way I’m going to pay 3000.00 or more for a computer. so us mere mortals have to deal with what we have, Rich BOy

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 1:25 am

Ohhh no. Enzo is livid. He is pi$$ed that Britney thinks he is the saboteur. Rachel told Enzo about what Brit said to her. Enzo wants to go confront Brit.

Get the box of Kleenex out!! ๐Ÿ™„

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 1:26 am

Aggie… this thing cost about $450. Not bad at all.

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 1:32 am

Your kidding me, my sister has a gateway, she really likes it, mine is not high speed, i do have problems at times, OVERLOADED PAGE DOESN”T HELP ME, this sucks. I think skanky is just trying to sabotage britt, i wish she wasn’t going.

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 1:34 am

No need to sabotage Brit. Matt will do that on Thursday. Then Rachel and Brit can take bubble baths in the jury house.

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Bat August 15, 2010 at 2:13 am

com’on live feed tell us what’s going on. they had Brit cornered when BBad ended now what?

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 2:32 am

Bat… sorry! Left ya hangin there! ๐Ÿ˜†

It didn’t get that bad. They all gathered around and Rachel and Brit argued a bit. Both denied everything the other one said. People seemed to be on Brit’s side. Enzo wasn’t that mad. They all think Rachel is the saboteur and came back to stir up drama.

Rachel went back inside (in the DR??). things are pretty calm.

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Bat August 15, 2010 at 3:45 am

thanks JT glad she didn’t turn the house upside down, she is just there for trouble. Everyone is speculating over Sabatour why does Brit’s comments make her more suspect than anyone elses. I’m sorry R was just itching for anothe house meeting to be in charge of. Drama Queen go back to jury house and wonder what everyone is doing, it will drive you nutz! You have no more power, I can’t imagine her saying her job will be proud of her, they should lose buisness if she returns, but who knows what kind of Escort service she works for!

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 8:49 am

JT thanks for LF info from last night. I had to turn it off and ice pack my eyes. They were bleeding profusely from watching Rachael’s old antics.
Star… re: Jane, Liz, Miss T…. when i first came on the blog i had 2 facebooks. So I’d sign in on my Liz one (middle names elizabeth). Later I started using my actual google id (first name Jane). For those on my facebook they know my last name which begins with T. Hence Miss T.
Aggie I dont have the refresh problem. I have a lot of Audio issues with LF. Even with BBLite. It’s annoying. I think i’m having sound card issues.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 8:53 am

Ted Roach enters house at 2:58PM BBT. You won’t see her actually enter. It begins with Ragan saying “Your an absolute Joke”. Then continues with the rest of the cast kissing her a**. ‘

You gotta give it to Ragan. He at least tells her to her face. The rest of the guys were licking her feet.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 8:55 am

LF: 11:53PM BBT Enzo and house confrot Brit about calling Enzo Sab and Roach strikes again.

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 8:56 am

Hi Jane, I think the live feeds do screw up my computer at times, I probably need more memory also, it is slow because of feeds this page is to much we need a new one HOPEFULLY TODAY< PLEASE. JT, is great with the info, Props to Miss STAR as well.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:04 am

Hi Aggie. I was super annoyed last night at Roach’s return. I stopped watching the LF. Even BBAD was absolutely ridiculous. I wanted to jump in the t.v. and whoop Enzo’s a**. He has gotten more cocky and annoying than Matt.

If they allow Roach to see Brendon even for a few seconds I will definitely believe BB is rigged. It’s just not fair nor right. She was fairly evicted. If he exchanged 24hrs in solitare for her 24hrs in house.. um okay but still lame. But at least its fair because its HG’s scramble and whose to believe? If their paths cross and exchange words I will be pissed at CBS.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:07 am

GS: The final Veto competition of Big Brother 4 resulted in another elevation in power. Called the ‘Diamond Veto,’ and presented with a clear Lucite medallion, the Veto Holder could not only remove a player from nomination, but also earned the sole vote to evict. Alison, who was nominated, won the Veto, used it, and ultimately evicted Erika from the house. The Diamond Veto was only offered on this one occasion.

In Big Brother 12, Matt was presented with a clear, rhinestone studded “Diamond Power of Veto” for opening Pandora’s Box. Not only does it allow Matt the right to veto any nomination, he will be able to choose the replacement nominee.

(So, evidently, Matt can not use it on the current H.O.H., and it looks like he would have to use it on eviction night, which means that a regular veto competition would go on, as scheduled, the winner would decide whether to use it or not, and then Matt could decide to use the Diamond Veto on eviction night.)

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 9:10 am

Jane, I guess enzo didn’t want to be blamed for being the saboteur, He was told Britt was blaming him, Too bad for Britt she will be gone soon.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:13 am

If I remember correctly Matt uses it right before evictions… nobody will have time to scramble and talk to each other, right?

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:15 am

I still like Brit. Kathy got vicious talking with Enzo calling Brit spoiled and drives hours just to shop in Dallas. But I like Kathy too.

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 9:15 am

Jane, I don’t like matt at all, he is way too cocky, i really hope he doesn’t win this game ๐Ÿ™„

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 9:17 am

Kathy really doesn’t deserve to be there, she is really bad at this game, I like Britt she was fun in the house.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:31 am

Aggie I think Kathy knows the house will implode so she just lays low. She hasn’t thrown any more challenges than Enzo. Matts gross but Enzo is catching up to him.

