Big Brother 17 — Operation Trojan Horse

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 1, 2015

Hi everyone!

So, James has come up with a plan to save Meg.  He explained it to her last night and he’s trying to put it into motion today.  He calls it Operation Trojan Horse and I have mixed feelings about it.

First off, it bothers me that James had to come up with this plan all on his own and that he’s the one who is going to have to do all the hard work.  Considering how upset Meg was after Vanessa told her that she was going to jury, I would have liked to have seen a little bit of fighting spirit out of Meg.  I would have liked to see her immediately start planning and scheming a way to stay in the house.  Instead, she pretty much just gave up.

Secondly, there’s a huge flaw in James’s plan but first, here’s the plan.

James is going to approach Austin and ask him to vote to evict Julia.  The argument that James is going to make is that Julia is going to have to leave at some point and that Vanessa and Liz would assume that Steve must have cast the vote to evict Julia.  Then they could all team up to take out Steve.

If James can get Austin on board, he’ll then go to Johnny Mac and let John know about the plan.  John would then vote for Julia.  The final vote would be 3 for Julia and 2 for Meg.  Julia would be sent to jury and everyone would blame Steve.

Well, the flaw is obvious.  James is putting way too much trust in Austin.  Not only do I doubt that Austin would break up his alliance with the twins but chances are, Austin is going to run off and tell Steve about the plan.  That will probably end whatever chance that James has of ever forming an alliance with Steve and John and it will also make James a target for everyone going into the Double Eviction.

A far better (and simpler) plan would be to try to sway John and Steve.  Going to Austin is probably the biggest mistake that James can make.

Still, I respect the fact that James is at least trying to play the game.  But I’m worried that Operation Trojan Horse will end with him following Meg right out the door.

We’ll see what happens on Thursday!

Lisa Marie

O Donna September 1, 2015 at 3:17 pm

James biggest mistake in this game is his blind trust in Austin. What a fool, he should be working on JMac & Steve.

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E V September 1, 2015 at 3:18 pm

Wow! I agree Austin is probably not the right person to go to with this plan. I do however hope that something will work to get Julia out and either Liz or Austin to follow behind her on Thursday. I wonder how different the plan would be if the HG’s knew it’s a double eviction this weel!

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Margie September 1, 2015 at 3:24 pm

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that sleeps as much as Meg! She is either very, very lazy or has a low metabolism. I’m surprised that she doesn’t have bed sores!

I hope and pray that the plan to evict Julie goes through, although I could care less if Meg goes. She has been a total waste of space and this is the only time she has gotten out of her bed to try to plead her case to stay. They are crazy to keep three of them in. Actually, I don’t think Austin or Vanessa would be heartbroken although they would both act as if they are.

I also love the fact that none of them are expecting DE this week. I like it when it comes a total surprise. Probably all of them will throw it because they don’t want “blood on their hands’. I hope JohnnyMac wins the first HOH because I don’t think he would be afraid to put up Austin and Liz or Austin and Vanessa. More likely the love birds because he thinks Vanessa will stick with him and Steve. We know that won’t happen. The feeds have been so dull!!

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Cari Skorheim September 1, 2015 at 3:24 pm

But Austin would like to get Julia out maybe….so Liz would only have him. Liz would chose Julia over him, IF she had to choose. But you are right, doubt it!!

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Margie September 1, 2015 at 3:34 pm

Lisa…I also watched the plan between James and Meg this morning. I don’t think there is a snowball’s chance in hell that will happen because Meg would have to get out of bed to corner Austin to discuss it (unless James summoned him to her dentist chair).

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Herbie September 1, 2015 at 3:37 pm

James will need to put on Trojan as with stated plan all he is doing is. F……..G himself Bad move James. Author of blog advice much more sound and doable.

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the mortgage dr. September 1, 2015 at 3:41 pm

it’s only taken this crew almost 80 days to finally start doing things…James I applaud you for thinking outside the box and trying to save your somewhat partner in crime…Granny Meg…as someone said…if you go to Austin and try to breakup their little odd threesome it will go sky high…Austin is whipped by those 2 yoyo’s and he will let everyone in the house know of James plan…took 11 1/2 weeks but it maybe just maybe getting good…

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RhondaM September 1, 2015 at 3:49 pm

I 100% agree with you Lisa Marie and was thinking the same thing as I was reading your post. He should consider going to John & Steve — uuuggghhh these people!

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Rose Mary Jones September 1, 2015 at 3:54 pm

Why can’t james use what on top of body, neck it call Head, The plan is going to back fire on him. Why can’t James ask John and Steve to support meg and get rude of Julia. That makes sense to me. Why is this BB17 so stupid and that’s not a word I lke lightly. I have to call what I see. Why are they so afraid of getting blood on there hands.
The evil twins and the HO HO man aka the green giant(Austin) going to ax them. Come on Big brother this is a game. James let Meg stand up on her on legs, before she pulls you down.

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hpr56 September 1, 2015 at 3:56 pm

Thanks again for the insight Lisa Marie. I totally agree that it wasn’t a great idea to pull Austin into the plan. He is too flaky. I do think he easily could have gotten Steve and JMac to do the voting his way and it wouldn’t matter who they blamed.

I just wish someone/anyone could have tried to play the game earlier. I have to give Becky credit that she at least tried and got blind sided by EVERYONE. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a BB where they had so many unanimous votes. Maybe I just don’t remember it. How about the rest of you?

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PRHinNC September 1, 2015 at 3:59 pm

No way will Austin vote to evict Julia, that would serious damage his relationship wit Liz. For a guy thinking with his small head, think James is just wishing. When JM was evicted he indicated that if he got back in the house, Meg would be his target! Why would his change his mind?

