24 days to BB9 and more….

by BBBlogger on January 18, 2008

Countdown to BB9…Day 24 pics thanks to Christine in Lakeport, CA!

24 days and counting 24 days and counting 24 days and counting

**My guess is Christine is a NASCAR fan! Thank you so much for the pics!!**

If you have a countdown pic to share, please email me at realitytvchat (at) gmail (dot) com! I will use them and give you a mention on the Big Brother Blog as we all get excited for the new season.

So….does it feel like December 1st today? Only 24 days until BB9….just like on Dec. 1 there are 24 days until Christmas! Similar…..different but similar I guess. Just makes me excited….

So in case you did not know, we are going to be following a few of the Reality TV shows this season. I wanted to share with you a few of the other link websites that we are a part of that you may also be interested in checking out.

American Idol Blog – It is BACK and as entertaining as always. Who will be the 7th American Idol? Our main writer Ryan Welton is back and has all ready been featured in USA today as an American Idol Expert. Read the blog and let us know what you think…
Survivor Micronesia Blog – Fans vs. Favorites…should be a fun show to follow. This show may get lost between Big Brother 9 and American Idol but it should still be fun to see this Pseudo All Stars version!
Must-See-TV.com – My original reality tv forums. Feel free to become a member and talk about your favorite tv shows. To date, Must See TV has given away 7 (yes SEVEN) iPod’s to people who have played the weekly vote off games.
Reality-TV-Chat.com – just a chat room for all Reality TV shows. Same as our Big Brother Chat room except it is just out there and all by itself. If you like Big Brother….stay here and chat….but for all other Reality TV shows….we will use this site as the chat room.

So that is my list of Reality TV websites. We hope you all enjoy the information that we put out there and our goal is quite simple. Watch the shows and have fun talking about them. Thanks for being a part of our blogs, sites and friends! 2008 will be a huge year for reality tv. We look forward to being a part of your television watching enjoyment!

Peace, BBBlogger

Matt BB9 fan January 18, 2008 at 11:06 am

It’s so close! Great idea on the Christmas-like countdown. I should dig back out my advent calendar and get it going.

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Patricia January 18, 2008 at 12:04 pm

When is Dick getting his own show?

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Mandy January 18, 2008 at 1:37 pm

I am so excited about Big Brother 9! I’m ready for the drama!!!!

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Gracie January 18, 2008 at 7:34 pm

These days are just dragging by soooooooo very slow, like a turtle in a race.

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Erin January 18, 2008 at 9:12 pm

Anybody know who’s going to be on?

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ENIGMA January 19, 2008 at 11:36 am

I’ll be there! LOL just kidding, even though I was a part of the Survivor Blog Staff, I must say that Big Brother is my all time fav Reality show. Back in the days of survivor 1 & 2 I thought there would be more of a mental effort to the game, I didn’t find it until BB2 with Dr. Will. It came roaring, and sometimes iced tea spilling, back with Evil Dick of BB9. He is going to be hard to top, but I hope CBS kept him in mind while casting. Can’t wait, and I hope to see you all there and in the chat room…..Enigma over and out.

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Gracie December 8, 2009 at 9:31 am

These days are just dragging by soooooooo very slow, like a turtle in a race.

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