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 9:34 am

yeah but at least enzo is entertaining, Matt, is disgusting for lying about his wife, even his wife didn’t like it

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bigbubbabronson August 15, 2010 at 9:37 am

Thanks JT!!!!!!! Thank goodness she is outa there, although, what was the point really? And, it kinda sucks cause she gets to come in and get a new point of view for final vote, this is not right

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aggie27 August 15, 2010 at 9:44 am

later all, I hope when i come back, THEIR WILL BE A NEW PAGE , PLEASE HELP A GIRL OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 9:49 am

Matt is totally disgusting. But I don’t find Enzo entertaining at all. He isn’t even funny and keeps repeating the same things. He is more worried about winning pool games than challenges.

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Ted August 15, 2010 at 9:56 am

First, I must say that I will be boycotting BBB as long as JT continues to use that BIG SMILEY FACE as his avatar. That is as annoying as Rachel and Brendon! Someone e-mail me when the Tiger is back.

Second, now Franniep2 is saying “y’all”… what has this world come to???

Third, thanks to all for relaying the live feed info… good explanation of the DPOV Jane. I hope Matt puts Ragan back on the block… that would be priceless TV for sure. Or Brendon, if he can, that would be my first choice, of course.

Fourth, Aggie… please break down and buy a new computer… tell your boyfriend it is a necessity to ensure your happiness. In fact… everyone whining about slow feeds and BBB not changing the page, please get some decent equipment… it’s only money!

And speaking of BBB… would rather read his blog than ‘Batty Natty’, as someone called her. But, I will admit that he is a bit tardy at times… hope I don’t get called into the DR.

Can’t wait for the show tonight to see Rachel’s entrance into the house… although maybe that won’t be till Wed.

Also, I don’t see why everyone is so shook up about the Saboteur. He/She hasn’t done anything, except lock up the food at the start, which was pretty lame. Even the rumors he has spread haven’t gone anywhere. So, whats the big deal?

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:03 am

I agree Ted Sabateour is BORING!!! Tonight’s episode they will show the Roach. My explanation was after a bunch of Google Searches… hence the GS.. Ted I can’t wait until we can talk real game again!!! SURVIVOR!!! This is a bunch of beootch azz lazy pple wanting to cry and throw people under the bus cast. Lets not forget how Pool has become the most important challange… WTF?! But I am not complaining I will still watch… I’m just sayin’!

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Ted August 15, 2010 at 10:11 am

Have to agree Jane… it is pretty lame… I think the producers should be silent observers letting the drama play out… But, maybe with this boring a group of people they feel the need to direct. But then again, there is nothing to do in the house other than bitch and gossip about the other HGs… then the bleeding hearts on BBB start complaining about that and anything the HGs do to try to further their game…

But, I will still watch too… and wait for a real reality show to start on September 15th.

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PK August 15, 2010 at 10:22 am

JT…. PLEASE!!!!! keep the big smiley avitar.

Eye of the tiger avitar is getting old, but still not as old as fuddy duddy Ted… That’s OLD!

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:36 am

oooooh Survivor… now we’re talking Ted. I think the producers are even getting mad at the cast. This is the most i’ve ever heard “You are not allowed to talk about Production”.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:38 am

PK you like my friends cousin riding a bicycle with a goat on his back pic?

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:39 am

Betty the goat is alive!! Don’t get upset :LOL: … at least until they get him home :EEK:

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:40 am

JT the emoticons dont work for me… i think Ted jinxed me!

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 10:48 am

They will work for you JaneLizT…. just type eek instead of EEK. Has to be all lowercase letters.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:48 am

LF: Enzo got up for a sec now he’s back asleep. This is the laziest freakin’ cast!!! I mean all these pple and they don’t even have an early riser?

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 10:55 am

Thanks for the info JaneLizT, I do remember that from season 4.
In case there is confusion…..

When it says that Alison “earned the sole vote to evict”, that is because it was the final 4. Alison was the sole vote because she was the only one left to vote…. the other 3 people were the 2 noms and the HOH.

Matt can vote…. but he is not the sole vote.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:57 am

Very True JT… i didn’t think about that.

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 10:58 am

LF: the Roach is in the kitchen being loud.. remember she said she wants to make omelettes and pancakes…. really? for the pple that voted you out??? talk about kissing butt so “my man” can stay!!!

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PK August 15, 2010 at 10:59 am

Jane … Great pic…. Are they dating? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 11:00 am

LF: Kathy just joined her. Roach said “dont you think there is a reason to put me in here and not to just cause drama?” Kathy said its Pandoras Box him not here you here kind of thing. Roach says “it must just be for T.v.”

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 11:01 am

LMAO PK… no he asked but the Goat said “Nobody’s gonna get between me and my man PK!”

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 11:05 am

The Roach said to Kathy: “We need to figre out how to tell Brendon, in a creative way without Ragan”

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Jane August 15, 2010 at 11:09 am

LF: Roach Kathy outside. Kathy tells her i can tell him what you want. Roach said it has to be Matt. He’s the reason me and Kristin turned against each other, me and Monet turned against each other, he put me and Brendon up, threatened us by saying he was gonna put us up. She says Brittany is not as big of a threat. She feels Brit is gonna be by herself either way and that Matt is more manipulative to get pple on his side. She said she thinks Matt has to go. She said Bren did a good job putting Lane and Ragan up. Now he needs to take Matt away so Ragan will weaken. She said Lane needs to be in the house.

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Justaguy (JT) August 15, 2010 at 11:13 am

There is a new page up even though Aggie didn’t want one! ๐Ÿ˜†

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