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Bbfanmo September 1, 2015 at 4:00 pm

I agree with Marge.. I’ve don’t remember a house guest who stayed in bed as much as Meg. Can’t stand the twins or Austin but I really don’t care if Meg leaves. I’m kinda over the whole game because I don’t know why Vanessa didn’t shake up the game like she said she wanted to do and work with John Steve James and Meg! They would have the numbers and Van would probably still have been the top of that alliance .

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Ginny September 1, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Not good James… It will backfire!
And I think Meg has some kind of autoimmune illness.

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Sirrock September 1, 2015 at 4:07 pm

@Margie – Meg has RA – Rheumatoid Arthritis. I read that one of the symptoms is fatigue. I’m going to assume she has some type of medication that BB administers that might also contribute to her lethargy. I saw a post on reddit discussing this and some other BB fan said that the dentist chairs probably cause a flare up of some kind. I’m not sure about that, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Also, that same thread mentioned her knee surgery. If you look at her right knee, there’s a very noticeable large scar going right down the middle of her knee. I guess she was a dancer, and that with her RA contributed to getting knee surgery, supposedly just healed up to enter the house.

I’m not defending her lack of game play, just sharing info I found as to why she may sleep so much. She’s not much of a strategic mind, so she’s probably bored and/or depressed. Sleep is an easy way to avoid things.

Just a little mental health trick I use sometimes. If I’m stressed out, had a particularly bad day, maybe depressed about something, etc….a short nap is always a great way for me to snap out of it. I call it my “reset button”. I stumbled across it about 10 years ago. It’s not even because I’m tired, but my mind felt cluttered or whatever. I’d veg out on TV and instantly doze of for 20-40 minutes. When I woke up, all that stuff was gone, I felt refreshed and more positive. So when you’re having a bad day, take a snooze. It works! 🙂

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jolee September 1, 2015 at 4:07 pm

I agree! James don’t go to Austin! He has already stated that he would do anything to protect ” his girls!” Bad move James!! You would have a better chance to approach Steve and Johnny Mac! However, if you were to take all of the brain cells of all of the HG’s, there may be enough to transplant into a ladybug! (I love ladybugs!!) 🙂
Thank you Lisa for another insightful post! Happy posting everyone!! 😉

Later!! 😎

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bobovnvet September 1, 2015 at 4:09 pm

Thanks for your writ up Lisa! Still need to read the last one! …………….. :mrgreen:

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jolee September 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm

Good advice Sirrock! I’m getting ready to take a snooze and “reset!” It’s been a stressful day! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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Margie September 1, 2015 at 4:17 pm

@Sirrock….I knew Meg had RA and knee surgery.

I understand about knee surgery because in June I had both knees replaced due to arthritis and I was fine by mid July.

I also like to take a little snooze.

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C'est Moi September 1, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Let’s assume that austwins make it to F3 and Liz comes out on top of the three part HOH. Who will she take to the end? Julia, of course. Blood will always be thicker than even Austin’s grungy hair and beard 100% of the time.

Julia has to go! Austin knows that and probably sooner than later at this point in the game.

Austin may or may not go for the Trojan Horse plan, but Julia would play her “poor betrayed maiden” role ad nauseam with naive Steve and he would flip back and forth so many times between now and Thursday that he would be a likely candidate for a split personality diagnosis.

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Margie September 1, 2015 at 4:30 pm

@C’est Moi ….I totally agree about Steve!

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sherry September 1, 2015 at 4:59 pm

Great posts, you guys and gals! Randy very interesting and insightful post. So enjoyed being filled in on what is going on, as I now feel out of the loop without BBAD. Thanks.

C’est Moit: Always on target. No one can know how Austin will react. He might even
decide to do it, but will change his mind before Thurs. night. If he were smart, he’d do
it and keep quiet, as he will not be chosen by Van or the twins. Fourth is the best he
will do. If Julia is gone, then he has Liz to himself and a better chance of making F3.
The safer route would have been to bring in Steve and JM and leave Austin out of it.
But I think he is afraid of Steve’s relationship with Van. He should have worried about
Austin’s relationship with Van AND the twins. Of the two twins, Julia is the most ir-
ritating to me. But Liz is a close second. Julia has a mean streak that is very unflattering.
Liz has one, too, but hides it better than her twin. She’s more confident.

I am feeling a strange emotion that seems so alien to me. Why, I believe it’s a shade of
excitement flowing through my nervous system! Could it really be???

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cathy September 1, 2015 at 5:16 pm

James needs to go to Vanessa and tell her…..if Meg goes home this week I am going after you I’d I win HOH and I plan on winning. Either you work with me and get Steve and JM on board to vote Julia out or I will get you out asap. All he has to do is make her understand Julia has to go sooner or later and a 5 person alliance with him is stronger than a 4 person alliance with the Austwins.

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tendr September 1, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Sirrock, you’re right. You hurt so you want to sleep but pain keeps you awake so meds for that plus depression makes you need to sleep. It’s actually natural. Even babies will sleep to escape noise. One reason I stay up so late and sleep while hubby is gone as much as I can since I don’t like being here without him around.

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cathy September 1, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Vanessa at this point in the game really needs to flip her alliance.

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C'est Moi September 1, 2015 at 5:20 pm


If Big Brother is being preempted by NFL preseason football in Arkansas as it is in Alabama, you may have to take a sedative to control your excitement until after midnight CDT to see for yourself the not so live by then double eviction show.

