8.15 Recap

by Big Brother Blogger on August 16, 2006

The HG had a food fight during the long feeds block. Aparently, they also brought food into the pool, which is another no-no. Erika gave Mike a lap dance as well. There was another feeds block as more music was played.

James told Mike to vote out Marcellas on Thursday. Mike said that he already decided that he would. He also tells him that if his power can send anyone home, to send Janelle home. Mike seemed to agree. Will told Erika to befriend Janelle because they are not voting her out this week.

Throughout the night, we had a lot of cards playing as quite a few HG (Danielle, James, Mike to name a few) went to bed fairly early. Howie, Janelle, and Will were the last ones still awake, and they did some studying for the HoH competition on Thursday.

After their studying, they strategize. Will said that the floaters kicked George out–he’s not invited to any more meetings. They both think they need to evict James before evicting George. They then talked about who they would vote for once the final two came around. Howie and Janelle are very upset for what he did to Kaysar (betrayed their alliance).

After more talking, Howie and Janelle finally dozed off at 2:15 AM. 


Danielle was the first one up at 6:50 AM. She picked up the house a bit and had some alone time for nearly four hours until the other HG awoke. Erika was the next one up at 10:35 AM, along with Marcellas and Mike.

Erika told Danielle that she has to be honest with Marcellas and tell him that she will vote him out. They want to know how he is voting and is upset that he hasn’t talked to them lately, but has talked to S6 and CT. They have a feeling he may be drifting over to the other side. They also agree that CT needs to go because they are just floating and are the ones controlling them game. (Finally–someone other than me has figured that out!) They agree that George, Howie, Will, Janelle, and Mike all need to go (in that order, I think).

As the others awake, Danielle tells the ones up that Marcellas is not targeting Janelle. Those basically made the house want to get rid of him even more. (I think that’s what Danielle wanted.) They (Danielle, James, Mike, and Will) all agree to vote out Marcellas, and thus evicting him.

The Legion of Doom had a talk. They all agree that after this week, Janelle needs to go, and then Erika, leaving them, George, and Howie. They can pick those two off easily. 


James and Mike talked about how dumb Janelle was for putting up Marcellas. Shortly after this, a lockdown was issued to get the HG out of bed. (It’s 1:30, and some of them still aren’t up yet.) They also removed a couple of the beds in the house.

Danielle and Marcellas both think Erika will be the one leaving because Janelle told Marcellas he was safe. However, S6 also told Jase and Diane they were safe when they were nominated; however, they were the ones evicted.

James thinks that if Janelle wins HoH after this coming week, then she will nominate Danielle and Mike.

Janelle thinks the next HoH competition will be endurance, while Marcellas thinks it will be a crap shoot. Meanwhile, Danielle and Will are talking about how long they think they will last in the house. Will says one or two more weeks, while Danielle says two weeks.

Danielle and Howie had a long talk about how they play the game and about their individual seasons. Howie then talks to the rest of the S6. James said that if he wins HoH, he will put up George and Howie! They all laughed, but James said that he wasn’t kidding. (He’s not!) 


Howie told James to throw the next HoH competition. James said no, and completely went off on Howie, saying that he is nominating him and George because they have done nothing at all this entire game except agree with people. He is also mad that he keeps taking Janelle’s side. The three have a pretty big argument about why Howie and Janelle don’t trust James that much because of his whole situation with Danielle. James says that he wants Danielle out. Howie and Janelle seem to believe him, but James storms out.

Mike and Will think they have the votes to evict Marcellas–their two, plus Danielle and James. They agree that Erika needs to win HoH next week to take out Janelle. Meanwhile, Marcellas asked Janelle if he was safe, and she told him yes and to not worry.

George told Will that he will vote however they want him to. (George–you too?) 


Show Recap: 


Danielle and Erika were not surprised by their nominations. James said that Danielle needs to stay for him. Marcellas is sure that he will be nominated should one of them be saved by the PoV. Erika and Mike’s Showmance has definitely heated up, even with a proposal! (Not really, of course. But it was still entertaining.) Marcellas desperately tried to reason with Janelle that their deal to go to the final two still stands. Marcellas in DR: “If I win HoH, the buxom blonde is toast.” (So much for the deal…)

The second Coup d’Etat clue was a giant needle and thread. Howie guessed, “Wolf in sheep’s clothing,” after help from Janelle. He told the other HG he guessed, “Spool of lies,” which the HG did not buy at all. Time to pick players for the veto competition! The players are Will, Erika, Marcellas, Danielle, and James.

Time to compete for the veto competition! A surprise host too! Nicole from BB2! Here are the rules: First, a former HG will do a particular task. Then the HG write down a time that they can do that task. If they do it in that time, they stay in the game, and get to eliminate someone else. If not, they are eliminated. The first guest was April from BB6–she had to eat some gross crap (don’t remember what it was!!) Will beat his projected time and eliminated Marcellas. The second guest was Scott from BB5. He has to participate in the flamingo toss. James beat his projected time and eliminated Erika. The third guest was Jack from BB4. He had to place a glass on a table after being spun in a chair after two minutes. James did not beat his projected time, so he got eliminated. The fourth guest was Hardy from BB2. He had to last as long as he could on a mechanical bull. Will did not beat his projected time, so he got eliminated. Therefore, Danielle was GIVEN the PoV. (Dear God–she SUCKS at comps, but she has won TWO, thanks to other people!! GRR!)

Howie and Janelle were extremely upset at James for not getting rid of Danielle in the PoV competition, like Janelle told him too. She then talked to CT about why Will took out Marcellas. Will said it’s because Mike does not like Marcellas. They told her to put up Marcellas, but also not to trust James. Will tells her to put up James, but Janelle doesn’t agree. Erika, Janelle, Mike, and Will took a shower together. Howie was not happy to be left out of it.

PoV Ceremony: Danielle used the PoV on herself. Janelle put up Marcellas in her place.

Who will be evicted–Erika or Marcellas? And who will win HoH? Plus, will the Coup d’Etat be won, and will it be used? Find out Thursday

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