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Jeanne September 1, 2015 at 5:23 pm

James don’t go to Austin. That would be a BIG!! mistaken. Go to John and Steve. Lets get the Twins and Austin OUT!!

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P September 1, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Geez! The level of stupidity and sheer unwillingness to play BB is going to make my head explode. With the obvious exception of Wah-nessa in game overdrive at ALL times. James tried to tell her this the other night and she turned it on him and blamed him. She then told him to get out of her room right now. James was able to turn that around, so he does have some negotiating skills. But why oh why can’t Meg get off her butt and start fighting for herself. Has she come up with any kind of game plan at any point in this game? NO. You would think some strategizing is in order. Really don’t care if she leaves. Too apathetic for me.

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sherry September 1, 2015 at 5:29 pm

C’est Moi: I forgot about the preseason game. Well, shoot!

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sherry September 1, 2015 at 6:01 pm

C’est Moi: Just checked my t.v. guide and BB is still listed at 8:00. A preseason Rams
game is scheduled on anotehr channel. Now things might change and the schedule hasn’t
caught up with the changes, but I’m hoping I’ll still be able to see it on time.

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jolee September 1, 2015 at 6:15 pm

Ah, a good nap is good for the soul!! 🙂 Thank’s for all of the brilliant insight! Have a nice evening!
Later!! 😎

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Robert September 1, 2015 at 6:26 pm

I thinking James plan will work better if James new about Oustin eltra ego Julie’us make sure he has top hat on.and make sure he tells julie’us not to tell Oustin.

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cathy September 1, 2015 at 6:51 pm

Austin knows he cannot trust James. James will not be able to sway him. If he does he is a bug idiot and deserves out on DE. ALL 5 That are not Austwins best bet is to align this week. Otherwise it will take 2 evictions at least to even begin get have the #s again to vote out any of the austwins, b/c NOBODY can pull their heads out of the muddy waters and see the writing on the wall.

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John Mc September 1, 2015 at 6:54 pm

I have been reading about how boring the houseguests have become over the years.
I agree!
This cycle is more of the same, but I have been focusing on voice this season.
In a game where there is no written language, no transcript, all we have are audio and visual.
I’ve seen all I need to see of these folks. There are some highlights, Meg’s smile. Those teeth!
Austin’s ink, the ideal visual embellishment.
Nessa’s chatter, the weapon of the intellectual working her way out of the valley of the 100’s. Mean!? Yes, somewhat, but she only needs really snow Steve. Steve has more power than he understands, because he has no idea of the concept of inflection, assurance and gravitas. He has been affected by it, but doesn’t comprehend it.
Sad squirrelly scamper.
If only he had someone in house who could kick up the right areas of his brain!
If only he had a better access to the areas of his brain like Ian!
If Steve had that, he would be the best schemer of the season.
Maybe I am doomed in my vision, perhaps Steve will shed his scamper personae and make a stand. I wish I could tag my game soul on the miracle of 2015, but sadly, the gut, the feel and the statistics all tell me I am too crazy than words on this topic.
But please take 10 more seconds to think about it! How sweet could it have been!?

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John Mc September 1, 2015 at 7:13 pm

So, while I digressed on intellect, I was focused on voice.
Sadly this year all I heard was the voice, and this year there has been a focus on the voice.
Jace had a beach boy, California cadence.
Jason, oh my, while a bit more Northern, all I ever heard was Bronx. So New York!
You will fit in quite nicely!
A bit a pause here, the next few were local accepted.
However I have to focus on the twins.
Before it got my brain they were Miami focused, I was wondering why that nasally abhorrent sound hurt me.
The twins are Miami based, and I considered they had strong Jewish influence in their family.
Then I heard they are Jewish.
This makes no impact on my feelings, I just felt that the voice of these girls have an influence in their lives.
Sadly they have been influenced by family. Maybe segregated by family and community. Their vocal inflection, their nasal speaking is indicitative of men and women who live on the East Coast, against the Atlantic Ocean, and have ancestors who have travelled from deep European countries to our small communities on the East Coast.
I submit that my twins in the Big Brother House are women of Jewish descent.
They deserve to be celebrated, they have been raised by proud parents with a history that I can not fathom.
Austin, you have some explaining to do with this family.
They are not American.
They have roots that have some royal influence.
You have a huge order to fill!

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John Mc September 1, 2015 at 7:15 pm

Oh blog space, I hope you won’t hate me, but if so, I pray that you follow this post and my impressions.
Things will start to happen this week.
We are able to start to see the final game.
I hope I’ve given some happiness.

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Audrey September 1, 2015 at 7:25 pm

Meg is going to be evicted first, and then James will follow Meg to the jury, both on Thursday. James, you do not go to Austin about voting Julia out. It is a dumb move.

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Randy September 1, 2015 at 7:50 pm

Believe it or not the wicked witch of Las Vegas has sat up in that HOH room long enough earlier today to figure out the exact scenario to the T of what James and Meg spent all last night planning. The Trojan Horse escape! Vanessa calls Steve up to the HOH room and of course they do truth or dare for 15 minutes so Vanessa can see if Steve has any more Intel for Headquarters! She ends up explaining the what ifs to Steve in what if James and Meg get Johnny Mac and Austin to vote Julia out and pin it on Steve and Steve is like NOOOOOO! That’s Dirty! So they talk about the reasons Austin would and why he would. And of course Steve has already told Vanessa James is not coming after her and he tells Vanessa he believes James. Now this conversation happened this afternoon prob. Around 3 or so. And right after that, I switched to the dentist office and James and Meg were getting around and getting jacked up about their secret plan that as they say is ‘Golden’ not knowing the Queen Bee is hot on the trail but is also very worried about the numbers. Vanessa ask Steve something about Austin if he knew anything about him and Steve says can you be more specific and she says no not really but it has something to do with this situation. Someone has told someone maybe Julia that Austin has his Masters Degree. But the plan is for Meg to talk to Austin later tonight then James is going to reaffirm why this plan is better for everyone involved. But this afternoon while everyone was in back yard, there was a helicopter flying around then left. About 10 min. Later Big Brother called a LOCKDOWN and made everyone come inside. Then there was talk of a elaborate comp for Thursday and they were already locked out of yard with dirty clothes to wash. LoL Austin complaining he has nothing at all to wear. Hopefully they still think they are working on electrical that knocked the microwave out but how long could that take. As the Web Spins! Meg hasn’t done a darn thing but we need some drama! James could care less about ruffled feathers, if you get put up win Veto. It’s getting down to winning Vetos every week. Also in Texas, the Saints game is on, which well I’m not going there. If you have Live feeds you can still watch it right? I never have my phone feeds on when the TV show is on. ???

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jolee September 1, 2015 at 8:20 pm

John Mc, hmmmm very interesting ….. I will have to digest this a bit! 🙂
Later! 😎

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Jeanne September 1, 2015 at 8:47 pm

The other John Mc Huh?

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C'est Moi September 1, 2015 at 10:38 pm

John Mc: The twins are Miami based, and I considered they had strong Jewish influence in their family.
Then I heard they are Jewish.
This makes no impact on my feelings, I just felt that the voice of these girls have an influence in their lives.
Sadly they have been influenced by family. Maybe segregated by family and community. Their vocal inflection, their nasal speaking is indicitative of men and women who live on the East Coast, against the Atlantic Ocean, and have ancestors who have travelled from deep European countries to our small communities on the East Coast.
I submit that my twins in the Big Brother House are women of Jewish descent.
They deserve to be celebrated, they have been raised by proud parents with a history that I can not fathom.

Where did you hear that the Irish/German Nolan twins are Jewish?

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Junksies September 1, 2015 at 11:25 pm


It’s 924 BBT and we have fish for a few minutes on BBAD!!! At 915 fans shouted over the wall and BB shooed everybody in and now are on lockdown!!!

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Junksies September 1, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Meg James and JMac were the only ones playing pool and heard the fans shout:

“Austin wants Julia out”… The 3 of them just looked at each other confused at what they think they just heard.

Lots of commercials at the moment!!!!

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jolee September 1, 2015 at 11:30 pm

Funny!! 🙂

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Junksies September 2, 2015 at 12:17 am

High intrigue in the house tonight!!

BB has obviously told the hg’s that they can’t talk about the megaphone fans but it hasn’t stopped them from having the Cheshire cat grins on their faces. James Jmac and Meg are trying to talk about it in the have not room but every attempt at is interrupted with a commercial break but they are doing their best to talk around it getting as close as possible. JMac just said “it” (what they heard) could have been bogus info. I’m thinking that this megaphone incident could be a way that BB could influence the game.

Where are the live feeders? Come on now..!!! Star where are you?

Be back later…

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Junksies September 2, 2015 at 12:25 am

10:01 PM MEGAPHONE YELLER TRANSCRIPTION @ 9:13pm BBT. James heard it incorrectly. (see details below.)(1) Vote out Julia.
(2) Everyone wants Julia out
(3) Austin & Vanessa have deals with everyone.

(4) Vote out Julia
(5) Everyone wants Julia out.
(6) Austin & Vanessa have deals with everyone.

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 12:38 am

Thanks, Junksies for the updates. Keep them coming! Where is Star? Haven’t seen a
post from her in awhile.

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Junksies September 2, 2015 at 1:29 am

So at this point it is unclear just how much was actually heard by James JMac and Meg of what the Megaphone Yeller actually shouted. BB thinks of everything… The rule book prevents any discussion of “back wall yellers.” JMac reminded James about the rule book. The 3 of them talked about James’ strategy for keeping Meg and afterwards JMac immediately went up to the HOH room leaving James and Meg wondering if he was being a tattle tale. Later tonight James is going to try to talk to Austin about his plan. Austin has been heard saying he knows that it is getting close to the time when he has to start playing for himself and not the twins…so maybe he will agree to vote out Julia.

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Junksies September 2, 2015 at 2:07 am

James’ plan to out Julia is called Trojan Horse and oddly enough it may just work out from an inadvertent force…Vanessa!! She was speaking to Steve earlier today and planting similar seeds Humm…

Lately the new game being played in the house is Chess with all sitting around as if it were Monopoly. Tonight Steve the inventor rigged up an hourglass timer made out of salt and two paper cups taped together with a band aid and it works perfectly. The players were taking too long for their turns so the Chess police showed up to enforce official game rules….

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Junksies September 2, 2015 at 2:12 am

Duh…sorry Lisa, after all…Operation Trojan Horse was the title of your post!! xoxo

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Star September 2, 2015 at 4:02 am

@Lisa…..thanks for the exciting news!! Meg and James are finally playing …something besides pool!!! Better late than never ,right?? Well, maybe not in this case!! What they don’t seem to know, prolly because they sleep and giggle their way thru the game is that, everyone in the house is working with Van and with each other in some capacity…except them!!! They were like the cool Rebels of the group early on with Davonee and Jason but as their numbers dwindled, they kept to themselves, scoffing at the cool kids instead of engaging and playing the game. You don’t have to LIKE the people in there but you DO have to work with them and make alliances. They seemed to have missed the strategy aspect of BB while watching it for possible the first time in sequester!!!
However they play it, Meg is going home Thurs, prolly by a 4-1 vote. Just a little bit ago, JM came into the HN room and meg goes…so what’s going on?? Being JM..he looked at her and said…it looks like you are going home Thurs. She just kind of took it in stride. What a waste of an HOH. Taking out the biggest pawn in the house!! The girl they all call grandma is being targeted over Big Brother super fans, a showmance AND a set of twins. SMH.

@Junksies…Hey you!!! I am invigorated just seeing you back! Thot we had lost ya for sure!!! As for me, I haven’t been on in a few days. This sinus/bronchial infection has really knocked me for a loop and seems to be going on forever, even with the drugs! Plus, I was posting but no one was responding and it was getting frustrating. I posted all of the info on the POV on Sat to absolutely no one. And then Lisa posted her blog and reiterated it and all kinds of chatter. The show and the blog were frustrating me on top of being sick and I just didn’t feel like I had the energy or desire to be here. But seeing you back has renewed my interest!! 😉
Great info on the shouts from outside the walls!!! That hasn’t happened in the last few season I don’t think. Remember the planes and banners they used to have do fly bys with messages???? lol I am just watching BBAD now and keep wondering if it is going to showon here. You said 9:24 so that is 12:24 here and I am going into the 2nd hr of it now so I am watching for it. OMG! No sooner said! James just said SHHH…..someone just said ..They want Julia out! Then they cut to to kitchen. Darn it!!!

Ok..going to keep watching and see what develops. Welcome back, btw!!! 😉

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Star September 2, 2015 at 4:19 am

I love this pic!! It’s entitled *I’ll get you Meg…and your little James too!!!* lol

Van, Aus and Steve talking in HOH. Van saying how stressful playing poker was. And how dirty and sordid it made her feel. Altho she said playing BB feels very much like it. Same stress. Her cortisol level is sky high! Poor baby. Then they go on assuring each other how they are all going to make it ot F4. Pats on the backs all around!!!

BTW….I didn’t see Meg or James talking to Austin tonight. I wonder if they chickened out. either that or I missed it. But I doubt it as the Scamper Squd seems at peace and there’s no talk of it. SO much for their big Game Move!!!! HA! lol

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 4:22 am

There’s my Star! Hi Star! Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like what Jeanne has had. She had to get an X-Ray today. I missed seeing you here. Junksies has been keeping us posted! Some very interesting comments here! I won’t be able to see Thursday night’s game until 2:30 a.m. Friday morning!! Dumb football!! Don’t they realize it’s double eviction night! 🙂
Well, back to bed! Woke up with that awful RLS! Trying to get sleepy again. Guess I’ll play my Ray Price album and try again. Be well all!
Later!! 😎

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Star September 2, 2015 at 4:57 am

Hey Jolee!!! Sorry you can’t sleep!! And yes..I thought about Jeanne. I think its a combination of allergies and change of seasons making everyone sick!!! I have been on antibiotics for almost a week and it’s not shaking it yet!! Good luck to her at the Drs. today!
I missed you and the blog too. I just needed some time off. And my brain has been so fuzzy i couldn’t form coherent sentences to even blog WITH!!! 😉

Scamper Squad still in HOH talking about how they are going to win and how cool it is. Comparing to past seasons. Looks like the big excitement is over for the night. I hope somehow James is able to use what he heard outside to their advantage. He and Meg finally got John alone and he seems on their side. talking about how they have to get Julia out to have equal votes left in the house. But…this is BBAD , which was earlier, and a few hours later, as I said in last post, he told Meg it looked like she was going home. So….maybe it means he wants o vote for them but no one else is going to. So he is just going to throw in with the house. I fell bad for Meg and hope Julia goes, but I just don’t see that happening!!! Meg and James did too little too late!!!

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junksies September 2, 2015 at 5:10 am

@Star…Glad I helped to lite a fire under yr butt!! And that yr back…see all of us need a break from bb now and then. Sinus infections take time to heal. I’ve shut down the Pc and now on my cell and hate typing on this thing. Have to try for early bedtime tonight cause have heavy schedule tomorrow. Will respond more to you tomorrow cept…I wonder how different James game would have been if no Meg to distract. There was a plan to cockblock their word not mine james n Meg so nobody would be able to talk to them. The twins were gonna stay up all nite if need be. That is probably why James hasn’t been able to talk with austin. Love the picture. looks good on van. K…more tmr. @jolee…I agree dumb football!!!

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junksies September 2, 2015 at 5:16 am

Star…I think van is seeing the opportunity to take out a twin now…she talked to Steve about it in fact ditto of james’ plan. More tmr. Nite.

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 5:22 am

Star: Good to see you back. You were missed. I’ve been falling asleep almost immediately
after dinner, then back up for awhile, then falling asleep again, then up, etc. My sleep
patterns are all screwed up. So I go for long periods with no posting, then when I’m awake
there doesn’t seem to be anyone else awake to post. Maybe one day I’ll get moved and
things will go back to normal.

Junksies: Thanks again for the info posts. You keep us all posted about what is going on
in the house during the late night hours.

I don’t really have much to add to what ya’ll have said. It ticks me off that nothing this
season has worked out according to what the viewers wanted or want still. So I’ll just
go back to bed and forget about the frustration.


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Star September 2, 2015 at 5:34 am

@Junksies…….totally agree about typing on the cell. I don’t like that i can’t see more of the page, like I have tunnel vision! I’ll read but I hate to post from it.

I had an early and LONG day today, another reason I hadn’t been on. Sleep has been hard cuz I keep waking up coughing. SO felt tired and spacey all day. Plus,we have company coming tomorrow for a week!!! Hope the meds start kicking in here ASAP!!! lol

I get what you are saying about the cockblocking. When J/M/JM were trying to talk in HN room, Liz came in to get some lotion. In he HN room??? When was she ever in there???? lol now they are wondering why JM is upstairs in HOH. He never hangs out up there. Plus when they were talking to him, James said JM seemed to be protecting Steve. He told Meg that even if she goes home, he is going to win HOH this week and kick some A$$!!! I think James would have played totally different without Meg. He would have aligned with JM or Steve or even Austin. Most people in showmances play a lot better if their other half goes home!!!

Meg and James in Bath and Liz and Austin keep sneaking down there to spy and make sure they aren’t talking game. Meg tried to talk o Aus. He says he never wanted her up against Julia cuz if he votes julia out,Liz will think he is a D*ck! Well if the name fits… But I think that should tell Meg what she needs to know. Star packing girl!!!!

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Star September 2, 2015 at 5:42 am

@sherry..good to be back and be missed!! 😉 I get it about the sleeping. I get really tired after dinner too! And Mike used to be on 3rd shift for years and a few months ago got switched to 1st,so our sleeping patterns and times are all over the place!
I hate being on when no one is around too. It was like that Sat. I was giving min by min blows of the POV…even the winner..and CRICKETS!!! I was like why am I bothering if no one even cares???!! but i am almost always on here late, so if you want to talk…. I depend on your or Junksies hanging out with me!! 😉

I should go too. Nothing else going on anyway. HGS going to bed so guess that is my cue too. Peace out!!! ♥

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tendr September 2, 2015 at 5:44 am

@jOLEE, will you please go to the health food store and ask for some chelated magnesium…or magnesium malate…take around 400mg with a bedtime snack and let it build up in your body and you’ll not have RLS anymore. James had it so bad i’d leave the bed but i noticed it stopped my calf cramps so i gave it to him and now he never has anymore problems..

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:02 am

Star: Hate you are sick. I have chronic sinus and allergy problems, so I know how
irksome and tiring it can be. The coughing is the worst part. The cough seems to
hang on forever. Sometimes the medicines appear to be a waste of time, but you
take them for fear it might be worse without them!!
Even if no one is up to respond back, your posts are the first ones read the next
morning and starts everyone off with a kick start in their mornings. Never a waste
of time to give blow by blow descriptions. You are an important part of this blog.

Take care, take plenty of fluids, have plenty of kleenex (Puffs) handy, and get
as much rest as possible (even if it comes in spurts)! Thinking of you.

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Rowdy September 2, 2015 at 9:47 am

This week on Ohhhhhhh Brother!
An unbelievable opportunity falls into tha laps on the the HGs that are outside the controlling alliance. Instead of capitalizing on it they come up with a Wile E Coyote plan instead. Oh brother!

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Rowdy September 2, 2015 at 9:56 am

Meg decides to ratchet up her strategy by sleeping more. Tune in Thursday as Meg is squashed by a giant boulder called eviction. Expect the expected this week on Ohhhhh Brother!

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Fannie B September 2, 2015 at 10:16 am

Star I have the samething that you do and I feel like roadkill!! Do you live in Texas by any chance? I do. I would love to be on late night but I have to get up at 500am so I am early to bed. I am so happy that I joined the blog this year after only reading it for years. With the blog I might have stopped watching BB!! So thanks to ALL!! I hope they do vote Julia out that will shake things up for sure.

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Fannie B September 2, 2015 at 10:18 am

I meant without the blog

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 10:27 am

@tendr, I will definitely check on that! I got some magnesium saturate, but have only been taking it for about four days.
@Sherry, I agree with you about starting my morning’s catching up on what was written while I was sleeping. I, too enjoy Star’s postings! I was able to be on early this morning because I couldn’t sleep. … and there was my Star! 🙂
Taking about Kleenex, we go through it like crazy! I prefer Puffs! 🙂 We usually buy the three-pack of Kleenex! 🙂
Hope I haven’t bored you all! I have nothing to add about BB that hasn’t been said well!!
We do have tonight’s show to look forward to … kinda! 🙂
Later! 😎

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 10:32 am

@Rowdy! Lol! I love your “Ohhhhhh Brother! 🙂 Maybe sometimes it’s more like “Ohhhhhh Bother!!” 🙂
Later!! 😎

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C'est Moi September 2, 2015 at 12:58 pm

@John Mc

FYI… The Nolan twins are Catholic, not Jewish. Julia’s Loyola (New Orleans) sweatshirt was my first clue and as further proof, she did attend a private Catholic high school.

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macy September 2, 2015 at 1:34 pm

STAR/FANNIE i have the sinus – allergy probs too – cant keep my weight up because of the drainage – i’m a mess. having to wear medical boot for tendonitus. geeze louizze

wishfull thinking getting julia out – we can dream cant we?

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 2:04 pm

The more I read about who is going to be evicted, the more confusion it becomes. Maybe if we all “Wish Upon a Star!” it will happen! (Not necessarily our Star) 😉
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 2:06 pm

“confusing!!!” Darn spell check!!! 🙁

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 2:08 pm

So Meg goes to jury tomorrow night and then a double eviction takes place. It will
take James or JM to win the next HOH to have even a glimmer of a chance to keep
the Frustrating Four from going to the end. It would make the house evenly split
after putting up two from the FF. Then the HOH would cast the tie breaking vote.
Of course, Steve would have to be convinced he has no chance with the other side of
the house to get higher than fifth place. I’m not sure he has the courage to act upon
the logical thing to do.

But if they don’t win the next HOH, it’s all over. Then the only interesting thing
that could happen is watching Vanessa be voted out first thing by her alliance after
picking off the others one by one. She had a chance to turn the house around and
secure a sure win for herself, but blew it by sticking with the Austwins. She might
try something after James is voted out, to make a deal with JM and Steve against
the Austwins, but it would depend on who wins HOHs and veto powers. James and
Meg, I firmly believe, will ride to the jury house together or within a few minutes of
each other. Whether the DE is this week or next, they’ve already discussed how a DE would be voted. James is their next target, unless he wins HOH or JM does.

I’ve taken off my parachute and backed up a good five miles from the edge of the cliff
of hope. I don’t expect anything to happen that will make this season worth the time
I’ve invested in it, even if for a few short days. I will get to watch it at 8:00 CST. The
football game isn’t being shown on CBS here in Arkansas. At least I will be able to get
to bed at a decent time tonight. Whether I am able to sleep is another matter.

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junksies September 2, 2015 at 3:52 pm

@cest…2nd clue is they always sprinkle in a bit of spanish tho it may not mean a thing. Don’t know if they are fluent.

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Jeanne September 2, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Sorry I haven’t been supporting the blog. Been whipped out on antibiotics. I go to the Dr tomorrow. See what’s going on with my lungs. Get out of breath with the smallest of activity. I will check back after Dr appt. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jeanne4488 September 2, 2015 at 6:19 pm

let me know what they tell you Jeanne. SAme problem here .. but have allergies & asthma and part of my lung missing so guess it’s not so surprising. Whats the latest in the BB house? trying to catch up.

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Randy September 2, 2015 at 6:36 pm

When Austin went up to the HOH last night and Vanessa &Steve were in there talking. Austin was pretty adamant that he was playing for himself and not 3 people and that the twins know that now. Vanessa ‘s mouth was hung open like she had just received a red card in poker tournament. But you could tell her wheels were turning and it was complicating her already thought out plans. She’s thinking her worse fears could possible come true. And Austin I believe has already talked to Liz about ousting Julia at this time to help their game in the long run. What good is it to get out absolutely the worst comp player in game? Austin also brought up the fact that the twins have two lives to his one or a 2 in 7 chance instead of 1 in 7 . Much better and to make things worse they are siblings who will share the $500,00.00 if one wins no doubt. 250,000 each . If both stays and the long odds of being the finally 2 would only net them 25,000 more each but could keep one from winning the main prize by too much attention on twins as it is. And also on Austin. The feeds are nice but they screw up sleep patterns, stay up till 2:00 cst because that’s usually when the talks try to happen and then get up around 5:00 am to catch them before they turn in for night which is 3:00 am west coast. They suspected the over the wall gang entered the lot as everyone else was leaving CBS Studios . I was hoping they would holler Vanessa is millionaire! That would have turned her red and really blew her up . That slop looks like oatmeal. Back to live feeds before showtime!

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bobovnvet September 2, 2015 at 6:45 pm

Thanks for all the comments! ………………………………………………….. :mrgreen:

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Star September 2, 2015 at 7:11 pm

@sherry…..I have horrible allergies too and borderline asthma. Have all my life. Got allergy shots for 15 years but they aren;t a permanent fix either! I think the meds are kicking in a bit today. Not coughing as much and if I do it’s dry and my head isn;t quite so fuzzy!! Curse Mike says that’s just me being BLONDE!!lol I think the allergies are triggering what everyone is getting because they started in like March and there has been no let up at all. I hate thinking that from now on I am going to dread Spring and Summer!!! UGH!! Thanks for your kind words tho. They help alot!!!♥ It’s time like this I really miss my Mom!!!

@macy…yup. Coughing is bad. And you don’t eat cuz you have no appetite and are afraid if you do you will jut lose it anyway!! lol

@FannieB…….Nope. I live in West Michigan. Always humid here tho so that doesn’t help! I think it’s pretty much all over the country this year! BTW…happy 1st year blogging!!! too bad it was this horrible year of HGS!!! lol

@Jeanne4488…have you read back on the blog?? The most exciting thing was there were a bunch of fans outside the walls last night yelling into a megaphone. Meg, James and JM in BY heard them. Mostly it was Everyone hates Julia, Vote her out and that Van and Aus had deals with everyone. BB tired to shut it down and shut up the HGS but it was already out there!!! Don’t remember that happening in a long time!!! That’s how tired fans are of this game! They were trying to tell them to WAKE UP and DO something!!!!! lol

I was watching LS for a bit and mostly James and meg talking about her eminent departure. They did try, I’ll give them that! I loved it when james said the jury house would be shocked t see Meg! The HGS had a chance to get JM right back OUT and who did they send packing??? The biggest no threat pawn in the house!! They could hae gotten rid of him, they SHOULD have gotten rid of the twins before their 5 weeks were up and Van has been on the hot spot a few times!!!! this house has no balls and everyone is afraid to get blood on their hands!!! Bleh. I PRAY they send Julia home Thurs nite and shake things up. And according to Randy, it sounds like a possibility!! WOOHOO!!!!! lol

@Randy…I didn’t hear that and I was on LFS most of the nite!! Thanks for that ray of hope!!! WAKE UP HGS!!!! The end cometh!!!!! I hope Austin meant what he said. I was hoping the guys would get Van and the twins out and then duke it out at the end. Now I am excited!! Something new this season!!lol

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:25 pm

Randy thanks so much for your blow by blow descriptions of what is going on in the
BB house. Right now I have steam coming out my ears, I am so mad. I called to cancel
my U-verse (t.v.) as it hasn’t been right since they installed it on the 22nd. They even
took out my internet, and I had to get a tech to come out and fix it. It was hooked up
wrong. At first the sound was so low, you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t turn it on by
the remote. Had to hook up computer speakers to get it to be where I could hear it. The
guy finally got my sound right and the remote working. Two days later the mute button
wouldn’t work and the volume button wouldn’t work. It’s too loud, but can’t be adjusted.
It went back to me having to manually turn it on and off. So I hate U-verse. They were
suppose to cancel my service on the televisions Sat. The jerk I talked to cancelled my
service before I could fix a quick sandwich and sit down. That was at 12:00 today. I
have been on the phone all day long trying to get my service reinstated. I think my hearing
is permanently damaged from the awful music that’s too loud that they have you listen to
while you wait forever for them to get back on the phone for a few minutes….then are put
on hold again and again and again. I was told I would definitely have service in about
an hour (2:00). I called back at 4:00 and was told after 30 mins. on the phone it would
be done ASAP and by 7:00 by all means. Keep the line free for the tech to call. At 6:45 I
called again to be told they couldn’t guarantee when I would get service again. It might
be tomorrow before I have service. I told him I would be visiting my lawyer first thing in
the morning to file suit against them. I think I rampaged for at least five minutes. I don’t
know when I’ve ever been so mad or treated so badly by a company. AT&T is not liked
by anyone I know, but it’s all we have available. Anyway, long story and incoherent most
likely. I won’t be able to watch tonight’s show. Would you please let me know what
happens tonight? Thanks.

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:28 pm

I won’t really be filing a suit against them, but they didn’t know that. The guy I talked
to didn’t really care. I think he lives in India. I nearly swoon with pleasure when I get
someone from America who speaks understandable English.

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Star September 2, 2015 at 7:39 pm

@sherry…I feel your pain!!! Last time I was off for 3 days it was cuz of ATT!!!! We ahe Charter for TV tho as we had ATT a few years ago and took it out! But went back for interent cuz if Charter goes out , then we don’t have TV OR internet!!! there is no other service at all??? That is so not fair. Maybe you could at least get Dish TV or something!!! SO frustrating what you went thru!!! Tonight will be mostly recaps of everything we already know, so you shouldn’t miss much. I am sure all of us will post enough together to keep YOU posted!!! Good luck hun!!!!

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Randy September 2, 2015 at 7:47 pm

@ Sherry the last time I called to help out a friend get her Dish network installed the person on the other end was in the Phillapines !20 freaking hours away . But it was installed and she has been happy ever since. That girl has been taking care of her ex-husband for 2 years on a feeding tube instead of letting him sit in hospice after she say how they were treated. She is definitely Godsend! Try Dish if you can. I have had AT&T phone since 1988 and hard to leave them now even though they are the most expensive . I’ve seen too much problem with customer service with Sprint but a friend has unlimited everything on his IPhone 6 for $60.00 with military

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:50 pm

Star: I’ve had Dish for 12 years. They are coming Sat. to hook me back up. But now
when you call AT&T, you are sent to U-verse and can’t talk to someone from just
AT&T. Some nitwit at the top of the totem pole decided the company needed to be
brought into the electronic era. So it’s smart phones and WIFI. Well, I have a track
phone that flips open and have lost it during the move or had it stolen. Have to get
another one. I don’t have a laptop and don’t use WiFi. I don’t text or twitter. And they
think they are going to force me to have to do all these things??? Don’t think so. I may become a hermit.

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 8:01 pm

Thanks, Randy. I loved my Dish (for 12 years, except when it storms and there’s no
service), but I was willing to change for this great deal they offered me at U-verse that
would drop my bill to abut $75 less. But many of the things they offered were not how
they presented them to me. Got a bill from them after paying yesterday my AT&T bill
for $235 something. Their bill was for almost as much and had it for only ten days
(most of those 10 days were without the service promised). Like I told Star, Dish is
coming Sat to get me hooked by up at the new house. They were appalled at my ex-
perience and lowered my bill for the next four months. I probably ticked U-verse off
and won’t get any service at all now. But if that is what it takes to get them out of my
hair….great. Wish I could get back to the bundle deal of internet and long distance
and local I had. But no, now you have to go U-verse for internet and landline services.
They even took my modem and exchanged it for one of theirs. Grrrr…..

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Princess September 2, 2015 at 10:17 pm

@Tendr, thanks for the advice on chelated magnesium. I’ve been having excruciating leg (thigh, calf and foot) cramps for days due to my new job and walking back and forth, plus sitting in an office chair for extended hours. My doctor is useless so any advice helps. I thought magnesium needed calcium or potassium along with it to keep the body in balance?

@Stra, good to see you here, girl.

@C’est Moi, they may be Catholic but I did hear Julia(?) (one twin is very much like the other) say about the Hand challenge that hitting the hand left her spinning like a dreidel. A distinctly Jewish reference, however it exists in her life story.

@Lisa Marie, thanks for the update. I’m sure it’s doomed to fail because these foolish houseguests cannot band together to get Austin and the nasal voided twins out!

@Baby Girl, hope you got my email and signed up for this blog. Looking forward to seeing you here soon, whether you comment or not. Someone will try to answer any questions if you’ve missed anything. This is a very good group of people.

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